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2021 Jul (148)
2021 Jun (177)
2021 May (160)
2021 Apr (93)
2021 Mar (145)
2021 Feb (117)
2021 Jan (183)
1. Seismological expression of the iron spin crossover in ferropericlase in the Earth's lower mantle.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 8
Shephard GE, Houser C, Hernlund JW
2. In situ and transcriptomic identification of microglia in synapse-rich regions of the developing zebrafish brain.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 8
Silva NJ(#), Dorman LC(#), Vainchtein ID
3. Cryo-EM structures of the ABCA4 importer reveal mechanisms underlying substrate binding and Stargardt disease.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 8
Scortecci JF, Molday LL, Curtis SB
4. Supertoroidal light pulses as electromagnetic skyrmions propagating in free space.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 8
Shen Y, Hou Y, Papasimakis N
5. Mapping epigenetic divergence in the massive radiation of Lake Malawi cichlid fishes.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 7
Vernaz G, Malinsky M, Svardal H
6. Theory and simulations of condensin mediated loop extrusion in DNA.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 7
Takaki R, Dey A, Shi G
7. A standardized genome architecture for bacterial synthetic biology (SEGA).
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 7
Bayer CN(#), Rennig M(#), Ehrmann AK(#)
8. Temporal evolution of master regulator Crp identifies pyrimidines as catabolite modulator factors.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 7
Lauritsen I(#), Frendorf PO(#), Capucci S
9. Considering socio-political framings when analyzing coastal climate change effects can prevent maldevelopment on small islands.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 7
David CG, Hennig A, Ratter BMW
10. Graded heterogeneity of metabotropic signaling underlies a continuum of cell-intrinsic temporal responses in unipolar brush cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 7
Guo C, Huson V, Macosko EZ
11. Self-assembled multifunctional neural probes for precise integration of optogenetics and electrophysiology.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 7
Zou L(#), Tian H(#), Guan S
12. Integrated omics networks reveal the temporal signaling events of brassinosteroid response in Arabidopsis.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 6
Clark NM, Nolan TM, Wang P
13. CD127+ CD94+ innate lymphoid cells expressing granulysin and perforin are expanded in patients with Crohn's disease.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 6
Krabbendam L, Heesters BA, Kradolfer CMA
14. Pig genome functional annotation enhances the biological interpretation of complex traits and human disease.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 6
Pan Z(#), Yao Y(#), Yin H
15. Author Correction: Rare genetic variants affecting urine metabolite levels link population variation to inborn errors of metabolism.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 6
Cheng Y, Schlosser P, Hertel J
16. Regio- and sequence-controlled conjugated topological oligomers and polymers via boronate-tag assisted solution-phase strategy.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 6
Xu C, He C, Li N
17. A sub-150-nanometre-thick and ultraconformable solution-processed all-organic transistor.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 6
Viola FA, Barsotti J, Melloni F
18. Noninvasive spinal stimulation safely enables upright posture in children with spinal cord injury.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 6
Keller A, Singh G, Sommerfeld JH
19. A proteomics sample metadata representation for multiomics integration and big data analysis.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 6
Dai C, Füllgrabe A, Pfeuffer J
20. Calibrated rare variant genetic risk scores for complex disease prediction using large exome sequence repositories.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 6
Lali R, Chong M, Omidi A
21. SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence and associated risk factors in an urban district in Cameroon.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 6
Nwosu K(#), Fokam J(#), Wanda F
22. Staphylococcal phages and pathogenicity islands drive plasmid evolution.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 6
Humphrey S, San Millán Á, Toll-Riera M
23. Single-cell analysis of patient-derived PDAC organoids reveals cell state heterogeneity and a conserved developmental hierarchy.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 5
Krieger TG(#), Le Blanc S(#), Jabs J(#)
24. Antarctic ozone hole modifies iodine geochemistry on the Antarctic Plateau.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 5
Spolaor A, Burgay F, Fernandez RP
25. Rewetting does not return drained fen peatlands to their old selves.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 5
Kreyling J, Tanneberger F, Jansen F
26. C. elegans feed yolk to their young in a form of primitive lactation.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 5
Kern CC, Townsend S, Salzmann A
27. Economic disparity among generations under the Paris Agreement.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 5
Yang H, Suh S.
28. Hamster organotypic modeling of SARS-CoV-2 lung and brainstem infection.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 4
Ferren M, Favède V, Decimo D
29. Epidermal galactose spurs chytrid virulence and predicts amphibian colonization.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 4
Wang Y, Verbrugghe E, Meuris L
30. Chemical proteomic profiling reveals protein interactors of the alarmones diadenosine triphosphate and tetraphosphate.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 4
Krüger L(#), Albrecht CJ(#), Schammann HK
31. A plastid two-pore channel essential for inter-organelle communication and growth of Toxoplasma gondii.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 4
Li ZH, King TP, Ayong L
32. Determinants of renal cell carcinoma invasion and metastatic competence.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 4
Kim K, Zhou Q, Christie A
33. Orchestrating and sharing large multimodal data for transparent and reproducible research.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 4
Mammoliti A, Smirnov P, Nakano M
34. Clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in South Africa.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 29
Reddy KP, Fitzmaurice KP, Scott JA
35. Self-wetting triphase photocatalysis for effective and selective removal of hydrophilic volatile organic compounds in air.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 29
He F, Weon S, Jeon W
36. Refining models of archaic admixture in Eurasia with ArchaicSeeker 2.0.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 29
Yuan K(#), Ni X(#), Liu C(#)
37. Robust recognition and exploratory analysis of crystal structures via Bayesian deep learning.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 29
Leitherer A, Ziletti A, Ghiringhelli LM.
38. Microglia-specific overexpression of α-synuclein leads to severe dopaminergic neurodegeneration by phagocytic exhaustion and oxidative toxicity.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 29
Bido S, Muggeo S, Massimino L
39. High-throughput and high-efficiency sample preparation for single-cell proteomics using a nested nanowell chip.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 29
Woo J, Williams SM, Markillie LM
40. The serine proteases dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 and urokinase are key molecules in human and mouse scar formation.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 29
Vorstandlechner V, Laggner M, Copic D
41. Structural basis of terephthalate recognition by solute binding protein TphC.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 29
Gautom T(#), Dheeman D(#), Levy C
42. Inner nuclear protein Matrin-3 coordinates cell differentiation by stabilizing chromatin architecture.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 29
Cha HJ, Uyan Ö(#), Kai Y(#)
43. Subnanometer high-entropy alloy nanowires enable remarkable hydrogen oxidation catalysis.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 29
Zhan C(#), Xu Y(#), Bu L
44. Impacts of climate change to African indigenous communities and examples of adaptation responses.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 28
Leal Filho W, Matandirotya NR, Lütz JM
45. Ion-dependent structure, dynamics, and allosteric coupling in a non-selective cation channel.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 28
Lewis A, Kurauskas V, Tonelli M
46. Mechanics-driven nuclear localization of YAP can be reversed by N-cadherin ligation in mesenchymal stem cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 28
Zhang C(#), Zhu H(#), Ren X
47. Quantitative 3D imaging of the cranial microvascular environment at single-cell resolution.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 28
Rindone AN, Liu X, Farhat S
48. Effectiveness of ChAdOx1 vaccine in older adults during SARS-CoV-2 Gamma variant circulation in São Paulo.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 28
Hitchings MDT(#), Ranzani OT(#), Dorion M
49. A Newcastle disease virus expressing a stabilized spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 induces protective immune responses.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 27
Sun W, Liu Y, Amanat F
50. Daily caloric restriction limits tumor growth more effectively than caloric cycling regardless of dietary composition.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 27
Pomatto-Watson LCD, Bodogai M, Bosompra O(#)
51. Potentially long-lasting effects of the pandemic on scientists.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 26
Gao J, Yin Y, Myers KR
52. CDH2 mutation affecting N-cadherin function causes attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in humans and mice.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 26
Halperin D(#), Stavsky A(#), Kadir R
53. The impact of physiological metabolite levels on serine uptake, synthesis and utilization in cancer cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 26
Hennequart M(#), Labuschagne CF(#), Tajan M
54. Tuning the selectivity of catalytic nitriles hydrogenation by structure regulation in atomically dispersed Pd catalysts.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 26
Liu Z(#), Huang F(#), Peng M(#)
55. Quantifying previous SARS-CoV-2 infection through mixture modelling of antibody levels.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 26
Bottomley C, Otiende M, Uyoga S
56. Selection on adaptive and maladaptive gene expression plasticity during thermal adaptation to urban heat islands.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 26
Campbell-Staton SC, Velotta JP, Winchell KM.
57. A reasonable approach for the generation of hollow icosahedral kernels in metal nanoclusters.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 26
Kang X(#), Wei X(#), Liu X
58. A macroscopic object passively cooled into its quantum ground state of motion beyond single-mode cooling.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 26
Cattiaux D, Golokolenov I, Kumar S
59. Observation of metallic electronic structure in a single-atomic-layer oxide.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 26
Sohn B(#), Kim JR(#), Kim CH
60. Antibiotic-chemoattractants enhance neutrophil clearance of Staphylococcus aureus.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 25
Payne JAE, Tailhades J, Ellett F
61. Designing the bioproduction of Martian rocket propellant via a biotechnology-enabled in situ resource utilization strategy.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 25
Kruyer NS, Realff MJ, Sun W
62. Concept neurons in the human medial temporal lobe flexibly represent abstract relations between concepts.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 25
Bausch M, Niediek J, Reber TP
63. Globally consistent assessment of coastal eutrophication.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 22
Maúre ER, Terauchi G, Ishizaka J
64. Generation of hydroxyl radical-activatable ratiometric near-infrared bimodal probes for early monitoring of tumor response to therapy.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 22
Wu L(#), Ishigaki Y(#), Zeng W(#)
65. The flashfm approach for fine-mapping multiple quantitative traits.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 22
Hernández N, Soenksen J, Newcombe P
66. Targeting miR-126 in inv(16) acute myeloid leukemia inhibits leukemia development and leukemia stem cell maintenance.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 22
Zhang L(#), Nguyen LXT(#), Chen YC
67. Association of snR190 snoRNA chaperone with early pre-60S particles is regulated by the RNA helicase Dbp7 in yeast.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 22
Jaafar M, Contreras J, Dominique C
68. Light-triggered and phosphorylation-dependent 14-3-3 association with NON-PHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL 3 is required for hypocotyl phototropism.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 21
Reuter L(#), Schmidt T(#), Manishankar P
69. Exciton-polaron Rydberg states in monolayer MoSe(2) and WSe(2).
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 21
Liu E(#), van Baren J(#), Lu Z
70. Integrated cooling (i-Cool) textile of heat conduction and sweat transportation for personal perspiration management.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 21
Peng Y(#), Li W(#), Liu B
71. Asthma-associated genetic variants induce IL33 differential expression through an enhancer-blocking regulatory region.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 21
Aneas I(#), Decker DC(#), Howard CL
72. Global greenhouse gas emissions from residential and commercial building materials and mitigation strategies to 2060.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 21
Zhong X, Hu M, Deetman S
73. Emergence and control of photonic band structure in stacked OLED microcavities.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 20
Allemeier D, Isenhart B, Dahal E
74. Time-resolved relaxation and fragmentation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons investigated in the ultrafast XUV-IR regime.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 20
Lee JWL(#), Tikhonov DS(#), Chopra P
75. GAK and PRKCD are positive regulators of PRKN-independent mitophagy.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 20
Munson MJ, Mathai BJ(#), Ng MYW(#)
76. Energy systems in scenarios at net-zero CO(2) emissions.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 20
DeAngelo J, Azevedo I, Bistline J
77. Regulation of local GTP availability controls RAC1 activity and cell invasion.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 19
Bianchi-Smiraglia A(#), Wolff DW(#), Marston DJ
78. PHF3 regulates neuronal gene expression through the Pol II CTD reader domain SPOC.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 19
Appel LM(#), Franke V(#), Bruno M(#)
79. High-coverage metabolomics uncovers microbiota-driven biochemical landscape of interorgan transport and gut-brain communication in mice.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 19
Lai Y, Liu CW, Yang Y
80. Divergent abiotic spectral pathways unravel pathogen stress signals across species.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 19
Zarco-Tejada PJ, Poblete T, Camino C
81. Phosphoproteome profiling uncovers a key role for CDKs in TNF signaling.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 18
Tanzer MC, Bludau I, Stafford CA
82. Rapid digital light 3D printing enabled by a soft and deformable hydrogel separation interface.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 18
Wu J(#), Guo J(#), Linghu C(#)
83. Self-reactivity controls functional diversity of naive CD8(+) T cells by co-opting tonic type I interferon.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 18
Ju YJ(#), Lee SW(#), Kye YC
84. Rapid methicillin resistance diversification in Staphylococcus epidermidis colonizing human neonates.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 18
Datta MS(#), Yelin I(#), Hochwald O
85. TET2 mutations are associated with hypermethylation at key regulatory enhancers in normal and malignant hematopoiesis.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 18
Tulstrup M, Soerensen M, Hansen JW
86. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of the tumor ecosystems underlying initiation and progression of papillary thyroid carcinoma.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 18
Pu W(#), Shi X(#), Yu P(#)
87. Data-driven simulation and characterisation of gold nanoparticle melting.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 18
Zeni C, Rossi K, Pavloudis T
88. A Ta-TaS(2) monolith catalyst with robust and metallic interface for superior hydrogen evolution.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 18
Yu Q, Zhang Z, Qiu S
89. Single cell T cell landscape and T cell receptor repertoire profiling of AML in context of PD-1 blockade therapy.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 18
Abbas HA(#), Hao D(#), Tomczak K(#)
90. PDZD-8 and TEX-2 regulate endosomal PI(4,5)P(2) homeostasis via lipid transport to promote embryogenesis in C. elegans.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 18
Jeyasimman D, Ercan B(#), Dharmawan D(#)
91. Bright single photon emitters with enhanced quantum efficiency in a two-dimensional semiconductor coupled with dielectric nano-antennas.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 18
Sortino L, Zotev PG, Phillips CL
92. Noradrenergic arousal after encoding reverses the course of systems consolidation in humans.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 18
Krenz V, Sommer T, Alink A
93. The δ subunit of F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase is required for pathogenicity of Candida albicans.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 15
Li S(#), Zhao Y(#), Zhang Y(#)
94. Photoactivatable ribonucleosides mark base-specific RNA-binding sites.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 15
Bae JW, Kim S, Kim VN
95. Coordination tailoring of Cu single sites on C(3)N(4) realizes selective CO(2) hydrogenation at low temperature.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 15
Yang T, Mao X, Zhang Y
96. Damaged brain accelerates bone healing by releasing small extracellular vesicles that target osteoprogenitors.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 15
Xia W(#), Xie J(#), Cai Z(#)
97. Biomimetic CO oxidation below -100 °C by a nitrate-containing metal-free microporous system.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 15
Khivantsev K(#), Jaegers NR(#), Aleksandrov HA(#)
98. Multiband charge density wave exposed in a transition metal dichalcogenide.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 15
Pásztor Á, Scarfato A, Spera M
99. Genomic analysis finds no evidence of canonical eukaryotic DNA processing complexes in a free-living protist.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 14
Salas-Leiva DE, Tromer EC, Curtis BA
100. Biotechnological development of plants for space agriculture.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 14
Liu Y(#), Xie G(#), Yang Q
101. Wigner solids of domain wall skyrmions.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 14
Yang K, Nagase K, Hirayama Y
102. Kondo effect and spin-orbit coupling in graphene quantum dots.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 14
Kurzmann A, Kleeorin Y, Tong C
103. Angle-based wavefront sensing enabled by the near fields of flat optics.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 14
Yi S, Xiang J, Zhou M
104. Morc3 silences endogenous retroviruses by enabling Daxx-mediated histone H3.3 incorporation.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 14
Groh S, Milton AV, Marinelli LK
105. Direct genome-wide identification of G-quadruplex structures by whole-genome resequencing.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 14
Tu J, Duan M, Liu W
106. Multiple evolutionary origins and losses of tooth complexity in squamates.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 14
Lafuma F, Corfe IJ, Clavel J
107. Active droploids.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 14
Grauer J(#), Schmidt F(#), Pineda J
108. The Hsc70 disaggregation machinery removes monomer units directly from α-synuclein fibril ends.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 14
Schneider MM(#), Gautam S(#), Herling TW(#)
109. Breaking of Henry's law for sulfide liquid-basaltic melt partitioning of Pt and Pd.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 13
Zhang M, Li Y.
110. Coupled protein synthesis and ribosome-guided piRNA processing on mRNAs.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 13
Sun YH, Wang RH, Du K
111. Phase separation of Nur77 mediates celastrol-induced mitophagy by promoting the liquidity of p62/SQSTM1 condensates.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 13
Peng SZ(#), Chen XH(#), Chen SJ
112. BRCA2 associates with MCM10 to suppress PRIMPOL-mediated repriming and single-stranded gap formation after DNA damage.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 13
Kang Z, Fu P(#), Alcivar AL(#)
113. Therapeutic melanoma inhibition by local micelle-mediated cyclic nucleotide repression.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 13
Johann K(#), Bohn T(#), Shahneh F(#)
114. Secondary-structure switch regulates the substrate binding of a YopJ family acetyltransferase.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 13
Xia Y(#), Zou R(#), Escouboué M(#)
115. Cancer gene mutation frequencies for the U.S. population.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 13
Mendiratta G(#), Ke E(#), Aziz M(#)
116. Humans monitor learning progress in curiosity-driven exploration.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 13
Ten A, Kaushik P, Oudeyer PY
117. Clonal hematopoiesis is associated with risk of severe Covid-19.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 13
Bolton KL(#), Koh Y(#), Foote MB(#)
118. Primary visual cortex straightens natural video trajectories.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 13
Hénaff OJ(#), Bai Y(#), Charlton JA
119. Relationship of insect biomass and richness with land use along a climate gradient.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 12
Uhler J, Redlich S, Zhang J
120. Indian Ocean Dipole leads to Atlantic Niño.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 12
Zhang L, Han W.
121. Endurance exercise training-responsive miR-19b-3p improves skeletal muscle glucose metabolism.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 12
Massart J(#), Sjögren RJO(#), Egan B
122. Phase II study of ipilimumab and nivolumab in leptomeningeal carcinomatosis.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 12
Brastianos PK(#), Strickland MR(#), Lee EQ
123. Enhanced North Pacific subtropical gyre circulation during the late Holocene.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 12
Zhang Y(#), Zheng X(#), Kong D
124. Structural mechanism of GTPase-powered ribosome-tRNA movement.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 11
Petrychenko V, Peng BZ, de A P Schwarzer AC
125. Rapid and unconditional parametric reset protocol for tunable superconducting qubits.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 11
Zhou Y(#), Zhang Z(#), Yin Z
126. Simultaneous orientation and 3D localization microscopy with a Vortex point spread function.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 11
Hulleman CN(#), Thorsen RØ(#), Kim E
127. Fine cubic Cu(2)O nanocrystals as highly selective catalyst for propylene epoxidation with molecular oxygen.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 11
Xiong W(#), Gu XK(#), Zhang Z
128. Truly privacy-preserving federated analytics for precision medicine with multiparty homomorphic encryption.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 11
Froelicher D, Troncoso-Pastoriza JR, Raisaro JL
129. Enhancer-associated H3K4 methylation safeguards in vitro germline competence.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 1
Bleckwehl T, Crispatzu G, Schaaf K
130. CD177 modulates the function and homeostasis of tumor-infiltrating regulatory T cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 1
Kim MC(#), Borcherding N(#), Ahmed KK(#)
131. A rational blueprint for the design of chemically-controlled protein switches.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 1
Shui S, Gainza P, Scheller L
132. How social relationships shape moral wrongness judgments.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 1
Earp BD, McLoughlin KL, Monrad JT
133. Achieving stable Na metal cycling via polydopamine/multilayer graphene coating of a polypropylene separator.
Nat Commun
2021 Oct 1
Qin J(#), Shi H(#), Huang K(#)
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