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20 2 (4)
1. High-throughput RNA isoform sequencing using programmed cDNA concatenation.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jun 8
Al'Khafaji AM(#), Smith JT(#), Garimella KV(#)
2. Evolutionary mining and functional characterization of TnpB nucleases identify efficient miniature genome editors.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jun 29
Xiang G(#), Li Y(#), Sun J(#)
3. Single-cell m(6)A mapping in vivo using picoMeRIP-seq.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jun 22
Li Y(#), Wang Y(#), Vera-Rodriguez M
4. Multifunctional microelectronic fibers enable wireless modulation of gut and brain neural circuits.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jun 22
Sahasrabudhe A(#), Rupprecht LE(#), Orguc S(#)
5. Adenine transversion editors enable precise, efficient A•T-to-C•G base editing in mammalian cells and embryos.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jun 15
Chen L(#), Hong M(#), Luan C(#)
6. High-throughput measurement of the content and properties of nano-sized bioparticles with single-particle profiler.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jun 12
Sych T, Schlegel J, Barriga HMG
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