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2021 Apr (93)
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2021 Feb (117)
2021 Jan (183)
1. Mature Andean forests as globally important carbon sinks and future carbon refuges.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 9
Duque A, Peña MA, Cuesta F
2. Varying demands for cognitive control reveals shared neural processes supporting semantic and episodic memory retrieval.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 9
Vatansever D, Smallwood J, Jefferies E.
3. Bark-dwelling methanotrophic bacteria decrease methane emissions from trees.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 9
Jeffrey LC, Maher DT, Chiri E
4. Adenosine integrates light and sleep signalling for the regulation of circadian timing in mice.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 9
Jagannath A, Varga N, Dallmann R
5. SLPI is a critical mediator that controls PTH-induced bone formation.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 9
Morimoto A, Kikuta J, Nishikawa K
6. Six-fold increase of atmospheric pCO(2) during the Permian-Triassic mass extinction.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 9
Wu Y, Chu D, Tong J
7. GCG inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication by disrupting the liquid phase condensation of its nucleocapsid protein.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 9
Zhao M(#), Yu Y(#), Sun LM(#)
8. Indispensable role of Galectin-3 in promoting quiescence of hematopoietic stem cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 9
Jia W, Kong L, Kidoya H
9. Thermochemical electronegativities of the elements.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 7
Tantardini C, Oganov AR.
10. VESPER: global and local cryo-EM map alignment using local density vectors.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 7
Han X(#), Terashi G(#), Christoffer C
11. Myofibril and mitochondria morphogenesis are coordinated by a mechanical feedback mechanism in muscle.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 7
Avellaneda J, Rodier C, Daian F
12. Widespread reorganisation of pluripotent factor binding and gene regulatory interactions between human pluripotent states.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 7
Chovanec P(#), Collier AJ(#), Krueger C
13. Points of view in understanding trilobite eyes.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 7
Schoenemann B, Clarkson ENK.
14. Giant c-axis nonlinear anomalous Hall effect in T(d)-MoTe(2) and WTe(2).
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 6
Tiwari A, Chen F, Zhong S
15. Vangl2 promotes the formation of long cytonemes to enable distant Wnt/β-catenin signaling.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 6
Brunt L, Greicius G, Rogers S
16. Policy assessments for the carbon emission flows and sustainability of Bitcoin blockchain operation in China.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 6
Jiang S(#), Li Y(#), Lu Q
17. Watching a double strand break repair polymerase insert a pro-mutagenic oxidized nucleotide.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 6
Jamsen JA, Sassa A, Shock DD
18. Photoactivated nanomotors via aggregation induced emission for enhanced phototherapy.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 6
Cao S(#), Shao J(#), Wu H
19. Bioengineered bacteria-derived outer membrane vesicles as a versatile antigen display platform for tumor vaccination via Plug-and-Display technology.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 6
Cheng K(#), Zhao R(#), Li Y
20. Identifying multiple sclerosis subtypes using unsupervised machine learning and MRI data.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 6
Eshaghi A, Young AL, Wijeratne PA
21. Neuroimaging evidence for a network sampling theory of individual differences in human intelligence test performance.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 6
Soreq E, Violante IR, Daws RE
22. Magnetic Janssen effect.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 30
Thorens L, Måløy KJ, Bourgoin M
23. Fluid pressurisation and earthquake propagation in the Hikurangi subduction zone.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 30
Aretusini S, Meneghini F, Spagnuolo E
24. Integrative reconstruction of cancer genome karyotypes using InfoGenomeR.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 29
Lee Y, Lee H.
25. Stochastic models support rapid peopling of Late Pleistocene Sahul.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 29
Bradshaw CJA, Norman K, Ulm S
26. Initiation and amplification of SnRK2 activation in abscisic acid signaling.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 28
Lin Z(#), Li Y(#), Wang Y(#)
27. Extended haplotype-phasing of long-read de novo genome assemblies using Hi-C.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 28
Kronenberg ZN, Rhie A, Koren S
28. Chromosome-scale assembly and analysis of biomass crop Miscanthus lutarioriparius genome.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 28
Miao J(#), Feng Q(#), Li Y
29. Efferent feedback controls bilateral auditory spontaneous activity.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 27
Wang Y, Sanghvi M, Gribizis A
30. Combining ambitious climate policies with efforts to eradicate poverty.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 27
Soergel B, Kriegler E, Bodirsky BL
31. Sight of parasitoid wasps accelerates sexual behavior and upregulates a micropeptide gene in Drosophila.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 27
Ebrahim SAM, Talross GJS, Carlson JR.
32. PAX8 and MECOM are interaction partners driving ovarian cancer.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 26
Bleu M(#), Mermet-Meillon F(#), Apfel V(#)
33. Cryopreservation method for Drosophila melanogaster embryos.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 23
Zhan L, Li MG, Hays T
34. Inhibition of polar actin assembly by astral microtubules is required for cytokinesis.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 23
Chen A, Ulloa Severino L, Panagiotou TC
35. MicroRNA-146a limits tumorigenic inflammation in colorectal cancer.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 23
Garo LP, Ajay AK(#), Fujiwara M(#)
36. Cdk5 and GSK3β inhibit fast endophilin-mediated endocytosis.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 23
Ferreira APA(#), Casamento A(#), Carrillo Roas S
37. Active discovery of organic semiconductors.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 23
Kunkel C, Margraf JT, Chen K
38. Reaction-diffusion in a growing 3D domain of skin scales generates a discrete cellular automaton.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 23
Fofonjka A, Milinkovitch MC.
39. Stretchable chiral pockets for palladium-catalyzed highly chemo- and enantioselective allenylation.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 23
Zhang Y, Zhang X, Ma S.
40. Bioactive hierarchical silk fibers created by bioinspired self-assembly.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 22
Fan L, Li JL, Cai Z
41. Neurexins regulate presynaptic GABA(B)-receptors at central synapses.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 22
Luo F(#), Sclip A(#), Merrill S
42. J-aggregates of meso-[2.2]paracyclophanyl-BODIPY dye for NIR-II imaging.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 22
Li K(#), Duan X(#), Jiang Z
43. Tetradiketone macrocycle for divalent aluminium ion batteries.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 22
Yoo DJ, Heeney M, Glöcklhofer F
44. Persistent directional growth capability in Arabidopsis thaliana pollen tubes after nuclear elimination from the apex.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 22
Motomura K, Takeuchi H, Notaguchi M
45. Spatiotemporal patterning of photoresponsive DNA-based hydrogels to tune local cell responses.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 22
Huang F, Chen M, Zhou Z
46. Suppressing bias stress degradation in high performance solution processed organic transistors operating in air.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 21
Iqbal HF, Ai Q, Thorley KJ
47. Ordered clustering of single atomic Te vacancies in atomically thin PtTe(2) promotes hydrogen evolution catalysis.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 21
Li X(#), Fang Y(#), Wang J(#)
48. A high-conductivity n-type polymeric ink for printed electronics.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 21
Yang CY, Stoeckel MA, Ruoko TP
49. Extreme melt season ice layers reduce firn permeability across Greenland.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 20
Culberg R, Schroeder DM, Chu W.
50. Hierarchical nickel valence gradient stabilizes high-nickel content layered cathode materials.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 20
Lin R(#), Bak SM(#), Shin Y(#)
51. Epigenomic landscape of human colorectal cancer unveils an aberrant core of pan-cancer enhancers orchestrated by YAP/TAZ.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 20
Della Chiara G(#), Gervasoni F(#), Fakiola M(#)
52. Unexpected organic hydrate luminogens in the solid state.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 20
Zhou F(#), Gu P(#), Luo Z
53. Prostaglandin in the ventromedial hypothalamus regulates peripheral glucose metabolism.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 20
Lee ML, Matsunaga H, Sugiura Y
54. Olefin oligomerization by main group Ga(3+) and Zn(2+) single site catalysts on SiO(2).
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 19
LiBretto NJ(#), Xu Y(#), Quigley A
55. Two chemically distinct root lignin barriers control solute and water balance.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 19
Reyt G, Ramakrishna P, Salas-González I
56. Bias free multiobjective active learning for materials design and discovery.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 19
Jablonka KM, Jothiappan GM, Wang S
57. Enhanced influenza A H1N1 T cell epitope recognition and cross-reactivity to protein-O-mannosyltransferase 1 in Pandemrix-associated narcolepsy type 1.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 16
Vuorela A(#), Freitag TL(#), Leskinen K
58. Classical MHC expression by DP thymocytes impairs the selection of non-classical MHC restricted innate-like T cells.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 16
Georgiev H, Peng C, Huggins MA
59. DUSP16 promotes cancer chemoresistance through regulation of mitochondria-mediated cell death.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 16
Low HB(#), Wong ZL(#), Wu B(#)
60. Design of multi-scale protein complexes by hierarchical building block fusion.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 16
Hsia Y(#), Mout R(#), Sheffler W
61. multiSLIDE is a web server for exploring connected elements of biological pathways in multi-omics data.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 16
Ghosh S, Datta A, Choi H.
62. Interleukin-11-expressing fibroblasts have a unique gene signature correlated with poor prognosis of colorectal cancer.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 16
Nishina T, Deguchi Y, Ohshima D
63. Primary and secondary clarithromycin resistance in Helicobacter pylori and mathematical modeling of the role of macrolides.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 15
Kocsmár É, Buzás GM, Szirtes I
64. Selenoprotein W ensures physiological bone remodeling by preventing hyperactivity of osteoclasts.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 15
Kim H(#), Lee K(#), Kim JM
65. Reconstitution of contractile actomyosin rings in vesicles.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 15
Litschel T, Kelley CF, Holz D
66. Wobble tRNA modification and hydrophilic amino acid patterns dictate protein fate.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 15
Rapino F(#), Zhou Z(#), Roncero Sanchez AM(#)
67. Microscale Schottky superlubric generator with high direct-current density and ultralong life.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 15
Huang X, Xiang X, Nie J
68. Organic superstructure microwires with hierarchical spatial organisation.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 15
Zhuo MP, He GP, Wang XD
69. Spin-ice physics in cadmium cyanide.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 15
Coates CS, Baise M, Schmutzler A
70. Alternative carbon price trajectories can avoid excessive carbon removal.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 15
Strefler J, Kriegler E, Bauer N
71. Microbiota-based markers predictive of development of Clostridioides difficile infection.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 14
Berkell M(#), Mysara M(#), Xavier BB(#)
72. Incidence and predictive biomarkers of Clostridioides difficile infection in hospitalized patients receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 14
van Werkhoven CH, Ducher A, Berkell M
73. Defining super-enhancer landscape in triple-negative breast cancer by multiomic profiling.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 14
Huang H(#), Hu J(#), Maryam A
74. Generating biomembrane-like local curvature in polymersomes via dynamic polymer insertion.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 14
Sun J, Rijpkema SJ, Luan J
75. TIM4 expression by dendritic cells mediates uptake of tumor-associated antigens and anti-tumor responses.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 14
Caronni N(#), Piperno GM(#), Simoncello F
76. Cell-type-specific profiling of loaded miRNAs from Caenorhabditis elegans reveals spatial and temporal flexibility in Argonaute loading.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 13
Brosnan CA, Palmer AJ, Zuryn S.
77. High-performance large-area quasi-2D perovskite light-emitting diodes.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 13
Sun C(#), Jiang Y(#), Cui M
78. B1a and B2 cells are characterized by distinct CpG modification states at DNMT3A-maintained enhancers.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 13
Mahajan VS(#), Mattoo H(#), Sun N(#)
79. Marginal ice zone fraction benchmarks sea ice and climate model skill.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 13
Horvat C.
80. A compendium and comparative epigenomics analysis of cis-regulatory elements in the pig genome.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 13
Zhao Y(#), Hou Y(#), Xu Y(#)
81. Resolving atomic SAPO-34/18 intergrowth architectures for methanol conversion by identifying light atoms and bonds.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 13
Shen B, Chen X, Fan X
82. Ultrafast light field tomography for snapshot transient and non-line-of-sight imaging.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 12
Feng X, Gao L.
83. Adiabatic quantum state transfer in a semiconductor quantum-dot spin chain.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 12
Kandel YP, Qiao H, Fallahi S
84. Epigenetic modulation of immune synaptic-cytoskeletal networks potentiates γδ T cell-mediated cytotoxicity in lung cancer.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 12
Weng RR, Lu HH, Lin CT
85. Optical spin-state polarization in a binuclear europium complex towards molecule-based coherent light-spin interfaces.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 12
Kumar KS(#), Serrano D(#), Nonat AM
86. Fire-induced rock spalling as a mechanism of weathering responsible for flared slope and inselberg development.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 12
Buckman S, Morris RH, Bourman RP.
87. Atlas of breast cancer infiltrated B-lymphocytes revealed by paired single-cell RNA-sequencing and antigen receptor profiling.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 12
Hu Q(#), Hong Y(#), Qi P(#)
88. The landscape of molecular chaperones across human tissues reveals a layered architecture of core and variable chaperones.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 12
Shemesh N(#), Jubran J(#), Dror S
89. Differential controls of MAIT cell effector polarization by mTORC1/mTORC2 via integrating cytokine and costimulatory signals.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 1
Tao H(#), Pan Y(#), Chu S(#)
90. Ontology-driven weak supervision for clinical entity classification in electronic health records.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 1
Fries JA, Steinberg E, Khattar S
91. Loss of microglial SIRPα promotes synaptic pruning in preclinical models of neurodegeneration.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 1
Ding X(#), Wang J(#), Huang M(#)
92. Skeletal muscle transcriptome in healthy aging.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 1
Tumasian RA 3rd, Harish A, Kundu G
93. A Hierarchical Attractor Network Model of perceptual versus intentional decision updates.
Nat Commun
2021 Apr 1
Löffler A, Sylaidi A, Fountas Z
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