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2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (43)
1. IL-4 absence triggers distinct pathways in apical periodontitis development.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 20
Freire MS, Oliveira NG, Lima SMF
2. Application and optimization of label-free shotgun approaches in the study of Quercus ilex.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 20
Escandón M, Jorrín-Novo JV, Castillejo MÁ.
3. Testing the efficacy and comparability of ZooMS protocols on archaeological bone.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 20
Naihui W, Samantha B, Peter D
4. Screening and characterization of a novel Antibiofilm polypeptide derived from filamentous Fungi.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 20
Yazici A, Örtücü S, Taşkin M.
5. Comparative metabolomics analysis of pigmentary and structural coloration in discus fish (Symphysodon haraldi).
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 20
Yang BT, Wen B, Ji Y
6. Proteome analysis of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) liver responses to chronic heat stress using DIA/SWATH.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 20
Quan J, Kang Y, Li L
7. Identification of the interactomes associated with SCD6 and RBP42 proteins in Leishmania braziliensis.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 20
Nocua PA, Requena JM, Puerta CJ.
8. Combined ultraviolet and darkness regulation of medicinal metabolites in Mahonia bealei revealed by proteomics and metabolomics.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 20
Zhu W, Han H, Liu A
9. GeLC-Orbitrap/MS and 2-DE-MALDI-TOF/TOF comparative proteomics analysis of seed cotyledons from the non-orthodox Quercus ilex tree species.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 20
Sghaier-Hammami B, Castillejo MÁ, Baazaoui N
10. The effects of sample handling on proteomics assessed by reverse phase protein arrays (RPPA): Functional proteomic profiling in leukemia.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 20
Horton TM, Hoff FW, van Dijk A
11. Proteogenomic insight into the basis of the insecticide tolerance/resistance of the pollen beetle Brassicogethes (Meligethes) aeneus.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 20
Kocourek F, Stara J, Sopko B
12. Mass spectrometry-based proteomic exploration of the small urinary extracellular vesicles in ANCA-associated vasculitis in comparison with total urine.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 20
Prikryl P, Satrapova V, Frydlova J
13. N-terminomics - its past and recent advancements.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 20
Kaushal P, Lee C.
14. Identification of 4-hydroxynonenal-modified proteins in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Geib T, Iacob C, Jribi R
15. Species and tissue specific analysis based on quantitative proteomics from allotetraploid and the parents.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Dong X, Yan Y, Chen P
16. Comparative proteomic analysis of Prunella vulgaris L. spica ripening.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Zhang Z, Xia B, Li Y
17. Proteomic analysis of healthy and atretic porcine follicular granulosa cells.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Shan X, Yu T, Yan X
18. Proteomic analysis of SUMO1-SUMOylome changes during defense elicitation in Arabidopsis.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Ingole KD, Dahale SK, Bhattacharjee S.
19. Evaluating the impact of methionine-enriched diets in the liver of European seabass through label-free shotgun proteomics.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Farinha AP, Schrama D, Silva T
20. Comparative proteomic analysis of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) during early fruit development.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Kok SY, Namasivayam P, Ee GC
21. Proteomic alterations in the plasma of Beagle dogs induced by Toxocara canis infection.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Zheng WB, Zou Y, He JJ
22. Deep learning embedder method and tool for mass spectra similarity search.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Qin C, Luo X, Deng C
23. Distinct gut microbiota and metabolite profiles induced by delivery mode in healthy Chinese infants.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Li N, Liang S, Chen Q
24. Lysine-specific acetylated proteome from the archaeon Thermococcus gammatolerans reveals the presence of acetylated histones.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Alpha-Bazin B, Gorlas A, Lagorce A
25. Community-based network analyses reveal emerging connectivity patterns of protein-protein interactions in murine melanoma secretome.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Francisquini R, Berton R, Soares SG
26. Proteomic analysis reveals the effects of melatonin on soybean root tips under flooding stress.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Wang X, Li F, Chen Z
27. The mitochondrial isoform glutathione peroxidase 3 (OsGPX3) is involved in ABA responses in rice plants.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Paiva ALS, Passaia G, Jardim-Messeder D
28. Bottom up proteomics identifies neuronal differentiation pathway networks activated by cathepsin inhibition treatment in neuroblastoma cells that are enhanced by concurrent 13-cis retinoic acid treatment.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Halakos EG, Connell AJ, Glazewski L
29. Transcriptome assisted label free proteomics of hepatic tissue in response to both dietary restriction and compensatory growth in cattle.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Mullins Y, Keogh K, Blackshields G
30. TMT-based quantitative proteomics analyses of sterile/fertile anthers from a genic male-sterile line and its maintainer in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.).
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Chen Z, Zhong W, Chen S
31. Proteome and phosphoproteome characterization of liver in the postprandial state from diet-induced obese and lean mice.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Zembroski AS, Buhman KK, Aryal UK.
32. The metabolic pathways of polyhydroxyalkanoates and exopolysaccharides synthesized by Haloferax mediterranei in response to elevated salinity.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Pacholak A, Gao ZL, Gong XY
33. Multiple-parallel-protease digestion coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry: An approach towards comprehensive peptide mapping of therapeutic mAbs.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Pradhan G, Sneha JM, Sonwane BP
34. The Secretome landscape of Escherichia coli O157:H7: Deciphering the cell-surface, outer membrane vesicle and extracellular subproteomes.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Monteiro R, Chafsey I, Ageorges V
35. SWATH-MS based quantitative proteomics analysis to evaluate the antileishmanial effect of Commiphora wightii- Guggul and amphotericin B on a clinical isolate of Leishmania donovani.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Routaray CB, Bhor R, Bai S
36. Feasibility of phosphoproteomics to uncover oncogenic signalling in secreted extracellular vesicles using glioblastoma-EGFRVIII cells as a model.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Bijnsdorp IV, Schelfhorst T, Luinenburg M
37. Litopenaeus vannamei Notch interacts with COP9 signalosome complex subunit 1 (CNS1) to negatively regulate the NF-κB pathway.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Zhao W, Zheng Z, Aweya JJ
38. Understanding of the postgerminative development response to salinity and drought stresses in cucumber seeds by integrated proteomics and transcriptomics analysis.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Du C, Li H, Liu C
39. Changes in glycolytic and mitochondrial protein profiles regulates postmortem muscle acidification and oxygen consumption in dark-cutting beef.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Kiyimba F, Hartson SD, Rogers J
40. Differential responses of the antennal proteome of male and female migratory locusts to infection by a fungal pathogen.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Zheng R, Xia Y, Keyhani NO.
41. Quantitative analysis of proteins secreted by Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis strains associated to distinct clinical manifestations of American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Rodríguez-Vega A, Losada-Barragán M, Berbert LR
42. Proteomic analysis of extracellular vesicles and conditioned medium from human adipose-derived stem/stromal cells and dermal fibroblasts.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Niada S, Giannasi C, Magagnotti C
43. TMT-based quantitative proteomic analysis of hepatic tissue reveals the effects of dietary cyanidin-3-diglucoside-5-glucoside-rich extract on alleviating D-galactose-induced aging in mice.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Zhang N, Zhang Z, Xu W
44. Transcriptomic and proteomic responses to brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens) in cultivated and Bt-transgenic rice (Oryza sativa) and wild rice (O. rufipogon).
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Liu Y, Wang W, Li Y
45. Integrating proteomic, lipidomic and metabolomic data to construct a global metabolic network of lethal ventricular tachyarrhythmias (LVTA) induced by aconitine.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Xie D, Wu J, Wu Q
46. Peptidomic analysis of antioxidant peptides from porcine liver hydrolysates using SWATH-MS.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
López-Pedrouso M, Borrajo P, Amarowicz R
47. MMEASE: Online meta-analysis of metabolomic data by enhanced metabolite annotation, marker selection and enrichment analysis.
J Proteomics
2021 Feb 10
Yang Q, Li B, Chen S
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