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20 2 (44)
1. Genomes of two Extinct-in-the-Wild reptiles from Christmas Island reveal distinct evolutionary histories and conservation insights.
Mol Ecol Resour
2023 Mar 5
Dodge TO, Farquharson KA, Ford C
2. The practice and promise of temporal genomics for measuring evolutionary responses to global change.
Mol Ecol Resour
2023 Mar 24
Clark RD, Catalano KA, Fitz KS
3. The promise and challenges of characterizing genome-wide structural variants: A case study in a critically endangered parrot.
Mol Ecol Resour
2023 Mar 14
Wold JR, Guhlin JG, Dearden PK
4. Maintenance of genetic diversity in subdivided populations using genomic coancestry matrices.
Mol Ecol Resour
2023 Mar 12
Morales-González E, Villanueva B, Toro MÁ
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