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2021 Jul (148)
2021 Jun (177)
2021 May (160)
2021 Apr (93)
2021 Mar (145)
2021 Feb (117)
2021 Jan (183)
1. Distinct populations of cortical pyramidal neurons mediate drug reward and aversion.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Garcia AF, Crummy EA, Webb IG
2. SLE non-coding genetic risk variant determines the epigenetic dysfunction of an immune cell specific enhancer that controls disease-critical microRNA expression.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Hou G, Harley ITW, Lu X
3. Northern preference for terrestrial electromagnetic energy input from space weather.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Pakhotin IP, Mann IR, Xie K
4. Multi-scale characterisation of a ferroelectric polymer reveals the emergence of a morphological phase transition driven by temperature.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Hafner J, Benaglia S, Richheimer F
5. A flexible electron-blocking interfacial shield for dendrite-free solid lithium metal batteries.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Huo H, Gao J, Zhao N
6. Catalytic activity of graphene-covered non-noble metals governed by proton penetration in electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Hu K, Ohto T, Nagata Y
7. Predicting postoperative peritoneal metastasis in gastric cancer with serosal invasion using a collagen nomogram.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Chen D, Liu Z, Liu W
8. Integrated analysis of telomerase enzymatic activity unravels an association with cancer stemness and proliferation.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Noureen N, Wu S, Lv Y
9. Room-temperature photonic logical qubits via second-order nonlinearities.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Krastanov S, Heuck M, Shapiro JH
10. Pushing the limits of high-resolution polymer microscopy using antioxidants.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Kuei B, Gomez ED.
11. Constructing multifunctional solid electrolyte interface via in-situ polymerization for dendrite-free and low N/P ratio lithium metal batteries.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Luo D, Zheng L, Zhang Z
12. Inhibiting Mycobacterium tuberculosis CoaBC by targeting an allosteric site.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Mendes V, Green SR, Evans JC
13. Identification of a subset of immunosuppressive P2RX1-negative neutrophils in pancreatic cancer liver metastasis.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Wang X, Hu LP, Qin WT
14. Van Hove singularity in the magnon spectrum of the antiferromagnetic quantum honeycomb lattice.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Sala G, Stone MB, Rai BK
15. Bridgin connects the outer kinetochore to centromeric chromatin.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Sridhar S, Hori T, Nakagawa R
16. High performance tandem organic solar cells via a strongly infrared-absorbing narrow bandgap acceptor.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Jia Z, Qin S, Meng L
17. π-Extended perylene diimide double-heterohelicenes as ambipolar organic semiconductors for broadband circularly polarized light detection.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Zhang L, Song I, Ahn J
18. Survey data and human computation for improved flu tracking.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 8
Wojcik S, Bijral AS, Johnston R
19. Quantized charge fractionalization at quantum Hall Y junctions in the disorder dominated regime.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 7
Lin C, Hashisaka M, Akiho T
20. Sex-dimorphic genetic effects and novel loci for fasting glucose and insulin variability.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 5
Lagou V(#), Mägi R(#), Hottenga JJ(#)
21. Green synthesis of graphite from CO(2) without graphitization process of amorphous carbon.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 5
Liang C, Chen Y, Wu M
22. Seesaw conformations of Npl4 in the human p97 complex and the inhibitory mechanism of a disulfiram derivative.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 5
Pan M(#), Zheng Q(#), Yu Y(#)
23. Transcriptional and morphological profiling of parvalbumin interneuron subpopulations in the mouse hippocampus.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Que L, Lukacsovich D, Luo W
24. Dose-dependent response to infection with SARS-CoV-2 in the ferret model and evidence of protective immunity.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Ryan KA, Bewley KR, Fotheringham SA
25. Site-specific incorporation of citrulline into proteins in mammalian cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Mondal S, Wang S, Zheng Y
26. How the anisotropy of surface oxide formation influences the transient activity of a surface reaction.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Winkler P, Zeininger J, Suchorski Y
27. Insights into SusCD-mediated glycan import by a prominent gut symbiont.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Gray DA, White JBR, Oluwole AO
28. Unified divergent strategy towards the total synthesis of the three sub-classes of hasubanan alkaloids.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Li G, Wang Q, Zhu J.
29. Real-time multispeckle spectral-temporal measurement unveils the complexity of spatiotemporal solitons.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Guo Y, Wen X, Lin W
30. Self-strengthening biphasic nanoparticle assemblies with intrinsic catch bonds.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Dansuk KC, Keten S.
31. Early-life-trauma triggers interferon-β resistance and neurodegeneration in a multiple sclerosis model via downregulated β1-adrenergic signaling.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Khaw YM, Majid D, Oh S
32. Standardization of ELISA protocols for serosurveys of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic using clinical and at-home blood sampling.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Klumpp-Thomas C, Kalish H, Drew M
33. Targeting USP47 overcomes tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance and eradicates leukemia stem/progenitor cells in chronic myelogenous leukemia.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Lei H, Xu HZ, Shan HZ
34. Hepatocyte-specific IL11 cis-signaling drives lipotoxicity and underlies the transition from NAFLD to NASH.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Dong J, Viswanathan S, Adami E
35. Metaxins are core components of mitochondrial transport adaptor complexes.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Zhao Y, Song E, Wang W
36. Chain-like gold nanoparticle clusters for multimodal photoacoustic microscopy and optical coherence tomography enhanced molecular imaging.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Nguyen VP, Qian W, Li Y
37. Host CDK-1 and formin mediate microvillar effacement induced by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Huang CR, Kuo CJ, Huang CW
38. Transkingdom interactions between Lactobacilli and hepatic mitochondria attenuate western diet-induced diabetes.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Rodrigues RR(#), Gurung M(#), Li Z(#)
39. Hydroxamic acid-modified peptide microarrays for profiling isozyme-selective interactions and inhibition of histone deacetylases.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Moreno-Yruela C, Bæk M, Vrsanova AE
40. FSC-Q: a CryoEM map-to-atomic model quality validation based on the local Fourier shell correlation.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Ramírez-Aportela E, Maluenda D, Fonseca YC
41. A RAC-GEF network critical for early intestinal tumourigenesis.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Pickering KA, Gilroy K, Cassidy JW
42. Biomimetic caged platinum catalyst for hydrosilylation reaction with high site selectivity.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Pan G, Hu C, Hong S
43. A cooperative biphasic MoO(x)-MoP(x) promoter enables a fast-charging lithium-ion battery.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Lee SM, Kim J, Moon J
44. Analysing the mechanism of mitochondrial oxidation-induced cell death using a multifunctional iridium(III) photosensitiser.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Lee C, Nam JS, Lee CG
45. Rapid parallel adaptation despite gene flow in silent crickets.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Zhang X, Rayner JG, Blaxter M
46. Engineering fluorinated-cation containing inverted perovskite solar cells with an efficiency of >21% and improved stability towards humidity.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Wang X, Rakstys K, Jack K
47. Terahertz pulse shaping using diffractive surfaces.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Veli M, Mengu D, Yardimci NT
48. Two-dimensional ferroelectric channel transistors integrating ultra-fast memory and neural computing.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Wang S, Liu L, Gan L
49. Efficient assembly of nanopore reads via highly accurate and intact error correction.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Chen Y, Nie F, Xie SQ
50. Three-phase electric power driven electoluminescent devices.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Ji J, Perepichka IF, Bai J
51. Multi-domain translation between single-cell imaging and sequencing data using autoencoders.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Yang KD, Belyaeva A, Venkatachalapathy S
52. Pan-cancer circulating tumor DNA detection in over 10,000 Chinese patients.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 4
Zhang Y(#), Yao Y(#), Xu Y(#)
53. Microthermal-induced subcellular-targeted protein damage in cells on plasmonic nanosilver-modified surfaces evokes a two-phase HSP-p97/VCP response.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Mistrik M(#), Skrott Z(#), Muller P
54. Real-time interleaved spectroscopic photoacoustic and ultrasound (PAUS) scanning with simultaneous fluence compensation and motion correction.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Jeng GS, Li ML, Kim M
55. The oncogenicity of tumor-derived mutant p53 is enhanced by the recruitment of PLK3.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Vaughan CA, Singh S, Subler MA
56. Coherent characterisation of a single molecule in a photonic black box.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Boissier S, Schofield RC, Jin L
57. Backbone-independent NMR resonance assignments of methyl probes in large proteins.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Nerli S(#), De Paula VS(#), McShan AC
58. Gut bacteria are essential for normal cuticle development in herbivorous turtle ants.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Duplais C, Sarou-Kanian V, Massiot D
59. Structural basis for a complex I mutation that blocks pathological ROS production.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Yin Z, Burger N, Kula-Alwar D
60. DutaFabs are engineered therapeutic Fab fragments that can bind two targets simultaneously.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Beckmann R, Jensen K, Fenn S
61. Highly efficient photoelectric effect in halide perovskites for regenerative electron sources.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Liu F, Sidhik S, Hoffbauer MA
62. Single cell sequencing reveals endothelial plasticity with transient mesenchymal activation after myocardial infarction.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Tombor LS, John D, Glaser SF
63. Rapid (14)C excursion at 3372-3371 BCE not observed at two different locations.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Timothy Jull AJ, Panyushkina IP, Molnár M
64. Comprehensive genomic resources related to domestication and crop improvement traits in Lima bean.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Garcia T(#), Duitama J(#), Zullo SS
65. H3K27me3-rich genomic regions can function as silencers to repress gene expression via chromatin interactions.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Cai Y(#), Zhang Y(#), Loh YP
66. Deep convolutional neural networks to predict cardiovascular risk from computed tomography.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Zeleznik R, Foldyna B, Eslami P
67. Perspectives on skeletal muscle stem cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Relaix F, Bencze M, Borok MJ
68. Structures of monomeric and dimeric PRC2:EZH1 reveal flexible modules involved in chromatin compaction.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 29
Grau D(#), Zhang Y(#), Lee CH
69. In situ mechanical reinforcement of polymer hydrogels via metal-coordinated crosslink mineralization.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 28
Kim S(#), Regitsky AU(#), Song J
70. LPA signaling acts as a cell-extrinsic mechanism to initiate cilia disassembly and promote neurogenesis.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 28
Hu HB(#), Song ZQ(#), Song GP
71. Real-time Hall-effect detection of current-induced magnetization dynamics in ferrimagnets.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 28
Sala G, Krizakova V, Grimaldi E
72. An antibonding valence band maximum enables defect-tolerant and stable GeSe photovoltaics.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 28
Liu SC(#), Dai CM(#), Min Y
73. Processing light with an optically tunable mechanical memory.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 28
Lake DP, Mitchell M, Sukachev DD
74. Characterisation of oxygen defects and nitrogen impurities in TiO(2) photocatalysts using variable-temperature X-ray powder diffraction.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 28
Foo C, Li Y, Lebedev K
75. Desynchronized liquid crystalline network actuators with deformation reversal capability.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 27
Xiao YY, Jiang ZC, Hou JB
76. Treadmilling FtsZ polymers drive the directional movement of sPG-synthesis enzymes via a Brownian ratchet mechanism.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 27
McCausland JW, Yang X, Squyres GR
77. Mechano-responsive hydrogen-bonding array of thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer captures both strength and self-healing.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 27
Eom Y(#), Kim SM(#), Lee M
78. Subtraction-free and bisulfite-free specific sequencing of 5-methylcytosine and its oxidized derivatives at base resolution.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 27
Liu Y(#), Hu Z(#), Cheng J
79. A circadian clock regulates efflux by the blood-brain barrier in mice and human cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 27
Zhang SL, Lahens NF, Yue Z
80. Nonpolarizing oxygen-redox capacity without O-O dimerization in Na(2)Mn(3)O(7).
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 27
Tsuchimoto A(#), Shi XM(#), Kawai K
81. Complete sequences of Schizosaccharomyces pombe subtelomeres reveal multiple patterns of genome variation.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 27
Oizumi Y, Kaji T, Tashiro S
82. Measurement, manipulation and modeling of brain-wide neural population dynamics.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 27
Shenoy KV, Kao JC.
83. TALEN outperforms Cas9 in editing heterochromatin target sites.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 27
Jain S(#), Shukla S(#), Yang C
84. Shedding light on the nature of the catalytically active species in photocatalytic reactions using Bi(2)O(3) semiconductor.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 27
Riente P, Fianchini M, Llanes P
85. Dynamic electron correlations with charge order wavelength along all directions in the copper oxide plane.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 26
Boschini F, Minola M, Sutarto R
86. Role of mutational reversions and fitness restoration in Zika virus spread to the Americas.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 26
Liu J(#), Liu Y(#), Shan C
87. Topological features without a lattice in Rashba spin-orbit coupled atoms.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 26
Valdés-Curiel A, Trypogeorgos D, Liang QY
88. Asymmetrizing an icosahedral virus capsid by hierarchical assembly of subunits with designed asymmetry.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 26
Zhao Z, Wang JC, Zhang M
89. Strong geometry dependence of the Casimir force between interpenetrated rectangular gratings.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 26
Wang M, Tang L, Ng CY
90. van der Waals driven anharmonic melting of the 3D charge density wave in VSe(2).
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 26
Diego J, Said AH, Mahatha SK
91. Orthogonal translation enables heterologous ribosome engineering in E. coli.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 26
Kolber NS, Fattal R, Bratulic S
92. Tailoring the resolution of single-cell RNA sequencing for primary cytotoxic T cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 25
Kanev K(#), Roelli P(#), Wu M
93. Defect-driven selective metal oxidation at atomic scale.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 25
Zhu Q(#), Pan Z(#), Zhao Z(#)
94. Preparation of iron(IV) nitridoferrate Ca(4)FeN(4) through azide-mediated oxidation under high-pressure conditions.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 25
Kloß SD, Haffner A, Manuel P
95. Risk variants and polygenic architecture of disruptive behavior disorders in the context of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 25
Demontis D, Walters RK, Rajagopal VM
96. An integrative multiomic network model links lipid metabolism to glucose regulation in coronary artery disease.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 22
Cohain AT(#), Barrington WT(#), Jordan DM(#)
97. Point-to-point stabilized optical frequency transfer with active optics.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 22
Dix-Matthews BP, Schediwy SW, Gozzard DR
98. Artemisinin-resistant K13 mutations rewire Plasmodium falciparum's intra-erythrocytic metabolic program to enhance survival.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 22
Mok S, Stokes BH, Gnädig NF
99. Stable inheritance of Sinorhizobium meliloti cell growth polarity requires an FtsN-like protein and an amidase.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 22
Krol E, Stuckenschneider L, Kästle Silva JM
100. The long noncoding RNA lncCIRBIL disrupts the nuclear translocation of Bclaf1 alleviating cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 22
Zhang Y(#), Zhang X(#), Cai B(#)
101. Detection of aberrant splicing events in RNA-seq data using FRASER.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 22
Mertes C(#), Scheller IF(#), Yépez VA
102. Three-dimensional total-internal reflection fluorescence nanoscopy with nanometric axial resolution by photometric localization of single molecules.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 22
Szalai AM, Siarry B, Lukin J
103. Tunnel field-effect transistors for sensitive terahertz detection.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 22
Gayduchenko I(#), Xu SG(#), Alymov G(#)
104. New particle formation in the remote marine boundary layer.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 22
Zheng G(#), Wang Y(#), Wood R
105. 3D high-density microelectrode array with optical stimulation and drug delivery for investigating neural circuit dynamics.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 21
Shin H, Jeong S, Lee JH
106. MVP predicts the pathogenicity of missense variants by deep learning.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 21
Qi H(#), Zhang H(#), Zhao Y(#)
107. Sarcoma classification by DNA methylation profiling.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 21
Koelsche C(#), Schrimpf D(#), Stichel D(#)
108. The Rustenburg Layered Suite formed as a stack of mush with transient magma chambers.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 21
Yao Z, Mungall JE, Jenkins MC.
109. GATA2 regulates mast cell identity and responsiveness to antigenic stimulation by promoting chromatin remodeling at super-enhancers.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 21
Li Y, Gao J, Kamran M
110. Nanohole-boosted electron transport between nanomaterials and bacteria as a concept for nano-bio interactions.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 21
Shi T(#), Hou X(#), Guo S
111. Alt-RPL36 downregulates the PI3K-AKT-mTOR signaling pathway by interacting with TMEM24.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 21
Cao X(#), Khitun A(#), Luo Y
112. Southern Ocean in-situ temperature trends over 25 years emerge from interannual variability.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 21
Auger M, Morrow R, Kestenare E
113. A metal-free photocatalyst for highly efficient hydrogen peroxide photoproduction in real seawater.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 20
Wu Q, Cao J, Wang X
114. The complex structure of GRL0617 and SARS-CoV-2 PLpro reveals a hot spot for antiviral drug discovery.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 20
Fu Z(#), Huang B(#), Tang J(#)
115. STIM-Orai1 signaling regulates fluidity of cytoplasm during membrane blebbing.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 20
Aoki K, Harada S, Kawaji K
116. Structure of a microtubule-bound axonemal dynein.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 20
Walton T(#), Wu H(#), Brown A.
117. Accelerating functional gene discovery in osteoarthritis.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 20
Butterfield NC, Curry KF, Steinberg J
118. An optical neural chip for implementing complex-valued neural network.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 19
Zhang H, Gu M, Jiang XD
119. Degradation of complex arabinoxylans by human colonic Bacteroidetes.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 19
Pereira GV, Abdel-Hamid AM, Dutta S
120. Crystal structure of steroid reductase SRD5A reveals conserved steroid reduction mechanism.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 19
Han Y(#), Zhuang Q(#), Sun B(#)
121. Preserving a robust CsPbI(3) perovskite phase via pressure-directed octahedral tilt.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 19
Ke F(#), Wang C(#), Jia C(#)
122. Clostridioides difficile exploits toxin-mediated inflammation to alter the host nutritional landscape and exclude competitors from the gut microbiota.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 19
Fletcher JR, Pike CM, Parsons RJ
123. Mechanistic insight into copper cation exchange in cadmium selenide semiconductor nanocrystals using X-ray absorption spectroscopy.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 19
Khammang A, Wright JT, Meulenberg RW.
124. Floquet spin states in OLEDs.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 19
Jamali S(#), Mkhitaryan VV(#), Malissa H
125. Interstitial boron-doped mesoporous semiconductor oxides for ultratransparent energy storage.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 19
Zhi J, Zhou M, Zhang Z
126. Role of dams in reducing global flood exposure under climate change.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 18
Boulange J, Hanasaki N, Yamazaki D
127. Adrenomedullin-CALCRL axis controls relapse-initiating drug tolerant acute myeloid leukemia cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 18
Larrue C, Guiraud N, Mouchel PL
128. Modelling the global burden of drug-resistant tuberculosis avertable by a post-exposure vaccine.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 18
Fu H, Lewnard JA, Frost I
129. Ionic shape-morphing microrobotic end-effectors for environmentally adaptive targeting, releasing, and sampling.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 18
Zheng Z, Wang H, Dong L
130. Massively parallel cantilever-free atomic force microscopy.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 15
Cao W, Alsharif N, Huang Z
131. Temporal changes in global soil respiration since 1987.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 15
Lei J(#), Guo X(#), Zeng Y
132. Diabatic heating governs the seasonality of the Atlantic Niño.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 14
Nnamchi HC, Latif M, Keenlyside NS
133. A structural polymer for highly efficient all-day passive radiative cooling.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 14
Wang T, Wu Y, Shi L
134. Structure of a full-length bacterial polysaccharide co-polymerase.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 14
Wiseman B, Nitharwal RG, Widmalm G
135. Genome-wide macroevolutionary signatures of key innovations in butterflies colonizing new host plants.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 13
Allio R, Nabholz B, Wanke S
136. Deep learning encodes robust discriminative neuroimaging representations to outperform standard machine learning.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 13
Abrol A, Fu Z, Salman M
137. Graphical analysis for phenome-wide causal discovery in genotyped population-scale biobanks.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 13
Amar D, Sinnott-Armstrong N, Ashley EA
138. Single cell transcriptomic analysis of human pluripotent stem cell chondrogenesis.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 13
Wu CL(#), Dicks A(#), Steward N
139. Mixed halide perovskites for spectrally stable and high-efficiency blue light-emitting diodes.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 13
Karlsson M, Yi Z, Reichert S
140. A persistently low level of atmospheric oxygen in Earth's middle age.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 13
Liu XM, Kah LC, Knoll AH
141. Dual RNA 3'-end processing of H2A.X messenger RNA maintains DNA damage repair throughout the cell cycle.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 13
Griesbach E, Schlackow M, Marzluff WF
142. Non-invasive suppression of essential tremor via phase-locked disruption of its temporal coherence.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 13
Schreglmann SR, Wang D, Peach RL
143. Tumor-infiltrating mast cells are associated with resistance to anti-PD-1 therapy.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Somasundaram R, Connelly T, Choi R
144. Structural basis of malaria parasite phenylalanine tRNA-synthetase inhibition by bicyclic azetidines.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Sharma M, Malhotra N, Yogavel M
145. Deep muscle-proteomic analysis of freeze-dried human muscle biopsies reveals fiber type-specific adaptations to exercise training.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Deshmukh AS(#), Steenberg DE(#), Hostrup M
146. Selective filling of n-hexane in a tight nanopore.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Qu H, Rayabharam A, Wu X
147. Pyroelectric nanoplates for reduction of CO(2) to methanol driven by temperature-variation.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Xiao L(#), Xu X(#), Jia Y
148. Structural basis for the multi-activity factor Rad5 in replication stress tolerance.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Shen M, Dhingra N, Wang Q
149. isoCirc catalogs full-length circular RNA isoforms in human transcriptomes.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Xin R, Gao Y, Gao Y
150. Charge-polarized interfacial superlattices in marginally twisted hexagonal boron nitride.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Woods CR, Ares P, Nevison-Andrews H
151. Reducing the impact of Auger recombination in quasi-2D perovskite light-emitting diodes.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Jiang Y, Cui M, Li S
152. Functional cooperativity between the trigger factor chaperone and the ClpXP proteolytic complex.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Rizzolo K(#), Yu AYH(#), Ologbenla A
153. Avalanche criticality during ferroelectric/ferroelastic switching.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Casals B, Nataf GF, Salje EKH.
154. Mechanisms of muscle atrophy and hypertrophy: implications in health and disease.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Sartori R, Romanello V, Sandri M.
155. The power of electrified nanoconfinement for energising, controlling and observing long enzyme cascades.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Morello G, Megarity CF, Armstrong FA.
156. SCISSOR: a framework for identifying structural changes in RNA transcripts.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Choi HY, Jo H, Zhao X
157. Granzyme B inhibition reduces disease severity in autoimmune blistering diseases.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Hiroyasu S, Zeglinski MR, Zhao H
158. Lysosomal SLC46A3 modulates hepatic cytosolic copper homeostasis.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Kim JH, Matsubara T, Lee J
159. Reconciling bubble nucleation in explosive eruptions with geospeedometers.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Hajimirza S, Gonnermann HM, Gardner JE.
160. Cellular and molecular landscape of mammalian sinoatrial node revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Liang D, Xue J, Geng L
161. Experimental evidence for scale-induced category convergence across populations.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Guilbeault D, Baronchelli A, Centola D.
162. A therapeutic neutralizing antibody targeting receptor binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Kim C, Ryu DK, Lee J
163. Giant anomalous Hall effect from spin-chirality scattering in a chiral magnet.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Fujishiro Y, Kanazawa N, Kurihara R
164. Electric-field control of skyrmions in multiferroic heterostructure via magnetoelectric coupling.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Ba Y, Zhuang S, Zhang Y
165. Orthogonal control of mean and variability of endogenous genes in a human cell line.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Bonny AR, Fonseca JP, Park JE
166. Multiplexed characterization of rationally designed promoter architectures deconstructs combinatorial logic for IPTG-inducible systems.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Yu TC, Liu WL, Brinck MS
167. On the reporting and analysis of a cancer evolutionary adaptive dosing trial.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 12
Mistry HB.
168. 3D printing of inherently nanoporous polymers via polymerization-induced phase separation.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Dong Z, Cui H, Zhang H
169. In situ NMR reveals real-time nanocrystal growth evolution via monomer-attachment or particle-coalescence.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Mashiach R, Weissman H, Avram L
170. Construction and integration of three de novo Japanese human genome assemblies toward a population-specific reference.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Takayama J, Tadaka S, Yano K
171. Duration and key determinants of infectious virus shedding in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19).
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
van Kampen JJA, van de Vijver DAMC, Fraaij PLA
172. Mechanisms for <100> interstitial dislocation loops to diffuse in BCC iron.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Gao N, Yao ZW, Lu GH
173. Alternating quarantine for sustainable epidemic mitigation.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Meidan D, Schulmann N, Cohen R
174. Imaging dynamic mTORC1 pathway activity in vivo reveals marked shifts that support time-specific inhibitor therapy in AML.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Oki T, Mercier F, Kato H
175. Reaction kinetics and interplay of two different surface states on hematite photoanodes for water oxidation.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Li J, Wan W, Triana CA
176. Satb2 neurons in the parabrachial nucleus mediate taste perception.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Jarvie BC, Chen JY, King HO
177. Isolation of MERS-related coronavirus from lesser bamboo bats that uses DPP4 and infects human-DPP4-transgenic mice.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Lau SKP, Fan RYY, Zhu L
178. Perineuronal nets stabilize the grid cell network.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Christensen AC, Lensjø KK, Lepperød ME
179. Moiré metrology of energy landscapes in van der Waals heterostructures.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Halbertal D, Finney NR, Sunku SS
180. Single ion qubit with estimated coherence time exceeding one hour.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Wang P, Luan CY, Qiao M
181. Efficient carbon dioxide hydrogenation to formic acid with buffering ionic liquids.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Weilhard A, Argent SP, Sans V.
182. Characterization of a new Leishmania major strain for use in a controlled human infection model.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Ashwin H, Sadlova J, Vojtkova B
183. Intratumoural immune heterogeneity as a hallmark of tumour evolution and progression in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Nat Commun
2021 Jan 11
Nguyen PHD(#), Ma S(#), Phua CZJ
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