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2021 Jan (24)
1. The TIMELESS Roles in Genome Stability and Beyond.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 20
Vipat S, Moiseeva TN.
2. Structure, Topology, and Stability of Multiple G-quadruplexes in Long Telomeric Overhangs.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 20
Shiekh S, Kodikara SG, Balci H.
3. Multifaceted Role of PARP1 in Maintaining Genome Stability Through Its Binding to Alternative DNA Structures.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 20
Laspata N, Muoio D, Fouquerel E.
4. Histone H4K16ac Binding Function of the Triple PHD Finger Cassette of MLL4.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 20
Kumar Sinha V, Zhang Y, Xu L
5. ProSeqAProDB: Prosequence Assisted Protein Database.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Ray N, Kumar Vishwakarma R, Jain A
6. SISPRO: Signature Identification for Spatial Proteomics.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Zhou Y, Zhang Y, Li F
7. nASAP: A Nascent RNA Profiling Data Analysis Platform.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Wang Z, Ge P, Zhou XL
8. EvolClustDB: Exploring Eukaryotic Gene Clusters with Evolutionarily Conserved Genomic Neighbourhoods.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Marcet-Houben M, Collado-Cala I, Fuentes-Palacios D
9. MGnify Genomes: A Resource for Biome-specific Microbial Genome Catalogues.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Gurbich TA, Almeida A, Beracochea M
10. C4S DB: Comprehensive Collection and Comparison for ChIP-Seq Database.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Anzawa H, Kinoshita K.
11. RNASequest: An End-to-End Reproducible RNAseq Data Analysis and Publishing Framework.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Zhu J, Sun YH, Ouyang Z
12. MgCod: Gene Prediction in Phage Genomes with Multiple Genetic Codes.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Pfennig A, Lomsadze A, Borodovsky M.
13. rMSA: A Sequence Search and Alignment Algorithm to Improve RNA Structure Modeling.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Zhang C, Zhang Y, Pyle AM.
14. CHARMM-GUI PDB Manipulator: Various PDB Structural Modifications for Biomolecular Modeling and Simulation.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Park SJ, Kern N, Brown T
15. ModelCIF: An Extension of PDBx/mmCIF Data Representation for Computed Structure Models.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Vallat B, Tauriello G, Bienert S
16. RiboGalaxy: A Galaxy-based Web Platform for Ribosome Profiling Data Processing - 2023 Update.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Fedorova AD, Tierney JAS, Michel AM
17. ISPRED-SEQ: Deep Neural Networks and Embeddings for Predicting Interaction Sites in Protein Sequences.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Manfredi M, Savojardo C, Martelli PL
18. EFI-EST, EFI-GNT, and EFI-CGFP: Enzyme Function Initiative (EFI) Web Resource for Genomic Enzymology Tools.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Oberg N, Zallot R, Gerlt JA.
19. The Metal-binding Protein Atlas (MbPA): An Integrated Database for Curating Metalloproteins in All Aspects.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Li J, He X, Gao S
20. cgNA+web : A Visual Interface to the cgNA+ Sequence-dependent Statistical Mechanics Model of Double-stranded Nucleic Acids.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Sharma R, Patelli AS, De Bruin L
21. The dcGO Domain-Centric Ontology Database in 2023: New Website and Extended Annotations for Protein Structural Domains.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Bao C, Lu C, Lin J
22. WASCO: A Wasserstein-based Statistical Tool to Compare Conformational Ensembles of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
González-Delgado J, Sagar A, Zanon C
23. Operon Finder: A Deep Learning-based Web Server for Accurate Prediction of Prokaryotic Operons.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Tomar TS, Dasgupta P, Kanaujia SP.
24. iQDeep: an integrated web server for protein scoring using multiscale deep learning models.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Shuvo MH, Karim M, Bhattacharya D.
25. EvoRator2: Predicting Site-specific Amino Acid Substitutions Based on Protein Structural Information Using Deep Learning.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Nagar N, Tubiana J, Loewenthal G
26. MRMD3.0: A Python Tool and Webserver for Dimensionality Reduction and Data Visualization via an Ensemble Strategy.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
He S, Ye X, Sakurai T
27. CavityPlus 2022 Update: An Integrated Platform for Comprehensive Protein Cavity Detection and Property Analyses with User-friendly Tools and Cavity Databases.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Wang S, Xie J, Pei J
28. Missense3D-PPI: A Web Resource to Predict the Impact of Missense Variants at Protein Interfaces Using 3D Structural Data.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Pennica C, Hanna G, Islam SA
29. CM2D3: Furnishing the Human Interactome with Structural Models of Protein Complexes Derived by Comparative Modeling and Docking.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Mirela Bota P, Hernandez AC, Segura J
30. GutBug: A Tool for Prediction of Human Gut Bacteria Mediated Biotransformation of Biotic and Xenobiotic Molecules Using Machine Learning.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Malwe AS, Srivastava GN, Sharma VK.
31. SSP: An In Silico Tool for Salmonella Species Serotyping Using the Sequences of O-Antigen Biosynthesis Proteins and H-Antigen Filament Proteins.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Sundaresan S, Rathinavelan T.
32. Anti-Biofilm: Machine Learning Assisted Prediction of IC(50) Activity of Chemicals Against Biofilms of Microbes Causing Antimicrobial Resistance and Implications in Drug Repurposing.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 15
Rajput A, Bhamare KT, Thakur A
33. Applications of Anti-CRISPR Proteins in Genome Editing and Biotechnology.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Kraus C, Sontheimer EJ.
34. Omicron Spike Protein is Vulnerable to Reduction.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Yao Z, Geng B, Marcon E
35. Historical Advances in Structural and Molecular Biology and How They Impacted Vaccine Development.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Koff WC, Rappuoli R, Plotkin SA.
36. Maternal Vaccination to Prevent Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: An Underutilized Molecular Immunological Intervention?
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Giles ML, Way SS, Marchant A
37. Double-Transmembrane Domain of SNAREs Decelerates the Fusion by Increasing the Protein-Lipid Mismatch.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Bu B, Tian Z, Li D
38. APEX3 - An Optimized Tool for Rapid and Unbiased Proximity Labeling.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Becker JT, Auerbach AA, Harris RS.
39. Dissecting the Binding Interface of the Septin Polymerization Enhancer Borg BD3.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Castro DKSV, Rosa HVD, Mendonça DC
40. Structural Basis of Damaged Nucleotide Recognition by Transcribing RNA Polymerase II in the Nucleosome.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Osumi K, Kujirai T, Ehara H
41. The MitoLuc Assay System for Accurate Real-Time Monitoring of Mitochondrial Protein Import Within Mammalian Cells.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Needs HI, Lorriman JS, Pereira GC
42. Dynamics and Composition of Small Heat Shock Protein Condensates and Aggregates.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Joosten J, van Sluijs B, Vree Egberts W
43. LigBind: Identifying Binding Residues for Over 1000 Ligands with Relation-Aware Graph Neural Networks.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Xia Y, Pan X, Shen HB.
44. Modulation of DNA-protein Interactions by Proximal Genetic Elements as Uncovered by Interpretable Deep Learning.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Kalakoti Y, Peter SC, Gawande S
45. The Phosphorylation Status of Hsp82 Regulates Mitochondrial Homeostasis During Glucose Sensing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Peng G, Hu K, Shang X
46. Therapeutic Efficacy of a VSV-GP-based Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine in a Murine Cancer Model.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Riepler L, Frommelt LS, Wilmschen-Tober S
47. Designed Loop Extension Followed by Combinatorial Screening Confers High Specificity to a Broad Matrix MetalloproteinaseInhibitor.
J Mol Biol
2023 Jul 1
Bonadio A, Wenig BL, Hockla A
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