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2021 Aug (169)
2021 Jul (206)
2021 Jun (183)
2021 May (154)
2021 Apr (172)
2021 Mar (210)
2021 Feb (166)
2021 Jan (155)
1. Heterogeneous contributions of change in population distribution of body mass index to change in obesity and underweight.
2021 Mar 9
NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC).
2. A polarity pathway for exocyst-dependent intracellular tube extension.
2021 Mar 9
Abrams J, Nance J.
3. Visuomotor learning from postdictive motor error.
2021 Mar 9
Masselink J, Lappe M.
4. Mapping the functional landscape of the receptor binding domain of T7 bacteriophage by deep mutational scanning.
2021 Mar 9
Huss P, Meger A, Leander M
5. Proteomic and transcriptomic profiling reveal different aspects of aging in the kidney.
2021 Mar 9
Takemon Y, Chick JM, Gerdes Gyuricza I
6. Spatio-temporal associations between deforestation and malaria incidence in Lao PDR.
2021 Mar 9
Rerolle F, Dantzer E, Lover AA
7. Drp1 is required for AgRP neuronal activity and feeding.
2021 Mar 9
Jin S, Yoon NA, Liu ZW
8. When the past informs our future.
2021 Mar 9
LaBella A.
9. Distinct neural mechanisms underlie subjective and objective recollection and guide memory-based decision making.
2021 Mar 9
Fandakova Y, Johnson EG, Ghetti S.
10. Regulation of photosynthetic electron flow on dark to light transition by ferredoxin:NADP(H) oxidoreductase interactions.
2021 Mar 9
Kramer M, Rodriguez-Heredia M, Saccon F
11. Bulk flow of cerebrospinal fluid observed in periarterial spaces is not an artifact of injection.
2021 Mar 9
Raghunandan A(#), Ladron-de-Guevara A(#), Tithof J
12. SABRE populates ER domains essential for cell plate maturation and cell expansion influencing cell and tissue patterning.
2021 Mar 9
Cheng X, Bezanilla M.
13. SARS-CoV-2 suppresses anticoagulant and fibrinolytic gene expression in the lung.
2021 Mar 8
Mast AE(#), Wolberg AS(#), Gailani D(#)
14. Human ORC/MCM density is low in active genes and correlates with replication time but does not delimit initiation zones.
2021 Mar 8
Kirstein N, Buschle A, Wu X
15. Relationship between simultaneously recorded spiking activity and fluorescence signal in GCaMP6 transgenic mice.
2021 Mar 8
Huang L(#), Ledochowitsch P(#), Knoblich U
16. HPF1 and nucleosomes mediate a dramatic switch in activity of PARP1 from polymerase to hydrolase.
2021 Mar 8
Rudolph J, Roberts G, Muthurajan UM
17. Microbiota functional activity biosensors for characterizing nutrient metabolism in vivo.
2021 Mar 8
Wesener DA, Beller ZW, Peters SL
18. Opposing effects of T cell receptor signal strength on CD4 T cells responding to acute versus chronic viral infection.
2021 Mar 8
Künzli M, Reuther P, Pinschewer DD
19. The neural basis of intelligence in fine-grained cortical topographies.
2021 Mar 8
Feilong M, Guntupalli JS, Haxby JV.
20. Local genetic context shapes the function of a gene regulatory network.
2021 Mar 8
Nagy-Staron A, Tomasek K, Caruso Carter C
21. Sub-minute prediction of brain temperature based on sleep-wake state in the mouse.
2021 Mar 8
Sela Y, Hoekstra MM, Franken P.
22. Multiple time-scales of decision-making in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex.
2021 Mar 8
Tang W(#), Shin JD(#), Jadhav SP.
23. Structural basis for human TRPC5 channel inhibition by two distinct inhibitors.
2021 Mar 8
Song K(#), Wei M(#), Guo W
24. An open label trial of anakinra to prevent respiratory failure in COVID-19.
2021 Mar 8
Kyriazopoulou E, Panagopoulos P, Metallidis S
25. Retrograde ERK activation waves drive base-to-apex multicellular flow in murine cochlear duct morphogenesis.
2021 Mar 5
Ishii M, Tateya T, Matsuda M
26. Parabrachial opioidergic projections to preoptic hypothalamus mediate behavioral and physiological thermal defenses.
2021 Mar 5
Norris AJ(#), Shaker JR(#), Cone AL
27. Mayday sustains trans-synaptic BMP signaling required for synaptic maintenance with age.
2021 Mar 5
Sidisky JM, Weaver D, Hussain S
28. Systematic functional analysis of rab GTPases reveals limits of neuronal robustness to environmental challenges in flies.
2021 Mar 5
Kohrs FE(#), Daumann IM(#), Pavlovic B
29. Sequential perturbations to mouse corticogenesis following in utero maternal immune activation.
2021 Mar 5
Canales CP(#), Estes ML(#), Cichewicz K(#)
30. Effective dynamics of nucleosome configurations at the yeast PHO5 promoter.
2021 Mar 5
Wolff MR, Schmid A, Korber P
31. Glial insulin regulates cooperative or antagonistic Golden goal/Flamingo interactions during photoreceptor axon guidance.
2021 Mar 5
Takechi H, Hakeda-Suzuki S, Nitta Y
32. Estimating SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and epidemiological parameters with uncertainty from serological surveys.
2021 Mar 5
Larremore DB, Fosdick BK, Bubar KM
33. Emergence and diversification of a highly invasive chestnut pathogen lineage across southeastern Europe.
2021 Mar 5
Stauber L, Badet T, Feurtey A
34. A confinable home-and-rescue gene drive for population modification.
2021 Mar 5
Kandul NP, Liu J, Bennett JB
35. Truth even unto its innermost parts.
2021 Mar 5
Marder E.
36. Targeted molecular profiling of rare olfactory sensory neurons identifies fate, wiring, and functional determinants.
2021 Mar 5
Arguello JR(#), Abuin L(#), Armida J(#)
37. Disease-related mutations in PI3Kγ disrupt regulatory C-terminal dynamics and reveal a path to selective inhibitors.
2021 Mar 4
Rathinaswamy MK, Gaieb Z(#), Fleming KD(#)
38. Cardiolipin targets a dynamin-related protein to the nuclear membrane.
2021 Mar 4
Kar UP(#), Dey H(#), Rahaman A.
39. Sushi domain-containing protein 4 controls synaptic plasticity and motor learning.
2021 Mar 4
González-Calvo I(#), Iyer K(#), Carquin M
40. NMDA receptors control development of somatosensory callosal axonal projections.
2021 Mar 4
Zhou J, Lin Y, Huynh T
41. HP1 proteins compact DNA into mechanically and positionally stable phase separated domains.
2021 Mar 4
Keenen MM, Brown D, Brennan LD
42. Cardiovascular disease risk factors induce mesenchymal features and senescence in mouse cardiac endothelial cells.
2021 Mar 4
Hemanthakumar KA, Fang S, Anisimov A
43. Signed and unsigned reward prediction errors dynamically enhance learning and memory.
2021 Mar 4
Rouhani N, Niv Y.
44. Design issues and solutions for stop-signal data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study.
2021 Mar 4
Bissett PG, Hagen MP, Jones HM
45. Transient kinetic studies of the antiviral Drosophila Dicer-2 reveal roles of ATP in self-nonself discrimination.
2021 Mar 31
Singh RK, Jonely M, Leslie E
46. Male pheromones modulate synaptic transmission at the C. elegans neuromuscular junction in a sexually dimorphic manner.
2021 Mar 31
Qian KY, Zeng WX, Hao Y
47. Neural network of social interaction observation in marmosets.
2021 Mar 31
Cléry JC, Hori Y, Schaeffer DJ
48. MicroRNAs mediate precise control of spinal interneuron populations to exert delicate sensory-to-motor outputs.
2021 Mar 31
Chang SH, Su YC, Chang M
49. Analysis of ultrasonic vocalizations from mice using computer vision and machine learning.
2021 Mar 31
Fonseca AH, Santana GM, Bosque Ortiz GM
50. Cryo-EM structure of the yeast TREX complex and coordination with the SR-like protein Gbp2.
2021 Mar 31
Xie Y, Clarke BP, Kim YJ
51. Complementary biosensors reveal different G-protein signaling modes triggered by GPCRs and non-receptor activators.
2021 Mar 31
Garcia-Marcos M.
52. An expanding manifold in transmodal regions characterizes adolescent reconfiguration of structural connectome organization.
2021 Mar 31
Park BY, Bethlehem RA, Paquola C
53. Somatostatin interneurons activated by 5-HT(2A) receptor suppress slow oscillations in medial entorhinal cortex.
2021 Mar 31
de Filippo R, Rost BR, Stumpf A
54. Functional insights from a surface antigen mRNA-bound proteome.
2021 Mar 30
Melo do Nascimento L, Egler F, Arnold K
55. Relative demographic susceptibility does not explain the extinction chronology of Sahul's megafauna.
2021 Mar 30
Bradshaw CJ, Johnson CN, Llewelyn J
56. Paternal multigenerational exposure to an obesogenic diet drives epigenetic predisposition to metabolic diseases in mice.
2021 Mar 30
Raad G, Serra F, Martin L
57. Structural determinants of voltage-gating properties in calcium channels.
2021 Mar 30
Fernández-Quintero ML(#), El Ghaleb Y(#), Tuluc P
58. Striking parallels between dorsoventral patterning in Drosophila and Gryllus reveal a complex evolutionary history behind a model gene regulatory network.
2021 Mar 30
Pechmann M, Kenny NJ, Pott L
59. Pre-complexation of talin and vinculin without tension is required for efficient nascent adhesion maturation.
2021 Mar 30
Han SJ, Azarova EV, Whitewood AJ
60. A common 1.6 mb Y-chromosomal inversion predisposes to subsequent deletions and severe spermatogenic failure in humans.
2021 Mar 30
Hallast P, Kibena L, Punab M
61. Group phenotypic composition in cancer.
2021 Mar 30
Capp JP(#), DeGregori J(#), Nedelcu AM(#)
62. Uncovering a novel function of the CCR4-NOT complex in phytochrome A-mediated light signalling in plants.
2021 Mar 30
Schwenk P, Sheerin DJ, Ponnu J
63. Anti-fibrotic activity of a rho-kinase inhibitor restores outflow function and intraocular pressure homeostasis.
2021 Mar 30
Li G, Lee C, Read AT
64. All-trans retinoic acid induces synaptic plasticity in human cortical neurons.
2021 Mar 30
Lenz M, Kruse P, Eichler A
65. Selenium supplementation inhibits IGF-1 signaling and confers methionine restriction-like healthspan benefits to mice.
2021 Mar 30
Plummer JD, Postnikoff SD, Tyler JK
66. Early postmortem mapping of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in patients with COVID-19 and the correlation with tissue damage.
2021 Mar 30
Deinhardt-Emmer S(#), Wittschieber D(#), Sanft J
67. 3DeeCellTracker, a deep learning-based pipeline for segmenting and tracking cells in 3D time lapse images.
2021 Mar 30
Wen C, Miura T, Voleti V
68. A mobile genetic element increases bacterial host fitness by manipulating development.
2021 Mar 3
Jones JM, Grinberg I, Eldar A
69. Dynamic Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 1 (NHE1) - calmodulin complexes of varying stoichiometry and structure regulate Ca(2+)-dependent NHE1 activation.
2021 Mar 3
Sjøgaard-Frich LM(#), Prestel A(#), Pedersen ES
70. Intact synapse structure and function after combined knockout of PTPδ, PTPσ, and LAR.
2021 Mar 3
Emperador-Melero J, de Nola G, Kaeser PS.
71. The LINC complex transmits integrin-dependent tension to the nuclear lamina and represses epidermal differentiation.
2021 Mar 29
Carley E(#), Stewart RM(#), Zieman A(#)
72. Generic injuries are sufficient to induce ectopic Wnt organizers in Hydra.
2021 Mar 29
Cazet JF, Cho A, Juliano CE.
73. The olfactory critical period is determined by activity-dependent Sema7A/PlxnC1 signaling within glomeruli.
2021 Mar 29
Inoue N, Nishizumi H, Ooyama R
74. FRET-based dynamic structural biology: Challenges, perspectives and an appeal for open-science practices.
2021 Mar 29
Lerner E(#), Barth A(#), Hendrix J(#)
75. Disparate bone anabolic cues activate bone formation by regulating the rapid lysosomal degradation of sclerostin protein.
2021 Mar 29
Gould NR, Williams KM, Joca HC
76. Saliva TwoStep for rapid detection of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers.
2021 Mar 29
Yang Q(#), Meyerson NR(#), Clark SK
77. An open-source device for measuring food intake and operant behavior in rodent home-cages.
2021 Mar 29
Matikainen-Ankney BA(#), Earnest T(#), Ali M(#)
78. An atlas of the binding specificities of transcription factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa directs prediction of novel regulators in virulence.
2021 Mar 29
Wang T(#), Sun W(#), Fan L(#)
79. Global epistasis emerges from a generic model of a complex trait.
2021 Mar 29
Reddy G, Desai MM.
80. Evidence for additive and synergistic action of mammalian enhancers during cell fate determination.
2021 Mar 26
Choi J, Lysakovskaia K, Stik G
81. Fate mapping analysis reveals a novel murine dermal migratory Langerhans-like cell population.
2021 Mar 26
Sheng J, Chen Q, Wu X
82. Acquisition of innate odor preference depends on spontaneous and experiential activities during critical period.
2021 Mar 26
Qiu Q, Wu Y, Ma L
83. Properties of multivesicular release from mouse rod photoreceptors support transmission of single-photon responses.
2021 Mar 26
Hays CL, Sladek AL, Field GD
84. Optimal policy for attention-modulated decisions explains human fixation behavior.
2021 Mar 26
Jang AI, Sharma R, Drugowitsch J.
85. Microbial genetic and transcriptional contributions to oxalate degradation by the gut microbiota in health and disease.
2021 Mar 26
Liu M, Devlin JC, Hu J
86. Self-organized patterning of cell morphology via mechanosensitive feedback.
2021 Mar 26
Dye NA(#), Popović M(#), Iyer KV
87. Local projections of layer Vb-to-Va are more prominent in lateral than in medial entorhinal cortex.
2021 Mar 26
Ohara S, Blankvoort S, Nair RR
88. Neuronal junctophilins recruit specific Ca(V) and RyR isoforms to ER-PM junctions and functionally alter Ca(V)2.1 and Ca(V)2.2.
2021 Mar 26
Perni S, Beam K.
89. Mother brain is wired for social moments.
2021 Mar 25
Shimon-Raz O(#), Salomon R(#), Bloch M
90. Highly parallelized droplet cultivation and prioritization of antibiotic producers from natural microbial communities.
2021 Mar 25
Mahler L, Niehs SP, Martin K
91. Reprogramming of translation in yeast cells impaired for ribosome recycling favors short, efficiently translated mRNAs.
2021 Mar 25
Gaikwad S(#), Ghobakhlou F(#), Young DJ
92. In vivo proximity labeling identifies cardiomyocyte protein networks during zebrafish heart regeneration.
2021 Mar 25
Pronobis MI, Zheng S, Singh SP
93. Network dynamics underlying OFF responses in the auditory cortex.
2021 Mar 24
Bondanelli G, Deneux T, Bathellier B
94. Processing of motion boundary orientation in macaque V2.
2021 Mar 24
Ma H, Li P, Hu J
95. Tachykinin signaling inhibits task-specific behavioral responsiveness in honeybee workers.
2021 Mar 24
Han B, Wei Q, Wu F
96. Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-aa regulates endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria associations.
2021 Mar 24
Alassaf M, Halloran MC.
97. Glia actively sculpt sensory neurons by controlled phagocytosis to tune animal behavior.
2021 Mar 24
Raiders S, Black EC, Bae A
98. Neural basis of corruption in power-holders.
2021 Mar 24
Hu Y, Hu C, Derrington E
99. A visual pathway for skylight polarization processing in Drosophila.
2021 Mar 23
Hardcastle BJ, Omoto JJ, Kandimalla P
100. Right inferior frontal gyrus implements motor inhibitory control via beta-band oscillations in humans.
2021 Mar 23
Schaum M, Pinzuti E, Sebastian A
101. Taming the beasts inside.
2021 Mar 23
Ryu EP, Davenport ER.
102. Diversity and asynchrony in soil microbial communities stabilizes ecosystem functioning.
2021 Mar 23
Wagg C(#), Hautier Y(#), Pellkofer S(#)
103. Allosteric communication in class A β-lactamases occurs via cooperative coupling of loop dynamics.
2021 Mar 23
Galdadas I(#), Qu S(#), Oliveira ASF
104. Convalescent COVID-19 patients are susceptible to endothelial dysfunction due to persistent immune activation.
2021 Mar 23
Chioh FW(#), Fong SW(#), Young BE
105. Applications of genetic-epigenetic tissue mapping for plasma DNA in prenatal testing, transplantation and oncology.
2021 Mar 23
Gai W, Zhou Z, Agbor-Enoh S
106. Time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography reveals early structural changes in channelrhodopsin.
2021 Mar 23
Oda K(#), Nomura T(#), Nakane T(#)
107. Inducible mechanisms of disease tolerance provide an alternative strategy of acquired immunity to malaria.
2021 Mar 23
Nahrendorf W, Ivens A, Spence PJ.
108. Rare variants increase the risk of severe COVID-19.
2021 Mar 23
van de Veerdonk FL, Netea MG.
109. Time-resolved phosphoproteomics reveals scaffolding and catalysis-responsive patterns of SHP2-dependent signaling.
2021 Mar 23
Vemulapalli V, Chylek LA, Erickson A
110. A spontaneous genetically induced epiallele at a retrotransposon shapes host genome function.
2021 Mar 23
Bertozzi TM, Takahashi N, Hanin G
111. Prolonging the integrated stress response enhances CNS remyelination in an inflammatory environment.
2021 Mar 23
Chen Y, Kunjamma RB, Weiner M
112. Social groups buffer maternal loss in mountain gorillas.
2021 Mar 23
Morrison RE, Eckardt W, Colchero F
113. Effects of domestication on the gut microbiota parallel those of human industrialization.
2021 Mar 23
Reese AT, Chadaideh KS, Diggins CE
114. The recycling endosome protein Rab25 coordinates collective cell movements in the zebrafish surface epithelium.
2021 Mar 23
Willoughby PM, Allen M, Yu J
115. Synaptotagmin-7 places dense-core vesicles at the cell membrane to promote Munc13-2- and Ca(2+)-dependent priming.
2021 Mar 22
Tawfik B, Martins JS(#), Houy S(#)
116. Intravital quantification reveals dynamic calcium concentration changes across B cell differentiation stages.
2021 Mar 22
Ulbricht C, Leben R, Rakhymzhan A
117. Single-cell transcriptomics of the Drosophila wing disc reveals instructive epithelium-to-myoblast interactions.
2021 Mar 22
Everetts NJ(#), Worley MI(#), Yasutomi R
118. Robust, coherent, and synchronized circadian clock-controlled oscillations along Anabaena filaments.
2021 Mar 22
Arbel-Goren R, Buonfiglio V, Di Patti F
119. Genetic disruption of WASHC4 drives endo-lysosomal dysfunction and cognitive-movement impairments in mice and humans.
2021 Mar 22
Courtland JL(#), Bradshaw TW(#), Waitt G
120. Objective pupillometry shows that perceptual styles covary with autistic-like personality traits.
2021 Mar 22
Tortelli C, Turi M, Burr DC
121. Development of visual motion integration involves coordination of multiple cortical stages.
2021 Mar 22
Lempel AA, Nielsen KJ.
122. Ciliary neuropeptidergic signaling dynamically regulates excitatory synapses in postnatal neocortical pyramidal neurons.
2021 Mar 2
Tereshko L, Gao Y, Cary BA
123. Functional specialization within the inferior parietal lobes across cognitive domains.
2021 Mar 2
Numssen O, Bzdok D(#), Hartwigsen G(#).
124. Mapping immune variation and var gene switching in naive hosts infected with Plasmodium falciparum.
2021 Mar 2
Milne K(#), Ivens A(#), Reid AJ(#)
125. Preliminary paleohistological observations of the StW 573 ('Little Foot') skull.
2021 Mar 2
Beaudet A, Atwood RC, Kockelmann W
126. New light shed on the early evolution of limb-bone growth plate and bone marrow.
2021 Mar 2
Estefa J, Tafforeau P, Clement AM
127. Bone age is not just for kids.
2021 Mar 2
Cauley JA, Shoback DM.
128. Integrative frontal-parietal dynamics supporting cognitive control.
2021 Mar 2
Nee DE.
129. tRNA sequences can assemble into a replicator.
2021 Mar 2
Kühnlein A(#), Lanzmich SA(#), Braun D.
130. Unraveling the history of limb bones.
2021 Mar 2
Woodward HN.
131. In vivo reconstitution finds multivalent RNA-RNA interactions as drivers of mesh-like condensates.
2021 Mar 2
Ma W, Zhen G, Xie W
132. Genomic epidemiology of COVID-19 in care homes in the east of England.
2021 Mar 2
Hamilton WL(#), Tonkin-Hill G(#), Smith ER
133. Endoglycan plays a role in axon guidance by modulating cell adhesion.
2021 Mar 2
Baeriswyl T(#), Dumoulin A(#), Schaettin M(#)
134. Archaeal chromatin 'slinkies' are inherently dynamic complexes with deflected DNA wrapping pathways.
2021 Mar 2
Bowerman S, Wereszczynski J, Luger K.
135. Loss of circadian protection against influenza infection in adult mice exposed to hyperoxia as neonates.
2021 Mar 2
Issah Y(#), Naik A(#), Tang SY
136. Association of Toll-like receptor 7 variants with life-threatening COVID-19 disease in males: findings from a nested case-control study.
2021 Mar 2
Fallerini C(#), Daga S(#), Mantovani S(#)
137. Self-blinding citizen science to explore psychedelic microdosing.
2021 Mar 2
Szigeti B, Kartner L, Blemings A
138. Asking questions of psychedelic microdosing.
2021 Mar 2
Cameron LP.
139. Switch-like control of helicase processivity by single-stranded DNA binding protein.
2021 Mar 19
Stekas B, Yeo S, Troitskaia A
140. Visualizing anatomically registered data with brainrender.
2021 Mar 19
Claudi F, Tyson AL, Petrucco L
141. Tuning self-renewal in the Arabidopsis stomatal lineage by hormone and nutrient regulation of asymmetric cell division.
2021 Mar 19
Gong Y, Alassimone J, Varnau R
142. Global gradients in intertidal species richness and functional groups.
2021 Mar 19
Thyrring J, Peck LS.
143. Enhanced insulin signalling ameliorates C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion toxicity in Drosophila.
2021 Mar 19
Atilano ML, Grönke S, Niccoli T
144. PomX, a ParA/MinD ATPase activating protein, is a triple regulator of cell division in Myxococcus xanthus.
2021 Mar 18
Schumacher D, Harms A, Bergeler S
145. Learning precise spatiotemporal sequences via biophysically realistic learning rules in a modular, spiking network.
2021 Mar 18
Cone I, Shouval HZ.
146. A nuclear-based quality control pathway for non-imported mitochondrial proteins.
2021 Mar 18
Shakya VP, Barbeau WA, Xiao T
147. Weak evidence of country- and institution-related status bias in the peer review of abstracts.
2021 Mar 18
Nielsen MW, Baker CF, Brady E
148. Whole-organism eQTL mapping at cellular resolution with single-cell sequencing.
2021 Mar 18
Ben-David E, Boocock J, Guo L
149. Mechanism for differential recruitment of orbitostriatal transmission during actions and outcomes following chronic alcohol exposure.
2021 Mar 17
Renteria R, Cazares C, Baltz ET
150. Genomic and healthcare dynamics of nosocomial SARS-CoV-2 transmission.
2021 Mar 17
Ellingford JM, George R, McDermott JH
151. Action detection using a neural network elucidates the genetics of mouse grooming behavior.
2021 Mar 17
Geuther BQ, Peer A, He H
152. Stress resets ancestral heritable small RNA responses.
2021 Mar 17
Houri-Zeevi L(#), Teichman G(#), Gingold H
153. Cortical astrocytes independently regulate sleep depth and duration via separate GPCR pathways.
2021 Mar 17
Vaidyanathan TV, Collard M, Yokoyama S
154. A KDM5-Prospero transcriptional axis functions during early neurodevelopment to regulate mushroom body formation.
2021 Mar 17
Hatch HAM, Belalcazar HM, Marshall OJ
155. Topological signatures in regulatory network enable phenotypic heterogeneity in small cell lung cancer.
2021 Mar 17
Chauhan L(#), Ram U(#), Hari K
156. A conserved cell division protein directly regulates FtsZ dynamics in filamentous and unicellular actinobacteria.
2021 Mar 17
Ramos-León F(#), Bush MJ(#), Sallmen JW
157. Kinetic analysis of ASIC1a delineates conformational signaling from proton-sensing domains to the channel gate.
2021 Mar 17
Vullo S, Ambrosio N, Kucera JP
158. Neural representation of abstract task structure during generalization.
2021 Mar 17
Vaidya AR, Jones HM, Castillo J
159. Human cytomegalovirus antagonizes activation of Fcγ receptors by distinct and synergizing modes of IgG manipulation.
2021 Mar 16
Kolb P, Hoffmann K, Sievert A
160. Stretch-activated ion channels identified in the touch-sensitive structures of carnivorous Droseraceae plants.
2021 Mar 16
Procko C(#), Murthy S(#), Keenan WT(#)
161. Age-related changes in polycomb gene regulation disrupt lineage fidelity in intestinal stem cells.
2021 Mar 16
Tauc HM, Rodriguez-Fernandez IA, Hackney JA
162. Increased longevity due to sexual activity in mole-rats is associated with transcriptional changes in the HPA stress axis.
2021 Mar 16
Sahm A, Platzer M, Koch P
163. Egr2 induction in spiny projection neurons of the ventrolateral striatum contributes to cocaine place preference in mice.
2021 Mar 16
Mukherjee D(#), Gonzales BJ(#), Ashwal-Fluss R
164. The global burden of yellow fever.
2021 Mar 16
Gaythorpe KA, Hamlet A, Jean K
165. Architecture and structural dynamics of the heteromeric GluK2/K5 kainate receptor.
2021 Mar 16
Khanra N, Brown PM, Perozzo AM
166. Microglial trogocytosis and the complement system regulate axonal pruning in vivo.
2021 Mar 16
Lim TK, Ruthazer ES.
167. How oscillating aerodynamic forces explain the timbre of the hummingbird's hum and other animals in flapping flight.
2021 Mar 16
Hightower BJ(#), Wijnings PW(#), Scholte R
168. Selective dendritic localization of mRNA in Drosophila mushroom body output neurons.
2021 Mar 16
Mitchell J, Smith CS, Titlow J
169. Swarming bacteria undergo localized dynamic phase transition to form stress-induced biofilms.
2021 Mar 16
Grobas I, Polin M(#), Asally M(#).
170. Seroconversion stages COVID19 into distinct pathophysiological states.
2021 Mar 16
Galbraith MD, Kinning KT, Sullivan KD
171. Prenatal methadone exposure disrupts behavioral development and alters motor neuron intrinsic properties and local circuitry.
2021 Mar 16
Grecco GG, Mork BE, Huang JY
172. Ancient DNA reveals the lost domestication history of South American camelids in Northern Chile and across the Andes.
2021 Mar 16
Diaz-Maroto P, Rey-Iglesia A, Cartajena I
173. Should I stay or should I go?
2021 Mar 16
Kretzschmar M, Müller J.
174. Adaptation of spontaneous activity in the developing visual cortex.
2021 Mar 16
Wosniack ME, Kirchner JH, Chao LY
175. Exploring a new way to think about climate regions.
2021 Mar 16
Daru BH.
176. Gap junction-mediated glycinergic inhibition ensures precise temporal patterning in vocal behavior.
2021 Mar 15
Chagnaud BP, Perelmuter JT, Forlano PM
177. Locus coeruleus spiking differently correlates with S1 cortex activity and pupil diameter in a tactile detection task.
2021 Mar 15
Yang H, Bari BA, Cohen JY
178. Control and regulation of acetate overflow in Escherichia coli.
2021 Mar 15
Millard P, Enjalbert B, Uttenweiler-Joseph S
179. Genetic association and causal inference converge on hyperglycaemia as a modifiable factor to improve lung function.
2021 Mar 15
Reay WR, El Shair SI, Geaghan MP
180. Respiratory depression and analgesia by opioid drugs in freely behaving larval zebrafish.
2021 Mar 15
Zaig S, da Silveira Scarpellini C, Montandon G.
181. Quantifying absolute gene expression profiles reveals distinct regulation of central carbon metabolism genes in yeast.
2021 Mar 15
Yu R, Vorontsov E, Sihlbom C
182. GAF is essential for zygotic genome activation and chromatin accessibility in the early Drosophila embryo.
2021 Mar 15
Gaskill MM(#), Gibson TJ(#), Larson ED
183. Wnt signaling enhances macrophage responses to IL-4 and promotes resolution of atherosclerosis.
2021 Mar 15
Weinstock A, Rahman K, Yaacov O
184. Synchronous activity patterns in the dentate gyrus during immobility.
2021 Mar 12
Pofahl M, Nikbakht N, Haubrich AN
185. The dimeric Golgi protein Gorab binds to Sas6 as a monomer to mediate centriole duplication.
2021 Mar 11
Fatalska A(#), Stepinac E(#), Richter M(#)
186. A gradient of Wnt activity positions the neurosensory domains of the inner ear.
2021 Mar 11
Żak M, Daudet N.
187. Decoding the physical principles of two-component biomolecular phase separation.
2021 Mar 11
Zhang Y, Xu B, Weiner BG
188. Promoter-specific changes in initiation, elongation, and homeostasis of histone H3 acetylation during CBP/p300 inhibition.
2021 Mar 11
Hsu E, Zemke NR, Berk AJ.
189. Reformulation of an extant ATPase active site to mimic ancestral GTPase activity reveals a nucleotide base requirement for function.
2021 Mar 11
Updegrove TB(#), Harke J(#), Anantharaman V
190. Longitudinal proteomic profiling of dialysis patients with COVID-19 reveals markers of severity and predictors of death.
2021 Mar 11
Gisby J(#), Clarke CL(#), Medjeral-Thomas N(#)
191. Single-molecule view of coordination in a multi-functional DNA polymerase.
2021 Mar 11
Pauszek RF 3rd, Lamichhane R, Rajkarnikar Singh A
192. tTARGIT AAVs mediate the sensitive and flexible manipulation of intersectional neuronal populations in mice.
2021 Mar 11
Sabatini PV, Wang J, Rupp AC
193. Extracellular matrix in multicellular aggregates acts as a pressure sensor controlling cell proliferation and motility.
2021 Mar 11
Dolega ME, Monnier S, Brunel B
194. Tonic firing mode of midbrain dopamine neurons continuously tracks reward values changing moment-by-moment.
2021 Mar 10
Wang Y, Toyoshima O, Kunimatsu J
195. TDP-43 maximizes nerve conduction velocity by repressing a cryptic exon for paranodal junction assembly in Schwann cells.
2021 Mar 10
Chang KJ, Agrawal I, Vainshtein A
196. eIF2B conformation and assembly state regulate the integrated stress response.
2021 Mar 10
Schoof M, Boone M(#), Wang L(#)
197. Antagonistic roles for Ataxin-2 structured and disordered domains in RNP condensation.
2021 Mar 10
Singh A(#), Hulsmeier J(#), Kandi AR
198. Exploring the origins of nucleation.
2021 Mar 10
Zoltowska KM, Chávez-Gutiérrez L.
199. Multiple decisions about one object involve parallel sensory acquisition but time-multiplexed evidence incorporation.
2021 Mar 10
Kang YH(#), Löffler A(#), Jeurissen D(#)
200. An optimized CRISPR/Cas9 approach for precise genome editing in neurons.
2021 Mar 10
Fang H(#), Bygrave AM(#), Roth RH
201. Latrophilin GPCR signaling mediates synapse formation.
2021 Mar 1
Sando R, Südhof TC.
202. Cystic proliferation of germline stem cells is necessary to reproductive success and normal mating behavior in medaka.
2021 Mar 1
Arias Padilla LF, Castañeda-Cortés DC, Rosa IF
203. Bidirectional regulation of glial potassium buffering - glioprotection versus neuroprotection.
2021 Mar 1
Li H, Lones L, DiAntonio A.
204. Anti-ferroptotic mechanism of IL4i1-mediated amino acid metabolism.
2021 Mar 1
Zeitler L(#), Fiore A(#), Meyer C
205. Estrogen receptor alpha in the brain mediates tamoxifen-induced changes in physiology in mice.
2021 Mar 1
Zhang Z, Park JW, Ahn IS
206. Uncovering an allosteric mode of action for a selective inhibitor of human Bloom syndrome protein.
2021 Mar 1
Chen X, Ali YI, Fisher CE
207. Parathyroid hormone attenuates osteoarthritis pain by remodeling subchondral bone in mice.
2021 Mar 1
Sun Q, Zhen G, Li TP
208. The mTORC1-mediated activation of ATF4 promotes protein and glutathione synthesis downstream of growth signals.
2021 Mar 1
Torrence ME, MacArthur MR, Hosios AM
209. Neural encoding of actual and imagined touch within human posterior parietal cortex.
2021 Mar 1
Chivukula S(#), Zhang CY(#), Aflalo T(#)
210. C. elegans orthologs MUT-7/CeWRN-1 of Werner syndrome protein regulate neuronal plasticity.
2021 Mar 1
Hsu TY, Zhang B, L'Etoile ND
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