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20 2 (4)
1. De novo detection of somatic mutations in high-throughput single-cell profiling data sets.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jul 6
Muyas F, Sauer CM, Valle-Inclán JE
2. PhyloVelo enhances transcriptomic velocity field mapping using monotonically expressed genes.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jul 31
Wang K, Hou L, Wang X
3. Prediction of on-target and off-target activity of CRISPR-Cas13d guide RNAs using deep learning.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jul 3
Wessels HH(#), Stirn A(#), Méndez-Mancilla A
4. Generation of accurate, expandable phylogenomic trees with uDance.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jul 27
Balaban M, Jiang Y, Zhu Q
5. Greengenes2 unifies microbial data in a single reference tree.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jul 27
McDonald D, Jiang Y, Balaban M
6. Young glial progenitor cells competitively replace aged and diseased human glia in the adult chimeric mouse brain.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jul 17
Vieira R, Mariani JN, Huynh NPT
7. Whole-body cellular mapping in mouse using standard IgG antibodies.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jul 10
Mai H(#), Luo J(#), Hoeher L
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