期刊文献 > Comput Biol Med期刊 选择月份
2023 Feb (27)
2023 Jan (53)
2022 Dec (3)
2022 Oct (25)
2022 Sep (67)
2022 Aug (6)
2022 Feb (39)
2022 Jan (30)
2021 Dec (21)
2021 Nov (31)
2021 Oct (1)
1. Performance optimization of support vector machine with oppositional grasshopper optimization for acute appendicitis diagnosis.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 4
Xia J, Wang Z, Yang D
2. Review of bioinformatics in Azheimer's Disease Research.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 31
He S, Dou L, Li X
3. IL-MCAM: An interactive learning and multi-channel attention mechanism-based weakly supervised colorectal histopathology image classification approach.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 31
Chen H, Li C, Li X
4. Identifying patterns in trunk/head/elbow changes of riders and non-riders: A cluster analysis approach.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 31
Trabelsi I, Hérault R, Baillet H
5. Unsupervised pseudo CT generation using heterogenous multicentric CT/MR images and CycleGAN: Dosimetric assessment for 3D conformal radiotherapy.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 31
Jabbarpour A, Mahdavi SR, Vafaei Sadr A
6. Dense Dilated Deep Multiscale Supervised U-Network for biomedical image segmentation.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 31
Bose S, Sur Chowdhury R, Das R
7. Automatic framework for patient-specific modelling of tumour resection-induced brain shift.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 30
Yu Y, Safdar S, Bourantas G
8. High-specificity targets in SARS-CoV-2 N protein for serological detection and distinction from SARS-CoV.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 29
Yu J, Qin Z, Liu X
9. A review of deep learning-based detection methods for COVID-19.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 29
Subramanian N, Elharrouss O, Al-Maadeed S
10. Systems pharmacology-based drug discovery and active mechanism of natural products for coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19): An example using flavonoids.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 26
Wang B, Ding Y, Zhao P
11. Shape and boundary-aware multi-branch model for semi-supervised medical image segmentation.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 26
Liu X, Hu Y, Chen J
12. PairGP: Gaussian process modeling of longitudinal data from paired multi-condition studies.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 26
Vantini M, Mannerström H, Rautio S
13. Discovering potent inhibitors against the Mpro of the SARS-CoV-2. A medicinal chemistry approach.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 26
Mehmood A, Nawab S, Wang Y
14. DenseRes-Unet: Segmentation of overlapped/clustered nuclei from multi organ histopathology images.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 25
Kiran I, Raza B, Ijaz A
15. Modeling the SARS-CoV-2 parallel transmission dynamics: Asymptomatic and symptomatic pathways.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 25
Chowdhury SMEK, Forkan M, Ahmed SF
16. Multi-label recognition of cancer-related lesions with clinical priors on white-light endoscopy.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 25
Yu T, Lin N, Zhong X
17. Ultrasound-based method for individualized estimation of central aortic blood pressure from flow velocity and diameter.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 25
Zhou S, Yao Y, Liu W
18. Exploiting pretrained CNN models for the development of an EEG-based robust BCI framework.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 25
Sadiq MT, Aziz MZ, Almogren A
19. TL-HARDI: Transform learning based accelerated reconstruction of HARDI data.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 24
Vaish A, Rajwade A, Gupta A.
20. Deep learning prediction of axillary lymph node status using ultrasound images.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 24
Sun S, Mutasa S, Liu MZ
21. Impact of physiological loads of arterial wall on nucleus deformation in endothelial cells: A computational study.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 24
Jakka VVSV, Bursa J.
22. Aleatory-aware deep uncertainty quantification for transfer learning.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 24
Kabir HMD, Khanam S, Khozeimeh F
23. Research on physical health early warning based on GM(1,1).
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 22
Zeng B, Yang Y, Gou X.
24. ECG-based real-time arrhythmia monitoring using quantized deep neural networks: A feasibility study.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 22
De Melo Ribeiro H, Arnold A, Howard JP
25. Automated identification of sleep disorders using wavelet-based features extracted from electrooculogram and electromyogram signals.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 21
Sharma M, Darji J, Thakrar M
26. Superficial femoral artery stenting: Impact of stent design and overlapping on the local hemodynamics.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 21
Colombo M, Corti A, Gallo D
27. CFD simulations of inhalation through a subject-specific human larynx - Impact of the unilateral vocal fold immobility.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 20
Voss S, Vutlapalli SC, Saalfeld P
28. SNMRS: An advanced measure for Co-expression network analysis.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 15
Patowary P, Bhattacharyya DK, Barah P.
29. Optical biopsy mapping on endoscopic image mosaics with a marker-free probe.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 15
Zenteno O, Trinh DH, Treuillet S
30. Meta-learning with implicit gradients in a few-shot setting for medical image segmentation.
Comput Biol Med
2022 Jan 12
Khadka R, Jha D, Hicks S
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