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2021 Feb (117)
2021 Jan (183)
1. UINMF performs mosaic integration of single-cell multi-omic datasets using nonnegative matrix factorization.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 9
Kriebel AR, Welch JD.
2. The induction of peripheral trained immunity in the pancreas incites anti-tumor activity to control pancreatic cancer progression.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 9
Geller AE, Shrestha R, Woeste MR
3. Highly sensitive strain sensors based on piezotronic tunneling junction.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 9
Yu Q(#), Ge R(#), Wen J
4. Perspectives in machine learning for wildlife conservation.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 9
Tuia D(#), Kellenberger B(#), Beery S(#)
5. Sonogenetic control of mammalian cells using exogenous Transient Receptor Potential A1 channels.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 9
Duque M(#), Lee-Kubli CA(#), Tufail Y(#)
6. Predicting the efficiency of oxygen-evolving electrolysis on the Moon and Mars.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 8
Lomax BA, Just GH, McHugh PJ
7. Tousled-like kinase 2 targets ASF1 histone chaperones through client mimicry.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 8
Simon B, Lou HJ, Huet-Calderwood C
8. Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in a UK university identifies dynamics of transmission.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 8
Aggarwal D(#), Warne B(#), Jahun AS
9. In vivo mitochondrial base editing via adeno-associated viral delivery to mouse post-mitotic tissue.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 8
Silva-Pinheiro P, Nash PA, Van Haute L
10. Amylin-Calcitonin receptor signaling in the medial preoptic area mediates affiliative social behaviors in female mice.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 8
Fukumitsu K, Kaneko M, Maruyama T
11. Protein sequence design with a learned potential.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 8
Anand N, Eguchi R, Mathews II
12. Observation of perfect diamagnetism and interfacial effect on the electronic structures in infinite layer Nd(0.8)Sr(0.2)NiO(2) superconductors.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 8
Zeng SW(#), Yin XM(#), Li CJ(#)
13. Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 under an elimination strategy in Hong Kong.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 8
Gu H(#), Xie R(#), Adam DC(#)
14. Coat proteins of necroviruses target 14-3-3a to subvert MAPKKKα-mediated antiviral immunity in plants.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 7
Gao Z, Zhang D, Wang X
15. Interface engineering of Ta(3)N(5) thin film photoanode for highly efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 7
Fu J, Fan Z, Nakabayashi M
16. Reconstituting the complete biosynthesis of D-lysergic acid in yeast.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 7
Wong G(#), Lim LR(#), Tan YQ
17. Selective branch formation in ethylene polymerization to access precise ethylene-propylene copolymers.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 7
Zhang Y, Kang X, Jian Z.
18. Robust but weak winter atmospheric circulation response to future Arctic sea ice loss.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 7
Smith DM, Eade R, Andrews MB
19. Population-level deficit of homozygosity unveils CPSF3 as an intellectual disability syndrome gene.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 4
Arnadottir GA, Oddsson A, Jensson BO
20. ROCK1 mechano-signaling dependency of human malignancies driven by TEAD/YAP activation.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 4
Esposito D(#), Pant I(#), Shen Y
21. The gut hormone Allatostatin C/Somatostatin regulates food intake and metabolic homeostasis under nutrient stress.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 4
Kubrak O(#), Koyama T(#), Ahrentløv N(#)
22. Cyclin B/CDK1 and Cyclin A/CDK2 phosphorylate DENR to promote mitotic protein translation and faithful cell division.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 3
Clemm von Hohenberg K, Müller S, Schleich S
23. Gαi2-induced conductin/axin2 condensates inhibit Wnt/β-catenin signaling and suppress cancer growth.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 3
Miete C, Solis GP, Koval A
24. The toposiomerase IIIalpha-RMI1-RMI2 complex orients human Bloom's syndrome helicase for efficient disruption of D-loops.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 3
Harami GM(#), Pálinkás J(#), Seol Y
25. Stratification in planetary cores by liquid immiscibility in Fe-S-H.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 3
Yokoo S, Hirose K, Tagawa S
26. Manipulating the oxygen reduction reaction pathway on Pt-coordinated motifs.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 3
Zhao J, Fu C, Ye K
27. Arabidopsis guard cell chloroplasts import cytosolic ATP for starch turnover and stomatal opening.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 3
Lim SL(#), Flütsch S(#), Liu J
28. Genetically stable CRISPR-based kill switches for engineered microbes.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 3
Rottinghaus AG(#), Ferreiro A(#), Fishbein SRS
29. Mitochondrial protein import determines lifespan through metabolic reprogramming and de novo serine biosynthesis.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 3
Lionaki E(#), Gkikas I(#), Daskalaki I
30. Carbon-coated MoS(1.5)Te(0.5) nanocables for efficient sodium-ion storage in non-aqueous dual-ion batteries.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 3
Liu Y, Hu X, Li J
31. Hemoglobin in the blood acts as a chemosensory signal via the mouse vomeronasal system.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 3
Osakada T(#), Abe T(#), Itakura T(#)
32. Traditional and sustainable approaches for the construction of C-C bonds by harnessing C-H arylation.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 28
Grover J(#), Prakash G(#), Goswami N
33. Coherent optical communications using coherence-cloned Kerr soliton microcombs.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 28
Geng Y(#), Zhou H(#), Han X
34. Ultrafast infrared nano-imaging of far-from-equilibrium carrier and vibrational dynamics.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 28
Nishida J, Johnson SC, Chang PTS
35. Phosphoproteomic profiling of T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia reveals targetable kinases and combination treatment strategies.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 25
Cordo' V, Meijer MT, Hagelaar R
36. Understanding self-assembly at molecular level enables controlled design of DNA G-wires of different properties.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 25
Pavc D, Sebastian N, Spindler L
37. Cryo-EM structure of translesion DNA synthesis polymerase ζ with a base pair mismatch.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 25
Malik R, Johnson RE, Prakash L
38. Natural variation in Glume Coverage 1 causes naked grains in sorghum.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 25
Xie P, Tang S, Chen C
39. Inter-element miscibility driven stabilization of ordered pseudo-binary alloy.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 24
Matsumoto K, Sato R, Tatetsu Y
40. Space-efficient optical computing with an integrated chip diffractive neural network.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 24
Zhu HH, Zou J, Zhang H
41. Enhancing hydrovoltaic power generation through heat conduction effects.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 24
Li L(#), Feng S(#), Bai Y
42. Biosynthetic gene cluster profiling predicts the positive association between antagonism and phylogeny in Bacillus.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 23
Xia L(#), Miao Y(#), Cao A
43. Evidence for a trap-and-flip mechanism in a proton-dependent lipid transporter.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 23
Lambert E(#), Mehdipour AR(#), Schmidt A
44. Uncovering interpretable potential confounders in electronic medical records.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 23
Zeng J, Gensheimer MF, Rubin DL
45. Multilateral benefit-sharing from digital sequence information will support both science and biodiversity conservation.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 23
Scholz AH, Freitag J, Lyal CHC
46. Robust growth of two-dimensional metal dichalcogenides and their alloys by active chalcogen monomer supply.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 23
Zuo Y(#), Liu C(#), Ding L(#)
47. Mild-to-wild plastic transition is governed by athermal screw dislocation slip in bcc Nb.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 23
Rizzardi Q, McElfresh C, Sparks G
48. Assembling covalent organic framework membranes with superior ion exchange capacity.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 23
Wang X(#), Shi B(#), Yang H
49. Neutrophil extracellular traps promote metastasis in gastric cancer patients with postoperative abdominal infectious complications.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 23
Xia X(#), Zhang Z(#), Zhu C(#)
50. Genomic assessment of quarantine measures to prevent SARS-CoV-2 importation and transmission.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 23
Aggarwal D, Page AJ(#), Schaefer U(#)
51. Protective immune trajectories in early viral containment of non-pneumonic SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 23
Pekayvaz K(#), Leunig A(#), Kaiser R
52. Randomized controlled trial for time-restricted eating in healthy volunteers without obesity.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 22
Xie Z(#), Sun Y(#), Ye Y(#)
53. Menin directs regionalized decidual transformation through epigenetically setting PTX3 to balance FGF and BMP signaling.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 22
Liu M(#), Deng W(#), Tang L
54. High-throughput identification and quantification of single bacterial cells in the microbiota.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 22
Jin J, Yamamoto R, Takeuchi T
55. Short- and long-read metagenomics of urban and rural South African gut microbiomes reveal a transitional composition and undescribed taxa.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 22
Tamburini FB, Maghini D, Oduaran OH
56. Acetylcholine deficiency disrupts extratelencephalic projection neurons in the prefrontal cortex in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 22
Sun Q(#), Zhang J(#), Li A
57. Global and transcription-coupled repair of 8-oxoG is initiated by nucleotide excision repair proteins.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 21
Kumar N, Theil AF, Roginskaya V
58. Inverse design of 3d molecular structures with conditional generative neural networks.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 21
Gebauer NWA, Gastegger M, Hessmann SSP
59. Strong in-plane scattering of acoustic graphene plasmons by surface atomic steps.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 21
Zhang N(#), Luo W(#), Wang L(#)
60. Effect of biannual azithromycin distribution on antibody responses to malaria, bacterial, and protozoan pathogens in Niger.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 21
Arzika AM, Maliki R, Goodhew EB
61. Specific length and structure rather than high thermodynamic stability enable regulatory mRNA stem-loops to pause translation.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 21
Bao C, Zhu M, Nykonchuk I
62. Delayed Antarctic sea-ice decline in high-resolution climate change simulations.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 2
Rackow T, Danilov S, Goessling HF
63. Broadly neutralizing anti-HIV-1 antibodies tether viral particles at the surface of infected cells.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 2
Dufloo J, Planchais C, Frémont S
64. Constitutive activation of canonical Wnt signaling disrupts choroid plexus epithelial fate.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 2
Parichha A(#), Suresh V(#), Chatterjee M
65. Manipulation of RNA polymerase III by Herpes Simplex Virus-1.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 2
Dremel SE, Sivrich FL, Tucker JM
66. Rare SLC13A1 variants associate with intervertebral disc disorder highlighting role of sulfate in disc pathology.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 2
Bjornsdottir G, Stefansdottir L, Thorleifsson G
67. ATF-4 and hydrogen sulfide signalling mediate longevity in response to inhibition of translation or mTORC1.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 18
Statzer C(#), Meng J(#), Venz R
68. Evidence for the oxidation of Earth's crust from the evolution of manganese minerals.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 18
Hummer DR, Golden JJ, Hystad G
69. High-pH structure of EmrE reveals the mechanism of proton-coupled substrate transport.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 18
Shcherbakov AA, Spreacker PJ, Dregni AJ
70. Genome binning of viral entities from bulk metagenomics data.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 18
Johansen J, Plichta DR, Nissen JN
71. Rough and smooth variants of Mycobacterium abscessus are differentially controlled by host immunity during chronic infection of adult zebrafish.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 17
Kam JY, Hortle E, Krogman E
72. Kansl1 haploinsufficiency impairs autophagosome-lysosome fusion and links autophagic dysfunction with Koolen-de Vries syndrome in mice.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 17
Li T(#), Lu D(#), Yao C(#)
73. T-cell dysfunction in the glioblastoma microenvironment is mediated by myeloid cells releasing interleukin-10.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 17
Ravi VM(#), Neidert N(#), Will P(#)
74. Stroke induces disease-specific myeloid cells in the brain parenchyma and pia.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 17
Beuker C(#), Schafflick D(#), Strecker JK(#)
75. Nanoscale rules governing the organization of glutamate receptors in spine synapses are subunit specific.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 17
Hruska M(#), Cain RE(#), Dalva MB.
76. Visible light-driven efficient palladium catalyst turnover in oxidative transformations within confined frameworks.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 17
Li J, He L, Liu Q
77. Recovery coupling in multilayer networks.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 17
Danziger MM, Barabási AL.
78. Non-thermal plasma-assisted rapid hydrogenolysis of polystyrene to high yield ethylene.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 16
Yao L, King J, Wu D
79. Lin28B-high breast cancer cells promote immune suppression in the lung pre-metastatic niche via exosomes and support cancer progression.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 16
Qi M(#), Xia Y(#), Wu Y
80. Large-gap insulating dimer ground state in monolayer IrTe(2).
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 16
Hwang J(#), Kim K(#), Zhang C(#)
81. CRISPR-assisted rational flux-tuning and arrayed CRISPRi screening of an L-proline exporter for L-proline hyperproduction.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 16
Liu J(#), Liu M(#), Shi T
82. Differential V2-directed antibody responses in non-human primates infected with SHIVs or immunized with diverse HIV vaccines.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 16
Weiss S, Itri V, Pan R
83. TLR4 is a regulator of trained immunity in a murine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 15
Bhattarai S, Li Q, Ding J
84. Structural basis for SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant recognition of ACE2 receptor and broadly neutralizing antibodies.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 15
Wang Y(#), Liu C(#), Zhang C(#)
85. Global patterns in functional rarity of marine fish.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 15
Trindade-Santos I, Moyes F, Magurran AE.
86. IL-22 initiates an IL-18-dependent epithelial response circuit to enforce intestinal host defence.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 15
Chiang HY, Lu HH, Sudhakar JN
87. Mesenchymal stem cells transfer mitochondria to allogeneic Tregs in an HLA-dependent manner improving their immunosuppressive activity.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 14
Piekarska K, Urban-Wójciuk Z, Kurkowiak M
88. Enantioselective Cu(I)-catalyzed borylative cyclization of enone-tethered cyclohexadienones and mechanistic insights.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 14
Jadhav SB, Dash SR, Maurya S
89. Humoral and cellular responses after a third dose of SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 vaccine in patients with lymphoid malignancies.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 14
Re D(#), Seitz-Polski B(#), Brglez V
90. EBV miRNAs BART11 and BART17-3p promote immune escape through the enhancer-mediated transcription of PD-L1.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 14
Wang J, Ge J, Wang Y
91. Highly efficient and salt rejecting solar evaporation via a wick-free confined water layer.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 14
Zhang L(#), Li X(#), Zhong Y
92. All-optical dissipative discrete time crystals.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 14
Taheri H, Matsko AB, Maleki L
93. The spatial transcriptomic landscape of the healing mouse intestine following damage.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 11
Parigi SM(#), Larsson L(#), Das S(#)
94. Colocalized, bidirectional optogenetic modulations in freely behaving mice with a wireless dual-color optoelectronic probe.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 11
Li L(#), Lu L(#), Ren Y(#)
95. Micro-mechanical blood clot testing using smartphones.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 11
Chan J, Michaelsen K, Estergreen JK
96. Genomic variants affecting homoeologous gene expression dosage contribute to agronomic trait variation in allopolyploid wheat.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 11
He F(#), Wang W(#), Rutter WB
97. Rhizosphere bacteriome structure and functions.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 11
Ling N, Wang T, Kuzyakov Y.
98. Development of a skin- and neuro-attenuated live vaccine for varicella.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 11
Wang W(#), Pan D(#), Fu W(#)
99. Small RNA pathways in the nematode Ascaris in the absence of piRNAs.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 11
Zagoskin MV(#), Wang J(#), Neff AT
100. Shaping lightwaves in time and frequency for optical fiber communication.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 10
Cho J, Chen X, Raybon G
101. Whole exome sequencing in Alopecia Areata identifies rare variants in KRT82.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 10
Erjavec SO(#), Gelfman S(#), Abdelaziz AR
102. Optical van-der-Waals forces in molecules: from electronic Bethe-Salpeter calculations to the many-body dispersion model.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 10
Ambrosetti A, Umari P, Silvestrelli PL
103. Tailoring the coercive field in ferroelectric metal-free perovskites by hydrogen bonding.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 10
Choi HS(#), Li S(#), Park IH
104. The microbiome of the buffalo digestive tract.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 10
Tong F(#), Wang T(#), Gao NL(#)
105. In vivo CRISPR screens reveal a HIF-1α-mTOR-network regulates T follicular helper versus Th1 cells.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 10
Huang B, Phelan JD, Preite S
106. Unraveling the rate-limiting step of two-electron transfer electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 10
Deng W, Zhang P, Seger B
107. Bioinspired desaturation of alcohols enabled by photoredox proton-coupled electron transfer and cobalt dual catalysis.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 10
Huang L, Ji T, Zhu C
108. Small molecule SWELL1 complex induction improves glycemic control and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in murine Type 2 diabetes.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 10
Gunasekar SK(#), Xie L(#), Kumar A(#)
109. Adaptation to genome decay in the structure of the smallest eukaryotic ribosome.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 1
Nicholson D, Salamina M, Panek J
110. Vegetation-based climate mitigation in a warmer and greener World.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 1
Alkama R, Forzieri G, Duveiller G
111. Inner core composition paradox revealed by sound velocities of Fe and Fe-Si alloy.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 1
Huang H, Fan L, Liu X
112. Impacts of rapid mass vaccination against SARS-CoV2 in an early variant of concern hotspot.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 1
Paetzold J(#), Kimpel J, Bates K
113. Downstream high-speed plasma jet generation as a direct consequence of shock reformation.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 1
Raptis S, Karlsson T, Vaivads A
114. Electron transfer-triggered imaging of EGFR signaling activity.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 1
Tan J, Li H, Ji C
115. Perfect flat band with chirality and charge ordering out of strong spin-orbit interaction.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 1
Nakai H, Hotta C.
116. Lima1 mediates the pluripotency control of membrane dynamics and cellular metabolism.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 1
Duethorn B, Groll F, Rieger B
117. A neural circuit linking learning and sleep in Drosophila long-term memory.
Nat Commun
2022 Feb 1
Lei Z, Henderson K, Keleman K.
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