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20 2 (128)
1. Automating medical simulations.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Gershov S, Braunold D, Spektor R
2. ICD2Vec: Mathematical representation of diseases.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Lee YC, Jung SH, Kumar A
3. KEBLM: Knowledge-Enhanced Biomedical Language Models.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Lai TM, Zhai C, Ji H.
4. Sentiment analysis of clinical narratives: A scoping review.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Denecke K, Reichenpfader D.
5. Contextualized medication event extraction with levitated markers.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Vasilakes J, Georgiadis P, Nguyen NTH
6. What is data stewardship? Towards a comprehensive understanding.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Wendelborn C, Anger M, Schickhardt C.
7. Integrating domain knowledge for biomedical text analysis into deep learning: A survey.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Cai L, Li J, Lv H
8. Meaningful time-related aspects of alerts in Clinical Decision Support Systems. A unified framework.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Cánovas-Segura B, Morales A, Juarez JM
9. Trends and opportunities in computable clinical phenotyping: A scoping review.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
He T, Belouali A, Patricoski J
10. Deep imputation of missing values in time series health data: A review with benchmarking.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Kazijevs M, Samad MD.
11. A systematic review of computational approaches to understand cancer biology for informed drug repurposing.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Ahmed F, Samantasinghar A, Soomro AM
12. Deep learning prediction models based on EHR trajectories: A systematic review.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Amirahmadi A, Ohlsson M, Etminani K.
13. Few-shot learning for medical text: A review of advances, trends, and opportunities.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Ge Y, Guo Y, Das S
14. Why is biomedical informatics hard? A fundamental framework.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Johnson TR, Bernstam EV.
15. Explainable clinical coding with in-domain adapted transformers.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
López-García G, Jerez JM, Ribelles N
16. Parea: Multi-view ensemble clustering for cancer subtype discovery.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Pfeifer B, Bloice MD, Schimek MG.
17. Novel evaluation approach for molecular signature-based deconvolution methods.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Nava A, Alves da Quinta D, Prato L
18. Integrating statistical and visual analytic methods for bot identification of health-related survey data.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Chen AT, Komi M, Bessler S
19. Towards electronic health record-based medical knowledge graph construction, completion, and applications: A literature study.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Murali L, Gopakumar G, Viswanathan DM
20. The use of artificial intelligence for automating or semi-automating biomedical literature analyses: A scoping review.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Santos ÁOD, da Silva ES, Couto LM
21. The need for multimodal health data modeling: A practical approach for a federated-learning healthcare platform.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Cremonesi F, Planat V, Kalokyri V
22. Overview of the 2022 n2c2 shared task on contextualized medication event extraction in clinical notes.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Mahajan D, Liang JJ, Tsou CH
23. A systematic review on machine learning approaches in the diagnosis and prognosis of rare genetic diseases.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Roman-Naranjo P, Parra-Perez AM, Lopez-Escamez JA.
24. MAM: Flexible Monte-Carlo Agent based model for modelling COVID-19 spread.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
De-Leon H, Aran D.
25. Self-prediction of relations in GO facilitates its quality auditing.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Chen C, Luo L, Zheng C
26. Localizing in-domain adaptation of transformer-based biomedical language models.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Buonocore TM, Crema C, Redolfi A
27. Large-scale neural biomedical entity linking with layer overwriting.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Tsujimura T, Miwa M, Sasaki Y.
28. Multimodal learning on graphs for disease relation extraction.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Lin Y, Lu K, Yu S
29. Contextualized medication information extraction using Transformer-based deep learning architectures.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Chen A, Yu Z, Yang X
30. Biomedical document relation extraction with prompt learning and KNN.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Zhao D, Yang Y, Chen P
31. The use of networks in spatial and temporal computational models for outbreak spread in epidemiology: A systematic review.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Pujante-Otalora L, Canovas-Segura B, Campos M
32. Taxonomy of hybrid architectures involving rule-based reasoning and machine learning in clinical decision systems: A scoping review.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Kierner S, Kucharski J, Kierner Z.
33. Understanding common key indicators of successful and unsuccessful cancer drug trials using a contrast mining framework on ClinicalTrials.gov.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Chang SK, Liu D, Mitchem J
34. A Few-shot learning approach for Monkeypox recognition from a cross-domain perspective.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Chen B, Han Y, Yan L.
35. GENA: A knowledge graph for nutrition and mental health.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Dang LD, Phan UTP, Nguyen NTH.
36. Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease using hypergraph p-Laplacian regularized multi-task feature learning.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Ban Y, Lao H, Li B
37. Individual health-disease phase diagrams for disease prevention based on machine learning.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Nakamura K, Uchino E, Sato N
38. Annotated dataset creation through large language models for non-english medical NLP.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Frei J, Kramer F.
39. A deep learning approach for medication disposition and corresponding attributes extraction.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Gan Q, Hu M, Peterson KS
40. A data-driven approach to optimizing clinical study eligibility criteria.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Fang Y, Liu H, Idnay B
41. APLUS: A Python library for usefulness simulations of machine learning models in healthcare.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Wornow M, Gyang Ross E, Callahan A
42. A hybrid system to understand the relations between assessments and plans in progress notes.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Gao J, He S, Hu J
43. Left ventricle segmentation combining deep learning and deformable models with anatomical constraints.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
A O Ribeiro M, L S Nunes F.
44. Tracking clusters of patients over time enables extracting information from medico-administrative databases.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Lambert J, Leutenegger AL, Jannot AS
45. Developing a Knowledge Graph for Pharmacokinetic Natural Product-Drug Interactions.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Taneja SB, Callahan TJ, Paine MF
46. A statistical comparison between Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC), prevalence threshold, and Fowlkes-Mallows index.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Chicco D, Jurman G.
47. Contextualized medication event extraction with striding NER and multi-turn QA.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Tsujimura T, Yamada K, Ida R
48. A drug molecular classification model based on graph structure generation.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Che L, Jin Y, Shi Y
49. Retrieve and rerank for automated ICD coding via Contrastive Learning.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Niu K, Wu Y, Li Y
50. Identifying acute kidney injury subphenotypes using an outcome-driven deep-learning approach.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Tan Y, Huang J, Zhuang J
51. From centralized to ad-hoc knowledge base construction for hypotheses generation.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Launer-Wachs S, Taub-Tabib H, Madem JT
52. ADPG: Biomedical entity recognition based on Automatic Dependency Parsing Graph.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Yang Y, Lin H, Yang Z
53. Learning to rank query expansion terms for COVID-19 scholarly search.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Khader A, Ensan F.
54. Exploring a deep learning neural architecture for closed Literature-based discovery.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Cuffy C, McInnes BT.
55. Representing and utilizing clinical textual data for real world studies: An OHDSI approach.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Keloth VK, Banda JM, Gurley M
56. Supervised Relevance-Redundancy assessments for feature selection in omics-based classification scenarios.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Cascianelli S, Galzerano A, Masseroli M.
57. Creating an ignorance-base: Exploring known unknowns in the scientific literature.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Boguslav MR, Salem NM, White EK
58. Exploring the potential impact of multi-factor precision interventions in Alzheimer's disease with system dynamics.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Uleman JF, Melis RJF, Hoekstra AG
59. A robust phenotype-driven likelihood ratio analysis approach assisting interpretable clinical diagnosis of rare diseases.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Yang J, Shu L, Duan H
60. MedKPL: A heterogeneous knowledge enhanced prompt learning framework for transferable diagnosis.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Lu Y, Liu X, Du Z
61. Enhancing early autism prediction based on electronic records using clinical narratives.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Chen J, Engelhard M, Henao R
62. Discovering interpretable medical process models: A case study in trauma resuscitation.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Li K, Marsic I, Sarcevic A
63. Multi-ethnic Imputation System (MI-System): A genotype imputation server for high-dimensional data.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Chattopadhyay A, Lee CY, Shen YC
64. Using Markov chains and temporal alignment to identify clinical patterns in Dementia.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Costa LM, Colaço J, Carvalho AM
65. Meta-analysis informed machine learning: Supporting cytokine storm detection during CAR-T cell Therapy.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Bogatu A, Wysocka M, Wysocki O
66. A fuzzy-based framework for diagnosing esophageal mobility disorder using high-resolution manometry.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Rafieivand S, Moradi MH, Momayez Sanat Z
67. Deep learning prediction of motor performance in stroke individuals using neuroimaging data.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Karakis R, Gurkahraman K, Mitsis GD
68. WindowSHAP: An efficient framework for explaining time-series classifiers based on Shapley values.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Nayebi A, Tipirneni S, Reddy CK
69. Multi-task learning with dynamic re-weighting to achieve fairness in healthcare predictive modeling.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Li C, Ding S, Zou N
70. Associating biological context with protein-protein interactions through text mining at PubMed scale.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Sosa DN, Hintzen R, Xiong B
71. Semi-supervised calibration of noisy event risk (SCANER) with electronic health records.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Hong C, Liang L, Yuan Q
72. Graph-based clinical recommender: Predicting specialists procedure orders using graph representation learning.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Fouladvand S, Gomez FR, Nilforoshan H
73. A method for extracting tumor events from clinical CT examination reports.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Pan Q, Zhao F, Chen X
74. A utility-based machine learning-driven personalized lifestyle recommendation for cardiovascular disease prevention.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Dogan A, Li Y, Peter Odo C
75. Achieving trust in health-behavior-change artificial intelligence apps (HBC-AIApp) development: A multi-perspective guide.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Levy M, Pauzner M, Rosenblum S
76. Measuring the cognitive effort associated with task switching in routine EHR-based tasks.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Bartek B, Lou SS, Kannampallil T.
77. A hierarchical strategy to minimize privacy risk when linking "De-identified" data in biomedical research consortia.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Ohno-Machado L, Jiang X, Kuo TT
78. ViPal: A framework for virulence prediction of influenza viruses with prior viral knowledge using genomic sequences.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Yin R, Luo Z, Zhuang P
79. Development of a somatic variant registry in a National Cancer Center: towards Molecular Real World Data preparedness.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Betti M, Maria Salzano C, Massacci A
80. A Multidatabase ExTRaction PipEline (METRE) for facile cross validation in critical care research.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Liao W, Voldman J.
81. Learning end-to-end patient representations through self-supervised covariate balancing for causal treatment effect estimation.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Tesei G, Giampanis S, Shi J
82. Graph embedding-based link prediction for literature-based discovery in Alzheimer's Disease.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Pu Y, Beck D, Verspoor K.
83. Generating synthetic personal health data using conditional generative adversarial networks combining with differential privacy.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Sun C, van Soest J, Dumontier M.
84. Offline reinforcement learning for safer blood glucose control in people with type 1 diabetes.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Emerson H, Guy M, McConville R.
85. LGTRL-DE: Local and Global Temporal Representation Learning with Demographic Embedding for in-hospital mortality prediction.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Zou M, An Y, Kuang H
86. AwarNS: A framework for developing context-aware reactive mobile applications for health and mental health.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
González-Pérez A, Matey-Sanz M, Granell C
87. Diagnostic rate estimation from Medicare records: Dependence on claim numbers and latent clinical features.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Hogans B, Siaton B, Sorkin J.
88. Who needs what (features) when? Personalizing engagement with data-driven self-management to improve health equity.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Burgermaster M, Desai PM, Heitkemper EM
89. An omics data analysis method based on feature linear relationship and graph convolutional network.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Zhang Y, Lin X, Gao Z
90. Predicting relations between SOAP note sections: The value of incorporating a clinical information model.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Socrates V, Gilson A, Lopez K
91. Lessons learned to enable question answering on knowledge graphs extracted from scientific publications: A case study on the coronavirus literature.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Badenes-Olmedo C, Corcho O.
92. Discharge summary hospital course summarisation of in patient Electronic Health Record text with clinical concept guided deep pre-trained Transformer models.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Searle T, Ibrahim Z, Teo J
93. Deep learning and Gaussian Mixture Modelling clustering mix. A new approach for fetal morphology view plane differentiation.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Belciug S, Iliescu DG.
94. Attention-based multimodal fusion with contrast for robust clinical prediction in the face of missing modalities.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Liu J, Capurro D, Nguyen A
95. AD-BERT: Using pre-trained language model to predict the progression from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Mao C, Xu J, Rasmussen L
96. Interpretable physiological forecasting in the ICU using constrained data assimilation and electronic health record data.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Albers D, Sirlanci M, Levine M
97. Eos and OMOCL: Towards a seamless integration of openEHR records into the OMOP Common Data Model.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Kohler S, Boscá D, Kärcher F
98. Integration of Mendelian randomisation and systems biology models to identify novel blood-based biomarkers for stroke.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Islam T, Rahman MR, Khan A
99. HLA amino acid Mismatch-Based risk stratification of kidney allograft failure using a novel Machine learning algorithm.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Dasariraju S, Gragert L, Wager GL
100. Medical multivariate time series imputation and forecasting based on a recurrent conditional Wasserstein GAN and attention.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Festag S, Spreckelsen C.
101. Medication event extraction in clinical notes: Contribution of the WisPerMed team to the n2c2 2022 challenge.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Schäfer H, Idrissi-Yaghir A, Bewersdorff J
102. Utilizing shared frailty with the Cox proportional hazards regression: Post discharge survival analysis of CHF patients.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Ben-Assuli O, Ramon-Gonen R, Heart T
103. A community-of-practice-based evaluation methodology for knowledge intensive computational methods and its application to multimorbidity decision support.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Van Woensel W, Tu SW, Michalowski W
104. Sequential data mining of infection patterns as predictors for onset of type 1 diabetes in genetically at-risk individuals.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Mistry S, Gouripeddi R, Raman V
105. A self-supervised learning-based approach to clustering multivariate time-series data with missing values (SLAC-Time): An application to TBI phenotyping.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Ghaderi H, Foreman B, Nayebi A
106. Synergy between imputed genetic pathway and clinical information for predicting recurrence in early stage non-small cell lung cancer.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Timilsina M, Fey D, Buosi S
107. Progress Note Understanding - Assessment and Plan Reasoning: Overview of the 2022 N2C2 Track 3 shared task.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Gao Y, Dligach D, Miller T
108. Representation of time-varying and time-invariant EMR data and its application in modeling outcome prediction for heart failure patients.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Huang Y, Wang M, Zheng Z
109. Integrating differential expression, co-expression and gene network analysis for the identification of common genes associated with tumor angiogenesis deregulation.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Monterde B, Rojano E, Córdoba-Caballero J
110. StepAdd: A personalized mHealth intervention based on social cognitive theory to increase physical activity among type 2 diabetes patients.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Sze WT, Waki K, Enomoto S
111. Principled estimation and evaluation of treatment effect heterogeneity: A case study application to dabigatran for patients with atrial fibrillation.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Xu Y, Bechler K, Callahan A
112. Generating synthetic clinical data that capture class imbalanced distributions with generative adversarial networks: Example using antiretroviral therapy for HIV.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Kuo NI, Garcia F, Sönnerborg A
113. Deep learning to refine the identification of high-quality clinical research articles from the biomedical literature: Performance evaluation.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Lokker C, Bagheri E, Abdelkader W
114. Padé approximant meets federated learning: A nearly lossless, one-shot algorithm for evidence synthesis in distributed research networks with rare outcomes.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Wu Q, Schuemie MJ, Suchard MA
115. Increasing physical activity using an just-in-time adaptive digital assistant supported by machine learning: A novel approach for hyper-personalised mHealth interventions.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Vandelanotte C, Trost S, Hodgetts D
116. A novel gluten knowledge base of potential biomedical and health-related interactions extracted from the literature: Using machine learning and graph analysis methodologies to reconstruct the bibliome.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Pérez-Pérez M, Ferreira T, Igrejas G
117. A cohort of patients in New York State with an alcohol use disorder and subsequent treatment information - A merging of two administrative data sources.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Lu CH, Jette G, Falls Z
118. Causal feature selection using a knowledge graph combining structured knowledge from the biomedical literature and ontologies: A use case studying depression as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Malec SA, Taneja SB, Albert SM
119. Discerning conversational context in online health communities for personalized digital behavior change solutions using Pragmatics to Reveal Intent in Social Media (PRISM) framework.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Singh T, Roberts K, Cohen T
120. Optimization of an adverse outcome pathway network on chemical-induced cholestasis using an artificial intelligence-assisted data collection and confidence level quantification approach.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
van Ertvelde J, Verhoeven A, Maerten A
121. Integrating a new knowledge organisation system for monoclonal antibodies for therapeutic use authorised in Europe into HeTOP terminology-ontology server.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Léguillon R, Gosselin L, Carnoy C
122. SPBERE: Boosting span-based pipeline biomedical entity and relation extraction via entity information.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Yang C, Deng J, Chen X
123. Aligned deep neural network for integrative analysis with high-dimensional input.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Zhang S, Zhang S, Yi H
124. Explainable discovery of disease biomarkers: The case of ovarian cancer to illustrate the best practice in machine learning and Shapley analysis.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Huang W, Suominen H, Liu T
125. Extracting biomedical relation from cross-sentence text using syntactic dependency graph attention network.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Zhou X, Fu Q, Chen J
126. Effective matching of patients to clinical trials using entity extraction and neural re-ranking.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Kusa W, Mendoza ÓE, Knoth P
127. An open source corpus and automatic tool for section identification in Spanish health records.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
de la Iglesia I, Vivó M, Chocrón P
128. Detection of valvular heart diseases combining orthogonal non-negative matrix factorization and convolutional neural networks in PCG signals.
J Biomed Inform
20 2 3
Torre-Cruz J, Canadas-Quesada F, Ruiz-Reyes N
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