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1. Domain-Based Protein Docking with Extremely Large Conformational Changes.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 8
Christoffer C, Kihara D.
2. The Structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Arginyltransferase 1 (ATE1).
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 8
Van V, Ejimogu NE, Bui TS
3. Membrane Tethering of SepF, a Membrane Anchor for the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Z-ring.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 8
Dey S, Zhou HX.
4. Patterns and Crucial Regulation of Alternative Splicing During Early Development in Zebrafish.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 8
Xiao J, Wang WX.
5. How does RNA fold dynamically?
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Bushhouse DZ, Choi EK, Hertz LM
6. The promise of cryo-EM to explore RNA structural dynamics.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Bonilla SL, Kieft JS.
7. Engineering Toehold-Mediated Switches for Native RNA Detection and Regulation in Bacteria.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Ekdahl AM, Rojano-Nisimura AM, Contreras LM.
8. Computational Approaches for RNA Structure Ensemble Deconvolution from Structure Probing Data.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Aviran S, Incarnato D.
9. Structural Changes in Aptamers are Essential for Synthetic Riboswitch Engineering.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Hoetzel J, Suess B.
10. RNA Thermometer-coordinated Assembly of the Yersinia Injectisome.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Pienkoß S, Javadi S, Chaoprasid P
11. Regulation of Gene Expression Through Effector-dependent Conformational Switching by Cobalamin Riboswitches.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Lennon SR, Batey RT.
12. Conformational Effects of a Cancer-Linked Mutation in Pri-miR-30c RNA.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Jones AN, Walbrun A, Falleroni F
13. Upstream Flanking Sequence Assists Folding of an RNA Thermometer.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Jolley EA, Bormes KM, Bevilacqua PC.
14. Dynamic Refolding of OxyS sRNA by the Hfq RNA Chaperone.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Cai H, Roca J, Zhao YF
15. Solution Structure of NPSL2, A Regulatory Element in the oncomiR-1 RNA.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Liu Y, Munsayac A, Hall I
16. Exploring the Energy Landscape of Riboswitches Using Collective Variables Based on Tertiary Contacts.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Prajapati JD, Onuchic JN, Sanbonmatsu KY.
17. Conformational Dynamics of the Hepatitis B Virus Pre-genomic RNA on Multiple Time Scales: Implications for Viral Replication.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Olenginski LT, Kasprzak WK, Bergonzo C
18. A Test and Refinement of Folding Free Energy Nearest Neighbor Parameters for RNA Including N(6)-Methyladenosine.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Szabat M, Prochota M, Kierzek R
19. Binding of 30S Ribosome Induces Single-stranded Conformation Within and Downstream of the Expression Platform in a Translational Riboswitch.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
de Jesus V, Schmid J, Fürtig B.
20. Encoded Conformational Dynamics of the HIV Splice Site A3 Regulatory Locus: Implications for Differential Binding of hnRNP Splicing Auxiliary Factors.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 30
Chiu LY, Emery A, Jain N
21. Engineered Allosteric Regulation of Protein Function.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Fauser J, Leschinsky N, Szynal BN
22. Non-Canonical Allostery in Cyclic Nucleotide Dependent Kinases.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Khamina M, Martinez Pomier K, Akimoto M
23. Allostery: Allosteric Cancer Drivers and Innovative Allosteric Drugs.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Nussinov R, Zhang M, Maloney R
24. Signal Propagation Within the MCL-1/BIM Protein Complex.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Heckmeier PJ, Ruf J, Buhrke D
25. Explaining and Predicting Allostery with Allosteric Database and Modern Analytical Techniques.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Zha J, Li M, Kong R
26. Therapeutic Targeting the Allosteric Cysteinome of RAS and Kinase Families.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Li L, Meyer C, Zhou ZW
27. Neutralizing Antibodies Against Allosteric Proteins: Insights From a Bacterial Adhesin.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Sokurenko EV, Tchesnokova V, Interlandi G
28. Allosteric Hotspots in the Main Protease of SARS-CoV-2.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Strömich L, Wu N, Barahona M
29. Hyperosmotic Stress Allosterically Reconfigures Betaine Binding Pocket in BetP.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Tantirimudalige S, Buckley TSC, Chandramohan A
30. Emerging Methods and Applications to Decrypt Allostery in Proteins and Nucleic Acids.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Arantes PR, Patel AC, Palermo G.
31. Activation and Speciation Mechanisms in Class A GPCRs.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Wingert B, Doruker P, Bahar I.
32. Allostery and Missense Mutations as Intermittently Linked Promising Aspects of Modern Computational Drug Discovery.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Tastan Bishop Ö, Musyoka TM, Barozi V.
33. Exploring Performance Parameters of Artificial Allosteric Protein Switches.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Ergun Ayva C, Fiorito MM, Guo Z
34. Domino Effect in Allosteric Signaling of Peptide Binding.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Vargas-Rosales PA, Caflisch A.
35. Learning About Allosteric Drugs and Ways to Design Them.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Wah Tan Z, Tee WV, Berezovsky IN.
36. Cooperative Protein Allosteric Transition Mediated by a Fluctuating Transmission Network.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Post M, Lickert B, Diez G
37. MptpA Kinetics Enhanced by Allosteric Control of an Active Conformation.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Maschietto F, Zavala E, Allen B
38. Subsets of Slow Dynamic Modes Reveal Global Information Sources as Allosteric Sites.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Altintel B, Acar B, Erman B
39. Conformational Dynamics Allows Sampling of an "Active-like" State by Oncogenic K-Ras-GDP.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Grudzien P, Jang H, Leschinsky N
40. Conservation and Diversity in Allosteric Fingerprints of Proteins for Evolutionary-inspired Engineering and Design.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Tee WV, Tan ZW, Guarnera E
41. Cancer-related Mutations with Local or Long-range Effects on an Allosteric Loop of p53.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Degn K, Beltrame L, Dahl Hede F
42. Prediction of Protein Allosteric Signalling Pathways and Functional Residues Through Paths of Optimised Propensity.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Wu N, Yaliraki SN, Barahona M.
43. Protein Allostery and Ligand Design: Computational Design Meets Experiments to Discover Novel Chemical Probes.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Triveri A, Sanchez-Martin C, Torielli L
44. Altered Dynamics of S. aureus Phosphofructokinase via Bond Restraints at Two Distinct Allosteric Binding Sites.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Celebi M, Akten ED.
45. Validation of an Allosteric Binding Site of Src Kinase Identified by Unbiased Ligand Binding Simulations.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Mingione VR, Foda ZH, Paung Y
46. Conformational Transitions in Yeast Chorismate Mutase Important for Allosteric Regulation as Identified by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Winston DS, Gorman SD, Boehr DD.
47. Optimising Elastic Network Models for Protein Dynamics and Allostery: Spatial and Modal Cut-offs and Backbone Stiffness.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Dubanevics I, McLeish TCB.
48. AlphaFold and Structural Mass Spectrometry Enable Interrogations on the Intrinsically Disordered Regions in Cyanobacterial Light-harvesting Complex Phycobilisome.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Liu H.
49. Mechanistic Insights into the Long-range Allosteric Regulation of KRAS Via Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) Scaffold Upon SPRED1 Loading.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Li M, Wang Y, Fan J
50. Allosteric Regulation of the Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase by Nitro Fatty Acids: a Combined Experimental and Computational Approach.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Qiu Q, Abis G, Mattingly-Peck F
51. Disorder in the Human Skp1 Structure is the Key to its Adaptability to Bind Many Different Proteins in the SCF Complex Assembly.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Bhattacharya A, Shukla VK, Kachariya N
52. Recombinant FimH Adhesin Demonstrates How the Allosteric Catch Bond Mechanism Can Support Fast and Strong Bacterial Attachment in the Absence of Shear.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Thomas WE, Carlucci L, Yakovenko O
53. The Role of O-antigen in P1 Transduction of Shigella flexneri and Escherichia coli with its Alternative S' Tail Fibre.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Huan YW, Fa-Arun J, Wang B.
54. Exploring Mechanisms of Allosteric Regulation and Communication Switching in the Multiprotein Regulatory Complexes of the Hsp90 Chaperone with Cochaperones and Client Proteins: Atomistic Insights from Integrative Biophysical Modeling and Network Analysis of Conformational Landscapes.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 15
Verkhivker GM.
55. Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) Influence the Thermodynamics of Peptide-Membrane Interactions.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 14
Vasquez-Montes V, Goldberg AFX, Thévenin D
56. Revealing the DNA Unwinding Activity and Mechanism of Fork Reversal by RecG While Exposed to Variants of Stalled Replication-fork at Single-Molecular Resolution.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 13
Bandyopadhyay D, Mishra PP.
57. Structural Studies Reveal Unique Non-canonical Regulators of G Protein Signaling Homology (RH) Domains in Sorting Nexins.
J Mol Biol
2022 Sep 11
Zhang Y, Chen R, Dong Y
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