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2023 Sep (281)
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2021 Apr (93)
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2021 Feb (117)
2021 Jan (183)
1. Trimming the genomic fat: minimising and re-functionalising genomes using synthetic biology.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Xu X, Meier F, Blount BA
2. The IgG4 hinge with CD28 transmembrane domain improves V(H)H-based CAR T cells targeting a membrane-distal epitope of GPC1 in pancreatic cancer.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Li N, Quan A, Li D
3. A direct observation of up-converted room-temperature phosphorescence in an anti-Kasha dopant-matrix system.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Li J, Li X, Wang G
4. Order-disorder phase transition driven by interlayer sliding in lead iodides.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Cha S(#), Lee G(#), Lee S
5. MOZ/ENL complex is a recruiting factor of leukemic AF10 fusion proteins.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Komata Y(#), Kanai A(#), Maeda T
6. Single-component multilayered self-assembling protein nanoparticles presenting glycan-trimmed uncleaved prefusion optimized envelope trimmers as HIV-1 vaccine candidates.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Zhang YN(#), Paynter J(#), Antanasijevic A(#)
7. Staggered circular nanoporous graphene converts electromagnetic waves into electricity.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Lv H, Yao Y, Li S
8. Predicting compound activity from phenotypic profiles and chemical structures.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Moshkov N, Becker T, Yang K
9. Predicting response to enzalutamide and abiraterone in metastatic prostate cancer using whole-omics machine learning.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
de Jong AC(#), Danyi A(#), van Riet J
10. The intestinal MUC2 mucin C-terminus is stabilized by an extra disulfide bond in comparison to von Willebrand factor and other gel-forming mucins.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Gallego P, Garcia-Bonete MJ, Trillo-Muyo S
11. The problem of selection bias in studies of pre-mRNA splicing.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Dwyer ZW, Pleiss JA.
12. The relative transmission fitness of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a drug resistance hotspot.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Loiseau C(#), Windels EM(#), Gygli SM
13. Single cell transcriptomic analysis of HPV16-infected epithelium identifies a keratinocyte subpopulation implicated in cancer.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Bedard MC(#), Chihanga T(#), Carlile A
14. Engineering tumor-specific gene nanomedicine to recruit and activate T cells for enhanced immunotherapy.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Wang Y(#), Zhou SK(#), Wang Y
15. Improving the generalizability of protein-ligand binding predictions with AI-Bind.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Chatterjee A, Walters R, Shafi Z
16. RNAi-mediated rheostat for dynamic control of AAV-delivered transgenes.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Subramanian M, McIninch J, Zlatev I
17. A neutrophil mimicking metal-porphyrin-based nanodevice loaded with porcine pancreatic elastase for cancer therapy.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Cui T, Zhang Y, Qin G
18. Segmentation strategy of de novo designed four-helical bundles expands protein oligomerization modalities for cell regulation.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Merljak E, Malovrh B, Jerala R.
19. Conformational cycle of human polyamine transporter ATP13A2.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Mu J(#), Xue C(#), Fu L(#)
20. A supramolecular gel-elastomer system for soft iontronic adhesives.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Gao D(#), Thangavel G(#), Lee J(#)
21. Topological antichiral surface states in a magnetic Weyl photonic crystal.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Xi X(#), Yan B(#), Yang L(#)
22. Light-independent regulation of algal photoprotection by CO(2) availability.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Ruiz-Sola MÁ(#), Flori S(#), Yuan Y(#)
23. Observation of entanglement transition of pseudo-random mixed states.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Liu T, Liu S, Li H
24. Circulating blood eNAMPT drives the circadian rhythms in locomotor activity and energy expenditure.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Park JW, Roh E, Kang GM
25. A neuromorphic bionic eye with filter-free color vision using hemispherical perovskite nanowire array retina.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Long Z, Qiu X, Chan CLJ
26. A nonstop thrill ride from genes to the assembly of the T3SS injectisome.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Fishov I, Namboodiri S.
27. Endothelial FAT1 inhibits angiogenesis by controlling YAP/TAZ protein degradation via E3 ligase MIB2.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Li R, Shao J, Jin YJ
28. Coregistration of heading to visual cues in retrosplenial cortex.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Sit KK, Goard MJ.
29. Collateral sensitivity profiling in drug-resistant Escherichia coli identifies natural products suppressing cephalosporin resistance.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Liu DY, Phillips L, Wilson DM
30. Deducing subnanometer cluster size and shape distributions of heterogeneous supported catalysts.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 8
Liao V, Cohen M, Wang Y
31. Understanding the sulphur-oxygen exchange process of metal sulphides prior to oxygen evolution reaction.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Hu Y(#), Zheng Y(#), Jin J(#)
32. Two-dimensional infrared-Raman spectroscopy as a probe of water's tetrahedrality.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Begušić T, Blake GA.
33. ASPSCR1::TFE3 orchestrates the angiogenic program of alveolar soft part sarcoma.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Tanaka M, Chuaychob S, Homme M
34. Associations between mental health, blood pressure and the development of hypertension.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Schaare HL, Blöchl M, Kumral D
35. Chasing the spin gap through the phase diagram of a frustrated Mott insulator.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Pustogow A, Kawasugi Y, Sakurakoji H
36. Br(-)/BrO(-)-mediated highly efficient photoelectrochemical epoxidation of alkenes on α-Fe(2)O(3).
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Zhao Y, Duan M, Deng C
37. Safe drugs with high potential to block malaria transmission revealed by a spleen-mimetic screening.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Carucci M(#), Duez J(#), Tarning J
38. Confocal interferometric scattering microscopy reveals 3D nanoscopic structure and dynamics in live cells.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Küppers M, Albrecht D, Kashkanova AD
39. Year-round utilization of sea ice-associated carbon in Arctic ecosystems.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Koch CW(#), Brown TA(#), Amiraux R
40. Electrified hydrocarbon-to-oxygenates coupled to hydrogen evolution for efficient greenhouse gas mitigation.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Leow WR(#), Völker S(#), Meys R(#)
41. The methylation landscape of giga-genome and the epigenetic timer of age in Chinese pine.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Li J, Han F, Yuan T
42. No carbon storage in growth-limited trees in a semi-arid woodland.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Thompson RA, Adams HD, Breshears DD
43. Data-driven analysis to understand long COVID using electronic health records from the RECOVER initiative.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Zang C, Zhang Y, Xu J
44. Bombyx Vasa sequesters transposon mRNAs in nuage via phase separation requiring RNA binding and self-association.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Yamazaki H, Namba Y, Kuriyama S
45. Correction of Clcn1 alternative splicing reverses muscle fiber type transition in mice with myotonic dystrophy.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Hu N, Kim E, Antoury L
46. Booster with Ad26.COV2.S or Omicron-adapted vaccine enhanced immunity and efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron in macaques.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Solforosi L(#), Costes LMM(#), Tolboom JTBM
47. Meta-optics empowered vector visual cryptography for high security and rapid decryption.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Zhang F(#), Guo Y(#), Pu M
48. Homologous recombination deficiency derived from whole-genome sequencing predicts platinum response in triple-negative breast cancers.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Ter Brugge P, Moser SC, Bièche I
49. Crystal structure of a highly conserved enteroviral 5' cloverleaf RNA replication element.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Das NK, Hollmann NM, Vogt J
50. New constraints on Cenozoic subduction between India and Tibet.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Liu L, Liu L, Morgan JP
51. Evaluating the evidence for exponential quantum advantage in ground-state quantum chemistry.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Lee S, Lee J, Zhai H
52. Testing electron-phonon coupling for the superconductivity in kagome metal CsV(3)Sb(5).
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 7
Zhong Y(#), Li S(#), Liu H(#)
53. Construction of a synthetic metabolic pathway for biosynthesis of 2,4-dihydroxybutyric acid from ethylene glycol.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Frazão CJR, Wagner N, Rabe K
54. Intercellular exchange of Wnt ligands reduces cell population heterogeneity during embryogenesis.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Hatakeyama Y, Saito N, Mii Y
55. Replication-associated formation and repair of human topoisomerase IIIα cleavage complexes.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Saha LK, Saha S, Yang X
56. Automated optimisation of solubility and conformational stability of antibodies and proteins.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Rosace A(#), Bennett A(#), Oeller M
57. All-optical closed-loop voltage clamp for precise control of muscles and neurons in live animals.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Bergs ACF, Liewald JF, Rodriguez-Rozada S
58. MEK inhibition reduced vascular tumor growth and coagulopathy in a mouse model with hyperactive GNAQ.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Schrenk S, Bischoff LJ, Goines J
59. Tryptase β regulation of joint lubrication and inflammation via proteoglycan-4 in osteoarthritis.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Das N, de Almeida LGN, Derakhshani A
60. Carbon-sink potential of continuous alfalfa agriculture lowered by short-term nitrous oxide emission events.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Anthony TL, Szutu DJ, Verfaillie JG
61. Atomic-scale origin of the low grain-boundary resistance in perovskite solid electrolyte Li(0.375)Sr(0.4375)Ta(0.75)Zr(0.25)O(3).
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Lee T(#), Qi J(#), Gadre CA(#)
62. Early indicators of tidal ecosystem shifts in estuaries.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Fivash GS, Temmerman S, Kleinhans MG
63. Distributed processing for value-based choice by prelimbic circuits targeting anterior-posterior dorsal striatal subregions in male mice.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Choi K(#), Piasini E(#), Díaz-Hernández E
64. A two-dimensional mid-infrared optoelectronic retina enabling simultaneous perception and encoding.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Wang F(#), Hu F(#), Dai M
65. Glucocerebrosidase is imported into mitochondria and preserves complex I integrity and energy metabolism.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Baden P(#), Perez MJ(#), Raji H
66. Targeting USP2 regulation of VPRBP-mediated degradation of p53 and PD-L1 for cancer therapy.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Yi J, Tavana O, Li H
67. DNA double-strand break end synapsis by DNA loop extrusion.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Yang JH, Brandão HB, Hansen AS.
68. Signalling inhibition by ponatinib disrupts productive alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT).
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Kusuma FK(#), Prabhu A(#), Tieo G
69. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells promote regulatory T cell development and suppressive activity via CD70-CD27 interaction.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Gong L(#), Luo J(#), Zhang Y(#)
70. Anomalous deep-red luminescence of perylene black analogues with strong π-π interactions.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Tang N, Zhou J, Wang L
71. Factor Xa cleaves SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to block viral entry and infection.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Dong W(#), Wang J(#), Tian L(#)
72. Genipin prevents alpha-synuclein aggregation and toxicity by affecting endocytosis, metabolism and lipid storage.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Rosado-Ramos R(#), Poças GM(#), Marques D
73. Mapping the landscape of genetic dependencies in chordoma.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Sharifnia T(#), Wawer MJ(#), Goodale A
74. A roadmap to establish a comprehensive platform for sustainable manufacturing of natural products in yeast.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Naseri G.
75. Modern causal inference approaches to investigate biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Runge J.
76. PRMT3-mediated arginine methylation of IGF2BP1 promotes oxaliplatin resistance in liver cancer.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 6
Shi Y(#), Niu Y(#), Yuan Y(#)
77. Role of TMEM100 in mechanically insensitive nociceptor un-silencing.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Nees TA, Wang N, Adamek P
78. Structure of the heterotrimeric membrane protein complex FtsB-FtsL-FtsQ of the bacterial divisome.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Nguyen HTV(#), Chen X(#), Parada C
79. Systematic comparison of tools used for m(6)A mapping from nanopore direct RNA sequencing.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Zhong ZD(#), Xie YY(#), Chen HX
80. Structural mechanism of a drug-binding process involving a large conformational change of the protein target.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Ayaz P(#), Lyczek A(#), Paung Y
81. Ultrafast light targeting for high-throughput precise control of neuronal networks.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Faini G(#), Tanese D(#), Molinier C
82. Buffering of transcription rate by mRNA half-life is a conserved feature of Rett syndrome models.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Rodrigues DC(#), Mufteev M(#), Yuki KE
83. Ring-closing C-O/C-O metathesis of ethers with primary aliphatic alcohols.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Liu H, Huang Q, Liao RZ
84. An α-chloroaldehyde-based formal synthesis of eribulin.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Kaghad A, Panagopoulos D, Caballero-García G
85. Structure and function of the metagenomic plastic-degrading polyester hydrolase PHL7 bound to its product.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Richter PK, Blázquez-Sánchez P, Zhao Z
86. Imaging-based intelligent spectrometer on a plasmonic rainbow chip.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Tua D(#), Liu R(#), Yang W(#)
87. Targeting C/EBPα overcomes primary resistance and improves the efficacy of FLT3 inhibitors in acute myeloid leukaemia.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Wang H, Luo G, Hu X
88. Oncogenic CALR mutant C-terminus mediates dual binding to the thrombopoietin receptor triggering complex dimerization and activation.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Papadopoulos N, Nédélec A, Derenne A
89. Long distance multiplexed quantum teleportation from a telecom photon to a solid-state qubit.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Lago-Rivera D, Rakonjac JV, Grandi S
90. Switchable biomimetic nanochannels for on-demand SO(2) detection by light-controlled photochromism.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Zhang D, Sun Y, Wang Z
91. Lateral septum adenosine A(2A) receptors control stress-induced depressive-like behaviors via signaling to the hypothalamus and habenula.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Wang M(#), Li P(#), Li Z(#)
92. The F-pilus biomechanical adaptability accelerates conjugative dissemination of antimicrobial resistance and biofilm formation.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Patkowski JB(#), Dahlberg T(#), Amin H
93. Electrochemical generation of hydrogen peroxide from a zinc gallium oxide anode with dual active sites.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Li L, Hu Z, Kang Y
94. Limited induction of polyfunctional lung-resident memory T cells against SARS-CoV-2 by mRNA vaccination compared to infection.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Pieren DKJ, Kuguel SG, Rosado J
95. 110 μm thin endo-microscope for deep-brain in vivo observations of neuronal connectivity, activity and blood flow dynamics.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Stibůrek M(#), Ondráčková P(#), Tučková T
96. Derepression may masquerade as activation in ligand-gated ion channels.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Tessier CJG, Emlaw JR, Sturgeon RM
97. Etiology of oncogenic fusions in 5,190 childhood cancers and its clinical and therapeutic implication.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Liu Y, Klein J, Bajpai R
98. Extended DNA threading through a dual-engine motor module of the activating signal co-integrator 1 complex.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Jia J, Hilal T, Bohnsack KE
99. Ruthenium-cobalt single atom alloy for CO photo-hydrogenation to liquid fuels at ambient pressures.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Zhao J(#), Liu J(#), Li Z
100. The m(6)A reader YTHDC1 and the RNA helicase DDX5 control the production of rhabdomyosarcoma-enriched circRNAs.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Dattilo D(#), Di Timoteo G(#), Setti A(#)
101. Realizing high-capacity all-solid-state lithium-sulfur batteries using a low-density inorganic solid-state electrolyte.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Wang D, Jhang LJ, Kou R
102. Selection and adaptive introgression guided the complex evolutionary history of the European common bean.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Bellucci E(#), Benazzo A(#), Xu C(#)
103. Hematopoietic stem-cell gene therapy is associated with restored white matter microvascular function in cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 5
Lauer A, Speroni SL, Choi M
104. Exploiting volumetric wave correlation for enhanced depth imaging in scattering medium.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Lee YR(#), Kim DY(#), Jo Y
105. An epigenetic switch controls an alternative NR2F2 isoform that unleashes a metastatic program in melanoma.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Davalos V(#), Lovell CD(#), Von Itter R(#)
106. Signature of spin-triplet exciton condensations in LaCoO(3) at ultrahigh magnetic fields up to 600 T.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Ikeda A, Matsuda YH, Sato K
107. Astrocytic chloride is brain state dependent and modulates inhibitory neurotransmission in mice.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Untiet V, Beinlich FRM, Kusk P
108. Heating a dipolar quantum fluid into a solid.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Sánchez-Baena J, Politi C, Maucher F
109. Single-molecule fingerprinting of protein-drug interaction using a funneled biological nanopore.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Jeong KB(#), Ryu M(#), Kim JS(#)
110. Light-driven peristaltic pumping by an actuating splay-bend strip.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Dradrach K, Zmyślony M, Deng Z
111. Multiplatform analyses reveal distinct drivers of systemic pathogenesis in adult versus pediatric severe acute COVID-19.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Druzak S(#), Iffrig E(#), Roberts BR
112. Molecular orientation-dependent energetic shifts in solution-processed non-fullerene acceptors and their impact on organic photovoltaic performance.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Fu Y(#), Lee TH(#), Chin YC(#)
113. Regulating electronic states of nitride/hydroxide to accelerate kinetics for oxygen evolution at large current density.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Zhai P(#), Wang C(#), Zhao Y(#)
114. Super-resolution orbital angular momentum holography.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Shi Z, Wan Z, Zhan Z
115. Substantial lifetime enhancement for Si-based photoanodes enabled by amorphous TiO(2) coating with improved stoichiometry.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Dong Y, Abbasi M, Meng J
116. Algal cell bionics as a step towards photosynthesis-independent hydrogen production.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Xu Z, Qi J, Wang S
117. Carbon reduction technology pathways for existing buildings in eight cities.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Ang YQ, Berzolla ZM, Letellier-Duchesne S
118. Mid-latitudinal habitable environment for marine eukaryotes during the waning stage of the Marinoan snowball glaciation.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 4
Song H, An Z, Ye Q
119. Direct synthesis of extra-heavy olefins from carbon monoxide and water.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Wang C(#), Du J(#), Zeng L
120. Current-driven writing process in antiferromagnetic Mn(2)Au for memory applications.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Reimers S(#), Lytvynenko Y(#), Niu YR
121. In situ orderly self-assembly strategy affording NIR-II-J-aggregates for in vivo imaging and surgical navigation.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Li Z, Liang PZ, Xu L
122. Farrerol directly activates the deubiqutinase UCHL3 to promote DNA repair and reprogramming when mediated by somatic cell nuclear transfer.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Zhang W(#), Wang M(#), Song Z(#)
123. Large piezoelectric response in a Jahn-Teller distorted molecular metal halide.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Wang S(#), Khan AA(#), Teale S(#)
124. The CellPhe toolkit for cell phenotyping using time-lapse imaging and pattern recognition.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Wiggins L, Lord A, Murphy KL
125. Sterol methyltransferases in uncultured bacteria complicate eukaryotic biomarker interpretations.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Brown MO, Olagunju BO, Giner JL
126. Cellcano: supervised cell type identification for single cell ATAC-seq data.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Ma W, Lu J, Wu H.
127. A stress-induced cilium-to-PML-NB route drives senescence initiation.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Ma X, Zhang Y, Zhang Y
128. Intrinsic timescales in the visual cortex change with selective attention and reflect spatial connectivity.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Zeraati R, Shi YL, Steinmetz NA
129. NAD(+) repletion with niacin counteracts cancer cachexia.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Beltrà M(#), Pöllänen N(#), Fornelli C
130. Structure and mechanism of oxalate transporter OxlT in an oxalate-degrading bacterium in the gut microbiota.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Jaunet-Lahary T, Shimamura T, Hayashi M
131. Development of rechargeable high-energy hybrid zinc-iodine aqueous batteries exploiting reversible chlorine-based redox reaction.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Liang G, Liang B, Chen A
132. 3-sulfonyloxyaryl(mesityl)iodonium triflates as 1,2-benzdiyne precursors with activation via ortho-deprotonative elimination strategy.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Yuan H(#), Yin W(#), Hu J
133. Origami-based integration of robots that sense, decide, and respond.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Yan W, Li S, Deguchi M
134. Monocyte depletion enhances neutrophil influx and proneural to mesenchymal transition in glioblastoma.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Chen Z, Soni N(#), Pinero G(#)
135. Retinoic acid signaling modulation guides in vitro specification of human heart field-specific progenitor pools.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Zawada D(#), Kornherr J(#), Meier AB(#)
136. Experimental cheat-sensitive quantum weak coin flipping.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Neves S, Yacoub V, Chabaud U
137. Effectiveness of BNT162b2 after extending the primary series dosing interval in children and adolescents aged 5-17.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Lai FTT(#), Fan M(#), Huang C
138. Workflow enabling deepscale immunopeptidome, proteome, ubiquitylome, phosphoproteome, and acetylome analyses of sample-limited tissues.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Abelin JG(#), Bergstrom EJ(#), Rivera KD
139. An integrase toolbox to record gene-expression during plant development.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Guiziou S, Maranas CJ(#), Chu JC(#)
140. Amyloid-polysaccharide interfacial coacervates as therapeutic materials.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Peydayesh M, Kistler S, Zhou J
141. Mapping the pathways of photo-induced ion migration in organic-inorganic hybrid halide perovskites.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Kim T, Park S, Iyer V
142. Unequivocal identification of two-bond heteronuclear correlations in natural products at nanomole scale by i-HMBC.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Wang Y, Fan A, Cohen RD
143. Mn(I)-catalyzed sigmatropic rearrangement of β, γ-unsaturated alcohols.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Yang C, Zhou X, Shen L
144. Heavy tails and pruning in programmable photonic circuits for universal unitaries.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Yu S, Park N.
145. Towards the ground state of molecules via diffusion Monte Carlo on neural networks.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Ren W(#), Fu W(#), Wu X
146. Method Reporting with Initials for Transparency (MeRIT) promotes more granularity and accountability for author contributions.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Nakagawa S, Ivimey-Cook ER, Grainger MJ
147. The Trypanosoma cruzi Antigen and Epitope Atlas: antibody specificities in Chagas disease patients across the Americas.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Ricci AD(#), Bracco L(#), Salas-Sarduy E
148. Transition-metal-free silylboronate-mediated cross-couplings of organic fluorides with amines.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Zhou J, Zhao Z, Shibata N.
149. Pulmonary inflammation promoted by type-2 dendritic cells is a feature of human and murine schistosomiasis.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 3
Houlder EL, Costain AH, Nambuya I
150. The diffuse gamma-ray flux from clusters of galaxies.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 29
Hussain S, Alves Batista R, de Gouveia Dal Pino EM
151. Spatiotemporal distribution of power outages with climate events and social vulnerability in the USA.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 29
Do V, McBrien H, Flores NM
152. Photothermal-enabled single-atom catalysts for high-efficiency hydrogen peroxide photosynthesis from natural seawater.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 29
Wang W(#), Song Q(#), Luo Q
153. Photocatalytic CO(2) reduction using La-Ni bimetallic sites within a covalent organic framework.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 29
Zhou M(#), Wang Z(#), Mei A(#)
154. Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals the fragility of male spermatogenic cells to Zika virus-induced complement activation.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 29
Yang W(#), Liu LB(#), Liu FL(#)
155. Interfacial engineering of ferromagnetism in wafer-scale van der Waals Fe(4)GeTe(2) far above room temperature.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 29
Wang H(#), Lu H(#), Guo Z
156. Hydrogel dressing integrating FAK inhibition and ROS scavenging for mechano-chemical treatment of atopic dermatitis.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 29
Jia Y(#), Hu J(#), An K
157. Virus diversity, wildlife-domestic animal circulation and potential zoonotic viruses of small mammals, pangolins and zoo animals.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 29
Cui X(#), Fan K(#), Liang X(#)
158. Preparing high-concentration individualized carbon nanotubes for industrial separation of multiple single-chirality species.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 29
Yang D, Li L, Li X
159. Zero-field quantum beats and spin decoherence mechanisms in CsPbBr(3) perovskite nanocrystals.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 29
Cai R, Wadgaonkar I, Lim JWM
160. Nanoparticle-mediated TRPV1 channel blockade amplifies cancer thermo-immunotherapy via heat shock factor 1 modulation.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 29
Li T(#), Jiang S(#), Zhang Y
161. Reconstruction of the cell pseudo-space from single-cell RNA sequencing data with scSpace.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 29
Qian J(#), Liao J(#), Liu Z(#)
162. PPAR-γ regulates the effector function of human T helper 9 cells by promoting glycolysis.
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163. A sensitive high repetition rate arrival time monitor for X-ray free electron lasers.
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165. Electrosynthesis of chlorine from seawater-like solution through single-atom catalysts.
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166. Revised Minoan eruption volume as benchmark for large volcanic eruptions.
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167. The origin of magnetization-caused increment in water oxidation.
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168. A link between STK signalling and capsular polysaccharide synthesis in Streptococcus suis.
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169. Anomalous enhancement of charge density wave in kagome superconductor CsV(3)Sb(5) approaching the 2D limit.
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170. Regulation of social interaction in mice by a frontostriatal circuit modulated by established hierarchical relationships.
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171. Tethered agonist activated ADGRF1 structure and signalling analysis reveal basis for G protein coupling.
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172. Single-cell metabolic fingerprints discover a cluster of circulating tumor cells with distinct metastatic potential.
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173. Structure-forming CAG/CTG repeats interfere with gap repair to cause repeat expansions and chromosome breaks.
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174. Single-cell RNA-seq uncovers dynamic processes orchestrated by RNA-binding protein DDX43 in chromatin remodeling during spermiogenesis.
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175. Multi-population genome-wide association study implicates immune and non-immune factors in pediatric steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome.
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176. Recognition of an Ala-rich C-degron by the E3 ligase Pirh2.
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177. Single-neuron mechanisms of neural adaptation in the human temporal lobe.
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179. Regulating the electronic structure through charge redistribution in dense single-atom catalysts for enhanced alkene epoxidation.
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180. Piezo2 expressing nociceptors mediate mechanical sensitization in experimental osteoarthritis.
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181. Throwing and manipulating and cheating with a DNA nano-dice.
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182. A visual opsin from jellyfish enables precise temporal control of G protein signalling.
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183. Pain-causing stinging nettle toxins target TMEM233 to modulate Na(V)1.7 function.
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184. RAD-TGTs: high-throughput measurement of cellular mechanotype via rupture and delivery of DNA tension probes.
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185. Grid integration feasibility and investment planning of offshore wind power under carbon-neutral transition in China.
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186. Human TRPV1 structure and inhibition by the analgesic SB-366791.
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188. Liquid sculpture and curing of bio-inspired polyelectrolyte aqueous two-phase systems.
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189. An interactive murine single-cell atlas of the lung responses to radiation injury.
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192. Quantum microscopy of cells at the Heisenberg limit.
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193. Single-step retrosynthesis prediction by leveraging commonly preserved substructures.
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194. Controllable dimensionality conversion between 1D and 2D CrCl(3) magnetic nanostructures.
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195. An aptamer-based depot system for sustained release of small molecule therapeutics.
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196. Single-atomic platinum on fullerene C(60) surfaces for accelerated alkaline hydrogen evolution.
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197. A precision environmental health approach to prevention of human disease.
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199. Deconvoluting Cr states in Cr-doped UO(2) nuclear fuels via bulk and single crystal spectroscopic studies.
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201. Interface engineering of charge-transfer excitons in 2D lateral heterostructures.
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202. Cross-modal autoencoder framework learns holistic representations of cardiovascular state.
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204. Pancreatic cancer is associated with medication changes prior to clinical diagnosis.
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210. Cryo-EM structures of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense ISG65 with human complement C3 and C3b and their roles in alternative pathway restriction.
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213. Resurgence of Omicron BA.2 in SARS-CoV-2 infection-naive Hong Kong.
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215. Bioinspired artificial spider silk photocatalyst for the high-efficiency capture and inactivation of bacteria aerosols.
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216. Exploiting synergistic effect of CO/NO gases for soft tissue transplantation using a hydrogel patch.
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221. Sediment delivery to sustain the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta under climate change and anthropogenic impacts.
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222. A high-temperature double perovskite molecule-based antiferroelectric with excellent anti-breakdown capacity for energy storage.
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223. Expression-based subtypes define pathologic response to neoadjuvant immune-checkpoint inhibitors in muscle-invasive bladder cancer.
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227. Effect of pulse-current-based protocols on the lithium dendrite formation and evolution in all-solid-state batteries.
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232. Neural mechanism of acute stress regulation by trace aminergic signalling in the lateral habenula in male mice.
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330. UDP-glucosyltransferase OsUGT75A promotes submergence tolerance during rice seed germination.
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332. Dopant triggered atomic configuration activates water splitting to hydrogen.
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333. Observing and braiding topological Majorana modes on programmable quantum simulators.
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335. A DBHS family member regulates male determination in the filariasis vector Armigeres subalbatus.
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2023 Apr 21
Liu P(#), Yang W(#), Kong L(#)
336. Bioinspired soft robots based on organic polymer-crystal hybrid materials with response to temperature and humidity.
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2023 Apr 21
Yang X, Lan L, Pan X
337. Behavioral changes during the COVID-19 pandemic decreased income diversity of urban encounters.
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2023 Apr 21
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338. Inadequacy of fluvial energetics for describing gravity current autosuspension.
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2023 Apr 21
Fukuda S, de Vet MGW, Skevington EWG
339. Microbial biomanufacturing for space-exploration-what to take and when to make.
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2023 Apr 21
Averesch NJH(#), Berliner AJ(#), Nangle SN(#)
340. 3D genome mapping identifies subgroup-specific chromosome conformations and tumor-dependency genes in ependymoma.
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2023 Apr 21
Okonechnikov K(#), Camgöz A(#), Chapman O
341. Enhanced osmotic transport in individual double-walled carbon nanotube.
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342. Cross-stage neural pattern similarity in the hippocampus predicts false memory derived from post-event inaccurate information.
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2023 Apr 21
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343. The small and large intestine contain related mesenchymal subsets that derive from embryonic Gli1(+) precursors.
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344. Electronic signatures of Lorentzian dynamics and charge fluctuations in lithiated graphite structures.
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345. Error-related signaling in nucleus accumbens D2 receptor-expressing neurons guides inhibition-based choice behavior in mice.
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Nishioka T, Attachaipanich S, Hamaguchi K
346. Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine encoding secreted non-stabilized spike in female mice.
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347. Environmental context-dependent activation of dopamine neurons via putative amygdala-nigra pathway in macaques.
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348. Influenza virus mRNAs encode determinants for nuclear export via the cellular TREX-2 complex.
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349. The potential for coral reef restoration to mitigate coastal flooding as sea levels rise.
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350. Bird tolerance to humans in open tropical ecosystems.
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2023 Apr 20
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351. Exploiting nonaqueous self-stratified electrolyte systems toward large-scale energy storage.
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Wang Z(#), Ji H(#), Zhou J
352. Universal structures for adaptation in biochemical reaction networks.
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353. AGGF1 therapy inhibits thoracic aortic aneurysms by enhancing integrin α7-mediated inhibition of TGF-β1 maturation and ERK1/2 signaling.
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354. Pressure-induced transition from a Mott insulator to a ferromagnetic Weyl metal in La(2)O(3)Fe(2)Se(2).
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Yang Y(#), Yu F(#), Wen X
355. Structural insights into RNase J that plays an essential role in Mycobacterium tuberculosis RNA metabolism.
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356. Identification of three bacterial species associated with increased appendicular lean mass: the HUNT study.
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357. Growth dynamics and amorphous-to-crystalline phase transformation in natural nacre.
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358. RPL3L-containing ribosomes determine translation elongation dynamics required for cardiac function.
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359. Parkinson's disease-associated ATP13A2/PARK9 functions as a lysosomal H(+),K(+)-ATPase.
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360. A selective and atom-economic rearrangement of uridine by cascade biocatalysis for production of pseudouridine.
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361. Ultra-stretchable and biodegradable elastomers for soft, transient electronics.
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Han WB(#), Ko GJ(#), Lee KG
362. Copper-catalyzed asymmetric C(sp(2))-H arylation for the synthesis of P- and axially chiral phosphorus compounds.
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363. Discovery and structural characterization of monkeypox virus methyltransferase VP39 inhibitors reveal similarities to SARS-CoV-2 nsp14 methyltransferase.
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364. Accelerated biological aging and risk of depression and anxiety: evidence from 424,299 UK Biobank participants.
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365. Characterization of a fold in TANGO1 evolved from SH3 domains for the export of bulky cargos.
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366. A non-Newtonian fluid quasi-solid electrolyte designed for long life and high safety Li-O(2) batteries.
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367. Strong ferromagnetism of g-C(3)N(4) achieved by atomic manipulation.
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368. Trumpet is an operating system for simple and robust cell-free biocomputing.
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369. Integrated transcriptome landscape of ALS identifies genome instability linked to TDP-43 pathology.
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370. Dynamic and thermodynamic influences on precipitation in Northeast Mexico on orbital to millennial timescales.
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371. Energy-efficient high-fidelity image reconstruction with memristor arrays for medical diagnosis.
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Zhao H(#), Liu Z(#), Tang J
372. Sema3C signaling is an alternative activator of the canonical WNT pathway in glioblastoma.
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373. Magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroics probed by optical second harmonic generation.
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374. LncRNA modulates Hippo-YAP signaling to reprogram iron metabolism.
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375. Evolution of cortical geometry and its link to function, behaviour and ecology.
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376. Atomic-scale observation of premelting at 2D lattice defects inside oxide crystals.
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377. Design of C(1)-symmetric tridentate ligands for enantioselective dearomative [3 + 2] annulation of indoles with aminocyclopropanes.
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Wang HX(#), Yang C(#), Xue BY
378. DeepFLR facilitates false localization rate control in phosphoproteomics.
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379. Identifying high-impact variants and genes in exomes of Ashkenazi Jewish inflammatory bowel disease patients.
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380. Correlation-driven organic 3D topological insulator with relativistic fermions.
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381. Hippocampal sharp wave ripples underlie stress susceptibility in male mice.
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382. CAR-neutrophil mediated delivery of tumor-microenvironment responsive nanodrugs for glioblastoma chemo-immunotherapy.
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383. Interstitial lung disease diagnosis and prognosis using an AI system integrating longitudinal data.
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384. Spectroscopic visualization and phase manipulation of chiral charge density waves in 1T-TaS(2).
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2023 Apr 19
Zhao Y(#), Nie Z(#), Hong H
385. Disorder-enabled Andreev reflection of a quantum Hall edge.
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388. Observation of phonon Poiseuille flow in isotopically purified graphite ribbons.
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389. Cell invasion during competitive growth of polycrystalline solidification patterns.
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390. Intracellular carbon storage by microorganisms is an overlooked pathway of biomass growth.
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391. A VEL3 histone deacetylase complex establishes a maternal epigenetic state controlling progeny seed dormancy.
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393. Disrupting the α-synuclein-ESCRT interaction with a peptide inhibitor mitigates neurodegeneration in preclinical models of Parkinson's disease.
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394. Subgenome-aware analyses suggest a reticulate allopolyploidization origin in three Papaver genomes.
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396. Latent generative landscapes as maps of functional diversity in protein sequence space.
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397. Accounting for assay performance when estimating the temporal dynamics in SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in the U.S.
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398. Temperature sensitive liposome based cancer nanomedicine enables tumour lymph node immune microenvironment remodelling.
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399. Native qudit entanglement in a trapped ion quantum processor.
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400. Contrasting geochemical and fungal controls on decomposition of lignin and soil carbon at continental scale.
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401. Causal structure of interacting Weyl fermions in condensed matter systems.
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402. Identification of D-arabinan-degrading enzymes in mycobacteria.
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403. Vaccination of SARS-CoV-2-infected individuals expands a broad range of clonally diverse affinity-matured B cell lineages.
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404. Atlantic water intrusion triggers rapid retreat and regime change at previously stable Greenland glacier.
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405. DeMAG predicts the effects of variants in clinically actionable genes by integrating structural and evolutionary epistatic features.
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406. Health disparities among older adults following tropical cyclone exposure in Florida.
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407. Calibration of cognitive tests to address the reliability paradox for decision-conflict tasks.
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408. Active learning-assisted neutron spectroscopy with log-Gaussian processes.
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409. Mapping genomic regulation of kidney disease and traits through high-resolution and interpretable eQTLs.
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410. Programmable mammalian translational modulators by CRISPR-associated proteins.
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411. How to characterize figures of merit of two-dimensional photodetectors.
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412. Dephosphocholination by Legionella effector Lem3 functions through remodelling of the switch II region of Rab1b.
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413. Multi-omic underpinnings of epigenetic aging and human longevity.
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414. Direct correction of haemoglobin E β-thalassaemia using base editors.
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415. Plasmepsin X activates the PCRCR complex of Plasmodium falciparum by processing PfRh5 for erythrocyte invasion.
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416. A low-carbon electricity sector in Europe risks sustaining regional inequalities in benefits and vulnerabilities.
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2023 Apr 18
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417. Damage dynamics and the role of chance in the timing of E. coli cell death.
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418. Copy number variation in tRNA isodecoder genes impairs mammalian development and balanced translation.
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421. Chemically routed interpore molecular diffusion in metal-organic framework thin films.
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422. Hybrid photoacoustic and fast super-resolution ultrasound imaging.
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423. PeSTo: parameter-free geometric deep learning for accurate prediction of protein binding interfaces.
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424. Bladder cancer organoids as a functional system to model different disease stages and therapy response.
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425. PepQuery2 democratizes public MS proteomics data for rapid peptide searching.
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426. DNMT1 mutant ants develop normally but have disrupted oogenesis.
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428. Dynamic self-organisation and pattern formation by magnon-polarons.
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429. Multifunctional solvent molecule design enables high-voltage Li-ion batteries.
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430. Thermal tolerance of perovskite quantum dots dependent on A-site cation and surface ligand.
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431. Transcriptomic profiles and 5-year results from the randomized CLL14 study of venetoclax plus obinutuzumab versus chlorambucil plus obinutuzumab in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
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433. Expansion of human megakaryocyte-biased hematopoietic stem cells by biomimetic Microniche.
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434. Distinct spatial immune microlandscapes are independently associated with outcomes in triple-negative breast cancer.
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435. Multiple episodes of ice loss from the Wilkes Subglacial Basin during the Last Interglacial.
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436. Metal-rich stars are less suitable for the evolution of life on their planets.
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437. Distinct astrocytic modulatory roles in sensory transmission during sleep, wakefulness, and arousal states in freely moving mice.
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2023 Apr 17
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438. Stomatal responses of terrestrial plants to global change.
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442. Plasticity in ventral pallidal cholinergic neuron-derived circuits contributes to comorbid chronic pain-like and depression-like behaviour in male mice.
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443. Central cavity dehydration as a gating mechanism of potassium channels.
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445. Altered human gut virome in patients undergoing antibiotics therapy for Helicobacter pylori.
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447. DRAG in situ barcoding reveals an increased number of HSPCs contributing to myelopoiesis with age.
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448. Nonlinear amplification of microwave signals in spin-torque oscillators.
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450. Temperate functional niche availability not resident-invader competition shapes tropicalisation in reef fishes.
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451. Copper(I)-catalyzed asymmetric alkylation of α-imino-esters.
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452. Manipulating exchange bias in 2D magnetic heterojunction for high-performance robust memory applications.
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453. The melanocortin action is biased toward protection from weight loss in mice.
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456. The basolateral amygdala-anterior cingulate pathway contributes to depression-like behaviors and comorbidity with chronic pain behaviors in male mice.
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457. Inactivated vaccine-elicited potent antibodies can broadly neutralize SARS-CoV-2 circulating variants.
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458. Phosphorylation and stabilization of EZH2 by DCAF1/VprBP trigger aberrant gene silencing in colon cancer.
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459. Chemomechanical modification of quantum emission in monolayer WSe(2).
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460. Native doublet microtubules from Tetrahymena thermophila reveal the importance of outer junction proteins.
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461. Trim-Away ubiquitinates and degrades lysine-less and N-terminally acetylated substrates.
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463. Delayed generation of functional virus-specific circulating T follicular helper cells correlates with severe COVID-19.
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464. Long-chain anionic surfactants enabling stable perovskite/silicon tandems with greatly suppressed stress corrosion.
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466. Piezo2 regulates colonic mechanical sensitivity in a sex specific manner in mice.
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467. Dynamic machine vision with retinomorphic photomemristor-reservoir computing.
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469. Transcriptomics of Hirschsprung disease patient-derived enteric neural crest cells reveals a role for oxidative phosphorylation.
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471. Asymmetric hydrogenation of 1,1-diarylethylenes and benzophenones through a relay strategy.
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472. Next-generation large-scale binary protein interaction network for Drosophila melanogaster.
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473. Stable endocytic structures navigate the complex pellicle of apicomplexan parasites.
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475. Global patterns and edaphic-climatic controls of soil carbon decomposition kinetics predicted from incubation experiments.
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477. Legionella para-effectors target chromatin and promote bacterial replication.
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482. Drivers of SARS-CoV-2 testing behaviour: a modelling study using nationwide testing data in England.
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484. Nucleotide binding halts diffusion of the eukaryotic replicative helicase during activation.
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485. A distributed and efficient population code of mixed selectivity neurons for flexible navigation decisions.
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486. Advancing research on compound weather and climate events via large ensemble model simulations.
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487. Certification of non-classicality in all links of a photonic star network without assuming quantum mechanics.
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488. Priming a vascular-selective cytokine response permits CD8(+) T-cell entry into tumors.
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489. Halide Perovskite glues activate two-dimensional covalent organic framework crystallites for selective NO(2) sensing.
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490. Electrosynthesis of polymer-grade ethylene via acetylene semihydrogenation over undercoordinated Cu nanodots.
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492. Mannose metabolism inhibition sensitizes acute myeloid leukaemia cells to therapy by driving ferroptotic cell death.
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494. Bi-terminal fusion of intrinsically-disordered mussel foot protein fragments boosts mechanical strength for protein fibers.
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495. Centennial scale sequences of environmental deterioration preceded the end-Permian mass extinction.
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496. Nirmatrelvir-resistant SARS-CoV-2 is efficiently transmitted in female Syrian hamsters and retains partial susceptibility to treatment.
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497. Photoacoustic 2D actuator via femtosecond pulsed laser action on van der Waals interfaces.
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498. Repurposing host-guest chemistry to sequester virulence and eradicate biofilms in multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii.
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499. Active and stable alcohol dehydrogenase-assembled hydrogels via synergistic bridging of triazoles and metal ions.
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500. Nucleocytoplasmic transport of active HER2 causes fractional escape from the DCIS-like state.
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502. East Gobi megalake systems reveal East Asian Monsoon dynamics over the last interglacial-glacial cycle.
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503. Targeting CXCL16 and STAT1 augments immune checkpoint blockade therapy in triple-negative breast cancer.
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504. High ploidy large cytoplasmic megakaryocytes are hematopoietic stem cells regulators and essential for platelet production.
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Huang H(#), Chang YC(#), Huang YC
507. Excessive serine from the bone marrow microenvironment impairs megakaryopoiesis and thrombopoiesis in Multiple Myeloma.
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2023 Apr 13
Kuang C(#), Xia M(#), An G
508. Interfacial engineered superelastic metal-organic framework aerogels with van-der-Waals barrier channels for nerve agents decomposition.
Nat Commun
2023 Apr 13
Yan Z, Liu X, Ding B
509. Electrochemistry-assisted selective butadiene hydrogenation with water.
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2023 Apr 13
Yan YQ(#), Chen Y(#), Wang Z
510. Histopathology images predict multi-omics aberrations and prognoses in colorectal cancer patients.
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2023 Apr 13
Tsai PC, Lee TH, Kuo KC
511. Previously uncharacterized rectangular bacterial structures in the dolphin mouth.
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2023 Apr 13
Dudek NK, Galaz-Montoya JG, Shi H
512. Ripply suppresses Tbx6 to induce dynamic-to-static conversion in somite segmentation.
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2023 Apr 13
Yabe T, Uriu K, Takada S.
513. Stabilization of mineral-associated organic carbon in Pleistocene permafrost.
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2023 Apr 13
Martens J, Mueller CW, Joshi P
514. Vibrio cholerae biofilms use modular adhesins with glycan-targeting and nonspecific surface binding domains for colonization.
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2023 Apr 13
Huang X(#), Nero T(#), Weerasekera R
515. Screening of Drosophila microRNA-degradation sequences reveals Argonaute1 mRNA's role in regulating miR-999.
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2023 Apr 13
Sheng P(#), Li L(#), Li T
516. Extracellular vesicles engineering by silicates-activated endothelial progenitor cells for myocardial infarction treatment in male mice.
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2023 Apr 13
Yu B(#), Li H(#), Zhang Z(#)
517. Condensation and asymmetric amplification of chirality in achiral molecules adsorbed on an achiral surface.
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2023 Apr 13
Liu H(#), Li H(#), He Y
518. Integrated model of the vertebrate augmin complex.
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2023 Apr 13
Travis SM(#), Mahon BP(#), Huang W
519. Associate toxin-antitoxin with CRISPR-Cas to kill multidrug-resistant pathogens.
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2023 Apr 12
Wang R(#), Shu X(#), Zhao H(#)
520. An intranasal influenza virus-vectored vaccine prevents SARS-CoV-2 replication in respiratory tissues of mice and hamsters.
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2023 Apr 12
Deng S, Liu Y, Tam RC
521. Single-shot isotropic differential interference contrast microscopy.
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2023 Apr 12
Wang X(#), Wang H(#), Wang J(#)
522. Leaf-venation-directed cellular alignment for macroscale cardiac constructs with tissue-like functionalities.
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2023 Apr 12
Mao M(#), Qu X(#), Zhang Y(#)
523. Superfluid response of an atomically thin gate-tuned van der Waals superconductor.
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2023 Apr 12
Jarjour A, Ferguson GM, Schaefer BT
524. Predictive and robust gene selection for spatial transcriptomics.
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2023 Apr 12
Covert I, Gala R, Wang T
525. Unintended cation crossover influences CO(2) reduction selectivity in Cu-based zero-gap electrolysers.
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2023 Apr 12
El-Nagar GA, Haun F, Gupta S
526. Inducible expression of interleukin-12 augments the efficacy of affinity-tuned chimeric antigen receptors in murine solid tumor models.
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2023 Apr 12
Yang Y, Yang H, Alcaina Y
527. Near-atomic architecture of Singapore grouper iridovirus and implications for giant virus assembly.
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2023 Apr 12
Zhao Z(#), Huang Y(#), Liu C(#)
528. Mutation-induced infections of phage-plasmids.
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2023 Apr 12
Shan X, Szabo RE, Cordero OX.
529. Characterization of genome-wide STR variation in 6487 human genomes.
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2023 Apr 12
Shi Y(#), Niu Y(#), Zhang P
530. Particle-sounding of the spatial structure of kinetic Alfvén waves.
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2023 Apr 12
Liu ZY, Zong QG, Rankin R
531. A case study of percutaneous epidural stimulation to enable motor control in two men after spinal cord injury.
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2023 Apr 12
Gorgey AS, Trainer R, Sutor TW
532. Expansion of circulating stem-like CD8(+) T cells by adding CD122-directed IL-2 complexes to radiation and anti-PD1 therapies in mice.
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2023 Apr 12
Onyshchenko K, Luo R, Guffart E
533. Peripersonal encoding of forelimb proprioception in the mouse somatosensory cortex.
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2023 Apr 12
Alonso I(#), Scheer I(#), Palacio-Manzano M
534. Dynamically crossing diabolic points while encircling exceptional curves: A programmable symmetric-asymmetric multimode switch.
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2023 Apr 12
Arkhipov II, Miranowicz A, Minganti F
535. Seismic magnitude clustering is prevalent in field and laboratory catalogs.
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2023 Apr 12
Xiong Q, Brudzinski MR, Gossett D
536. DAXX drives de novo lipogenesis and contributes to tumorigenesis.
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2023 Apr 12
Mahmud I, Tian G, Wang J
537. Combining data and theory for derivable scientific discovery with AI-Descartes.
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2023 Apr 12
Cornelio C, Dash S, Austel V
538. Future strengthening of the Nordic Seas overturning circulation.
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2023 Apr 12
Årthun M, Asbjørnsen H, Chafik L
539. Assessing the impact of the global subsea telecommunications network on sedimentary organic carbon stocks.
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2023 Apr 12
Clare MA, Lichtschlag A, Paradis S
540. Glucose depletion enables Candida albicans mating independently of the epigenetic white-opaque switch.
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2023 Apr 12
Guan G(#), Tao L(#), Li C(#)
541. Plasma neurodegeneration biomarker concentrations associate with glymphatic and meningeal lymphatic measures in neurological disorders.
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2023 Apr 12
Eide PK, Lashkarivand A, Pripp A
542. Ghost-arc geochemical anomaly at a spreading ridge caused by supersized flat subduction.
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2023 Apr 12
Gianni GM, Likerman J, Navarrete CR(#)
543. WHIM Syndrome-linked CXCR4 mutations drive osteoporosis.
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2023 Apr 12
Anginot A(#), Nguyen J(#), Abou Nader Z(#)
544. Subtle tuning of nanodefects actuates highly efficient electrocatalytic oxidation.
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2023 Apr 12
Gao Y(#), Liang S(#), Liu B
545. Quantitative assessment can stabilize indirect reciprocity under imperfect information.
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2023 Apr 12
Schmid L, Ekbatani F, Hilbe C
546. All-optical control of high-purity trions in nanoscale waveguide.
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2023 Apr 12
Lee H, Koo Y, Kumar S
547. The impact of land use on non-native species incidence and number in local assemblages worldwide.
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2023 Apr 12
Liu D, Semenchuk P, Essl F
548. Targeting neuronal lysosomal dysfunction caused by β-glucocerebrosidase deficiency with an enzyme-based brain shuttle construct.
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2023 Apr 12
Gehrlein A, Udayar V, Anastasi N
549. Embryonic keratin19(+) progenitors generate multiple functionally distinct progeny to maintain epithelial diversity in the adult thymus medulla.
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2023 Apr 12
Lucas B, White AJ, Klein F
550. Diffusive excitonic bands from frustrated triangular sublattice in a singlet-ground-state system.
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2023 Apr 12
Gao B(#), Chen T(#), Wu XC
551. Widespread global disparities between modelled and observed mid-depth ocean currents.
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2023 Apr 12
Su F(#), Fan R(#), Yan F
552. The fragmentation-induced fluidisation of pyroclastic density currents.
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2023 Apr 12
Breard ECP, Dufek J, Charbonnier S
553. The RNA-binding protein landscapes differ between mammalian organs and cultured cells.
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2023 Apr 12
Perez-Perri JI, Ferring-Appel D, Huppertz I
554. Collagen breaks at weak sacrificial bonds taming its mechanoradicals.
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2023 Apr 12
Rennekamp B, Karfusehr C, Kurth M
555. Three dimensional architected thermoelectric devices with high toughness and power conversion efficiency.
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2023 Apr 12
Karthikeyan V(#), Surjadi JU(#), Li X
556. A host defense peptide mimetic, brilacidin, potentiates caspofungin antifungal activity against human pathogenic fungi.
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2023 Apr 12
Dos Reis TF, de Castro PA, Bastos RW
557. Low-dose IL-2 enhances the generation of IL-10-producing immunoregulatory B cells.
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2023 Apr 12
Inaba A, Tuong ZK, Zhao TX
558. Antimicrobial exposure is associated with decreased survival in triple-negative breast cancer.
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2023 Apr 12
Ransohoff JD, Ritter V, Purington N
559. Inflammatory signals from fatty bone marrow support DNMT3A driven clonal hematopoiesis.
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2023 Apr 12
Zioni N, Bercovich AA, Chapal-Ilani N
560. A bacterial autotransporter impairs innate immune responses by targeting the transcription factor TFE3.
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2023 Apr 11
Ta A, Ricci-Azevedo R, Vasudevan SO
561. Carbon sequestration by multiple biological pump pathways in a coastal upwelling biome.
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2023 Apr 11
Stukel MR, Irving JP, Kelly TB
562. Hidden vulnerability of US Atlantic coast to sea-level rise due to vertical land motion.
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2023 Apr 11
Ohenhen LO, Shirzaei M, Ojha C
563. FADS1-arachidonic acid axis enhances arachidonic acid metabolism by altering intestinal microecology in colorectal cancer.
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2023 Apr 11
Xu C(#), Gu L(#), Hu L(#)
564. The role of oxygen-vacancy in bifunctional indium oxyhydroxide catalysts for electrochemical coupling of biomass valorization with CO(2) conversion.
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2023 Apr 11
Ye F, Zhang S, Cheng Q
565. Structural basis of impaired disaggregase function in the oxidation-sensitive SKD3 mutant causing 3-methylglutaconic aciduria.
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2023 Apr 11
Lee S, Lee SB, Sung N
566. Analyses of a chromosome-scale genome assembly reveal the origin and evolution of cultivated chrysanthemum.
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2023 Apr 11
Song A(#), Su J(#), Wang H(#)
567. Charge order driven by multiple-Q spin fluctuations in heavily electron-doped iron selenide superconductors.
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2023 Apr 11
Chen Z(#), Li D(#), Lu Z
568. Unveiling the complexity of spatiotemporal soliton molecules in real time.
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2023 Apr 11
Guo Y(#), Lin W(#), Wang W
569. The contribution of penguin guano to the Southern Ocean iron pool.
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2023 Apr 11
Belyaev O, Sparaventi E, Navarro G
570. Targeting advanced prostate cancer with STEAP1 chimeric antigen receptor T cell and tumor-localized IL-12 immunotherapy.
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2023 Apr 11
Bhatia V(#), Kamat NV(#), Pariva TE(#)
571. Coupling acid catalysis and selective oxidation over MoO(3)-Fe(2)O(3) for chemical looping oxidative dehydrogenation of propane.
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2023 Apr 11
Wang X(#), Pei C(#), Zhao ZJ(#)
572. FOXI3 pathogenic variants cause one form of craniofacial microsomia.
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2023 Apr 11
Mao K(#), Borel C(#), Ansar M(#)
573. Stereodefined polymetalloid alkenes synthesis via stereoselective boron-masking of polyborylated alkenes.
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2023 Apr 11
Eghbarieh N, Hanania N, Masarwa A.
574. High economic costs of reduced carbon sinks and declining biome stability in Central American forests.
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2023 Apr 11
Baumbach L, Hickler T, Yousefpour R
575. Cryo-EM structures of mitochondrial ABC transporter ABCB10 in apo and biliverdin-bound form.
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2023 Apr 11
Cao S(#), Yang Y(#), He L
576. Anaerobic thiosulfate oxidation by the Roseobacter group is prevalent in marine biofilms.
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2023 Apr 11
Ding W, Wang S, Qin P
577. Entanglement asymmetry as a probe of symmetry breaking.
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2023 Apr 11
Ares F, Murciano S, Calabrese P.
578. Lung-specific MCEMP1 functions as an adaptor for KIT to promote SCF-mediated mast cell proliferation.
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2023 Apr 11
Choi YJ(#), Yoo JS(#), Jung K
579. Oxynitrides enabled photoelectrochemical water splitting with over 3,000 hrs stable operation in practical two-electrode configuration.
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2023 Apr 11
Xiao Y(#), Kong X(#), Vanka S(#)
580. Cryo-electron microscopy structures of capsids and in situ portals of DNA-devoid capsids of human cytomegalovirus.
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2023 Apr 11
Li Z(#), Pang J(#), Gao R
581. Enhancer hijacking at the ARHGAP36 locus is associated with connective tissue to bone transformation.
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2023 Apr 11
Melo US, Jatzlau J, Prada-Medina CA
582. Engineered CRISPR-OsCas12f1 and RhCas12f1 with robust activities and expanded target range for genome editing.
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2023 Apr 11
Kong X(#), Zhang H(#), Li G(#)
583. Trade-off between critical metal requirement and transportation decarbonization in automotive electrification.
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2023 Apr 11
Zhang C, Zhao X, Sacchi R
584. Comparative epidemic expansion of SARS-CoV-2 variants Delta and Omicron in the Brazilian State of Amazonas.
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2023 Apr 11
Arantes I(#), Bello G(#), Nascimento V
585. Antichiral surface states in time-reversal-invariant photonic semimetals.
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2023 Apr 11
Liu JW, Shi FL, Shen K
586. Learning naturalistic driving environment with statistical realism.
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2023 Apr 11
Yan X(#), Zou Z(#), Feng S
587. Type I interferon shapes brain distribution and tropism of tick-borne flavivirus.
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2023 Apr 10
Chotiwan N(#), Rosendal E(#), Willekens SMA(#)
588. Migrating mule deer compensate en route for phenological mismatches.
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2023 Apr 10
Ortega AC, Aikens EO, Merkle JA
589. A cationic motif upstream Engrailed2 homeodomain controls cell internalization through selective interaction with heparan sulfates.
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2023 Apr 10
Cardon S(#), Hervis YP(#), Bolbach G
590. Tenascin C(+) papillary fibroblasts facilitate neuro-immune interaction in a mouse model of psoriasis.
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2023 Apr 10
Cai X(#), Han M(#), Lou F
591. Total escape of SARS-CoV-2 from dual monoclonal antibody therapy in an immunocompromised patient.
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2023 Apr 10
Jaki L(#), Weigang S(#), Kern L(#)
592. Integrative modeling of tumor genomes and epigenomes for enhanced cancer diagnosis by cell-free DNA.
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2023 Apr 10
Bae M(#), Kim G(#), Lee TR
593. O(2) partitioning of sulfur oxidizing bacteria drives acidity and thiosulfate distributions in mining waters.
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2023 Apr 10
Whaley-Martin KJ(#), Chen LX(#), Nelson TC
594. Realizing efficient blue and deep-blue delayed fluorescence materials with record-beating electroluminescence efficiencies of 43.4.
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2023 Apr 10
Fu Y, Liu H, Tang BZ
595. Organic matter degradation causes enrichment of organic pollutants in hadal sediments.
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2023 Apr 10
Sobek A, Abel S, Sanei H
596. Fast and slow intraplate ruptures during the 19 October 2020 magnitude 7.6 Shumagin earthquake.
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2023 Apr 10
Bai Y, Liu C, Lay T
597. Active site recovery and N-N bond breakage during hydrazine oxidation boosting the electrochemical hydrogen production.
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2023 Apr 10
Zhu L(#), Huang J(#), Meng G
598. High-density frustrated Lewis pairs based on Lamellar Nb(2)O(5) for photocatalytic non-oxidative methane coupling.
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2023 Apr 10
Chen Z, Ye Y, Feng X
599. Increasing deep-water overflow from the Pacific into the South China Sea revealed by mooring observations.
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2023 Apr 10
Zhou C(#), Xiao X(#), Zhao W
600. Supercritical fluids behave as complex networks.
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2023 Apr 10
Simeski F, Ihme M.
601. Restoring bone marrow niche function rejuvenates aged hematopoietic stem cells by reactivating the DNA Damage Response.
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2023 Apr 10
Ramalingam P(#), Gutkin MC(#), Poulos MG(#)
602. Hypoimmune anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells provide lasting tumor control in fully immunocompetent allogeneic humanized mice.
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2023 Apr 10
Hu X, Manner K, DeJesus R
603. KIAA1199 deficiency enhances skeletal stem cell differentiation to osteoblasts and promotes bone regeneration.
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2023 Apr 10
Chen L, Shi K, Ditzel N
604. Function and dynamics of the intrinsically disordered carboxyl terminus of β2 adrenergic receptor.
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2023 Apr 10
Heng J, Hu Y, Pérez-Hernández G
605. Acceleration of U.S. Southeast and Gulf coast sea-level rise amplified by internal climate variability.
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2023 Apr 10
Dangendorf S, Hendricks N, Sun Q
606. Performance efficient macromolecular mechanics via sub-nanometer shape based coarse graining.
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2023 Apr 10
Bryer AJ, Rey JS, Perilla JR.
607. Active and durable R(2)MnRuO(7) pyrochlores with low Ru content for acidic oxygen evolution.
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2023 Apr 10
Galyamin D, Torrero J, Rodríguez I
608. Programming bacteria for multiplexed DNA detection.
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2023 Apr 10
Cheng YY(#), Chen Z(#), Cao X
609. Effectiveness of inactivated COVID-19 vaccines among older adults in Shanghai: retrospective cohort study.
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2023 Apr 10
Huang Z(#), Xu S(#), Liu J
610. Middle Pleistocene re-organization of Australian Monsoon.
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2023 Apr 10
Gong L, Holbourn A, Kuhnt W
611. Comparative analysis of dimension reduction methods for cytometry by time-of-flight data.
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2023 Apr 1
Wang K, Yang Y, Wu F
612. Increased warm water intrusions could cause mass loss in East Antarctica during the next 200 years.
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2023 Apr 1
Jordan JR, Miles BWJ, Gudmundsson GH
613. Sialidases and fucosidases of Akkermansia muciniphila are crucial for growth on mucin and nutrient sharing with mucus-associated gut bacteria.
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2023 Apr 1
Shuoker B(#), Pichler MJ(#), Jin C
614. MAIT cell inhibition promotes liver fibrosis regression via macrophage phenotype reprogramming.
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2023 Apr 1
Mabire M, Hegde P, Hammoutene A(#)
615. Spatial probabilistic mapping of metabolite ensembles in mass spectrometry imaging.
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2023 Apr 1
Abu Sammour D, Cairns JL, Boskamp T
616. Major proliferation of transposable elements shaped the genome of the soybean rust pathogen Phakopsora pachyrhizi.
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2023 Apr 1
Gupta YK, Marcelino-Guimarães FC, Lorrain C
617. Dynamical latent state computation in the male macaque posterior parietal cortex.
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2023 Apr 1
Lakshminarasimhan KJ, Avila E, Pitkow X
618. Cellular differentiation into hyphae and spores in halophilic archaea.
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2023 Apr 1
Tang SK(#), Zhi XY(#), Zhang Y(#)
619. Nanoscale thermodynamics needs the concept of a disjoining chemical potential.
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2023 Apr 1
Dong W.
620. Chance promoter activities illuminate the origins of eukaryotic intergenic transcriptions.
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2023 Apr 1
Xu H, Li C, Xu C
621. Parabacteroides distasonis ameliorates hepatic fibrosis potentially via modulating intestinal bile acid metabolism and hepatocyte pyroptosis in male mice.
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2023 Apr 1
Zhao Q, Dai MY, Huang RY
622. Sulfolane-containing aqueous electrolyte solutions for producing efficient ampere-hour-level zinc metal battery pouch cells.
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2023 Apr 1
Wang Y, Wang T, Bu S
623. Macroscopic transition metal dichalcogenides monolayers with uniformly high optical quality.
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2023 Apr 1
Li Q, Alfrey A, Hu J
624. Interfacial assembly of binary atomic metal-N(x) sites for high-performance energy devices.
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2023 Apr 1
Jiang Z(#), Liu X(#), Liu XZ(#)
625. Single-shot polarimetry of vector beams by supervised learning.
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2023 Apr 1
Pierangeli D, Conti C.
626. Hybrid magnonics in hybrid perovskite antiferromagnets.
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2023 Apr 1
Comstock AH(#), Chou CT(#), Wang Z
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