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2021 Aug (128)
2021 Jul (148)
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2021 Apr (93)
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2021 Feb (117)
2021 Jan (183)
1. WSX1 act as a tumor suppressor in hepatocellular carcinoma by downregulating neoplastic PD-L1 expression.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 9
Wu M, Xia X, Hu J
2. Ecology of inorganic sulfur auxiliary metabolism in widespread bacteriophages.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 9
Kieft K(#), Zhou Z(#), Anderson RE
3. Exposing the hidden influence of selection rules on phonon-phonon scattering by pressure and temperature tuning.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 9
Ravichandran NK, Broido D.
4. Determinants of penetrance and variable expressivity in monogenic metabolic conditions across 77,184 exomes.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 9
Goodrich JK, Singer-Berk M, Son R
5. Thioesterase superfamily member 1 undergoes stimulus-coupled conformational reorganization to regulate metabolism in mice.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 9
Li Y, Imai N, Nicholls HT
6. Multication perovskite 2D/3D interfaces form via progressive dimensional reduction.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 9
Proppe AH(#), Johnston A(#), Teale S(#)
7. Discovery and characterization of a new type of domain wall in a row-wise antiferromagnet.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 9
Spethmann J, Grünebohm M, Wiesendanger R
8. Time trajectories in the transcriptomic response to exercise - a meta-analysis.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 9
Amar D(#), Lindholm ME(#), Norrbom J
9. Brain network dynamics during working memory are modulated by dopamine and diminished in schizophrenia.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 9
Braun U, Harneit A, Pergola G
10. Variant-specific inflation factors for assessing population stratification at the phenotypic variance level.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 9
Sofer T, Zheng X, Laurie CA
11. Atomic scale symmetry and polar nanoclusters in the paraelectric phase of ferroelectric materials.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 9
Bencan A, Oveisi E, Hashemizadeh S
12. When band convergence is not beneficial for thermoelectrics.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 8
Park J, Dylla M, Xia Y
13. Saturated free fatty acids and association with memory formation.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 8
Wallis TP(#), Venkatesh BG(#), Narayana VK(#)
14. Low chorionic villous succinate accumulation associates with recurrent spontaneous abortion risk.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 8
Wang XH(#), Xu S(#), Zhou XY(#)
15. Programming nonreciprocity and reversibility in multistable mechanical metamaterials.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 8
Librandi G, Tubaldi E, Bertoldi K.
16. Large variation in anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence among essential workers in Geneva, Switzerland.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 8
Stringhini S, Zaballa ME, Pullen N
17. Heteromeric HSFA2/HSFA3 complexes drive transcriptional memory after heat stress in Arabidopsis.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 8
Friedrich T, Oberkofler V, Trindade I
18. Nanoscale architecture of a VAP-A-OSBP tethering complex at membrane contact sites.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 8
de la Mora E(#), Dezi M(#), Di Cicco A
19. Systematic benchmarking of tools for CpG methylation detection from nanopore sequencing.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 8
Yuen ZW, Srivastava A, Daniel R
20. A versatile reverse genetics platform for SARS-CoV-2 and other positive-strand RNA viruses.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 8
Amarilla AA(#), Sng JDJ(#), Parry R(#)
21. Designing an irreversible metabolic switch for scalable induction of microbial chemical production.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 8
Mannan AA, Bates DG.
22. A single atom change turns insulating saturated wires into molecular conductors.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 8
Chen X, Kretz B, Adoah F
23. Spatio-temporal mRNA tracking in the early zebrafish embryo.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Holler K, Neuschulz A, Drewe-Boß P
24. Hippocampal place cell sequences differ during correct and error trials in a spatial memory task.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Zheng C, Hwaun E, Loza CA
25. Transforming absolute value to categorical choice in primate superior colliculus during value-based decision making.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Zhang B(#), Kan JYY(#), Yang M
26. Structural-profiling of low molecular weight RNAs by nanopore trapping/translocation using Mycobacterium smegmatis porin A.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Wang Y(#), Guan X(#), Zhang S
27. Feeding diversified protein sources exacerbates hepatic insulin resistance via increased gut microbial branched-chain fatty acids and mTORC1 signaling in obese mice.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Choi BS(#), Daniel N(#), Houde VP
28. An in-memory computing architecture based on two-dimensional semiconductors for multiply-accumulate operations.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Wang Y(#), Tang H(#), Xie Y(#)
29. Layered double hydroxide membrane with high hydroxide conductivity and ion selectivity for energy storage device.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Hu J(#), Tang X(#), Dai Q
30. Intracellular artificial supramolecules based on de novo designed Y15 peptides.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Miki T, Nakai T, Hashimoto M
31. A new high-voltage calcium intercalation host for ultra-stable and high-power calcium rechargeable batteries.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Xu ZL, Park J, Wang J
32. Reinforcing one-carbon metabolism via folic acid/Folr1 promotes β-cell differentiation.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Karampelias C, Rezanejad H, Rosko M
33. Manifestations of metastable criticality in the long-range structure of model water glasses.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Gartner TE 3rd, Torquato S, Car R
34. Selection on heritable social network positions is context-dependent in Drosophila melanogaster.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Wice EW, Saltz JB.
35. Anatomical dissociation of intracerebral signals for reward and punishment prediction errors in humans.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Gueguen MCM, Lopez-Persem A, Billeke P
36. Synthetic extracellular matrices with tailored adhesiveness and degradability support lumen formation during angiogenic sprouting.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Liu J, Long H, Zeuschner D
37. Chemical combinations potentiate human pluripotent stem cell-derived 3D pancreatic progenitor clusters toward functional β cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Liu H(#), Li R(#), Liao HK(#)
38. Clinical CDK4/6 inhibitors induce selective and immediate dissociation of p21 from cyclin D-CDK4 to inhibit CDK2.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Pack LR(#), Daigh LH(#), Chung M
39. Pathogen effector recognition-dependent association of NRG1 with EDS1 and SAG101 in TNL receptor immunity.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Sun X(#), Lapin D(#), Feehan JM(#)
40. Genetic variation associated with thyroid autoimmunity shapes the systemic immune response to PD-1 checkpoint blockade.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Khan Z, Hammer C, Carroll J
41. Laboratory measurements of the physics of auroral electron acceleration by Alfvén waves.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Schroeder JWR, Howes GG, Kletzing CA
42. Overcoming the water oxidative limit for ultra-high-workfunction hole-doped polymers.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Koh QM(#), Tang CG(#), Ang MC
43. Ubiquitylation of MLKL at lysine 219 positively regulates necroptosis-induced tissue injury and pathogen clearance.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Garcia LR, Tenev T, Newman R
44. Solvent-induced electrochemistry at an electrically asymmetric carbon Janus particle.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 7
Liu AT(#), Kunai Y(#), Cottrill AL
45. SepF is the FtsZ anchor in archaea, with features of an ancestral cell division system.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 4
Pende N(#), Sogues A(#), Megrian D
46. Revealing thermally-activated nucleation pathways of diffusionless solid-to-solid transition.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 30
Li M, Yue Z, Chen Y
47. Recapitulation of selective nuclear import and export with a perfectly repeated 12mer GLFG peptide.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 30
Ng SC, Güttler T, Görlich D.
48. Coherent control of a donor-molecule electron spin qubit in silicon.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 3
Fricke L(#), Hile SJ(#), Kranz L
49. Non-universal current flow near the metal-insulator transition in an oxide interface.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 3
Persky E, Vardi N, Monteiro AMRVL
50. Visible-light photoredox-catalyzed umpolung carboxylation of carbonyl compounds with CO(2).
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 3
Cao GM, Hu XL, Liao LL
51. Bulk-surface coupling identifies the mechanistic connection between Min-protein patterns in vivo and in vitro.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 3
Brauns F(#), Pawlik G(#), Halatek J(#)
52. Digital electronics in fibres enable fabric-based machine-learning inference.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 3
Loke G(#), Khudiyev T(#), Wang B
53. Structural basis of DNA synthesis opposite 8-oxoguanine by human PrimPol primase-polymerase.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 29
Rechkoblit O, Johnson RE, Gupta YK
54. Mouse visual cortex contains a region of enhanced spatial resolution.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 29
van Beest EH(#), Mukherjee S(#), Kirchberger L(#)
55. Identification of magnetic interactions and high-field quantum spin liquid in α-RuCl(3).
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 29
Li H(#), Zhang HK(#), Wang J(#)
56. Ubiquitous organic molecule-based free-standing nanowires with ultra-high aspect ratios.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 29
Kamiya K, Kayama K, Nobuoka M
57. Tectonic and climatic drivers of Asian monsoon evolution.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 29
Thomson JR, Holden PB, Anand P
58. Self-assembly of N-heterocyclic carbenes on Au(111).
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 29
Inayeh A, Groome RRK, Singh I
59. COVID-19 mRNA vaccine induced antibody responses against three SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 28
Jalkanen P, Kolehmainen P, Häkkinen HK
60. Storm surge and ponding explain mangrove dieback in southwest Florida following Hurricane Irma.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 28
Lagomasino D, Fatoyinbo T, Castañeda-Moya E
61. Shallow slow earthquakes to decipher future catastrophic earthquakes in the Guerrero seismic gap.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 28
Plata-Martinez R, Ide S, Shinohara M
62. Catalytic asymmetric nucleophilic fluorination using BF(3)·Et(2)O as fluorine source and activating reagent.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 25
Zhu W, Zhen X, Wu J
63. Structure and transport mechanism of P5B-ATPases.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 25
Li P(#), Wang K(#), Salustros N
64. LEAFY COTYLEDON1 expression in the endosperm enables embryo maturation in Arabidopsis.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 25
Song J, Xie X, Chen C
65. Quantitative 3D real-space analysis of Laves phase supraparticles.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 25
Wang D(#), van der Wee EB(#), Zanaga D
66. Population genomics of apricots unravels domestication history and adaptive events.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 25
Groppi A(#), Liu S(#), Cornille A(#)
67. The nanoscale molecular morphology of docked exocytic dense-core vesicles in neuroendocrine cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 25
Prasai B, Haber GJ, Strub MP
68. Divide-and-conquer: machine-learning integrates mammalian and viral traits with network features to predict virus-mammal associations.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 25
Wardeh M, Blagrove MSC, Sharkey KJ
69. Molecular determinants of response to PD-L1 blockade across tumor types.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 25
Banchereau R, Leng N, Zill O
70. Orbital- and millennial-scale Antarctic Circumpolar Current variability in Drake Passage over the past 140,000 years.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 24
Wu S, Lembke-Jene L, Lamy F
71. PEG-stabilized coaxial stacking of two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 24
Zhou T(#), Wang L(#), Huang X
72. Diversity-oriented synthesis of nanographenes enabled by dearomative annulative π-extension.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 24
Matsuoka W, Ito H, Sarlah D
73. Bioactivity descriptors for uncharacterized chemical compounds.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 24
Bertoni M(#), Duran-Frigola M(#), Badia-I-Mompel P(#)
74. The architecture of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome inside virion.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 24
Cao C(#), Cai Z(#), Xiao X(#)
75. Oral administration of bovine milk-derived extracellular vesicles induces senescence in the primary tumor but accelerates cancer metastasis.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 24
Samuel M, Fonseka P, Sanwlani R
76. PGRL2 triggers degradation of PGR5 in the absence of PGRL1.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 24
Rühle T, Dann M, Reiter B
77. Improved pyrrolysine biosynthesis through phage assisted non-continuous directed evolution of the complete pathway.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 24
Ho JML(#), Miller CA(#), Smith KA
78. Residue 6.43 defines receptor function in class F GPCRs.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 24
Turku A, Schihada H(#), Kozielewicz P(#)
79. Promoter G-quadruplexes and transcription factors cooperate to shape the cell type-specific transcriptome.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 23
Lago S, Nadai M, Cernilogar FM
80. The structure of ORC-Cdc6 on an origin DNA reveals the mechanism of ORC activation by the replication initiator Cdc6.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 23
Feng X, Noguchi Y, Barbon M
81. Grain-boundary-rich polycrystalline monolayer WS(2) film for attomolar-level Hg(2+) sensors.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 23
Liu L(#), Ye K(#), Lin C
82. Mn(2+) induced significant improvement and robust stability of radioluminescence in Cs(3)Cu(2)I(5) for high-performance nuclear battery.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 23
Li X, Chen J, Yang D
83. Fluorescence umpolung enables light-up sensing of N-acetyltransferases and nerve agents.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 23
Yan C, Guo Z, Chi W
84. Mining and unearthing hidden biosynthetic potential.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 23
Scherlach K, Hertweck C.
85. Co-evolution of matrisome and adaptive adhesion dynamics drives ovarian cancer chemoresistance.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 23
Pietilä EA, Gonzalez-Molina J, Moyano-Galceran L
86. Tumor-associated hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells positively linked to glioblastoma progression.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 23
Lu IN(#), Dobersalske C(#), Rauschenbach L
87. Oxoammonium salts are catalysing efficient and selective halogenation of olefins, alkynes and aromatics.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 23
Wang W, Li X, Yang X
88. Converting copper sulfide to copper with surface sulfur for electrocatalytic alkyne semi-hydrogenation with water.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 23
Wu Y(#), Liu C(#), Wang C(#)
89. Diffusive-like redistribution in state-changing collisions between Rydberg atoms and ground state atoms.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 23
Geppert P, Althön M, Fichtner D
90. Melt volume at Atlantic volcanic rifted margins controlled by depth-dependent extension and mantle temperature.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 23
Lu G, Huismans RS.
91. The adaptive landscape of a metallo-enzyme is shaped by environment-dependent epistasis.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 23
Anderson DW, Baier F, Yang G
92. CD45 pre-exclusion from the tips of T cell microvilli prior to antigen recognition.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 23
Jung Y, Wen L, Altman A
93. Observation of current-induced switching in non-collinear antiferromagnetic IrMn(3) by differential voltage measurements.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 22
Arpaci S(#), Lopez-Dominguez V(#), Shi J
94. Dissecting regulatory pathways for transcription recovery following DNA damage reveals a non-canonical function of the histone chaperone HIRA.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 22
Bouvier D, Ferrand J, Chevallier O
95. Comprehensive identification of transposable element insertions using multiple sequencing technologies.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 22
Chu C, Borges-Monroy R, Viswanadham VV
96. Leveraging bipolar effect to enhance transverse thermoelectricity in semimetal Mg(2)Pb for cryogenic heat pumping.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 22
Chen Z, Zhang X, Ren J
97. Structural basis of substrate recognition and translocation by human ABCA4.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 22
Xie T(#), Zhang Z(#), Fang Q
98. Anomalous formation of trihydrogen cations from water on nanoparticles.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 22
Alghabra MS, Ali R, Kim V
99. LINC00842 inactivates transcription co-regulator PGC-1α to promote pancreatic cancer malignancy through metabolic remodelling.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 22
Huang X(#), Pan L(#), Zuo Z(#)
100. Toxoplasma gondii infections are associated with costly boldness toward felids in a wild host.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 22
Gering E(#), Laubach ZM(#), Weber PSD
101. The combined action of CTCF and its testis-specific paralog BORIS is essential for spermatogenesis.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 22
Rivero-Hinojosa S, Pugacheva EM, Kang S
102. A gain-of-function single nucleotide variant creates a new promoter which acts as an orientation-dependent enhancer-blocker.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 21
Bozhilov YK, Downes DJ, Telenius J
103. A catalog of the diversity and ubiquity of bacterial microcompartments.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 21
Sutter M, Melnicki MR, Schulz F
104. SARS-CoV-2-mediated dysregulation of metabolism and autophagy uncovers host-targeting antivirals.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 21
Gassen NC, Papies J, Bajaj T
105. Ni-catalyzed hydroaminoalkylation of alkynes with amines.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 21
Yao WW, Li R, Chen H
106. Tuning SAS-6 architecture with monobodies impairs distinct steps of centriole assembly.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 21
Hatzopoulos GN(#), Kükenshöner T(#), Banterle N
107. Construction of a mammalian embryo model from stem cells organized by a morphogen signalling centre.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 2
Xu PF(#), Borges RM(#), Fillatre J(#)
108. UBE4B, a microRNA-9 target gene, promotes autophagy-mediated Tau degradation.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 2
Subramanian M(#), Hyeon SJ(#), Das T
109. Dielectric nanohole array metasurface for high-resolution near-field sensing and imaging.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 2
Conteduca D, Barth I, Pitruzzello G
110. RNA atlas of human bacterial pathogens uncovers stress dynamics linked to infection.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 2
Avican K, Aldahdooh J, Togninalli M
111. Polarity-dependent nonlinear optics of nanowires under electric field.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 2
Ben-Zvi R(#), Bar-Elli O(#), Oron D
112. Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida-type interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in heavy metal/ferromagnet heterostructures.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 2
Kim T, Cha IH, Kim YJ
113. Correlating advanced microscopies reveals atomic-scale mechanisms limiting lithium-ion battery lifetime.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 18
Gault B, Poplawsky JD.
114. Structural basis for the ARF GAP activity and specificity of the C9orf72 complex.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 18
Su MY, Fromm SA, Remis J
115. Tailored cobalt-salen complexes enable electrocatalytic intramolecular allylic C-H functionalizations.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 18
Cai CY, Wu ZJ, Liu JY
116. Detecting structural heterogeneity in single-molecule localization microscopy data.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 18
Huijben TAPM(#), Heydarian H(#), Auer A
117. Enhanced specificity of clinical high-sensitivity tumor mutation profiling in cell-free DNA via paired normal sequencing using MSK-ACCESS.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 18
Rose Brannon A(#), Jayakumaran G(#), Diosdado M
118. Acinetobacter baylyi regulates type IV pilus synthesis by employing two extension motors and a motor protein inhibitor.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 18
Ellison CK, Dalia TN, Klancher CA
119. Live-cell imaging of circadian clock protein dynamics in CRISPR-generated knock-in cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 18
Gabriel CH, Del Olmo M, Zehtabian A
120. A global analysis of extreme coastal water levels with implications for potential coastal overtopping.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 18
Almar R, Ranasinghe R, Bergsma EWJ
121. Collisionless relaxation of a disequilibrated current sheet and implications for bifurcated structures.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 18
Yoon YD, Yun GS, Wendel DE
122. Catalyst-free carbosilylation of alkenes using silyl boronates and organic fluorides via selective C-F bond activation.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 18
Zhou J, Jiang B, Fujihira Y
123. Immunological imprinting of the antibody response in COVID-19 patients.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 18
Aydillo T, Rombauts A, Stadlbauer D
124. Genome-wide association study identifies five risk loci for pernicious anemia.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 18
Laisk T, Lepamets M, Koel M
125. High-throughput screening and rational design of biofunctionalized surfaces with optimized biocompatibility and antimicrobial activity.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 18
Fang Z(#), Chen J(#), Zhu Y
126. Molecular insights into ago-allosteric modulation of the human glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 18
Cong Z(#), Chen LN(#), Ma H(#)
127. Nonlinearity-induced nanoparticle circumgyration at sub-diffraction scale.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 17
Qin Y(#), Zhou LM(#), Huang L(#)
128. Halide perovskite memristors as flexible and reconfigurable physical unclonable functions.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 17
John RA(#), Shah N(#), Vishwanath SK(#)
129. Machine learning differentiates enzymatic and non-enzymatic metals in proteins.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 17
Feehan R(#), Franklin MW(#), Slusky JSG.
130. Generation of gravity waves from thermal tides in the Venus atmosphere.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 17
Sugimoto N, Fujisawa Y, Kashimura H
131. C(sp(3))-C(sp(3)) bond formation via nickel-catalyzed deoxygenative homo-coupling of aldehydes/ketones mediated by hydrazine.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 17
Cao D, Li CC, Zeng H
132. Fusion transcripts FYN-TRAF3IP2 and KHDRBS1-LCK hijack T cell receptor signaling in peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 17
Debackere K, Marcelis L, Demeyer S
133. Triboelectrification induced self-powered microbial disinfection using nanowire-enhanced localized electric field.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 17
Huo ZY(#), Kim YJ(#), Suh IY
134. Multianalyte serology in home-sampled blood enables an unbiased assessment of the immune response against SARS-CoV-2.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 17
Roxhed N, Bendes A(#), Dale M(#)
135. Molecular and cellular basis of acid taste sensation in Drosophila.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 17
Mi T(#), Mack JO(#), Lee CM
136. MolDiscovery: learning mass spectrometry fragmentation of small molecules.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 17
Cao L(#), Guler M(#), Tagirdzhanov A
137. BRN2 is a non-canonical melanoma tumor-suppressor.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 17
Hamm M(#), Sohier P(#), Petit V(#)
138. Model-based prediction of spatial gene expression via generative linear mapping.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 17
Okochi Y(#), Sakaguchi S(#), Nakae K
139. Tick extracellular vesicles enable arthropod feeding and promote distinct outcomes of bacterial infection.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 17
Oliva Chávez AS, Wang X, Marnin L
140. Impacts of detritivore diversity loss on instream decomposition are greatest in the tropics.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 17
Boyero L, López-Rojo N, Tonin AM
141. Spatial regulation of thermomorphogenesis by HY5 and PIF4 in Arabidopsis.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 16
Lee S, Wang W, Huq E.
142. Identification of a dual orange/far-red and blue light photoreceptor from an oceanic green picoplankton.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 16
Makita Y(#), Suzuki S(#), Fushimi K(#)
143. Vortex states in an acoustic Weyl crystal with a topological lattice defect.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 16
Wang Q, Ge Y, Sun HX
144. PGC-1α mediates a metabolic host defense response in human airway epithelium during rhinovirus infections.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 16
Michi AN, Yipp BG, Dufour A
145. Future climate change shaped by inter-model differences in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation response.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 16
Bellomo K, Angeloni M, Corti S
146. Modeling the effectiveness of olfactory testing to limit SARS-CoV-2 transmission.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 16
Larremore DB, Toomre D, Parker R.
147. Spin pinning effect to reconstructed oxyhydroxide layer on ferromagnetic oxides for enhanced water oxidation.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 15
Wu T(#), Ren X(#), Sun Y
148. Lasp1 regulates adherens junction dynamics and fibroblast transformation in destructive arthritis.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 15
Beckmann D, Römer-Hillmann A, Krause A
149. Broadband decoupling of intensity and polarization with vectorial Fourier metasurfaces.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 15
Song Q, Baroni A, Wu PC
150. IL-6 regulates autophagy and chemotherapy resistance by promoting BECN1 phosphorylation.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 15
Hu F(#), Song D(#), Yan Y
151. Molecular benchmarks of a SARS-CoV-2 epidemic.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 15
Jonsson H, Magnusson OT, Melsted P
152. SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission in the North American deer mouse.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 14
Griffin BD, Chan M, Tailor N
153. Structural specificities of cell surface β-glucan polysaccharides determine commensal yeast mediated immuno-modulatory activities.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 14
Lee C, Verma R, Byun S
154. Direct observation of trap-assisted recombination in organic photovoltaic devices.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 14
Zeiske S, Sandberg OJ, Zarrabi N
155. Strong interaction between interlayer excitons and correlated electrons in WSe(2)/WS(2) moiré superlattice.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 14
Miao S(#), Wang T(#), Huang X(#)
156. Role of meteorological factors in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 14
Ma Y, Pei S, Shaman J
157. Laser-excited elastic guided waves reveal the complex mechanics of nanoporous silicon.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 14
Thelen M(#), Bochud N(#), Brinker M
158. Lattice quantum electrodynamics in (3+1)-dimensions at finite density with tensor networks.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 14
Magnifico G, Felser T, Silvi P
159. Children's exploratory play tracks the discriminability of hypotheses.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 14
Siegel MH(#), Magid RW(#), Pelz M
160. Source sector and fuel contributions to ambient PM(2.5) and attributable mortality across multiple spatial scales.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 14
McDuffie EE, Martin RV, Spadaro JV
161. Overexpression of human BAG3(P209L) in mice causes restrictive cardiomyopathy.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 11
Kimura K(#), Ooms A(#), Graf-Riesen K(#)
162. Benchmarking microbiome transformations favors experimental quantitative approaches to address compositionality and sampling depth biases.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 11
Lloréns-Rico V, Vieira-Silva S, Gonçalves PJ
163. Real-time imaging of cellular forces using optical interference.
Nat Commun
2021 Jun 11
Meek AT, Kronenberg NM, Morton A
164. Asymmetric Rydberg blockade of giant excitons in Cuprous Oxide.
Nat Commun
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165. Citywide serosurveillance of the initial SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in San Francisco using electronic health records.
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166. E2F6 initiates stable epigenetic silencing of germline genes during embryonic development.
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167. Cu(2)Se-based thermoelectric cellular architectures for efficient and durable power generation.
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168. Targeted PI3K/AKT-hyperactivation induces cell death in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
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169. Controlled self-assembly of plant proteins into high-performance multifunctional nanostructured films.
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170. Viral infiltration of pancreatic islets in patients with COVID-19.
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171. Spectral signatures of the surface anomalous Hall effect in magnetic axion insulators.
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172. Wide-range lifetime-tunable and responsive ultralong organic phosphorescent multi-host/guest system.
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173. The epigenetic regulator LSH maintains fork protection and genomic stability via MacroH2A deposition and RAD51 filament formation.
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174. Projected losses of ecosystem services in the US disproportionately affect non-white and lower-income populations.
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Gourevitch JD, Alonso-Rodríguez AM, Aristizábal N
175. An optic to replace space and its application towards ultra-thin imaging systems.
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176. EGFR-HIF1α signaling positively regulates the differentiation of IL-9 producing T helper cells.
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2021 Jun 1
Roy S, Rizvi ZA, Clarke AJ
177. Locally commensurate charge-density wave with three-unit-cell periodicity in YBa(2)Cu(3)O(y).
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2021 Jun 1
Vinograd I, Zhou R, Hirata M
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