期刊文献 > Comput Biol Med期刊 选择月份
2023 Feb (27)
2023 Jan (53)
2022 Dec (3)
2022 Oct (25)
2022 Sep (67)
2022 Aug (6)
2022 Feb (39)
2022 Jan (30)
2021 Dec (21)
2021 Nov (31)
2021 Oct (1)
1. Smart systems and data-driven services in healthcare.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 9
Izonin I, Kutucu H, Singh KK.
2. Efficient two-step liver and tumour segmentation on abdominal CT via deep learning and a conditional random field.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 9
Chen Y, Zheng C, Hu F
3. Optic disc detection and segmentation using saliency mask in retinal fundus images.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 8
Zaaboub N, Sandid F, Douik A
4. Wearable electroencephalography and multi-modal mental state classification: A systematic literature review.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 6
Anders C, Arnrich B.
5. Joint optic disc and cup segmentation using feature fusion and attention.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 6
Guo X, Li J, Lin Q
6. MCluster-VAEs: An end-to-end variational deep learning-based clustering method for subtype discovery using multi-omics data.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 6
Rong Z, Liu Z, Song J
7. Artificial intelligence based liver portal tract region identification and quantification with transplant biopsy whole-slide images.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 6
Yu H, Sharifai N, Jiang K
8. Synthetic augmentation for semantic segmentation of class imbalanced biomedical images: A data pair generative adversarial network approach.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 6
Chai L, Wang Z, Chen J
9. Dynamic feature learning for COVID-19 segmentation and classification.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 30
Zhang X, Jiang R, Huang P
10. NSCGCN: A novel deep GCN model to diagnosis COVID-19.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 30
Tang C, Hu C, Sun J
11. MTRRE-Net: A deep learning model for detection of breast cancer from histopathological images.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 30
Chattopadhyay S, Dey A, Singh PK
12. ComEDA: A new tool for stress assessment based on electrodermal activity.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 30
Nardelli M, Greco A, Sebastiani L
13. Voxel-wise adversarial semi-supervised learning for medical image segmentation.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 29
Lee CE, Park H, Shin YG
14. A self-supervised COVID-19 CT recognition system with multiple regularizations.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 29
Lu H, Dai Q.
15. Potential prognostic biomarkers of sudden cardiac death discovered by machine learning.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 29
Zhou K, Cai C, He Y
16. Reducing uncertainty in cancer risk estimation for patients with indeterminate pulmonary nodules using an integrated deep learning model.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 29
Gao R, Li T, Tang Y
17. Knowledge distillation driven instance segmentation for grading prostate cancer.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 28
Hassan T, Shafay M, Hassan B
18. S(2)C-DeLeNet: A parameter transfer based segmentation-classification integration for detecting skin cancer lesions from dermoscopic images.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 28
Alam MJ, Mohammad MS, Hossain MAF
19. SVD-CLAHE boosting and balanced loss function for Covid-19 detection from an imbalanced Chest X-Ray dataset.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 28
Roy S, Tyagi M, Bansal V
20. Predicting hormone receptors and PAM50 subtypes of breast cancer from multi-scale lesion images of DCE-MRI with transfer learning technique.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 28
Ming W, Li F, Zhu Y
21. MRI in CFD for chronic type B aortic dissection: Ready for prime time?
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 27
Wang Q, Guo X, Brooks M
22. SIL-Net: A Semi-Isotropic L-shaped network for dermoscopic image segmentation.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 27
Zhang Z, Jiang Y, Qiao H
23. Mixed computational-experimental study to reveal the anti-metastasis and anti-angiogenesis effects of Astragalin in human breast cancer.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 27
Tian S, Wei Y, Hu H
24. Designing a vaccine-based therapy against Epstein-Barr virus-associated tumors using immunoinformatics approach.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 25
Omoboyede V, Ibrahim O, Umar HI
25. Identification of phantom movements with an ensemble learning approach.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 24
Akbulut A, Gungor F, Tarakci E
26. IOFS-SA: An interactive online feature selection tool for survival analysis.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 24
Zhao X, He Y, Wu Y
27. Computational molecular interaction between SARS-CoV-2 main protease and theaflavin digallate using free energy perturbation and molecular dynamics.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 24
Manish M, Mishra S, Anand A
28. Automatic detection of stroke lesion from diffusion-weighted imaging via the improved YOLOv5.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 23
Chen S, Duan J, Wang H
29. Enhanced depression detection from speech using Quantum Whale Optimization Algorithm for feature selection.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 23
Kaur B, Rathi S, Agrawal RK.
30. A comprehensive review on recent approaches for cancer drug discovery associated with artificial intelligence.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 22
Pandiyan S, Wang L.
31. Improving the level of autism discrimination with augmented data by GraphRNN.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 22
Sun H, He Q, Qi S
32. Transformer-based factorized encoder for classification of pneumoconiosis on 3D CT images.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 22
Huang Y, Si Y, Hu B
33. Integration of differential expression and network structure for 'omics data analysis.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 22
Ni Y, He J, Chalise P.
34. REDDA: Integrating multiple biological relations to heterogeneous graph neural network for drug-disease association prediction.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 22
Gu Y, Zheng S, Yin Q
35. Identification of key candidate genes and biological pathways in neuropathic pain.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 22
Cui CY, Liu X, Peng MH
36. Genomic and structural mechanistic insight to reveal the differential infectivity of omicron and other variants of concern.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 22
Sharma P, Kumar M, Tripathi MK
37. CSR-PERT: Joint framework for MRI and HARDI data reconstruction using perturbed radial trajectory estimated from compressively sensed measurements.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 22
Vaish A, Gupta A, Rajwade A.
38. Analysis and identification of potential type II helper T cell (Th2)-Related key genes and therapeutic agents for COVID-19.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 22
Jin Q, Li W, Yu W
39. The prediction of cardiac abnormality and enhancement in minority class accuracy from imbalanced ECG signals using modified deep neural network models.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 22
Rai HM, Chatterjee K, Dashkevych S.
40. Performance of multilabel machine learning models and risk stratification schemas for predicting stroke and bleeding risk in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 22
Lu J, Hutchens R, Hung J
41. Latent feature representation learning for Alzheimer's disease classification.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 21
Dong A, Zhang G, Liu J
42. Automated diagnosis of atrial fibrillation using ECG component-aware transformer.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 21
Yang MU, Lee DI, Park S.
43. CT image super-resolution reconstruction based on global hybrid attention.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 21
Chi J, Sun Z, Wang H
44. Texture-less surface reconstruction using shape-based image augmentation.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 21
Fan J, Feng Y, Mo J
45. Impact of atrial fibrillation on left atrium haemodynamics: A computational fluid dynamics study.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 21
Corti M, Zingaro A, Dede' L
46. Biomechanical analysis of printable functionally graded material (FGM) dental implants for different bone densities.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 21
Ouldyerou A, Mehboob H, Merdji A
47. A novel P-QRS-T wave localization method in ECG signals based on hybrid neural networks.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 21
Liu J, Jin Y, Liu Y
48. A BCI painting system using a hybrid control approach based on SSVEP and P300.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 21
Tang Z, Wang X, Wu J
49. EA-Net: Edge-aware network for brain structure segmentation via decoupled high and low frequency features.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 21
Hu Q, Wei Y, Li X
50. A secure healthcare 5.0 system based on blockchain technology entangled with federated learning technique.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 21
Rehman A, Abbas S, Khan MA
51. MTU: A multi-tasking U-net with hybrid convolutional learning and attention modules for cancer classification and gland Segmentation in Colon Histopathological Images.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 21
Dabass M, Vashisth S, Vig R.
52. Missing-view completion for fatty liver disease detection.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 18
Zhang Q, Wen J, Zhou J
53. Prediction on the medial knee contact force in patients with knee valgus using transfer learning approaches: Application to rehabilitation gaits.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 17
Zou J, Zhang X, Zhang Y
54. A review of automated sleep disorder detection.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 16
Xu S, Faust O, Seoni S
55. ECG segmentation algorithm based on bidirectional hidden semi-Markov model.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 15
Huo R, Zhang L, Liu F
56. Mammogram classification based on a novel convolutional neural network with efficient channel attention.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 15
Lou Q, Li Y, Qian Y
57. Deep-spindle: An automated sleep spindle detection system for analysis of infant sleep spindles.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 15
Wei L, Ventura S, Ryan MA
58. Leukemia segmentation and classification: A comprehensive survey.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 13
Saleem S, Amin J, Sharif M
59. Diagnostic quality assessment for low-dimensional ECG representations.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 13
Kovács P, Böck C, Tschoellitsch T
60. Computational method for aid in the diagnosis of sixth optic nerve palsy through digital videos.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 13
da Costa PB, de Almeida JDS, Teixeira JAM
61. RCMNet: A deep learning model assists CAR-T therapy for leukemia.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 11
Zhang R, Han X, Lei Z
62. Improving mortality prediction in Acute Pancreatitis by machine learning and data augmentation.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 11
Hameed MAB, Alamgir Z.
63. Atlas-guided parcellation: Individualized functionally-homogenous parcellation in cerebral cortex.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 10
Li Y, Liu A, Fu X
64. Attention UW-Net: A fully connected model for automatic segmentation and annotation of chest X-ray.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 10
Pal D, Reddy PB, Roy S.
65. Network analysis between neuron dysfunction and neuroimmune response based on neural single-cell transcriptome of COVID-19 patients.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 10
Lin X, Nie H, Tang R
66. Deep learning artificial intelligence framework for multiclass coronary artery disease prediction using combination of conventional risk factors, carotid ultrasound, and intraplaque neovascularization.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 10
Johri AM, Singh KV, Mantella LE
67. Liver transcriptomics reveals microRNA features of the host response in a mouse model of dengue virus infection.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Sep 1
Zheng W, Wang T, Liu C
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