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1. Proximity labeling methods for proteomic analysis of membrane proteins.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 30
Zafra F, Piniella D.
2. MMP-12 polarizes neutrophil signalome towards an apoptotic signature.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 30
Chalise U, Becirovic-Agic M, Konfrst SR
3. Identification of ticks from an old collection by MALDI-TOF MS.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 30
Ahamada M'madi S, Diarra AZ, Almeras L
4. Quantitative proteomics reveals the antibiotics adaptation mechanism of Aeromonas hydrophila under kanamycin stress.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 30
Zhang L, Chen X, Wang G
5. Ac-LysargiNase efficiently helps genome reannotation of Mycolicibacterium smegmatis MC(2) 155.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 30
Zhu H, Jiang S, Zhou W
6. Label-free proteomics-based analysis of peripheral nerve injury induced by Japanese encephalitis virus.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 30
Wang X, Yang H, Wang Z
7. Proteomics of restenosis model in LDLR-deficient hamsters coupled with the proliferative rat vascular smooth muscle cells reveals a new mechanism of vascular remodeling diseases.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 30
Hu ZK, Niu JL, Lin JJ
8. Proteomic analysis of ubiquitinated proteins in 'Xiangshui' lemon [Citrus limon (L.)] pistils after self- and cross-pollination.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 30
Lin W, Li Y, Luo C
9. HSc70 interactome reveal major role of macroautophagy and minor role of chaperone mediated autophagy in K-Ras G12V cell proliferation and survival.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 30
Yadav VK, Awasthi P, Behl R
10. Effects of different ratios of omega-6:omega-3 fatty acids in the diet of sows on the proteome of milk-derived extracellular vesicles.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 30
Ferreira RF, Blees T, Shakeri F
11. Picturins and Pictuseptins, two novel antimicrobial peptide families from the skin secretions of the Chachi treefrog, Boana picturata.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 30
Morán-Marcillo G, Sánchez Hinojosa V, de Los Monteros-Silva NE
12. Speciomics as a concept involving chemical speciation and omics.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 15
Arruda MAZ, de Jesus JR, Blindauer CA
13. Proteomic quantification of perturbation to pharmacokinetic target proteins in liver disease.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 15
Vasilogianni AM, El-Khateeb E, Al-Majdoub ZM
14. Obesity affects the proteome profile of periodontal ligament submitted to mechanical forces induced by orthodontic tooth movement in rats.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 15
Marcantonio CC, Lopes MES, Mofatto LS
15. Interpopulational variation and ontogenetic shift in the venom composition of Lataste's viper (Vipera latastei, Boscá 1878) from northern Portugal.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 15
Avella I, Calvete JJ, Sanz L
16. Comparative proteome analysis of the midgut of Rhipicephalus microplus (Acari: Ixodidae) strains with contrasting resistance to ivermectin reveals the activation of proteins involved in the detoxification metabolism.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 15
Ruiz-May E, Álvarez-Sánchez ME, Aguilar-Tipacamú G
17. Curcumin prevents proteins expression changes of oxidative phosphorylation, cellular stress response, and lipid metabolism proteins in liver of mice fed a high-fructose diet.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 15
Silva-Gaona OG, Hernández-Ortiz M, Vargas-Ortiz K
18. Structurally related (-)-epicatechin metabolites and gut microbiota derived metabolites exert genomic modifications via VEGF signaling pathways in brain microvascular endothelial cells under lipotoxic conditions: Integrated multi-omic study.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 15
Corral-Jara KF, Nuthikattu S, Rutledge J
19. Proteomic profile of polar filament and polar tube from fungal pathogen microsporidium Nosema bombycis provides new insights into its unique invasion organelle.
J Proteomics
2022 Jul 15
Lv Q, Zhou B, Liao H
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