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2021 Aug (169)
2021 Jul (206)
2021 Jun (183)
2021 May (154)
2021 Apr (172)
2021 Mar (210)
2021 Feb (166)
2021 Jan (155)
1. Binocular rivalry reveals an out-of-equilibrium neural dynamics suited for decision-making.
2021 Aug 9
Cao R, Pastukhov A, Aleshin S
2. Neural mechanisms of modulations of empathy and altruism by beliefs of others' pain.
2021 Aug 9
Wu T, Han S.
3. Hsp40s play complementary roles in the prevention of tau amyloid formation.
2021 Aug 9
Irwin R(#), Faust O(#), Petrovic I
4. Variation in the modality of a yeast signaling pathway is mediated by a single regulator.
2021 Aug 9
Palme J(#), Wang J(#), Springer M.
5. Purkinje cell outputs selectively inhibit a subset of unipolar brush cells in the input layer of the cerebellar cortex.
2021 Aug 9
Guo C, Rudolph S, Neuwirth ME
6. Galectin-9 regulates the threshold of B cell activation and autoimmunity.
2021 Aug 9
Smith LK, Fawaz K, Treanor B.
7. Cis-regulatory variants affect gene expression dynamics in yeast.
2021 Aug 9
Shih CH, Fay J.
8. Unexpected plasticity in the life cycle of Trypanosoma brucei.
2021 Aug 6
Schuster S(#), Lisack J(#), Subota I(#)
9. Glypicans define unique roles for the Hedgehog co-receptors boi and ihog in cytoneme-mediated gradient formation.
2021 Aug 6
Simon E(#), Jiménez-Jiménez C(#), Seijo-Barandiarán I
10. The need for practical insecticide-resistance guidelines to effectively inform mosquito-borne disease control programs.
2021 Aug 6
Namias A, Jobe NB, Paaijmans KP
11. Non-linear dimensionality reduction on extracellular waveforms reveals cell type diversity in premotor cortex.
2021 Aug 6
Lee EK, Balasubramanian H, Tsolias A
12. Discovery and characterization of H(v)1-type proton channels in reef-building corals.
2021 Aug 6
Rangel-Yescas G, Cervantes C, Cervantes-Rocha MA
13. Naa12 compensates for Naa10 in mice in the amino-terminal acetylation pathway.
2021 Aug 6
Kweon HY(#), Lee MN(#), Dorfel M
14. Expanding the MECP2 network using comparative genomics reveals potential therapeutic targets for Rett syndrome.
2021 Aug 6
Unterman I, Bloch I, Cazacu S
15. Characterization of cephalic and non-cephalic sensory cell types provides insight into joint photo- and mechanoreceptor evolution.
2021 Aug 5
Revilla-I-Domingo R, Rajan VBV, Waldherr M
16. Ancient viral genomes reveal introduction of human pathogenic viruses into Mexico during the transatlantic slave trade.
2021 Aug 5
Guzmán-Solís AA, Villa-Islas V, Bravo-López MJ
17. Evolution of diversity in metabolic strategies.
2021 Aug 5
Caetano R, Ispolatov Y, Doebeli M.
18. Unsupervised machine learning reveals key immune cell subsets in COVID-19, rhinovirus infection, and cancer therapy.
2021 Aug 5
Barone SM(#), Paul AG(#), Muehling LM(#)
19. Met and Cxcr4 cooperate to protect skeletal muscle stem cells against inflammation-induced damage during regeneration.
2021 Aug 5
Lahmann I, Griger J, Chen JS
20. Risk of motor vehicle collisions after methadone use.
2021 Aug 5
Yang YH, Ho PS, Wu TN
21. Adipocyte NR1D1 dictates adipose tissue expansion during obesity.
2021 Aug 5
Hunter AL(#), Pelekanou CE(#), Barron NJ
22. Precise optical control of gene expression in C elegans using improved genetic code expansion and Cre recombinase.
2021 Aug 5
Davis L, Radman I(#), Goutou A(#)
23. How lung cancer cells change identity.
2021 Aug 4
von Itzstein MS, Drapkin BJ, Minna JD.
24. The genomic consequences of hybridization.
2021 Aug 4
Moran BM(#), Payne C(#), Langdon Q
25. Ciliary chemosensitivity is enhanced by cilium geometry and motility.
2021 Aug 4
Hickey D, Vilfan A, Golestanian R.
26. When a virus lies in wait.
2021 Aug 4
Taussig D, Wine Y.
27. Ciliary and extraciliary Gpr161 pools repress hedgehog signaling in a tissue-specific manner.
2021 Aug 4
Hwang SH, Somatilaka BN, White K
28. Gjd2b-mediated gap junctions promote glutamatergic synapse formation and dendritic elaboration in Purkinje neurons.
2021 Aug 4
Sitaraman S(#), Yadav G(#), Agarwal V
29. Identification of abscission checkpoint bodies as structures that regulate ESCRT factors to control abscission timing.
2021 Aug 4
Strohacker LK, Mackay DR, Whitney MA
30. Alternative strategies for closing the award gap between white and minority ethnic students.
2021 Aug 4
Cramer L.
31. Rolling controls sperm navigation in response to the dynamic rheological properties of the environment.
2021 Aug 4
Zaferani M, Javi F, Mokhtare A
32. A low Smc flux avoids collisions and facilitates chromosome organization in Bacillus subtilis.
2021 Aug 4
Anchimiuk A, Lioy VS, Bock FP
33. Studying evolution of the primary body axis in vivo and in vitro.
2021 Aug 31
Anlas K, Trivedi V.
34. Inducible and reversible inhibition of miRNA-mediated gene repression in vivo.
2021 Aug 31
La Rocca G(#), King B(#), Shui B
35. Leveraging the Mendelian disorders of the epigenetic machinery to systematically map functional epigenetic variation.
2021 Aug 31
Luperchio TR(#), Boukas L(#), Zhang L
36. YAP and TAZ are transcriptional co-activators of AP-1 proteins and STAT3 during breast cellular transformation.
2021 Aug 31
He L(#), Pratt H(#), Gao M(#)
37. TGFβ signalling is required to maintain pluripotency of human naïve pluripotent stem cells.
2021 Aug 31
Osnato A, Brown S, Krueger C
38. Mutational sources of trans-regulatory variation affecting gene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
2021 Aug 31
Duveau F, Vande Zande P, Metzger BP
39. Sterically confined rearrangements of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein control cell invasion.
2021 Aug 31
Dodero-Rojas E, Onuchic JN, Whitford PC.
40. Edge-strand of BepA interacts with immature LptD on the β-barrel assembly machine to direct it to on- and off-pathways.
2021 Aug 31
Miyazaki R, Watanabe T, Yoshitani K
41. Decoding the brain state-dependent relationship between pupil dynamics and resting state fMRI signal fluctuation.
2021 Aug 31
Sobczak F, Pais-Roldán P, Takahashi K
42. Spectral signature and behavioral consequence of spontaneous shifts of pupil-linked arousal in human.
2021 Aug 31
Podvalny E, King LE, He BJ.
43. Correction of amblyopia in cats and mice after the critical period.
2021 Aug 31
Fong MF(#), Duffy KR(#), Leet MP
44. What can we learn from honey bees?
2021 Aug 31
Schwartzman JA.
45. Thrombopoietin from hepatocytes promotes hematopoietic stem cell regeneration after myeloablation.
2021 Aug 31
Gao L(#), Decker M(#), Chen H
46. The mechanism of MICU-dependent gating of the mitochondrial Ca(2+)uniporter.
2021 Aug 31
Garg V, Suzuki J, Paranjpe I
47. Instability in NAD(+) metabolism leads to impaired cardiac mitochondrial function and communication.
2021 Aug 3
Lauritzen KH, Olsen MB, Ahmed MS
48. A quadratic model captures the human V1 response to variations in chromatic direction and contrast.
2021 Aug 3
Barnett MA, Aguirre GK, Brainard D.
49. Within-host evolutionary dynamics of seasonal and pandemic human influenza A viruses in young children.
2021 Aug 3
Han AX(#), Felix Garza ZC(#), Welkers MR(#)
50. CLAMP and Zelda function together to promote Drosophila zygotic genome activation.
2021 Aug 3
Duan J(#), Rieder L(#), Colonnetta MM
51. NICEdrug.ch, a workflow for rational drug design and systems-level analysis of drug metabolism.
2021 Aug 3
MohammadiPeyhani H, Chiappino-Pepe A(#), Haddadi K(#)
52. Pharmacological rescue of impaired mitophagy in Parkinson's disease-related LRRK2 G2019S knock-in mice.
2021 Aug 3
Singh F, Prescott AR, Rosewell P
53. Physiological and motion signatures in static and time-varying functional connectivity and their subject identifiability.
2021 Aug 3
Xifra-Porxas A(#), Kassinopoulos M(#), Mitsis GD.
54. Endomembrane targeting of human OAS1 p46 augments antiviral activity.
2021 Aug 3
Soveg FW(#), Schwerk J(#), Gokhale NS
55. Role of direct and indirect social and spatial ties in the diffusion of HIV and HCV among people who inject drugs: a cross-sectional community-based network analysis in New Delhi, India.
2021 Aug 3
Clipman SJ, Mehta SH, Srikrishnan AK
56. EPHX1 mutations cause a lipoatrophic diabetes syndrome due to impaired epoxide hydrolysis and increased cellular senescence.
2021 Aug 3
Gautheron J, Morisseau C, Chung WK
57. Cortical magnification in human visual cortex parallels task performance around the visual field.
2021 Aug 3
Benson NC, Kupers ER, Barbot A
58. Selective dephosphorylation by PP2A-B55 directs the meiosis I-meiosis II transition in oocytes.
2021 Aug 3
Swartz SZ, Nguyen HT, McEwan BC
59. The role of ventromedial prefrontal cortex in reward valuation and future thinking during intertemporal choice.
2021 Aug 3
Ciaramelli E, De Luca F, Kwan D
60. A precisely adjustable, variation-suppressed eukaryotic transcriptional controller to enable genetic discovery.
2021 Aug 3
Azizoglu A, Brent R(#), Rudolf F(#).
61. C. elegans does a spit take.
2021 Aug 3
Hendricks M.
62. Oxaliplatin resistance in colorectal cancer enhances TRAIL sensitivity via death receptor 4 upregulation and lipid raft localization.
2021 Aug 3
Greenlee JD, Lopez-Cavestany M, Ortiz-Otero N
63. Parallel evolution between genomic segments of seasonal human influenza viruses reveals RNA-RNA relationships.
2021 Aug 27
Jones JE, Le Sage V, Padovani GH
64. Sleeping at the switch.
2021 Aug 27
Bouchard M, Lina JM, Gaudreault PO
65. NHR-8 and P-glycoproteins uncouple xenobiotic resistance from longevity in chemosensory C. elegans mutants.
2021 Aug 27
Guerrero GA(#), Derisbourg MJ(#), Mayr FA
66. MACF1 controls skeletal muscle function through the microtubule-dependent localization of extra-synaptic myonuclei and mitochondria biogenesis.
2021 Aug 27
Ghasemizadeh A, Christin E, Guiraud A
67. Apical contacts stemming from incomplete delamination guide progenitor cell allocation through a dragging mechanism.
2021 Aug 27
Pulgar E, Schwayer C, Guerrero N
68. PRMT5 regulates ovarian follicle development by facilitating Wt1 translation.
2021 Aug 27
Chen M(#), Dong F(#), Chen M
69. Effects of common mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 Spike RBD and its ligand, the human ACE2 receptor on binding affinity and kinetics.
2021 Aug 26
Barton MI(#), MacGowan SA(#), Kutuzov MA
70. The structure of photosystem I from a high-light-tolerant cyanobacteria.
2021 Aug 26
Dobson Z, Ahad S, Vanlandingham J
71. Development and genetics of red coloration in the zebrafish relative Danio albolineatus.
2021 Aug 26
Huang D, Lewis VM, Foster TN
72. The pro-regenerative effects of hyperIL6 in drug-induced liver injury are unexpectedly due to competitive inhibition of IL11 signaling.
2021 Aug 26
Dong J, Viswanathan S, Adami E
73. Disintegration promotes protospacer integration by the Cas1-Cas2 complex.
2021 Aug 26
Ma CH, Javanmardi K, Finkelstein IJ
74. Endothelial junctional membrane protrusions serve as hotspots for neutrophil transmigration.
2021 Aug 25
Arts JJ, Mahlandt EK, Grönloh ML
75. HBO1-MLL interaction promotes AF4/ENL/P-TEFb-mediated leukemogenesis.
2021 Aug 25
Takahashi S, Kanai A, Okuda H
76. Crosstalk between nitric oxide and retinoic acid pathways is essential for amphioxus pharynx development.
2021 Aug 25
Caccavale F, Annona G, Subirana L
77. The roles of history, chance, and natural selection in the evolution of antibiotic resistance.
2021 Aug 25
Santos-Lopez A(#), Marshall CW(#), Haas AL
78. The BigBrainWarp toolbox for integration of BigBrain 3D histology with multimodal neuroimaging.
2021 Aug 25
Paquola C, Royer J, Lewis LB
79. Cancer risk perception and physician communication behaviors on cervical cancer and colorectal cancer screening.
2021 Aug 24
Harper DM, Tariq M, Alhawli A
80. Identification of neural progenitor cells and their progeny reveals long distance migration in the developing octopus brain.
2021 Aug 24
Deryckere A, Styfhals R, Elagoz AM
81. Stimulus-specific plasticity in human visual gamma-band activity and functional connectivity.
2021 Aug 24
Stauch BJ, Peter A, Schuler H
82. Analysis of meiosis in Pristionchus pacificus reveals plasticity in homolog pairing and synapsis in the nematode lineage.
2021 Aug 24
Rillo-Bohn R(#), Adilardi R(#), Mitros T
83. Augmin deficiency in neural stem cells causes p53-dependent apoptosis and aborts brain development.
2021 Aug 24
Viais R, Fariña-Mosquera M(#), Villamor-Payà M(#)
84. An evidence-based 3D reconstruction of Asteroxylon mackiei, the most complex plant preserved from the Rhynie chert.
2021 Aug 24
Hetherington AJ, Bridson SL, Lee Jones A
85. Superspreaders drive the largest outbreaks of hospital onset COVID-19 infections.
2021 Aug 24
Illingworth CJ(#), Hamilton WL(#), Warne B
86. A unified platform to manage, share, and archive morphological and functional data in insect neuroscience.
2021 Aug 24
Heinze S, El Jundi B, Berg BG
87. Reexamination of N-terminal domains of syntaxin-1 in vesicle fusion from central murine synapses.
2021 Aug 24
Vardar G, Salazar-Lázaro A, Brockmann M
88. Combinations of maternal-specific repressive epigenetic marks in the endosperm control seed dormancy.
2021 Aug 24
Sato H, Santos-González J, Köhler C.
89. An oomycete effector subverts host vesicle trafficking to channel starvation-induced autophagy to the pathogen interface.
2021 Aug 23
Pandey P(#), Leary AY(#), Tumtas Y
90. Urocortin-3 neurons in the mouse perifornical area promote infant-directed neglect and aggression.
2021 Aug 23
Autry AE, Wu Z, Kapoor V
91. Subventricular zone/white matter microglia reconstitute the empty adult microglial niche in a dynamic wave.
2021 Aug 23
Hohsfield LA, Najafi AR, Ghorbanian Y
92. Interferon receptor-deficient mice are susceptible to eschar-associated rickettsiosis.
2021 Aug 23
Burke TP, Engström P, Tran CJ
93. Loss of Mir146b with aging contributes to inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction in thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophages.
2021 Aug 23
Santeford A, Lee AY, Sene A
94. Integrated single-cell analysis unveils diverging immune features of COVID-19, influenza, and other community-acquired pneumonia.
2021 Aug 23
Schuurman AR(#), Reijnders TDY(#), Saris A
95. Emergence of a smooth interface from growth of a dendritic network against a mechanosensitive contractile material.
2021 Aug 23
Sharma M, Jiang T, Jiang ZC
96. Systematic morphological and morphometric analysis of identified olfactory receptor neurons in Drosophila melanogaster.
2021 Aug 23
Nava Gonzales C(#), McKaughan Q(#), Bushong EA
97. Hypoxia triggers collective aerotactic migration in Dictyostelium discoideum.
2021 Aug 20
Cochet-Escartin O(#), Demircigil M(#), Hirose S
98. Physiology and ecology combine to determine host and vector importance for Ross River virus.
2021 Aug 20
Kain MP(#), Skinner EB(#), van den Hurk AF
99. SARS-CoV-2 shedding dynamics across the respiratory tract, sex, and disease severity for adult and pediatric COVID-19.
2021 Aug 20
Chen PZ, Bobrovitz N, Premji ZA
100. Probing the effect of clustering on EphA2 receptor signaling efficiency by subcellular control of ligand-receptor mobility.
2021 Aug 20
Chen Z(#), Oh D(#), Biswas KH
101. N501Y mutation of spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 strengthens its binding to receptor ACE2.
2021 Aug 20
Tian F(#), Tong B(#), Sun L
102. Understanding neural signals of post-decisional performance monitoring: An integrative review.
2021 Aug 20
Desender K, Ridderinkhof KR, Murphy PR.
103. An engineered transcriptional reporter of protein localization identifies regulators of mitochondrial and ER membrane protein trafficking in high-throughput CRISPRi screens.
2021 Aug 20
Coukos R(#), Yao D(#), Sanchez MI
104. Natural variation in the consequences of gene overexpression and its implications for evolutionary trajectories.
2021 Aug 2
Robinson D, Place M, Hose J
105. Contrasting effects of Western vs Mediterranean diets on monocyte inflammatory gene expression and social behavior in a primate model.
2021 Aug 2
Johnson CSC, Shively CA, Michalson KT
106. Nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling of splicing factor SRSF1 is required for development and cilia function.
2021 Aug 2
Haward F(#), Maslon MM(#), Yeyati PL(#)
107. Interpreting wide-band neural activity using convolutional neural networks.
2021 Aug 2
Frey M, Tanni S, Perrodin C
108. Uniparental nuclear inheritance following bisexual mating in fungi.
2021 Aug 2
Yadav V, Sun S, Heitman J.
109. Deep learning detects cardiotoxicity in a high-content screen with induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes.
2021 Aug 2
Grafton F, Ho J, Ranjbarvaziri S
110. The development of Nanosota-1 as anti-SARS-CoV-2 nanobody drug candidates.
2021 Aug 2
Ye G(#), Gallant J(#), Zheng J(#)
111. An oscillating computational model can track pseudo-rhythmic speech by using linguistic predictions.
2021 Aug 2
Ten Oever S, Martin AE.
112. Characterization of the ABC methionine transporter from Neisseria meningitidis reveals that lipidated MetQ is required for interaction.
2021 Aug 19
Sharaf NG, Shahgholi M, Kim E
113. An essential, kinetoplastid-specific GDP-Fuc: β-D-Gal α-1,2-fucosyltransferase is located in the mitochondrion of Trypanosoma brucei.
2021 Aug 19
Bandini G(#), Damerow S(#), Sempaio Guther ML
114. Neural dynamics between anterior insular cortex and right supramarginal gyrus dissociate genuine affect sharing from perceptual saliency of pretended pain.
2021 Aug 19
Zhao Y, Zhang L, Rütgen M
115. Quantifying the relationship between genetic diversity and population size suggests natural selection cannot explain Lewontin's Paradox.
2021 Aug 19
Buffalo V.
116. TRPC3 and NALCN channels drive pacemaking in substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons.
2021 Aug 19
Um KB, Hahn S, Kim SW
117. TMEM120A contains a specific coenzyme A-binding site and might not mediate poking- or stretch-induced channel activities in cells.
2021 Aug 19
Rong Y(#), Jiang J(#), Gao Y
118. GIV/Girdin, a non-receptor modulator for Gαi/s, regulates spatiotemporal signaling during sperm capacitation and is required for male fertility.
2021 Aug 19
Reynoso S(#), Castillo V(#), Katkar GD(#)
119. The whale shark genome reveals patterns of vertebrate gene family evolution.
2021 Aug 19
Tan M, Redmond AK, Dooley H
120. Linker histone H1.8 inhibits chromatin binding of condensins and DNA topoisomerase II to tune chromosome length and individualization.
2021 Aug 18
Choppakatla P, Dekker B, Cutts EE
121. Innate immune activation by checkpoint inhibition in human patient-derived lung cancer tissues.
2021 Aug 18
Fan TW, Higashi RM, Song H
122. Multi-syndrome, multi-gene risk modeling for individuals with a family history of cancer with the novel R package PanelPRO.
2021 Aug 18
Lee G(#), Liang JW(#), Zhang Q
123. Cardiac pathologies in mouse loss of imprinting models are due to misexpression of H19 long noncoding RNA.
2021 Aug 17
Park KS(#), Rahat B(#), Lee HC
124. Dual mechanisms of opioid-induced respiratory depression in the inspiratory rhythm-generating network.
2021 Aug 17
Baertsch NA, Bush NE, Burgraff NJ
125. Cost-precision trade-off relation determines the optimal morphogen gradient for accurate biological pattern formation.
2021 Aug 17
Song Y, Hyeon C.
126. How will mosquitoes adapt to climate warming?
2021 Aug 17
Couper LI, Farner JE, Caldwell JM
127. NF1 regulates mesenchymal glioblastoma plasticity and aggressiveness through the AP-1 transcription factor FOSL1.
2021 Aug 17
Marques C, Unterkircher T, Kroon P
128. An in vitro stem cell model of human epiblast and yolk sac interaction.
2021 Aug 17
Mackinlay KM, Weatherbee BA, Souza Rosa V
129. Receptor repertoires of murine follicular T helper cells reveal a high clonal overlap in separate lymph nodes in autoimmunity.
2021 Aug 17
Niebuhr M, Belde J, Fähnrich A
130. A proteome-wide genetic investigation identifies several SARS-CoV-2-exploited host targets of clinical relevance.
2021 Aug 17
Anisul M, Shilts J, Schwartzentruber J
131. Insulin-producing β-cells regenerate ectopically from a mesodermal origin under the perturbation of hemato-endothelial specification.
2021 Aug 17
Liu KC, Villasenor A, Bertuzzi M
132. The development of active binocular vision under normal and alternate rearing conditions.
2021 Aug 17
Klimmasch L, Schneider J, Lelais A
133. KLF10 integrates circadian timing and sugar signaling to coordinate hepatic metabolism.
2021 Aug 17
Ruberto AA, Gréchez-Cassiau A, Guérin S
134. Spatially patterned excitatory neuron subtypes and projections of the claustrum.
2021 Aug 16
Erwin SR(#), Bristow BN(#), Sullivan KE
135. Single-cell RNA analysis identifies pre-migratory neural crest cells expressing markers of differentiated derivatives.
2021 Aug 16
Lencer E, Prekeris R, Artinger KB.
136. A CTP-dependent gating mechanism enables ParB spreading on DNA.
2021 Aug 16
Jalal AS, Tran NT, Stevenson CE
137. HIF1α is required for NK cell metabolic adaptation during virus infection.
2021 Aug 16
Victorino F, Bigley TM, Park E
138. Spinal lumbar dI2 interneurons contribute to stability of bipedal stepping.
2021 Aug 16
Haimson B, Hadas Y, Bernat N
139. Sustained expression of unc-4 homeobox gene and unc-37/Groucho in postmitotic neurons specifies the spatial organization of the cholinergic synapses in C. elegans.
2021 Aug 13
Kurashina M, Wang J, Lin J
140. Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor-based combination antiretroviral therapy is associated with lower cell-associated HIV RNA and DNA levels compared to protease inhibitor-based therapy.
2021 Aug 13
Pasternak AO, Vroom J, Kootstra NA
141. Intracellular functions and motile properties of bi-directional kinesin-5 Cin8 are regulated by neck linker docking.
2021 Aug 13
Goldstein-Levitin A, Pandey H, Allhuzaeel K
142. Patterns of within-host genetic diversity in SARS-CoV-2.
2021 Aug 13
Tonkin-Hill G(#), Martincorena I(#), Amato R
143. Adult stem cell-derived complete lung organoid models emulate lung disease in COVID-19.
2021 Aug 13
Tindle C(#), Fuller M(#), Fonseca A(#)
144. Rad53 checkpoint kinase regulation of DNA replication fork rate via Mrc1 phosphorylation.
2021 Aug 13
McClure AW, Diffley JF.
145. Imaging cytoplasmic lipid droplets in vivo with fluorescent perilipin 2 and perilipin 3 knock-in zebrafish.
2021 Aug 13
Wilson MH, Ekker SC, Farber SA.
146. Scaled, high fidelity electrophysiological, morphological, and transcriptomic cell characterization.
2021 Aug 13
Lee BR(#), Budzillo A(#), Hadley K
147. Widespread variation in heat tolerance and symbiont load are associated with growth tradeoffs in the coral Acropora hyacinthus in Palau.
2021 Aug 13
Cornwell B, Armstrong K, Walker NS
148. LMO2 is essential to maintain the ability of progenitors to differentiate into T-cell lineage in mice.
2021 Aug 12
Hirano KI(#), Hosokawa H(#), Koizumi M
149. Loss of N(1)-methylation of G37 in tRNA induces ribosome stalling and reprograms gene expression.
2021 Aug 12
Masuda I(#), Hwang JY(#), Christian T(#)
150. A feedback loop between the androgen receptor and 6-phosphogluoconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) drives prostate cancer growth.
2021 Aug 12
Gillis JL, Hinneh JA, Ryan NK
151. The cAMP effector PKA mediates Moody GPCR signaling in Drosophila blood-brain barrier formation and maturation.
2021 Aug 12
Li X, Fetter R, Schwabe T
152. Gaps in global wildlife trade monitoring leave amphibians vulnerable.
2021 Aug 12
Hughes AC(#), Marshall BM(#), Strine CT.
153. A genetic intervention.
2021 Aug 12
Sutherland C, Menard D.
154. A comprehensive look at the COVID-19 pandemic death toll.
2021 Aug 12
Simonsen L, Viboud C.
155. Quantitative control of noise in mammalian gene expression by dynamic histone regulation.
2021 Aug 11
Tan D(#), Chen R(#), Mo Y(#)
156. Tonic interferon restricts pathogenic IL-17-driven inflammatory disease via balancing the microbiome.
2021 Aug 11
Marié IJ, Brambilla L, Azzouz D
157. Separable pupillary signatures of perception and action during perceptual multistability.
2021 Aug 11
Brascamp JW, de Hollander G, Wertheimer MD
158. Human immunocompetent Organ-on-Chip platforms allow safety profiling of tumor-targeted T-cell bispecific antibodies.
2021 Aug 11
Kerns SJ(#), Belgur C(#), Petropolis D
159. A bone-specific adipogenesis pathway in fat-free mice defines key origins and adaptations of bone marrow adipocytes with age and disease.
2021 Aug 11
Zhang X(#), Robles H(#), Magee KL
160. TMEM120A is a coenzyme A-binding membrane protein with structural similarities to ELOVL fatty acid elongase.
2021 Aug 10
Xue J, Han Y, Baniasadi H
161. Genetic surveillance in the Greater Mekong subregion and South Asia to support malaria control and elimination.
2021 Aug 10
Jacob CG, Thuy-Nhien N, Mayxay M
162. Left-right side-specific endocrine signaling complements neural pathways to mediate acute asymmetric effects of brain injury.
2021 Aug 10
Lukoyanov N(#), Watanabe H(#), Carvalho LS(#)
163. Twisting of the zebrafish heart tube during cardiac looping is a tbx5-dependent and tissue-intrinsic process.
2021 Aug 10
Tessadori F, Tsingos E, Colizzi ES
164. Distinct roles of nonmuscle myosin II isoforms for establishing tension and elasticity during cell morphodynamics.
2021 Aug 10
Weißenbruch K(#), Grewe J(#), Hippler M
165. Temporal pattern and synergy influence activity of ERK signaling pathways during L-LTP induction.
2021 Aug 10
Miningou Zobon NT, Jędrzejewska-Szmek J, Blackwell KT.
166. Learning to stand with unexpected sensorimotor delays.
2021 Aug 10
Rasman BG, Forbes PA, Peters RM
167. Analysis of the mechanosensor channel functionality of TACAN.
2021 Aug 10
Niu Y, Tao X, Vaisey G
168. Causal neural mechanisms of context-based object recognition.
2021 Aug 10
Wischnewski M, Peelen MV.
169. A major new dimension in the problem of brain injury.
2021 Aug 10
Wolpaw JR, Carp JS.
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