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1. The Role of the Membrane in Transporter Folding and Activity.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 6
Ernst M, Robertson JL.
2. Structural Basis of Substrate-Independent Phosphorylation in a P4-ATPase Lipid Flippase.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 6
Timcenko M, Dieudonné T, Montigny C
3. Structural Insights into Transporter-Mediated Drug Resistance in Infectious Diseases.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 6
Kim J, Cater RJ, Choy BC
4. The Groovy TMEM16 Family: Molecular Mechanisms of Lipid Scrambling and Ion Conduction.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 6
Kalienkova V, Clerico Mosina V, Paulino C.
5. N-terminal Transmembrane-Helix Epitope Tag for X-ray Crystallography and Electron Microscopy of Small Membrane Proteins.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 6
McIlwain BC, Erwin AL, Davis AR
6. The Crystal Structure of the Ca(2+)-ATPase 1 from Listeria monocytogenes reveals a Pump Primed for Dephosphorylation.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 6
Hansen SB, Dyla M, Neumann C
7. High-Resolution Views and Transport Mechanisms of the NKCC1 and KCC Transporters.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 6
Chew TA, Zhang J, Feng L.
8. Principles of Alternating Access in Multidrug and Toxin Extrusion (MATE) Transporters.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 6
Claxton DP, Jagessar KL, Mchaourab HS.
9. Building Better Barrels - β-barrel Biogenesis and Insertion in Bacteria and Mitochondria.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 6
Diederichs KA, Buchanan SK, Botos I.
10. Molecular Mechanism of Nramp-Family Transition Metal Transport.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 6
Bozzi AT, Gaudet R.
11. Molecular Mechanisms for Bacterial Potassium Homeostasis.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 6
Stautz J, Hellmich Y, Fuss MF
12. A Conserved Motif in Intracellular Loop 1 Stabilizes the Outward-Facing Conformation of TmrAB.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 6
Millan CR, Francis M, Khandelwal NK
13. Context-dependent Cryptic Roles of Specific Residues in Substrate Selectivity of the UapA Purine Transporter.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 6
Kourkoulou A, Zantza I, Foti K
14. Elephants in the Dark: Insights and Incongruities in Pentameric Ligand-gated Ion Channel Models.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 20
Howard RJ.
15. Mapping Electromechanical Coupling Pathways in Voltage-Gated Ion Channels: Challenges and the Way Forward.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 20
Cowgill J, Chanda B.
16. From Bench to Biomolecular Simulation: Phospholipid Modulation of Potassium Channels.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 20
Pipatpolkai T, Quetschlich D, Stansfeld PJ.
17. Structure and Sequence-based Computational Approaches to Allosteric Signal Transduction: Application to Electromechanical Coupling in Voltage-gated Ion Channels.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 20
Elbahnsi A, Delemotte L.
18. On the molecular nature of large-pore channels.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 20
Syrjanen J, Michalski K, Kawate T
19. Unstructural Biology of TRP Ion Channels: The Role of Intrinsically Disordered Regions in Channel Function and Regulation.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 20
Goretzki B, Guhl C, Tebbe F
20. Small Molecular Inhibitors Block TRPM4 Currents in Prostate Cancer Cells, with Limited Impact on Cancer Hallmark Functions.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 20
Borgström A, Hauert B, Kappel S
21. Cation-π Interactions and their Functional Roles in Membrane Proteins.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 20
Infield DT, Rasouli A, Galles GD
22. The Persistent Question of Potassium Channel Permeation Mechanisms.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 20
Mironenko A, Zachariae U, de Groot BL
23. Structural Insights into the Mechanisms and Pharmacology of K(2P) Potassium Channels.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 20
Natale AM, Deal PE, Minor DL Jr.
24. A Molecular Lid Mechanism of K(+) Channel Blocker Action Revealed by a Cone Peptide.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 20
Saikia C, Dym O, Altman-Gueta H
25. Gating-related Structural Dynamics of the MgtE Magnesium Channel in Membrane-Mimetics Utilizing Site-Directed Tryptophan Fluorescence.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 20
Chatterjee S, Brahma R, Raghuraman H.
26. Structural Pharmacology of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 20
Noreng S, Li T, Payandeh J.
27. Structural Pharmacology of TRP Channels.
J Mol Biol
2021 Aug 20
Zhao Y, McVeigh BM, Moiseenkova-Bell VY.
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