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2021 Jan (183)
1. The cytokines HGF and CXCL13 predict the severity and the mortality in COVID-19 patients.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 9
Perreau M(#), Suffiotti M(#), Marques-Vidal P
2. Multifaceted mechanisms mediating cystine starvation-induced ferroptosis.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 9
Shi Z(#), Naowarojna N(#), Pan Z
3. Detection and characterization of the SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.526 in New York.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 9
West AP Jr, Wertheim JO, Wang JC
4. A common limiter circuit for opioid choice and relapse identified in a rodent addiction model.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 9
Heinsbroek JA, Giannotti G, Mandel MR
5. Identification of potent human neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 implications for development of therapeutics and prophylactics.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 9
Zhao S(#), Zhang H(#), Yang X(#)
6. Large-scale computational discovery and analysis of virus-derived microbial nanocompartments.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 6
Andreas MP, Giessen TW.
7. Enhanced NF-κB signaling in type-2 dendritic cells at baseline predicts non-response to adalimumab in psoriasis.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 6
Andres-Ejarque R, Ale HB, Grys K
8. Cell specific photoswitchable agonist for reversible control of endogenous dopamine receptors.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 6
Donthamsetti P, Winter N, Hoagland A
9. Cortical neurons exhibit diverse myelination patterns that scale between mouse brain regions and regenerate after demyelination.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 6
Call CL, Bergles DE.
10. High performance temperature difference triboelectric nanogenerator.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 6
Cheng B(#), Xu Q(#), Ding Y(#)
11. Advancement in long-distance bird migration through individual plasticity in departure.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 6
Conklin JR, Lisovski S, Battley PF.
12. Long-life lithium-sulfur batteries with high areal capacity based on coaxial CNTs@TiN-TiO(2) sponge.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 6
Zhang H, Ono LK, Tong G
13. A mechatronic shape display based on auxetic materials.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 6
Steed A, Ofek E, Sinclair M
14. Timing the evolution of antioxidant enzymes in cyanobacteria.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 6
Boden JS, Konhauser KO, Robbins LJ
15. Machine learning and earthquake forecasting-next steps.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 6
Beroza GC, Segou M, Mostafa Mousavi S.
16. Purple sulfur bacteria fix N(2) via molybdenum-nitrogenase in a low molybdenum Proterozoic ocean analogue.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 6
Philippi M, Kitzinger K, Berg JS
17. Impact of aging and exercise on skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity, energy metabolism, and physical function.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 6
Grevendonk L, Connell NJ, McCrum C
18. Author Correction: Spread of pathological tau proteins through communicating neurons in human Alzheimer's disease.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 5
Vogel JW, Iturria-Medina Y, Strandberg OT
19. Closing the methane gap in US oil and natural gas production emissions inventories.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 5
Rutherford JS, Sherwin ED, Ravikumar AP
20. Competing correlated states and abundant orbital magnetism in twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 5
He M, Zhang YH, Li Y
21. Deep learning of contagion dynamics on complex networks.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 5
Murphy C, Laurence E, Allard A.
22. Skin-electrode iontronic interface for mechanosensing.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 5
Zhu P(#), Du H(#), Hou X(#)
23. CD13 orients the apical-basal polarity axis necessary for lumen formation.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 4
Wang LT, Rajah A, Brown CM
24. Thresholds of temperature change for mass extinctions.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 4
Song H, Kemp DB, Tian L
25. GIANA allows computationally-efficient TCR clustering and multi-disease repertoire classification by isometric transformation.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 4
Zhang H, Zhan X, Li B.
26. Reversible gene silencing through frameshift indels and frameshift scars provide adaptive plasticity for Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 4
Gupta A, Alland D.
27. Exosomal miR-19a and IBSP cooperate to induce osteolytic bone metastasis of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 31
Wu K, Feng J, Lyu F
28. Large uncertainties in trends of energy demand for heating and cooling under climate change.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 31
Deroubaix A, Labuhn I, Camredon M
29. Machine learning dismantling and early-warning signals of disintegration in complex systems.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 31
Grassia M, De Domenico M, Mangioni G.
30. B-SOiD, an open-source unsupervised algorithm for identification and fast prediction of behaviors.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 31
Hsu AI, Yttri EA.
31. Molecular and functional profiling identifies therapeutically targetable vulnerabilities in plasmablastic lymphoma.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 31
Frontzek F, Staiger AM, Zapukhlyak M
32. Preliminary demonstration of a persistent Josephson phase-slip memory cell with topological protection.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 31
Ligato N, Strambini E, Paolucci F
33. A contorted nanographene shelter.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 31
Wu H, Wang Y, Song B
34. Neural signatures of hyperdirect pathway activity in Parkinson's disease.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 31
Oswal A, Cao C, Yeh CH
35. NTS Prlh overcomes orexigenic stimuli and ameliorates dietary and genetic forms of obesity.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 30
Cheng W, Ndoka E, Maung JN
36. Microbial production of megadalton titin yields fibers with advantageous mechanical properties.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 30
Bowen CH(#), Sargent CJ(#), Wang A
37. The COVID-19 pandemic as a pivot point for biological conservation.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 30
Bates AE, Mangubhai S, Milanés CB
38. A nutrient-responsive hormonal circuit mediates an inter-tissue program regulating metabolic homeostasis in adult Drosophila.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 30
Koyama T(#), Terhzaz S(#), Naseem MT
39. Potent neutralizing nanobodies resist convergent circulating variants of SARS-CoV-2 by targeting diverse and conserved epitopes.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 3
Sun D(#), Sang Z(#), Kim YJ(#)
40. High performance floating self-excited sliding triboelectric nanogenerator for micro mechanical energy harvesting.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 3
Long L, Liu W, Wang Z
41. Circulating trophoblast cell clusters for early detection of placenta accreta spectrum disorders.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 3
Afshar Y(#), Dong J(#), Zhao P
42. High-performance photonic transformers for DC voltage conversion.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 3
Zhao B(#), Assawaworrarit S(#), Santhanam P
43. The search for lunar mantle rocks exposed on the surface of the Moon.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 3
Moriarty DP 3rd, Dygert N, Valencia SN
44. Reversible polymer-gel transition for ultra-stretchable chip-integrated circuits through self-soldering and self-coating and self-healing.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 3
Lopes PA(#), Santos BC(#), de Almeida AT
45. Time-varying optimization of COVID-19 vaccine prioritization in the context of limited vaccination capacity.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 3
Han S(#), Cai J(#), Yang J
46. The structure of the bacterial DNA segregation ATPase filament reveals the conformational plasticity of ParA upon DNA binding.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 27
Parker AV, Mann D, Tzokov SB
47. The pesticide chlorpyrifos promotes obesity by inhibiting diet-induced thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 27
Wang B, Tsakiridis EE, Zhang S
48. A pre-registered short-term forecasting study of COVID-19 in Germany and Poland during the second wave.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 27
Bracher J, Wolffram D, Deuschel J
49. Efficient and continuous microwave photoconversion in hybrid cavity-semiconductor nanowire double quantum dot diodes.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 26
Khan W, Potts PP, Lehmann S
50. Epigenetic inactivation of the autophagy-lysosomal system in appendix in Parkinson's disease.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 26
Gordevicius J, Li P, Marshall LL
51. Global phylogenomic analyses of Mycobacterium abscessus provide context for non cystic fibrosis infections and the evolution of antibiotic resistance.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 26
Bronson RA, Gupta C, Manson AL
52. Autonomous DNA nanostructures instructed by hierarchically concatenated chemical reaction networks.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 26
Deng J, Walther A.
53. Controllable CO(2) electrocatalytic reduction via ferroelectric switching on single atom anchored In(2)Se(3) monolayer.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 26
Ju L(#), Tan X(#), Mao X
54. The microbiome extends host evolutionary potential.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 26
Henry LP, Bruijning M, Forsberg SKG
55. Bioengineered embryoids mimic post-implantation development in vitro.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 26
Girgin MU, Broguiere N, Hoehnel S
56. OCT4 cooperates with distinct ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers in naïve and primed pluripotent states in human.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 26
Huang X(#), Park KM(#), Gontarz P
57. Small molecule inhibition of ATM kinase increases CRISPR-Cas9 1-bp insertion frequency.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 25
Bermudez-Cabrera HC, Culbertson S, Barkal S
58. Deep neural network-estimated electrocardiographic age as a mortality predictor.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 25
Lima EM(#), Ribeiro AH(#), Paixão GMM(#)
59. Excitatory synapses and gap junctions cooperate to improve Pv neuronal burst firing and cortical social cognition in Shank2-mutant mice.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 25
Lee E(#), Lee S(#), Shin JJ(#)
60. Cognitive insights from tertiary sulci in prefrontal cortex.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 25
Voorhies WI, Miller JA, Yao JK
61. Humans and other commonly used model organisms are resistant to cycloheximide-mediated biases in ribosome profiling experiments.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 24
Sharma P(#), Wu J(#), Nilges BS(#)
62. A non-enzymatic, isothermal strand displacement and amplification assay for rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 24
Mohammadniaei M, Zhang M, Ashley J
63. Cas9-derived peptides presented by MHC Class II that elicit proliferation of CD4(+) T-cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 24
Simhadri VL, Hopkins L, McGill JR
64. Engineered whole cut meat-like tissue by the assembly of cell fibers using tendon-gel integrated bioprinting.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 24
Kang DH, Louis F, Liu H
65. Epigenetic control of melanoma cell invasiveness by the stem cell factor SALL4.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 20
Diener J(#), Baggiolini A(#), Pernebrink M
66. Achieving high strength and ductility in ODS-W alloy by employing oxide@W core-shell nanopowder as precursor.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 20
Dong Z, Ma Z, Yu L
67. Detection and characterization of lung cancer using cell-free DNA fragmentomes.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 20
Mathios D(#), Johansen JS(#), Cristiano S(#)
68. UbiD domain dynamics underpins aromatic decarboxylation.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 20
Marshall SA, Payne KAP, Fisher K
69. The regulatory impact of RNA-binding proteins on microRNA targeting.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 20
Kim S(#), Kim S(#), Chang HR(#)
70. Structural basis for proficient oxidized ribonucleotide insertion in double strand break repair.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 20
Jamsen JA, Sassa A, Perera L
71. Quantifying nanodiamonds biodistribution in whole cells with correlative iono-nanoscopy.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 2
Mi Z(#), Chen CB(#), Tan HQ
72. Malignant cerebral infarction after ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccination: a catastrophic variant of vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 2
De Michele M, Iacobucci M, Chistolini A
73. Compounds targeting OSBPL7 increase ABCA1-dependent cholesterol efflux preserving kidney function in two models of kidney disease.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 2
Wright MB(#), Varona Santos J(#), Kemmer C
74. A kinetically controlled platform for ligand-oligonucleotide transduction.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 2
Zhang QL, Wang LL, Liu Y
75. Methane from microbial hydrogenolysis of sediment organic matter before the Great Oxidation Event.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 19
Xia X, Gao Y.
76. CD11b(+) lung dendritic cells at different stages of maturation induce Th17 or Th2 differentiation.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 19
Izumi G(#), Nakano H(#), Nakano K
77. SCOPE enables type III CRISPR-Cas diagnostics using flexible targeting and stringent CARF ribonuclease activation.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 19
Steens JA(#), Zhu Y(#), Taylor DW
78. Dynamics of moisture diffusion and adsorption in plant cuticles including the role of cellulose.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 19
Tredenick EC, Farquhar GD.
79. A meta-analysis of the ecological and economic outcomes of mangrove restoration.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 19
Su J, Friess DA, Gasparatos A.
80. Translational control by DHX36 binding to 5'UTR G-quadruplex is essential for muscle stem-cell regenerative functions.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 19
Chen X(#), Yuan J(#), Xue G
81. Identification of two-dimensional layered dielectrics from first principles.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 19
Osanloo MR, Van de Put ML, Saadat A
82. Probing atom dynamics of excited Co-Mo-S nanocrystals in 3D.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 18
Chen FR, Van Dyck D, Kisielowski C
83. Ionitronic manipulation of current-induced domain wall motion in synthetic antiferromagnets.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 18
Guan Y(#), Zhou X(#), Li F(#)
84. PARylation prevents the proteasomal degradation of topoisomerase I DNA-protein crosslinks and induces their deubiquitylation.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 18
Sun Y, Chen J, Huang SN
85. Adipose stem cell niche reprograms the colorectal cancer stem cell metastatic machinery.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 18
Di Franco S, Bianca P, Sardina DS
86. Difluorocarbene enables to access 2-fluoroindoles from ortho-vinylanilines.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 17
Su J, Hu X, Huang H
87. Parallel adaptation in autopolyploid Arabidopsis arenosa is dominated by repeated recruitment of shared alleles.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 17
Konečná V, Bray S, Vlček J
88. ELMO1 signaling is a promoter of osteoclast function and bone loss.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 17
Arandjelovic S, Perry JSA, Zhou M
89. En route to dynamic life processes by SNARE-mediated fusion of polymer and hybrid membranes.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 17
Otrin L, Witkowska A, Marušič N
90. High-harmonic generation in metallic titanium nitride.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 17
Korobenko A, Saha S, Godfrey ATK
91. Structural basis for the inhibition of HTLV-1 integration inferred from cryo-EM deltaretroviral intasome structures.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 17
Barski MS(#), Vanzo T(#), Zhao XZ
92. Direct deoxygenative borylation of carboxylic acids.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 17
Li J(#), Huang CY(#), Ataya M(#)
93. Correcting for sparsity and interdependence in glycomics by accounting for glycan biosynthesis.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 17
Bao B(#), Kellman BP(#), Chiang AWT
94. Human iPS-derived pre-epicardial cells direct cardiomyocyte aggregation expansion and organization in vitro.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 17
Tan JJ(#), Guyette JP(#), Miki K
95. ZNF768 links oncogenic RAS to cellular senescence.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 17
Villot R, Poirier A, Bakan I
96. Mirtron-mediated RNA knockdown/replacement therapy for the treatment of dominant retinitis pigmentosa.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 16
Orlans HO, McClements ME, Barnard AR
97. Global view on the metabolism of RNA poly(A) tails in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 16
Tudek A(#), Krawczyk PS(#), Mroczek S
98. Excessive ammonium assimilation by plastidic glutamine synthetase causes ammonium toxicity in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 16
Hachiya T, Inaba J, Wakazaki M
99. NGF-TrkA signaling dictates neural ingrowth and aberrant osteochondral differentiation after soft tissue trauma.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 16
Lee S(#), Hwang C(#), Marini S
100. Electrophysiological engineering of heart-derived cells with calcium-dependent potassium channels improves cell therapy efficacy for cardioprotection.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 16
Vigneault P(#), Parent S(#), Kanda P
101. Interacting evolutionary pressures drive mutation dynamics and health outcomes in aging blood.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 13
Skead K, Ang Houle A, Abelson S
102. Neuronal Nsun2 deficiency produces tRNA epitranscriptomic alterations and proteomic shifts impacting synaptic signaling and behavior.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 13
Blaze J, Navickas A, Phillips HL
103. Nuclear export and translation of circular repeat-containing intronic RNA in C9ORF72-ALS/FTD.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 13
Wang S(#), Latallo MJ(#), Zhang Z
104. A direct interareal feedback-to-feedforward circuit in primate visual cortex.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 13
Siu C, Balsor J, Merlin S
105. Retention and deformation of the blue phases in liquid crystalline elastomers.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 13
Schlafmann KR, White TJ.
106. SPF45/RBM17-dependent, but not U2AF-dependent, splicing in a distinct subset of human short introns.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 13
Fukumura K, Yoshimoto R, Sperotto L
107. Optimization of C-to-G base editors with sequence context preference predictable by machine learning methods.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 12
Yuan T(#), Yan N(#), Fei T(#)
108. Heritability and interindividual variability of regional structure-function coupling.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 12
Gu Z, Jamison KW, Sabuncu MR
109. Ultra-conformal skin electrodes with synergistically enhanced conductivity for long-time and low-motion artifact epidermal electrophysiology.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 12
Zhao Y, Zhang S, Yu T
110. Dual-initiating and living frustrated Lewis pairs: expeditious synthesis of biobased thermoplastic elastomers.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 12
Bai Y, Wang H, He J
111. GLIS1 regulates trabecular meshwork function and intraocular pressure and is associated with glaucoma in humans.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 12
Nair KS(#), Srivastava C(#), Brown RV(#)
112. Topological isolation of developmental regulators in mammalian genomes.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 12
Wu HJ(#), Landshammer A(#), Stamenova EK
113. Ultrafast femtosecond pressure modulation of structure and exciton kinetics in 2D halide perovskites for enhanced light response and stability.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 12
Song C, Yang H, Liu F
114. Evaluating measurement uncertainty in Brillouin distributed optical fibre sensors using image denoising.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 12
Soto MA, Yang Z, Ramírez JA
115. Dendrimer end-terminal motif-dependent evasion of human complement and complement activation through IgM hitchhiking.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 11
Wu LP, Ficker M, Christensen JB
116. High efficiency blue organic light-emitting diodes with below-bandgap electroluminescence.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 11
Vasilopoulou M, Mohd Yusoff ARB, Daboczi M
117. The enzymatic activity of inositol hexakisphosphate kinase controls circulating phosphate in mammals.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 11
Moritoh Y, Abe SI, Akiyama H
118. Tailoring atomic diffusion for in situ fabrication of different heterostructures.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 10
Zhang H(#), Xu T(#), Yu K
119. Reconciling differences in impact of molecular subtyping on response to cisplatin-based chemotherapy.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 10
Roumiguie M, Contreras-Sanz A, Kumar G
120. CRISPR/Cas9-engineered inducible gametocyte producer lines as a valuable tool for Plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission research.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 10
Boltryk SD, Passecker A, Alder A
121. Theta-phase dependent neuronal coding during sequence learning in human single neurons.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 10
Reddy L(#), Self MW(#), Zoefel B
122. Warm temperature triggers JOX and ST2A-mediated jasmonate catabolism to promote plant growth.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 10
Zhu T, Herrfurth C, Xin M
123. Two parallel pathways connect glutamine metabolism and mTORC1 activity to regulate glutamoptosis.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 10
Bodineau C, Tomé M, Courtois S
124. Bisection of the X chromosome disrupts the initiation of chromosome silencing during meiosis in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 10
Rappaport Y(#), Achache H(#), Falk R
125. Sondheimer oscillations as a probe of non-ohmic flow in WP(2) crystals.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 10
van Delft MR, Wang Y, Putzke C
126. Zn-N(x) sites on N-doped carbon for aerobic oxidative cleavage and esterification of C(CO)-C bonds.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 10
Xie C, Lin L, Huang L
127. The developing mouse coronal suture at single-cell resolution.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 10
Farmer DT, Mlcochova H, Zhou Y
128. Reply to: Reconciling differences in impact of molecular subtyping on response to cisplatin-based chemotherapy.
Nat Commun
2021 Aug 10
Taber A, Christensen E, Lamy P
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