期刊文献 > Trends Biotechnol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (4)
2023 Aug (5)
2023 Jul (13)
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2023 Feb (5)
2023 Jan (24)
2022 Dec (15)
2022 Nov (8)
2022 Oct (6)
2022 Sep (7)
2022 Aug (3)
20 2 (38)
1. Evading and overcoming AAV neutralization in gene therapy.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 9
Earley J, Piletska E, Ronzitti G
2. Comparison of CRISPR/Cas and Argonaute for nucleic acid tests.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 6
Li Y, Liao D, Kou J
3. Sustainable algal biorefineries: capitalizing on many benefits of GABA.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 3
Arora N, Nanda M, Kumar V.
4. Realizing algae value chains in arid environments: an Arabian Peninsula perspective.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 27
Schipper K, Al Jabri HMSJ, Wijffels RH
5. Biosensors for healthcare: current and future perspectives.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 23
Kim ER, Joe C, Mitchell RJ
6. Millet-inspired systems metabolic engineering of NUE in crops.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 22
Babele PK, Srivastava A, Selim KA
7. Emerging immunomodulatory strategies for cell therapeutics.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 20
Chua CYX, Jiang AY, Eufrásio-da-Silva T
8. We need to talk about disruption in bioethics: a commentary on Rueda, Pugh and Savulescu.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 19
De Proost M, Segers S.
9. Tuning chitosan's chemical structure for enhanced biological functions.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 17
Aghbashlo M, Amiri H, Moosavi Basri SM
10. Synthetic biology of extremophiles: a new wave of biomanufacturing.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 17
Ye JW, Lin YN, Yi XQ
11. Tandem chemocatalysis and biological funneling to valorize lignin.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 17
Werner AZ, Eltis LD.
12. Tapping the potential of Gram-positive bacteria for bioelectrochemical applications.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 17
Dundas CM, Keitz BK.
13. Engineering yeast for industrial-level production of the antimalarial drug artemisinin.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 15
Smith AB, Chekan JR.
14. Breaking the resolution limits of 3D bioprinting: future opportunities and present challenges.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 10
Zandrini T, Florczak S, Levato R
15. Improving crop genetic transformation to feed the world.
Trends Biotechnol
2022 Dec 10
Legendre M, Demirer GS.
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