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2023 Sep (7)
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2023 May (14)
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2023 Jan (42)
2022 Dec (2)
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2022 Oct (16)
2022 Sep (9)
2022 Aug (2)
2022 Jul (1)
20 2 (4)
1. Improved cytosine base editors generated from TadA variants.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 9
Lam DK(#), Feliciano PR(#), Arif A
2. Unidirectional single-file transport of full-length proteins through a nanopore.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 9
Yu L, Kang X, Li F
3. Cell-type-specific prediction of 3D chromatin organization enables high-throughput in silico genetic screening.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 9
Tan J, Shenker-Tauris N, Rodriguez-Hernaez J
4. Programmable A-to-Y base editing by fusing an adenine base editor with an N-methylpurine DNA glycosylase.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 9
Tong H(#), Wang X(#), Liu Y(#)
5. RNA recording in single bacterial cells using reprogrammed tracrRNAs.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 5
Jiao C, Reckstadt C, König F
6. Solid-phase capture and profiling of open chromatin by spatial ATAC.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 5
Llorens-Bobadilla E(#), Zamboni M(#), Marklund M(#)
7. Massively parallel knock-in engineering of human T cells.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 26
Dai X(#), Park JJ(#), Du Y(#)
8. Three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy with enhanced axial resolution.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 26
Li X, Wu Y, Su Y
9. Large language models generate functional protein sequences across diverse families.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 26
Madani A, Krause B(#), Greene ER(#)
10. Spatial transcriptomics for profiling the tropism of viral vectors in tissues.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 26
Jang MJ, Coughlin GM, Jackson CR
11. In vivo development of immune tissue in human intestinal organoids transplanted into humanized mice.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 26
Bouffi C, Wikenheiser-Brokamp KA, Chaturvedi P
12. A universal deep-learning model for zinc finger design enables transcription factor reprogramming.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 26
Ichikawa DM(#), Abdin O(#), Alerasool N
13. Precise transcript targeting by CRISPR-Csm complexes.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 23
Colognori D, Trinidad M, Doudna JA.
14. Chem-map profiles drug binding to chromatin in cells.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 23
Yu Z(#), Spiegel J(#), Melidis L
15. A proteome-wide atlas of drug mechanism of action.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Mitchell DC, Kuljanin M, Li J
16. Facile repurposing of peptide-MHC-restricted antibodies for cancer immunotherapy.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Yang X(#), Nishimiya D(#), Löchte S
17. Time-tagged ticker tapes for intracellular recordings.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Lin D(#), Li X(#), Moult E
18. Accurate isoform discovery with IsoQuant using long reads.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Prjibelski AD(#), Mikheenko A(#), Joglekar A
19. Integration of whole transcriptome spatial profiling with protein markers.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Ben-Chetrit N(#), Niu X(#), Swett AD(#)
20. Control-independent mosaic single nucleotide variant detection with DeepMosaic.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Yang X(#), Xu X(#), Breuss MW
21. Transcriptome-wide profiling and quantification of N(6)-methyladenosine by enzyme-assisted adenosine deamination.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Xiao YL(#), Liu S(#), Ge R(#)
22. Recording of cellular physiological histories along optically readable self-assembling protein chains.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Linghu C, An B, Shpokayte M
23. Precise cut-and-paste DNA insertion using engineered type V-K CRISPR-associated transposases.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Tou CJ, Orr B, Kleinstiver BP.
24. Magnify is a universal molecular anchoring strategy for expansion microscopy.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Klimas A(#), Gallagher BR(#), Wijesekara P
25. Protection of cell therapeutics from antibody-mediated killing by CD64 overexpression.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Gravina A, Tediashvili G, Rajalingam R
26. Dynamic, adaptive sampling during nanopore sequencing using Bayesian experimental design.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Weilguny L, De Maio N, Munro R
27. scChIX-seq infers dynamic relationships between histone modifications in single cells.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Yeung J(#), Florescu M(#), Zeller P(#)
28. Identification of patient-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell neoantigens through HLA-unbiased genetic screens.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Cattaneo CM, Battaglia T(#), Urbanus J(#)
29. Real-time, volumetric imaging of radiation dose delivery deep into the liver during cancer treatment.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Zhang W(#), Oraiqat I(#), Litzenberg D(#)
30. Discovery of drug-omics associations in type 2 diabetes with generative deep-learning models.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Allesøe RL, Lundgaard AT, Hernández Medina R
31. High-throughput, targeted MHC class I immunopeptidomics using a functional genetics screening platform.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Bruno PM, Timms RT, Abdelfattah NS
32. A spatial genome aligner for resolving chromatin architectures from multiplexed DNA FISH.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Jia BB, Jussila A, Kern C
33. Heritable transgene-free genome editing in plants by grafting of wild-type shoots to transgenic donor rootstocks.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Yang L(#), Machin F(#), Wang S
34. Genomically mined acoustic reporter genes for real-time in vivo monitoring of tumors and tumor-homing bacteria.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Hurt RC(#), Buss MT(#), Duan M(#)
35. A genetically encoded sensor measures temporal oxytocin release from different neuronal compartments.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 2
Qian T(#), Wang H(#), Wang P(#)
36. Genome-scale metabolic reconstruction of 7,302 human microorganisms for personalized medicine.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 19
Heinken A, Hertel J, Acharya G
37. Engineered live bacteria suppress Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in mouse lung and dissolve endotracheal-tube biofilms.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 19
Mazzolini R(#), Rodríguez-Arce I(#), Fernández-Barat L
38. Precision targeting of autoantigen-specific B cells in muscle-specific tyrosine kinase myasthenia gravis with chimeric autoantibody receptor T cells.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 19
Oh S, Mao X, Manfredo-Vieira S
39. Droplet-based transcriptome profiling of individual synapses.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 16
Niu M, Cao W, Wang Y
40. Tension-tuned receptors for synthetic mechanotransduction and intercellular force detection.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 16
Sloas DC, Tran JC, Marzilli AM
41. Predicting prime editing efficiency and product purity by deep learning.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 16
Mathis N(#), Allam A(#), Kissling L
42. Control of acute myeloid leukemia by a trifunctional NKp46-CD16a-NK cell engager targeting CD123.
Nat Biotechnol
2023 Jan 12
Gauthier L(#), Virone-Oddos A(#), Beninga J
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