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2023 Sep (281)
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2021 Jan (183)
1. Energy conversion and storage via photoinduced polarization change in non-ferroelectric molecular [CoGa] crystals.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Sadhukhan P, Wu SQ, Kanegawa S
2. Asymptomatic immunodeficiency-associated vaccine-derived poliovirus infections in two UK children.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Singanayagam A, Klapsa D, Burton-Fanning S
3. Cryo-EM structures of ClC-2 chloride channel reveal the blocking mechanism of its specific inhibitor AK-42.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Ma T(#), Wang L(#), Chai A(#)
4. Long-wave infrared photothermoelectric detectors with ultrahigh polarization sensitivity.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Dai M(#), Wang C(#), Qiang B
5. Tuning magnetoelectricity in a mixed-anisotropy antiferromagnet.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Fogh E, Klemke B, Reehuis M
6. Transparent tissue in solid state for solvent-free and antifade 3D imaging.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Hsiao FT(#), Chien HJ(#), Chou YH
7. Spectral signatures of a unique charge density wave in Ta(2)NiSe(7).
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Watson MD, Louat A, Cacho C
8. Breakdown of self-incompatibility due to genetic interaction between a specific S-allele and an unlinked modifier.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Li Y, Mamonova E, Köhler N
9. Reversible conversion between skyrmions and skyrmioniums.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Yang S(#), Zhao Y(#), Wu K
10. A multicentric consortium study demonstrates that dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2 is not a dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Ragavan VN(#), Nair PC(#), Jarzebska N
11. Local cation-tuned reversible single-molecule switch in electric double layer.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Tong L(#), Yu Z(#), Gao YJ(#)
12. Co-translational binding of importins to nascent proteins.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Seidel M, Romanov N, Obarska-Kosinska A
13. Vitrification and nanowarming enable long-term organ cryopreservation and life-sustaining kidney transplantation in a rat model.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Han Z(#), Rao JS(#), Gangwar L
14. A 2.2 Å cryoEM structure of a quinol-dependent NO Reductase shows close similarity to respiratory oxidases.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Flynn AJ(#), Antonyuk SV(#), Eady RR
15. Quorum sensing as a mechanism to harness the wisdom of the crowds.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Moreno-Gámez S, Hochberg ME, van Doorn GS.
16. Substrate binding-induced conformational transitions in the omega-3 fatty acid transporter MFSD2A.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Bergman S(#), Cater RJ(#), Plante A
17. Muscleblind-like proteins use modular domains to localize RNAs by riding kinesins and docking to membranes.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Hildebrandt RP(#), Moss KR(#), Janusz-Kaminska A
18. Revealing core-valence interactions in solution with femtosecond X-ray pump X-ray probe spectroscopy.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Weakly RB, Liekhus-Schmaltz CE, Poulter BI
19. Unlocking the potentials of cyanobacterial photosynthesis for directly converting carbon dioxide into glucose.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Zhang S(#), Sun J(#), Feng D
20. In vivo PAR-CLIP (viP-CLIP) of liver TIAL1 unveils targets regulating cholesterol synthesis and secretion.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Vatandaslar H, Garzia A, Meyer C
21. Directed natural evolution generates a next-generation oncolytic virus with a high potency and safety profile.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Guo L(#), Hu C(#), Liu Y
22. Efflux pump gene amplifications bypass necessity of multiple target mutations for resistance against dual-targeting antibiotic.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Silva KPT, Sundar G, Khare A.
23. Intracranial electrophysiological and structural basis of BOLD functional connectivity in human brain white matter.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Huang Y(#), Wei PH(#), Xu L(#)
24. Nonlinear multi-magnon scattering in artificial spin ice.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Lendinez S, Kaffash MT, Heinonen OG
25. Understanding unconventional magnetic order in a candidate axion insulator by resonant elastic x-ray scattering.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Soh JR, Bombardi A, Mila F
26. An approach to MOFaxanes by threading ultralong polymers through metal-organic framework microcrystals.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Iizuka T, Sano H, Le Ouay B
27. In-situ spectroscopic probe of the intrinsic structure feature of single-atom center in electrochemical CO/CO(2) reduction to methanol.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Ren X(#), Zhao J(#), Li X
28. Operator growth from global out-of-time-order correlators.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Zhou T, Swingle B.
29. Language network lateralization is reflected throughout the macroscale functional organization of cortex.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Labache L, Ge T, Yeo BTT
30. Distinct neural mechanisms construct classical versus extraclassical inhibitory surrounds in an inhibitory nucleus in the midbrain attention network.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Schryver HM, Mysore SP.
31. Chirality selective magnon-phonon hybridization and magnon-induced chiral phonons in a layered zigzag antiferromagnet.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Cui J, Boström EV, Ozerov M
32. A village in a dish model system for population-scale hiPSC studies.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Neavin DR, Steinmann AM(#), Farbehi N(#)
33. Systematic detection of tertiary structural modules in large RNAs and RNP interfaces by Tb-seq.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Patel S, Sexton AN, Strine MS
34. Empowering drug off-target discovery with metabolic and structural analysis.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Chowdhury S(#), Zielinski DC(#), Dalldorf C
35. A viral pan-end RNA element and host complex define a SARS-CoV-2 regulon.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Khan D, Terenzi F, Liu G
36. Neutralizing IFNγ improves safety without compromising efficacy of CAR-T cell therapy in B-cell malignancies.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Manni S(#), Del Bufalo F(#), Merli P
37. Persistent serum protein signatures define an inflammatory subcategory of long COVID.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Talla A(#), Vasaikar SV(#), Szeto GL
38. Histone H2A Lys130 acetylation epigenetically regulates androgen production in prostate cancer.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Nguyen T(#), Sridaran D(#), Chouhan S
39. Structural mechanism of intracellular autoregulation of zinc uptake in ZIP transporters.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Pang C(#), Chai J(#), Zhu P
40. A Cas3-base editing tool for targetable in vivo mutagenesis.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Zimmermann A, Prieto-Vivas JE, Cautereels C
41. Waves traveling over a map of visual space can ignite short-term predictions of sensory input.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Benigno GB, Budzinski RC, Davis ZW
42. Inflationary theory of branching morphogenesis in the mouse salivary gland.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Bordeu I(#), Chatzeli L(#), Simons BD.
43. Genomics of cold adaptations in the Antarctic notothenioid fish radiation.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 9
Bista I, Wood JMD, Desvignes T
44. Single-gene resolution of diversity-driven overyielding in plant genotype mixtures.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Wuest SE, Schulz L, Rana S
45. Identification of BRCA1/2 mutation female carriers using circulating microRNA profiles.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Elias K(#), Smyczynska U(#), Stawiski K
46. Reassessment of growth-climate relations indicates the potential for decline across Eurasian boreal larch forests.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Li W, Manzanedo RD, Jiang Y
47. Fertilization controls tiller numbers via transcriptional regulation of a MAX1-like gene in rice cultivation.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Cui J, Nishide N, Mashiguchi K
48. Multi-chiral materials comprising metallosupramolecular and covalent helical polymers containing five axial motifs within a helix.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Rey-Tarrío F, Quiñoá E, Fernández G
49. Realistic phase diagram of water from "first principles" data-driven quantum simulations.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Bore SL, Paesani F.
50. Single-electron charge transfer into putative Majorana and trivial modes in individual vortices.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Ge JF, Bastiaans KM, Chatzopoulos D
51. Absence of critical thickness for polar skyrmions with breaking the Kittel's law.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Gong FH(#), Tang YL(#), Wang YJ(#)
52. Pluripotency-independent induction of human trophoblast stem cells from fibroblasts.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Naama M(#), Rahamim M(#), Zayat V
53. Tisp40 prevents cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury through the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway in male mice.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Zhang X(#), Hu C(#), Ma ZG
54. Enantioselective synthesis of chiral quinohelicenes through sequential organocatalyzed Povarov reaction and oxidative aromatization.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Li C, Shao YB, Gao X
55. Integrated quantum optical phase sensor in thin film lithium niobate.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Stokowski HS, McKenna TP, Park T
56. TRIM5α recruits HDAC1 to p50 and Sp1 and promotes H3K9 deacetylation at the HIV-1 LTR.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Ran XH(#), Zhu JW(#), Ni RZ(#)
57. Pregnane X receptor agonist nomilin extends lifespan and healthspan in preclinical models through detoxification functions.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Fan S(#), Yan Y(#), Xia Y(#)
58. Data fusion and multivariate analysis for food authenticity analysis.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Hong Y, Birse N, Quinn B
59. South Asian medical cohorts reveal strong founder effects and high rates of homozygosity.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Wall JD(#), Sathirapongsasuti JF(#), Gupta R(#)
60. ALPL-1 is a target for chimeric antigen receptor therapy in osteosarcoma.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Mensali N, Köksal H(#), Joaquina S(#)
61. Uncovering the chiral bias of meteoritic isovaline through asymmetric photochemistry.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Bocková J, Jones NC, Topin J
62. Enhanced spin Seebeck effect via oxygen manipulation.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Kim JM(#), Kim SJ(#), Kang MG(#)
63. Ligand effect on switching the rate-determining step of water oxidation in atomically precise metal nanoclusters.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Liu Z, Tan H, Li B
64. Northern expansion is not compensating for southern declines in North American boreal forests.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Rotbarth R, Van Nes EH, Scheffer M
65. Manipulating local coordination of copper single atom catalyst enables efficient CO(2)-to-CH(4) conversion.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Dai Y(#), Li H(#), Wang C(#)
66. MG1 interacts with a protease inhibitor and confers resistance to rice root-knot nematode.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Wang X, Cheng R, Xu D
67. Template-jumping prime editing enables large insertion and exon rewriting in vivo.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Zheng C(#), Liu B(#), Dong X
68. Bioinspired engineering of fusogen and targeting moiety equipped nanovesicles.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Wang L(#), Wang G(#), Mao W(#)
69. B cell profiles, antibody repertoire and reactivity reveal dysregulated responses with autoimmune features in melanoma.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Crescioli S, Correa I, Ng J
70. Pore partition in two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Xu X, Wu X, Xu K
71. Origin of minicircular mitochondrial genomes in red algae.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Lee Y(#), Cho CH(#), Noh C(#)
72. Astrocyte-oligodendrocyte interaction regulates central nervous system regeneration.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Molina-Gonzalez I, Holloway RK, Jiwaji Z
73. Transcriptional control of pancreatic cancer immunosuppression by metabolic enzyme CD73 in a tumor-autonomous and -autocrine manner.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Tang T(#), Huang X(#), Lu M(#)
74. THRONCAT: metabolic labeling of newly synthesized proteins using a bioorthogonal threonine analog.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Ignacio BJ, Dijkstra J, Mora N(#)
75. Quantitative constraints on flood variability in the rock record.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
McLeod JS, Wood J, Lyster SJ
76. High-efficiency bio-inspired hybrid multi-generation photovoltaic leaf.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Huang G(#), Xu J(#), Markides CN.
77. Direct determination of high-order transverse ligand field parameters via µSQUID-EPR in a Et(4)N[(160)GdPc(2)] SMM.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Taran G, Moreno-Pineda E, Schulze M
78. SERCA2 phosphorylation at serine 663 is a key regulator of Ca(2+) homeostasis in heart diseases.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Gonnot F, Boulogne L(#), Brun C(#)
79. Drosophila motor neuron boutons remodel through membrane blebbing coupled with muscle contraction.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Fernandes AR, Martins JP, Gomes ER
80. NO at low concentration can enhance the formation of highly oxygenated biogenic molecules in the atmosphere.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 8
Nie W(#), Yan C(#), Yang L
81. The supercurrent diode effect and nonreciprocal paraconductivity due to the chiral structure of nanotubes.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
He JJ, Tanaka Y, Nagaosa N.
82. Stabilization of pre-existing neurotensin receptor conformational states by β-arrestin-1 and the biased allosteric modulator ML314.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Bumbak F, Bower JB(#), Zemmer SC(#)
83. Brain-optimized deep neural network models of human visual areas learn non-hierarchical representations.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
St-Yves G, Allen EJ, Wu Y
84. A porous metal-organic cage liquid for sustainable CO(2) conversion reactions.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
He C, Zou YH, Si DH
85. Eye tracking and eye expression decoding based on transparent, flexible and ultra-persistent electrostatic interface.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Shi Y, Yang P, Lei R
86. A high-throughput test enables specific detection of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Cheishvili D, Wong C, Karim MM
87. Single-site decorated copper enables energy- and carbon-efficient CO(2) methanation in acidic conditions.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Fan M(#), Miao RK(#), Ou P(#)
88. Spatial distribution of three ARGONAUTEs regulates the anther phasiRNA pathway.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Tamotsu H(#), Koizumi K(#), Briones AV
89. Elevated plasma complement factor H related 5 protein is associated with venous thromboembolism.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Iglesias MJ(#), Sanchez-Rivera L(#), Ibrahim-Kosta M
90. A shared neural code for the physics of actions and object events.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Karakose-Akbiyik S, Caramazza A, Wurm MF.
91. Migratory allylic arylation of 1,n-enols enabled by nickel catalysis.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Zhao D(#), Xu B(#), Zhu C.
92. A probiotic bi-functional peptidoglycan hydrolase sheds NOD2 ligands to regulate gut homeostasis in female mice.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Gao J(#), Wang L(#), Jiang J(#)
93. All-silicon quantum light source by embedding an atomic emissive center in a nanophotonic cavity.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Redjem W(#), Zhiyenbayev Y(#), Qarony W(#)
94. Coherent Stokes Raman scattering microscopy (CSRS).
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Heuke S, Rigneault H.
95. Role of the Maritime Continent in the remote influence of Atlantic Niño on the Pacific.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Liu S, Chang P, Wan X
96. Ketone α-alkylation at the more-hindered site.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Li MM, Zhang T, Cheng L
97. The preference signature of the SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid NTD for its 5'-genomic RNA elements.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Korn SM, Dhamotharan K, Jeffries CM
98. Electrostatic control of the proximity effect in the bulk of semiconductor-superconductor hybrids.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
van Loo N(#), Mazur GP(#), Dvir T
99. Two-photon imaging of soliton dynamics.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Sterczewski ŁA, Sotor J.
100. Three-dimensional printing of silica glass with sub-micrometer resolution.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Huang PH(#), Laakso M(#), Edinger P
101. Generation of SARS-CoV-2 escape mutations by monoclonal antibody therapy.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Ragonnet-Cronin M(#), Nutalai R(#), Huo J(#)
102. Resistance to thyroid hormone induced tachycardia in RTHα syndrome.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Dore R, Watson L, Hollidge S
103. PXL1 and SERKs act as receptor-coreceptor complexes for the CLE19 peptide to regulate pollen development.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Yu Y(#), Song W(#), Zhai N(#)
104. Visualizing the multi-level assembly structures of conjugated molecular systems with chain-length dependent behavior.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 7
Zhou YY, Xu YC, Yao ZF
105. Refractive plasma optics for relativistic laser beams.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Seemann O(#), Wan Y(#), Tata S
106. Growth hormone releasing hormone signaling promotes Th17 cell differentiation and autoimmune inflammation.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Du L, Ho BM, Zhou L
107. Assessment of the technological viability of photoelectrochemical devices for oxygen and fuel production on Moon and Mars.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Ross B, Haussener S, Brinkert K.
108. Durable contraception in the female domestic cat using viral-vectored delivery of a feline anti-Müllerian hormone transgene.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Vansandt LM, Meinsohn MC, Godin P
109. Underlying factors determining grain morphologies in high-strength titanium alloys processed by additive manufacturing.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Nartu MSKKY, Welk BA, Mantri SA
110. Thermally stable threshold selector based on CuAg alloy for energy-efficient memory and neuromorphic computing applications.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Zhou X(#), Zhao L(#), Yan C
111. Drug screening at single-organoid resolution via bioprinting and interferometry.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Tebon PJ(#), Wang B(#), Markowitz AL(#)
112. Copper-catalyzed asymmetric C(sp(3))-H cyanoalkylation of glycine derivatives and peptides.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Qi R(#), Chen Q(#), Liu L(#)
113. Neoantigen-specific CD8 T cells with high structural avidity preferentially reside in and eliminate tumors.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Schmidt J(#), Chiffelle J(#), Perez MAS(#)
114. Revealing CO(2) dissociation pathways at vicinal copper (997) interfaces.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Kim J, Yu Y, Go TW
115. NERNST: a genetically-encoded ratiometric non-destructive sensing tool to estimate NADP(H) redox status in bacterial, plant and animal systems.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Molinari PE, Krapp AR, Weiner A
116. Colitis ameliorates cholestatic liver disease via suppression of bile acid synthesis.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Gui W, Hole MJ, Molinaro A
117. Coherent dynamics of strongly interacting electronic spin defects in hexagonal boron nitride.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Gong R, He G, Gao X
118. GRT-R910: a self-amplifying mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccine boosts immunity for ≥6 months in previously-vaccinated older adults.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Palmer CD, Scallan CD, Kraemer Tardif LD
119. Eye accommodation-inspired neuro-metasurface focusing.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Lu H(#), Zhao J(#), Zheng B
120. Native American ataxia medicines rescue ataxia-linked mutant potassium channel activity via binding to the voltage sensing domain.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Manville RW, Alfredo Freites J, Sidlow R
121. Reversibly growing crosslinked polymers with programmable sizes and properties.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Zhou X(#), Zheng Y(#), Zhang H
122. The monoaminergic system is a bilaterian innovation.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Goulty M, Botton-Amiot G, Rosato E
123. In-vivo programmable acoustic manipulation of genetically engineered bacteria.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Yang Y(#), Yang Y(#), Liu D
124. LIS1 RNA-binding orchestrates the mechanosensitive properties of embryonic stem cells in AGO2-dependent and independent ways.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Kshirsagar A, Doroshev SM, Gorelik A
125. Chromatin alternates between A and B compartments at kilobase scale for subgenic organization.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Harris HL(#), Gu H(#), Olshansky M
126. Whistler-mode chorus waves at Mars.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Teng S, Wu Y, Harada Y
127. Rare phenomena of central rhythm and pattern generation in a case of complete spinal cord injury.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Minassian K, Bayart A, Lackner P
128. PIE-seq: identifying RNA-binding protein targets by dual RNA-deaminase editing and sequencing.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Ruan X, Hu K, Zhang X.
129. Evaluation of therapeutic PD-1 antibodies by an advanced single-molecule imaging system detecting human PD-1 microclusters.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Nishi W, Wakamatsu E, Machiyama H
130. Giant optomechanical spring effect in plasmonic nano- and picocavities probed by surface-enhanced Raman scattering.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Jakob LA, Deacon WM, Zhang Y
131. Observationally-constrained projections of an ice-free Arctic even under a low emission scenario.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Kim YH, Min SK, Gillett NP
132. Half-Heusler alloys as emerging high power density thermoelectric cooling materials.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 6
Zhu H(#), Li W(#), Nozariasbmarz A
133. Self-healable polymer complex with a giant ionic thermoelectric effect.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Kim DH, Akbar ZA, Malik YT
134. Characterization of diffusing sub-10 nm nano-objects using single anti-resonant element optical fibers.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Wieduwilt T(#), Förster R(#), Nissen M
135. Bacteriophage therapy against pathological Klebsiella pneumoniae ameliorates the course of primary sclerosing cholangitis.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Ichikawa M, Nakamoto N, Kredo-Russo S
136. The UBX domain in UBXD1 organizes ubiquitin binding at the C-terminus of the VCP/p97 AAA-ATPase.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Blueggel M(#), Kroening A(#), Kracht M
137. Broad host susceptibility of North American amphibian species to Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans suggests high invasion potential and biodiversity risk.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Gray MJ, Carter ED, Piovia-Scott J
138. Epigenetic suppression of PGC1α (PPARGC1A) causes collateral sensitivity to HMGCR-inhibitors within BRAF-treatment resistant melanomas.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Liang J, Yu D, Luo C
139. Hamster model for post-COVID-19 alveolar regeneration offers an opportunity to understand post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Heydemann L(#), Ciurkiewicz M(#), Beythien G
140. Cell-attribute aware community detection improves differential abundance testing from single-cell RNA-Seq data.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Maity AK, Teschendorff AE.
141. Acetolysis of waste polyethylene terephthalate for upcycling and life-cycle assessment study.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Peng Y, Yang J, Deng C
142. Lanthanide-doped MoS(2) with enhanced oxygen reduction activity and biperiodic chemical trends.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Hao Y, Wang L, Huang LF.
143. Parallel interrogation of the chalcogenide-based micro-ring sensor array for photoacoustic tomography.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Pan J(#), Li Q(#), Feng Y
144. Observation of bulk quadrupole in topological heat transport.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Xu G(#), Zhou X(#), Yang S(#)
145. Radiochemistry for positron emission tomography.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Rong J(#), Haider A(#), Jeppesen TE(#)
146. ACL and HAT1 form a nuclear module to acetylate histone H4K5 and promote cell proliferation.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Xu Q(#), Yue Y(#), Liu B
147. Wide-spread brain activation and reduced CSF flow during avian REM sleep.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Ungurean G(#), Behroozi M(#), Böger L
148. FAT-switch-based quantitative S-nitrosoproteomics reveals a key role of GSNOR1 in regulating ER functions.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Qin G, Qu M, Jia B
149. Long-read direct RNA sequencing reveals epigenetic regulation of chimeric gene-transposon transcripts in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Berthelier J, Furci L, Asai S
150. A multiple super-enhancer region establishes inter-TAD interactions and controls Hoxa function in cranial neural crest.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Kessler S(#), Minoux M(#), Joshi O(#)
151. Point singularity array with metasurfaces.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Lim SWD(#), Park JS(#), Kazakov D
152. INSurVeyor: improving insertion calling from short read sequencing data.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Rajaby R, Liu DX, Au CH
153. Ambient-conditions spinning of functional soft fibers via engineering molecular chain networks and phase separation.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Zhang S, Zhou M(#), Liu M(#)
154. Downregulation of extraembryonic tension controls body axis formation in avian embryos.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Kunz D, Wang A, Chan CU
155. Neutrophil-derived catecholamines mediate negative stress effects on bone.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Tschaffon-Müller MEA(#), Kempter E(#), Steppe L
156. Quantum simulation of Hawking radiation and curved spacetime with a superconducting on-chip black hole.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Shi YH(#), Yang RQ(#), Xiang Z(#)
157. Multiple ParA/MinD ATPases coordinate the positioning of disparate cargos in a bacterial cell.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Pulianmackal LT, Limcaoco JMI, Ravi K
158. Lava dome cycles reveal rise and fall of magma column at Popocatépetl volcano.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Valade S, Coppola D, Campion R
159. Complex tsunamigenic near-trench seafloor deformation during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Zhang K, Wang Y, Luo Y
160. Pathogen-specific innate immune response patterns are distinctly affected by genetic diversity.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Häder A(#), Schäuble S(#), Gehlen J
161. Hierarchical fluctuation shapes a dynamic flow linked to states of consciousness.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 5
Li A(#), Liu H(#), Lei X(#)
162. Single-cell profiling of lncRNA expression during Ebola virus infection in rhesus macaques.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 30
Santus L(#), Sopena-Rios M(#), García-Pérez R(#)
163. Ultrasound-responsive low-dose doxorubicin liposomes trigger mitochondrial DNA release and activate cGAS-STING-mediated antitumour immunity.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 30
Wang C, Zhang R, He J
164. Single cell transcriptomics identifies distinct profiles in pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome.
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165. Accelerating the prediction and discovery of peptide hydrogels with human-in-the-loop.
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166. Ultrafast imaging of polariton propagation and interactions.
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167. High body temperature increases gut microbiota-dependent host resistance to influenza A virus and SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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168. Programmable spatial deformation by controllable off-center freestanding 4D printing of continuous fiber reinforced liquid crystal elastomer composites.
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169. Nuclear lamina strain states revealed by intermolecular force biosensor.
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170. Drug reinforcement impairs cognitive flexibility by inhibiting striatal cholinergic neurons.
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171. TRPA1 activation in non-sensory supporting cells contributes to regulation of cochlear sensitivity after acoustic trauma.
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172. Fast-exchanging spirocyclic rhodamine probes for aptamer-based super-resolution RNA imaging.
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174. Differentiation of IL-26(+) T(H)17 intermediates into IL-17A producers via epithelial crosstalk in psoriasis.
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177. Innovative design of minimal invasive biodegradable poly(glycerol-dodecanoate) nucleus pulposus scaffold with function regeneration.
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178. Longitudinal body mass index and cancer risk: a cohort study of 2.6 million Catalan adults.
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183. Development of allosteric and selective CDK2 inhibitors for contraception with negative cooperativity to cyclin binding.
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187. Lysophosphatidic acid modulates CD8 T cell immunosurveillance and metabolism to impair anti-tumor immunity.
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188. Nanowire-based smart windows combining electro- and thermochromics for dynamic regulation of solar radiation.
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189. Extreme atmospheric rivers in a warming climate.
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190. Flavodiiron-mediated O(2) photoreduction at photosystem I acceptor-side provides photoprotection to conifer thylakoids in early spring.
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191. CFP1 governs uterine epigenetic landscapes to intervene in progesterone responses for uterine physiology and suppression of endometriosis.
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192. Multi-state data storage in a two-dimensional stripy antiferromagnet implemented by magnetoelectric effect.
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193. Monolithically-grained perovskite solar cell with Mortise-Tenon structure for charge extraction balance.
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198. Intrinsic TGF-β signaling attenuates proximal tubule mitochondrial injury and inflammation in chronic kidney disease.
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201. Direct observation of coherence transfer and rotational-to-vibrational energy exchange in optically centrifuged CO(2) super-rotors.
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202. Dynamic pathogen detection and social feedback shape collective hygiene in ants.
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203. Trajectories of freshwater microbial genomics and greenhouse gas saturation upon glacial retreat.
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206. Extreme fast charging of commercial Li-ion batteries via combined thermal switching and self-heating approaches.
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207. The curious case of the structural phase transition in SnSe insights from neutron total scattering.
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212. Robust projection of East Asian summer monsoon rainfall based on dynamical modes of variability.
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213. Single-cell transcriptomics uncovers EGFR signaling-mediated gastric progenitor cell differentiation in stomach homeostasis.
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214. Inhibition of chitin deacetylases to attenuate plant fungal diseases.
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215. Dissecting the roles of MBD2 isoforms and domains in regulating NuRD complex function during cellular differentiation.
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222. Using mortuary and burial data to place COVID-19 in Lusaka, Zambia within a global context.
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223. Foreshock properties illuminate nucleation processes of slow and fast laboratory earthquakes.
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225. Lattice oxygen-mediated electron tuning promotes electrochemical hydrogenation of acetonitrile on copper catalysts.
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231. Parallel and convergent genomic changes underlie independent subterranean colonization across beetles.
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237. Fundamental investigations on the ionic transport and thermodynamic properties of non-aqueous potassium-ion electrolytes.
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238. Electrical detection of spin pumping in van der Waals ferromagnetic Cr(2)Ge(2)Te(6) with low magnetic damping.
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259. Age-associated B cells predict impaired humoral immunity after COVID-19 vaccination in patients receiving immune checkpoint blockade.
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260. Genomic screening of 16 UK native bat species through conservationist networks uncovers coronaviruses with zoonotic potential.
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267. Campylobacter vaccination reduces diarrheal disease and infant growth stunting among rhesus macaques.
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297. Embedding oxophilic rare-earth single atom in platinum nanoclusters for efficient hydrogen electro-oxidation.
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316. NFIC regulates ribosomal biology and ER stress in pancreatic acinar cells and restrains PDAC initiation.
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317. Targeting neddylation sensitizes colorectal cancer to topoisomerase I inhibitors by inactivating the DCAF13-CRL4 ubiquitin ligase complex.
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320. The ER calcium channel Csg2 integrates sphingolipid metabolism with autophagy.
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331. Occurrence and backtracking of microplastic mass loads including tire wear particles in northern Atlantic air.
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Beillouin D, Corbeels M, Demenois J
333. Tetraspanin-8 sequesters syntaxin-2 to control biphasic release propensity of mucin granules.
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2023 Jun 22
Wojnacki J, Lujan AL, Brouwers N
334. Industrial source identification of polyhalogenated carbazoles and preliminary assessment of their global emissions.
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2023 Jun 22
Sun Y, Yang L, Zheng M
335. Dissolved-Cl(2) triggered redox reaction enables high-performance perovskite solar cells.
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2023 Jun 22
Luo Y(#), Liu K(#), Yang L
336. Direct observation of hot-electron-enhanced thermoelectric effects in silicon nanodevices.
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2023 Jun 22
Xue H(#), Qian R(#), Lu W(#)
337. Striated muscle-specific base editing enables correction of mutations causing dilated cardiomyopathy.
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Grosch M, Schraft L, Chan A
338. Galectin-3 activates spinal microglia to induce inflammatory nociception in wild type but not in mice modelling Alzheimer's disease.
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Sideris-Lampretsas G, Oggero S, Zeboudj L
339. Accounting for forest condition in Europe based on an international statistical standard.
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340. Increase in Cape Verde hurricanes during Atlantic Niño.
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2023 Jun 22
Kim D, Lee SK, Lopez H
341. Defining diurnal fluctuations in mouse choroid plexus and CSF at high molecular, spatial, and temporal resolution.
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Fame RM, Kalugin PN, Petrova B
342. Bridging multiscale interfaces for developing ionically conductive high-voltage iron sulfate-containing sodium-based battery positive electrodes.
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Zhang J(#), Yan Y(#), Wang X
343. Four-dimensional mapping of dynamic longitudinal brain subcortical development and early learning functions in infants.
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Chen L(#), Wang Y(#), Wu Z
344. Mitochondrial aconitase suppresses immunity by modulating oxaloacetate and the mitochondrial unfolded protein response.
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Kim E(#), Annibal A(#), Lee Y(#)
345. Predicting in-hospital outcomes of patients with acute kidney injury.
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Wu C(#), Zhang Y(#), Nie S(#)
346. Tracing metal footprints via global renewable power value chains.
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Fu R(#), Peng K(#), Wang P
347. Plant community stability is associated with a decoupling of prokaryote and fungal soil networks.
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348. NBEAL2 deficiency in humans leads to low CTLA-4 expression in activated conventional T cells.
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Delage L, Carbone F(#), Riller Q(#)
349. Trispecific antibody targeting HIV-1 and T cells activates and eliminates latently-infected cells in HIV/SHIV infections.
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350. Structural basis of the interaction between BCL9-Pygo and LDB-SSBP complexes in assembling the Wnt enhanceosome.
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Wang H, Bienz M, Yan XX
351. Mutagenesis and structural studies reveal the basis for the specific binding of SARS-CoV-2 SL3 RNA element with human TIA1 protein.
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Zhang D(#), Qiao L(#), Lei X(#)
352. Asymmetric transformation of achiral gold nanoclusters with negative nonlinear dependence between chiroptical activity and enantiomeric excess.
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Liu C(#), Zhao Y(#), Zhang TS
353. Nivolumab plus chemoradiotherapy in locally-advanced cervical cancer: the NICOL phase 1 trial.
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Rodrigues M(#), Vanoni G(#), Loap P
354. The turbulent future brings a breath of fresh air.
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355. Multiplexed ddPCR-amplicon sequencing reveals isolated Plasmodium falciparum populations amenable to local elimination in Zanzibar, Tanzania.
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Holzschuh A, Lerch A, Gerlovina I
356. Carbon neutral hydrogen storage and release cycles based on dual-functional roles of formamides.
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Wei D, Shi X, Junge H
357. Ultra-fast and accurate electron ionization mass spectrum matching for compound identification with million-scale in-silico library.
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Yang Q(#), Ji H(#), Xu Z
358. Interaction-driven transport of dark excitons in 2D semiconductors with phonon-mediated optical readout.
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Chand SB, Woods JM, Quan J
359. Joint inference of exclusivity patterns and recurrent trajectories from tumor mutation trees.
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2023 Jun 21
Luo XG, Kuipers J, Beerenwinkel N.
360. Cyclic di-AMP traps proton-coupled K(+) transporters of the KUP family in an inward-occluded conformation.
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Fuss MF(#), Wieferig JP(#), Corey RA(#)
361. Atomic-scale manipulation of single-polaron in a two-dimensional semiconductor.
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Liu H(#), Wang A(#), Zhang P
362. Manipulating single excess electrons in monolayer transition metal dihalide.
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363. Thermoelectric signature of quantum critical phase in a doped spin-liquid candidate.
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Wakamatsu K, Suzuki Y, Fujii T
364. A neuromorphic physiological signal processing system based on VO(2) memristor for next-generation human-machine interface.
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Yuan R(#), Tiw PJ(#), Cai L
365. CAJAL enables analysis and integration of single-cell morphological data using metric geometry.
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366. SLC7A11 expression level dictates differential responses to oxidative stress in cancer cells.
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367. Non-line-of-sight snapshots and background mapping with an active corner camera.
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Seidel S(#), Rueda-Chacón H(#), Cusini I
368. Using a physics-informed neural network and fault zone acoustic monitoring to predict lab earthquakes.
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369. How soluble misfolded proteins bypass chaperones at the molecular level.
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Halder R(#), Nissley DA(#), Sitarik I(#)
370. Acentrosomal spindles assemble from branching microtubule nucleation near chromosomes in Xenopus laevis egg extract.
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Gouveia B(#), Setru SU(#), King MR
371. Photo-produced aromatic compounds stimulate microbial degradation of dissolved organic carbon in thermokarst lakes.
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Hu J, Kang L, Li Z
372. Imaging the field inside nanophotonic accelerators.
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Fishman T(#), Haeusler U(#), Dahan R
373. A fluorinated cation introduces new interphasial chemistries to enable high-voltage lithium metal batteries.
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Liu Q, Jiang W, Xu J
374. Genome analyses reveal population structure and a purple stigma color gene candidate in finger millet.
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Devos KM(#), Qi P(#), Bahri BA
375. Structural basis of protein condensation on microtubules underlying branching microtubule nucleation.
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Guo C(#), Alfaro-Aco R(#), Zhang C
376. Selective oxidative protection leads to tissue topological changes orchestrated by macrophage during ulcerative colitis.
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Du J(#), Zhang J(#), Wang L(#)
377. Higher convergence of human-great ape enteric eukaryotic viromes in central African forest than in a European zoo: a One Health analysis.
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378. Leveraging football accelerometer data to quantify associations between repetitive head impacts and chronic traumatic encephalopathy in males.
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2023 Jun 20
Daneshvar DH, Nair ES, Baucom ZH
379. Bayesian-optimization-assisted discovery of stereoselective aluminum complexes for ring-opening polymerization of racemic lactide.
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Wang X(#), Huang Y(#), Xie X(#)
380. Tnpo3 controls splicing of the pre-mRNA encoding the canonical TCR α chain of iNKT cells.
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381. Trans-Golgi protein TVP23B regulates host-microbe interactions via Paneth cell homeostasis and Goblet cell glycosylation.
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Song R, McAlpine W, Fond AM
382. USP25 regulates KEAP1-NRF2 anti-oxidation axis and its inactivation protects acetaminophen-induced liver injury in male mice.
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Cai C(#), Ma H(#), Peng J
383. Selective binding of retrotransposons by ZFP352 facilitates the timely dissolution of totipotency network.
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Li Z(#), Xu H(#), Li J(#)
384. UBAP2 plays a role in bone homeostasis through the regulation of osteoblastogenesis and osteoclastogenesis.
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Kim J(#), Kim BY(#), Lee JS(#)
385. Chimeric antigen receptor T cells targeting FcRH5 provide robust tumour-specific responses in murine xenograft models of multiple myeloma.
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Jiang D(#), Huang H(#), Qin H(#)
386. Seasonal specialization drives divergent population dynamics in two closely related butterflies.
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387. Global branches and local states of the human gut microbiome define associations with environmental and intrinsic factors.
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388. Upconversion particle-assisted NIR polymerization enables microdomain gradient photopolymerization at inter-particulate length scale.
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389. Diploid and tetraploid genomes of Acorus and the evolution of monocots.
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390. Imputation of ancient human genomes.
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391. The vacuolar iron transporter mediates iron detoxification in Toxoplasma gondii.
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392. Dynamic interplay between target search and recognition for a Type I CRISPR-Cas system.
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393. Antioxidant hepatic lipid metabolism can be promoted by orally administered inorganic nanoparticles.
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Cai J(#), Peng J(#), Feng J(#)
394. Discovery of extended product structural space of the fungal dioxygenase AsqJ.
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395. Detailed characterization of neural selectivity in free viewing primates.
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396. Pangolin-inspired untethered magnetic robot for on-demand biomedical heating applications.
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397. Structural basis of α(1A)-adrenergic receptor activation and recognition by an extracellular nanobody.
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398. Voltage-driven control of single-molecule keto-enol equilibrium in a two-terminal junction system.
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399. A platform trial of neoadjuvant and adjuvant antitumor vaccination alone or in combination with PD-1 antagonist and CD137 agonist antibodies in patients with resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
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400. The contribution of inflammatory astrocytes to BBB impairments in a brain-chip model of Parkinson's disease.
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401. The genome of Acorus deciphers insights into early monocot evolution.
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Guo X(#), Wang F(#), Fang D(#)
402. Gut microbiota Turicibacter strains differentially modify bile acids and host lipids.
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403. Substantially enhanced homogeneous plastic flow in hierarchically nanodomained amorphous alloys.
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404. Disentangling the impact of Atlantic Niño on sea-air CO(2) flux.
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405. Green synthesis of stable hybrid biocatalyst using a hydrogen-bonded, π-π-stacking supramolecular assembly for electrochemical immunosensor.
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406. Epistatic interactions between the high pathogenicity island and other iron uptake systems shape Escherichia coli extra-intestinal virulence.
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407. Senescent immune cells accumulation promotes brown adipose tissue dysfunction during aging.
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2023 Jun 2
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408. Therapeutic blood-brain barrier modulation and stroke treatment by a bioengineered FZD(4)-selective WNT surrogate in mice.
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409. Light-switchable transcription factors obtained by direct screening in mammalian cells.
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410. Microstructural and functional plasticity following repeated brain stimulation during cognitive training in older adults.
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411. A strong bimetal-support interaction in ethanol steam reforming.
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412. M1BP is an essential transcriptional activator of oxidative metabolism during Drosophila development.
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413. Unique Huygens-Fresnel electromagnetic transportation of chiral Dirac wavelet in topological photonic crystal.
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Wang XX(#), Guo Z(#), Song J
414. Spatiotemporal transcriptomic atlas reveals the dynamic characteristics and key regulators of planarian regeneration.
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Cui G(#), Dong K(#), Zhou JY(#)
415. Insights into substitution strategy towards thermodynamic and property regulation of chemically recyclable polymers.
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416. NOTCH4(ΔL12_16) sensitizes lung adenocarcinomas to EGFR-TKIs through transcriptional down-regulation of HES1.
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Zhang B(#), Dong S(#), Wang J(#)
417. Uncertainty in non-CO(2) greenhouse gas mitigation contributes to ambiguity in global climate policy feasibility.
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418. Evaluating the use of blood pressure polygenic risk scores across race/ethnic background groups.
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419. Two RhoGEF isoforms with distinct localisation control furrow position during asymmetric cell division.
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420. Pressure-controlled magnetism in 2D molecular layers.
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2023 Jun 2
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421. Integrating I(I)/I(III) catalysis in reaction cascade design enables the synthesis of gem-difluorinated tetralins from cyclobutanols.
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422. Cryogenic characteristics of graphene composites-evolution from thermal conductors to thermal insulators.
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423. Serine ADP-ribosylation in Drosophila provides insights into the evolution of reversible ADP-ribosylation signalling.
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424. Large anomalies in future extreme precipitation sensitivity driven by atmospheric dynamics.
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425. Topological quadratic-node semimetal in a photonic microring lattice.
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426. Rain triggers seasonal stratification in a temperate shelf sea.
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427. Fast synthesis of large-area bilayer graphene film on Cu.
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428. Structural insights into perilipin 3 membrane association in response to diacylglycerol accumulation.
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Choi YM(#), Ajjaji D(#), Fleming KD
429. Circadian regulation of developmental synaptogenesis via the hypocretinergic system.
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430. Asymmetry of carbon sequestrations by plant and soil after forestation regulated by soil nitrogen.
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431. Critical roles of metal-ligand complexes in the controlled synthesis of various metal nanoclusters.
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432. Lipid droplets are a metabolic vulnerability in melanoma.
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433. Convergent evolution of plant pattern recognition receptors sensing cysteine-rich patterns from three microbial kingdoms.
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2023 Jun 19
Yang Y(#), Steidele CE(#), Rössner C
434. Emergent and robust ferromagnetic-insulating state in highly strained ferroelastic LaCoO(3) thin films.
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435. Low power flexible monolayer MoS(2) integrated circuits.
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436. Field-induced partial disorder in a Shastry-Sutherland lattice.
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437. Simultaneous single-qubit driving of semiconductor spin qubits at the fault-tolerant threshold.
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438. Structural basis for DARC binding in reticulocyte invasion by Plasmodium vivax.
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Moskovitz R(#), Pholcharee T(#), DonVito SM
439. CP(2) skyrmions and skyrmion crystals in realistic quantum magnets.
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440. Activating hidden signals by mimicking cryptic sites in a synthetic extracellular matrix.
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Zhu Y(#), Shmidov Y(#), Harris EA
441. Neural correlates of hierarchical predictive processes in autistic adults.
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442. Production of high-energy 6-Ah-level Li | |LiNi(0.83)Co(0.11)Mn(0.06)O(2) multi-layer pouch cells via negative electrode protective layer coating strategy.
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Feng Y, Li Y, Lin J
443. Evolvability-enhancing mutations in the fitness landscapes of an RNA and a protein.
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444. Structure and dynamics of an archetypal DNA nanoarchitecture revealed via cryo-EM and molecular dynamics simulations.
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Ahmad K(#), Javed A(#), Lanphere C
445. Structural mapping of PEAK pseudokinase interactions identifies 14-3-3 as a molecular switch for PEAK3 signaling.
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446. Collective photothermal bending of flexible organic crystals modified with MXene-polymer multilayers as optical waveguide arrays.
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447. Structural insights into regulation of the PEAK3 pseudokinase scaffold by 14-3-3.
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448. Fe/Cu diatomic catalysts for electrochemical nitrate reduction to ammonia.
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449. Asynchronous locking in metamaterials of fluids of light and sound.
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450. 400nm ultra-broadband gratings for near-single-cycle 100 Petawatt lasers.
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451. Charge density wave induced nodal lines in LaTe(3).
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452. Safety and immunogenicity of a phase 1/2 randomized clinical trial of a quadrivalent, mRNA-based seasonal influenza vaccine (mRNA-1010) in healthy adults: interim analysis.
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453. A data-driven approach for predicting the impact of drugs on the human microbiome.
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454. Spatiotemporal resolution of germinal center Tfh cell differentiation and divergence from central memory CD4(+) T cell fate.
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Zhu F(#), McMonigle RJ(#), Schroeder AR
455. Examining protective effects of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies after vaccination or monoclonal antibody administration.
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456. Strain and crystallographic identification of the helically concaved gap surfaces of chiral nanoparticles.
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457. The NAD salvage pathway in mesenchymal cells is indispensable for skeletal development in mice.
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458. The inhibition mechanism of the SUR2A-containing K(ATP) channel by a regulatory helix.
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459. A corrosion-resistant RuMoNi catalyst for efficient and long-lasting seawater oxidation and anion exchange membrane electrolyzer.
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460. Predicting frictional aging from bulk relaxation measurements.
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461. Snowflake-inspired and blink-driven flexible piezoelectric contact lenses for effective corneal injury repair.
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462. Structure and proposed DNA delivery mechanism of a marine roseophage.
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463. Direct laser writing of 3D electrodes on flexible substrates.
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464. Morphogenesis of starfish polymersomes.
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465. Cannabidiol inhibits Na(v) channels through two distinct binding sites.
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466. A pharmacoproteomic landscape of organotypic intervention responses in Gram-negative sepsis.
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467. All-ferroelectric implementation of reservoir computing.
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2023 Jun 16
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468. Tunable CO(2) electroreduction to ethanol and ethylene with controllable interfacial wettability.
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469. Local spectroscopy of a gate-switchable moiré quantum anomalous Hall insulator.
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470. Ratiometric measurement of MAM Ca(2+) dynamics using a modified CalfluxVTN.
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471. A plant RNA virus inhibits NPR1 sumoylation and subverts NPR1-mediated plant immunity.
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472. Sexual selection for both diversity and repetition in birdsong.
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473. Deep optoacoustic localization microangiography of ischemic stroke in mice.
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474. Electric double layer-mediated polarization field for optimizing photogenerated carrier dynamics and thermodynamics.
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475. Nanovesicles loaded with a TGF-β receptor 1 inhibitor overcome immune resistance to potentiate cancer immunotherapy.
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476. Single-emitter quantum key distribution over 175 km of fibre with optimised finite key rates.
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477. Chromatin remodeling by Pol II primes efficient Pol III transcription.
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479. Signaling mechanisms in renal compensatory hypertrophy revealed by multi-omics.
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480. Understanding capacity fade in organic redox-flow batteries by combining spectroscopy with statistical inference techniques.
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481. Continentality determines warming or cooling impact of heavy rainfall events on permafrost.
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482. Prediction of sub-pyramid texturing as the next step towards high efficiency silicon heterojunction solar cells.
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483. Tuning orbital-selective phase transitions in a two-dimensional Hund's correlated system.
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484. Single cell profiling of female breast fibroadenoma reveals distinct epithelial cell compositions and therapeutic targets.
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485. Structure and antigenicity of divergent Henipavirus fusion glycoproteins.
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486. Tyrosine residues initiated photopolymerization in living organisms.
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487. Vacuole dynamics and popping-based motility in liquid droplets of DNA.
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488. A research and development investment strategy to achieve the Paris climate agreement.
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489. Mechanisms of simultaneous linear and nonlinear computations at the mammalian cone photoreceptor synapse.
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490. Enabling long-cycling aqueous sodium-ion batteries via Mn dissolution inhibition using sodium ferrocyanide electrolyte additive.
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491. Multivalent bicyclic peptides are an effective antiviral modality that can potently inhibit SARS-CoV-2.
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492. Pen-drawn Marangoni swimmer.
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493. Stochastic representation of many-body quantum states.
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494. Hybrid-DIA: intelligent data acquisition integrates targeted and discovery proteomics to analyze phospho-signaling in single spheroids.
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495. Phenanthroline-carbolong interface suppress chemical interactions with active layer enabling long-time stable organic solar cells.
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Lai X(#), Chen S(#), Gu X
496. Targeted viral adaptation generates a simian-tropic hepatitis B virus that infects marmoset cells.
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497. Gold-catalyzed four-component multifunctionalization of alkynes.
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498. Bacteria evolve macroscopic multicellularity by the genetic assimilation of phenotypically plastic cell clustering.
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499. N-Acryloylindole-alkyne (NAIA) enables imaging and profiling new ligandable cysteines and oxidized thiols by chemoproteomics.
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Koo TY(#), Lai H(#), Nomura DK
500. Discovery and characterization of potent pan-variant SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies from individuals with Omicron breakthrough infection.
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Guo Y(#), Zhang G(#), Yang Q(#)
501. Genome-wide association studies identify OsWRKY53 as a key regulator of salt tolerance in rice.
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Yu J(#), Zhu C(#), Xuan W(#)
502. Atomic motifs govern the decoration of grain boundaries by interstitial solutes.
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503. Attributed causes of excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in a south Indian city.
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504. Adoptive T cell transfer and host antigen-presenting cell recruitment with cryogel scaffolds promotes long-term protection against solid tumors.
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2023 Jun 15
Adu-Berchie K, Brockman JM(#), Liu Y(#)
505. Evolutionary and functional history of the Escherichia coli K1 capsule.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 15
Arredondo-Alonso S, Blundell-Hunter G(#), Fu Z(#)
506. PPP2R1A regulates migration persistence through the NHSL1-containing WAVE Shell Complex.
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2023 Jun 15
Wang Y, Chiappetta G(#), Guérois R(#)
507. CNK2 promotes cancer cell motility by mediating ARF6 activation downstream of AXL signalling.
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2023 Jun 15
Serwe G(#), Kachaner D(#), Gagnon J(#)
508. Structural insight into the human SID1 transmembrane family member 2 reveals its lipid hydrolytic activity.
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2023 Jun 15
Qian D(#), Cong Y(#), Wang R
509. Mechanistic studies of a lipase unveil effect of pH on hydrolysis products of small PET modules.
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2023 Jun 15
Świderek K, Velasco-Lozano S, Galmés MÀ
510. Resolving nanostructure and chemistry of solid-electrolyte interphase on lithium anodes by depth-sensitive plasmon-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 15
Gu Y(#), You EM(#), Lin JD
511. A dorsomedial prefrontal cortex-based dynamic functional connectivity model of rumination.
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2023 Jun 15
Kim J(#), Andrews-Hanna JR(#), Eisenbarth H
512. Combinatorial encoding of odors in the mosquito antennal lobe.
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2023 Jun 15
Singh P, Goyal S, Gupta S
513. Late-fall satellite-based soil moisture observations show clear connections to subsequent spring streamflow.
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2023 Jun 15
Koster RD, Liu Q, Crow WT
514. Chemoproteomic target deconvolution reveals Histone Deacetylases as targets of (R)-lipoic acid.
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2023 Jun 15
Lechner S, Steimbach RR, Wang L
515. SEC-seq: association of molecular signatures with antibody secretion in thousands of single human plasma cells.
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2023 Jun 15
Cheng RY(#), de Rutte J(#), Ito CEK
516. Biomedical knowledge graph learning for drug repurposing by extending guilt-by-association to multiple layers.
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2023 Jun 15
Bang D, Lim S, Lee S
517. Phylodynamic of SARS-CoV-2 during the second wave of COVID-19 in Peru.
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2023 Jun 15
Justo Arevalo S, Uribe Calampa CS, Jimenez Silva C
518. Dynamic active-site induced by host-guest interactions boost the Fenton-like reaction for organic wastewater treatment.
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2023 Jun 15
Zhang D(#), Li Y(#), Wang P
519. Human orbitofrontal cortex signals decision outcomes to sensory cortex during behavioral adaptations.
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2023 Jun 15
Wang BA, Veismann M, Banerjee A
520. Kv7/KCNQ potassium channels in cortical hyperexcitability and juvenile seizure-related death in Ank2-mutant mice.
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2023 Jun 15
Oh H, Lee S, Oh Y
521. grandR: a comprehensive package for nucleotide conversion RNA-seq data analysis.
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2023 Jun 15
Rummel T(#), Sakellaridi L(#), Erhard F.
522. Molecular mechanisms of Holliday junction branch migration catalyzed by an asymmetric RuvB hexamer.
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2023 Jun 15
Rish AD(#), Shen Z(#), Chen Z
523. Reaction performance prediction with an extrapolative and interpretable graph model based on chemical knowledge.
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2023 Jun 15
Li SW, Xu LC, Zhang C
524. The intersection of undernutrition, microbiome, and child development in the first years of life.
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2023 Jun 15
Fontaine F, Turjeman S, Callens K
525. Unlocking complex soil systems as carbon sinks: multi-pool management as the key.
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2023 Jun 15
Angst G, Mueller KE, Castellano MJ
526. A convolutional neural network STIFMap reveals associations between stromal stiffness and EMT in breast cancer.
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2023 Jun 15
Stashko C, Hayward MK(#), Northey JJ(#)
527. Adaptive bias correction for improved subseasonal forecasting.
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2023 Jun 15
Mouatadid S, Orenstein P, Flaspohler G
528. Isolation of full-length IgG antibodies from combinatorial libraries expressed in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli.
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2023 Jun 14
Robinson MP(#), Jung J(#), Lopez-Barbosa N
529. Witnessing light-driven entanglement using time-resolved resonant inelastic X-ray scattering.
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2023 Jun 14
Hales J(#), Bajpai U(#), Liu T
530. Manipulating hydrogen bond dissociation rates and mechanisms in water dimer through vibrational strong coupling.
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2023 Jun 14
Yu Q, Bowman JM.
531. Liquid metal droplets bouncing higher on thicker water layer.
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2023 Jun 14
Dai Y(#), Li M(#), Ji B(#)
532. Enabling liquid crystal elastomers with tunable actuation temperature.
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2023 Jun 14
Yao Y, He E, Xu H
533. Timing of antibiotic administration determines the spread of plasmid-encoded antibiotic resistance during microbial range expansion.
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2023 Jun 14
Ma Y, Ramoneda J, Johnson DR.
534. A polyamine acetyltransferase regulates the motility and biofilm formation of Acinetobacter baumannii.
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2023 Jun 14
Armalytė J, Čepauskas A, Šakalytė G
535. Relationships of temperature and biodiversity with stability of natural aquatic food webs.
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2023 Jun 14
Zhao Q, Van den Brink PJ, Xu C
536. Culturing of a complex gut microbial community in mucin-hydrogel carriers reveals strain- and gene-associated spatial organization.
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2023 Jun 14
Jin X(#), Yu FB(#), Yan J
537. The structure of phosphatidylinositol remodeling MBOAT7 reveals its catalytic mechanism and enables inhibitor identification.
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2023 Jun 14
Wang K, Lee CW, Sui X
538. Catalytic asymmetric oxa-Diels-Alder reaction of acroleins with simple alkenes.
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2023 Jun 14
Zeng L, Liu S, Lan Y
539. A highly sensitive strategy for monitoring real-time proliferation of targeted cell types in vivo.
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2023 Jun 14
Sugawara H, Imai J, Yamamoto J
540. The role of climate change and urban development on compound dry-hot extremes across US cities.
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2023 Jun 14
Ghanbari M, Arabi M, Georgescu M
541. Coordination modulation of hydrated zinc ions to enhance redox reversibility of zinc batteries.
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2023 Jun 14
Chen S, Ji D, Chen Q
542. Arylcarboxylation of unactivated alkenes with CO(2) via visible-light photoredox catalysis.
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2023 Jun 14
Zhang W, Chen Z, Jiang YX
543. Quantum bath suppression in a superconducting circuit by immersion cooling.
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2023 Jun 14
Lucas M, Danilov AV, Levitin LV
544. Hierarchical entanglement shells of multichannel Kondo clouds.
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2023 Jun 14
Shim J(#), Kim D(#), Sim HS.
545. A global genomic analysis of Salmonella Concord reveals lineages with high antimicrobial resistance in Ethiopia.
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2023 Jun 14
Cuypers WL, Meysman P, Weill FX
546. All-organic polymeric materials with high refractive index and excellent transparency.
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2023 Jun 14
Zhang J(#), Bai T(#), Liu W(#)
547. Divergent molecular signatures in fish Bouncer proteins define cross-fertilization boundaries.
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2023 Jun 14
Gert KRB, Panser K, Surm J
548. Critical role of biomass burning aerosols in enhanced historical Indian Ocean warming.
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2023 Jun 14
Tian Y, Hu S, Deser C.
549. Deep learning-based incoherent holographic camera enabling acquisition of real-world holograms for holographic streaming system.
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2023 Jun 14
Yu H(#), Kim Y(#), Yang D
550. Melting domain size and recrystallization dynamics of ice revealed by time-resolved x-ray scattering.
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2023 Jun 14
Yang C, Ladd-Parada M, Nam K
551. Bipartite genome and structural organization of the parvovirus Acheta domesticus segmented densovirus.
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2023 Jun 14
Pénzes JJ, Pham HT, Chipman P
552. Globally consistent response of plant microbiome diversity across hosts and continents to soil nutrients and herbivores.
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2023 Jun 14
Seabloom EW, Caldeira MC, Davies KF
553. Reverse oxygen spillover triggered by CO adsorption on Sn-doped Pt/TiO(2) for low-temperature CO oxidation.
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2023 Jun 13
Chen J(#), Xiong S(#), Liu H
554. Diminishing storage returns of reservoir construction.
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2023 Jun 13
Li Y, Zhao G, Allen GH
555. Cell type-specific mapping of ion distribution in Arabidopsis thaliana roots.
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2023 Jun 13
Giehl RFH, Flis P, Fuchs J
556. Berry curvature contributions of kagome-lattice fragments in amorphous Fe-Sn thin films.
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2023 Jun 13
Fujiwara K(#), Kato Y(#), Abe H
557. TMX4-driven LINC complex disassembly and asymmetric autophagy of the nuclear envelope upon acute ER stress.
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2023 Jun 13
Kucińska MK(#), Fedry J(#), Galli C
558. Clinical and molecular correlation defines activity of physiological pathways in life-sustaining kidney xenotransplantation.
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2023 Jun 13
Firl DJ(#), Lassiter G(#), Hirose T
559. Imaging and controlling coherent phonon wave packets in single graphene nanoribbons.
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2023 Jun 13
Luo Y, Martin-Jimenez A, Pisarra M
560. Quantitative evaluation of large corporate climate action initiatives shows mixed progress in their first half-decade.
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2023 Jun 13
Ruiz Manuel I, Blok K.
561. A heterogeneously integrated lithium niobate-on-silicon nitride photonic platform.
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2023 Jun 13
Churaev M(#), Wang RN(#), Riedhauser A(#)
562. Structural insights into Siglec-15 reveal glycosylation dependency for its interaction with T cells through integrin CD11b.
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2023 Jun 13
Lenza MP(#), Egia-Mendikute L(#), Antoñana-Vildosola A(#)
563. Holocentromeres can consist of merely a few megabase-sized satellite arrays.
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2023 Jun 13
Kuo YT, Câmara AS, Schubert V
564. Ceramide sensing by human SPT-ORMDL complex for establishing sphingolipid homeostasis.
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2023 Jun 13
Xie T(#), Liu P(#), Wu X
565. Predicting the antigenic evolution of SARS-COV-2 with deep learning.
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2023 Jun 13
Han W(#), Chen N(#), Xu X(#)
566. Early presence of Homo sapiens in Southeast Asia by 86-68 kyr at Tam Pà Ling, Northern Laos.
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2023 Jun 13
Freidline SE, Westaway KE, Joannes-Boyau R
567. Hydrogen and dark oxygen drive microbial productivity in diverse groundwater ecosystems.
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2023 Jun 13
Ruff SE, Humez P, de Angelis IH
568. Omicron subvariant BA.5 efficiently infects lung cells.
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2023 Jun 13
Hoffmann M(#), Wong LR(#), Arora P(#)
569. Embryonic vitamin D deficiency programs hematopoietic stem cells to induce type 2 diabetes.
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2023 Jun 13
Oh J, Riek AE, Bauerle KT
570. Pacpaint: a histology-based deep learning model uncovers the extensive intratumor molecular heterogeneity of pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
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2023 Jun 13
Saillard C, Delecourt F, Schmauch B
571. A chip-scale atomic beam clock.
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2023 Jun 13
Martinez GD, Li C, Staron A
572. hapln1a(+) cells guide coronary growth during heart morphogenesis and regeneration.
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2023 Jun 13
Sun J, Peterson EA, Chen X
573. Natural history of long-COVID in a nationwide, population cohort study.
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2023 Jun 13
Hastie CE, Lowe DJ, McAuley A
574. Coordinated adaptations define the ontogenetic shift from worm- to fish-hunting in a venomous cone snail.
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2023 Jun 13
Rogalski A, Himaya SWA, Lewis RJ.
575. Directed differentiation of mouse pluripotent stem cells into functional lung-specific mesenchyme.
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2023 Jun 13
Alber AB, Marquez HA, Ma L
576. Low-spin state of Fe in Fe-doped NiOOH electrocatalysts.
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2023 Jun 13
He ZD, Tesch R, Eslamibidgoli MJ
577. A single-domain green fluorescent protein catenane.
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2023 Jun 13
Qu Z, Fang J, Wang YX
578. Mean-shift exploration in shape assembly of robot swarms.
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2023 Jun 13
Sun G, Zhou R, Ma Z
579. A chemiresistive-potentiometric multivariate sensor for discriminative gas detection.
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2023 Jun 13
Zhang H, Zhang Z, Li Z
580. Excessive copper impairs intrahepatocyte trafficking and secretion of selenoprotein P.
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2023 Jun 13
Schwarz M(#), Meyer CE(#), Löser A
581. Augmented temperature fluctuation aggravates muscular atrophy through the gut microbiota.
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2023 Jun 13
Liu Y, Guo Y, Liu Z
582. Temperature-triggered in situ forming lipid mesophase gel for local treatment of ulcerative colitis.
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2023 Jun 13
Carone M(#), Spalinger MR(#), Gaultney RA(#)
583. Parieto-occipital ERP indicators of gut mechanosensation in humans.
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2023 Jun 13
Mayeli A(#), Al Zoubi O(#), White EJ
584. High-speed tunable microwave-rate soliton microcomb.
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2023 Jun 12
He Y(#), Lopez-Rios R(#), Javid UA
585. Chemoselectivity change in catalytic hydrogenolysis enabling urea-reduction to formamide/amine over more reactive carbonyl compounds.
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2023 Jun 12
Iwasaki T(#), Tsuge K(#), Naito N
586. Dynamic chromatin architecture of the porcine adipose tissues with weight gain and loss.
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2023 Jun 12
Jin L(#), Wang D(#), Zhang J(#)
587. Single cell and spatial sequencing define processes by which keratinocytes and fibroblasts amplify inflammatory responses in psoriasis.
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2023 Jun 12
Ma F, Plazyo O, Billi AC
588. Atomic model for core modifying region of human fatty acid synthase in complex with Denifanstat.
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2023 Jun 12
Hasan SMN, Lou JW, Keszei AFA
589. Machine learning optimization of candidate antibody yields highly diverse sub-nanomolar affinity antibody libraries.
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2023 Jun 12
Li L, Gupta E, Spaeth J
590. Unraveling the glycosylated immunopeptidome with HLA-Glyco.
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2023 Jun 12
Bedran G(#), Polasky DA(#), Hsiao Y
591. Demonstrating the value of beaches for adaptation to future coastal flood risk.
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2023 Jun 12
Toimil A, Losada IJ, Álvarez-Cuesta M
592. Non-volatile electrically programmable integrated photonics with a 5-bit operation.
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2023 Jun 12
Chen R, Fang Z, Perez C
593. Regioselective stilbene O-methylations in Saccharinae grasses.
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2023 Jun 12
Lui ACW(#), Pow KC(#), Lin N(#)
594. Phase 1b trial of anti-EGFR antibody JMT101 and Osimertinib in EGFR exon 20 insertion-positive non-small-cell lung cancer.
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2023 Jun 12
Zhao S(#), Zhuang W(#), Han B(#)
595. Accelerating the solar-thermal energy storage via inner-light supplying with optical waveguide.
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2023 Jun 12
Zhang Y, Tang J, Chen J
596. Characterization of p38α autophosphorylation inhibitors that target the non-canonical activation pathway.
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2023 Jun 12
González L, Díaz L, Pous J
597. Collective excitations of a bound-in-the-continuum condensate.
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2023 Jun 12
Grudinina A, Efthymiou-Tsironi M, Ardizzone V
598. Mechanism of small molecule inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum myosin A informs antimalarial drug design.
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2023 Jun 12
Moussaoui D(#), Robblee JP(#), Robert-Paganin J(#)
599. Analysis and modeling of cancer drug responses using cell cycle phase-specific rate effects.
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2023 Jun 10
Gross SM(#), Mohammadi F(#), Sanchez-Aguila C
600. Experimental demonstration of a skyrmion-enhanced strain-mediated physical reservoir computing system.
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2023 Jun 10
Sun Y(#), Lin T(#), Lei N(#)
601. Impaired histone inheritance promotes tumor progression.
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2023 Jun 10
Tian C(#), Zhou J(#), Li X(#)
602. Quality evaluation of ground improvement by deep cement mixing piles via ground-penetrating radar.
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2023 Jun 10
Shen H, Li X, Duan R
603. Revealing proteome-level functional redundancy in the human gut microbiome using ultra-deep metaproteomics.
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2023 Jun 10
Li L(#), Wang T(#), Ning Z
604. Discovery of senolytics using machine learning.
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2023 Jun 10
Smer-Barreto V(#), Quintanilla A(#), Elliott RJR
605. Site-specific fabrication of a melanin-like pigment through spatially confined progressive assembly on an initiator-loaded template.
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2023 Jun 10
Jeong H, Lee J, Kim S
606. Vertically integrated spiking cone photoreceptor arrays for color perception.
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2023 Jun 10
Wang X, Chen C, Zhu L
607. A pilot study of lymphodepletion intensity for peripheral blood mononuclear cell-derived neoantigen-specific CD8 + T cell therapy in patients with advanced solid tumors.
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2023 Jun 10
Li D(#), Chen C(#), Li J(#)
608. Splicing activates transcription from weak promoters upstream of alternative exons.
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2023 Jun 10
Uriostegui-Arcos M, Mick ST, Shi Z
609. Global warming accelerates soil heterotrophic respiration.
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2023 Jun 10
Nissan A, Alcolombri U, Peleg N
610. Trichalcogenasupersumanenes and its concave-convex supramolecular assembly with fullerenes.
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2023 Jun 10
Sun Y(#), Wang X(#), Yang B(#)
611. Ultrahigh-Q guided mode resonances in an All-dielectric metasurface.
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2023 Jun 10
Huang L(#), Jin R(#), Zhou C(#)
612. Rapid and definitive treatment of phenylketonuria in variant-humanized mice with corrective editing.
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2023 Jun 10
Brooks DL, Carrasco MJ, Qu P
613. Vaccine-induced protection against SARS-CoV-2 requires IFN-γ-driven cellular immune response.
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2023 Jun 10
Wang X(#), Yuen TT(#), Dou Y(#)
614. Scarless wound healing programmed by core-shell microneedles.
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2023 Jun 10
Zhang Y(#), Wang S(#), Yang Y
615. Solution-processable polymers of intrinsic microporosity for gas-phase carbon dioxide photoreduction.
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2023 Jun 10
Moruzzi F, Zhang W, Purushothaman B
616. A flavin-monooxygenase catalyzing oxepinone formation and the complete biosynthesis of vibralactone.
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2023 Jun 10
Feng KN(#), Zhang Y(#), Zhang M(#)
617. Non-Hermitian control between absorption and transparency in perfect zero-reflection magnonics.
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2023 Jun 10
Qian J, Meng CH, Rao JW
618. Upper critical solution temperature polymer assemblies via variable temperature liquid phase transmission electron microscopy and liquid resonant soft X-ray scattering.
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2023 Jun 10
Korpanty J, Wang C, Gianneschi NC.
619. Allosteric activation of cell wall synthesis during bacterial growth.
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2023 Jun 10
Shlosman I, Fivenson EM, Gilman MSA
620. Exciton transport in atomically thin semiconductors.
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2023 Jun 10
Malic E, Perea-Causin R, Rosati R
621. The G protein preference of orexin receptors is currently an unresolved issue.
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2023 Jun 1
Kukkonen JP.
622. The blood proteome of imminent lung cancer diagnosis.
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Lung Cancer Cohort Consortium (LC3).
623. The divisome but not the elongasome organizes capsule synthesis in Streptococcus pneumoniae.
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2023 Jun 1
Nakamoto R, Bamyaci S, Blomqvist K
624. No evidence of sustained nonzoonotic Plasmodium knowlesi transmission in Malaysia from modelling malaria case data.
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2023 Jun 1
Fornace KM, Topazian HM, Routledge I
625. Identification of a covert evolutionary pathway between two protein folds.
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2023 Jun 1
Chakravarty D, Sreenivasan S, Swint-Kruse L
626. Host transcriptomic plasticity and photosymbiotic fidelity underpin Pocillopora acclimatization across thermal regimes in the Pacific Ocean.
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2023 Jun 1
Armstrong EJ(#), Lê-Hoang J(#), Carradec Q
627. Ecology of Endozoicomonadaceae in three coral genera across the Pacific Ocean.
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2023 Jun 1
Hochart C, Paoli L, Ruscheweyh HJ
628. Vagus nerve stimulation primes platelets and reduces bleeding in hemophilia A male mice.
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2023 Jun 1
Bravo-Iñiguez CE(#), Fritz JR(#), Shukla S
629. Rio1 downregulates centromeric RNA levels to promote the timely assembly of structurally fit kinetochores.
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2023 Jun 1
Smurova K, Damizia M, Irene C
630. Transposon signatures of allopolyploid genome evolution.
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2023 Jun 1
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631. Highly cross-linked carbon tube aerogels with enhanced elasticity and fatigue resistance.
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2023 Jun 1
Zhuang L, Lu D, Zhang J
632. Diversity of the Pacific Ocean coral reef microbiome.
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2023 Jun 1
Galand PE, Ruscheweyh HJ, Salazar G
633. High-rate and selective conversion of CO(2) from aqueous solutions to hydrocarbons.
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2023 Jun 1
Obasanjo CA(#), Gao G(#), Crane J(#)
634. The effectiveness of global protected areas for climate change mitigation.
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2023 Jun 1
Duncanson L, Liang M, Leitold V
635. Seasonal catchment memory of high mountain rivers in the Tibetan Plateau.
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2023 Jun 1
Gu H, Xu YP, Liu L
636. Mechanism for fluctuating pair density wave.
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2023 Jun 1
Setty C, Fanfarillo L, Hirschfeld PJ.
637. Cu-based high-entropy two-dimensional oxide as stable and active photothermal catalyst.
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2023 Jun 1
Li Y(#), Bai X(#), Yuan D(#)
638. Structural interplay of anesthetics and paralytics on muscle nicotinic receptors.
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2023 Jun 1
Goswami U, Rahman MM, Teng J
639. Inefficient prioritization of task-relevant attributes during instrumental information demand.
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2023 Jun 1
Rischall I(#), Hunter L(#), Jensen G
640. Telomere DNA length regulation is influenced by seasonal temperature differences in short-lived but not in long-lived reef-building corals.
Nat Commun
2023 Jun 1
Rouan A(#), Pousse M(#), Djerbi N(#)
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