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1. R-SIM: A Database of Binding Affinities for RNA-small Molecule Interactions.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 7
Ramaswamy Krishnan S, Roy A, Michael Gromiha M.
2. Structural Basis for the SUMO2 Isoform Specificity of SENP7.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 30
Li Y, De Bolòs A, Amador V
3. An S-glutathiomimetic Provides Structural Insights into Stromal Interaction Molecule-1 Regulation.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 30
Sirko C, Novello MJ, Stathopulos PB.
4. SOX2 Modulates the Nuclear Organization and Transcriptional Activity of the Glucocorticoid Receptor.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 30
Stortz M, Oses C, Vázquez Echegaray C
5. Cryo-Electron Microscopy Reveals Cardiac Myosin Binding Protein-C M-Domain Interactions with the Thin Filament.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 30
Risi CM, Villanueva E, Belknap B
6. Intrinsically Unstructured Sequences in the mRNA 3' UTR Reduce the Ability of Poly(A) Tail to Enhance Translation.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 30
Lai WC, Zhu M, Belinite M
7. The Advanced Properties of Circularized MSP Nanodiscs Facilitate High-resolution NMR Studies of Membrane Proteins.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 30
Daniilidis M, Brandl MJ, Hagn F.
8. The Tobacco Mosaic Virus Origin of Assembly Sequence is Dispensable for Specific Viral RNA Encapsidation but Necessary for Initiating Assembly at a Single Site.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 30
Saunders K, Thuenemann EC, Peyret H
9. Unmasking the Conformational Stability and Inhibitor Binding to SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Active Site Mutants and Miniprecursor.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 30
Kovalevsky A, Coates L, Kneller DW
10. From Lysosomal Storage Disorders to Parkinson's Disease - Challenges and Opportunities.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 23
Mächtel R, Boros FA, Dobert JP
11. The Hidden Cell-to-Cell Trail of α-Synuclein Aggregates.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 22
Neupane S, De Cecco E, Aguzzi A.
12. Targeting G Protein-Coupled Receptors in the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 21
Jones-Tabah J.
13. Better Cryo-EM Specimen Preparation: How to Deal with the Air-Water Interface?
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 20
Liu N, Wang HW.
14. Dynamics of the Artemis and DNA-PKcs Complex in the Repair of Double-Strand Breaks.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 15
Watanabe G, Lieber MR.
15. Binding and Functional Folding (BFF): A Physiological Framework for Studying Biomolecular Interactions and Allostery.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 15
Young BD, Cook ME, Costabile BK
16. EGCG has Dual and Opposing Effects on the N-terminal Region of Self-associating α-synuclein Oligomers.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 15
Grønnemose AL, Østerlund EC, Otzen DE
17. Evolutionarily Conserved Proline Residues Impede the Misfolding of the Mouse Prion Protein by Destabilizing an Aggregation-competent Partially Unfolded Form.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 15
Pal S, Udgaonkar JB.
18. Structural Model of a Porphyromonas gingivalis type IX Secretion System Shuttle Complex.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 15
Dorgan B, Liu Y, Wang S
19. Effects of Mutations and Post-Translational Modifications on α-Synuclein In Vitro Aggregation.
J Mol Biol
2022 Dec 15
Pancoe SX, Wang YJ, Shimogawa M
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