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1. Competitive Microtubule Binding of PEX14 Coordinates Peroxisomal Protein Import and Motility.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 5
Reuter M, Kooshapur H, Suda JG
2. High-resolution Crystal Structure of Human pERp1, A Saposin-like Protein Involved in IgA, IgM and Integrin Maturation in the Endoplasmic Reticulum.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 5
Sowa ST, Moilanen A, Biterova E
3. ClpXP-mediated Degradation of the TAC Antitoxin is Neutralized by the SecB-like Chaperone in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 5
Texier P, Bordes P, Nagpal J
4. Membrane Binding and Homodimerization of Atg16 Via Two Distinct Protein Regions is Essential for Autophagy in Yeast.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 5
Popelka H, Reinhart EF, Metur SP
5. Dynamic Processing of a Common Oxidative DNA Lesion by the First Two Enzymes of the Base Excision Repair Pathway.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 5
Raper AT, Maxwell BA, Suo Z.
6. Discriminative SKP2 Interactions with CDK-Cyclin Complexes Support a Cyclin A-Specific Role in p27KIP1 Degradation.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 5
Salamina M, Montefiore BC, Liu M
7. Probing Interdomain Linkers and Protein Supertertiary Structure In Vitro and in Live Cells with Fluorescent Protein Resonance Energy Transfer.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 5
Basak S, Sakia N, Dougherty L
8. Identification of a Catalytic Active but Non-Aggregating MDM2 RING Domain Variant.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 5
Magnussen HM, Huang DT.
9. Beyond the Nucleosome: Nucleosome-Protein Interactions and Higher Order Chromatin Structure.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Lobbia VR, Trueba Sanchez MC, van Ingen H.
10. Linker DNA Length is a Key to Tri-nucleosome Folding.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Kenzaki H, Takada S.
11. Breaths, Twists, and Turns of Atomistic Nucleosomes.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Huertas J, Cojocaru V.
12. Binding Dynamics of Disordered Linker Histone H1 with a Nucleosomal Particle.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Wu H, Dalal Y, Papoian GA.
13. DNA mechanics and its biological impact.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Basu A, Bobrovnikov DG, Ha T.
14. CENP-A Nucleosome is a Sensitive Allosteric Scaffold for DNA and Chromatin Factors.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Doğan D, Arslan M, Uluçay T
15. Archaea: The Final Frontier of Chromatin.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Laursen SP, Bowerman S, Luger K.
16. Nano-Surveillance: Tracking Individual Molecules in a Sea of Chromatin.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Melters DP, Dalal Y.
17. A Scalable Computational Approach for Simulating Complexes of Multiple Chromosomes.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Oliveira Junior AB, Contessoto VG, Mello MF
18. Human Histone Interaction Networks: An Old Concept, New Trends.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Peng Y, Markov Y, Goncearenco A
19. Contributions of Histone Variants in Nucleosome Structure and Function.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Kurumizaka H, Kujirai T, Takizawa Y.
20. CpG Islands Shape the Epigenome Landscape.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Papin C, Le Gras S, Ibrahim A
21. Structures of Native-like Nucleosomes: One Step Closer toward Understanding the Structure and Function of Chromatin.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Bai Y, Zhou BR.
22. Nucleosome Positioning and Spacing: From Mechanism to Function.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Singh AK, Mueller-Planitz F.
23. Nucleosome Clutches are Regulated by Chromatin Internal Parameters.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Portillo-Ledesma S, Tsao LH, Wagley M
24. Significant compaction of H4 histone tail upon charge neutralization by acetylation and its mimics, possible effects on chromatin structure.
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Shabane PS, Onufriev AV.
25. The Elusive Structure of Centro-Chromatin: Molecular Order or Dynamic Heterogenetity?
J Mol Biol
2021 Mar 19
Nagpal H, Fierz B.
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