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2021 Aug (169)
2021 Jul (206)
2021 Jun (183)
2021 May (154)
2021 Apr (172)
2021 Mar (210)
2021 Feb (166)
2021 Jan (155)
1. A Bayesian analysis of the association between Leukotriene A4 Hydrolase genotype and survival in tuberculous meningitis.
2021 Jan 8
Whitworth L, Coxon J, van Laarhoven A
2. Mutations in SKI in Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome lead to attenuated TGF-β responses through SKI stabilization.
2021 Jan 8
Gori I, George R, Purkiss AG
3. A simple and effective F0 knockout method for rapid screening of behaviour and other complex phenotypes.
2021 Jan 8
Kroll F, Powell GT, Ghosh M
4. Whole genome phylogenies reflect the distributions of recombination rates for many bacterial species.
2021 Jan 8
Sakoparnig T, Field C, van Nimwegen E.
5. Universal and taxon-specific trends in protein sequences as a function of age.
2021 Jan 8
James JE, Willis SM, Nelson PG
6. MYC regulates ribosome biogenesis and mitochondrial gene expression programs through its interaction with host cell factor-1.
2021 Jan 8
Popay TM, Wang J, Adams CM
7. Methotrexate attenuates vascular inflammation through an adenosine-microRNA-dependent pathway.
2021 Jan 8
Yang D(#), Haemmig S(#), Zhou H(#)
8. Immunocompetent mouse model for Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus.
2021 Jan 8
Hawman DW, Meade-White K, Leventhal S
9. Molecular basis for the adaptive evolution of environment-sensing by H-NS proteins.
2021 Jan 7
Zhao X(#), Shahul Hameed UF(#), Kharchenko V(#)
10. Diverse viral proteases activate the NLRP1 inflammasome.
2021 Jan 7
Tsu BV(#), Beierschmitt C(#), Ryan AP
11. ATP and large signaling metabolites flux through caspase-activated Pannexin 1 channels.
2021 Jan 7
Narahari AK, Kreutzberger AJ(#), Gaete PS(#)
12. Subcellular sequencing of single neurons reveals the dendritic transcriptome of GABAergic interneurons.
2021 Jan 6
Perez JD, Dieck ST, Alvarez-Castelao B
13. The origins and consequences of UPF1 variants in pancreatic adenosquamous carcinoma.
2021 Jan 6
Polaski JT, Udy DB, Escobar-Hoyos LF
14. A digital 3D reference atlas reveals cellular growth patterns shaping the Arabidopsis ovule.
2021 Jan 6
Vijayan A(#), Tofanelli R(#), Strauss S
15. Ral GTPases promote breast cancer metastasis by controlling biogenesis and organ targeting of exosomes.
2021 Jan 6
Ghoroghi S, Mary B, Larnicol A
16. Bacterial symbiont subpopulations have different roles in a deep-sea symbiosis.
2021 Jan 6
Hinzke T, Kleiner M, Meister M
17. The Hippo pathway controls myofibril assembly and muscle fiber growth by regulating sarcomeric gene expression.
2021 Jan 6
Kaya-Çopur A, Marchiano F, Hein MY
18. Checkpoint inhibition of origin firing prevents inappropriate replication outside of S-phase.
2021 Jan 5
Johnson MC, Can G, Santos MM
19. Pituitary stem cells produce paracrine WNT signals to control the expansion of their descendant progenitor cells.
2021 Jan 5
Russell JP, Lim X, Santambrogio A
20. Ca(2+) signaling driving pacemaker activity in submucosal interstitial cells of Cajal in the murine colon.
2021 Jan 5
Baker SA, Leigh WA, Del Valle G
21. Longitudinal high-throughput TCR repertoire profiling reveals the dynamics of T-cell memory formation after mild COVID-19 infection.
2021 Jan 5
Minervina AA, Komech EA, Titov A
22. Reconsidering the evidence for learning in single cells.
2021 Jan 4
Gershman SJ, Balbi PE, Gallistel CR
23. Rapid adaptation to malaria facilitated by admixture in the human population of Cabo Verde.
2021 Jan 4
Hamid I, Korunes KL, Beleza S
24. Defining human mesenchymal and epithelial heterogeneity in response to oral inflammatory disease.
2021 Jan 4
Caetano AJ(#), Yianni V(#), Volponi A
25. The vascular niche controls Drosophila hematopoiesis via fibroblast growth factor signaling.
2021 Jan 4
Destalminil-Letourneau M, Morin-Poulard I, Tian Y
26. A cell atlas of the chick retina based on single-cell transcriptomics.
2021 Jan 4
Yamagata M(#), Yan W(#), Sanes JR.
27. Malaria parasites use a soluble RhopH complex for erythrocyte invasion and an integral form for nutrient uptake.
2021 Jan 4
Schureck MA, Darling JE, Merk A
28. SARS-CoV-2 entry into human airway organoids is serine protease-mediated and facilitated by the multibasic cleavage site.
2021 Jan 4
Mykytyn AZ(#), Breugem TI(#), Riesebosch S
29. Visualization of stem cell activity in pancreatic cancer expansion by direct lineage tracing with live imaging.
2021 Jan 4
Maruno T, Fukuda A, Goto N
30. Dentate gyrus development requires a cortical hem-derived astrocytic scaffold.
2021 Jan 4
Caramello A, Galichet C, Rizzoti K
31. A molecular mechanism for LINC complex branching by structurally diverse SUN-KASH 6:6 assemblies.
2021 Jan 4
Gurusaran M, Davies OR.
32. Human complex exploration strategies are enriched by noradrenaline-modulated heuristics.
2021 Jan 4
Dubois M, Habicht J, Michely J
33. Epithelial colonies in vitro elongate through collective effects.
2021 Jan 4
Comelles J, Ss S, Lu L
34. Interplay of opposing fate choices stalls oncogenic growth in murine skin epithelium.
2021 Jan 4
Sandoval M, Ying Z, Beronja S.
35. DNA damage-how and why we age?
2021 Jan 29
Yousefzadeh M(#), Henpita C(#), Vyas R
36. Cytoplasmic chromatin fragments-from mechanisms to therapeutic potential.
2021 Jan 29
Miller KN, Dasgupta N, Liu T
37. Nanoscopic anatomy of dynamic multi-protein complexes at membranes resolved by graphene-induced energy transfer.
2021 Jan 29
Füllbrunn N(#), Li Z(#), Jorde L
38. NAD+ enhances ribitol and ribose rescue of α-dystroglycan functional glycosylation in human FKRP-mutant myotubes.
2021 Jan 29
Ortiz-Cordero C, Magli A, Dhoke NR
39. Pervasive duplication of tumor suppressors in Afrotherians during the evolution of large bodies and reduced cancer risk.
2021 Jan 29
Vazquez JM, Lynch VJ.
40. Induction of the IL-1RII decoy receptor by NFAT/FOXP3 blocks IL-1β-dependent response of Th17 cells.
2021 Jan 28
Kim DH, Kim HY, Cho S
41. Loss of a co-twin at birth and subsequent risk of psychiatric disorders.
2021 Jan 28
Song H, Fang F, Larsson H
42. Peripheral natural killer cells in chronic hepatitis B patients display multiple molecular features of T cell exhaustion.
2021 Jan 28
Marotel M, Villard M, Drouillard A
43. Identification of ligand-specific G protein-coupled receptor states and prediction of downstream efficacy via data-driven modeling.
2021 Jan 28
Fleetwood O, Carlsson J, Delemotte L.
44. A divalent boost from magnesium.
2021 Jan 28
Laursen WJ, Garrity PA.
45. A new era for research into aging.
2021 Jan 28
Kaeberlein M, Tyler JK.
46. Stem cell transplantation rescued a primary open-angle glaucoma mouse model.
2021 Jan 28
Xiong S, Kumar A, Tian S
47. An integrative model of cardiometabolic traits identifies two types of metabolic syndrome.
2021 Jan 28
Frishberg A(#), van den Munckhof I(#), Ter Horst R
48. The rise and fall of the ancient northern pike master sex-determining gene.
2021 Jan 28
Pan Q, Feron R, Jouanno E
49. Generation of stress fibers through myosin-driven reorganization of the actin cortex.
2021 Jan 28
Lehtimäki JI, Rajakylä EK, Tojkander S
50. A move in the light direction.
2021 Jan 27
Wülfers EM, Schneider-Warme F.
51. Single-cell RNA-seq reveals transcriptomic heterogeneity mediated by host-pathogen dynamics in lymphoblastoid cell lines.
2021 Jan 27
SoRelle ED, Dai J, Bonglack EN
52. ATP activation of peritubular cells drives testicular sperm transport.
2021 Jan 27
Fleck D(#), Kenzler L(#), Mundt N
53. Drift and termination of spiral waves in optogenetically modified cardiac tissue at sub-threshold illumination.
2021 Jan 27
Hussaini S, Venkatesan V, Biasci V
54. SUMO is a pervasive regulator of meiosis.
2021 Jan 27
Bhagwat NR, Owens SN, Ito M
55. Foxc1 establishes enhancer accessibility for craniofacial cartilage differentiation.
2021 Jan 27
Xu P(#), Yu HV(#), Tseng KC
56. A new model of decision processing in instrumental learning tasks.
2021 Jan 27
Miletić S, Boag RJ, Trutti AC
57. Pleiotropic mutations can rapidly evolve to directly benefit self and cooperative partner despite unfavorable conditions.
2021 Jan 27
Hart SFM, Chen CC, Shou W.
58. A live attenuated-vaccine model confers cross-protective immunity against different species of the Leptospira genus.
2021 Jan 26
Wunder EA, Adhikarla H, Hamond C
59. Data-driven reduction of dendritic morphologies with preserved dendro-somatic responses.
2021 Jan 26
Wybo WA, Jordan J, Ellenberger B
60. Deleting Mecp2 from the cerebellum rather than its neuronal subtypes causes a delay in motor learning in mice.
2021 Jan 26
Achilly NP, He LJ, Kim OA
61. The diversity and function of sourdough starter microbiomes.
2021 Jan 26
Landis EA(#), Oliverio AM(#), McKenney EA
62. Charge-driven condensation of RNA and proteins suggests broad role of phase separation in cytoplasmic environments.
2021 Jan 26
Dutagaci B, Nawrocki G, Goodluck J
63. Thermal acclimation of tropical coral reef fishes to global heat waves.
2021 Jan 26
Johansen JL(#), Nadler LE(#), Habary A
64. Curcumin promotes AApoAII amyloidosis and peroxisome proliferation in mice by activating the PPARα signaling pathway.
2021 Jan 26
Dai J, Li Y, Kametani F
65. A dietary sterol trade-off determines lifespan responses to dietary restriction in Drosophila melanogaster females.
2021 Jan 26
Zanco B, Mirth CK, Sgrò CM
66. Supervised mutational signatures for obesity and other tissue-specific etiological factors in cancer.
2021 Jan 25
Afsari B(#), Kuo A(#), Zhang Y
67. TRIM37 prevents formation of centriolar protein assemblies by regulating Centrobin.
2021 Jan 25
Balestra FR, Domínguez-Calvo A, Wolf B
68. A novel motif of Rad51 serves as an interaction hub for recombination auxiliary factors.
2021 Jan 25
Afshar N, Argunhan B, Palihati M
69. Asymmetric random walks reveal that the chemotaxis network modulates flagellar rotational bias in Helicobacter pylori.
2021 Jan 25
Antani JD, Sumali AX, Lele TP
70. Disrupting enzyme fluidity.
2021 Jan 25
Anand GS.
71. Roles of the ClC chloride channel CLH-1 in food-associated salt chemotaxis behavior of C. elegans.
2021 Jan 25
Park C, Sakurai Y, Sato H
72. Epigenetic reprogramming rewires transcription during the alternation of generations in Arabidopsis.
2021 Jan 25
Borg M, Papareddy RK, Dombey R
73. Principles of dengue virus evolvability derived from genotype-fitness maps in human and mosquito cells.
2021 Jan 25
Dolan PT(#), Taguwa S(#), Rangel MA
74. Runx2-Twist1 interaction coordinates cranial neural crest guidance of soft palate myogenesis.
2021 Jan 22
Han X, Feng J, Guo T
75. Cross-compartment signal propagation in the mitotic exit network.
2021 Jan 22
Zhou X, Li W, Liu Y
76. Reciprocal interaction between mesenchymal stem cells and transit amplifying cells regulates tissue homeostasis.
2021 Jan 22
Jing J, Feng J, Li J
77. Properdin oligomers adopt rigid extended conformations supporting function.
2021 Jan 22
Pedersen DV, Pedersen MN, Mazarakis SM
78. Survival of the glycosylated.
2021 Jan 22
Blair HC, Schlesinger PH.
79. Scleraxis-lineage cell depletion improves tendon healing and disrupts adult tendon homeostasis.
2021 Jan 22
Best KT, Korcari A, Mora KE
80. Optogenetic control of PRC1 reveals its role in chromosome alignment on the spindle by overlap length-dependent forces.
2021 Jan 22
Jagrić M(#), Risteski P(#), Martinčić J(#)
81. Structural basis for transcription complex disruption by the Mfd translocase.
2021 Jan 22
Kang JY(#), Llewellyn E(#), Chen J
82. Telomeric double-strand DNA-binding proteins DTN-1 and DTN-2 ensure germline immortality in Caenorhabditis elegans.
2021 Jan 21
Yamamoto I, Zhang K, Zhang J
83. Failures of nerve regeneration caused by aging or chronic denervation are rescued by restoring Schwann cell c-Jun.
2021 Jan 21
Wagstaff LJ(#), Gomez-Sanchez JA(#), Fazal SV
84. Identification of PARP-7 substrates reveals a role for MARylation in microtubule control in ovarian cancer cells.
2021 Jan 21
Palavalli Parsons LH(#), Challa S(#), Gibson BA(#)
85. Chemical genetics and proteome-wide site mapping reveal cysteine MARylation by PARP-7 on immune-relevant protein targets.
2021 Jan 21
Rodriguez KM, Buch-Larsen SC, Kirby IT
86. The RNA-binding protein SFPQ preserves long-intron splicing and regulates circRNA biogenesis in mammals.
2021 Jan 21
Stagsted LVW, O'Leary ET, Ebbesen KK
87. Activation of MAP3K DLK and LZK in Purkinje cells causes rapid and slow degeneration depending on signaling strength.
2021 Jan 21
Li Y, Ritchie EM, Steinke CL
88. Comparison of induced neurons reveals slower structural and functional maturation in humans than in apes.
2021 Jan 20
Schörnig M(#), Ju X(#), Fast L
89. Collateral sensitivity associated with antibiotic resistance plasmids.
2021 Jan 20
Herencias C(#), Rodríguez-Beltrán J(#), León-Sampedro R
90. Metabolomic profiling of rare cell populations isolated by flow cytometry from tissues.
2021 Jan 20
DeVilbiss AW, Zhao Z, Martin-Sandoval MS
91. The Arabidopsis active demethylase ROS1 cis-regulates defence genes by erasing DNA methylation at promoter-regulatory regions.
2021 Jan 20
Halter T, Wang J, Amesefe D
92. Highly redundant neuropeptide volume co-transmission underlying episodic activation of the GnRH neuron dendron.
2021 Jan 19
Liu X, Yeo SH, McQuillan HJ
93. Behavioral role of PACAP signaling reflects its selective distribution in glutamatergic and GABAergic neuronal subpopulations.
2021 Jan 19
Zhang L(#), Hernandez VS(#), Gerfen CR
94. Climate-driven deoxygenation elevates fishing vulnerability for the ocean's widest ranging shark.
2021 Jan 19
Vedor M, Queiroz N(#), Mucientes G
95. Evidence for adaptive evolution in the receptor-binding domain of seasonal coronaviruses OC43 and 229e.
2021 Jan 19
Kistler KE, Bedford T.
96. Freshwater monitoring by nanopore sequencing.
2021 Jan 19
Urban L(#), Holzer A(#), Baronas JJ
97. Phenotypic and molecular evolution across 10,000 generations in laboratory budding yeast populations.
2021 Jan 19
Johnson MS, Gopalakrishnan S, Goyal J
98. The two roles of complex III in plants.
2021 Jan 19
Braun HP.
99. Drosophila serotonin 2A receptor signaling coordinates central metabolic processes to modulate aging in response to nutrient choice.
2021 Jan 19
Lyu Y, Weaver KJ, Shaukat HA
100. Atomic structures of respiratory complex III(2), complex IV, and supercomplex III(2)-IV from vascular plants.
2021 Jan 19
Maldonado M, Guo F, Letts JA.
101. fruitless tunes functional flexibility of courtship circuitry during development.
2021 Jan 19
Chen J, Jin S, Chen D
102. Cytomegalovirus restricts ICOSL expression on antigen-presenting cells disabling T cell co-stimulation and contributing to immune evasion.
2021 Jan 18
Angulo G(#), Zeleznjak J(#), Martínez-Vicente P
103. Bi-channel image registration and deep-learning segmentation (BIRDS) for efficient, versatile 3D mapping of mouse brain.
2021 Jan 18
Wang X(#), Zeng W(#), Yang X(#)
104. Regulatory roles of Escherichia coli 5' UTR and ORF-internal RNAs detected by 3' end mapping.
2021 Jan 18
Adams PP, Baniulyte G, Esnault C
105. Racial inequity in grant funding from the US National Institutes of Health.
2021 Jan 18
Taffe MA, Gilpin NW.
106. Ablation of STAT3 in Purkinje cells reorganizes cerebellar synaptic plasticity in long-term fear memory network.
2021 Jan 18
Han JK(#), Kwon SH(#), Kim YG
107. Antagonism between germ cell-less and Torso receptor regulates transcriptional quiescence underlying germline/soma distinction.
2021 Jan 18
Colonnetta MM, Lym LR, Wilkins L
108. Repeated outbreaks drive the evolution of bacteriophage communication.
2021 Jan 18
Doekes HM, Mulder GA, Hermsen R.
109. Biological constraints on GWAS SNPs at suggestive significance thresholds reveal additional BMI loci.
2021 Jan 18
Hammond RK, Pahl MC, Su C
110. Loss of FLCN-FNIP1/2 induces a non-canonical interferon response in human renal tubular epithelial cells.
2021 Jan 18
Glykofridis IE, Knol JC, Balk JA
111. Global and local tension measurements in biomimetic skeletal muscle tissues reveals early mechanical homeostasis.
2021 Jan 18
Hofemeier AD, Limon T, Muenker TM
112. Endothelial cell-type-specific molecular requirements for angiogenesis drive fenestrated vessel development in the brain.
2021 Jan 18
Parab S, Quick RE, Matsuoka RL.
113. Modeling transfer of vaginal microbiota from mother to infant in early life.
2021 Jan 15
Mortensen MS(#), Rasmussen MA(#), Stokholm J
114. Identification of distinct pH- and zeaxanthin-dependent quenching in LHCSR3 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
2021 Jan 15
Troiano JM(#), Perozeni F(#), Moya R
115. Bi-fated tendon-to-bone attachment cells are regulated by shared enhancers and KLF transcription factors.
2021 Jan 15
Kult S, Olender T, Osterwalder M
116. A flagellate-to-amoeboid switch in the closest living relatives of animals.
2021 Jan 15
Brunet T, Albert M, Roman W
117. The orchestrated cellular and molecular responses of the kidney to endotoxin define a precise sepsis timeline.
2021 Jan 15
Janosevic D(#), Myslinski J(#), McCarthy TW
118. Female-biased upregulation of insulin pathway activity mediates the sex difference in Drosophila body size plasticity.
2021 Jan 15
Millington JW, Brownrigg GP, Chao C
119. Evolutionary conflicts and adverse effects of antiviral factors.
2021 Jan 15
Sauter D, Kirchhoff F.
120. An interbacterial DNA deaminase toxin directly mutagenizes surviving target populations.
2021 Jan 15
de Moraes MH, Hsu F, Huang D
121. Cytokine ranking via mutual information algorithm correlates cytokine profiles with presenting disease severity in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2.
2021 Jan 14
Huntington KE(#), Louie AD(#), Lee CG
122. Temperature-dependent fasciation mutants provide a link between mitochondrial RNA processing and lateral root morphogenesis.
2021 Jan 14
Otsuka K(#), Mamiya A(#), Konishi M
123. Brain functional networks associated with social bonding in monogamous voles.
2021 Jan 14
López-Gutiérrez MF, Gracia-Tabuenca Z, Ortiz JJ
124. Reproducible analysis of disease space via principal components using the novel R package syndRomics.
2021 Jan 14
Torres-Espín A, Chou A, Huie JR
125. A mechanistic model for long-term immunological outcomes in South African HIV-infected children and adults receiving ART.
2021 Jan 14
Ujeneza EL, Ndifon W, Sawry S
126. MITF reprograms the extracellular matrix and focal adhesion in melanoma.
2021 Jan 13
Dilshat R, Fock V, Kenny C
127. High-resolution mapping of the neutralizing and binding specificities of polyclonal sera post-HIV Env trimer vaccination.
2021 Jan 13
Dingens AS, Pratap P, Malone K
128. A transcriptomic taxonomy of Drosophila circadian neurons around the clock.
2021 Jan 13
Ma D(#), Przybylski D(#), Abruzzi KC
129. Oxytocin modulates human chemosensory decoding of sex in a dose-dependent manner.
2021 Jan 13
Chen K(#), Ye Y(#), Troje NF
130. Thymic stromal lymphopoietin limits primary and recall CD8(+) T-cell anti-viral responses.
2021 Jan 13
Ebina-Shibuya R(#), West EE(#), Spolski R
131. A retrospective analysis of the peer review of more than 75,000 Marie Curie proposals between 2007 and 2018.
2021 Jan 13
Pina DG(#), Buljan I(#), Hren D
132. Release probability increases towards distal dendrites boosting high-frequency signal transfer in the rodent hippocampus.
2021 Jan 13
Jensen TP, Kopach O, Reynolds JP
133. ARL3 activation requires the co-GEF BART and effector-mediated turnover.
2021 Jan 13
ElMaghloob Y, Sot B(#), McIlwraith MJ(#)
134. Stable transplantation of human mitochondrial DNA by high-throughput, pressurized isolated mitochondrial delivery.
2021 Jan 13
Sercel AJ(#), Patananan AN(#), Man T
135. Spatial correlations constrain cellular lifespan and pattern formation in corneal epithelium homeostasis.
2021 Jan 12
Strinkovsky L, Havkin E, Shalom-Feuerstein R
136. Proteomics reveals synergy between biomass degrading enzymes and inorganic Fenton chemistry in leaf-cutting ant colonies.
2021 Jan 12
Schiøtt M, Boomsma JJ.
137. Thresholds for post-rebound SHIV control after CCR5 gene-edited autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation.
2021 Jan 12
Cardozo-Ojeda EF, Duke ER, Peterson CW
138. Improving preclinical studies through replications.
2021 Jan 12
Drude NI(#), Martinez Gamboa L(#), Danziger M
139. Epigenetic regulation of Wnt7b expression by the cis-acting long noncoding RNA Lnc-Rewind in muscle stem cells.
2021 Jan 12
Cipriano A(#), Macino M(#), Buonaiuto G
140. The gut microbiota is a transmissible determinant of skeletal maturation.
2021 Jan 12
Tyagi AM, Darby TM, Hsu E
141. Model-based spatial-temporal mapping of opisthorchiasis in endemic countries of Southeast Asia.
2021 Jan 12
Zhao TT, Feng YJ, Doanh PN
142. Globally defining the effects of mutations in a picornavirus capsid.
2021 Jan 12
Mattenberger F, Latorre V, Tirosh O
143. The clonal structure and dynamics of the human T cell response to an organic chemical hapten.
2021 Jan 12
Ronel T, Harries M, Wicks K
144. Random access parallel microscopy.
2021 Jan 12
Ashraf M(#), Mohanan S(#), Sim BR(#)
145. Temporal evolution of single-cell transcriptomes of Drosophila olfactory projection neurons.
2021 Jan 11
Xie Q, Brbic M, Horns F
146. Single-cell chromatin accessibility profiling of glioblastoma identifies an invasive cancer stem cell population associated with lower survival.
2021 Jan 11
Guilhamon P, Chesnelong C, Kushida MM
147. Microsecond interaural time difference discrimination restored by cochlear implants after neonatal deafness.
2021 Jan 11
Rosskothen-Kuhl N(#), Buck AN(#), Li K
148. Selfing is the safest sex for Caenorhabditis tropicalis.
2021 Jan 11
Noble LM, Yuen J, Stevens L
149. A survey of early-career researchers in Australia.
2021 Jan 11
Christian K, Johnstone C, Larkins JA
150. A fungal member of the Arabidopsis thaliana phyllosphere antagonizes Albugo laibachii via a GH25 lysozyme.
2021 Jan 11
Eitzen K, Sengupta P, Kroll S
151. A rapid whisker-based decision underlying skilled locomotion in mice.
2021 Jan 11
Warren RA, Zhang Q, Hoffman JR
152. Stochastic asymmetric repartition of lytic machinery in dividing CD8(+) T cells generates heterogeneous killing behavior.
2021 Jan 11
Lafouresse F(#), Jugele R(#), Müller S
153. Lapses in perceptual decisions reflect exploration.
2021 Jan 11
Pisupati S(#), Chartarifsky-Lynn L(#), Khanal A
154. Use of signals of positive and negative selection to distinguish cancer genes and passenger genes.
2021 Jan 11
Bányai L, Trexler M, Kerekes K
155. Development of antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity function in HIV-1 antibodies.
2021 Jan 11
Doepker LE(#), Danon S(#), Harkins E
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