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2021 Aug (169)
2021 Jul (206)
2021 Jun (183)
2021 May (154)
2021 Apr (172)
2021 Mar (210)
2021 Feb (166)
2021 Jan (155)
1. Rab5 and Rab11 maintain hematopoietic homeostasis by restricting multiple signaling pathways in Drosophila.
2021 Feb 9
Yu S, Luo F, Jin LH.
2. Developmental hourglass and heterochronic shifts in fin and limb development.
2021 Feb 9
Onimaru K, Tatsumi K, Tanegashima C
3. An integrative study of five biological clocks in somatic and mental health.
2021 Feb 9
Jansen R(#), Han LK(#), Verhoeven JE
4. Improved lipidomic profile mediates the effects of adherence to healthy lifestyles on coronary heart disease.
2021 Feb 9
Si J, Li J, Yu C
5. Heterogeneity of murine periosteum progenitors involved in fracture healing.
2021 Feb 9
Matthews BG, Novak S, Sbrana FV
6. Intronic enhancer region governs transcript-specific Bdnf expression in rodent neurons.
2021 Feb 9
Tuvikene J, Esvald EE(#), Rähni A(#)
7. Shore crabs reveal novel evolutionary attributes of the mushroom body.
2021 Feb 9
Strausfeld N, Sayre ME.
8. Epidemiological transition to mortality and refracture following an initial fracture.
2021 Feb 9
Ho-Le TP, Tran TS, Bliuc D
9. The distinct roles of calcium in rapid control of neuronal glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
2021 Feb 8
Díaz-García CM, Meyer DJ, Nathwani N
10. shinyDepMap, a tool to identify targetable cancer genes and their functional connections from Cancer Dependency Map data.
2021 Feb 8
Shimada K, Bachman JA, Muhlich JL
11. Loss of cortical control over the descending pain modulatory system determines the development of the neuropathic pain state in rats.
2021 Feb 8
Drake RA, Steel KA, Apps R
12. Residue-by-residue analysis of cotranslational membrane protein integration in vivo.
2021 Feb 8
Nicolaus F(#), Metola A(#), Mermans D(#)
13. TWIST1 and chromatin regulatory proteins interact to guide neural crest cell differentiation.
2021 Feb 8
Fan X, Masamsetti VP, Sun JQ
14. Single-cell transcriptomes of developing and adult olfactory receptor neurons in Drosophila.
2021 Feb 8
McLaughlin CN(#), Brbić M(#), Xie Q
15. Negative feedback couples Hippo pathway activation with Kibra degradation independent of Yorkie-mediated transcription.
2021 Feb 8
Tokamov SA, Su T, Ullyot A
16. Controlling opioid receptor functional selectivity by targeting distinct subpockets of the orthosteric site.
2021 Feb 8
Uprety R(#), Che T(#), Zaidi SA(#)
17. Human primed ILCPs support endothelial activation through NF-κB signaling.
2021 Feb 8
Vanoni G, Ercolano G, Candiani S
18. A pentameric protein ring with novel architecture is required for herpesviral packaging.
2021 Feb 8
Didychuk AL, Gates SN, Gardner MR
19. Dynamic effects of genetic variation on gene expression revealed following hypoxic stress in cardiomyocytes.
2021 Feb 8
Ward MC(#), Banovich NE(#), Sarkar A
20. A call to eradicate non-inclusive terms from the life sciences.
2021 Feb 8
Khan A.
21. Regularities in species' niches reveal the world's climate regions.
2021 Feb 8
Calatayud J, Neuman M, Rojas A
22. SARS-CoV-2 S protein:ACE2 interaction reveals novel allosteric targets.
2021 Feb 8
Raghuvamsi PV(#), Tulsian NK(#), Samsudin F
23. Spinal cord precursors utilize neural crest cell mechanisms to generate hybrid peripheral myelinating glia.
2021 Feb 8
Fontenas L, Kucenas S.
24. Membrane-partitioned cell wall synthesis in mycobacteria.
2021 Feb 5
García-Heredia A, Kado T, Sein CE
25. Single molecule microscopy reveals key physical features of repair foci in living cells.
2021 Feb 5
Miné-Hattab J, Heltberg M, Villemeur M
26. Pancreatic progenitor epigenome maps prioritize type 2 diabetes risk genes with roles in development.
2021 Feb 5
Geusz RJ(#), Wang A(#), Chiou J(#)
27. Quantifying the impact of quarantine duration on COVID-19 transmission.
2021 Feb 5
Ashcroft P, Lehtinen S, Angst DC
28. Cycles, sources, and sinks: Conceptualizing how phosphate balance modulates carbon flux using yeast metabolic networks.
2021 Feb 5
Gupta R, Laxman S.
29. Dyshomeostatic modulation of Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels in a human neuronal model of KCNQ2 encephalopathy.
2021 Feb 5
Simkin D, Marshall KA, Vanoye CG
30. Protective effect of Mediterranean-type glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency against Plasmodium vivax malaria.
2021 Feb 5
Awab GR, Aaram F, Jamornthanyawat N
31. Evolutionary dynamics of transposable elements in bdelloid rotifers.
2021 Feb 5
Nowell RW, Wilson CG, Almeida P
32. Hormone-sensitive lipase couples intergenerational sterol metabolism to reproductive success.
2021 Feb 4
Heier C, Knittelfelder O, Hofbauer HF
33. Cell-density independent increased lymphocyte production and loss rates post-autologous HSCT.
2021 Feb 4
Baliu-Piqué M(#), van Hoeven V(#), Drylewicz J(#)
34. Like a clock in the rabbit's visual cortex.
2021 Feb 4
Chavane F, Contreras D.
35. Coupling between fast and slow oscillator circuits in Cancer borealis is temperature-compensated.
2021 Feb 4
Powell D(#), Haddad SA(#), Gorur-Shandilya S(#)
36. Spatial modulation of visual responses arises in cortex with active navigation.
2021 Feb 4
Diamanti EM, Reddy CB, Schröder S
37. Dimerisation of the PICTS complex via LC8/Cut-up drives co-transcriptional transposon silencing in Drosophila.
2021 Feb 4
Eastwood EL, Jara KA(#), Bornelöv S(#)
38. Tripartite suppression of fission yeast TORC1 signaling by the GATOR1-Sea3 complex, the TSC complex, and Gcn2 kinase.
2021 Feb 3
Fukuda T(#), Sofyantoro F(#), Tai YT
39. Drosophila uses a tripod gait across all walking speeds, and the geometry of the tripod is important for speed control.
2021 Feb 3
Chun C, Biswas T, Bhandawat V.
40. Gut Helicobacter presentation by multiple dendritic cell subsets enables context-specific regulatory T cell generation.
2021 Feb 3
Russler-Germain EV, Yi J, Young S
41. Distinct neural networks for the volitional control of vocal and manual actions in the monkey homologue of Broca's area.
2021 Feb 3
Gavrilov N, Nieder A.
42. DNA methylation meta-analysis reveals cellular alterations in psychosis and markers of treatment-resistant schizophrenia.
2021 Feb 26
Hannon E, Dempster EL, Mansell G
43. Brain endothelial cell TRPA1 channels initiate neurovascular coupling.
2021 Feb 26
Thakore P, Alvarado MG, Ali S
44. To choose or not to choose.
2021 Feb 26
Srinivasan S.
45. MetaHiC phage-bacteria infection network reveals active cycling phages of the healthy human gut.
2021 Feb 26
Marbouty M, Thierry A, Millot GA
46. TRex, a fast multi-animal tracking system with markerless identification, and 2D estimation of posture and visual fields.
2021 Feb 26
Walter T, Couzin ID.
47. Integron activity accelerates the evolution of antibiotic resistance.
2021 Feb 26
Souque C, Escudero JA(#), MacLean RC(#).
48. DUCT reveals architectural mechanisms contributing to bile duct recovery in a mouse model for Alagille syndrome.
2021 Feb 26
Hankeova S(#), Salplachta J(#), Zikmund T(#)
49. Open science takes on Parkinson's disease.
2021 Feb 25
Riley EA, Schekman R.
50. A multifaceted analysis reveals two distinct phases of chloroplast biogenesis during de-etiolation in Arabidopsis.
2021 Feb 25
Pipitone R, Eicke S, Pfister B
51. Identification of host proteins differentially associated with HIV-1 RNA splice variants.
2021 Feb 25
Knoener R, Evans E 3rd, Becker JT
52. The SWELL1-LRRC8 complex regulates endothelial AKT-eNOS signaling and vascular function.
2021 Feb 25
Alghanem AF, Abello J, Maurer JM
53. A Non-stop identity complex (NIC) supervises enterocyte identity and protects from premature aging.
2021 Feb 25
Erez N, Israitel L, Bitman-Lotan E
54. Graphical-model framework for automated annotation of cell identities in dense cellular images.
2021 Feb 24
Chaudhary S, Lee SA, Li Y
55. Specialized contributions of mid-tier stages of dorsal and ventral pathways to stereoscopic processing in macaque.
2021 Feb 24
Yoshioka TW, Doi T, Abdolrahmani M
56. Glycine acylation and trafficking of a new class of bacterial lipoprotein by a composite secretion system.
2021 Feb 24
Icke C, Hodges FJ, Pullela K
57. Real-time monitoring of peptidoglycan synthesis by membrane-reconstituted penicillin-binding proteins.
2021 Feb 24
Hernández-Rocamora VM(#), Baranova N(#), Peters K
58. Exocyst-mediated membrane trafficking of the lissencephaly-associated ECM receptor dystroglycan is required for proper brain compartmentalization.
2021 Feb 23
Yatsenko AS(#), Kucherenko MM(#), Xie Y
59. A single-chain and fast-responding light-inducible Cre recombinase as a novel optogenetic switch.
2021 Feb 23
Duplus-Bottin H, Spichty M, Triqueneaux G
60. Shape deformation analysis reveals the temporal dynamics of cell-type-specific homeostatic and pathogenic responses to mutant huntingtin.
2021 Feb 23
Megret L, Gris B, Sasidharan Nair S
61. Viral load and contact heterogeneity predict SARS-CoV-2 transmission and super-spreading events.
2021 Feb 23
Goyal A, Reeves DB, Cardozo-Ojeda EF
62. Deficient spermiogenesis in mice lacking Rlim.
2021 Feb 23
Wang F, Gervasi MG, Bošković A
63. Molecular basis for functional connectivity between the voltage sensor and the selectivity filter gate in Shaker K(+) channels.
2021 Feb 23
Bassetto CA, Carvalho-de-Souza JL, Bezanilla F.
64. Toxins, mutations and adaptations.
2021 Feb 23
De Jong M, Alto NM.
65. A nuclease- and bisulfite-based strategy captures strand-specific R-loops genome-wide.
2021 Feb 23
Wulfridge P, Sarma K.
66. Dissecting phenotypic transitions in metastatic disease via photoconversion-based isolation.
2021 Feb 23
Sela Y(#), Li J(#), Kuri P
67. Physically asymmetric division of the C. elegans zygote ensures invariably successful embryogenesis.
2021 Feb 23
Jankele R, Jelier R, Gönczy P.
68. Three-dimensional reconstruction of a whole insect reveals its phloem sap-sucking mechanism at nano-resolution.
2021 Feb 23
Wang XQ(#), Guo JS(#), Li DT
69. COVID-19 CG enables SARS-CoV-2 mutation and lineage tracking by locations and dates of interest.
2021 Feb 23
Chen AT, Altschuler K, Zhan SH(#)
70. DDK regulates replication initiation by controlling the multiplicity of Cdc45-GINS binding to Mcm2-7.
2021 Feb 22
De Jesús-Kim L, Friedman LJ, Lõoke M
71. Incomplete removal of extracellular glutamate controls synaptic transmission and integration at a cerebellar synapse.
2021 Feb 22
Balmer TS, Borges-Merjane C, Trussell LO.
72. Accelerating with FlyBrainLab the discovery of the functional logic of the Drosophila brain in the connectomic and synaptomic era.
2021 Feb 22
Lazar AA, Liu T, Turkcan MK
73. Evolutionary shifts in taste coding in the fruit pest Drosophila suzukii.
2021 Feb 22
Dweck HK, Talross GJ, Wang W
74. Dichloroacetate reverses sepsis-induced hepatic metabolic dysfunction.
2021 Feb 22
Mainali R(#), Zabalawi M(#), Long D
75. Dynamic interactions between the RNA chaperone Hfq, small regulatory RNAs, and mRNAs in live bacterial cells.
2021 Feb 22
Park S(#), Prévost K(#), Heideman EM(#)
76. Investigation of Drosophila fruitless neurons that express Dpr/DIP cell adhesion molecules.
2021 Feb 22
Brovero SG(#), Fortier JC(#), Hu H(#)
77. Integration of IL-2 and IL-4 signals coordinates divergent regulatory T cell responses and drives therapeutic efficacy.
2021 Feb 22
Zhou JY, Alvarez CA, Cobb BA.
78. Identifying molecular features that are associated with biological function of intrinsically disordered protein regions.
2021 Feb 22
Zarin T, Strome B, Peng G
79. March Mammal Madness and the power of narrative in science outreach.
2021 Feb 22
Hinde K, Amorim CEG, Brokaw AF
80. Functional reallocation of sensory processing resources caused by long-term neural adaptation to altered optics.
2021 Feb 22
Barbot A, Park WJ, Ng CJ
81. Celsr1 adhesive interactions mediate the asymmetric organization of planar polarity complexes.
2021 Feb 2
Stahley SN, Basta LP, Sharan R
82. A modular approach to integrating multiple data sources into real-time clinical prediction for pediatric diarrhea.
2021 Feb 2
Brintz BJ, Haaland B, Howard J
83. Iron derived from autophagy-mediated ferritin degradation induces cardiomyocyte death and heart failure in mice.
2021 Feb 2
Ito J, Omiya S, Rusu MC
84. Gross ways to live long: Parasitic worms as an anti-inflammaging therapy?
2021 Feb 2
Zhang B, Gems D.
85. SATB2 induction of a neural crest mesenchyme-like program drives melanoma invasion and drug resistance.
2021 Feb 2
Fazio M(#), van Rooijen E(#), Dang M
86. Leptin receptor neurons in the dorsomedial hypothalamus regulate diurnal patterns of feeding, locomotion, and metabolism.
2021 Feb 2
Faber CL, Deem JD, Phan BA
87. Emergence and propagation of epistasis in metabolic networks.
2021 Feb 2
Kryazhimskiy S.
88. Visualizing traumatic brain injuries.
2021 Feb 2
Ekker M.
89. Convergent organization of aberrant MYB complex controls oncogenic gene expression in acute myeloid leukemia.
2021 Feb 2
Takao S(#), Forbes L(#), Uni M(#)
90. Seizures are a druggable mechanistic link between TBI and subsequent tauopathy.
2021 Feb 2
Alyenbaawi H, Kanyo R, Locskai LF
91. Regenerative neurogenic response from glia requires insulin-driven neuron-glia communication.
2021 Feb 2
Harrison NJ(#), Connolly E(#), Gascón Gubieda A
92. A small-molecule ICMT inhibitor delays senescence of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome cells.
2021 Feb 2
Chen X, Yao H, Kashif M
93. A remote sensing derived data set of 100 million individual tree crowns for the National Ecological Observatory Network.
2021 Feb 19
Weinstein BG, Marconi S, Bohlman SA
94. Redox controls RecA protein activity via reversible oxidation of its methionine residues.
2021 Feb 19
Henry C, Loiseau L, Vergnes A
95. LAP2alpha maintains a mobile and low assembly state of A-type lamins in the nuclear interior.
2021 Feb 19
Naetar N(#), Georgiou K(#), Knapp C
96. Myosin with hypertrophic cardiac mutation R712L has a decreased working stroke which is rescued by omecamtiv mecarbil.
2021 Feb 19
Snoberger A, Barua B, Atherton JL
97. Molecular structures of the eukaryotic retinal importer ABCA4.
2021 Feb 19
Liu F, Lee J, Chen J.
98. Repressing Ago2 mRNA translation by Trim71 maintains pluripotency through inhibiting let-7 microRNAs.
2021 Feb 18
Liu Q, Chen X, Novak MK
99. Medium spiny neurons activity reveals the discrete segregation of mouse dorsal striatum.
2021 Feb 18
Alegre-Cortés J(#), Sáez M(#), Montanari R
100. Control of feeding by Piezo-mediated gut mechanosensation in Drosophila.
2021 Feb 18
Min S, Oh Y, Verma P
101. Volatile DMNT directly protects plants against Plutella xylostella by disrupting the peritrophic matrix barrier in insect midgut.
2021 Feb 18
Chen C(#), Chen H(#), Huang S(#)
102. Virus infection of the CNS disrupts the immune-neural-synaptic axis via induction of pleiotropic gene regulation of host responses.
2021 Feb 18
Maximova OA, Sturdevant DE, Kash JC
103. High-quality carnivoran genomes from roadkill samples enable comparative species delineation in aardwolf and bat-eared fox.
2021 Feb 18
Allio R, Tilak MK, Scornavacca C
104. Short-term exposure to intermittent hypoxia leads to changes in gene expression seen in chronic pulmonary disease.
2021 Feb 18
Wu G(#), Lee YY(#), Gulla EM
105. Theory for the optimal detection of time-varying signals in cellular sensing systems.
2021 Feb 17
Malaguti G, Ten Wolde PR.
106. Divergence in alternative polyadenylation contributes to gene regulatory differences between humans and chimpanzees.
2021 Feb 17
Mittleman BE, Pott S, Warland S
107. The kinase PDK1 is critical for promoting T follicular helper cell differentiation.
2021 Feb 17
Sun Z(#), Yao Y(#), You M(#)
108. The temporal and spectral characteristics of expectations and prediction errors in pain and thermoception.
2021 Feb 17
Strube A, Rose M, Fazeli S
109. HAT cofactor TRRAP modulates microtubule dynamics via SP1 signaling to prevent neurodegeneration.
2021 Feb 17
Tapias A(#), Lázaro D(#), Yin BK(#)
110. Three-dimensional biofilm colony growth supports a mutualism involving matrix and nutrient sharing.
2021 Feb 17
Arjes HA, Willis L, Gui H
111. One-shot analysis of translated mammalian lncRNAs with AHARIBO.
2021 Feb 17
Minati L(#), Firrito C(#), Del Piano A(#)
112. Differential activation of JAK-STAT signaling reveals functional compartmentalization in Drosophila blood progenitors.
2021 Feb 17
Rodrigues D, Renaud Y, VijayRaghavan K
113. Cohesin architecture and clustering in vivo.
2021 Feb 17
Xiang S, Koshland D.
114. Exposing distinct subcortical components of the auditory brainstem response evoked by continuous naturalistic speech.
2021 Feb 17
Polonenko MJ, Maddox RK.
115. Olig3 regulates early cerebellar development.
2021 Feb 16
Lowenstein ED(#), Rusanova A(#), Stelzer J
116. Individual variation in Achilles tendon morphology and geometry changes susceptibility to injury.
2021 Feb 16
Yin NH, Fromme P, McCarthy I
117. A paucigranulocytic asthma host environment promotes the emergence of virulent influenza viral variants.
2021 Feb 16
Hulme KD, Karawita AC, Pegg C
118. A spinoparabrachial circuit defined by Tacr1 expression drives pain.
2021 Feb 16
Barik A, Sathyamurthy A, Thompson J
119. An atlas of neural crest lineages along the posterior developing zebrafish at single-cell resolution.
2021 Feb 16
Howard AG 4th(#), Baker PA(#), Ibarra-García-Padilla R
120. In vivo proteomic mapping through GFP-directed proximity-dependent biotin labelling in zebrafish.
2021 Feb 16
Xiong Z, Lo HP, McMahon KA
121. Structural basis of Stu2 recruitment to yeast kinetochores.
2021 Feb 16
Zahm JA(#), Stewart MG(#), Carrier JS
122. Mitochondrial copper and phosphate transporter specificity was defined early in the evolution of eukaryotes.
2021 Feb 16
Zhu X(#), Boulet A(#), Buckley KM(#)
123. A critical residue in the α(1)M2-M3 linker regulating mammalian GABA(A) receptor pore gating by diazepam.
2021 Feb 16
Nors JW, Gupta S, Goldschen-Ohm MP.
124. Failure to progress.
2021 Feb 16
Greig D, Ono J.
125. Antimicrobial resistance and COVID-19: Intersections and implications.
2021 Feb 16
Knight GM, Glover RE, McQuaid CF
126. Proximity proteomics in a marine diatom reveals a putative cell surface-to-chloroplast iron trafficking pathway.
2021 Feb 16
Turnšek J, Brunson JK, Viedma MDPM
127. Early postnatal interactions between beige adipocytes and sympathetic neurites regulate innervation of subcutaneous fat.
2021 Feb 16
Chi J, Lin Z(#), Barr W(#)
128. Bardet-Biedl syndrome 3 protein promotes ciliary exit of the signaling protein phospholipase D via the BBSome.
2021 Feb 15
Liu YX(#), Xue B(#), Sun WY
129. Complex structures of Rsu1 and PINCH1 reveal a regulatory mechanism of the ILK/PINCH/Parvin complex for F-actin dynamics.
2021 Feb 15
Yang H(#), Lin L(#), Sun K
130. α-Synuclein plasma membrane localization correlates with cellular phosphatidylinositol polyphosphate levels.
2021 Feb 15
Jacob RS(#), Eichmann C(#), Dema A
131. Temporo-parietal cortex involved in modeling one's own and others' attention.
2021 Feb 15
Guterstam A, Bio BJ, Wilterson AI
132. GWAS of three molecular traits highlights core genes and pathways alongside a highly polygenic background.
2021 Feb 15
Sinnott-Armstrong N(#), Naqvi S(#), Rivas M
133. From local resynchronization to global pattern recovery in the zebrafish segmentation clock.
2021 Feb 15
Uriu K(#), Liao BK(#), Oates AC
134. SNPC-1.3 is a sex-specific transcription factor that drives male piRNA expression in C. elegans.
2021 Feb 15
Choi CP(#), Tay RJ(#), Starostik MR
135. Phasic oxygen dynamics confounds fast choline-sensitive biosensor signals in the brain of behaving rodents.
2021 Feb 15
Santos RM, Sirota A.
136. A β-catenin-driven switch in TCF/LEF transcription factor binding to DNA target sites promotes commitment of mammalian nephron progenitor cells.
2021 Feb 15
Guo Q, Kim A, Li B
137. Anatomy and activity patterns in a multifunctional motor neuron and its surrounding circuits.
2021 Feb 15
Ashaber M(#), Tomina Y(#), Kassraian P(#)
138. BipA exerts temperature-dependent translational control of biofilm-associated colony morphology in Vibrio cholerae.
2021 Feb 12
Del Peso Santos T, Alvarez L, Sit B
139. Cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular reactivity are preserved in a mouse model of cerebral microvascular amyloidosis.
2021 Feb 12
Munting LP, Derieppe M, Suidgeest E
140. Precise base editing for the in vivo study of developmental signaling and human pathologies in zebrafish.
2021 Feb 12
Rosello M, Vougny J, Czarny F
141. Unite to predict.
2021 Feb 12
Kothari M, Belsky DW.
142. Deciding when to exit.
2021 Feb 12
Meserve JH, Duronio RJ.
143. Basis of specificity for a conserved and promiscuous chromatin remodeling protein.
2021 Feb 12
Donovan DA, Crandall JG, Truong VN
144. EKLF/KLF1 expression defines a unique macrophage subset during mouse erythropoiesis.
2021 Feb 11
Mukherjee K, Xue L, Planutis A
145. Cytoneme delivery of Sonic Hedgehog from ligand-producing cells requires Myosin 10 and a Dispatched-BOC/CDON co-receptor complex.
2021 Feb 11
Hall ET, Dillard ME, Stewart DP
146. Constructing and optimizing 3D atlases from 2D data with application to the developing mouse brain.
2021 Feb 11
Young DM, Fazel Darbandi S, Schwartz G
147. Dissociation of task engagement and arousal effects in auditory cortex and midbrain.
2021 Feb 11
Saderi D, Schwartz ZP, Heller CR
148. The Spike D614G mutation increases SARS-CoV-2 infection of multiple human cell types.
2021 Feb 11
Daniloski Z(#), Jordan TX(#), Ilmain JK
149. Transsynaptic mapping of Drosophila mushroom body output neurons.
2021 Feb 11
Scaplen KM, Talay M, Fisher JD
150. The allosteric modulation of complement C5 by knob domain peptides.
2021 Feb 11
Macpherson A, Laabei M, Ahdash Z
151. Enhancing mitochondrial activity in neurons protects against neurodegeneration in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis.
2021 Feb 10
Rosenkranz SC, Shaposhnykov AA, Träger S
152. Structure and mechanism of a phage-encoded SAM lyase revises catalytic function of enzyme family.
2021 Feb 10
Guo X(#), Söderholm A(#), Kanchugal P S(#)
153. Perinatal granulopoiesis and risk of pediatric asthma.
2021 Feb 10
Turturice BA, Theorell J, Koenig MD
154. To lie or not to lie: Super-relaxing with myosins.
2021 Feb 10
Nag S(#), Trivedi DV(#).
155. In-host population dynamics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex during active disease.
2021 Feb 1
Vargas R, Freschi L, Marin M
156. The human origin recognition complex is essential for pre-RC assembly, mitosis, and maintenance of nuclear structure.
2021 Feb 1
Chou HC(#), Bhalla K(#), Demerdesh OE
157. Performance in even a simple perceptual task depends on mouse secondary visual areas.
2021 Feb 1
Goldbach HC(#), Akitake B(#), Leedy CE
158. Robustness of the microtubule network self-organization in epithelia.
2021 Feb 1
Płochocka AZ, Ramirez Moreno M, Davie AM
159. Laminar-specific cortico-cortical loops in mouse visual cortex.
2021 Feb 1
Young H, Belbut B, Baeta M
160. Global, cell non-autonomous gene regulation drives individual lifespan among isogenic C. elegans.
2021 Feb 1
Kinser HE, Mosley MC, Plutzer IB
161. Surprising phenotypic diversity of cancer-associated mutations of Gly 34 in the histone H3 tail.
2021 Feb 1
Lowe BR, Yadav RK, Henry RA
162. Evolutionary transcriptomics implicates HAND2 in the origins of implantation and regulation of gestation length.
2021 Feb 1
Marinić M, Mika K, Chigurupati S
163. Dual midbrain and forebrain origins of thalamic inhibitory interneurons.
2021 Feb 1
Jager P, Moore G, Calpin P
164. Pre-existing bilayer stresses modulate triglyceride accumulation in the ER versus lipid droplets.
2021 Feb 1
Zoni V(#), Khaddaj R(#), Campomanes P
165. Non-genetic inheritance restraint of cell-to-cell variation.
2021 Feb 1
Vashistha H, Kohram M, Salman H.
166. The genetic landscape for amyloid beta fibril nucleation accurately discriminates familial Alzheimer's disease mutations.
2021 Feb 1
Seuma M, Faure AJ, Badia M
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