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2021 Jan (24)
1. The AlphaFold Database of Protein Structures: A Biologist's Guide.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
David A, Islam S, Tankhilevich E
2. Structure of the Human TELO2-TTI1-TTI2 Complex.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Kim Y, Park J, Joo SY
3. CTP-controlled liquid-liquid phase separation of ParB.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Babl L, Giacomelli G, Ramm B
4. D154Q Mutation does not Alter KRAS Dimerization.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Grozavu I, Stuart S, Lyakisheva A
5. Family-wide Characterization of Methylated DNA Binding Ability of Arabidopsis MBDs.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Wu Z, Chen S, Zhou M
6. Uniport, Not Proton-Symport, in a Non-Mammalian SLC23 Transporter.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Holzhüter K, Geertsma ER.
7. Building Structural Models of a Whole Mycoplasma Cell.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Maritan M, Autin L, Karr J
8. Yeast Proteins may Reversibly Aggregate like Amphiphilic Molecules.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Dasmeh P, Wagner A.
9. Multifaceted N-Degron Recognition and Ubiquitylation by GID/CTLH E3 Ligases.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Chrustowicz J, Sherpa D, Teyra J
10. Conformational Tuning of Amylin by Charged Styrene-Maleic-Acid Copolymers.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Sahoo BR, Souders CL 2nd, Watanabe-Nakayama T
11. Imatinib can act as an Allosteric Activator of Abl Kinase.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Xie T, Saleh T, Rossi P
12. Crystal Structure of the Core Module of the Yeast Paf1 Complex.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Chen F, Liu B, Zeng J
13. Structural and Functional Characterization of a Biliverdin-Binding Near-Infrared Fluorescent Protein From the Serpin Superfamily.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Manoilov KY, Ghosh A, Almo SC
14. Differential Activity of APOBEC3F, APOBEC3G, and APOBEC3H in the Restriction of HIV-2.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Meissner ME, Willkomm NA, Lucas J
15. Design for Solubility May Reveal Induction of Amide Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange by Protein Self-Association.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Trainor K, Doyle CM, Metcalfe-Roach A
16. Lnc-SMaRT Translational Regulation of Spire1, A New Player in Muscle Differentiation.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Scalzitti S, Mariani D, Setti A
17. Cholesterol-Mediated Clustering of the HIV Fusion Protein gp41 in Lipid Bilayers.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Tran N, Oh Y, Sutherland M
18. Glycosylation and Serological Reactivity of an Expression-enhanced SARS-CoV-2 Viral Spike Mimetic.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Chawla H, Jossi SE, Faustini SE
19. MicroRNA-101-3p Modulates Mitochondrial Metabolism via the Regulation of Complex II Assembly.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Ziemann M, Lim SC, Kang Y
20. A Model for the Signal Initiation Complex Between Arrestin-3 and the Src Family Kinase Fgr.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Perez I, Berndt S, Agarwal R
21. NusG-mediated Coupling of Transcription and Translation Enhances Gene Expression by Suppressing RNA Polymerase Backtracking.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Bailey EJ, Gottesman ME, Gonzalez RL Jr.
22. The Fragile X Proteins Differentially Regulate Translation of Reporter mRNAs with G-quadruplex Structures.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Edwards M, Joseph S.
23. Molecular Determinants in tRNA D-arm Required for Inhibition of HIV-1 Gag Membrane Binding.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Sumner C, Kotani O, Liu S
24. The Rate-limiting Step of DNA Synthesis by DNA Polymerase Occurs in the Fingers-closed Conformation.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Evans GW, Craggs T, Kapanidis AN.
25. Histone H3 Inhibits Ubiquitin-Ubiquitin Intermolecular Interactions to Enhance Binding to DNA Methyl Transferase 1.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Yasuda T, Morita R, Shigeta Y
26. Transport Across Two Membrane Bilayers in E. coli by Efflux Pumps of Different Dimensions.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Yang L, Pandeya A, Li L
27. Probing the Impact of Temperature and Substrates on the Conformational Dynamics of the Neurotransmitter:Sodium symporter LeuT.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Calugareanu D, Möller IR, Schmidt SG
28. Real-Time Single-Molecule Studies of RNA Polymerase-Promoter Open Complex Formation Reveal Substantial Heterogeneity Along the Promoter-Opening Pathway.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Malinen AM, Bakermans J, Aalto-Setälä E
29. Novel Bent Conformation of CD4 Induced by HIV-1 Inhibitor Indirectly Prevents Productive Viral Attachment.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Wensel D, Williams S, Dixon DP
30. Dynamics and Conformational Changes in Human NEIL2 DNA Glycosylase Analyzed by Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Zhdanova PV, Ishchenko AA, Chernonosov AA
31. The Final Maturation State of β-actin Involves N-terminal Acetylation by NAA80, not N-terminal Arginylation by ATE1.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Drazic A, Timmerman E, Kajan U
32. Structure of a Cell Entry Defective Human Adenovirus Provides Insights into Precursor Proteins and Capsid Maturation.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Yu X, Mullen TM, Abrishami V
33. Accurate Prediction of Protein Thermodynamic Stability Changes upon Residue Mutation using Free Energy Perturbation.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Scarabelli G, Oloo EO, Maier JKX
34. TomoFlow: Analysis of Continuous Conformational Variability of Macromolecules in Cryogenic Subtomograms based on 3D Dense Optical Flow.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Harastani M, Eltsov M, Leforestier A
35. HDX-MS and MD Simulations Provide Evidence for Stabilization of the IgG1-FcγRIa (CD64a) Immune Complex Through Intermolecular Glycoprotein Bonds.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Anderson KW, Bergonzo C, Scott K
36. Folding Steps in the Fibrillation of Functional Amyloid: Denaturant Sensitivity Reveals Common Features in Nucleation and Elongation.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Sønderby TV, Rasmussen HØ, Frank SA
37. The PI3 Kinase Complex II-PI3P-Vps27 Axis on Vacuolar Membranes is Critical for Microautophagy Induction and Nutrient Stress Adaptation.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Tasnin MN, Ito K, Katsuta H
38. Disulfide Bonds Play a Critical Role in the Structure and Function of the Receptor-binding Domain of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Antigen.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Grishin AM, Dolgova NV, Landreth S
39. Characterization of Sequence-Specific Binding of LARP6 to the 5' Stem-Loop of Type I Collagen mRNAs and Implications for Rational Design of Antifibrotic Drugs.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Stefanovic L, Gordon BH, Silvers R
40. Identification of Iron-Sulfur (Fe-S) Cluster and Zinc (Zn) Binding Sites Within Proteomes Predicted by DeepMind's AlphaFold2 Program Dramatically Expands the Metalloproteome.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Wehrspan ZJ, McDonnell RT, Elcock AH.
41. Crystal Structure of VpsR Revealed Novel Dimeric Architecture and c-di-GMP Binding Site: Mechanistic Implications in Oligomerization, ATPase Activity and DNA Binding.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Chakrabortty T, Roy Chowdhury S, Ghosh B
42. Uncovering Non-random Binary Patterns Within Sequences of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 30
Cohan MC, Shinn MK, Lalmansingh JM
43. Nuclear-Import Receptors Counter Deleterious Phase Transitions in Neurodegenerative Disease.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 15
Odeh HM, Fare CM, Shorter J.
44. Conformational Freedom and Topological Confinement of Proteins in Biomolecular Condensates.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 15
Scholl D, Deniz AA.
45. Prion Protein Biology Through the Lens of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 15
Agarwal A, Mukhopadhyay S.
46. Distinctive Network Topology of Phase-Separated Proteins in Human Interactome.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 15
Yu C, Lang Y, Hou C
47. Merging Established Mechanisms with New Insights: Condensates, Hubs, and the Regulation of RNA Polymerase II Transcription.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 15
Palacio M, Taatjes DJ.
48. Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation at the Plasma Membrane-Cytosol Interface: Common Players in Adhesion, Motility, and Synaptic Function.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 15
Ramella M, Ribolla LM, de Curtis I.
49. Sequence Determinants of the Aggregation of Proteins Within Condensates Generated by Liquid-liquid Phase Separation.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 15
Vendruscolo M, Fuxreiter M.
50. Phosphorylation tunes elongation propensity and cohesiveness of INCENP's intrinsically disordered region.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 15
Martin IM, Aponte-Santamaría C, Schmidt L
51. The Interplay Between Disordered Regions in RNAs and Proteins Modulates Interactions Within Stress Granules and Processing Bodies.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 15
Vandelli A, Cid Samper F, Torrent Burgas M
52. The Intrinsically Disordered Proteins MLLT3 (AF9) and MLLT1 (ENL) - Multimodal Transcriptional Switches With Roles in Normal Hematopoiesis, MLL Fusion Leukemia, and Kidney Cancer.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 15
Kabra A, Bushweller J.
53. The Diverse Functions of Small Heat Shock Proteins in the Proteostasis Network.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 15
Reinle K, Mogk A, Bukau B.
54. Nuclear Protein Condensates and Their Properties in Regulation of Gene Expression.
J Mol Biol
2022 Jan 15
Li W, Jiang H.
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