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2023 Sep (7)
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2022 Oct (16)
2022 Sep (9)
2022 Aug (2)
2022 Jul (1)
20 2 (4)
1. Precise DNA cleavage using CRISPR-SpRYgests.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 6
Christie KA, Guo JA, Silverstein RA
2. Rationalized deep learning super-resolution microscopy for sustained live imaging of rapid subcellular processes.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 6
Qiao C(#), Li D(#), Liu Y(#)
3. Post-translational modifications reshape the antigenic landscape of the MHC I immunopeptidome in tumors.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 6
Kacen A(#), Javitt A(#), Kramer MP
4. Modular, programmable RNA sensing using ADAR editing in living cells.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 5
Kaseniit KE, Katz N, Kolber NS
5. Multifactorial profiling of epigenetic landscapes at single-cell resolution using MulTI-Tag.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 31
Meers MP, Llagas G, Janssens DH
6. A split, conditionally active mimetic of IL-2 reduces the toxicity of systemic cytokine therapy.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 31
Quijano-Rubio A, Bhuiyan AM(#), Yang H(#)
7. The expanding vistas of spatial transcriptomics.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 3
Tian L, Chen F, Macosko EZ.
8. Programmable eukaryotic protein synthesis with RNA sensors by harnessing ADAR.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 27
Jiang K(#), Koob J(#), Chen XD(#)
9. Absolute quantification of single-base m(6)A methylation in the mammalian transcriptome using GLORI.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 27
Liu C(#), Sun H(#), Yi Y(#)
10. Quantitative sequencing using BID-seq uncovers abundant pseudouridines in mammalian mRNA at base resolution.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 27
Dai Q(#), Zhang LS(#), Sun HL(#)
11. Targeting MYC with modular synthetic transcriptional repressors derived from bHLH DNA-binding domains.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 27
Speltz TE(#), Qiao Z(#), Swenson CS(#)
12. Modeling intercellular communication in tissues using spatial graphs of cells.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 27
Fischer DS(#), Schaar AC(#), Theis FJ.
13. Precision mitochondrial DNA editing with high-fidelity DddA-derived base editors.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 13
Lee S, Lee H, Baek G
14. Multi-omic single-cell velocity models epigenome-transcriptome interactions and improves cell fate prediction.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 13
Li C, Virgilio MC, Collins KL
15. Systematic discovery of recombinases for efficient integration of large DNA sequences into the human genome.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 10
Durrant MG(#), Fanton A(#), Tycko J(#)
16. Extending fluorescence anisotropy to large complexes using reversibly switchable proteins.
Nat Biotechnol
2022 Oct 10
Volpato A, Ollech D, Alvelid J
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