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2021 Jan (256)
1. Viral Clearance and Neuroinflammation in Acute TMEV Infection Vary by Host Genetic Background.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 9
Lawley KS, Rech RR, Perez Gomez AA
2. Investigation of the Properties of Linen Fibers and Dressings.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 9
Gębarowski T, Jęśkowiak I, Wiatrak B.
3. Potent Chlorambucil-Platinum(IV) Prodrugs.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 9
Aputen AD, Elias MG, Gilbert J
4. Metabolic Syndrome Ameliorated by 4-Methylesculetin by Reducing Hepatic Lipid Accumulation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 9
Li L, Zhu G, Fu G
5. The Toxicity, Sublethal Effects, and Biochemical Mechanism of β-Asarone, a Potential Plant-Derived Insecticide, against Bemisia tabaci.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 9
Wang R, Fang Y, Che W
6. The Comparative Experimental Study of Sodium and Magnesium Dichloroacetate Effects on Pediatric PBT24 and SF8628 Cell Glioblastoma Tumors Using a Chicken Embryo Chorioallantoic Membrane Model and on Cells In Vitro.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 9
Damanskienė E, Balnytė I, Valančiūtė A
7. Structural Significance of His73 in F-Actin Dynamics: Insights from Ab Initio Study.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 9
Li T, Du J, Ren M.
8. FgCsn12 Is Involved in the Regulation of Ascosporogenesis in the Wheat Scab Fungus Fusarium graminearum.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 9
Jiang H, Zhang Y, Wang W
9. Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 Activator Augments the Beneficial Effects of Empagliflozin in Mice with Diabetes-Associated HFpEF.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 9
Pan G, Roy B, Giri S
10. Distinct Responses to Pathogenic and Symbionic Microorganisms: The Role of Plant Immunity.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 9
Ji L, Yang X, Qi F.
11. Exosomes Derived from Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells Accelerate Diabetic Wound Healing via Promoting M2 Macrophage Polarization, Angiogenesis, and Collagen Deposition.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 9
Teng L, Maqsood M, Zhu M
12. Allyl Isothiocyanate (AITC) Induces Apoptotic Cell Death In Vitro and Exhibits Anti-Tumor Activity in a Human Glioblastoma GBM8401/luc2 Model.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Lu KW, Lu TJ, Chueh FS
13. Hypoxia-Inducible Factors and Diabetic Kidney Disease-How Deep Can We Go?
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Stanigut AM, Pana C, Enciu M
14. The Role of IL-7 and IL-7R in Cancer Pathophysiology and Immunotherapy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Wang C, Kong L, Kim S
15. Identifying Drug Targets of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma through a Systems Biology Method and Genome-Wide Microarray Data for Drug Discovery by Deep Learning and Drug Design Specifications.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Lin YC, Chen BS.
16. Truxene-Centered Electron Acceptors for Non-Fullerene Solar Cells: Alkyl Chain and Branched Arm Engineering.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Lin K, Du W, Shen S
17. Leaf Cell Morphology Alternation in Response to Environmental Signals in Rorippa aquatica.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Sakamoto T, Ikematsu S, Namie K
18. An Immunological Polysaccharide from Tremella fuciformis: Essential Role of Acetylation in Immunomodulation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Huang TY, Yang FL, Chiu HW
19. Genome Editing of Golden SNP-Carrying Lycopene Epsilon-Cyclase (LcyE) Gene Using the CRSPR-Cas9/HDR and Geminiviral Replicon System in Rice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Kim JH, Yu J, Kim HK
20. Stereoselective Synthesis and Application of Gibberellic Acid-Derived Aminodiols.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Khdar ZA, Le TM, Schelz Z
21. Integrated Antitumor Activities of Cellular Immunotherapy with CIK Lymphocytes and Interferons against KIT/PDGFRA Wild Type GIST.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Fiorino E, Merlini A, D'Ambrosio L
22. Integrated Application of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Treatment of Atrophied Skeletal Muscle Induced in Tail-Suspended Rats.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Yang X, Li P, Lei J
23. Examination of Longitudinal Alterations in Alzheimer's Disease-Related Neurogenesis in an APP/PS1 Transgenic Mouse Model, and the Effects of P33, a Putative Neuroprotective Agent Thereon.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Szögi T, Borbély E, Schuster I
24. Effect of the TrFE Content on the Crystallization and SSA Thermal Fractionation of P(VDF-co-TrFE) Copolymers.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
María N, Le Goupil F, Cavallo D
25. State-of-the-Art Molecular Dynamics Simulation Studies of RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase of SARS-CoV-2.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Tanimoto S, Itoh SG, Okumura H.
26. Pig Coat Color Manipulation by MC1R Gene Editing.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Zhong H, Zhang J, Tan C
27. The Nursehound Scyliorhinus stellaris Mitochondrial Genome-Phylogeny, Relationships among Scyliorhinidae and Variability in Waters of the Balearic Islands.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Catanese G, Morey G, Verger F
28. Sex-Dependent Effects of Piromelatine Treatment on Sleep-Wake Cycle and Sleep Structure of Prenatally Stressed Rats.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 8
Tchekalarova J, Kortenska L, Marinov P
29. Electrostatics in Computational Biophysics and Its Implications for Disease Effects.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Sun S, Poudel P, Alexov E
30. Hesperetin from Root Extract of Clerodendrum petasites S. Moore Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein S1 Subunit-Induced NLRP3 Inflammasome in A549 Lung Cells via Modulation of the Akt/MAPK/AP-1 Pathway.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Arjsri P, Srisawad K, Mapoung S
31. Rosemary Extract-Induced Autophagy and Decrease in Accumulation of Collagen Type I in Osteogenesis Imperfecta Skin Fibroblasts.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Sutkowska-Skolimowska J, Brańska-Januszewska J, Strawa JW
32. Salt Tolerance of Rice Is Enhanced by the SS3 Gene, Which Regulates Ascorbic Acid Synthesis and ROS Scavenging.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Chen G, Han H, Yang X
33. Cheminformatics-Based Discovery of Potential Chemical Probe Inhibitors of Omicron Spike Protein.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Khan SA, Khan A, Zia K
34. Extraction of High-Value Chemicals from Plants for Technical and Medical Applications.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Kapadia P, Newell AS, Cunningham J
35. Isoquinoline Alkaloids from Coptis chinensis Franch: Focus on Coptisine as a Potential Therapeutic Candidate against Gastric Cancer Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Nakonieczna S, Grabarska A, Gawel K
36. Cell Contact with Endothelial Cells Favors the In Vitro Maintenance of Human Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Stem and Progenitor Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Torres-Barrera P, Moreno-Lorenzana D, Alvarado-Moreno JA
37. Comparative Analysis of Peniophora lycii and Trametes hirsuta Exoproteomes Demonstrates "Shades of Gray" in the Concept of White-Rotting Fungi.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Shabaev AV, Moiseenko KV, Glazunova OA
38. Comparative Study on the Models of Thermoreversible Gelation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Tanaka F.
39. Changes in the Mechanical Properties of Alginate-Gelatin Hydrogels with the Addition of Pygeum africanum with Potential Application in Urology.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Kurowiak J, Kaczmarek-Pawelska A, Mackiewicz A
40. Towards Molecular Understanding of the Functional Role of UbiJ-UbiK(2) Complex in Ubiquinone Biosynthesis by Multiscale Molecular Modelling Studies.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Launay R, Teppa E, Martins C
41. Prognostic Value, Immune Signature, and Molecular Mechanisms of the PHLDA Family in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Duan Y, Du Y, Gu Z
42. The Relative Abundances of Human Leukocyte Antigen-E, α-Galactosidase A and α-Gal Antigenic Determinants Are Biased by Trichostatin A-Dependent Epigenetic Transformation of Triple-Transgenic Pig-Derived Dermal Fibroblast Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Samiec M, Wiater J, Wartalski K
43. Erythrocyte-Derived Nanoparticles with Folate Functionalization for Near Infrared Pulsed Laser-Mediated Photo-Chemotherapy of Tumors.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Mac JT, Vankayala R, Lee CH
44. Impact of Baseline Versus Intercurrent Steroids Administration on Upfront Chemo-Immunotherapy for Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC).
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
De Giglio A, Aprile M, Di Federico A
45. Stem Cell Therapy for Sequestration of Traumatic Brain Injury-Induced Inflammation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Borlongan MC, Rosi S.
46. Editorial of Special Issue "Roles of Inflammasomes and Methyltransferases in Inflammation".
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Yi YS, Yun M.
47. Identification of the Key Functional Domains of Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus IE1 Protein.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Hu ZG, Dong ZQ, Miao JH
48. Volatile Dimethyl Disulfide from Guava Plants Regulate Developmental Performance of Asian Citrus Psyllid through Activation of Defense Responses in Neighboring Orange Plants.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Ling S, Qiu H, Xu J
49. Platelet-Derived S1P and Its Relevance for the Communication with Immune Cells in Multiple Human Diseases.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Tolksdorf C, Moritz E, Wolf R
50. Novel Splicing Mutation in MTM1 Leading to Two Abnormal Transcripts Causes Severe Myotubular Myopathy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 7
Bosco L, Leone D, Costa Comellas L
51. Correction: Funk et al. Criticality of Surface Characteristics of Intravenous Iron-Carbohydrate Nanoparticle Complexes: Implications for Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 2140.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 6
Funk F, Flühmann B, Barton AE.
52. Construction of a High-Density Recombination Bin-Based Genetic Map Facilitates High-Resolution Mapping of a Major QTL Underlying Anthocyanin Pigmentation in Eggplant.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 6
Guan W, Ke C, Tang W
53. Mucins and CFTR: Their Close Relationship.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 6
Okuda K, Shaffer KM, Ehre C.
54. Mechanics of Reversible Deformation during Leaf Movement and Regulation of Pulvinus Development in Legumes.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 6
Nakata MT, Takahara M.
55. Exploration of N-Arylsulfonyl-indole-2-carboxamide Derivatives as Novel Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase Inhibitors by Molecular Simulation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 6
Zhao Y, Yang H, Wu F
56. Exopolysaccharides of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Amy-1 Mitigate Inflammation by Inhibiting ERK1/2 and NF-κB Pathways and Activating p38/Nrf2 Pathway.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 6
Sung WW, Lin YY, Huang SD
57. Leukotriene A4 Hydrolase and Hepatocyte Growth Factor Are Risk Factors of Sudden Cardiac Death Due to First-Ever Myocardial Infarction.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 6
Landfors F, Vikström S, Wennberg P
58. The Arrival of Gene Therapy for Patients with Hemophilia A.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 6
Castaman G, Di Minno G, De Cristofaro R
59. miR-142 Targets TIM-1 in Human Endothelial Cells: Potential Implications for Stroke, COVID-19, Zika, Ebola, Dengue, and Other Viral Infections.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 6
Kansakar U, Gambardella J, Varzideh F
60. An Innovative Approach to Tissue Processing and Cell Sorting of Fixed Cells for Subsequent Single-Cell RNA Sequencing.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 6
Mutisheva I, Robatel S, Bäriswyl L
61. Coagulation Factor XIIIa and Activated Protein C Activate Platelets via GPVI and PAR1.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 6
De Simone I, Baaten CCFMJ, Jandrot-Perrus M
62. BODIPYs in PDT: A Journey through the Most Interesting Molecules Produced in the Last 10 Years.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 5
Malacarne MC, Gariboldi MB, Caruso E.
63. The Ambivalence of Connexin43 Gap Peptides in Cardioprotection of the Isolated Heart against Ischemic Injury.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 5
Falck AT, Lund BA, Johansen D
64. Proteomic Analysis of HCC-1954 and MCF-7 Cell Lines Highlights Crosstalk between αv and β1 Integrins, E-Cadherin and HER-2.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 5
de Abreu Pereira D, Sandim V, Fernandes TFB
65. Circulating Ageing Neutrophils as a Marker of Asymptomatic Polyvascular Atherosclerosis in Statin-Naïve Patients without Established Cardiovascular Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 5
Genkel V, Dolgushin I, Baturina I
66. Leonurine Reduces Oxidative Stress and Provides Neuroprotection against Ischemic Injury via Modulating Oxidative and NO/NOS Pathway.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 5
Deng Z, Li J, Tang X
67. Imidacloprid Impairs Glutamatergic Synaptic Plasticity and Desensitizes Mechanosensitive, Nociceptive, and Photogenic Response of Drosophila melanogaster by Mediating Oxidative Stress, Which Could Be Rescued by Osthole.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 5
Liu CH, Chen MY, Cheng J
68. Development of the Method for Nusinersen and Its Metabolites Identification in the Serum Samples of Children Treated with Spinraza for Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 5
Studzińska S, Mazurkiewicz-Bełdzińska M, Buszewski B.
69. Clustering Analysis, Structure Fingerprint Analysis, and Quantum Chemical Calculations of Compounds from Essential Oils of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Receptacles.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 5
He Y, Liu K, Han L
70. Functional Interplay between Arginyl-tRNA Synthetases and Arginyltransferase.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 5
Avcilar-Kucukgoze I, MacTaggart B, Kashina A.
71. Changes in Radiosensitivity to Gamma-Rays of Lymphocytes from Hyperthyroid Patients Treated with I-131.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 5
Dini V, Salvatori M, Belli M
72. Identification of Potential Biomarkers and Metabolic Pathways of Different Levels of Heat Stress in Beef Calves.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 5
Kim WS, Kim J, Lee HG.
73. Effects of Substitution Ratios of Zinc-Substituted Hydroxyapatite on Adsorption and Desorption Behaviors of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 4
Huang B, Li M, Mo H
74. Factors and Pathways Modulating Endothelial Cell Senescence in Vascular Aging.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 4
Hwang HJ, Kim N, Herman AB
75. Sequestration of Inflammation in Parkinson's Disease via Stem Cell Therapy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 4
Gordon J, Lockard G, Monsour M
76. The Impairment of Blood-Brain Barrier in Alzheimer's Disease: Challenges and Opportunities with Stem Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 4
López-Ornelas A, Jiménez A, Pérez-Sánchez G
77. Anti-Inflammatory Activity of CIGB-258 against Acute Toxicity of Carboxymethyllysine in Paralyzed Zebrafish via Enhancement of High-Density Lipoproteins Stability and Functionality.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 4
Cho KH, Kim JE, Nam HS
78. How Microbiota-Derived Metabolites Link the Gut to the Brain during Neuroinflammation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 4
Rebeaud J, Peter B, Pot C.
79. Transcriptional Regulation of Endogenous Retroviruses and Their Misregulation in Human Diseases.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 4
Zhang Q, Pan J, Cong Y
80. CERKL, a Retinal Dystrophy Gene, Regulates Mitochondrial Transport and Dynamics in Hippocampal Neurons.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 30
García-Arroyo R, Marfany G, Mirra S.
81. Study on βTCP/P(3HB) Scaffolds-Physicochemical Properties and Biological Performance in Low Oxygen Concentration.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 30
Skibiński S, Czechowska JP, Cichoń E
82. Down-Regulation of Lipid Metabolism in the Hepatopancreas of Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei upon Light and Heavy Infection of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei: A Comparative Proteomic Study.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 30
Wu Y, Chen J, Liao G
83. A Comprehensive Review on Beneficial Effects of Catechins on Secondary Mitochondrial Diseases.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 30
Chen B, Zhang W, Lin C
84. Biological Activity of fac-[Re(CO)(3)(phen)(aspirin)], fac-[Re(CO)(3)(phen)(indomethacin)] and Their Original Counterparts against Ishikawa and HEC-1A Endometrial Cancer Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 30
Kuźmycz O, Kowalczyk A, Stączek P.
85. Effect of Neonicotinoid Pesticides on Japanese Water Systems: Review with Focus on Reproductive Toxicity.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 30
Terayama H, Sakabe K, Kiyoshima D
86. The Medium Composition Impacts Staphylococcus aureus Biofilm Formation and Susceptibility to Antibiotics Applied in the Treatment of Bone Infections.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 30
Paleczny J, Brożyna M, Dudek-Wicher R
87. Hemorrhagic Cerebral Insults and Secondary Takotsubo Syndrome: Findings in a Novel In Vitro Model Using Human Blood Samples.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 30
Thal SC, Smetak M, Hayashi K
88. The Giardial Arginine Deiminase Participates in Giardia-Host Immunomodulation in a Structure-Dependent Fashion via Toll-like Receptors.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 30
Fernández-Lainez C, de la Mora-de la Mora I, Enríquez-Flores S
89. Dynamic Transcriptional Landscape of Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) Reveals Key Transcriptional Features Involved in Fish Development.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 30
Duan Y, Zhang Q, Jiang Y
90. TNF-α Plus IL-1β Induces Opposite Regulation of Cx43 Hemichannels and Gap Junctions in Mesangial Cells through a RhoA/ROCK-Dependent Pathway.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 3
Lucero CM, Marambio-Ruiz L, Balmazabal J
91. Cow Dung-Based Biochar Materials Prepared via Mixed Base and Its Application in the Removal of Organic Pollutants.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 3
Chen X, Yu G, Chen Y
92. Incretins as a Potential Treatment Option for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 3
Pilszyk A, Niebrzydowska M, Pilszyk Z
93. Biochemical Neuroadaptations in the Rat Striatal Dopaminergic System after Prolonged Exposure to Methamphetamine Self-Administration.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 3
Jayanthi S, Ladenheim B, Sullivan P
94. Peroxisome-Mediated Reactive Oxygen Species Signals Modulate Programmed Cell Death in Plants.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 3
Huang L, Liu Y, Wang X
95. Differing Escape Responses of the Marine Bacterium Marinobacter adhaerens in the Presence of Planktonic vs. Surface-Associated Protist Grazers.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 3
Villalba LA, Kasada M, Zoccarato L
96. Medical Use of Polycatecholamines + Oxidoreductases-Modified Curdlan Hydrogels-Perspectives.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 3
Michalicha A, Przekora A, Stefaniuk D
97. A Narrative Review of the Association between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Glaucoma in Adults.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 3
Leggewie B, Gouveris H, Bahr K.
98. Salivary Redox Homeostasis in Human Health and Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 3
Čižmárová B, Tomečková V, Hubková B
99. Reversal of High-Fat Diet-Induced Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease by Metformin Combined with PGG, an Inducer of Glycine N-Methyltransferase.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 3
Yang MH, Li WY, Wu CF
100. Oligonucleotide-Recognizing Topoisomerase Inhibitors (OTIs): Precision Gene Editors for Neurodegenerative Diseases?
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Bax BD, Sutormin D, McDonald NQ
101. The Changes in Canine Parvovirus Variants over the Years.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Hao X, Li Y, Xiao X
102. Deep Learning Approaches for Detection of Breast Adenocarcinoma Causing Carcinogenic Mutations.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Shah AA, Alturise F, Alkhalifah T
103. Towards a Mechanistic Model of Tau-Mediated Pathology in Tauopathies: What Can We Learn from Cell-Based In Vitro Assays?
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Sala-Jarque J, Zimkowska K, Ávila J
104. Transcriptome Analysis of Particulate Matter 2.5-Induced Abnormal Effects on Human Sebocytes.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Na HW, Kim HS, Choi H
105. Axenic Culture of Caenorhabditis elegans Alters Lysosomal/Proteasomal Balance and Increases Neuropeptide Expression.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Cai H, Wu P, Vandemeulebroucke L
106. Directional Submicrofiber Hydrogel Composite Scaffolds Supporting Neuron Differentiation and Enabling Neurite Alignment.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Mungenast L, Züger F, Selvi J
107. Mechanisms of Kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) Tolerance to Individual and Combined Stresses of Drought and Elevated Temperature.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Bauer N, Tkalec M, Major N
108. What Do the Transcriptome and Proteome of Menstrual Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Tell Us about Endometriosis?
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Penariol LBC, Thomé CH, Tozetti PA
109. Association of Common Variants in OLA1 Gene with Preclinical Atherosclerosis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Lin TF, Chou CL, Hsieh CJ
110. miRNA: A Promising Therapeutic Target in Cancer.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Menon A, Abd-Aziz N, Khalid K
111. Complementary Sets of Autoantibodies Induced by SARS-CoV-2, Adenovirus and Bacterial Antigens Cross-React with Human Blood Protein Antigens in COVID-19 Coagulopathies.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Root-Bernstein R, Huber J, Ziehl A.
112. α-Gal Nanoparticles Mediated Homing of Endogenous Stem Cells for Repair and Regeneration of External and Internal Injuries by Localized Complement Activation and Macrophage Recruitment.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Galili U, Goldufsky JW, Schaer GL.
113. Cultivation of Cryopreserved Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells-A New Approach to Maintaining Dental Pulp Tissue.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Wang W, Yan M, Aarabi G
114. A New Structural Model of Apolipoprotein B100 Based on Computational Modeling and Cross Linking.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Jeiran K, Gordon SM, Sviridov DO
115. Cellular Biogenetic Law and Its Distortion by Protein Interactions: A Possible Unified Framework for Cancer Biology and Regenerative Medicine.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Vinogradov AE, Anatskaya OV.
116. Lipids Alterations Associated with Metformin in Healthy Subjects: An Investigation Using Mass Spectrometry Shotgun Approach.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Dahabiyeh LA, Mujammami M, AlMalki RH
117. Hepatic Sam68 Regulates Systemic Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Sensitivity.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 29
Qiao A, Ma W, Jiang Y
118. Genome-Wide Copy Number Variant and High-Throughput Transcriptomics Analyses of Placental Tissues Underscore Persisting Child Susceptibility in At-Risk Pregnancies Cleared in Standard Genetic Testing.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 28
Czamara D, Cruceanu C, Lahti-Pulkkinen M
119. Cellular and Molecular Biological Alterations after Photon, Proton, and Carbon Ions Irradiation in Human Chondrosarcoma Cells Linked with High-Quality Physics Data.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 28
Lohberger B, Barna S, Glänzer D
120. Whole Exome Sequencing in Multi-Incident Families Identifies Novel Candidate Genes for Multiple Sclerosis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 28
Horjus J, van Mourik-Banda T, Heerings MAP
121. Novel Thieno [2,3-b]pyridine Anticancer Compound Lowers Cancer Stem Cell Fraction Inducing Shift of Lipid to Glucose Metabolism.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 28
Pervan M, Marijan S, Markotić A
122. Platelet Redox Imbalance in Hypercholesterolemia: A Big Problem for a Small Cell.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 28
Morotti A, Barale C, Melchionda E
123. Decreased Expression of the Slc31a1 Gene and Cytoplasmic Relocalization of Membrane CTR1 Protein in Renal Epithelial Cells: A Potent Protective Mechanism against Copper Nephrotoxicity in a Mouse Model of Menkes Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 28
Haberkiewicz O, Lipiński P, Starzyński RR
124. WNT1 Inducible Signaling Pathway Protein 1 Is a Stroma-Specific Secreting Protein Inducing a Fibroblast Contraction and Carcinoma Cell Growth in the Human Prostate.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 28
Chang KS, Chen ST, Sung HC
125. Antiviral Peptides as Anti-Influenza Agents.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 28
Agamennone M, Fantacuzzi M, Vivenzio G
126. A Novel Beta-Glucosidase Gene for Plant Type Was Identified by Genome-Wide Association Study and Gene Co-Expression Analysis in Widespread Bermudagrass.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 28
Gan L, Chen M, Zhang J
127. In Vitro Models for Studying Chronic Drug-Induced Liver Injury.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 28
Donato MT, Gallego-Ferrer G, Tolosa L.
128. Identification of Genes and Metabolic Pathways Involved in Resin Yield in Masson Pine by Integrative Analysis of Transcriptome, Proteome and Biochemical Characteristics.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 28
Li Z, Shen L, Hou Q
129. High Performance Computing PP-Distance Algorithms to Generate X-ray Spectra from 3D Models.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 27
González C, Balocco S, Bosch J
130. Synthesis of M-Ag(3)PO(4), (M = Se, Ag, Ta) Nanoparticles and Their Antibacterial and Cytotoxicity Study.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 27
Qureshi F, Nawaz M, Ansari MA
131. Tuning Functionalized Ionic Liquids for CO(2) Capture.
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2022 Sep 27
Zhang R, Ke Q, Zhang Z
132. SP1 and NFY Regulate the Expression of PNPT1, a Gene Encoding a Mitochondrial Protein Involved in Cancer.
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2022 Sep 27
Ventura I, Revert F, Revert-Ros F
133. NMDA Receptor C-Terminal Domain Signalling in Development, Maturity, and Disease.
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2022 Sep 27
Haddow K, Kind PC, Hardingham GE.
134. Targeting EZH2 Promotes Chemosensitivity of BCL-2 Inhibitor through Suppressing PI3K and c-KIT Signaling in Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
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2022 Sep 27
Yang C, Gu Y, Ge Z
135. FBP1-Altered Carbohydrate Metabolism Reduces Leukemic Viability through Activating P53 and Modulating the Mitochondrial Quality Control System In Vitro.
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2022 Sep 27
Xu Y, Tran L, Tang J
136. Lysyl Oxidases: Orchestrators of Cellular Behavior and ECM Remodeling and Homeostasis.
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2022 Sep 27
Zaffryar-Eilot S, Hasson P.
137. The Italian Research on the Molecular Characterization of Maize Kernel Development.
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2022 Sep 27
Consonni G, Castorina G, Varotto S.
138. Arrangement of Hydrogen Bonds in Aqueous Solutions of Different Globular Proteins.
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2022 Sep 27
Titus AR, Madeira PP, Ferreira LA
139. Molecular Advances in MAFLD-A Link between Sphingolipids and Extracellular Matrix in Development and Progression to Fibrosis.
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2022 Sep 27
Kołakowski A, Dziemitko S, Chmielecka A
140. Glabridin, a Bioactive Flavonoid from Licorice, Effectively Inhibits Platelet Activation in Humans and Mice.
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2022 Sep 27
Chung CL, Chen JH, Huang WC
141. Synthetic Non-Coding RNA for Suppressing mTOR Translation to Prevent Renal Fibrosis Related to Autophagy in UUO Mouse Model.
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2022 Sep 26
Kim YA, Gu H, Gwon MG
142. Theoretical Explanation for the Rarity of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Infection (ADE) in COVID-19.
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2022 Sep 26
Boldova AE, Korobkin JD, Nechipurenko YD
143. Magnetic Separation of Oxoacid of Boron from Salt-Lake Brine by Synergistically Enhanced Boron Adsorbents of Glucose-Functionalized SiO(2) and Graphene.
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2022 Sep 26
Luo Q, Wang X, Dong M
144. Evaluation of Circulating MicroRNAs and Adipokines in Breast Cancer Survivors with Arm Lymphedema.
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2022 Sep 26
Yusof KM, Groen K, Rosli R
145. Cellular Lactate Spectroscopy Using 1.5 Tesla Clinical Apparatus.
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2022 Sep 26
Truszkiewicz A, Bartusik-Aebisher D, Zalejska-Fiolka J
146. Metal and Metal Oxide Nanomaterials for Fighting Planktonic Bacteria and Biofilms: A Review Emphasizing on Mechanistic Aspects.
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2022 Sep 26
Sun C, Wang X, Dai J
147. Association of Hypomagnesemia and Liver Injury, Role of Gut-Barrier Dysfunction and Inflammation: Efficacy of Abstinence, and 2-Week Medical Management in Alcohol Use Disorder Patients.
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2022 Sep 26
Winrich EJ, Gala KS, Rajhans A
148. Melatonin Type 2 Receptor Activation Regulates Blue Light Exposure-Induced Mouse Corneal Epithelial Damage by Modulating Impaired Autophagy and Apoptosis.
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2022 Sep 26
Jin R, Li Y, Jin H
149. Damaged DNA Is an Early Event of Neurodegeneration in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Motoneurons with UBQLN2(P497H) Mutation.
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2022 Sep 26
Zhang Y, Zeng B, Gu A
150. Trimetazidine, an Anti-Ischemic Drug, Reduces the Antielectroshock Effects of Certain First-Generation Antiepileptic Drugs.
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2022 Sep 26
Borowicz-Reutt K, Banach M.
151. The Receptor Binding Domain of SARS-CoV-2 Lambda Variant Has a Better Chance Than the Delta Variant in Evading BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine-Induced Humoral Immunity.
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2022 Sep 26
Liu H, Wei P, Aviszus K
152. Chronic Exposure to Endocrine Disruptor Vinclozolin Leads to Lung Damage via Nrf2-Nf-kb Pathway Alterations.
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2022 Sep 26
D'Amico R, Di Paola D, Impellizzeri D
153. New Route to Glycosylated Porphyrins via Aromatic Nucleophilic Substitution (S(N)Ar)-Synthesis and Cellular Uptake Studies.
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2022 Sep 26
Rosa M, Jędryka N, Skorupska S
154. Aspirin Resistance in Vascular Disease: A Review Highlighting the Critical Need for Improved Point-of-Care Testing and Personalized Therapy.
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2022 Sep 26
Khan H, Kanny O, Syed MH
155. Connecting Aortic Stiffness to Vascular Contraction: Does Sex Matter?
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2022 Sep 25
de Oliveira AA, Priviero F, Delgado A
156. Protein Acetylation Going Viral: Implications in Antiviral Immunity and Viral Infection.
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2022 Sep 25
Xue M, Feng T, Chen Z
157. The Glutathione S-Transferase PtGSTF1 Improves Biomass Production and Salt Tolerance through Regulating Xylem Cell Proliferation, Ion Homeostasis and Reactive Oxygen Species Scavenging in Poplar.
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2022 Sep 25
Gao H, Yu C, Liu R
158. Dysregulation of miRISC Regulatory Network Promotes Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Targeting PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathway.
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2022 Sep 25
Kannan M, Jayamohan S, Moorthy RK
159. PIKE-A Modulates Mitochondrial Metabolism through Increasing SDHA Expression Mediated by STAT3/FTO Axis.
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2022 Sep 25
Sun M, Yan Q, Qiao Y
160. Nutrient-Mediated Perception and Signalling in Human Metabolism: A Perspective of Nutrigenomics.
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2022 Sep 25
Lal MK, Sharma E, Tiwari RK
161. Modulation of ATP Production Influences Inorganic Polyphosphate Levels in Non-Athletes' Platelets at the Resting State.
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2022 Sep 25
Ushiki T, Mochizuki T, Suzuki K
162. Dynamical and Structural Properties of Comb Long-Chain Branched Polymer in Shear Flow.
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2022 Sep 25
Wang D, Wen X, Zhang D
163. Metal-Organic Frameworks Meet Metallic Oxide on Carbon Fiber: Synergistic Effect for Enhanced Photodegradation of Antibiotic Pollutant.
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2022 Sep 25
Zhu N, Zhou S, Zhang C
164. Proteomic Profiling Skin Mucus of European Eel Anguilla anguilla Infected with Anguillid Herpesvirus.
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2022 Sep 24
Li YY, Yang JX, Chen X
165. Carbon-Based Electrocatalyst Design with Phytic Acid-A Versatile Biomass-Derived Modifier of Functional Materials.
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2022 Sep 24
Gwóźdź M, Brzęczek-Szafran A.
166. Role of Essential Amino Acids in Age-Induced Bone Loss.
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2022 Sep 24
Lv Z, Shi W, Zhang Q.
167. Downregulation of miR-30b-5p Facilitates Chondrocyte Hypertrophy and Apoptosis via Targeting Runx2 in Steroid-Induced Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head.
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2022 Sep 24
Lin L, Yu Y, Liu K
168. Microbiome in Hidradenitis Suppurativa-What We Know and Where We Are Heading.
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2022 Sep 24
Świerczewska Z, Lewandowski M, Surowiecka A
169. Bmal1 Regulates Prostate Growth via Cell-Cycle Modulation.
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2022 Sep 24
Ueda M, Kono J, Sengiku A
170. Proviral ALV-LTR Sequence Is Essential for Continued Proliferation of the ALV-Transformed B Cell Line.
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2022 Sep 24
Roy S, Bondada MS, Zhang Y
171. Brassinosteroid Signaling Downstream Suppressor BIN2 Interacts with SLFRIGIDA-LIKE to Induce Early Flowering in Tomato.
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2022 Sep 24
Khan M, Luo B, Hu M
172. Elevated and Sustained Intracellular Calcium Signalling Is Necessary for Efficacious Induction of the Human Sperm Acrosome Reaction.
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2022 Sep 24
Prajapati P, Kane S, McBrinn RC
173. Antiviral Drugs Screening for Swine Acute Diarrhea Syndrome Coronavirus.
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2022 Sep 24
Chen Y, You Y, Wang S
174. Renal Corin Is Essential for Normal Blood Pressure and Sodium Homeostasis.
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2022 Sep 24
Zhou T, Zhang S, Du C
175. Sequence Analysis of Novel Staphylococcus aureus Lineages from Wild and Captive Macaques.
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2022 Sep 23
Monecke S, Roberts MC, Braun SD
176. Egg Protein Transferrin-Derived Peptides Irw (Lle-Arg-Trp) and Iqw (Lle-Gln-Trp) Prevent Obesity Mouse Model Induced by a High-Fat Diet via Reducing Lipid Deposition and Reprogramming Gut Microbiota.
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2022 Sep 23
Liu Z, Ding S, Jiang H
177. Lithium Treatment Improves Cardiac Dysfunction in Rats Deprived of Rapid Eye Movement Sleep.
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2022 Sep 23
Chen PH, Chung CC, Liu SH
178. Identification and Characterization of Circular RNAs Involved in the Flower Development and Senescence of Rhododendron delavayi Franch.
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2022 Sep 23
Xu X, Xiao Y, Zhang X
179. The Influence of the Severity of Early Chronic Kidney Disease on Oxidative Stress in Patients with and without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
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2022 Sep 23
Andrade-Sierra J, Pazarín-Villaseñor L, Yanowsky-Escatell FG
180. Metal Cluster Triggered-Assembling Heterogeneous Au-Ag Nanoclusters with Highly Loading Performance and Biocompatible Capability.
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2022 Sep 23
He X, Ma X, Yang Y
181. Identification of a Novel Renal Metastasis Associated CpG-Based DNA Methylation Signature (RMAMS).
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Serth J, Peters I, Katzendorn O
182. Role of the Ghrelin System in Colitis and Hepatitis as Risk Factors for Inflammatory-Related Cancers.
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Kasprzak A, Adamek A.
183. Development of a Novel Primer-TaqMan Probe Set for Diagnosis and Quantification of Meloidogyne enterolobii in Soil Using qPCR and Droplet Digital PCR Assays.
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2022 Sep 23
Chen Y, Long H, Feng T
184. Assessment of Efficacy and Safety Using PPAR-γ Agonist-Loaded Nanocarriers for Inflammatory Eye Diseases.
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2022 Sep 23
Miralles E, Kamma-Lorger CS, Domènech Ò
185. Analysis of the Effects of Ninjin'yoeito on Physical Frailty in Mice.
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2022 Sep 23
Otsuka S, Fukumaru K, Tani A
186. Disordered Glucose Levels Are Associated with Xanthine Oxidase Activity in Overweight Type 2 Diabetic Women.
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2022 Sep 23
Hernandez-Hernandez ME, Torres-Rasgado E, Pulido-Perez P
187. Correction: Franz et al. Unraveling a Force-Generating Allosteric Pathway of Actomyosin Communication Associated with ADP and P(i) Release. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 104.
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2022 Sep 22
Franz P, Ewert W, Preller M
188. Synthesis, Anticancer Activity and Molecular Docking Studies of Novel N-Mannich Bases of 1,3,4-Oxadiazole Based on 4,6-Dimethylpyridine Scaffold.
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2022 Sep 22
Strzelecka M, Glomb T, Drąg-Zalesińska M
189. Anti-TNF Therapies Suppress Adipose Tissue Inflammation in Crohn's Disease.
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2022 Sep 22
Boronat-Toscano A, Monfort-Ferré D, Menacho M
190. DRB2 Modulates Leaf Rolling by Regulating Accumulation of MicroRNAs Related to Leaf Development in Rice.
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2022 Sep 22
Yuan Z, Pan J, Chen C
191. Lactobacillus rhamnosus CY12 Enhances Intestinal Barrier Function by Regulating Tight Junction Protein Expression, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation Response in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Caco-2 Cells.
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2022 Sep 22
Zheng J, Ahmad AA, Yang Y
192. Probing the Potential Mechanism of Quercetin and Kaempferol against Heat Stress-Induced Sertoli Cell Injury: Through Integrating Network Pharmacology and Experimental Validation.
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2022 Sep 22
Liu DL, Liu SJ, Hu SQ
193. Lipophilic Compounds and Antibacterial Activity of Opuntia ficus-indica Root Extracts from Algeria.
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2022 Sep 22
Benramdane E, Chougui N, Ramos PAB
194. Heterozygous Loss of KRIT1 in Mice Affects Metabolic Functions of the Liver, Promoting Hepatic Oxidative and Glycative Stress.
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2022 Sep 22
Mastrocola R, Aimaretti E, Ferreira Alves G
195. Ablation of the Presynaptic Protein Mover Impairs Learning Performance and Decreases Anxiety Behavior in Mice.
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2022 Sep 22
Schleicher EM, Bayer TA, Iseni T
196. Effects of Post-Harvest Ozone Treatment on Some Molecular Stability Markers of Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt. Fruit during Cold Storage.
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2022 Sep 22
Matłok N, Piechowiak T, Zardzewiały M
197. Waldenström Macroglobulinemia: Mechanisms of Disease Progression and Current Therapies.
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2022 Sep 22
Boutilier AJ, Huang L, Elsawa SF.
198. Heterogeneous Evolution of Sex Chromosomes in the Torrent Frog Genus Amolops.
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2022 Sep 22
Ping J, Xia Y, Ran J
199. Full-Length Transcriptome Maps of Reef-Building Coral Illuminate the Molecular Basis of Calcification, Symbiosis, and Circadian Genes.
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2022 Sep 22
Han T, Liao X, Zhu Y
200. Relations between Structure and Zn(II) Binding Affinity Shed Light on the Mechanisms of Rad50 Hook Domain Functioning and Its Phosphorylation.
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2022 Sep 22
Tran JB, Padjasek M, Krężel A.
201. Potential of Sulforaphane and Broccoli Membrane Vesicles as Regulators of M1/M2 Human Macrophage Activity.
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2022 Sep 22
Ramírez-Pavez T, García-Peñaranda A, Garcia-Ibañez P
202. Meta-Analysis Identifies BDNF and Novel Common Genes Differently Altered in Cross-Species Models of Rett Syndrome.
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2022 Sep 22
Haase F, Singh R, Gloss B
203. Low Dose and Non-Targeted Radiation Effects in Environmental Protection and Medicine-A New Model Focusing on Electromagnetic Signaling.
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2022 Sep 21
Mothersill C, Cocchetto A, Seymour C.
204. Prediction and Ranking of Biomarkers Using multiple UniReD.
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2022 Sep 21
Baltsavia I, Theodosiou T, Papanikolaou N
205. The Gut-Immune-Brain Axis: An Important Route for Neuropsychiatric Morbidity in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
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2022 Sep 21
Masanetz RK, Winkler J, Winner B
206. Genome-Wide Characterization and Expression Analysis of Fatty acid Desaturase Gene Family in Poplar.
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2022 Sep 21
Wei H, Movahedi A, Xu S
207. Identification and Characterization of AUXIN Response Factor Gene Family Reveals Their Regulatory Network to Respond the Multi-Hormones Crosstalk during GA-Induced Grape Parthenocarpic Berry.
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2022 Sep 21
Sheng Z, Xuan X, Wang F
208. SHP-1/STAT3-Signaling-Axis-Regulated Coupling between BECN1 and SLC7A11 Contributes to Sorafenib-Induced Ferroptosis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
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2022 Sep 21
Huang CY, Chen LJ, Chen G
209. Isolation and Sequencing of Chromosome Arm 7RS of Rye, Secale cereale.
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2022 Sep 21
Petereit J, Tay Fernandez C, Marsh JI
210. The TRPV1 Receptor Is Up-Regulated by Sphingosine 1-Phosphate and Is Implicated in the Anandamide-Dependent Regulation of Mitochondrial Activity in C2C12 Myoblasts.
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2022 Sep 21
Standoli S, Pecchioli S, Tortolani D
211. Mast Cells and Dendritic Cells as Cellular Immune Checkpoints in Immunotherapy of Solid Tumors.
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2022 Sep 21
Kalkusova K, Smite S, Darras E
212. Unorthodox PCNA Binding by Chromatin Assembly Factor 1.
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2022 Sep 21
Gopinathan Nair A, Rabas N, Lejon S
213. Altered Surface Expression of Insulin-Degrading Enzyme on Monocytes and Lymphocytes from COVID-19 Patients Both at Diagnosis and after Hospital Discharge.
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2022 Sep 21
González-Casimiro CM, Arribas-Rodríguez E, Fiz-López A
214. Poly(Butylene Adipate/Terephthalate-Co-Glycolate) Copolyester Synthesis Based on Methyl Glycolate with Improved Barrier Properties: From Synthesis to Structure-Property.
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2022 Sep 21
Wang Y, Yang H, Li B
215. NSD2 as a Promising Target in Hematological Disorders.
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2022 Sep 21
Azagra A, Cobaleda C.
216. Keratocyte Differentiation Is Regulated by NF-κB and TGFβ Signaling Crosstalk.
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2022 Sep 21
Zhou X, Li J, Backman LJ
217. Delayed Diagnosis of Congenital Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency including Severe Growth Hormone Deficiency in Children with Persistent Neonatal Hypoglycemia-Case Reports and Review.
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2022 Sep 21
Smyczyńska J, Pawelak N, Hilczer M
218. Platelet SR-PSOX/CXCL16-CXCR6 Axis Influences Thrombotic Propensity and Prognosis in Coronary Artery Disease.
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2022 Sep 21
Guan T, Emschermann F, Schories C
219. Clinical Trials of New Drugs for Vascular Cognitive Impairment and Vascular Dementia.
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2022 Sep 21
Linh TTD, Hsieh YC, Huang LK
220. The Effects of Aging on the Intramuscular Connective Tissue.
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2022 Sep 21
Fede C, Fan C, Pirri C
221. Genome-Wide Association Study of Salt Tolerance-Related Traits during Germination and Seedling Development in an Intermedium-Spike Barley Collection.
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2022 Sep 21
Sayed MA, Maurer A, Schmutzer T
222. Influence of Heat Treatment on Surface, Structural and Optical Properties of Nickel and Copper Phthalocyanines Thin Films.
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2022 Sep 21
Popielarski P, Mosińska L, Skowronski L
223. Mutation of OsSAC3, Encoding the Xanthine Dehydrogenase, Caused Early Senescence in Rice.
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2022 Sep 21
Xie Z, Zhao B, Zhang M
224. Exosomal Micro-RNAs as Intercellular Communicators in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.
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2022 Sep 20
Negrete-García MC, de Jesús Ramos-Abundis J, Alvarado-Vasquez N
225. The Chromosome Number and rDNA Loci Evolution in Onobrychis (Fabaceae).
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2022 Sep 20
Yucel G, Betekhtin A, Cabi E
226. The Antiaging Activities of Phytochemicals in Dark-Colored Plant Foods: Involvement of the Autophagy- and Apoptosis-Associated Pathways.
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2022 Sep 20
Luo M, Mai M, Song W
227. Immune State Conversion of the Mesenteric Lymph Node in a Mouse Breast Cancer Model.
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2022 Sep 20
Shigehiro T, Ueno M, Kijihira M
228. Iron Deposition and Ferroptosis in the Spleen in a Murine Model of Acute Radiation Syndrome.
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2022 Sep 20
Rittase WB, Slaven JE, Suzuki YJ
229. DLm6Am: A Deep-Learning-Based Tool for Identifying N6,2'-O-Dimethyladenosine Sites in RNA Sequences.
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2022 Sep 20
Luo Z, Su W, Lou L
230. The Roles of Phosphorus and Nitrogen Nutrient Transporters in the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis.
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2022 Sep 20
Rui W, Mao Z, Li Z.
231. The Human Cytomegalovirus β2.7 Long Non-Coding RNA Prevents Induction of Reactive Oxygen Species to Maintain Viral Gene Silencing during Latency.
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2022 Sep 20
Perera MR, Sinclair JH.
232. The Possible Connection of Two Dual Function Processes: The Relationship of Ferroptosis and the JNK Pathway.
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2022 Sep 20
Varga D, Hajdinák P, Makk-Merczel K
233. Molecular Mechanisms of Anti-Inflammatory Phytochemicals.
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2022 Sep 20
Cruz-Martins N.
234. Target-Specific Machine Learning Scoring Function Improved Structure-Based Virtual Screening Performance for SARS-CoV-2 Drugs Development.
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2022 Sep 20
Tahir Ul Qamar M, Zhu XT, Chen LL
235. Allyl-, Butyl- and Phenylethyl-Isothiocyanate Modulate Akt-mTOR and Cyclin-CDK Signaling in Gemcitabine- and Cisplatin-Resistant Bladder Cancer Cell Lines.
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2022 Sep 20
Rutz J, Maxeiner S, Grein T
236. Translation from Microgravity Research to Earth Application.
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2022 Sep 20
Grimm D, Hemmersbach R.
237. Tracking Topological and Electronic Effects on the Folding and Stability of Guanine-Deficient RNA G-Quadruplexes, Engineered with a New Computational Tool for De Novo Quadruplex Folding.
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2022 Sep 20
Göç YB, Poziemski J, Smolińska W
238. Antioxidant Activity of Quercetin in a H(2)O(2)-Induced Oxidative Stress Model in Red Blood Cells: Functional Role of Band 3 Protein.
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2022 Sep 20
Remigante A, Spinelli S, Straface E
239. Glycyrrhizic Acid and Its Derivatives: Promising Candidates for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Complications.
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2022 Sep 20
Tan D, Tseng HHL, Zhong Z
240. Interactions between the Polysialylated Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule and the Transient Receptor Potential Canonical Channels 1, 4, and 5 Induce Entry of Ca(2+) into Neurons.
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2022 Sep 2
Amores-Bonet L, Kleene R, Theis T
241. Tankyrase Inhibition Attenuates Cardiac Dilatation and Dysfunction in Ischemic Heart Failure.
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2022 Sep 2
Wang H, Segersvärd H, Siren J
242. Autophagy Dysregulation in Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease: A New Therapeutic Target.
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2022 Sep 2
Chen CL, Lin YC.
243. Novel Short PEG Chain-Substituted Porphyrins: Synthesis, Photochemistry, and In Vitro Photodynamic Activity against Cancer Cells.
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2022 Sep 2
Lazewski D, Kucinska M, Potapskiy E
244. Development of Methotrexate Complexes Endowed with New Biological Properties Envisioned for Musculoskeletal Regeneration in Rheumatoid Arthritis Environments.
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2022 Sep 2
Fernández-Villa D, Ramírez-Jiménez RA, Aranaz I
245. ASC Regulates Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Lipogenesis and Lipolysis via p53/AMPKα Axis.
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2022 Sep 2
Chen H, Pei Q, Tao L
246. The Diagnostic Value of MRI-Based Radiomic Analysis of Lacrimal Glands in Patients with Sjögren's Syndrome.
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2022 Sep 2
Muntean DD, Bădărînză M, Ștefan PA
247. Ligand-Based Virtual Screening and Molecular Docking of Benzimidazoles as Potential Inhibitors of Triosephosphate Isomerase Identified New Trypanocidal Agents.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 2
Vázquez-Jiménez LK, Juárez-Saldivar A, Gómez-Escobedo R
248. Irrigation with Magnetized Water Alleviates the Harmful Effect of Saline-Alkaline Stress on Rice Seedlings.
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2022 Sep 2
Ma C, Li Q, Song Z
249. Transcription Factors Runx1 and Runx3 Suppress Keratin Expression in Undifferentiated Keratinocytes.
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2022 Sep 2
Ogawa E, Edamitsu T, Ohmori H
250. Novel Nanotechnology Approaches to Overcome Drug Resistance in the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Glypican 3 as a Useful Target for Innovative Therapies.
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2022 Sep 2
Mossenta M, Busato D, Dal Bo M
251. Effect of Titanium and Zirconia Nanoparticles on Human Gingival Mesenchymal Stromal Cells.
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2022 Sep 2
Nemec M, Behm C, Maierhofer V
252. Characterization of 22q12 Microdeletions Causing Position Effect in Rare NF2 Patients with Complex Phenotypes.
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2022 Sep 2
Tritto V, Eoli M, Paterra R
253. TRPV1: A Common Denominator Mediating Antinociceptive and Antiemetic Effects of Cannabinoids.
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2022 Sep 2
Louis-Gray K, Tupal S, Premkumar LS.
254. Differences of Uric Acid Transporters Carrying Extracellular Vesicles in the Urine from Uric Acid and Calcium Stone Formers and Non-Stone Formers.
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2022 Sep 2
Lin Z, Jayachandran M, Haskic Z
255. A TD-DFT-Based Study on the Attack of the OH· Radical on a Guanine Nucleotide.
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2022 Sep 2
Santiago J, de Faria JC, San-Miguel M
256. The GEM-GECO Calcium Indicator Is Useable in Ogataea parapolymorpha Yeast, but Aggravates Effects of Increased Cytosolic Calcium Levels.
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2022 Sep 2
Kulakova MV, Karginov AV, Alexandrov AI
257. Pathomorphogenesis of Glycogen-Ground Glass Hepatocytic Inclusions (Polyglucosan Bodies) in Children after Liver Transplantation.
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2022 Sep 2
Callea F, Francalanci P, Grimaldi C
258. Unhealthy Diets Induce Distinct and Regional Effects on Intestinal Inflammatory Signalling Pathways and Long-Lasting Metabolic Dysfunction in Rats.
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2022 Sep 19
Nogueira S, Barbosa J, Faria J
259. Dual-Functional Nanofibrous Patches for Accelerating Wound Healing.
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2022 Sep 19
Xia D, Liu Y, Cao W
260. Alpha-Lipoic Acid Attenuates Apoptosis and Ferroptosis in Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxicity via the Reduction of Intracellular Lipid Droplets.
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2022 Sep 19
Cho S, Hong SJ, Kang SH
261. Recent Advances of Chitosan Formulations in Biomedical Applications.
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2022 Sep 19
Abourehab MAS, Pramanik S, Abdelgawad MA
262. MicroRNA and Hemostasis Profile of Carotid Atherosclerosis.
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2022 Sep 19
Raskurazhev AA, Kuznetsova PI, Shabalina AA
263. Proteomic Characterization of Virulence Factors and Related Proteins in Enterococcus Strains from Dairy and Fermented Food Products.
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2022 Sep 19
Abril AG, Quintela-Baluja M, Villa TG
264. Genetics, Functions, and Clinical Impact of Presenilin-1 (PSEN1) Gene.
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2022 Sep 19
Bagaria J, Bagyinszky E, An SSA.
265. From Floral Induction to Blooming: The Molecular Mysteries of Flowering in Woody Plants.
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2022 Sep 19
Sun L, Nie T, Chen Y
266. Structures and Anti-Inflammatory Evaluation of Phenylpropanoid Derivatives from the Aerial Parts of Dioscorea polystachya.
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2022 Sep 19
Cai B, Cai X, Xu T
267. Cardiac Toxicity Associated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: A Systematic Review.
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2022 Sep 19
Cozma A, Sporis ND, Lazar AL
268. The CFTR Amplifier Nesolicaftor Rescues TGF-β1 Inhibition of Modulator-Corrected F508del CFTR Function.
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2022 Sep 19
Bengtson C, Silswal N, Baumlin N
269. Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Patterns of the F-box Family in Poplar under Salt Stress.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 18
Fan G, Xia X, Yao W
270. Signatures of Co-Deregulated Genes and Their Transcriptional Regulators in Lung Cancer.
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2022 Sep 18
Chatziantoniou A, Zaravinos A.
271. Y98 Mutation Leads to the Loss of RsfS Anti-Association Activity in Staphylococcus aureus.
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2022 Sep 18
Fatkhullin B, Golubev A, Garaeva N
272. Regulation of ssb Gene Expression in Escherichia coli.
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2022 Sep 18
Feliciello I, Đermić E, Malović H
273. Comparative Transcriptome Analysis and Genetic Methods Revealed the Biocontrol Mechanism of Paenibacilluspolymyxa NSY50 against Tomato Fusarium Wilt.
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2022 Sep 18
Du N, Guo H, Fu R
274. COVID-19, Vaccination, and Female Fertility in the Czech Republic.
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2022 Sep 18
Kolatorova L, Adamcova K, Vitku J
275. Cancer Resistance to Immunotherapy: Molecular Mechanisms and Tackling Strategies.
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2022 Sep 18
Vu SH, Vetrivel P, Kim J
276. The Controversial Role of LPS in Platelet Activation In Vitro.
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2022 Sep 17
Galgano L, Guidetti GF, Torti M
277. Doxorubicin-Induced TrkAIII Activation: A Selection Mechanism for Resistant Dormant Neuroblastoma Cells.
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2022 Sep 17
Cappabianca L, Sebastiano M, Ruggieri M
278. Induced Resistance Combined with RNA Interference Attenuates the Counteradaptation of the Western Flower Thrips.
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2022 Sep 17
Zhang T, Liu L, Jia Y
279. Resveratrol Affects Sphingolipid Metabolism in A549 Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells.
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2022 Sep 17
Momchilova A, Pankov R, Staneva G
280. CpMAX1a, a Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenase Gene of Chimonanthus praecox Regulates Shoot Branching in Arabidopsis.
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2022 Sep 17
Zhang H, Hua R, Wang X
281. Understanding the Pharmacology of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Playing Dice with the Spike?
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2022 Sep 17
Cosentino M, Marino F.
282. From AKI to CKD: Maladaptive Repair and the Underlying Mechanisms.
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2022 Sep 17
Wang Z, Zhang C.
283. Intercontinental Gut Microbiome Variances in IBD.
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2022 Sep 17
Mayorga L, Serrano-Gómez G, Xie Z
284. MLK3 Regulates Inflammatory Response via Activation of AP-1 Pathway in HEK293 and RAW264.7 Cells.
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2022 Sep 17
Ha AT, Cho JY, Kim D.
285. Pattern of Mitochondrial Respiration in Peripheral Blood Cells of Patients with Parkinson's Disease.
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2022 Sep 17
Schirinzi T, Salvatori I, Zenuni H
286. The Role of TGFβ and Other Cytokines in Regulating Mast Cell Functions in Allergic Inflammation.
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2022 Sep 17
Haque TT, Frischmeyer-Guerrerio PA.
287. Review of the Current State of Freely Accessible Web Tools for the Analysis of 16S rRNA Sequencing of the Gut Microbiome.
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2022 Sep 17
Ibal JC, Park YJ, Park MK
288. The Physiological Function and Potential Role of the Ubiquitous Na(+)/H(+) Exchanger Isoform 8 (NHE8): An Overview Data.
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2022 Sep 17
Bernardazzi C, Sheikh IA, Xu H
289. Synthesis, Molecular Docking, In Vitro and In Vivo Studies of Novel Dimorpholinoquinazoline-Based Potential Inhibitors of PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathway.
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2022 Sep 17
Zapevalova MV, Shchegravina ES, Fonareva IP
290. Time-Dependent Sensitivity Tunable pH Sensors Based on the Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Electric-Double-Layer Transistor.
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2022 Sep 16
Park KW, Cho WJ.
291. Optical Biosensor Based on Graphene and Its Derivatives for Detecting Biomolecules.
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2022 Sep 16
Ji G, Tian J, Xing F
292. Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Regulate Oxidative Stress in HeLa Cells by Increasing the Aquaporin-Mediated Hydrogen Peroxide Permeability.
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2022 Sep 16
Pellavio G, Sommi P, Anselmi-Tamburini U
293. Engineering Nanofiber Scaffolds with Biomimetic Cues for Differentiation of Skin-Derived Neural Crest-like Stem Cells to Schwann Cells.
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2022 Sep 16
Podder AK, Mohamed MA, Tseropoulos G
294. Inhibitory Activities of Rare Ginsenoside Rg4 on Cecal Ligation and Puncture-Induced Sepsis.
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2022 Sep 16
Kim GO, Kim N, Song GY
295. Identification of Quantitative Trait Locus and Candidate Genes for Drought Tolerance in a Soybean Recombinant Inbred Line Population.
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2022 Sep 16
Ouyang W, Chen L, Ma J
296. Investigation of Anxiety- and Depressive-like Symptoms in 4- and 8-Month-Old Male Triple Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer's Disease.
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2022 Sep 16
Várkonyi D, Török B, Sipos E
297. Mixture Effects of Tryptophan Intestinal Microbial Metabolites on Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Activity.
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2022 Sep 16
Vrzalová A, Pečinková P, Illés P
298. Tumor-Suppressive and Oncogenic Roles of microRNA-149-5p in Human Cancers.
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2022 Sep 16
Shen Y, Zhao N, Zhao N
299. Activating PPARβ/δ Protects against Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Astrocytic Apoptosis via UCP2-Dependent Mitophagy in Depressive Model.
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2022 Sep 16
Ji J, Li S, Jiang Z
300. Fatty Acids and Lipid Paradox-Neuroprotective Biomarkers in Ischemic Stroke.
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2022 Sep 16
Andone S, Farczádi L, Imre S
301. Transcriptome Sequencing and Metabolome Analysis Reveals the Molecular Mechanism of Drought Stress in Millet.
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2022 Sep 16
Cao X, Hu Y, Song J
302. Transcriptional Activation of Ecdysone-Responsive Genes Requires H3K27 Acetylation at Enhancers.
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2022 Sep 16
Cheng D, Dong Z, Lin P
303. Apex Predators Enhance Environmental Adaptation but Reduce Community Stability of Bacterioplankton in Crustacean Aquaculture Ponds.
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2022 Sep 15
Hou Y, Jia R, Li B
304. A Wild Rice Rhizobacterium Burkholderiacepacia BRDJ Enhances Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Rice.
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2022 Sep 15
Li Z, Henawy AR, Halema AA
305. Hepatic Stellate Cell Modulates the Immune Microenvironment in the Progression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
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2022 Sep 15
Wang PW, Lin TY, Yang PM
306. WGCNA Identifies a Comprehensive and Dynamic Gene Co-Expression Network That Associates with Smut Resistance in Sugarcane.
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2022 Sep 15
Wu Q, Pan YB, Su Y
307. The Clinical Application of Growth Hormone and Its Biological and Molecular Mechanisms in Assisted Reproduction.
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2022 Sep 15
Pan P, Huang X.
308. Stemazole Promotes Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Survival In Vitro and Remyelination In Vivo.
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2022 Sep 15
Zhu Y, Chen M, Zhang Y
309. β-Cyclodextrin-Based Supramolecular Imprinted Fiber Array for Highly Selective Detection of Parabens.
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2022 Sep 15
Liu Z, Zhou Q, Wang D
310. Quantitative Analysis of Plant Cytosolic Calcium Signals in Response to Water Activated by Low-Power Non-Thermal Plasma.
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2022 Sep 15
Cortese E, Galenda A, Famengo A
311. Rodent Models of Post-Stroke Dementia.
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2022 Sep 15
Kim HY, Back DB, Choi BR
312. Regulation of the Soluble Amyloid Precursor Protein α (sAPPα) Levels by Acetylcholinesterase and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Lung Cancer Cell Media.
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2022 Sep 15
Al Khashali H, Ray R, Coleman KL
313. Human IRP1 Translocates to the Nucleus in a Cell-Specific and Iron-Dependent Manner.
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2022 Sep 15
Gu W, Fillebeen C, Pantopoulos K.
314. Screening of Induced Mutants Led to the Identification of Starch Biosynthetic Genes Associated with Improved Resistant Starch in Wheat.
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2022 Sep 15
Irshad A, Guo H, Ur Rehman S
315. Cholinergic Modulation of Locomotor Circuits in Vertebrates.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 14
Le Ray D, Bertrand SS, Dubuc R.
316. Comparison of Gene Expression Changes in Three Wheat Varieties with Different Susceptibilities to Heat Stress Using RNA-Seq Analysis.
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2022 Sep 14
Lee MH, Kim KM, Sang WG
317. New Insights into Ion Channels: Predicting hERG-Drug Interactions.
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2022 Sep 14
Wempe MF.
318. Fucoidan Protects against Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity by Reducing Oxidative Stress and Preventing Mitochondrial Function Injury.
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2022 Sep 14
Ji Y, Jin D, Qi J
319. Activation of Inflammatory Networks in the Lungs Caused by Chronic Cold Stress Is Moderately Attenuated by Glucose Supplementation.
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2022 Sep 14
Teng T, Yang H, Xu T
320. Physiological and Biochemical Regulation Mechanism of Exogenous Hydrogen Peroxide in Alleviating NaCl Stress Toxicity in Tartary Buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn).
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2022 Sep 14
Yao X, Zhou M, Ruan J
321. Novel Anti-Neuroinflammatory Properties of a Thiosemicarbazone-Pyridylhydrazone Copper(II) Complex.
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2022 Sep 14
Choo XY, McInnes LE, Grubman A
322. Modulation of Immune Cells as a Therapy for Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus.
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2022 Sep 14
Soto JA, Melo-González F, Riedel CA
323. Immune Tumor Microenvironment in Ovarian Cancer Ascites.
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2022 Sep 14
Almeida-Nunes DL, Mendes-Frias A, Silvestre R
324. Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibitors Based on Selenoureas Bearing an Adamantane Moiety.
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2022 Sep 14
Burmistrov V, Morisseau C, Babkov DA
325. Overexpression of PagERF072 from Poplar Improves Salt Tolerance.
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2022 Sep 14
Zhang X, Cheng Z, Yao W
326. Activation of Alternative Bilirubin Clearance Pathways Partially Reduces Hyperbilirubinemia in a Mouse Model Lacking Functional Ugt1a1 Activity.
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2022 Sep 14
Banerjee B, Olajide OJ, Bortolussi G
327. Identification of NHLRC1 as a Novel AKT Activator from a Lung Cancer Epigenome-Wide Association Study (EWAS).
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2022 Sep 14
Faltus C, Lahnsteiner A, Barrdahl M
328. Connexin Lateralization Contributes to Male Susceptibility to Atrial Fibrillation.
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2022 Sep 14
Thibault S, Ton AT, Huynh F
329. Molecular Biosimilarity-An AI-Driven Paradigm Shift.
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2022 Sep 14
Niazi SK.
330. Crosstalk between Ca(2+) Signaling and Cancer Stemness: The Link to Cisplatin Resistance.
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2022 Sep 14
Kouba S, Hague F, Ahidouch A
331. CRISPR/nCas9-Based Genome Editing on GM2 Gangliosidoses Fibroblasts via Non-Viral Vectors.
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2022 Sep 14
Leal AF, Cifuentes J, Quezada V
332. Transcriptome-Wide m(6)A Methylome Profiling in Sorghum following GA(3) Treatment under Salt Stress.
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2022 Sep 14
Wu Y, Liu J, Zhou G.
333. Successful i-GONAD in Mice at Early Zygote Stage through In Vivo Electroporation Three Min after Intraoviductal Instillation of CRISPR-Ribonucleoprotein.
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2022 Sep 14
Takabayashi S, Iijima K, Tsujimura M
334. A Preliminary Direct Comparison of the Inflammatory Reduction and Growth Factor Production Capabilities of Three Commercially Available Wound Products: Collagen Sheet, Manuka Honey Sheet, and a Novel Bioengineered Collagen Derivative + Manuka Honey + Hydroxyapatite Sheet.
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2022 Sep 14
Rodriguez I, Conti T, Bionda N.
335. Fragment-Based Drug Discovery against Mycobacteria: The Success and Challenges.
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2022 Sep 14
Togre NS, Vargas AM, Bhargavi G
336. Zrsr2 Is Essential for the Embryonic Development and Splicing of Minor Introns in RNA and Protein Processing Genes in Zebrafish.
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2022 Sep 14
Weinstein R, Bishop K, Broadbridge E
337. Effects of Chronic Kidney Disease on Nanomechanics of the Endothelial Glycocalyx Are Mediated by the Mineralocorticoid Receptor.
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2022 Sep 13
Fels B, Beyer A, Cazaña-Pérez V
338. Oxidation of p-[(125)I]Iodobenzoic Acid and p-[(211)At]Astatobenzoic Acid Derivatives and Evaluation In Vivo.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 13
Li Y, Chyan MK, Hamlin DK
339. Ceramide Metabolism Regulated by Sphingomyelin Synthase 2 Is Associated with Acquisition of Chemoresistance via Exosomes in Human Leukemia Cells.
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2022 Sep 13
Taniguchi M, Nagaya S, Yuyama K
340. Natural Radiosensitizers in Radiotherapy: Cancer Treatment by Combining Ionizing Radiation with Resveratrol.
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2022 Sep 13
Komorowska D, Radzik T, Kalenik S
341. The Plastidial DIG5 Protein Affects Lateral Root Development by Regulating Flavonoid Biosynthesis and Auxin Transport in Arabidopsis.
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2022 Sep 13
Liu W, Chen T, Liu Y
342. Special Issue on the "Regulation and Physiopathology of the Gut Barrier".
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2022 Sep 13
Thenet S, Carrière V.
343. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D(3) Negatively Regulates the Inflammatory Response to Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Infection by Inhibiting NF-κB and JAK/STAT Signaling Pathway in IPEC-J2 Porcine Epithelial Cells.
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2022 Sep 13
Yang J, Chen D, Tian G
344. Bacillus subtilis: As an Efficient Bacterial Strain for the Reclamation of Water Loaded with Textile Azo Dye, Orange II.
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2022 Sep 13
Ikram M, Naeem M, Zahoor M
345. New Atypical Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Schizophrenia and Depression.
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2022 Sep 13
Orzelska-Górka J, Mikulska J, Wiszniewska A
346. Formation Mechanism of Inter-Crosslink in DNA by Nitrogen Oxides Pollutants through A Diazonium Intermediate.
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2022 Sep 13
Hernandez-Haro N, Solis-Calero C, Casasnovas R
347. Helicate versus Mesocate in Quadruple-Stranded Lanthanide Cages: A Computational Insight.
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2022 Sep 13
Carlotto S, Armelao L, Rancan M.
348. Flavonoid Baicalein Suppresses Oral Biofilms and Protects Enamel Hardness to Combat Dental Caries.
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2022 Sep 13
Chen H, Xie S, Gao J
349. Impact of Acetate in Reduction of Perchlorate by Mixed Microbial Culture under the Influence of Nitrate and Sulfate.
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2022 Sep 13
Yu H, Lee KH, Park JW.
350. Nanotechnology Meets Oncology: A Perspective on the Role of the Personalized Nanoparticle-Protein Corona in the Development of Technologies for Pancreatic Cancer Detection.
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2022 Sep 13
Caputo D, Quagliarini E, Pozzi D
351. Metabolic Adaptation as Potential Target in Papillary Renal Cell Carcinomas Based on Their In Situ Metabolic Characteristics.
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2022 Sep 13
Krencz I, Vetlényi E, Dankó T
352. Sonidegib Suppresses Production of Inflammatory Mediators and Cell Migration in BV2 Microglial Cells and Mice Treated with Lipopolysaccharide via JNK and NF-κB Inhibition.
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2022 Sep 13
Nguyen NM, Duong MTH, Bui BP
353. Modulators of Wnt Signaling Pathway Implied in Dentin Pulp Complex Engineering: A Literature Review.
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2022 Sep 13
Florimond M, Minic S, Sharpe P
354. Mutation of GmIPK1 Gene Using CRISPR/Cas9 Reduced Phytic Acid Content in Soybean Seeds.
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2022 Sep 13
Song JH, Shin G, Kim HJ
355. Reactive Nitrogen Species and Male Reproduction: Physiological and Pathological Aspects.
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2022 Sep 12
Dutta S, Sengupta P, Das S
356. Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry-Based Lipidomics for Identification of Canine Mammary Pathology.
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2022 Sep 12
Mangraviti D, Abbate JM, Iaria C
357. Glial Cell-Mediated Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 12
Al-Ghraiybah NF, Wang J, Alkhalifa AE
358. Genome-Wide Identification of WRKY Gene Family in Pitaya Reveals the Involvement of HmoWRKY42 in Betalain Biosynthesis.
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2022 Sep 12
Chen C, Xie F, Shah K
359. Association of MMP-2 and MMP-9 Polymorphisms with Diabetes and Pathogenesis of Diabetic Complications.
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2022 Sep 12
Gajewska B, Śliwińska-Mossoń M.
360. Identification of the Regulatory Targets of miR-3687 and miR-4417 in Prostate Cancer Cells Using a Proteomics Approach.
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2022 Sep 12
Venz S, Junker H, Ultsch E
361. Precision Killing of Sinoporphyrin Sodium-Mediated Photodynamic Therapy against Malignant Tumor Cells.
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2022 Sep 12
Lv G, Dong Z, Zhao Y
362. HMG20A Inhibit Adipogenesis by Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation of MEF2C Expression.
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2022 Sep 12
Li R, Meng S, Ji M
363. Action of the Photochrome Glyght on GABAergic Synaptic Transmission in Mouse Brain Slices.
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2022 Sep 12
Petukhova E, Ponomareva D, Rustler K
364. Subfunctionalization of D27 Isomerase Genes in Saffron.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 11
López-Jiménez AJ, Morote L, Niza E
365. Tumor-Promoting Activity and Proteomic Profiling of Cisplatin/Oxaliplatin-Derived DAMPs in Cholangiocarcinoma Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 11
Songjang W, Nensat C, Nernpermpisooth N
366. Identification of Candidate Chemosensory Gene Families by Head Transcriptomes Analysis in the Mexican Fruit Fly, Anastrepha ludens Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 11
Segura-León OL, Torres-Huerta B, Estrada-Pérez AR
367. Vitamin D as a Possible COVID-19 Prevention Strategy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 11
Bičíková M, Máčová L, Hill M.
368. α-Bisabolol Attenuates Doxorubicin Induced Renal Toxicity by Modulating NF-κB/MAPK Signaling and Caspase-Dependent Apoptosis in Rats.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 10
Arunachalam S, Nagoor Meeran MF, Azimullah S
369. Development of Soft Rice Lines by Regulating Amylose Content via Editing the 5'UTR of the Wx Gene.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 10
Yang J, Guo X, Wang X
370. Genome-Wide Identification of Laminin Family Related to Follicular Pseudoplacenta Development in Black Rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii).
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 10
Zhao N, Wang X, Wang T
371. Reaction-Diffusion Systems: Self-Balancing Diffusion and the Use of the Extent of Reaction as a Descriptor of Reaction Kinetics.
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2022 Sep 10
Pekař M.
372. Combined Proteomic and Metabolomic Analysis of the Molecular Mechanism Underlying the Response to Salt Stress during Seed Germination in Barley.
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2022 Sep 10
Chen Y, Wang J, Yao L
373. Early Rehabilitation Exercise after Stroke Improves Neurological Recovery through Enhancing Angiogenesis in Patients and Cerebral Ischemia Rat Model.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 10
Geng H, Li M, Tang J
374. Scattered Tubular Cells Markers in Macula Densa of Normal Human Adult Kidney.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 10
Tossetta G, Fantone S, Lorenzi T
375. Valorization of Biomasses from Energy Crops for the Discovery of Novel Thermophilic Glycoside Hydrolases through Metagenomic Analysis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 10
Iacono R, Strazzulli A, Giglio R
376. Genome-Wide Analysis of Calmodulin Binding Transcription Activator (CAMTA) Gene Family in Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) and Ectopic Expression of PpCAMTA1 in Arabidopsis camta2,3 Mutant Restore Plant Development.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 10
Yang C, Li Z, Cao X
377. Current Uses of Mushrooms in Cancer Treatment and Their Anticancer Mechanisms.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 10
Park HJ.
378. New Insights on Heme Uptake in Leishmania spp.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 10
Cabello-Donayre M, Orrego LM, Herráez E
379. Role of Circular RNAs in Pulmonary Fibrosis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 10
Zhou J, Chen Y, He M
380. Coevolution of Rumen Epithelial circRNAs with Their Microbiota and Metabolites in Response to Cold-Season Nutritional Stress in Tibetan Sheep.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 10
Guo X, Sha Y, Pu X
381. Genome-Wide Analysis of the Growth-Regulating Factor (GRF) Family in Aquatic Plants and Their Roles in the ABA-Induced Turion Formation of Spirodela polyrhiza.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 10
Li G, Chen Y, Zhao X
382. Host Cell Signatures of the Envelopment Site within Beta-Herpes Virions.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 1
Mahmutefendić Lučin H, Blagojević Zagorac G, Marcelić M
383. Novel Triterpenic Acid-Benzotriazole Esters Act as Pro-Apoptotic Antimelanoma Agents.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 1
Mioc M, Mioc A, Prodea A
384. Pretreatment with Zonisamide Mitigates Oxaliplatin-Induced Toxicity in Rat DRG Neurons and DRG Neuron-Schwann Cell Co-Cultures.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 1
Takaku S, Sango K.
385. The Development of Honey Recognition Models Based on the Association between ATR-IR Spectroscopy and Advanced Statistical Tools.
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2022 Sep 1
David M, Hategan AR, Berghian-Grosan C
386. Engineering Bio-Adhesives Based on Protein-Polysaccharide Phase Separation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 1
Bashir Z, Yu W, Xu Z
387. The Mechanism of Lipopolysaccharide's Effect on Secretion of Endometrial Mucins in Female Mice during Pregnancy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 1
Lu D, Hu W, Tian T
388. CCL5 Levels Predict Stroke Volume Growth in Acute Ischemic Stroke and Significantly Diminish in Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 1
Julián-Villaverde FJ, Serrano-Ponz M, Ramalle-Gómara E
389. The Role of Tryptophan Metabolites in Neuropsychiatric Disorders.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 1
Davidson M, Rashidi N, Nurgali K
390. Microscopic and Transcriptomic Comparison of Powdery Mildew Resistance in the Progenies of Brassica carinata × B. napus.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 1
Zhang M, Gong Q, Su X
391. Therapeutics That Can Potentially Replicate or Augment the Anti-Aging Effects of Physical Exercise.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 1
De Sousa Lages A, Lopes V, Horta J
392. Mitochondrial DNA Together with miR-142-3p in Plasma Can Predict Unfavorable Outcomes in Patients after Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 1
Barbalata T, Scarlatescu AI, Sanda GM
393. Targeting the Mitochondrial Protein VDAC1 as a Potential Therapeutic Strategy in ALS.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 1
Shteinfer-Kuzmine A, Argueti-Ostrovsky S, Leyton-Jaimes MF
394. Transcription Factor MAFB as a Prognostic Biomarker for the Lung Adenocarcinoma.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 1
Samir O, Kobayashi N, Nishino T
395. Integrated Transcriptome and Targeted Metabolite Analysis Reveal miRNA-mRNA Networks in Low-Light-Induced Lotus Flower Bud Abortion.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Sep 1
Ren H, Xu Y, Lixie H
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