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2023 Sep (281)
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2021 Jan (183)
1. Bone marrow adiposity modulation after long duration spaceflight in astronauts.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Liu T, Melkus G, Ramsay T
2. Catalytic site flexibility facilitates the substrate and catalytic promiscuity of Vibrio dual lipase/transferase.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Wang C, Liu C, Zhu X
3. A HIF independent oxygen-sensitive pathway for controlling cholesterol synthesis.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Dickson AS(#), Pauzaite T(#), Arnaiz E(#)
4. High-performance thermomagnetic generator controlled by a magnetocaloric switch.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Liu X, Chen H, Huang J
5. Single-cell analysis reveals region-heterogeneous responses in rhesus monkey spinal cord with complete injury.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Fan Y(#), Wu X(#), Han S(#)
6. Hybridization of short-range and long-range charge transfer excited states in multiple resonance emitter.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Lee HL(#), Kang J(#), Lim J
7. Orbital-symmetry effects on magnetic exchange in open-shell nanographenes.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Du Q, Su X, Liu Y
8. A machine-learning approach to human ex vivo lung perfusion predicts transplantation outcomes and promotes organ utilization.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Sage AT, Donahoe LL, Shamandy AA
9. Molecular insights into intrinsic transducer-coupling bias in the CXCR4-CXCR7 system.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Sarma P, Carino CMC, Seetharama D
10. Auranofin targets UBA1 and enhances UBA1 activity by facilitating ubiquitin trans-thioesterification to E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Yan W, Zhong Y, Hu X
11. Scalable trapping of single nanosized extracellular vesicles using plasmonics.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Hong C, Ndukaife JC.
12. Profiling cell envelope-antibiotic interactions reveals vulnerabilities to β-lactams in a multidrug-resistant bacterium.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Hogan AM, Rahman ASMZ(#), Motnenko A(#)
13. Over-coupled resonator for broadband surface enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA).
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Paggi L, Fabas A, El Ouazzani H
14. Dynamics of cortical contrast adaptation predict perception of signals in noise.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Angeloni CF, Młynarski W, Piasini E
15. Antibiotics and hexagonal order in the bacterial outer membrane.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Benn G, Silhavy TJ, Kleanthous C
16. Modular assembly of indole alkaloids enabled by multicomponent reaction.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Li J, Lai Z, Zhang W
17. Origin and arrangement of actin filaments for gliding motility in apicomplexan parasites revealed by cryo-electron tomography.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Martinez M(#), Mageswaran SK(#), Guérin A
18. Theory predicts UV/vis-to-IR photonic down conversion mediated by excited state vibrational polaritons.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Terry Weatherly CK, Provazza J, Weiss EA
19. Effects of COVID-19 vaccination and previous infection on Omicron SARS-CoV-2 infection and relation with serology.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
de Gier B, Huiberts AJ, Hoeve CE
20. Diastereo- and atroposelective synthesis of N-arylpyrroles enabled by light-induced phosphoric acid catalysis.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Dai L, Zhou X, Guo J
21. Unreprogrammed H3K9me3 prevents minor zygotic genome activation and lineage commitment in SCNT embryos.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Xu R(#), Zhu Q(#), Zhao Y
22. Emergent layer stacking arrangements in c-axis confined MoTe(2).
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Hart JL, Bhatt L, Zhu Y
23. Anomalous Landau quantization in intrinsic magnetic topological insulators.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Chong SK(#), Lei C(#), Lee SH
24. Structural basis for a degenerate tRNA identity code and the evolution of bimodal specificity in human mitochondrial tRNA recognition.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Kuhle B, Hirschi M, Doerfel LK
25. Structure and regulation of full-length human leucine-rich repeat kinase 1.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Metcalfe RD, Martinez Fiesco JA, Bonet-Ponce L
26. Small molecule branched-chain ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase (BDK) inhibitors with opposing effects on BDK protein levels.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 9
Roth Flach RJ(#), Bollinger E(#), Reyes AR
27. Spatial transcriptomics analysis of esophageal squamous precancerous lesions and their progression to esophageal cancer.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Liu X(#), Zhao S(#), Wang K(#)
28. Understanding catalytic synergy in dinuclear polymerization catalysts for sustainable polymers.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Fiorentini F, Diment WT, Deacy AC
29. Long-term ex situ normothermic perfusion of human split livers for more than 1 week.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Lau NS, Ly M, Dennis C
30. A synthetic metastatic niche reveals antitumor neutrophils drive breast cancer metastatic dormancy in the lungs.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Wang J, Ocadiz-Ruiz R, Hall MS
31. Intermittent dietary methionine deprivation facilitates tumoral ferroptosis and synergizes with checkpoint blockade.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Xue Y(#), Lu F(#), Chang Z
32. Cryo-EM structures of Uba7 reveal the molecular basis for ISG15 activation and E1-E2 thioester transfer.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Afsar M, Liu G, Jia L
33. A mosaic adeno-associated virus vector as a versatile tool that exhibits high levels of transgene expression and neuron specificity in primate brain.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Kimura K, Nagai Y, Hatanaka G
34. Cryo-EM structures of human zinc transporter ZnT7 reveal the mechanism of Zn(2+) uptake into the Golgi apparatus.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Bui HB(#), Watanabe S(#), Nomura N
35. Autophagy promotes jasmonate-mediated defense against nematodes.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Zou J(#), Chen X(#), Liu C
36. Hyaluronic acid-bilirubin nanomedicine-based combination chemoimmunotherapy.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Lee Y, Shinn J, Xu C
37. A conserved membrane curvature-generating protein is crucial for autophagosome formation in fission yeast.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Wang N, Shibata Y, Paulo JA
38. Van der Waals isotope heterostructures for engineering phonon polariton dispersions.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Chen M(#), Zhong Y(#), Harris E
39. Mechanisms underlying pathological cortical bursts during metabolic depletion.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Dutta S, Iyer KK, Vanhatalo S
40. SNIP1 and PRC2 coordinate cell fates of neural progenitors during brain development.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Matsui Y, Djekidel MN, Lindsay K
41. Proteomics and constraint-based modelling reveal enzyme kinetic properties of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii on a genome scale.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Arend M, Zimmer D, Xu R
42. Structure of lasso peptide epimerase MslH reveals metal-dependent acid/base catalytic mechanism.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Nakashima Y(#), Kawakami A(#), Ogasawara Y
43. Spying on parahydrogen-induced polarization transfer using a half-tesla benchtop MRI and hyperpolarized imaging enabled by automation.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Ellermann F(#), Sirbu A(#), Brahms A
44. Intradermal but not intramuscular modified vaccinia Ankara immunizations protect against intravaginal tier2 simian-human immunodeficiency virus challenges in female macaques.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Bollimpelli VS, Reddy PBJ, Gangadhara S
45. Lymph node targeted multi-epitope subunit vaccine promotes effective immunity to EBV in HLA-expressing mice.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Dasari V, McNeil LK, Beckett K
46. Genomic dissection of endemic carbapenem resistance reveals metallo-beta-lactamase dissemination through clonal, plasmid and integron transfer.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Macesic N, Hawkey J, Vezina B
47. A BLADE-ON-PETIOLE orthologue regulates corolla differentiation in the proximal region in Torenia fournieri.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Su S(#), Lei Y(#), Zhou X(#)
48. TEQUILA-seq: a versatile and low-cost method for targeted long-read RNA sequencing.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Wang F(#), Xu Y(#), Wang R(#)
49. Modulation of translational decoding by m(6)A modification of mRNA.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Jain S(#), Koziej L(#), Poulis P(#)
50. Selective CO(2) reduction to CH(3)OH over atomic dual-metal sites embedded in a metal-organic framework with high-energy radiation.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Hu C(#), Jiang Z(#), Wu Q(#)
51. Development of high-voltage and high-energy membrane-free nonaqueous lithium-based organic redox flow batteries.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Gautam RK, Wang X, Lashgari A
52. Physical state of water controls friction of gabbro-built faults.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Feng W, Yao L, Cornelio C
53. Stimulus edges induce orientation tuning in superior colliculus.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Liang Y(#), Lu R(#), Borges K
54. Safety and immunogenicity of Ad5-nCoV immunization after three-dose priming with inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in Chinese adults.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Zhang H(#), Xu N(#), Xu Y
55. Nutritional and host environments determine community ecology and keystone species in a synthetic gut bacterial community.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Weiss AS, Niedermeier LS, von Strempel A
56. CoIn dual-atom catalyst for hydrogen peroxide production via oxygen reduction reaction in acid.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Du J(#), Han G(#), Zhang W
57. Structure, catalysis, chitin transport, and selective inhibition of chitin synthase.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Chen DD(#), Wang ZB(#), Wang LX
58. Vitamin interdependencies predicted by metagenomics-informed network analyses and validated in microbial community microcosms.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Hessler T, Huddy RJ, Sachdeva R
59. Comparative study of Co(3)O(4)(111), CoFe(2)O(4)(111), and Fe(3)O(4)(111) thin film electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Davis EM, Bergmann A, Zhan C
60. spinDrop: a droplet microfluidic platform to maximise single-cell sequencing information content.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
De Jonghe J(#), Kaminski TS(#), Morse DB
61. Multi-proxy evidence for sea level fall at the onset of the Eocene-Oligocene transition.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
De Lira Mota MA, Dunkley Jones T, Sulaiman N
62. Non-reciprocal and non-Newtonian mechanical metamaterials.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 8
Wang L, Martínez JAI, Ulliac G
63. Transforming sustainable plant proteins into high performance lubricating microgels.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Kew B, Holmes M, Liamas E
64. Interplay of structure and photophysics of individualized rod-shaped graphene quantum dots with up to 132 sp² carbon atoms.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Medina-Lopez D(#), Liu T(#), Osella S
65. Identification of scaffold proteins for improved endogenous engineering of extracellular vesicles.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Zheng W(#), Rädler J(#), Sork H
66. SONAR enables cell type deconvolution with spatially weighted Poisson-Gamma model for spatial transcriptomics.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Liu Z, Wu D, Zhai W
67. Bioinspired "cage traps" for closed-loop lead management of perovskite solar cells under real-world contamination assessment.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Luo H(#), Li P(#), Ma J
68. Getting personal with epigenetics: towards individual-specific epigenomic imputation with machine learning.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Hawkins-Hooker A(#), Visonà G(#), Narendra T
69. Urbanisation generates multiple trait syndromes for terrestrial animal taxa worldwide.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Hahs AK(#), Fournier B(#), Aronson MFJ
70. A multiplex blood-based assay targeting DNA methylation in PBMCs enables early detection of breast cancer.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Wang T(#), Li P(#), Qi Q(#)
71. Impact of hierarchical water dipole orderings on the dynamics of aqueous salt solutions.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Shi R, Cooper AJ, Tanaka H.
72. Combining gut microbiota modulation and chemotherapy by capecitabine-loaded prebiotic nanoparticle improves colorectal cancer therapy.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Lang T(#), Zhu R(#), Zhu X
73. Cas9-mediated knockout of Ndrg2 enhances the regenerative potential of dendritic cells for wound healing.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Henn D, Zhao D(#), Sivaraj D(#)
74. Experimental validation of the free-energy principle with in vitro neural networks.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Isomura T, Kotani K, Jimbo Y
75. Discovering conservation laws using optimal transport and manifold learning.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Lu PY, Dangovski R, Soljačić M.
76. Fabrication of p-type 2D single-crystalline transistor arrays with Fermi-level-tuned van der Waals semimetal electrodes.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Song S(#), Yoon A(#), Jang S(#)
77. Brain criticality predicts individual levels of inter-areal synchronization in human electrophysiological data.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Fuscà M(#), Siebenhühner F(#), Wang SH(#)
78. Saddles as rotational locks within shape-assisted self-assembled nanosheets.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Woods JF, Gallego L, Maisch A
79. Pinging the brain to reveal the hidden attentional priority map using encephalography.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Duncan DH, van Moorselaar D, Theeuwes J.
80. Comparing molnupiravir and nirmatrelvir/ritonavir efficacy and the effects on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in animal models.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Cox RM(#), Lieber CM(#), Wolf JD
81. Enhancing quantum teleportation efficacy with noiseless linear amplification.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Zhao J, Jeng H, Conlon LO
82. Emerging exotic compositional order on approaching low-temperature equilibrium glasses.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Tong H, Tanaka H.
83. Backbone spiking sequence as a basis for preplay, replay, and default states in human cortex.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Vaz AP, Wittig JH Jr, Inati SK
84. Phenotypically complex living materials containing engineered cyanobacteria.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 7
Datta D(#), Weiss EL(#), Wangpraseurt D
85. Neurexin-3 subsynaptic densities are spatially distinct from Neurexin-1 and essential for excitatory synapse nanoscale organization in the hippocampus.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Lloyd BA, Han Y, Roth R
86. Multi-PGS enhances polygenic prediction by combining 937 polygenic scores.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Albiñana C, Zhu Z, Schork AJ
87. Cardiomyocyte proliferation is suppressed by ARID1A-mediated YAP inhibition during cardiac maturation.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Boogerd CJ, Perini I, Kyriakopoulou E
88. Acoustic microbubble propulsion, train-like assembly and cargo transport.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Janiak J, Li Y(#), Ferry Y(#)
89. Neural manifolds for odor-driven innate and acquired appetitive preferences.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Chandak R, Raman B.
90. Self-supervised learning with application for infant cerebellum segmentation and analysis.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Sun Y, Wang L, Gao K
91. Design of mechanical-robust phosphorescence materials through covalent click reaction.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Tian R, Gao S, Li K
92. BtuB TonB-dependent transporters and BtuG surface lipoproteins form stable complexes for vitamin B(12) uptake in gut Bacteroides.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Abellon-Ruiz J(#), Jana K(#), Silale A
93. Modulatory dynamics of periodic and aperiodic activity in respiration-brain coupling.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Kluger DS, Forster C, Abbasi O
94. Vacancy-mediated anomalous phononic and electronic transport in defective half-Heusler ZrNiBi.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Ren W(#), Xue W(#), Guo S(#)
95. Control of motor landing and processivity by the CAP-Gly domain in the KIF13B tail.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Fan X, McKenney RJ.
96. A rare case of brominated small molecule acceptors for high-efficiency organic solar cells.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Liang H(#), Bi X(#), Chen H
97. Electro-assisted methane oxidation to formic acid via in-situ cathodically generated H(2)O(2) under ambient conditions.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Kim J(#), Kim JH(#), Oh C
98. Bilateral human laryngeal motor cortex in perceptual decision of lexical tone and voicing of consonant.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Liang B, Li Y, Zhao W
99. The NAC transcription factors SNAP1/2/3/4 are central regulators mediating high nitrogen responses in mature nodules of soybean.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Wang X(#), Qiu Z(#), Zhu W(#)
100. Hydrogenation versus hydrogenolysis during alkaline electrochemical valorization of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural over oxide-derived Cu-bimetallics.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Hauke P, Merzdorf T, Klingenhof M
101. Atmospheric turbulence strength distribution along a propagation path probed by longitudinally structured optical beams.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Zhou H, Su X, Duan Y
102. A stretchable, mechanically robust polymer exhibiting shape-memory-assisted self-healing and clustering-triggered emission.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Wang X, Xu J, Zhang Y
103. A common neuronal ensemble in nucleus accumbens regulates pain-like behaviour and sleep.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Sun H(#), Li Z(#), Qiu Z
104. Active-feedback quantum control of an integrated low-frequency mechanical resonator.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Guo J, Chang J, Yao X
105. Molecular basis of Mg(2+) permeation through the human mitochondrial Mrs2 channel.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Li M(#), Li Y(#), Lu Y
106. Prussian blue analog with separated active sites to catalyze water driven enhanced catalytic treatments.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Wang LC, Chiou PY, Hsu YP
107. Holocene climate change in southern Oman deciphered by speleothem records and climate model simulations.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Tian Y, Fleitmann D, Zhang Q
108. Combined PD-L1/TGFβ blockade allows expansion and differentiation of stem cell-like CD8 T cells in immune excluded tumors.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 5
Castiglioni A(#), Yang Y(#), Williams K(#)
109. Non-invasive electromechanical assessment during atrial fibrillation identifies underlying atrial myopathy alterations with early prognostic value.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Enríquez-Vázquez D(#), Quintanilla JG(#), García-Escolano A(#)
110. Metagenomic surveillance uncovers diverse and novel viral taxa in febrile patients from Nigeria.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Oguzie JU(#), Petros BA(#), Oluniyi PE(#)
111. Ultrahigh-efficient material informatics inverse design of thermal metamaterials for visible-infrared-compatible camouflage.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Xi W(#), Lee YJ(#), Yu S
112. A flexible optoacoustic blood 'stethoscope' for noninvasive multiparametric cardiovascular monitoring.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Jin H(#), Zheng Z(#), Cui Z
113. A single-cell transcriptional landscape of immune cells shows disease-specific changes of T cell and macrophage populations in human achalasia.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Liu ZQ(#), Dai H(#), Yao L(#)
114. The contribution of corporate initiatives to global renewable electricity deployment.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Egli F, Zhang R, Hopo V
115. Functional divergence of CYP76AKs shapes the chemodiversity of abietane-type diterpenoids in genus Salvia.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Hu J(#), Qiu S(#), Wang F(#)
116. Harmonic to anharmonic tuning of moiré potential leading to unconventional Stark effect and giant dipolar repulsion in WS(2)/WSe(2) heterobilayer.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Chatterjee S(#), Dandu M(#), Dasika P(#)
117. Size-dependent vitrification in metallic glasses.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Di Lisio V, Gallino I, Riegler SS
118. Visible-light-driven reversible shuttle vicinal dihalogenation using lead halide perovskite quantum dot catalysts.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Li Y, Gao Y, Deng Z
119. XCP1 cleaves Pathogenesis-related protein 1 into CAPE9 for systemic immunity in Arabidopsis.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Chen YL, Lin FW, Cheng KT
120. Superscattering emerging from the physics of bound states in the continuum.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Canós Valero A, Shamkhi HK, Kupriianov AS
121. High-performance alkaline water electrolyzers based on Ru-perturbed Cu nanoplatelets cathode.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Zuo Y, Bellani S, Ferri M
122. Long-range, non-local switching of spin textures in a frustrated antiferromagnet.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Haley SC, Maniv E, Wu S
123. Targeting of SLC25A22 boosts the immunotherapeutic response in KRAS-mutant colorectal cancer.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Zhou Q, Peng Y, Ji F
124. Membrane mediated mechanical stimuli produces distinct active-like states in the AT1 receptor.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Poudel B, Rajeshwar T R, Vanegas JM.
125. Myonectin protects against skeletal muscle dysfunction in male mice through activation of AMPK/PGC1α pathway.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Ozaki Y, Ohashi K, Otaka N
126. The AT-hook is an evolutionarily conserved auto-regulatory domain of SWI/SNF required for cell lineage priming.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Saha D, Hailu S, Hada A
127. A contracting Intertropical Convergence Zone during the Early Heinrich Stadial 1.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Yang Y, Zhang L, Yi L
128. Copper(I)-catalyzed asymmetric 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of 1,3-enynes and azomethine ylides.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Wang BR, Li YB, Zhang Q
129. Cyclical dermal micro-niche switching governs the morphological infradian rhythm of mouse zigzag hair.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Takeo M, Toyoshima KE, Fujimoto R
130. Structures and immune recognition of Env trimers from two Asia prevalent HIV-1 CRFs.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Niu J(#), Wang Q(#), Zhao W(#)
131. The Ycf48 accessory factor occupies the site of the oxygen-evolving manganese cluster during photosystem II biogenesis.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 4
Zhao Z(#), Vercellino I(#), Knoppová J(#)
132. Purinergic signaling mediates neuroglial interactions to modulate sighs.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 31
Severs LJ, Bush NE, Quina LA
133. Early-stage bifurcation of crystallization in a sphere.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 31
Mbah CF(#), Wang J(#), Englisch S(#)
134. Stimuli-responsive rotaxane-branched dendronized polymers with tunable thermal and rheological properties.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 31
Zhu Y, Jiang H, Wu W
135. Antibody-mediated neutralization of galectin-3 as a strategy for the treatment of systemic sclerosis.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 31
Ortega-Ferreira C(#), Soret P(#), Robin G
136. A route to metalloligands consolidated silver nanoclusters by grafting thiacalix[4]arene onto polyoxovanadates.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 31
Wang Z(#), Zhu YJ(#), Han BL
137. Birds multiplex spectral and temporal visual information via retinal On- and Off-channels.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 31
Seifert M, Roberts PA, Kafetzis G
138. Uncovering spin-orbit coupling-independent hidden spin polarization of energy bands in antiferromagnets.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 31
Yuan LD, Zhang X, Acosta CM
139. Toughening colloidal gels using rough building blocks.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 31
Müller FJ, Isa L, Vermant J.
140. Protein engineering and iterative multimodule optimization for vitamin B(6) production in Escherichia coli.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 31
Liu L(#), Li J(#), Gai Y(#)
141. Autocrine TGF-β-positive feedback in profibrotic AT2-lineage cells plays a crucial role in non-inflammatory lung fibrogenesis.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 31
Enomoto Y, Katsura H, Fujimura T
142. Charged biexciton polaritons sustaining strong nonlinearity in 2D semiconductor-based nanocavities.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 31
Wei K(#), Liu Q(#), Tang Y
143. Identifying s-wave pairing symmetry in single-layer FeSe from topologically trivial edge states.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 31
Wei Z(#), Qin S(#), Ding C
144. Heterogeneous changes of soil microclimate in high mountains and glacier forelands.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 31
Marta S, Zimmer A, Caccianiga M
145. Screening non-conventional yeasts for acid tolerance and engineering Pichia occidentalis for production of muconic acid.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 31
Pyne ME(#), Bagley JA(#), Narcross L
146. Using a synthetic machinery to improve carbon yield with acetylphosphate as the core.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 30
Guo L(#), Liu M(#), Bi Y
147. Heterogeneous receptor expression underlies non-uniform peptidergic modulation of olfaction in Drosophila.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 30
Sizemore TR, Jonaitis J, Dacks AM.
148. Critical dynamics arise during structured information presentation within embodied in vitro neuronal networks.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 30
Habibollahi F(#), Kagan BJ(#), Burkitt AN
149. Reversal of cell, circuit and seizure phenotypes in a mouse model of DNM1 epileptic encephalopathy.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 30
Bonnycastle K, Dobson KL, Blumrich EM
150. Hardware-aware training for large-scale and diverse deep learning inference workloads using in-memory computing-based accelerators.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 30
Rasch MJ, Mackin C, Le Gallo M
151. Revealing the role of interfacial water and key intermediates at ruthenium surfaces in the alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 30
Chen X(#), Wang XT(#), Le JB(#)
152. Acetylcholine modulates the temporal dynamics of human theta oscillations during memory.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 30
Gedankien T, Tan RJ, Qasim SE
153. Targeted mechanical stimulation via magnetic nanoparticles guides in vitro tissue development.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 30
Abdel Fattah AR, Kolaitis N, Van Daele K
154. MAVS signaling is required for preventing persistent chikungunya heart infection and chronic vascular tissue inflammation.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 3
Noval MG, Spector SN, Bartnicki E
155. Gain-of-function mutant p53 together with ERG proto-oncogene drive prostate cancer by beta-catenin activation and pyrimidine synthesis.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 3
Ding D, Blee AM, Zhang J
156. A neural-mechanistic hybrid approach improving the predictive power of genome-scale metabolic models.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 3
Faure L, Mollet B, Liebermeister W
157. Surface passivation for highly active, selective, stable, and scalable CO(2) electroreduction.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 3
Zhu J(#), Li J(#), Lu R(#)
158. Network-wide thermodynamic constraints shape NAD(P)H cofactor specificity of biochemical reactions.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 3
Bekiaris PS, Klamt S.
159. ERFVII action and modulation through oxygen-sensing in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 3
Zubrycka A(#), Dambire C(#), Dalle Carbonare L(#)
160. Neoadjuvant Afatinib for stage III EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer: a phase II study.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 3
Bian D(#), Sun L(#), Hu J(#)
161. Functional annotation of proteins for signaling network inference in non-model species.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 3
Van den Broeck L, Bhosale DK, Song K
162. Single-cell transcriptomics of human cholesteatoma identifies an activin A-producing osteoclastogenic fibroblast subset inducing bone destruction.
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2023 Aug 3
Shimizu K, Kikuta J, Ohta Y
163. Material-engineered bioartificial microorganisms enabling efficient scavenging of waterborne viruses.
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2023 Aug 3
Li H, Xu Y, Wang Y
164. Genetic risk, adherence to healthy lifestyle and acute cardiovascular and thromboembolic complications following SARS-COV-2 infection.
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Xie J(#), Feng Y(#), Newby D
165. Simultaneously discovering the fate and biochemical effects of pharmaceuticals through untargeted metabolomics.
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Bowen TJ, Southam AD, Hall AR
166. Extreme transport of light in spheroids of tumor cells.
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Pierangeli D, Perini G, Palmieri V
167. Rhodium-catalyzed enantioselective and diastereodivergent access to diaxially chiral heterocycles.
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Wang Y, Zhu X, Pan D
168. Boreal conifers maintain carbon uptake with warming despite failure to track optimal temperatures.
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Dusenge ME, Warren JM, Reich PB
169. Molecular basis of the pleiotropic effects by the antibiotic amikacin on the ribosome.
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Seely SM(#), Parajuli NP(#), De Tarafder A
170. Molecular insights into Spindlin1-HBx interplay and its impact on HBV transcription from cccDNA minichromosome.
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Liu W(#), Yao Q(#), Su X
171. Accessing five oxidation states of uranium in a retained ligand framework.
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Deng C, Liang J, Sun R
172. Tricolor visible wavelength-selective photodegradable hydrogel biomaterials.
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173. Deep and fast label-free Dynamic Organellar Mapping.
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Schessner JP, Albrecht V, Davies AK
174. Global determinants of insect mitochondrial genetic diversity.
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French CM, Bertola LD, Carnaval AC
175. Functionalization and higher-order organization of liposomes with DNA nanostructures.
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Zhang Z, Feng Z, Zhao X
176. Downregulation of transposable elements extends lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans.
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177. Effects of public-health measures for zeroing out different SARS-CoV-2 variants.
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Ge Y(#), Wu X(#), Zhang W(#)
178. Barcoded multiple displacement amplification for high coverage sequencing in spatial genomics.
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179. The non-redundant functions of PIWI family proteins in gametogenesis in golden hamsters.
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Lv X(#), Xiao W(#), Lai Y(#)
180. Hydrogenation of different carbon substrates into light hydrocarbons by ball milling.
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Li L(#), Vozniuk O(#), Cao Z
181. Electrostatic interactions guide substrate recognition of the prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein ligase PafA.
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Block MF, Delley CL, Keller LML
182. Interrogating the viral dark matter of the rumen ecosystem with a global virome database.
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Yan M, Pratama AA, Somasundaram S
183. Feasibility of an implantable bioreactor for renal cell therapy using silicon nanopore membranes.
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Kim EJ(#), Chen C(#), Gologorsky R
184. Next generation synthetic memory via intercepting recombinase function.
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Short AE(#), Kim D(#), Milner PT
185. γδ T cells control murine skin inflammation and subcutaneous adipose wasting during chronic Trypanosoma brucei infection.
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Quintana JF(#), Sinton MC(#), Chandrasegaran P
186. Flight trajectory prediction enabled by time-frequency wavelet transform.
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Zhang Z, Guo D, Zhou S
187. Realizing tight-binding Hamiltonians using site-controlled coupled cavity arrays.
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188. Observation of an Alice ring in a Bose-Einstein condensate.
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189. Neonatal and maternal outcomes following SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination: a population-based matched cohort study.
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Lindsay L, Calvert C, Shi T
190. Loss of LCMT1 and biased protein phosphatase 2A heterotrimerization drive prostate cancer progression and therapy resistance.
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Rasool RU, O'Connor CM, Das CK
191. Igneous meteorites suggest Aluminium-26 heterogeneity in the early Solar Nebula.
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Krestianinov E, Amelin Y, Yin QZ
192. Delayed gut microbiota maturation in the first year of life is a hallmark of pediatric allergic disease.
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Hoskinson C, Dai DLY, Del Bel KL
193. Cobalt-catalyzed atroposelective C-H activation/annulation to access N-N axially chiral frameworks.
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Li T(#), Shi L(#), Wang X
194. Revealing intrinsic domains and fluctuations of moiré magnetism by a wide-field quantum microscope.
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Huang M(#), Sun Z(#), Yan G
195. Operando monitoring of thermal runaway in commercial lithium-ion cells via advanced lab-on-fiber technologies.
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Mei W(#), Liu Z(#), Wang C
196. Security of quantum key distribution from generalised entropy accumulation.
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197. Skeletal metalation of lactams through a carbonyl-to-nickel-exchange logic.
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Zhong H, Egger DT, Gasser VCM(#)
198. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of genetically-encoded multivalent liquid N-glycan arrays.
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Lin CL, Sojitra M, Carpenter EJ
199. Dual donor-acceptor covalent organic frameworks for hydrogen peroxide photosynthesis.
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Qin C(#), Wu X(#), Tang L(#)
200. Kinetic resolution of substituted amido[2.2]paracyclophanes via asymmetric electrophilic amination.
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Yu S, Bao H, Zhang D
201. Activating dynamic atomic-configuration for single-site electrocatalyst in electrochemical CO(2) reduction.
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Hsu CS(#), Wang J(#), Chu YC
202. Structural basis of HIV-1 Vif-mediated E3 ligase targeting of host APOBEC3H.
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Ito F, Alvarez-Cabrera AL, Kim K
203. Extrachromosomal circular DNA and structural variants highlight genome instability in Arabidopsis epigenetic mutants.
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Zhang P, Mbodj A, Soundiramourtty A
204. CircRREB1 mediates lipid metabolism related senescent phenotypes in chondrocytes through FASN post-translational modifications.
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Gong Z(#), Zhu J(#), Chen J(#)
205. Engaging an HIV vaccine target through the acquisition of low B cell affinity.
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Ronsard L(#), Yousif AS(#), Nait Mohamed FA
206. Dynamically regulated two-site interaction of viral RNA to capture host translation initiation factor.
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Imai S(#), Suzuki H(#), Fujiyoshi Y
207. Tuning electron delocalization of hydrogen-bonded organic framework cathode for high-performance zinc-organic batteries.
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Li W, Xu H, Zhang H
208. Synthesis, structural analysis, and properties of highly twisted alkenes 13,13'-bis(dibenzo[a,i]fluorenylidene) and its derivatives.
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Kang HW, Liu YC, Shao WK
209. DNAJA2 deficiency activates cGAS-STING pathway via the induction of aberrant mitosis and chromosome instability.
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Huang Y(#), Lu C(#), Wang H
210. Translocator protein is a marker of activated microglia in rodent models but not human neurodegenerative diseases.
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211. Wide-range and area-selective threshold voltage tunability in ultrathin indium oxide transistors.
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212. Surface frustration re-patterning underlies the structural landscape and evolvability of fungal orphan candidate effectors.
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213. Pacific decadal oscillation causes fewer near-equatorial cyclones in the North Indian Ocean.
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214. Controlling the propagation asymmetry of hyperbolic shear polaritons in beta-gallium oxide.
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215. Nanocompartment-confined polymerization in living systems.
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Chen Y, Zuo M, Chen Y
216. Assembly landscape for the bacterial large ribosomal subunit.
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217. Universal patterns in egocentric communication networks.
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218. Room temperature valley polarization via spin selective charge transfer.
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219. Behavioural individuality determines infection risk in clonal ant colonies.
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220. Coordinated single-cell tumor microenvironment dynamics reinforce pancreatic cancer subtype.
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221. Characterizing SARS-CoV-2 neutralization profiles after bivalent boosting using antigenic cartography.
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Rössler A(#), Netzl A(#), Knabl L
222. Neuronal ER-plasma membrane junctions couple excitation to Ca(2+)-activated PKA signaling.
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223. Structural mechanism of R2D2 and Loqs-PD synergistic modulation on DmDcr-2 oligomers.
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Deng T(#), Su S(#), Yuan X
224. Two-photon nanoprobes based on bioorganic nanoarchitectonics with a photo-oxidation enhanced emission mechanism.
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225. Resonating holes vs molecular spin-orbit coupled states in group-5 lacunar spinels.
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Petersen T, Bhattacharyya P, Rößler UK
226. The challenge of population aging for mitigating deaths from PM(2.5) air pollution in China.
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227. Design of stretchable and self-powered sensing device for portable and remote trace biomarkers detection.
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Huang W(#), Ding Q(#), Wang H(#)
228. QTG-Miner aids rapid dissection of the genetic base of tassel branch number in maize.
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Wang X(#), Li J(#), Han L
229. A cage-on-MOF strategy to coordinatively functionalize mesoporous MOFs for manipulating selectivity in adsorption and catalysis.
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Liang Y(#), Yang X(#), Wang X
230. FAP106 is an interaction hub for assembling microtubule inner proteins at the cilium inner junction.
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Shimogawa MM, Wijono AS, Wang H
231. Discovery and construction of surface kagome electronic states induced by p-d electronic hybridization in Co(3)Sn(2)S(2).
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Huang L(#), Kong X(#), Zheng Q(#)
232. In-memory mechanical computing.
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233. Design principles for NASICON super-ionic conductors.
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234. PINK1 and Parkin regulate IP(3)R-mediated ER calcium release.
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235. An IgM-like inhalable ACE2 fusion protein broadly neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 variants.
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Liu J(#), Mao F(#), Chen J(#)
236. A photo-triggered self-accelerated nanoplatform for multifunctional image-guided combination cancer immunotherapy.
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Kang X(#), Zhang Y(#), Song J
237. Infrared spectroscopic laser scanning confocal microscopy for whole-slide chemical imaging.
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238. Single-cell lipidomics enabled by dual-polarity ionization and ion mobility-mass spectrometry imaging.
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Zhang H, Liu Y, Fields L
239. Architecture of the Heme-translocating CcmABCD/E complex required for Cytochrome c maturation.
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240. A frontal transcallosal inhibition loop mediates interhemispheric balance in visuospatial processing.
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241. Visualizing single-molecule conformational transition and binding dynamics of intrinsically disordered proteins.
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242. Driver gene combinations dictate cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma disease continuum progression.
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243. MLL-AF4 cooperates with PAF1 and FACT to drive high-density enhancer interactions in leukemia.
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244. Comparative genomic analyses reveal the genetic basis of the yellow-seed trait in Brassica napus.
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245. Catalytic asymmetric dearomatization of phenols via divergent intermolecular (3 + 2) and alkylation reactions.
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Gao X, Han TJ, Li BB
246. Microglial REV-ERBα regulates inflammation and lipid droplet formation to drive tauopathy in male mice.
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247. Hepatic SREBP signaling requires SPRING to govern systemic lipid metabolism in mice and humans.
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248. Whole genomic analysis reveals atypical non-homologous off-target large structural variants induced by CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing.
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249. Structural basis for the allosteric modulation of rhodopsin by nanobody binding to its extracellular domain.
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Wu A(#), Salom D(#), Hong JD
250. Weakened AMOC related to cooling and atmospheric circulation shifts in the last interglacial Eastern Mediterranean.
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251. A versatile, fast and unbiased method for estimation of gene-by-environment interaction effects on biobank-scale datasets.
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252. A transcriptional response to replication stress selectively expands a subset of Brca2-mutant mammary epithelial cells.
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253. Structural and functional insights into the modulation of T cell costimulation by monkeypox virus protein M2.
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Yang S(#), Wang Y(#), Yu F(#)
254. Glycerol 3-phosphate phosphatase/PGPH-2 counters metabolic stress and promotes healthy aging via a glycogen sensing-AMPK-HLH-30-autophagy axis in C. elegans.
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255. Impact of inherent energy barrier on spin-orbit torques in magnetic-metal/semimetal heterojunctions.
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256. Electron counting detectors in scanning transmission electron microscopy via hardware signal processing.
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257. Material symmetry recognition and property prediction accomplished by crystal capsule representation.
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258. Projecting RNA measurements onto single cell atlases to extract cell type-specific expression profiles using scProjection.
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260. Identifying and preventing degradation in flavin mononucleotide-based redox flow batteries via NMR and EPR spectroscopy.
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261. Persistent dynamic magnetic state in artificial honeycomb spin ice.
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262. Prominent Josephson tunneling between twisted single copper oxide planes of Bi(2)Sr(2-x)La(x)CuO(6+y).
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263. Effects of paleogeographic changes and CO(2) variability on northern mid-latitudinal temperature gradients in the Cretaceous.
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264. Citrullinated fibrinogen-SAAs complex causes vascular metastagenesis.
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265. Long-read whole-genome analysis of human single cells.
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268. RNAPII-dependent ATM signaling at collisions with replication forks.
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269. Structural basis of lipid-droplet localization of 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 13.
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270. A synthetic cell-free 36-enzyme reaction system for vitamin B(12) production.
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271. Downregulation of chemokine receptor 9 facilitates CD4(+)CD8αα(+) intraepithelial lymphocyte development.
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272. Thermodynamic principle to enhance enzymatic activity using the substrate affinity.
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273. Recent increases in tropical cyclone rapid intensification events in global offshore regions.
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274. A qPCR technology for direct quantification of methylation in untreated DNA.
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275. Synthesis of robust underwater glues from common proteins via unfolding-aggregating strategy.
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Liu Y(#), Li K(#), Tian J
276. A universal metasurface antenna to manipulate all fundamental characteristics of electromagnetic waves.
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277. Zero-shot visual reasoning through probabilistic analogical mapping.
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278. Cancer-cell-secreted miR-204-5p induces leptin signalling pathway in white adipose tissue to promote cancer-associated cachexia.
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Hu Y(#), Liu L(#), Chen Y
279. Fiber supplementation protects from antibiotic-induced gut microbiome dysbiosis by modulating gut redox potential.
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280. Circadian clock regulator Bmal1 gates axon regeneration via Tet3 epigenetics in mouse sensory neurons.
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Halawani D(#), Wang Y(#), Ramakrishnan A
281. Metal-mediated DNA strand displacement and molecular device operations based on base-pair switching of 5-hydroxyuracil nucleobases.
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282. Biosynthesized gold nanoparticles that activate Toll-like receptors and elicit localized light-converting hyperthermia for pleiotropic tumor immunoregulation.
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Qin H(#), Chen Y(#), Wang Z
283. Antibody-mediated NK cell activation as a correlate of immunity against influenza infection.
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Boudreau CM, Burke JS 4th, Yousif AS
284. Interplay of structural chirality, electron spin and topological orbital in chiral molecular spin valves.
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Adhikari Y(#), Liu T(#), Wang H
285. Diurnal rhythms of wrist temperature are associated with future disease risk in the UK Biobank.
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286. Acquired resistance to anti-PD1 therapy in patients with NSCLC associates with immunosuppressive T cell phenotype.
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287. Immunotherapy targeting different immune compartments in combination with radiation therapy induces regression of resistant tumors.
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288. Switch of cell migration modes orchestrated by changes of three-dimensional lamellipodium structure and intracellular diffusion.
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289. Human forebrain organoid-based multi-omics analyses of PCCB as a schizophrenia associated gene linked to GABAergic pathways.
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Zhang W, Zhang M, Xu Z
290. Immune stress suppresses innate immune signaling in preleukemic precursor B-cells to provoke leukemia in predisposed mice.
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Isidro-Hernández M(#), Casado-García A(#), Oak N(#)
291. Multiscale dynamics of charging and plating in graphite electrodes coupling operando microscopy and phase-field modelling.
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292. Room temperature energy-efficient spin-orbit torque switching in two-dimensional van der Waals Fe(3)GeTe(2) induced by topological insulators.
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Wang H(#), Wu H(#), Zhang J(#)
293. Outer membrane vesicles from a mosquito commensal mediate targeted killing of Plasmodium parasites via the phosphatidylcholine scavenging pathway.
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Gao H(#), Jiang Y(#), Wang L(#)
294. Magnetization reversal through an antiferromagnetic state.
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295. Turning sulfonyl and sulfonimidoyl fluoride electrophiles into sulfur(VI) radicals for alkene ligation.
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Wu X(#), Zhang W(#), Sun G
296. Adoption of climate-resilient groundnut varieties increases agricultural production, consumption, and smallholder commercialization in West Africa.
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297. Structural basis of peptidoglycan synthesis by E. coli RodA-PBP2 complex.
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298. Single cell transcriptomic analyses implicate an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment in pancreatic cancer liver metastasis.
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Zhang S(#), Fang W(#), Zhou S(#)
299. Self-triggered thermoelectric nanoheterojunction for cancer catalytic and immunotherapy.
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300. Cryopreservation and revival of Hawaiian stony corals using isochoric vitrification.
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301. Biology-guided deep learning predicts prognosis and cancer immunotherapy response.
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302. Atomic-level structure determination of amorphous molecular solids by NMR.
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303. Data-mining unveils structure-property-activity correlation of viral infectivity enhancing self-assembling peptides.
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304. Trim33 masks a non-transcriptional function of E2f4 in replication fork progression.
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305. Janus nanoparticles targeting extracellular polymeric substance achieve flexible elimination of drug-resistant biofilms.
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Liu Z(#), Guo K(#), Yan L
306. A glutamatergic DRN-VTA pathway modulates neuropathic pain and comorbid anhedonia-like behavior in mice.
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Wang XY(#), Jia WB(#), Xu X
307. Three-month antibody persistence of a bivalent Omicron-containing booster vaccine against COVID-19.
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308. Adjusting 1.5 degree C climate change mitigation pathways in light of adverse new information.
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309. Effect of apolipoprotein genotype and educational attainment on cognitive function in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease.
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310. Persistent symptoms after COVID-19 are not associated with differential SARS-CoV-2 antibody or T cell immunity.
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311. Type-2 CD8(+) T-cell formation relies on interleukin-33 and is linked to asthma exacerbations.
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312. An integrated proteome and transcriptome of B cell maturation defines poised activation states of transitional and mature B cells.
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313. A circuit suppressing retinal drive to the optokinetic system during fast image motion.
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314. Nano-metal diborides-supported anode catalyst with strongly coupled TaO(x)/IrO(2) catalytic layer for low-iridium-loading proton exchange membrane electrolyzer.
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315. Droplet-based high-throughput single microbe RNA sequencing by smRandom-seq.
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316. Accurate haplotype construction and detection of selection signatures enabled by high quality pig genome sequences.
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317. Stable trapping of multiple proteins at physiological conditions using nanoscale chambers with macromolecular gates.
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318. A biallelic multiple nucleotide length polymorphism explains functional causality at 5p15.33 prostate cancer risk locus.
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319. Cell type-specific delivery by modular envelope design.
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320. Mimicking reductive dehalogenases for efficient electrocatalytic water dechlorination.
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321. Click-electrochemistry for the rapid labeling of virus, bacteria and cell surfaces.
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322. Cultivation of marine bacteria of the SAR202 clade.
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323. Structural insights into opposing actions of neurosteroids on GABA(A) receptors.
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324. Convergent somatic evolution commences in utero in a germline ribosomopathy.
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325. Impaired Plakophilin-2 in obesity breaks cell cycle dynamics to breed adipocyte senescence.
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326. Acidification suppresses the natural capacity of soil microbiome to fight pathogenic Fusarium infections.
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327. Atlantic meridional overturning circulation increases flood risk along the United States southeast coast.
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328. Extending the coherence of spin defects in hBN enables advanced qubit control and quantum sensing.
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329. Bat teeth illuminate the diversification of mammalian tooth classes.
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330. Novel insights into the role of long non-coding RNA in the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum.
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331. SYPL1 defines a vesicular pathway essential for sperm cytoplasmic droplet formation and male fertility.
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332. Emergent increase in coral thermal tolerance reduces mass bleaching under climate change.
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Lachs L, Donner SD, Mumby PJ
333. Longitudinal high-dimensional analysis identifies immune features associating with response to anti-PD-1 immunotherapy.
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Leung EL(#), Li RZ(#), Fan XX(#)
334. Topological soliton molecule in quasi 1D charge density wave.
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Im T, Song SK, Park JW
335. Efficient and selective capture of thorium ions by a covalent organic framework.
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Liu X, Gao F, Jin T
336. Aqueous pulsed electrochemistry promotes C-N bond formation via a one-pot cascade approach.
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He M, Wu Y, Li R
337. Molecular features and clinical implications of the heterogeneity in Chinese patients with HER2-low breast cancer.
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Dai LJ(#), Ma D(#), Xu YZ(#)
338. Bile acid-dependent transcription factors and chromatin accessibility determine regional heterogeneity of intestinal antimicrobial peptides.
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Wang Y(#), Yu Y(#), Li L(#)
339. Dynamic light filtering over dermal opsin as a sensory feedback system in fish color change.
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Schweikert LE, Bagge LE, Naughton LF
340. Pyruvate dehydrogenase operates as an intramolecular nitroxyl generator during macrophage metabolic reprogramming.
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Palmieri EM, Holewinski R, McGinity CL
341. A ferroptosis-targeting ceria anchored halloysite as orally drug delivery system for radiation colitis therapy.
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2023 Aug 22
Feng Y(#), Luo X(#), Li Z
342. Super-resolution multicolor fluorescence microscopy enabled by an apochromatic super-oscillatory lens with extended depth-of-focus.
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Li W, He P, Lei D
343. Cholesterol removal improves performance of a model biomimetic system to co-deliver a photothermal agent and a STING agonist for cancer immunotherapy.
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Li L, Zhang M, Li J
344. Antibiotics promote intestinal growth of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae by enriching nutrients and depleting microbial metabolites.
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Yip AYG, King OG, Omelchenko O
345. Combining Fe nanoparticles and pyrrole-type Fe-N(4) sites on less-oxygenated carbon supports for electrochemical CO(2) reduction.
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Wang C, Wang X, Ren H
346. Storylines for unprecedented heatwaves based on ensemble boosting.
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Fischer EM, Beyerle U, Bloin-Wibe L
347. Transparent dynamic infrared emissivity regulators.
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Jia Y, Liu D, Chen D
348. Direction-dependent dynamics of colloidal particle pairs and the Stokes-Einstein relation in quasi-two-dimensional fluids.
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Barbhuiya NH, Yodh AG, Mishra CK.
349. Demethylase-independent roles of LSD1 in regulating enhancers and cell fate transition.
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Zeng C(#), Chen J(#), Cooke EW(#)
350. TUG1-mediated R-loop resolution at microsatellite loci as a prerequisite for cancer cell proliferation.
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Suzuki MM(#), Iijima K(#), Ogami K
351. Histone H3 serine-57 is a CHK1 substrate whose phosphorylation affects DNA repair.
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Parisis N, Dans PD, Jbara M
352. Dexterous electrical-driven soft robots with reconfigurable chiral-lattice foot design.
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Wang D(#), Zhao B(#), Li X
353. Suppressing electron-phonon coupling in organic photovoltaics for high-efficiency power conversion.
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Jiang Y(#), Li Y(#), Liu F(#)
354. NFIB facilitates replication licensing by acting as a genome organizer.
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Zhang W(#), Wang Y(#), Liu Y(#)
355. The cost of electrifying all households in 40 Sub-Saharan African countries by 2030.
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Egli F, Agutu C, Steffen B
356. Simultaneous magnetic resonance imaging of pH, perfusion and renal filtration using hyperpolarized (13)C-labelled Z-OMPD.
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Grashei M(#), Wodtke P(#), Skinner JG
357. Allosteric control of olefin isomerization kinetics via remote metal binding and its mechanochemical analysis.
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Yu Y(#), O'Neill RT(#), Boulatov R
358. An X-ray free-electron laser with a highly configurable undulator and integrated chicanes for tailored pulse properties.
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Prat E, Al Haddad A, Arrell C
359. CD36 mediates SARS-CoV-2-envelope-protein-induced platelet activation and thrombosis.
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Tang Z(#), Xu Y(#), Tan Y(#)
360. At-home wearables and machine learning sensitively capture disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
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Gupta AS, Patel S, Premasiri A
361. Environmental and genetic predictors of human cardiovascular ageing.
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362. Redox driven B(12)-ligand switch drives CarH photoresponse.
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Poddar H, Rios-Santacruz R, Heyes DJ
363. TRAIP resolves DNA replication-transcription conflicts during the S-phase of unperturbed cells.
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Scaramuzza S, Jones RM(#), Sadurni MM(#)
364. Spin-orbit driven superconducting proximity effects in Pt/Nb thin films.
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Flokstra M, Stewart R, Yim CM
365. Omicron infection following vaccination enhances a broad spectrum of immune responses dependent on infection history.
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Hornsby H(#), Nicols AR(#), Longet S(#)
366. Linking emotional valence and anxiety in a mouse insula-amygdala circuit.
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Nicolas C, Ju A, Wu Y
367. Contribution of boundary non-stoichiometry to the lower-temperature plasticity in high-pressure sintered boron carbide.
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Xu H(#), Ji W(#), Jiang J
368. Carrier-envelope phase on-chip scanner and control of laser beams.
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369. Characterization of two O-methyltransferases involved in the biosynthesis of O-methylated catechins in tea plant.
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Jin JQ(#), Qu FR(#), Huang H(#)
370. Bioinspired rotary flight of light-driven composite films.
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Wang D(#), Chen Z(#), Li M(#)
371. Hydrophobic interactions dominate the recognition of a KRAS G12V neoantigen.
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Wright KM(#), DiNapoli SR(#), Miller MS(#)
372. Sequence anticipation and spike-timing-dependent plasticity emerge from a predictive learning rule.
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Saponati M, Vinck M.
373. Erythropoietin re-wires cognition-associated transcriptional networks.
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Singh M, Zhao Y, Gastaldi VD
374. Effects of drought and recovery on soil volatile organic compound fluxes in an experimental rainforest.
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Pugliese G, Ingrisch J, Meredith LK
375. Direct visual observation of pedal motion-dependent flexibility of single covalent organic frameworks.
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Chi H, Liu Y, Li Z
376. Crystal structure and functional implications of cyclic di-pyrimidine-synthesizing cGAS/DncV-like nucleotidyltransferases.
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Yang CS(#), Ko TP(#), Chen CJ
377. Site-selective superassembly of biomimetic nanorobots enabling deep penetration into tumor with stiff stroma.
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Yan M(#), Chen Q(#), Liu T
378. A bimetallic nanoplatform for STING activation and CRISPR/Cas mediated depletion of the methionine transporter in cancer cells restores anti-tumor immune responses.
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Huang Y, Qin G, Cui T
379. Valve turning towards on-cycle in cobalt-catalyzed Negishi-type cross-coupling.
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Luo X(#), Yang D(#), He X(#)
380. Genomic insight into domestication of rubber tree.
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Chao J(#), Wu S(#), Shi M(#)
381. Molecular pathway and structural mechanism of human oncochannel TRPV6 inhibition by the phytocannabinoid tetrahydrocannabivarin.
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Neuberger A, Trofimov YA, Yelshanskaya MV
382. Nitroalkanes as thioacyl equivalents to access thioamides and thiopeptides.
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Wang X, Xu S, Tang Y
383. Unraveling surface structures of gallium promoted transition metal catalysts in CO(2) hydrogenation.
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Lee SW, Luna ML, Berdunov N
384. Selective nucleophilic α-C alkylation of phenols with alcohols via Ti=C(α) intermediate on anatase TiO(2) surface.
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Du X, Fan H, Liu S
385. A multiplexed bacterial two-hybrid for rapid characterization of protein-protein interactions and iterative protein design.
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Boldridge WC(#), Ljubetič A(#), Kim H
386. Grasping through dynamic weaving with entangled closed loops.
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Kang G, Kim YJ, Lee SJ
387. Deterministic early endosomal maturations emerge from a stochastic trigger-and-convert mechanism.
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York HM(#), Joshi K(#), Wright CS(#)
388. Integrative analysis of transcriptome dynamics during human craniofacial development identifies candidate disease genes.
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Yankee TN, Oh S, Winchester EW
389. Decadal changes in Atlantic overturning due to the excessive 1990s Labrador Sea convection.
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Böning CW, Wagner P, Handmann P
390. The sharp structural switch of covalent cages mediated by subtle variation of directing groups.
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Chen Q(#), Li Z(#), Lei Y(#)
391. Proteogenomic analysis reveals RNA as a source for tumor-agnostic neoantigen identification.
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Tretter C(#), de Andrade Krätzig N(#), Pecoraro M
392. Adiabatic topological photonic interfaces.
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Vakulenko A(#), Kiriushechkina S(#), Smirnova D
393. BIK1 protein homeostasis is maintained by the interplay of different ubiquitin ligases in immune signaling.
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Bai J(#), Zhou Y(#), Sun J(#)
394. Angle-programmed tendril-like trajectories enable a multifunctional gripper with ultradelicacy, ultrastrength, and ultraprecision.
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Hong Y, Zhao Y, Berman J
395. Energetic robustness to large scale structural fluctuations in a photosynthetic supercomplex.
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Harris D(#), Toporik H(#), Schlau-Cohen GS
396. Development of Plasmodium falciparum liver-stages in hepatocytes derived from human fetal liver organoid cultures.
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Yang ASP(#), Dutta D(#), Kretzschmar K(#)
397. Photothermia at the nanoscale induces ferroptosis via nanoparticle degradation.
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398. Reaction-passivation mechanism driven materials separation for recycling of spent lithium-ion batteries.
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Chen Z, Feng R, Wang W
399. Impact damage reduction of woven composites subject to pulse current.
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2023 Aug 19
Li Y, Wang F, Huang C
400. Sphagnum increases soil's sequestration capacity of mineral-associated organic carbon via activating metal oxides.
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Zhao Y, Liu C, Li X
401. Exciton Superposition across Moiré States in a Semiconducting Moiré Superlattice.
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Lian Z(#), Chen D(#), Meng Y
402. Minimizing non-radiative decay in molecular aggregates through control of excitonic coupling.
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Wang Y, Ren J, Shuai Z.
403. Enantioselective organocatalytic synthesis of axially chiral aldehyde-containing styrenes via S(N)Ar reaction-guided dynamic kinetic resolution.
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Guo F(#), Fang S(#), He J(#)
404. APOGEE 2: multi-layer machine-learning model for the interpretable prediction of mitochondrial missense variants.
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405. Evidence of leaky protection following COVID-19 vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 infection in an incarcerated population.
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406. Shadow estimation of gate-set properties from random sequences.
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407. Observation of ultrafast interfacial Meitner-Auger energy transfer in a Van der Waals heterostructure.
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Dong S, Beaulieu S, Selig M
408. Regio- and enantioselective CuH-catalyzed 1,2- and 1,4-hydrosilylation of 1,3-enynes.
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Wang ZL, Li Q, Yang MW
409. SCF(RMF) mediates degradation of the meiosis-specific recombinase DMC1.
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Xu W, Yu Y, Jing J
410. Epigenetic and molecular coordination between HDAC2 and SMAD3-SKI regulates essential brain tumour stem cell characteristics.
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Bahia RK, Hao X, Hassam R
411. Cycles of goal silencing and reactivation underlie complex problem-solving in primate frontal and parietal cortex.
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Watanabe K, Kadohisa M, Kusunoki M
412. Experimental impacts of grazing on grassland biodiversity and function are explained by aridity.
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Zhang M, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Li G
413. DECIMER.ai: an open platform for automated optical chemical structure identification, segmentation and recognition in scientific publications.
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Rajan K, Brinkhaus HO, Agea MI
414. Phosphate starvation response precedes abscisic acid response under progressive mild drought in plants.
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Nagatoshi Y, Ikazaki K, Kobayashi Y
415. Handheld snapshot multi-spectral camera at tens-of-megapixel resolution.
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Zhang W(#), Suo J(#), Dong K
416. Proton-controlled molecular ionic ferroelectrics.
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417. Metabolic glycan labeling immobilizes dendritic cell membrane and enhances antitumor efficacy of dendritic cell vaccine.
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Han J, Bhatta R, Liu Y
418. iCLOTS: open-source, artificial intelligence-enabled software for analyses of blood cells in microfluidic and microscopy-based assays.
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2023 Aug 18
Fay ME, Oshinowo O, Iffrig E
419. Phase I/II trial of a peptide-based COVID-19 T-cell activator in patients with B-cell deficiency.
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Heitmann JS(#), Tandler C(#), Marconato M(#)
420. Lenalidomide derivatives and proteolysis-targeting chimeras for controlling neosubstrate degradation.
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Yamanaka S, Furihata H, Yanagihara Y
421. Dual-comb optomechanical spectroscopy.
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Ren X(#), Pan J(#), Yan M
422. The net electrostatic potential and hydration of ABCG2 affect substrate transport.
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Gose T, Aitken HM, Wang Y
423. Toughening self-healing elastomer crosslinked by metal-ligand coordination through mixed counter anion dynamics.
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Park H, Kang T, Kim H
424. Mitochondria are secreted in extracellular vesicles when lysosomal function is impaired.
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Liang W, Sagar S, Ravindran R
425. Programmable supramolecular chirality in non-equilibrium systems affording a multistate chiroptical switch.
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Li J, Cui Y, Lu YL
426. Droplet attraction and coalescence mechanism on textured oil-impregnated surfaces.
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Xu H, Zhou Y, Daniel D
427. Ce-mediated molecular tailoring on gigantic polyoxometalate {Mo(132)} into half-closed {Ce(11)Mo(96)} for high proton conduction.
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Li XX(#), Li CH(#), Hou MJ(#)
428. A genome-wide association study of blood cell morphology identifies cellular proteins implicated in disease aetiology.
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Akbari P, Vuckovic D, Stefanucci L
429. Sub-second ultrafast yet programmable wet-chemical synthesis.
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Zhang L, Peng L, Lu Y
430. TIGIT can inhibit T cell activation via ligation-induced nanoclusters, independent of CD226 co-stimulation.
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Worboys JD, Vowell KN, Hare RK
431. Engineered NIR-II fluorophores with ultralong-distance molecular packing for high-contrast deep lesion identification.
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Feng Z(#), Li Y(#), Chen S
432. Momentum-independent magnetic excitation continuum in the honeycomb iridate H(3)LiIr(2)O(6).
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de la Torre A, Zager B, Bahrami F
433. A brainstem to circadian system circuit links Tau pathology to sundowning-related disturbances in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model.
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Warfield AE, Gupta P, Ruhmann MM
434. Attaching protein-adsorbing silica particles to the surface of cotton substrates for bioaerosol capture including SARS-CoV-2.
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435. Reactivated endogenous retroviruses promote protein aggregate spreading.
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Liu S(#), Heumüller SE(#), Hossinger A
436. An idiosyncratic zonated stroma encapsulates desmoplastic liver metastases and originates from injured liver.
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Fernández Moro C(#), Geyer N(#), Harrizi S(#)
437. Spatial transcriptomics reveals distinct and conserved tumor core and edge architectures that predict survival and targeted therapy response.
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Arora R(#), Cao C(#), Kumar M
438. Early-adulthood spike in protein translation drives aging via juvenile hormone/germline signaling.
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Kim HS, Parker DJ, Hardiman MM
439. Heavy quasiparticles and cascades without symmetry breaking in twisted bilayer graphene.
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Datta A, Calderón MJ, Camjayi A
440. LINE-1 regulates cortical development by acting as long non-coding RNAs.
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Mangoni D, Simi A, Lau P
441. Genomic analysis and clinical correlations of non-small cell lung cancer brain metastasis.
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Skakodub A(#), Walch H(#), Tringale KR(#)
442. ATF3 induction prevents precocious activation of skeletal muscle stem cell by regulating H2B expression.
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Zhang S, Yang F, Huang Y
443. Sustainable production of dopamine hydrochloride from softwood lignin.
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Dong L, Wang Y, Dong Y
444. Molecular rearrangement of bicyclic peroxy radicals is a key route to aerosol from aromatics.
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445. Geospatial mapping of distribution grid with machine learning and publicly-accessible multi-modal data.
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Wang Z, Majumdar A, Rajagopal R.
446. Constructing multiple active sites in iron oxide catalysts for improving carbonylation reactions.
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Liu S(#), Li T(#), Shi F
447. On-shelf circulation of warm water toward the Totten Ice Shelf in East Antarctica.
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Hirano D, Tamura T, Kusahara K
448. The respective activation and silencing of striatal direct and indirect pathway neurons support behavior encoding.
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449. Gabapentinoid consumption in 65 countries and regions from 2008 to 2018: a longitudinal trend study.
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Chan AYL(#), Yuen ASC(#), Tsai DHT
450. One-step generation of tumor models by base editor multiplexing in adult stem cell-derived organoids.
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Geurts MH(#), Gandhi S(#), Boretto MG(#)
451. Global analysis of ocean phytoplankton nutrient limitation reveals high prevalence of co-limitation.
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Browning TJ, Moore CM.
452. Gut microbiota-derived tryptamine and phenethylamine impair insulin sensitivity in metabolic syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome.
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Zhai L(#), Xiao H(#), Lin C(#)
453. p21-activated kinase 4 suppresses fatty acid β-oxidation and ketogenesis by phosphorylating NCoR1.
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Shi MY, Yu HC, Han CY
454. A nuclear receptor HR96-related gene underlies large trans-driven differences in detoxification gene expression in a generalist herbivore.
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Ji M(#), Vandenhole M(#), De Beer B(#)
455. An ATR-PrimPol pathway confers tolerance to oncogenic KRAS-induced and heterochromatin-associated replication stress.
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Igarashi T, Mazevet M, Yasuhara T
456. A RAD51-ADP double filament structure unveils the mechanism of filament dynamics in homologous recombination.
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Luo SC, Yeh MC, Lien YH
457. An aqueous electrolyte densified by perovskite SrTiO(3) enabling high-voltage zinc-ion batteries.
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Deng R, He Z, Chu F
458. RORγt-Raftlin1 complex regulates the pathogenicity of Th17 cells and colonic inflammation.
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Singh AK, Kumar R, Yin J
459. Rapid self-heating synthesis of Fe-based nanomaterial catalyst for advanced oxidation.
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Yu F, Jia C, Wu X
460. MenT nucleotidyltransferase toxins extend tRNA acceptor stems and can be inhibited by asymmetrical antitoxin binding.
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Xu X(#), Usher B(#), Gutierrez C
461. In-plane reorientation induced single laser pulse magnetization reversal.
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Peng Y, Salomoni D, Malinowski G
462. Elucidation of the low-expressing erythroid CR1 phenotype by bioinformatic mining of the GATA1-driven blood-group regulome.
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Wu PC, Lee YQ, Möller M
463. Ligand recognition and G protein coupling of the human itch receptor MRGPRX1.
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Guo L(#), Zhang Y(#), Fang G(#)
464. High-sensitive nascent transcript sequencing reveals BRD4-specific control of widespread enhancer and target gene transcription.
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Bressin A(#), Jasnovidova O(#), Arnold M(#)
465. Skin-like cryogel electronics from suppressed-freezing tuned polymer amorphization.
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Zhang X(#), Yan H(#), Xu C(#)
466. Thin, soft, wearable system for continuous wireless monitoring of artery blood pressure.
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Li J(#), Jia H(#), Zhou J(#)
467. Multicolor lifetime imaging and its application to HIV-1 uptake.
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468. Streamlining the synthesis of amides using Nickel-based nanocatalysts.
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Gao J, Ma R, Poovan F
469. Resolving the spatial architecture of myeloma and its microenvironment at the single-cell level.
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470. A deep learning method for replicate-based analysis of chromosome conformation contacts using Siamese neural networks.
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471. Single-cell genomics improves the discovery of risk variants and genes of atrial fibrillation.
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472. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of rapamycin in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
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Mandrioli J(#), D'Amico R, Zucchi E(#)
473. Genome mining shows that retroviruses are pervasively invading vertebrate genomes.
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Wang J, Han GZ.
474. C16orf72/HAPSTR1/TAPR1 functions with BRCA1/Senataxin to modulate replication-associated R-loops and confer resistance to PARP disruption.
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475. Combinatorial expression of neurexins and LAR-type phosphotyrosine phosphatase receptors instructs assembly of a cerebellar circuit.
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476. Extensive breaking of genetic code degeneracy with non-canonical amino acids.
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477. Rapid transition from primary to secondary crust building on the Moon explained by mantle overturn.
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Prissel TC, Zhang N, Jackson CRM
478. Pyruvate anaplerosis is a targetable vulnerability in persistent leukaemic stem cells.
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Rattigan KM(#), Brabcova Z(#), Sarnello D
479. Machine learning the microscopic form of nematic order in twisted double-bilayer graphene.
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480. Endothelial ERα promotes glucose tolerance by enhancing endothelial insulin transport to skeletal muscle.
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Sacharidou A, Chambliss K, Peng J
481. The RIX domain defines a class of polymorphic T6SS effectors and secreted adaptors.
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482. Ultra-wideband optical coherence elastography from acoustic to ultrasonic frequencies.
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Feng X(#), Li GY(#), Yun SH.
483. Enabling low-drift flexible perovskite photodetectors by electrical modulation for wearable health monitoring and weak light imaging.
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Tang Y(#), Jin P(#), Wang Y
484. IRX2 regulates angiotensin II-induced cardiac fibrosis by transcriptionally activating EGR1 in male mice.
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Ma ZG, Yuan YP, Fan D
485. Platelet-derived exerkine CXCL4/platelet factor 4 rejuvenates hippocampal neurogenesis and restores cognitive function in aged mice.
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486. Extreme environments offer an unprecedented opportunity to understand microbial eukaryotic ecology, evolution, and genome biology.
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487. Integrin β(3) directly inhibits the Gα(13)-p115RhoGEF interaction to regulate G protein signaling and platelet exocytosis.
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Zhang Y(#), Zhao X(#), Shen B(#)
488. SARS-CoV-2 rapid antibody test results and subsequent risk of hospitalisation and death in 361,801 people.
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Whitaker M(#), Davies B(#), Atchison C
489. Fluid signal suppression characteristics of 3D-FLAIR with a T2 selective inversion pulse in the skull base.
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Naganawa S, Kato Y, Yoshida T
490. Towards layer-selective quantum spin hall channels in weak topological insulator Bi(4)Br(2)I(2).
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Zhong J(#), Yang M(#), Shi Z(#)
491. Ionic liquid gating induced self-intercalation of transition metal chalcogenides.
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Wang F(#), Zhang Y(#), Wang Z(#)
492. National quantifications of methane emissions from fuel exploitation using high resolution inversions of satellite observations.
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Shen L, Jacob DJ, Gautam R
493. Whole genome deconvolution unveils Alzheimer's resilient epigenetic signature.
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494. Mineral reactivity determines root effects on soil organic carbon.
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495. Visualization of π-hole in molecules by means of Kelvin probe force microscopy.
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Mallada B(#), Ondráček M(#), Lamanec M(#)
496. Giant room-temperature nonlinearities in a monolayer Janus topological semiconductor.
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Shi J(#), Xu H(#), Heide C
497. Zwitterionic microgel preservation platform for circulating tumor cells in whole blood specimen.
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Ma Y(#), Zhang J(#), Tian Y
498. The brain's unique take on algorithms.
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Aimone JB, Parekh O.
499. Astroglial Hmgb1 regulates postnatal astrocyte morphogenesis and cerebrovascular maturation.
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Freitas-Andrade M, Comin CH, Van Dyken P
500. EGFR-targeted fluorescence molecular imaging for intraoperative margin assessment in oral cancer patients: a phase II trial.
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de Wit JG(#), Vonk J(#), Voskuil FJ
501. Pharmacological perturbation of the phase-separating protein SMNDC1.
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2023 Aug 16
Enders L, Siklos M, Borggräfe J
502. Toward a formal theory for computing machines made out of whatever physics offers.
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Jaeger H, Noheda B, van der Wiel WG.
503. The pitfalls of interpreting hyperintense FLAIR signal as lymph outside the human brain.
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Ringstad G, Eide PK.
504. H(2) formation via non-Born-Oppenheimer hydrogen migration in photoionized ethane.
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2023 Aug 16
Yang Y(#), Ren H(#), Zhang M(#)
505. Operando neutron diffraction reveals mechanisms for controlled strain evolution in 3D printing.
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Plotkowski A, Saleeby K, Fancher CM
506. Crackling noise microscopy.
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Nguyen CT(#), Schoenherr P(#), Salje EKH
507. Spatial organization of the mouse retina at single cell resolution by MERFISH.
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2023 Aug 15
Choi J, Li J, Ferdous S
508. Fast kernel-based association testing of non-linear genetic effects for biobank-scale data.
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Fu B, Pazokitoroudi A, Sudarshan M
509. Association between vmPFC gray matter volume and smoking initiation in adolescents.
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Xiang S(#), Jia T(#), Xie C
510. Optical blood-brain-tumor barrier modulation expands therapeutic options for glioblastoma treatment.
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Cai Q, Li X, Xiong H
511. Word and bit line operation of a 1 × 1 μm(2) superconducting vortex-based memory.
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2023 Aug 15
Golod T, Morlet-Decarnin L, Krasnov VM.
512. Deep-learning based detection of vessel occlusions on CT-angiography in patients with suspected acute ischemic stroke.
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2023 Aug 15
Brugnara G(#), Baumgartner M(#), Scholze ED(#)
513. Quantitative real-time in-cell imaging reveals heterogeneous clusters of proteins prior to condensation.
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Lan C, Kim J, Ulferts S
514. Soil moisture-atmosphere coupling accelerates global warming.
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Qiao L(#), Zuo Z(#), Zhang R
515. A sex-specific thermogenic neurocircuit induced by predator smell recruiting cholecystokinin neurons in the dorsomedial hypothalamus.
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Jovanovic P, Pool AH, Morones N
516. Treatment of monogenic and digenic dominant genetic hearing loss by CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein delivery in vivo.
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Tao Y(#), Lamas V(#), Du W(#)
517. AAV-mediated base-editing therapy ameliorates the disease phenotypes in a mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa.
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Wu Y(#), Wan X(#), Zhao D(#)
518. Improved figure of merit (z) at low temperatures for superior thermoelectric cooling in Mg(3)(Bi,Sb)(2).
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Chen N, Zhu H, Li G
519. Truck platooning reshapes greenhouse gas emissions of the integrated vehicle-road infrastructure system.
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Cheng H, Wang Y, Chong D
520. Non-destructive erosive wear monitoring of multi-layer coatings using AI-enabled differential split ring resonator based system.
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Balasubramanian V, Niksan O, Jain MC
521. Subtle adversarial image manipulations influence both human and machine perception.
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Veerabadran V, Goldman J, Shankar S
522. REPTOR and CREBRF encode key regulators of muscle energy metabolism.
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Saavedra P, Dumesic PA, Hu Y
523. The genomic history of the indigenous people of the Canary Islands.
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Serrano JG, Ordóñez AC, Santana J
524. Structural basis for negative regulation of the Escherichia coli maltose system.
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Wu Y(#), Sun Y(#), Richet E
525. Pillararene incorporated metal-organic frameworks for supramolecular recognition and selective separation.
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Wu Y(#), Tang M(#), Wang Z
526. Deep transfer learning for inter-chain contact predictions of transmembrane protein complexes.
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Lin P, Yan Y, Tao H
527. mRNA 3'UTR lengthening by alternative polyadenylation attenuates inflammatory responses and correlates with virulence of Influenza A virus.
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Bergant V, Schnepf D, de Andrade Krätzig N
528. Ultra-thin lithium aluminate spinel ferrite films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and low damping.
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Zheng XY(#), Channa S(#), Riddiford LJ
529. Metal 3D nanoprinting with coupled fields.
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Liu B, Liu S, Devaraj V
530. COMPASS: joint copy number and mutation phylogeny reconstruction from amplicon single-cell sequencing data.
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Sollier E, Kuipers J, Takahashi K
531. Spatial transcriptomics reveal markers of histopathological changes in Duchenne muscular dystrophy mouse models.
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Heezen LGM, Abdelaal T, van Putten M
532. Inequalities in COVID-19 severe morbidity and mortality by country of birth in Sweden.
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Rostila M, Cederström A, Wallace M
533. Data-driven predictions of complex organic mixture permeation in polymer membranes.
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Lee YJ, Chen L, Nistane J
534. A parabrachial-hypothalamic parallel circuit governs cold defense in mice.
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Yang WZ(#), Xie H(#), Du X(#)
535. In situ observation of coalescence of nuclei in colloidal crystal-crystal transitions.
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Peng Y, Li W, Still T
536. Two-dimensional MXene membranes with biomimetic sub-nanochannels for enhanced cation sieving.
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Xu R, Kang Y, Zhang W
537. Widespread and complex drought effects on vegetation physiology inferred from space.
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Li W, Pacheco-Labrador J, Migliavacca M
538. Diversity-oriented synthesis encoded by deoxyoligonucleotides.
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Hudson L, Mason JW, Westphal MV
539. Diversity, distribution and intrinsic extinction vulnerability of exploited marine bivalves.
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Huang S(#), Edie SM(#), Collins KS
540. Flat bands, non-trivial band topology and rotation symmetry breaking in layered kagome-lattice RbTi(3)Bi(5).
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2023 Aug 14
Jiang Z(#), Liu Z(#), Ma H(#)
541. Enantioconvergent construction of stereogenic silicon via Lewis base-catalyzed dynamic kinetic silyletherification of racemic chlorosilanes.
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2023 Aug 14
Hu T, Zhao C, Zhang Y
542. The Marginal Ice Zone as a dominant source region of atmospheric mercury during central Arctic summertime.
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Yue F, Angot H, Blomquist B
543. Programming conformational cooperativity to regulate allosteric protein-oligonucleotide signal transduction.
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2023 Aug 14
Liang Y(#), Qie Y(#), Yang J
544. Identification of gene function based on models capturing natural variability of Arabidopsis thaliana lipid metabolism.
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Córdoba SC, Tong H, Burgos A
545. Ultra-resilient multi-layer fluorinated diamond like carbon hydrophobic surfaces.
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Hoque MJ(#), Li L(#), Ma J(#)
546. Simultaneous inhibition of DNA-PK and Polϴ improves integration efficiency and precision of genome editing.
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Wimberger S, Akrap N, Firth M
547. Systematic review of cnidarian microbiomes reveals insights into the structure, specificity, and fidelity of marine associations.
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McCauley M, Goulet TL, Jackson CR
548. Toll-like receptor 4 and macrophage scavenger receptor 1 crosstalk regulates phagocytosis of a fungal pathogen.
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Onyishi CU, Desanti GE, Wilkinson AL
549. Exo84c interacts with VAP27 to regulate exocytotic compartment degradation and stigma senescence.
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Zhang T, Li Y, Li C
550. Efficient electrospray deposition of surfaces smaller than the spray plume.
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Park SH, Lei L, D'Souza D
551. An integrated organoid omics map extends modeling potential of kidney disease.
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Lassé M, El Saghir J, Berthier CC
552. Neoadjuvant sintilimab in combination with concurrent chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma: a single-arm phase 2 trial.
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Wei J, Lu X, Liu Q
553. GATA2 mitotic bookmarking is required for definitive haematopoiesis.
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Silvério-Alves R, Kurochkin I, Rydström A
554. Camrelizumab combined with apatinib in patients with first-line platinum-resistant or PD-1 inhibitor resistant recurrent/metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a single-arm, phase 2 trial.
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Yuan L(#), Jia GD(#), Lv XF(#)
555. Cellular profiling of a recently-evolved social behavior in cichlid fishes.
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Johnson ZV(#), Hegarty BE(#), Gruenhagen GW(#)
556. Characterization of the pig lower respiratory tract antibiotic resistome.
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2023 Aug 12
Zhou Y(#), Li J(#), Huang F(#)
557. A reflection on polymer electrolytes for solid-state lithium metal batteries.
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2023 Aug 12
Song Z, Chen F, Martinez-Ibañez M
558. NHC-catalyzed enantioselective access to β-cyano carboxylic esters via in situ substrate alternation and release.
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Wang Q(#), Wu S(#), Zou J(#)
559. Triplet correlations in Cooper pair splitters realized in a two-dimensional electron gas.
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Wang Q(#), Ten Haaf SLD(#), Kulesh I
560. Characterizing cancer metabolism from bulk and single-cell RNA-seq data using METAFlux.
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Huang Y, Mohanty V, Dede M
561. A lab-based test of the gravitational redshift with a miniature clock network.
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Zheng X(#), Dolde J(#), Cambria MC
562. Biosensor Guided Polyketide Synthases Engineering for Optimization of Domain Exchange Boundaries.
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Englund E, Schmidt M, Nava AA
563. Divergent sequences of tetraspanins enable plants to specifically recognize microbe-derived extracellular vesicles.
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Zhu J, Qiao Q, Sun Y
564. Stability follows efficiency based on the analysis of a large perovskite solar cells ageing dataset.
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565. Correlating metasurface spectra with a generation-elimination framework.
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Chen J, Qian C, Zhang J
566. Anxious individuals shift emotion control from lateral frontal pole to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
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Bramson B(#), Meijer S(#), van Nuland A
567. Molecular mechanism underlying regulation of Arabidopsis CLCa transporter by nucleotides and phospholipids.
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Yang Z(#), Zhang X(#), Ye S(#)
568. Fluorescent protein lifetimes report densities and phases of nuclear condensates during embryonic stem-cell differentiation.
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Joron K(#), Viegas JO(#), Haas-Neill L
569. Pb-rich Cu grain boundary sites for selective CO-to-n-propanol electroconversion.
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Niu W(#), Chen Z(#), Guo W
570. Self-anticoagulant sponge for whole blood auto-transfusion and its mechanism of coagulation factor inactivation.
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Xu T, Ji H, Xu L
571. SnapFISH: a computational pipeline to identify chromatin loops from multiplexed DNA FISH data.
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Lee L, Yu H, Jia BB
572. Non-interferometric stand-alone single-shot holographic camera using reciprocal diffractive imaging.
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Oh J, Hugonnet H, Park Y.
573. Deep learning for obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis based on single channel oximetry.
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Levy J, Álvarez D, Del Campo F
574. Hyperthermia-triggered biomimetic bubble nanomachines.
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2023 Aug 11
Gao J, Qin H, Wang F
575. A lignin-derived material improves plant nutrient bioavailability and growth through its metal chelating capacity.
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Liu Q, Kawai T, Inukai Y
576. Spinal cord repair is modulated by the neurogenic factor Hb-egf under direction of a regeneration-associated enhancer.
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Cigliola V, Shoffner A, Lee N
577. Heterogeneous effects of battery storage deployment strategies on decarbonization of provincial power systems in China.
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Peng L, Mauzerall DL, Zhong YD
578. Domain loss enabled evolution of novel functions in the snake three-finger toxin gene superfamily.
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Koludarov I(#), Senoner T(#), Jackson TNW
579. Revealing low-loss dielectric near-field modes of hexagonal boron nitride by photoemission electron microscopy.
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2023 Aug 10
Li Y, Jiang P, Lyu X
580. Direct sulfuric acid formation from the gas-phase oxidation of reduced-sulfur compounds.
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Berndt T, Hoffmann EH, Tilgner A
581. In situ synthesis and dynamic simulation of molecularly imprinted polymeric nanoparticles on a micro-reactor system.
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Erdem Ö, Eş I, Saylan Y
582. DeSUMOylation of a Verticillium dahliae enolase facilitates virulence by derepressing the expression of the effector VdSCP8.
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Wu XM(#), Zhang BS(#), Zhao YL(#)
583. WDR77 inhibits prion-like aggregation of MAVS to limit antiviral innate immune response.
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Li J, Zhang R, Wang C
584. Imaging the dynamic influence of functional groups on metal-organic frameworks.
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Liu B, Chen X, Huang N
585. Genomic epidemiology offers high resolution estimates of serial intervals for COVID-19.
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Stockdale JE, Susvitasari K, Tupper P
586. How climate policy commitments influence energy systems and the economies of US states.
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Bergquist P, Warshaw C.
587. Brain mitochondrial diversity and network organization predict anxiety-like behavior in male mice.
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Rosenberg AM, Saggar M, Monzel AS
588. Polyelectrolyte elastomer-based ionotronic sensors with multi-mode sensing capabilities via multi-material 3D printing.
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Li C(#), Cheng J(#), He Y(#)
589. HIV-1-induced nuclear invaginations mediated by VAP-A, ORP3, and Rab7 complex explain infection of activated T cells.
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590. MTH1 protects platelet mitochondria from oxidative damage and regulates platelet function and thrombosis.
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Ding Y(#), Gui X(#), Chu X(#)
591. Complementarity-determining region clustering may cause CAR-T cell dysfunction.
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Sarén T, Saronio G, Marti Torrell P
592. Dimeric G-quadruplex motifs-induced NFRs determine strong replication origins in vertebrates.
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Poulet-Benedetti J(#), Tonnerre-Doncarli C(#), Valton AL
593. High resolution cryo-EM and crystallographic snapshots of the actinobacterial two-in-one 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase.
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Yang L, Wagner T, Mechaly A
594. Evolutionary genomics of camouflage innovation in the orchid mantis.
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Huang G(#), Song L(#), Du X
595. Concerning the stability of seawater electrolysis: a corrosion mechanism study of halide on Ni-based anode.
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Zhang S(#), Wang Y(#), Li S
596. Stepwise modifications of transcriptional hubs link pioneer factor activity to a burst of transcription.
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Cho CY, O'Farrell PH.
597. Machine learning assisted quantum super-resolution microscopy.
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Kudyshev ZA, Sychev D, Martin Z
598. Expanding the limits of nuclear stability at finite temperature.
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599. Structural basis of agonist specificity of α(1A)-adrenergic receptor.
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Su M(#), Wang J(#), Xiang G
600. Mechanism of U6 snRNA oligouridylation by human TUT1.
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601. Heterogenous electromediated depolymerization of highly crystalline polyoxymethylene.
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Zhou Y, Rodríguez-López J, Moore JS.
602. River export of macro- and microplastics to seas by sources worldwide.
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Strokal M, Vriend P, Bak MP
603. Norepinephrine release in the cerebellum contributes to aversive learning.
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Stanley AT, Post MR, Lacefield C
604. Single-cell analysis of lizard blastema fibroblasts reveals phagocyte-dependent activation of Hedgehog-responsive chondrogenesis.
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Vonk AC, Zhao X, Pan Z
605. Indian Ocean glacial deoxygenation and respired carbon accumulation during mid-late Quaternary ice ages.
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Chang L, Hoogakker BAA, Heslop D
606. High-energy photoemission final states beyond the free-electron approximation.
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607. Full-color persistent room temperature phosphorescent elastomers with robust optical properties.
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Wei J, Zhu M, Du T
608. NvPrdm14d-expressing neural progenitor cells contribute to non-ectodermal neurogenesis in Nematostella vectensis.
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Lemaître QIB, Bartsch N(#), Kouzel IU(#)
609. Universal radiation tolerant semiconductor.
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Azarov A, Fernández JG, Zhao J
610. Long operating lifetime mid-infrared LEDs based on black phosphorus.
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Higashitarumizu N(#), Tajima S(#), Kim J
611. High density lithium niobate photonic integrated circuits.
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Li Z(#), Wang RN(#), Lihachev G(#)
612. Extravillous trophoblast cell lineage development is associated with active remodeling of the chromatin landscape.
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Varberg KM(#), Dominguez EM(#), Koseva B
613. Photoredox cobalt-catalyzed regio-, diastereo- and enantioselective propargylation of aldehydes via propargyl radicals.
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Wang L, Lin C, Chong Q
614. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, booster, and infection in pregnant population enhances passive immunity in neonates.
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Murphy EA, Guzman-Cardozo C, Sukhu AC
615. Applied machine learning as a driver for polymeric biomaterials design.
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McDonald SM, Augustine EK, Lanners Q
616. Hdac1 and Hdac2 regulate the quiescent state and survival of hair-follicle mesenchymal niche.
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Sibony-Benyamini H, Aamar E, Enshell-Seijffers D.
617. Effector-dependent structural transformation of a crystalline framework with allosteric effects on molecular recognition ability.
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Hayashi R, Tashiro S, Asakura M
618. Bamboo-like dual-phase nanostructured copper composite strengthened by amorphous boron framework.
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Lv H(#), Gao X(#), Zhang K
619. Quadrupolar excitons and hybridized interlayer Mott insulator in a trilayer moiré superlattice.
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2023 Aug 1
Lian Z(#), Chen D(#), Ma L(#)
620. Patrilocality and hunter-gatherer-related ancestry of populations in East-Central Europe during the Middle Bronze Age.
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Chyleński M, Makarowicz P, Juras A
621. Self-assembly of CIP4 drives actin-mediated asymmetric pit-closing in clathrin-mediated endocytosis.
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Yu Y, Yoshimura SH.
622. Robust phenotyping of highly multiplexed tissue imaging data using pixel-level clustering.
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Liu CC, Greenwald NF, Kong A
623. Modulating adsorbed hydrogen drives electrochemical CO(2)-to-C(2) products.
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Feng J, Zhang L, Liu S
624. TRIM28 modulates nuclear receptor signaling to regulate uterine function.
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2023 Aug 1
Li R, Wang T, Marquardt RM
625. High-efficiency, flexible and large-area red/green/blue all-inorganic metal halide perovskite quantum wires-based light-emitting diodes.
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2023 Aug 1
Cao YB, Zhang D, Zhang Q
626. Polymorphic amyloid nanostructures of hormone peptides involved in glucose homeostasis display reversible amyloid formation.
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Horváth D, Dürvanger Z, K Menyhárd D
627. Sequential roles for red blood cell binding proteins enable phased commitment to invasion for malaria parasites.
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Hart MN, Mohring F, DonVito SM
628. Incandescent temporal metamaterials.
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Vázquez-Lozano JE, Liberal I.
629. A genetically encoded sensor for visualizing leukotriene B4 gradients in vivo.
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2023 Aug 1
Tamás SX, Roux BT, Vámosi B
630. Elevated pre-mRNA 3' end processing activity in cancer cells renders vulnerability to inhibition of cleavage and polyadenylation.
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Cui Y(#), Wang L(#), Ding Q
631. Cullin-associated and neddylation-dissociated protein 1 (CAND1) alleviates NAFLD by reducing ubiquitinated degradation of ACAA2.
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Huang X(#), Liu X(#), Li X(#)
632. Machine-learning-assisted material discovery of oxygen-rich highly porous carbon active materials for aqueous supercapacitors.
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Wang T, Pan R, Martins ML
633. Microglial expression of CD83 governs cellular activation and restrains neuroinflammation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
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2023 Aug 1
Sinner P, Peckert-Maier K, Mohammadian H
634. Genetic inhibition of CARD9 accelerates the development of atherosclerosis in mice through CD36 dependent-defective autophagy.
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2023 Aug 1
Zhang Y, Vandestienne M(#), Lavillegrand JR(#)
635. Hexanary blends: a strategy towards thermally stable organic photovoltaics.
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2023 Aug 1
Paleti SHK, Hultmark S, Han J
636. Non-flammable solvent-free liquid polymer electrolyte for lithium metal batteries.
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2023 Aug 1
Zhu GR, Zhang Q, Liu QS
637. Photocatalytic conversion of sugars to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural using aluminium(III) and fulvic acid.
Nat Commun
2023 Aug 1
Tana T, Han P, Brock AJ
638. Methane formation driven by light and heat prior to the origin of life and beyond.
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2023 Aug 1
Ernst L, Barayeu U, Hädeler J
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