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20 2 (61)
1. Entropy predicts sensitivity of pseudorandom seeds.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Maier BD, Sahlin K.
2. Ultrafast genome-wide inference of pairwise coalescence times.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Schweiger R, Durbin R.
3. Efficient taxa identification using a pangenome index.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Ahmed O, Rossi M, Boucher C
4. Genomic insights into metabolic flux in hummingbirds.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Gershman A, Hauck Q, Dick M
5. Inferring the mode and strength of ongoing selection.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Barroso GV, Lohmueller KE.
6. Challenges and considerations for reproducibility of STARR-seq assays.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Das M, Hossain A, Banerjee D
7. Genealogical inference and more flexible sequence clustering using iterative-PopPUNK.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Zhao B, Lees JA, Wu H
8. Aligning distant sequences to graphs using long seed sketches.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Joudaki A(#), Meterez A(#), Mustafa H
9. Assessing transcriptomic reidentification risks using discriminative sequence models.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Sadhuka S, Fridman D, Berger B
10. Genome-wide identification of tandem repeats associated with splicing variation across 49 tissues in humans.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Hamanaka K, Yamauchi D, Koshimizu E
11. Multiplexed long-read plasmid validation and analysis using OnRamp.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Mumm C(#), Drexel ML(#), McDonald TL
12. Genomic sketching with multiplicities and locality-sensitive hashing using Dashing 2.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Baker DN, Langmead B.
13. Targeted, programmable, and precise tandem duplication in the mammalian genome.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Jiao Y(#), Li M(#), He X(#)
14. Simultaneous profiling of host expression and microbial abundance by spatial metatranscriptome sequencing.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Lyu L(#), Li X(#), Feng R(#)
15. Genome-scale targeted mutagenesis in Brassica napus using a pooled CRISPR library.
Genome Res
20 2 3
He J(#), Zhang K(#), Yan S
16. Comparing genomic and epigenomic features across species using the WashU Comparative Epigenome Browser.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Zhuo X, Hsu S, Purushotham D
17. The motif composition of variable number tandem repeats impacts gene expression.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Lu TY, Smaruj PN, Fudenberg G
18. A single-cell transcriptome atlas of the maturing zebrafish telencephalon.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Pandey S, Moyer AJ, Thyme SB.
19. Modeling and predicting cancer clonal evolution with reinforcement learning.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Ivanovic S, El-Kebir M.
20. Leveraging protein language models for accurate multiple sequence alignments.
Genome Res
20 2 3
McWhite CD, Armour-Garb I, Singh M.
21. Integration site-dependent HIV-1 promoter activity shapes host chromatin conformation.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Collora JA, Ho YC.
22. Genome enrichment of rare and unknown species from complicated microbiomes by nanopore selective sequencing.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Sun Y(#), Cheng Z(#), Li X
23. Tn5 tagments and transposes oligos to single-stranded DNA for strand-specific RNA sequencing.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Zhang Y(#), Tang Y(#), Sun Z
24. CRISPR-Cas9-based repeat depletion for high-throughput genotyping of complex plant genomes.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Rossato M(#), Marcolungo L(#), De Antoni L
25. Complete sequencing of a cynomolgus macaque major histocompatibility complex haplotype.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Karl JA(#), Prall TM(#), Bussan HE
26. Extremely fast construction and querying of compacted and colored de Bruijn graphs with GGCAT.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Cracco A, Tomescu AI.
27. Large haplotypes highlight a complex age structure within the maize pan-genome.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Liu J, Dawe RK.
28. Accurate transcriptome-wide identification and quantification of alternative polyadenylation from RNA-seq data with APAIQ.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Long Y(#), Zhang B(#), Tian S(#)
29. Discordant calls across genotype discovery approaches elucidate variants with systematic errors.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Atkinson EG(#), Artomov M(#), Loboda AA
30. Density separation of petrous bone powders for optimized ancient DNA yields.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Fernandes DM, Sirak KA, Cheronet O
31. Enhancers display constrained sequence flexibility and context-specific modulation of motif function.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Reiter F(#), de Almeida BP(#), Stark A.
32. Kinetic networks identify TWIST2 as a key regulatory node in adipogenesis.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Dutta AB, Lank DS, Przanowska RK
33. Efficient and accurate KIR and HLA genotyping with massively parallel sequencing data.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Song L, Bai G, Liu XS
34. Efficient mapping of accurate long reads in minimizer space with mapquik.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Ekim B, Sahlin K, Medvedev P
35. Incomplete erasure of histone marks during epigenetic reprogramming in medaka early development.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Fukushima HS, Takeda H, Nakamura R.
36. Efficient minimizer orders for large values of k using minimum decycling sets.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Pellow D, Pu L, Ekim B
37. Accurate integration of multiple heterogeneous single-cell RNA-seq data sets by learning contrastive biological variation.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Zhou Y, Sheng Q, Qi J
38. Defining the separation landscape of topological domains for decoding consensus domain organization of the 3D genome.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Dang D, Zhang SW, Duan R
39. Enabling tradeoffs in privacy and utility in genomic data Beacons and summary statistics.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Venkatesaramani R, Wan Z, Malin BA
40. Global loss of cellular m(6)A RNA methylation following infection with different SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Vaid R(#), Mendez A(#), Thombare K
41. Variation in mutation, recombination, and transposition rates in Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Wang Y, McNeil P, Abdulazeez R
42. Accurate sequencing of DNA motifs able to form alternative (non-B) structures.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Weissensteiner MH(#), Cremona MA(#), Guiblet WM
43. Variation in histone configurations correlates with gene expression across nine inbred strains of mice.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Tyler AL(#), Spruce C(#), Kursawe R
44. SWATH-MS-based proteogenomic analysis reveals the involvement of alternative splicing in poplar upon lead stress.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Zhu FY(#), Chen X(#), Song YC(#)
45. MYT1L is required for suppressing earlier neuronal development programs in the adult mouse brain.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Chen J, Fuhler NA, Noguchi KK
46. Improving quartet graph construction for scalable and accurate species tree estimation from gene trees.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Han Y, Molloy EK.
47. Characterizing the targets of transcription regulators by aggregating ChIP-seq and perturbation expression data sets.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Morin A, Chu EC, Sharma A
48. Single-cell methylation sequencing data reveal succinct metastatic migration histories and tumor progression models.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Liu Y(#), Li XC(#), Rashidi Mehrabadi F(#)
49. A fast and scalable method for inferring phylogenetic networks from trees by aligning lineage taxon strings.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Zhang L, Abhari N, Colijn C
50. The fine-scale recombination rate variation and associations with genomic features in a butterfly.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Palahí I Torres A, Höök L, Näsvall K
51. A sheep pangenome reveals the spectrum of structural variations and their effects on tail phenotypes.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Li R(#), Gong M(#), Zhang X(#)
52. High resolution genomes of multiple Xiphophorus species provide new insights into microevolution, hybrid incompatibility, and epistasis.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Lu Y(#), Rice E(#), Du K
53. The impact of SWI/SNF and NuRD inactivation on gene expression is tightly coupled with levels of RNA polymerase II occupancy at promoters.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Pundhir S(#), Su J(#), Tapia M
54. Plant polymerase IV sensitizes chromatin through histone modifications to preclude spread of silencing into protein-coding domains.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Hari Sundar G V, Swetha C, Basu D
55. Population genomics reveals mechanisms and dynamics of de novo expressed open reading frame emergence in Drosophila melanogaster.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Grandchamp A, Kühl L, Lebherz M
56. Deriving confidence intervals for mutation rates across a wide range of evolutionary distances using FracMinHash.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Rahman Hera M, Pierce-Ward NT, Koslicki D.
57. A novel quantitative trait locus implicates Msh3 in the propensity for genome-wide short tandem repeat expansions in mice.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Maksimov MO(#), Wu C(#), Ashbrook DG
58. Motif conservation, stability, and host gene expression are the main drivers of snoRNA expression across vertebrates.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Fafard-Couture É, Jacques PÉ, Scott MS.
59. Proving sequence aligners can guarantee accuracy in almost O(m log n) time through an average-case analysis of the seed-chain-extend heuristic.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Shaw J, Yu YW.
60. Dynamic modulation of genomic enhancer elements in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the site of the mammalian circadian clock.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Bafna A, Banks G, Hastings MH
61. Large-scale detection and characterization of interchromosomal rearrangements in normozoospermic bulls using massive genotype and phenotype data sets.
Genome Res
20 2 3
Jourdain J, Barasc H, Faraut T
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