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20 2 (44)
1. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples help to investigate transcriptomic responses in wildlife disease.
Mol Ecol Resour
2023 May 7
Miller AK, Brosnahan CL, Pande A
2. Toward absolute abundance for conservation applications: Estimating the number of contributors via microhaplotype genotyping of mixed-DNA samples.
Mol Ecol Resour
2023 May 31
Shi Y, Dick CM, Karpan K
3. Genomic and machine learning-based screening of aquaculture-associated introgression into at-risk wild North American Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations.
Mol Ecol Resour
2023 May 28
Nugent CM, Kess T, Brachmann MK
4. Whole genome sequencing of Penicillium and Burkholderia strains antagonistic to the causal agent of kauri dieback disease (Phytophthora agathidicida) reveals biosynthetic gene clusters related to antimicrobial secondary metabolites.
Mol Ecol Resour
2023 May 20
Byers AK, Condron L, O'Callaghan M
5. The role of oceanic currents in the dispersal and connectivity of the mangrove Rhizophora mangle on the Southwest Atlantic region.
Mol Ecol Resour
2023 May 12
Madeira AG, Tsuda Y, Nagano Y
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