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2021 Jan (256)
1. Terconazole, an Azole Antifungal Drug, Increases Cytotoxicity in Antimitotic Drug-Treated Resistant Cancer Cells with Substrate-Specific P-gp Inhibitory Activity.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 9
Lee JS, Oh Y, Park JH
2. Properties, Physiological Functions and Involvement of Basidiomycetous Alcohol Oxidase in Wood Degradation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 9
Pawlik A, Stefanek S, Janusz G.
3. Two Subgroups within the GH43_36 α-l-Arabinofuranosidase Subfamily Hydrolyze Arabinosyl from Either Mono-or Disubstituted Xylosyl Units in Wheat Arabinoxylan.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 9
Leschonski KP, Kaasgaard SG, Spodsberg N
4. Phenethyl Isothiocyanate-Conjugated Chitosan Oligosaccharide Nanophotosensitizers for Photodynamic Treatment of Human Cancer Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 9
Bae I, Kim TG, Kim T
5. Transcriptome Alterations Caused by Social Defeat Stress of Various Durations in Mice and Its Relevance to Depression and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Humans: A Meta-Analysis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 9
Reshetnikov VV, Kisaretova PE, Bondar NP.
6. Alternate-Day Fasting Ameliorates Newly Established Sjögren's Syndrome-like Sialadenitis in Non-Obese Diabetic Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 9
Li D, Onodera S, Deng S
7. Influence of Sex and Strain on Hepatic and Adipose Tissue Trace Element Concentrations and Gene Expression in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J High Fat Diet Models.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 9
Hagarty-Waite KA, Totten MS, Pierce M
8. Molecular Management of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 9
Punzón-Jiménez P, Lago V, Domingo S
9. TREML2 Gene Expression and Its Missense Variant rs3747742 Associate with White Matter Hyperintensity Volume and Alzheimer's Disease-Related Brain Atrophy in the General Population.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 9
Kühn AL, Frenzel S, Teumer A
10. Nanomaterials in Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 9
Brero F, Gallo S.
11. Molecular Tuning of IR-786 for Improved Brown Adipose Tissue Imaging.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 9
Jo G, Kim EJ, Song J
12. GADD34 Ablation Exacerbates Retinal Degeneration in P23H RHO Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 9
Saltykova IV, Zhylkibayev A, Gorbatyuk OS
13. Circulating Inflammatory Biomarkers in Early Prediction of Stroke-Associated Infections.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 9
Hasse IMC, Grosse GM, Schuppner R
14. The Effect of the Selective N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) Receptor GluN2B Subunit Antagonist CP-101,606 on Cytochrome P450 2D (CYP2D) Expression and Activity in the Rat Liver and Brain.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Haduch A, Bromek E, Pukło R
15. Validation of a QTL on Chromosome 1DS Showing a Major Effect on Salt Tolerance in Winter Wheat.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Mohamed M, Siddiqui MN, Oyiga BC
16. The Reentry Helix Is Potentially Involved in Cholesterol Sensing of the ABCG1 Transporter Protein.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Hegyi Z, Hegedűs T, Homolya L.
17. The HIV-1 Integrase C-Terminal Domain Induces TAR RNA Structural Changes Promoting Tat Binding.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Rocchi C, Louvat C, Miele AE
18. Size Effect in Hybrid TiO(2):Au Nanostars for Photocatalytic Water Remediation Applications.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Zheng F, Martins PM, Queirós JM
19. Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Inhibits Tumorigenesis and Progression of Colitis-Associated Colon Cancer through Suppression of Inflammatory Neutrophil-Activated Serine Proteases and IGFBP-3 Proteolysis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Cai Q, Kim M, Harada A
20. Delivery of Theranostic Nanoparticles to Various Cancers by Means of Integrin-Binding Peptides.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Egorova EA, Nikitin MP.
21. Immune Response Gaps Linked to SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Cellular Exhaustion, Senescence, or Both?
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Barbosa LV, Prá DMM, Nagashima S
22. Coordination of AMPK and YAP by Spatholobi Caulis and Procyanidin B2 Provides Antioxidant Effects In Vitro and In Vivo.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Bae SJ, Bak SB, Kim YW.
23. Contrast-Free FLIM Reveals Metabolic Changes in Pathological Islets of Langerhans.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Ermakova P, Kashirina A, Kornilova I
24. Coordination Chemistry of Phosphate Groups in Systems Including Copper(II) Ions, Phosphoethanolamine and Pyrimidine Nucleotides.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Gabryel-Skrodzka M, Nowak M, Teubert A
25. Design of Hierarchically Tailored Hybrids Based on Nickle Nanocrystal-Decorated Manganese Dioxides for Enhanced Fire Safety of Epoxy Resin.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Yuan Y, Liang C, Yuen ACY
26. Chalcogen Bond as a Factor Stabilizing Ligand Conformation in the Binding Pocket of Carbonic Anhydrase IX Receptor Mimic.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Wojtkowiak K, Michalczyk M, Zierkiewicz W
27. Synthesis of an Anti-CD7 Recombinant Immunotoxin Based on PE24 in CHO and E. coli Cell-Free Systems.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Krebs SK, Stech M, Jorde F
28. Influence of Selective Extraction/Isolation of Heme/Hemoglobin with Hydrophobic Imidazolium Ionic Liquids on the Precision and Accuracy of Cotinine ELISA Test.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Flieger J, Tatarczak-Michalewska M, Flieger W
29. New Drugs and Novel Cellular Targets against Tuberculosis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Degiacomi G, Makarov V, Pasca MR
30. Iron- and Neuromelanin-Weighted Neuroimaging to Study Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Patients with Parkinson's Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Pizarro-Galleguillos BM, Kunert L, Brüggemann N
31. Sex- and Neuropsychiatric-Dependent Circadian Alterations in Daily Voluntary Physical Activity Engagement and Patterns in Aged 3xTg-AD Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 8
Alveal-Mellado D, Castillo-Mariqueo L, Giménez-Llort L.
32. Vitamin D-Related Genes and Thyroid Cancer-A Systematic Review.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 7
Maciejewski A, Lacka K.
33. Dynamical Mechanism Analysis of Three Neuroregulatory Strategies on the Modulation of Seizures.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 7
Zhang H, Shen Z, Zhao Y
34. Activity-Dependent Neuroprotective Protein (ADNP): An Overview of Its Role in the Eye.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 7
Maugeri G, D'Amico AG, Magrì B
35. E3 Ubiquitin Ligase FBXO3 Drives Neuroinflammation to Aggravate Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 7
Gao Y, Xiao X, Luo J
36. Biological Solubilisation of Leather Industry Waste in Anaerobic Conditions: Effect of Chromium (III) Presence, Pre-Treatments and Temperature Strategies.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 7
Fernández-Rodríguez J, Lorea B, González-Gaitano G.
37. Exploring the RNA Editing Events and Their Potential Regulatory Roles in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis L.).
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 7
Zhang M, Li Z, Wang Z
38. Interplay between Autophagy and Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1: ICP34.5, One of the Main Actors.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 7
Ripa I, Andreu S, López-Guerrero JA
39. Magnetic Multi-Enzymatic System for Cladribine Manufacturing.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 7
Cruz G, Saiz LP, Bilal M
40. Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque: Is There a Molecular Signature?
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 7
Chiorescu RM, Mocan M, Inceu AI
41. Hypo-Osmoregulatory Roles of Vasotocinergic and Isotocinergic Systems in the Intestines of Two European Sea Bass Lineages.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 7
Cao Q, Blondeau-Bidet E, Lorin-Nebel C.
42. Astrocytes as a Therapeutic Target in Alzheimer's Disease-Comprehensive Review and Recent Developments.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 7
Rodríguez-Giraldo M, González-Reyes RE, Ramírez-Guerrero S
43. The Role of Transmembrane Proteins in Plant Growth, Development, and Stress Responses.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 7
Zhou Y, Wang B, Yuan F.
44. Pathology of Initial Axon Segments in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy and Related Disorders.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 7
Dziadkowiak E, Nowakowska-Kotas M, Budrewicz S
45. Natriuretic Peptides-New Targets for Neurocontrol of Blood Pressure via Baroreflex Afferent Pathway.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 7
Li X, Cui Y, Zhang Q
46. On the Bioactivity of Echinacea purpurea Extracts to Modulate the Production of Inflammatory Mediators.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 6
Vieira SF, Gonçalves VMF, Llaguno CP
47. Time-Resolved Proteomics of Germinating Spores of Bacillus cereus.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 6
Gao X, Swarge BN, Roseboom W
48. Phytochemical and Antioxidant Profile of the Medicinal Plant Melia azedarach Subjected to Water Deficit Conditions.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 6
Dias MC, Pinto DCGA, Costa M
49. Involvement of Oxytocin and Progesterone Receptor Expression in the Etiology of Canine Uterine Inertia.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 6
Jungmann C, Houghton CG, Nielsen FG
50. Defective Thyroglobulin: Cell Biology of Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 6
Zhang X, Young C, Morishita Y
51. Comprehensive Analysis Revealed the Potential Roles of N(6)-Methyladenosine (m(6)A) Mediating E. coli F18 Susceptibility in IPEC-J2 Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 6
Wu Z, Wang Y, Li T
52. Intersection of the Orphan G Protein-Coupled Receptor, GPR19, with the Aging Process.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 6
Maudsley S, Walter D, Schrauwen C
53. Serum Level of MMP-3 and MMP-9 in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Infected with Epstein-Barr Virus.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 6
Stępień E, Dworzański J, Dworzańska A
54. Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome Driven T Cell Immunomodulation Is IL-10 Dependent.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 6
Shephard MT, Merkhan MM, Forsyth NR.
55. In Vitro and In Vivo Biological Activity of Ruthenium 1,10-Phenanthroline-5,6-dione Arene Complexes.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 6
Lenis-Rojas OA, Roma-Rodrigues C, Carvalho B
56. Transcriptome Profiling of the Resistance Response of Musa acuminata subsp. burmannicoides, var. Calcutta 4 to Pseudocercospora musae.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 5
Pinheiro TDM, Rego ECS, Alves GSC
57. The Cognitive Improvement and Alleviation of Brain Hypermetabolism Caused by FFAR3 Ablation in Tg2576 Mice Is Persistent under Diet-Induced Obesity.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 5
Solas M, Zamarbide M, Ardanaz CG
58. Identification of Hypoxia-Related Prognostic Signature and Competing Endogenous RNA Regulatory Axes in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 5
Tang Y, Zhang H, Chen L
59. Targeted Disruption of Lats1 and Lats2 in Mice Impairs Testis Development and Alters Somatic Cell Fate.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 5
Abou Nader N, Ménard A, Levasseur A
60. MicroRNA-381 Regulates Proliferation and Differentiation of Caprine Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells by Targeting PTEN and JAG2.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 5
Shen J, Wang J, Zhen H
61. Gut Microbiota Mediates Skin Ulceration Syndrome Outbreak by Readjusting Lipid Metabolism in Apostichopus japonicus.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 5
Zhang Z, Song M, Lv Z
62. SIRT1 Promotes Host Protective Immunity against Toxoplasma gondii by Controlling the FoxO-Autophagy Axis via the AMPK and PI3K/AKT Signalling Pathways.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 5
Lee J, Kim J, Lee JH
63. Lipoic/Capsaicin-Related Amides: Synthesis and Biological Characterization of New TRPV1 Agonists Endowed with Protective Properties against Oxidative Stress.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 5
Brizzi A, Maramai S, Aiello F
64. Integrative Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals the Mechanism of Specific Color Formation in Phoebe zhennan Heartwood.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 5
Yang H, An W, Gu Y
65. Roles of Calcium Signaling in Gene Expression and Photosynthetic Acclimatization of Solanum lycopersicum Micro-Tom (MT) after Mechanical Damage.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 5
Campos FG, Seixas DP, Barzotto GR
66. Antiviral Potential of Plants against COVID-19 during Outbreaks-An Update.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 5
Jamal QMS.
67. Decay-Accelerating Factor Creates an Organ-Protective Phenotype after Hemorrhage in Conscious Rats.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 5
Simovic MO, Falabella MJ, Le TD
68. Combined Transcriptome and Metabolome Profiling Provide Insights into Cold Responses in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Genotypes with Contrasting Cold-Stress Sensitivity.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 4
Liu X, Wei R, Tian M
69. Comparative Multi-Omics Analysis Reveals Lignin Accumulation Affects Peanut Pod Size.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 4
Lv Z, Zhou D, Shi X
70. Characteristics and Comparative Genomic Analysis of a Novel Virus, VarioGold, the First Bacteriophage of Variovorax.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 4
Decewicz P, Kitowicz M, Radlinska M.
71. Synergistic Effects of Organosilicon and Cu(OH)(2) in Controlling Sugarcane Leaf Scald Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 4
Zhang MY, Hong DK, Chen YH
72. Palm Oil Derived Tocotrienol-Rich Fraction Attenuates Vascular Dementia in Type 2 Diabetic Rats.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 4
Shaikh SA, Varatharajan R, Muthuraman A.
73. Application of Exogenous Silicon for Alleviating Photosynthetic Inhibition in Tomato Seedlings under Low-Calcium Stress.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 4
Li Z, Liu Z, Yue Z
74. Autologous Adipose-Derived Tissue Stromal Vascular Fraction (AD-tSVF) for Knee Osteoarthritis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 4
Vargel İ, Tuncel A, Baysal N
75. mRNA Localization to the Endoplasmic Reticulum in Plant Endosperm Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 4
Zhang L, Si Q, Yang K
76. Potential Therapeutic Effects of Thiazolidinedione on Malignant Glioma.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 4
Sheu ML, Pan LY, Hu HY
77. Co-Expression of Adaptor Protein FAM159B with Different Markers for Neuroendocrine Cells: An Immunocytochemical and Immunohistochemical Study.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 4
Beyer AL, Kaemmerer D, Sänger J
78. The Effect of Proline on the Freeze-Drying Survival Rate of Bifidobacterium longum CCFM 1029 and Its Inherent Mechanism.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 4
Cui S, Zhou W, Tang X
79. Light Dependent Changes in Adenylate Methylation of the Promoter of the Mitochondrial Citrate Synthase Gene in Maize (Zea mays L.) Leaves.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 4
Eprintsev AT, Fedorin DN, Igamberdiev AU.
80. Cerebrospinal Fluid Alpha-Synuclein Improves the Differentiation between Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Alzheimer's Disease in Clinical Practice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 4
Lilamand M, Clery J, Vrillon A
81. Correction: Hung et al. Anti-Inflammatory Fibronectin-AgNP for Regulation of Biological Performance and Endothelial Differentiation Ability of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 9262.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Hung HS, Chang KB, Tang CM
82. A Novel bHLH Transcription Factor PtrbHLH66 from Trifoliate Orange Positively Regulates Plant Drought Tolerance by Mediating Root Growth and ROS Scavenging.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Liang B, Wan S, Ma Q
83. Opposite Regulation of Homer Signal at the NMJ Postsynaptic Micro Domain between Slow- and Fast-Twitch Muscles in an Experimentally Induced Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis (EAMG) Mouse Model.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Schubert M, Pelz A, Trautmann G
84. Genomic Survey of Heat Shock Proteins in Liriodendron chinense Provides Insight into Evolution, Characterization, and Functional Diversities.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Ke Y, Xu M, Hwarari D
85. Protective Strategies of Haberlea rhodopensis for Acquisition of Freezing Tolerance: Interaction between Dehydration and Low Temperature.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Georgieva K, Mihailova G, Fernández-Marín B
86. The Influence of Freeze-Dried Alcohol-Water Extracts from Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) and German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) on the Properties of Elastomer Vulcanizates.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Aleksieiev A, Masłowski M, Efenberger-Szmechtyk M
87. Characterizing the Status of Energetic Metabolism of Dinoflagellate Resting Cysts under Mock Conditions of Marine Sediments via Physiological and Transcriptional Measurements.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Li F, Yue C, Deng Y
88. Pathological Roles of Pulmonary Cells in Acute Lung Injury: Lessons from Clinical Practice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Enomoto N.
89. HPV-Negative Adenocarcinomas of the Uterine Cervix: From Molecular Characterization to Clinical Implications.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Giannella L, Di Giuseppe J, Delli Carpini G
90. A Novel Model Using AAV9-Cre to Knockout Adult Leydig Cell Gene Expression Reveals a Physiological Role of Glucocorticoid Receptor Signalling in Leydig Cell Function.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Gannon AL, Darbey AL, Chensee G
91. Bio-Pulsed Stimulation Effectively Improves the Production of Avian Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles That Enhance the Bioactivity of Skin Fibroblasts and Hair Follicle Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Shieh JS, Chin YT, Chiu HC
92. Anti-Inflammatory Activity of 3, 5-Diprenyl-4-hydroxyacetophenone Isolated from Ageratina pazcuarensis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Rojas-Jiménez S, Pérez-Gutiérrez MS, Sánchez-Mendoza E
93. Ultrasonic-Assisted Method for the Preparation of Carbon Nanotube-Graphene/Polydimethylsiloxane Composites with Integrated Thermal Conductivity, Electromagnetic Interference Shielding, and Mechanical Performances.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Li C, Yang Z, Zhang X
94. Pharmacological Inhibition of IKK to Tackle Latency and Hyperinflammation in Chronic HIV-1 Infection.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Ezeonwumelu IJ, Garcia-Vidal E, Riveira-Muñoz E
95. Neuroinflammation and Autophagy in Parkinson's Disease-Novel Perspectives.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Minchev D, Kazakova M, Sarafian V.
96. Acute Stress Induces Different Changes on the Expression of BDNF and trkB in the Mesocorticolimbic System of Two Lines of Rats Differing in Their Response to Stressors.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Serra MP, Sanna F, Boi M
97. Irrespective of Plaque Activity, Multiple Sclerosis Brain Periplaques Exhibit Alterations of Myelin Genes and a TGF-Beta Signature.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Nataf S, Guillen M, Pays L.
98. Identification and Characterization of AP2/ERF Transcription Factors in Yellow Horn.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 30
Hu F, Zhang Y, Guo J.
99. Ibrutinib Prevents Acute Lung Injury via Multi-Targeting BTK, FLT3 and EGFR in Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 3
Rao H, Song X, Lei J
100. Minocycline Attenuates Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Locomotor Deficit and Anxiety-like Behavior and Related Expression of the BDNF/CREB Protein in the Rat Medial Prefrontal Cortex (mPFC).
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 3
Abdo Qaid EY, Abdullah Z, Zakaria R
101. The Role of Oxidation Pattern and Water Content in the Spatial Arrangement and Dynamics of Oxidized Graphene-Based Aqueous Dispersions.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 3
Rissanou A, Karnis I, Krasanakis F
102. Integrated Metabolome and Transcriptome Analysis Reveals a Regulatory Network of Fruit Peel Pigmentation in Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.).
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 3
Zhou X, Liu S, Yang Y
103. Quantitative Proteomics Analysis Reveals That Cyclooxygenase-2 Modulates Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex IV in Cardiomyocytes.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 3
Alvarez MS, Núñez E, Fuertes-Agudo M
104. Selection of Diagnostically Significant Regions of the SLC26A4 Gene Involved in Hearing Loss.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 3
Danilchenko VY, Zytsar MV, Maslova EA
105. Whole Genome Analyses Accurately Identify Neisseria spp. and Limit Taxonomic Ambiguity.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 3
Khoder M, Osman M, Kassem II
106. Spatial Memory Training Counteracts Hippocampal GIRK Channel Decrease in the Transgenic APP(Sw,Ind) J9 Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Model.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 3
Temprano-Carazo S, Contreras A, Saura CA
107. The New Markers of Early Obesity-Related Organ and Metabolic Abnormalities.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 3
Ziomber-Lisiak A, Piana K, Ostachowicz B
108. Lactobacillus sakei MJM60958 as a Potential Probiotic Alleviated Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet by Modulating Lipid Metabolism, Inflammation, and Gut Microbiota.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 3
Nguyen HT, Gu M, Werlinger P
109. Synergistic Function between Phosphorus-Containing Flame Retardant and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes towards Fire Safe Polystyrene Composites with Enhanced Electromagnetic Interference Shielding.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 3
Huang R, Gao C, Shi Y
110. Molecular Mechanisms of Inhibition of Protein Amyloid Fibril Formation: Evidence and Perspectives Based on Kinetic Models.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 3
Sedov I, Khaibrakhmanova D.
111. Human Neural Stem Cell-Based Drug Product: Clinical and Nonclinical Characterization.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 3
Profico DC, Gelati M, Ferrari D
112. The Role of Adipokines in Inflammatory Mechanisms of Obesity.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Kirichenko TV, Markina YV, Bogatyreva AI
113. Estimating the Number of Molecules in Molecular Junctions Merely Based on the Low Bias Tunneling Conductance at Variable Temperature.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Bâldea I.
114. Robust Supramolecular Dimers Derived from Benzylic-Substituted 1,2,4-Selenodiazolium Salts Featuring Selenium⋯π Chalcogen Bonding.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Sapronov AA, Artemjev AA, Burkin GM
115. Identifying the Active Sites of Heteroatom Graphene as a Conductive Membrane for the Electrochemical Filtration of Organic Contaminants.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Pan M, Li J, Pan B.
116. Congenital Stationary Night Blindness: Clinical and Genetic Features.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Kim AH, Liu PK, Chang YH
117. Pulmonary Fibrosis as a Result of Acute Lung Inflammation: Molecular Mechanisms, Relevant In Vivo Models, Prognostic and Therapeutic Approaches.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Savin IA, Zenkova MA, Sen'kova AV.
118. Surprising Solid-State ESIPT Emission from Apparently Ordinary Salicyliden Glycinates Schiff Bases.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Tomczyk MM, Przypis Ł, Shiraki T
119. Inhibition of IRAK1 Is an Effective Therapy for Autoimmune Hypophysitis in Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Huang HC, Chen YT, Lin HH
120. Intraarticular Injections of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Review of Their Current Molecular Mechanisms of Action and Their Efficacy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Rodríguez-Merchán EC.
121. Choosing the Probe for Single-Molecule Fluorescence Microscopy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Schirripa Spagnolo C, Luin S.
122. Upregulated FKBP1A Suppresses Glioblastoma Cell Growth via Apoptosis Pathway.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Cai S, Chen Z, Tang H
123. Overexpression of CpADC from Chinese Cherry (Cerasus pseudocerasus Lindl. 'Manaohong') Promotes the Ability of Response to Drought in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Ran J, Shang C, Mei L
124. Towards the Search for Potential Biomarkers in Osteosarcoma: State-of-the-Art and Translational Expectations.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Pekarek L, De la Torre-Escuredo B, Fraile-Martinez O
125. Gene Therapy in Combination with Nitrogen Scavenger Pretreatment Corrects Biochemical and Behavioral Abnormalities of Infant Citrullinemia Type 1 Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Bazo A, Lantero A, Mauleón I
126. Development of Biodegradable GQDs-hMSNs for Fluorescence Imaging and Dual Cancer Treatment via Photodynamic Therapy and Drug Delivery.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Reagen S, Wu Y, Sun D
127. Exploring the Physical and Biological Aspects of BNCT with a Carboranylmethylbenzo[b]acridone Compound in U87 Glioblastoma Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Belchior A, Fernandes A, Lamotte M
128. Integrative Omics Analysis of Three Oil Palm Varieties Reveals (Tanzania × Ekona) TE as a Cold-Resistant Variety in Response to Low-Temperature Stress.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Saand MA, Li J, Wu Y
129. Treatment with EV-miRNAs Alleviates Obesity-Associated Metabolic Dysfunction in Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Castaño C, Meza-Ramos A, Batlle M
130. The Role of the Coagulation System in Peripheral Arterial Disease: Interactions with the Arterial Wall and Its Vascular Microenvironment and Implications for Rational Therapies.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Miceli G, Basso MG, Rizzo G
131. Alcohol Withdrawal and the Associated Mood Disorders-A Review.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 29
Ngui HHL, Kow ASF, Lai S
132. Cloning and Characterization of Two Novel PR4 Genes from Picea asperata.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 28
Zhao W, Liu L, Li C
133. What Exactly Is Inflammation (and What Is It Not?).
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 28
Oronsky B, Caroen S, Reid T.
134. Water-Soluble Salts Based on Benzofuroxan Derivatives-Synthesis and Biological Activity.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 28
Chugunova E, Matveeva V, Tulesinova A
135. Osteomalacia Is Not a Single Disease.
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2022 Nov 28
Cianferotti L.
136. Integrative Proteomics and Transcriptomics Profiles of the Oviduct Reveal the Prolificacy-Related Candidate Biomarkers of Goats (Capra hircus) in Estrous Periods.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 28
Sun Z, Liu Y, He X
137. Mitochondrial Control in Inflammatory Gastrointestinal Diseases.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 28
Sui GY, Wang F, Lee J
138. Identification and Expression Analysis of the C-TERMINALLY ENCODED PEPTIDE Family in Pisum sativum L.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 28
Lebedeva MA, Gancheva MS, Kulaeva OA
139. Roles of Resolvins in Chronic Inflammatory Response.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 28
Liu C, Fan D, Lei Q
140. Effects of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines on Hepatic Metabolism in Primary Human Hepatocytes.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 28
Gramignoli R, Ranade AR, Venkataramanan R
141. Metabolomic Profiling and Assessment of Phenolic Compounds Derived from Vitis davidii Foex Cane and Stem Extracts.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 28
Cheng J, Xiang J, Wei L
142. The Use of DArTseq Technology to Identify Markers Linked to Genes Responsible for Seed Germination and Seed Vigor in Maize.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 28
Nowak B, Tomkowiak A, Bocianowski J
143. Deciphering the Genetic Crosstalk between Microglia and Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells during Demyelination and Remyelination Using Transcriptomic Data.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 28
Enrich-Bengoa J, Manich G, Dégano IR
144. Sex Steroid Hormone Analysis in Human Tear Fluid Using a Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Method.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 28
Robciuc A, Savolainen-Peltonen H, Haanpää M
145. Biodegradable, Flexible and Ultraviolet Blocking Nanocellulose Composite Film Incorporated with Lignin Nanoparticles.
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2022 Nov 28
Bian H, Shu X, Su W
146. Theoretical Analysis of Polynuclear Zinc Complexes Isolobally Related to Hydrocarbons.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 28
Ayala R, Galindo A.
147. Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Potential Mechanism in Storage Protein Trafficking within Developing Grains of Common Wheat.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 27
Buttar ZA, Shalmani A, Niaz M
148. Genome-Wide Identification of ATG Gene Family Members in Fagopyrum tataricum and Their Expression during Stress Responses.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 27
Fang Y, Wang S, Wu H
149. Renal Health Improvement in Diabetes through Microbiome Modulation of the Gut-Kidney Axis with Biotics: A Systematic and Narrative Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 27
Paul P, Kaul R, Chaari A.
150. Reversal of Peripheral Neuropathic Pain by the Small-Molecule Natural Product Narirutin via Block of Na(v)1.7 Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 27
Yang H, Shan Z, Guo W
151. Combined Administration of Pravastatin and Metformin Attenuates Acute Radiation-Induced Intestinal Injury in Mouse and Minipig Models.
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2022 Nov 27
Kim JM, Kim H, Oh SH
152. Signaling Transduction of ABA, ROS, and Ca(2+) in Plant Stomatal Closure in Response to Drought.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 26
Liu H, Song S, Zhang H
153. Pseudorogneria libanotica Intraspecific Genetic Polymorphism Revealed by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization with Newly Identified Tandem Repeats and Wheat Single-Copy Gene Probes.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 26
Wu D, Yang N, Xiang Q
154. Antibodies against HSV-1 and Curli Show the Highest Correlation in Parkinson's Disease Patients in Comparison to Healthy Controls.
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2022 Nov 26
Jasemi S, Paulus K, Noli M
155. The Involvement of Long Non-Coding RNAs in Glutamine-Metabolic Reprogramming and Therapeutic Resistance in Cancer.
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2022 Nov 26
Roh J, Im M, Chae Y
156. Anticancer and Antioxidant Activity of Water-Soluble Polysaccharides from Ganoderma aff. australe against Human Osteosarcoma Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 26
Muñoz-Castiblanco T, de la Parra LSM, Peña-Cañón R
157. γδ T Lymphocytes as a Double-Edged Sword-State of the Art in Gynecological Diseases.
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2022 Nov 26
Pawłowska A, Natochina Y, Zardzewiały W
158. Effect of Cross-Linking Cations on In Vitro Biocompatibility of Apple Pectin Gel Beads.
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2022 Nov 26
Popov S, Paderin N, Chistiakova E
159. Chemical Composition, Antitumor Properties, and Mechanism of the Essential Oil from Plagiomnium acutum T. Kop.
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2022 Nov 26
Li M, Wang L, Li S
160. Enzymatically Modified Isoquercitrin: Production, Metabolism, Bioavailability, Toxicity, Pharmacology, and Related Molecular Mechanisms.
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2022 Nov 26
Owczarek-Januszkiewicz A, Magiera A, Olszewska MA.
161. Decoding Gene Expression Signatures Underlying Vegetative to Inflorescence Meristem Transition in the Common Bean.
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2022 Nov 26
González AM, Lebrón R, Yuste-Lisbona FJ
162. Exploring GPR109A Receptor Interaction with Hippuric Acid Using MD Simulations and CD Spectroscopy.
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2022 Nov 26
Bhandari D, Kachhap S, Madhukar G
163. Oxidative Status as an Attribute for Selective Antitumor Activity of Platinum-Containing Nanoparticles against Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 25
Wawrowicz K, Majkowska-Pilip A, Szwed M
164. Understanding In Vitro Pathways to Drug Discovery for TDP-43 Proteinopathies.
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2022 Nov 25
Cheng HWA, Callis TB, Montgomery AP
165. Plethora of Non-Covalent Interactions in Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry Are Modern Smart Tool for Materials Science, Catalysis, and Drugs Design.
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2022 Nov 25
Novikov AS.
166. Recent Advances in Proteomics-Based Approaches to Studying Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Systematic Review.
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2022 Nov 25
García-Quintanilla L, Rodríguez-Martínez L, Bandín-Vilar E
167. Respirasome Proteins Are Regulated by Sex-Hormone Interactions in the Brain.
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2022 Nov 25
McGovern AJ, Arevalo MA, Ciordia S
168. Electrolyzed-Reduced Water: Review I. Molecular Hydrogen Is the Exclusive Agent Responsible for the Therapeutic Effects.
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2022 Nov 25
LeBaron TW, Sharpe R, Ohno K.
169. In Vitro Combination of Ascorbic and Ellagic Acids in Sperm Oxidative Damage Inhibition.
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2022 Nov 25
Mottola F, Iovine C, Carannante M
170. Mitochondrial DNA as a Candidate Marker of Multiple Organ Failure after Cardiac Surgery.
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2022 Nov 25
Grigoriev E, Ponasenko AV, Sinitskaya AV
171. Increased Expression of the RBPMS Splice Variants Inhibits Cell Proliferation in Ovarian Cancer Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 25
Rabelo-Fernández RJ, Noriega Rivera RA, Rivera YS
172. Efficient Production of Fc Fusion Proteins in the Cytoplasm of Escherichia coli: Dissecting and Mitigating Redox Heterogeneity.
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2022 Nov 25
Tungekar AA, Ruddock LW.
173. Aspalathin and Other Rooibos Flavonoids Trapped α-Dicarbonyls and Inhibited Formation of Advanced Glycation End Products In Vitro.
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2022 Nov 25
Bednarska K, Fecka I.
174. Metabolic and Oxidative Changes in the Fern Adiantum raddianum upon Foliar Application of Metals.
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2022 Nov 25
Kováčik J, Husáková L, Babula P
175. Pharmaceutical Functionalization of Monomeric Ionic Liquid for the Preparation of Ionic Graft Polymer Conjugates.
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2022 Nov 25
Mazur A, Niesyto K, Neugebauer D.
176. Evaluating the Expression and Prognostic Value of Genes Encoding Microtubule-Associated Proteins in Lung Cancer.
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2022 Nov 25
Singharajkomron N, Yodsurang V, Seephan S
177. Integrated Transcriptome and Metabolome Analysis Reveals the Regulatory Mechanisms of FASN in Geese Granulosa Cells.
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2022 Nov 25
Chen X, Huang K, Hu S
178. Cell-Specific Response of NSIP- and IPF-Derived Fibroblasts to the Modification of the Elasticity, Biological Properties, and 3D Architecture of the Substrate.
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2022 Nov 25
Janiszewska N, Orzechowska B, Awsiuk K
179. An Improved Real-Time Viability PCR Assay to Detect Salmonella in a Culture-Independent Era.
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2022 Nov 25
Thilakarathna SH, Stokowski T, Chui L.
180. Serum Proteins Associated with Blood-Brain Barrier as Potential Biomarkers for Seizure Prediction.
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2022 Nov 25
Bronisz E, Cudna A, Wierzbicka A
181. Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Protects against Retinal Dysfunction in a Murine Model of Carotid Artery Occlusion.
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2022 Nov 25
Lee D, Tomita Y, Miwa Y
182. Insights into Network of Hot Spots of Aggregation in Nucleophosmin 1.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 25
Florio D, La Manna S, Di Natale C
183. Luminescence, Paramagnetic, and Electrochemical Properties of Copper Oxides-Decorated TiO(2)/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 25
Bala D, Matei I, Ionita G
184. MicroRNA Changes Up to 24 h following Induced Hypoglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 24
Ramanjaneya M, Bettahi I, Pawar K
185. An Intestinal Symbiotic Bacterial Strain of Oscheius chongmingensis Modulates Host Viability at Both Global and Post-Transcriptional Levels.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 24
Zhan C, Chen L, Guo D
186. Identification and Characterization of Transcription Factors Involved in Geraniol Biosynthesis in Rosa chinensis.
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2022 Nov 24
Yu J, Liu X, Peng Y
187. Transcriptomics Profiling of Acer pseudosieboldianum Molecular Mechanism against Freezing Stress.
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2022 Nov 24
Han Z, Xu X, Zhang S
188. Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Induction of Apoptosis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Cholangiocarcinoma Cell Lines by Thymoquinone.
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2022 Nov 24
Abdualmjid RJ, Sergi CM.
189. Hepatic Oleate Regulates Insulin-like Growth Factor-Binding Protein 1 Partially through the mTORC1-FGF21 Axis during High-Carbohydrate Feeding.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 24
O'Neill LM, Phang YX, Liu Z
190. Regulation of P-Glycoprotein in the Brain.
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2022 Nov 24
Chai AB, Callaghan R, Gelissen IC.
191. Circular RNA Expression and Interaction Patterns Are Perturbed in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
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2022 Nov 24
Aquilina-Reid C, Brennan S, Curry-Hyde A
192. Induction of Innate Memory in Human Monocytes Exposed to Mixtures of Bacterial Agents and Nanoparticles.
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2022 Nov 24
Della Camera G, Liu T, Yang W
193. The Role of Interferon Regulatory Factor 1 in Regulating Microglial Activation and Retinal Inflammation.
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2022 Nov 24
Yang X, Diaz V, Huang H.
194. Immunoproteasome Inhibition Ameliorates Aged Dystrophic Mouse Muscle Environment.
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2022 Nov 24
Tripodi L, Molinaro D, Fortunato F
195. Ophiopogon Polysaccharide Liposome Regulated the Immune Activity of Kupffer Cell through miR-4796.
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2022 Nov 24
Cui J, Pan X, Duan X
196. Potential and Metabolic Pathways of Eugenol in the Management of Xanthomonas perforans, a Pathogen of Bacterial Spot of Tomato.
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2022 Nov 24
Jibrin MO, Liu Q, Garrett TJ
197. Pathophysiology of Type 1 Diabetes and Gut Microbiota Role.
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2022 Nov 24
Del Chierico F, Rapini N, Deodati A
198. Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production and Carbon Dioxide Reduction Catalyzed by an Artificial Cobalt Hemoprotein.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 24
Udry GAO, Tiessler-Sala L, Pugliese E
199. Viscoelastic Liquid Matrix with Faster Bulk Relaxation Time Reinforces the Cell Cycle Arrest Induction of the Breast Cancer Cells via Oxidative Stress.
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2022 Nov 24
Najmina M, Ebara M, Ohmura T
200. Therapeutic Potential of Plant Oxylipins.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 23
Savchenko T, Degtyaryov E, Radzyukevich Y
201. Automated Path Searching Reveals the Mechanism of Hydrolysis Enhancement by T4 Lysozyme Mutants.
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2022 Nov 23
Xi K, Zhu L.
202. Biocompatibility and Biological Performance of Additive-Manufactured Bioabsorbable Iron-Based Porous Interference Screws in a Rabbit Model: A 1-Year Observational Study.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 23
Tai CC, Huang YM, Liaw CK
203. Spermidine and 1,3-Diaminopropane Have Opposite Effects on the Final Stage of Cephalosporin C Biosynthesis in High-Yielding Acremonium chrysogenum Strain.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 23
Zhgun AA, Eldarov MA.
204. 3D Printing in Regenerative Medicine: Technologies and Resources Utilized.
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2022 Nov 23
Kantaros A.
205. Molecular Insights and Clinical Outcomes of Drugs of Abuse Adulteration: New Trends and New Psychoactive Substances.
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2022 Nov 23
Di Trana A, Berardinelli D, Montanari E
206. cNTnC and fYTnC2, Genetically Encoded Green Calcium Indicators Based on Troponin C from Fast Animals.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 23
Subach OM, Vlaskina AV, Agapova YK
207. In Vivo Sustained Release of the Retrograde Transport Inhibitor Retro-2.1 Formulated in a Thermosensitive Hydrogel.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 23
Vinck R, Nguyen LA, Munier M
208. An Epigenetic LINE-1-Based Mechanism in Cancer.
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2022 Nov 23
Lavia P, Sciamanna I, Spadafora C.
209. Dissection of Functional Domains of Orc1-2, the Archaeal Global DNA Damage-Responsive Regulator.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 23
Liu X, Sun M, Xu R
210. Recombinant Humanized IgG1 Antibody Promotes Reverse Cholesterol Transport through FcRn-ERK1/2-PPARα Pathway in Hepatocytes.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 23
Li Z, Zhang Q, Liu X
211. Emerging Roles for the RNA-Binding Protein HuD (ELAVL4) in Nervous System Diseases.
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2022 Nov 23
Silvestri B, Mochi M, Garone MG
212. Spatial-Controlled Coating of Pro-Angiogenic Proteins on 3D Porous Hydrogels Guides Endothelial Cell Behavior.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 23
Le Bao C, Waller H, Dellaquila A
213. Non-Conserved Amino Acid Residues Modulate the Thermodynamics of Zn(II) Binding to Classical ββα Zinc Finger Domains.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 23
Kluska K, Chorążewska A, Peris-Díaz MD
214. Inhibition of the MAPK/c-Jun-EGR1 Pathway Decreases Photoreceptor Cell Death in the rd1 Mouse Model for Inherited Retinal Degeneration.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 23
Dong Y, Xu W, Li Y
215. Treatment of HFpEF beyond the SGLT2-Is: Does the Addition of GLP-1 RA Improve Cardiometabolic Risk and Outcomes in Diabetic Patients?
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2022 Nov 23
Belli M, Barone L, Bellia A
216. Extracellular Vesicles from 50,000 Generation Clones of the Escherichia coli Long-Term Evolution Experiment.
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2022 Nov 23
Laurin D, Mercier C, Quansah N
217. DeepHP: A New Gastric Mucosa Histopathology Dataset for Helicobacter pylori Infection Diagnosis.
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2022 Nov 23
Gonçalves WGE, Santos MHPD, Brito LM
218. IL-6 and IL-8: An Overview of Their Roles in Healthy and Pathological Pregnancies.
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2022 Nov 23
Vilotić A, Nacka-Aleksić M, Pirković A
219. Knockdown of YY1 Inhibits XIST Expression and Enhances Cloned Pig Embryo Development.
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2022 Nov 23
Dong Y, Wu X, Peng X
220. A Multichannel Fluorescent Tongue for Amyloid-β Aggregates Detection.
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2022 Nov 23
Li F, Zhou L, Gao X
221. Similarities and Differences between the Orai1 Variants: Orai1α and Orai1β.
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2022 Nov 23
Jardin I, Berna-Erro A, Nieto-Felipe J
222. Laser Capture Microdissection: A Gear for Pancreatic Cancer Research.
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2022 Nov 23
Rao BH, Souček P, Hlaváč V.
223. Developmental and Reproductive Impacts of Four Bisphenols in Daphnia magna.
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2022 Nov 23
Qian L, Chen C, Guo L
224. Layered Double Hydroxides Derived from MIL-88A(Fe) as an Efficient Adsorbent for Enhanced Removal of Lead (II) from Water.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 22
Huo JB, Yu G.
225. CRISPR/Cas9-Based Knock-Out of the PMR4 Gene Reduces Susceptibility to Late Blight in Two Tomato Cultivars.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 22
Li R, Maioli A, Yan Z
226. Effects of Subtoxic Concentrations of Atrazine, Cypermethrin, and Vinclozolin on microRNA-Mediated PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signaling in SH-SY5Y Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 22
Graziosi A, Sita G, Corrieri C
227. On the Role of Seminal Fluid Protein and Nucleic Acid Content in Paternal Epigenetic Inheritance.
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2022 Nov 22
Patlar B.
228. Bifunctional Temperature and Oxygen Dual Probe Based on Anthracene and Europium Complex Luminescence.
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2022 Nov 22
Gálico DA, Mazali IO, Sigoli FA.
229. Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Immunomodulatory Effect of Spore-Displayed p75 on Human Intestinal Epithelial Caco-2 Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 22
Kang SJ, Jun JS, Hong KW.
230. A Potent Antagonist of Smoothened in Hedgehog Signaling for Epilepsy.
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2022 Nov 22
Fan J, Zhao Z, Liu R
231. Sex Differences in Neuropathy: The Paradigmatic Case of MetFormin.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 22
De Angelis F, Vacca V, Tofanicchio J
232. Modeling RTT Syndrome by iPSC-Derived Neurons from Male and Female Patients with Heterogeneously Severe Hot-Spot MECP2 Variants.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 21
Perego S, Alari V, Pietra G
233. Competing Easy-Axis Anisotropies Impacting Magnetic Tunnel Junction-Based Molecular Spintronics Devices (MTJMSDs).
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2022 Nov 21
Dahal BR, Grizzle A, D'Angelo C
234. OsMKKK70 Negatively Regulates Cold Tolerance at Booting Stage in Rice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 21
Mei E, Tang J, He M
235. Drug Combination Studies of the Dipeptide Nitrile CD24 with Curcumin: A New Strategy to Synergistically Inhibit Rhodesain of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 21
Di Chio C, Previti S, De Luca F
236. Advanced Gene Therapy Strategies for the Repair of ACL Injuries.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 21
Amini M, Venkatesan JK, Liu W
237. BDE-47, -99, -209 and Their Ternary Mixture Disrupt Glucose and Lipid Metabolism of Hepg2 Cells at Dietary Relevant Concentrations: Mechanistic Insight through Integrated Transcriptomics and Proteomics Analysis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 21
Casella M, Lori G, Coppola L
238. Therapeutic Efficacy and Outcomes of Remdesivir versus Remdesivir with Tocilizumab in Severe SARS-CoV-2 Infection.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 21
Vulturar DM, Neag MA, Vesa ȘC
239. N-Terminally Lipidated Sialorphin Analogs-Synthesis, Molecular Modeling, In Vitro Effect on Enkephalins Degradation by NEP and Treatment of Intestinal Inflammation in Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 21
Sobocińska M, Fichna J, Giełdoń A
240. Molecular Characterization of a B Cell Adaptor for Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Homolog in Lamprey (Lampetra japonica) and Its Function in the Immune Response.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 21
Chai M, Liu X, Wei L
241. The Crosstalk between HepG2 and HMC-III Cells: In Vitro Modulation of Gene Expression with Conditioned Media.
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2022 Nov 21
Koshal P, Matera I, Abruzzese V
242. Brucella BtpB Manipulates Apoptosis and Autophagic Flux in RAW264.7 Cells.
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2022 Nov 20
Li J, Qi L, Diao Z
243. dNAGLU Extends Life Span and Promotes Fitness and Stress Resistance in Drosophila.
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2022 Nov 20
Xue R, Yang K, Xiao F
244. Influence of the Photodegradation of Azathioprine on DNA and Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 20
Bunea MC, Diculescu VC, Enculescu M
245. Evolutionary Divergence of Phosphorylation to Regulate Interactive Protein Networks in Lower and Higher Species.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 20
Pasquier C, Robichon A.
246. Morusin Protected Ruminal Epithelial Cells against Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammation through Inhibiting EGFR-AKT/NF-κB Signaling and Improving Barrier Functions.
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2022 Nov 20
Yang C, Deng X, Wu L
247. Silk Fibroin as an Efficient Biomaterial for Drug Delivery, Gene Therapy, and Wound Healing.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 20
Wani SUD, Zargar MI, Masoodi MH
248. Involvement of NO/cGMP Signaling Pathway, Ca(2+) and K(+) Channels on Spasmolytic Effect of Everlasting Flower Polyphenolic Extract (Helichrysum stoechas (L.) Moench).
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2022 Nov 20
Valero MS, López V, Castro M
249. Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Modulation of Human Stem Cells from the Apical Papilla by Species Associated with Dental Root Canal Infection.
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2022 Nov 20
Razghonova Y, Zymovets V, Wadelius P
250. Analysis of QTLs and Candidate Genes for Tassel Symptoms in Maize Infected with Sporisorium reilianum.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 20
Zhou Y, Yao M, Wang Q
251. Role of Cardiac Natriuretic Peptides in Heart Structure and Function.
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2022 Nov 20
Sarzani R, Allevi M, Di Pentima C
252. The Heart as a Target of Vasopressin and Other Cardiovascular Peptides in Health and Cardiovascular Diseases.
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2022 Nov 20
Szczepanska-Sadowska E.
253. Impact of Melatonin on RAW264.7 Macrophages during Mechanical Strain.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 2
Paddenberg E, Forneck A, Widbiller M
254. Genomic Determinants Potentially Associated with Clinical Manifestations of Human-Pathogenic Tick-Borne Flaviviruses.
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2022 Nov 2
Bondaryuk AN, Kulakova NV, Potapova UV
255. Epigenetic Mechanisms of Tree Responses to Climatic Changes.
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2022 Nov 2
Kurpisz B, Pawłowski TA.
256. PET-Derived Radiomics and Artificial Intelligence in Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review.
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2022 Nov 2
Urso L, Manco L, Castello A
257. Neuromedin S Regulates Steroidogenesis through Maintaining Mitochondrial Morphology and Function via NMUR2 in Goat Ovarian Granulosa Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 2
Sun X, Zeng C, Wang F
258. CS12192, a Novel JAK3/JAK1/TBK1 Inhibitor, Synergistically Enhances the Anti-Inflammation Effect of Methotrexate in a Rat Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 2
Fang Z, Hu Y, Dai J
259. Sucrose Facilitates Rhizome Development of Perennial Rice (Oryza longistaminata).
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 2
Fan Z, Huang G, Fan Y
260. Striatal-Inoculation of α-Synuclein Preformed Fibrils Aggravated the Phenotypes of REM Sleep without Atonia in A53T BAC-SNCA Transgenic Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 2
Okuda S, Nakayama T, Uemura N
261. Aux/IAA11 Is Required for UV-AB Tolerance and Auxin Sensing in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 2
Mielecki J, Gawroński P, Karpiński S.
262. Immune Tolerance of Embryo Implantation and Pregnancy: The Role of Human Decidual Stromal Cell- and Embryonic-Derived Extracellular Vesicles.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 2
Wu HM, Chen LH, Hsu LT
263. Immunothrombotic Mechanisms Induced by Ingenol Mebutate Lead to Rapid Necrosis and Clearance of Anogenital Warts.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 2
Braun SA, Bauer AT, Németh C
264. Association between Serum Biomarkers and Peripheral Neuropathy in Microscopic Polyangiitis.
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2022 Nov 2
Masuda Y, Matsuda S, Kotani T
265. The Accuracy of Semi-Empirical Quantum Chemistry Methods on Soot Formation Simulation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 2
Cong Y, Zhai Y, Chen X
266. Microplastics Exacerbate Cadmium-Induced Kidney Injury by Enhancing Oxidative Stress, Autophagy, Apoptosis, and Fibrosis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 19
Zou H, Chen Y, Qu H
267. Evaluation of the Properties of PHB Composite Filled with Kaolin Particles for 3D Printing Applications Using the Design of Experiment.
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2022 Nov 19
Menčík P, Přikryl R, Krobot Š
268. Modular Site-Specific Conjugation of Nanobodies Using Two Co-Associating Tags.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 19
Moeglin E, Barret L, Chatton B
269. FaesAP3_1 Regulates the FaesELF3 Gene Involved in Filament-Length Determination of Long-Homostyle Fagopyrum esculentum.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 19
Ma Z, Yang Q, Zeng L
270. Design, Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Novel C(2),C(3)-Quinoxaline Derivatives as Promising Anxiolytic Agents.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 19
Maltsev DV, Skripka MO, Spasov AA
271. NEAT1 Confers Radioresistance to Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Inducing PINK1/Parkin-Mediated Mitophagy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 19
Tsuchiya H, Shinonaga R, Sakaguchi H
272. Overexpression of Tfap2a in Mouse Oocytes Impaired Spindle and Chromosome Organization.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 19
Lin J, Ji Z, Di Z
273. Antiproliferative Activity Predictor: A New Reliable In Silico Tool for Drug Response Prediction against NCI60 Panel.
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Martorana A, La Monica G, Bono A
274. Eukaryotic CRFK Cells Motion Characterized with Atomic Force Microscopy.
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Zamora-Ceballos M, Bárcena J, Mertens J.
275. Evaluation of Reference Genes for Real-Time Quantitative PCR Analysis in Tissues from Bumble Bees (Bombus Terrestris) of Different Lines.
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Sankar K, Yoon HJ, Lee YB
276. Renal Cell Carcinoma as a Metabolic Disease: An Update on Main Pathways, Potential Biomarkers, and Therapeutic Targets.
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2022 Nov 18
di Meo NA, Lasorsa F, Rutigliano M
277. Regulatory T-Cell Enhancement, Expression of Adhesion Molecules, and Production of Anti-Inflammatory Factors Are Differentially Modulated by Spheroid-Cultured Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
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Silva-Carvalho AÉ, da Silva IGM, Corrêa JR
278. Dietary Polyphenols and In Vitro Intestinal Fructose Uptake and Transport: A Systematic Literature Review.
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Iametti S, Bonomi F, Di Nunzio M.
279. Testing Serum Albumins and Cyclodextrins as Potential Binders of the Mycotoxin Metabolites Alternariol-3-Sulfate, Alternariol-9-Monomethylether and Alternariol-9-Monomethylether-3-Sulfate.
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Lemli B, Vilmányi P, Fliszár-Nyúl E
280. Natural Inhibitors Targeting the Localization of Lipoprotein System in Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
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Liu J, Tong J, Wu Q
281. Talazoparib Does Not Interact with ABCB1 Transporter or Cytochrome P450s, but Modulates Multidrug Resistance Mediated by ABCC1 and ABCG2: An in Vitro and Ex Vivo Study.
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Sabet Z, Vagiannis D, Budagaga Y
282. Saliva and Plasma Neutralizing Activity Induced by the Administration of a Third bnt162b2 Vaccine Dose.
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Garziano M, Utyro O, Strizzi S
283. Effects of Alhagi Honey Polysaccharides as Feed Supplement on Intestine Function and Microbiome, Immune Function, and Growth Performance in Chicken.
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Cai G, Mao N, Gu P
284. Biodegradation and Metabolic Pathway of the Neonicotinoid Insecticide Thiamethoxam by Labrys portucalensis F11.
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Boufercha O, Monforte AR, Boudemagh A
285. Dual Modification of Porous Ca-P/PLA Composites with APTES and Alendronate Improves Their Mechanical Strength and Cytobiocompatibility towards Human Osteoblasts.
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Biernat M, Szwed-Georgiou A, Rudnicka K
286. The Role of PEMFs on Bone Healing: An In Vitro Study.
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Caliogna L, Bina V, Brancato AM
287. Impaired Aversive Memory Formation in GPR37L1KO Mice.
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Veenit V, Zhang X, Paslawski W
288. Identification of NRAS Diagnostic Biomarkers and Drug Targets for Endometrial Cancer-An Integrated in Silico Approach.
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Alessandro L, Low KE, Abushelaibi A
289. Current Knowledge on Bee Innate Immunity Based on Genomics and Transcriptomics.
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Zhao X, Liu Y.
290. Tumor Cell Capture Using Platelet-Based and Platelet-Mimicking Modified Human Serum Albumin Submicron Particles.
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Zhao X, Georgieva R, Rerkshanandana P
291. A Review on Stimuli-Actuated 3D Micro/Nanostructures for Tissue Engineering and the Potential of Laser-Direct Writing via Two-Photon Polymerization for Structure Fabrication.
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Calin BS, Paun IA.
292. Identification of Species-Specific MicroRNAs Provides Insights into Dynamic Evolution of MicroRNAs in Plants.
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Guo Z, Kuang Z, Deng Y
293. Molecular Mechanisms of Cartilage Repair and Their Possible Clinical Uses: A Review of Recent Developments.
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Rodríguez-Merchán EC.
294. De Novo Hybrid Assembly of the Salvia miltiorrhiza Mitochondrial Genome Provides the First Evidence of the Multi-Chromosomal Mitochondrial DNA Structure of Salvia Species.
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Yang H, Chen H, Ni Y
295. A Comparative Characterization and Expression Profiling Analysis of Fructokinase and Fructokinase-like Genes: Exploring Their Roles in Cucumber Development and Chlorophyll Biosynthesis.
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Fan L, Zhang W, Xu Z
296. Liver Steatosis and Steatohepatitis Alter Bile Acid Receptors in Brain and Induce Neuroinflammation: A Contribution of Circulating Bile Acids and Blood-Brain Barrier.
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Fiaschini N, Mancuso M, Tanori M
297. Elevated Serum Amyloid A Levels Contribute to Increased Platelet Adhesion in COVID-19 Patients.
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298. Complexes of Sodium Pectate with Nickel for Hydrogen Oxidation and Oxygen Reduction in Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells.
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Nizameev IR, Kadirov DM, Nizameeva GR
299. In Vitro Study of the Therapeutic Potential of Brown Crude Fucoidans in Osteoarthritis Treatment.
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Vaamonde-García C, Capelo-Mera E, Flórez-Fernández N
300. Identification of Competing Endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs) Network Associated with Drought Tolerance in Medicago truncatula with Rhizobium Symbiosis.
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Jing J, Yang P, Wang Y
301. Therapeutic Efficacy of Natural Product 'C-Phycocyanin' in Alleviating Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes via the Inhibition of Glycation Reaction in Rats.
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Husain A, Alouffi S, Khanam A
302. Overexpression of RuFLS2 Enhances Flavonol-Related Substance Contents and Gene Expression Levels.
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Huang X, Wu Y, Zhang S
303. Consequences of the Reproductive Effort of Dioecious Taxus baccata L. Females in a Generative Bud Removal Experiment-Important Role of Nitrogen in Female Reproduction.
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Rabska M, Giertych MJ, Nowak K
304. Triggers of Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Campylobacter jejuni Predominates.
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305. Structure, Function, and Applications of Soybean Calcium Transporters.
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306. DORN1 Is Involved in Drought Stress Tolerance through a Ca(2+)-Dependent Pathway.
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307. Flavones, Flavonols, Lignans, and Caffeic Acid Derivatives from Dracocephalum moldavica and Their In Vitro Effects on Multiple Myeloma and Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
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Jöhrer K, Galarza Pérez M, Kircher B
308. Exploiting ELIOT for Scaffold-Repurposing Opportunities: TRIM33 a Possible Novel E3 Ligase to Expand the Toolbox for PROTAC Design.
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309. Whole Exome Sequencing Identifies a Heterozygous Variant in the Cav1.3 Gene CACNA1D Associated with Familial Sinus Node Dysfunction and Focal Idiopathic Epilepsy.
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310. Association of Irisin/FNDC5 with ERRα and PGC-1α Expression in NSCLC.
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311. Effects of TIMP-2 Polymorphisms on Retinopathy of Prematurity Risk, Severity, Recurrence, and Treatment Response.
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Wu PL, Ling XC, Kang EY
312. Comparison of the Anticancer Effects of Arvanil and Olvanil When Combined with Cisplatin and Mitoxantrone in Various Melanoma Cell Lines-An Isobolographic Analysis.
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Marzęda P, Wróblewska-Łuczka P, Florek-Łuszczki M
313. Lactoferrin Ameliorates Ovalbumin-Induced Asthma in Mice through Reducing Dendritic-Cell-Derived Th2 Cell Responses.
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Lin CC, Chuang KC, Chen SW
314. Semaphorin 3A-Neuropilin-1 Signaling Modulates MMP13 Expression in Human Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes.
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315. Impact of Ni Content on the Structure and Sonophotocatalytic Activity of Ni-Zn-Co Ferrite Nanoparticles.
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316. Improvement of Rice Agronomic Traits by Editing Type-B Response Regulators.
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317. Evaluation of Auranofin Loading within Ferritin Nanocages.
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Lucignano R, Pratesi A, Imbimbo P
318. Mechanism Underlying Metformin Action and Its Potential to Reduce Gastric Cancer Risk.
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Lan WH, Lin TY, Yeh JA
319. Pathogenesis and Preventive Tactics of Immune-Mediated Non-Pulmonary COVID-19 in Children and Beyond.
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Chi H, Chang L, Chao YC
320. The PPARα Regulation of the Gut Physiology in Regard to Interaction with Microbiota, Intestinal Immunity, Metabolism, and Permeability.
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Grabacka M, Płonka PM, Pierzchalska M.
321. Activity and Synergy of Cu-ATCUN Antimicrobial Peptides.
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Greve JM, Cowan JA.
322. Oxygenated Water Increases Seizure Threshold in Various Rodent Seizure Models.
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Kwon HH, Jung SY, Park H
323. Correction: Ramakrishnan et al. The Dynamism of Transposon Methylation for Plant Development and Stress Adaptation. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 11387.
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Ramakrishnan M, Satish L, Kalendar R
324. Benzenesulfonamides Incorporating Hydantoin Moieties Effectively Inhibit Eukaryoticand Human Carbonic Anhydrases.
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Abdoli M, De Luca V, Capasso C
325. Cytotoxicity, Mitochondrial Functionality, and Redox Status of Human Conjunctival Cells after Short and Chronic Exposure to Preservative-Free Bimatoprost 0.03% and 0.01%: An In Vitro Comparative Study.
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Petricca S, Celenza G, Costagliola C
326. Comparative Genomics and Functional Studies of Putative m(6)A Methyltransferase (METTL) Genes in Cotton.
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Cao J, Huang C, Liu J
327. The Future of Point-of-Care Nucleic Acid Amplification Diagnostics after COVID-19: Time to Walk the Walk.
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García-Bernalt Diego J, Fernández-Soto P, Muro A.
328. Robust Classification Using Posterior Probability Threshold Computation Followed by Voronoi Cell Based Class Assignment Circumventing Pitfalls of Bayesian Analysis of Biomedical Data.
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Ultsch A, Lötsch J.
329. Assessment of RACGAP1 as a Prognostic and Immunological Biomarker in Multiple Human Tumors: A Multiomics Analysis.
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Eid RA, Soltan MA, Eldeen MA
330. Relationship between the Responsiveness of Amyloid β Protein to Platelet Activation by TRAP Stimulation and Brain Atrophy in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus.
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Hori T, Mizutani D, Onuma T
331. Proteomic Analysis Reveals That Mitochondria Dominate the Hippocampal Hypoxic Response in Mice.
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Shao Q, Liu J, Li G
332. Tumor Targeting by Conjugation of Chlorambucil with Zwitterionic Near-Infrared Fluorophore for Cancer Phototherapy.
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Jo G, Kim EJ, Hyun H.
333. Differential Sensitivity of Melanoma Cells and Their Non-Cancerous Counterpart to Cold Atmospheric Plasma-Induced Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species.
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Kim SJ, Seong MJ, Mun JJ
334. Fenbendazole Attenuates Bleomycin-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis in Mice via Suppression of Fibroblast-to-Myofibroblast Differentiation.
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Wang L, Xu K, Wang N
335. Cell-Type Specific Inhibition Controls the High-Frequency Oscillations in the Medial Entorhinal Cortex.
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Gurgenidze S, Bäuerle P, Schmitz D
336. Mycosynthesis of Metal-Containing Nanoparticles-Fungal Metal Resistance and Mechanisms of Synthesis.
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Šebesta M, Vojtková H, Cyprichová V
337. Bioinspired Pd-Cu Alloy Nanoparticles as Accept Agent for Dye Degradation Performances.
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Chen S, Yang Y, Zhang M
338. A R2R3 MYB Transcription Factor, TaMYB391, Is Positively Involved in Wheat Resistance to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici.
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Hawku MD, He F, Bai X
339. In Vivo Applications of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Drug Delivery: A Pharmaceutical Perspective.
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Bărăian AI, Iacob BC, Bodoki AE
340. A, B, C's of Trk Receptors and Their Ligands in Ocular Repair.
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Gupta A, Galletti JG, Yu Z
341. Extensive Collection of Psychotropic Mushrooms with Determination of Their Tryptamine Alkaloids.
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Gotvaldová K, Borovička J, Hájková K
342. Sphingosine 1-Phosphate and Apolipoprotein M Levels and Their Correlations with Inflammatory Biomarkers in Patients with Untreated Familial Hypercholesterolemia.
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Juhász L, Lőrincz H, Szentpéteri A
343. Probing the Efficiency of 13-Pyridylalkyl Berberine Derivatives to Human Telomeric G-Quadruplexes Binding: Spectroscopic, Solid State and In Silico Analysis.
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2022 Nov 14
Bazzicalupi C, Bonardi A, Biver T
344. Curcumin: A Novel Way to Improve Quality of Life for Colorectal Cancer Patients?
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Layos L, Martínez-Balibrea E, Ruiz de Porras V.
345. Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: An Overview.
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Trivedi R, Nagarajaram HA.
346. Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide (FAD) and Pyridoxal 5'-Phosphate (PLP) Bind to Sox9 and Alter the Expression of Key Pancreatic Progenitor Transcription Factors.
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2022 Nov 14
Islam Z, Aldous N, Choi S
347. Integrated Transcriptomic, Metabolomic, and Physiological Analyses Reveal New Insights into Fragrance Formation in the Heartwood of Phoebe hui.
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Yang H, An W, Wang F
348. Chronic Trazodone and Citalopram Treatments Increase Trophic Factor and Circadian Rhythm Gene Expression in Rat Brain Regions Relevant for Antidepressant Efficacy.
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2022 Nov 14
Carboni L, Rullo L, Caputi FF
349. The Novel AT2 Receptor Agonist β-Pro7-AngIII Exerts Cardiac and Renal Anti-Fibrotic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects in High Salt-Fed Mice.
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Wang Y, Yodgee J, Del Borgo M
350. Integrated High-Throughput Sequencing, Microarray Hybridization and Degradome Analysis Uncovers MicroRNA-Mediated Resistance Responses of Maize to Pathogen Curvularia lunata.
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2022 Nov 14
Wang W, Liu Z, An X
351. New O- and N-N-Bridging Complexes of Tc(V), the Role of the Nitrogen Atom Position in Aromatic Rings: Reaction Mechanism, Spectroscopy, DTA, XRD and Hirshfeld Surface Analysis.
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2022 Nov 14
Novikov AP, Volkov MA.
352. Genomic Variation Underlying the Breeding Selection of Quinoa Varieties Longli-4 and CA3-1 in China.
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2022 Nov 14
Li X, Ran R, Chen G
353. Transcription Factor IAA27 Positively Regulates P Uptake through Promoted Adventitious Root Development in Apple Plants.
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2022 Nov 14
Zhao S, Zhao X, Xu X
354. Circulating Adipokines and Hepatokines Serve as Diagnostic Markers during Obesity Therapy.
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Schmid A, Arians M, Burg-Roderfeld M
355. Rejuvenation: Turning Back Time by Enhancing CISD2.
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2022 Nov 13
Yeh CH, Shen ZQ, Lin CC
356. Genome-Wide Identification, Characterization, and Transcriptomic Analysis of the Cyclin Gene Family in Brassica rapa.
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Zulfiqar S, Zhao T, Liu Y
357. Cocaine and Its Abstinence Condition Modulate Striatal and Hippocampal Wnt Signaling in a Male Rat Model of Drug Self-Administration.
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Gawliński D, Gawlińska K, Frankowska M
358. (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Prevents IL-1β-Induced uPAR Expression and Invasiveness via the Suppression of NF-κB and AP-1 in Human Bladder Cancer Cells.
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Sah DK, Khoi PN, Li S
359. Toward a Combination of Biomarkers for Molecular Characterization of Multiple Sclerosis.
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2022 Nov 13
Birmpili D, Charmarke Askar I, Pham-Van LD
360. Therapeutic Textiles Functionalized with Keratin-Based Particles Encapsulating Terbinafine for the Treatment of Onychomycosis.
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2022 Nov 13
Costa AF, Luís S, Noro J
361. The Discovery of Novel Ferulic Acid Derivatives Incorporating Substituted Isopropanolamine Moieties as Potential Tobacco Mosaic Virus Helicase Inhibitors.
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2022 Nov 13
Li Z, Yang B, Liu H
362. Airway Smooth Muscle Cell Mitochondria Damage and Mitophagy in COPD via ERK1/2 MAPK.
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2022 Nov 12
Fang L, Zhang M, Li J
363. G Protein-Coupled Receptors Regulated by Membrane Potential.
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David D, Bentulila Z, Tauber M
364. New Effective Method of Lactococcus Genome Editing Using Guide RNA-Directed Transposition.
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2022 Nov 12
Pechenov PY, Garagulya DA, Stanovov DS
365. 2cChIP-seq and 2cMeDIP-seq: The Carrier-Assisted Methods for Epigenomic Profiling of Small Cell Numbers or Single Cells.
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2022 Nov 12
Hu C, Wu J, Li P
366. Overexpression of a Senescence-Related Gene CpSRG1 from Wintersweet (Chimonanthus praecox) Promoted Growth and Flowering, and Delayed Senescence in Transgenic Arabidopsis.
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2022 Nov 12
Cao Y, Li G, Wang X
367. MUC1 Tissue Expression and Its Soluble Form CA15-3 Identify a Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma with Distinct Metabolic Profile and Poor Clinical Outcome.
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2022 Nov 12
Lucarelli G, Rutigliano M, Loizzo D
368. Exhausted but Not Senescent T Lymphocytes Predominate in Lupus Nephritis Patients.
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2022 Nov 11
Lioulios G, Mitsoglou Z, Fylaktou A
369. Metabolomics Analysis Revealed Significant Metabolic Changes in Brain Cancer Cells Treated with Paclitaxel and/or Etoposide.
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Semreen AM, Alsoud LO, El-Huneidi W
370. Metabolomic Profiling of Plasma, Urine, and Saliva of Kidney Transplantation Recipients.
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Iwamoto H, Okihara M, Akashi I
371. On the TPPP Protein of the Enigmatic Fungus, Olpidium-Correlation between the Incidence of p25alpha Domain and That of the Eukaryotic Flagellum.
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Orosz F.
372. Treatment of Periodontal Inflammation in Diabetic Rats with IL-1ra Thermosensitive Hydrogel.
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Liu Y, Liu C, Wang C
373. Differential Expression of Endogenous Retroviruses and Inflammatory Mediators in Female and Male Offspring in a Mouse Model of Maternal Immune Activation.
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Cipriani C, Tartaglione AM, Giudice M
374. Biochemical Targets and Molecular Mechanism of Ginsenoside Compound K in Treating Osteoporosis Based on Network Pharmacology.
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Zhang S, Shen S, Ma P
375. Engineering Modified mRNA-Based Vaccine against Dengue Virus Using Computational and Reverse Vaccinology Approaches.
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Mukhtar M, Wajeeha AW, Zaidi NUSS
376. A New Hybrid Neural Network Deep Learning Method for Protein-Ligand Binding Affinity Prediction and De Novo Drug Design.
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Limbu S, Dakshanamurthy S.
377. Transcriptome Analysis of Two Tetraploid Potato Varieties under Water-Stress Conditions.
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Alvarez-Morezuelas A, Barandalla L, Ritter E
378. The Crosstalk between FcεRI and Sphingosine Signaling in Allergic Inflammation.
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2022 Nov 11
Jo H, Shim K, Jeoung D.
379. Indirect Immobilised Jagged-1 Enhances Matrisome Proteins Associated with Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells: A Proteomic Study.
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Chansaenroj A, Kornsuthisopon C, Roytrakul S
380. Evolution of Transcriptomes in Early-Generation Hybrids of the Apomictic Ranunculus auricomus Complex (Ranunculaceae).
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2022 Nov 10
Paetzold C, Barke BH, Hörandl E.
381. Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Supercomplexes: From Structure to Function.
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2022 Nov 10
Guan S, Zhao L, Peng R.
382. Integrated Genomic and Transcriptomic Elucidation of Flowering in Garlic.
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2022 Nov 10
Shemesh-Mayer E, Faigenboim A, Ben Michael TE
383. Systematic Identification and Expression Analysis of the Sorghum Pht1 Gene Family Reveals Several New Members Encoding High-Affinity Phosphate Transporters.
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2022 Nov 10
Zhang J, Shen Y, Chen W
384. Nanoparticles for Antimicrobial Agents Delivery-An Up-to-Date Review.
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Mercan DA, Niculescu AG, Grumezescu AM.
385. Development of a Molecular Aptamer Beacon Applied to Magnetic-Assisted RNA Extraction for Detection of Dengue and Zika Viruses Using Clinical Samples.
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2022 Nov 10
da Silva AG, Goulart LR, Löffler P
386. Electro-Elastic Modeling of Thermal Spin Transition in Diluted Spin-Crossover Single Crystals.
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2022 Nov 10
Affes K, Singh Y, Boukheddaden K.
387. Aberrant Cortical Layer Development of Brain Organoids Derived from Noonan Syndrome-iPSCs.
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Kim B, Koh Y, Do H
388. Carvacrol Inhibits Expression of Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 7 Channels and Alleviates Zinc Neurotoxicity Induced by Traumatic Brain Injury.
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2022 Nov 10
Lee M, Lee SH, Choi S
389. Comparative Seeds Storage Transcriptome Analysis of Astronium fraxinifolium Schott, a Threatened Tree Species from Brazil.
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2022 Nov 10
Pereira Neto LG, Rossini BC, Marino CL
390. Spontaneous Transformation of a p53 and Rb-Defective Human Fallopian Tube Epithelial Cell Line after Long Passage with Features of High-Grade Serous Carcinoma.
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Chang YH, Chu TY, Ding DC.
391. The Correlation of Ten Immune Checkpoint Gene Expressions and Their Association with Gastric Cancer Development.
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Mansorunov D, Apanovich N, Kipkeeva F
392. Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Short Analogues of the Marine Antimicrobial Peptide Turgencin A: Effects of SAR Optimizations, Cys-Cys Cyclization and Lipopeptide Modifications.
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Dey H, Simonovic D, Norberg-Schulz Hagen I
393. Added Value of Biophysics to Study Lipid-Driven Biological Processes: The Case of Surfactins, a Class of Natural Amphiphile Molecules.
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Gilliard G, Furlan AL, Smeralda W
394. miRNAs in Regulation of Tumor Microenvironment, Chemotherapy Resistance, Immunotherapy Modulation and miRNA Therapeutics in Cancer.
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Kousar K, Ahmad T, Abduh MS
395. Long Chain N3-PUFA Decreases ACE2 Protein Levels and Prevents SARS-CoV-2 Cell Entry.
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Huang S, Taylor CG, Zahradka P.
396. Synthesis, Structure and Stereochemistry of Dispirocompounds Based on Imidazothiazolotriazine and Pyrrolidineoxindole.
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Izmest'ev AN, Karnoukhova VA, Larin AA
397. Spontaneous Remission of Primary Aldosteronism with Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonist Therapy: A Review.
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Mai X, Kometani M, Yoneda T.
398. High Glucose-Induced Cardiomyocyte Damage Involves Interplay between Endothelin ET-1/ET(A)/ET(B) Receptor and mTOR Pathway.
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Pandey S, Madreiter-Sokolowski CT, Mangmool S
399. Dynamic Double Cross-Linked Self-Healing Polysaccharide Hydrogel Wound Dressing Based on Schiff Base and Thiol-Alkynone Reactions.
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2022 Nov 10
Zhang Z, Bu J, Li B
400. Optimized Transcriptional Signature for Evaluation of MEK/ERK Pathway Baseline Activity and Long-Term Modulations in Ovarian Cancer.
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2022 Nov 1
Chesnokov MS, Yadav A, Chefetz I.
401. Partial Reduction in BRCA1 Gene Dose Modulates DNA Replication Stress Level and Thereby Contributes to Sensitivity or Resistance.
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2022 Nov 1
Classen S, Rahlf E, Jungwirth J
402. Recent Progress and Challenges in the Development of Antisense Therapies for Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1.
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2022 Nov 1
De Serres-Bérard T, Ait Benichou S, Jauvin D
403. Helminths and Bacterial Microbiota: The Interactions of Two of Humans' "Old Friends".
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2022 Nov 1
Llinás-Caballero K, Caraballo L.
404. Contribution of Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Hyphenated with Drift Tube Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry as a Complementary Tool to Microfluidic Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography for Antigen Discovery.
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2022 Nov 1
Gou MJ, Kose MC, Crommen J
405. Mass Spectrometry, Ion Mobility Separation and Molecular Modelling: A Powerful Combination for the Structural Characterisation of Substituted Cyclodextrins Mixtures.
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2022 Nov 1
Rigaud S, Dosso A, Lesur D
406. Gene Expression in the Developing Seed of Wild and Domesticated Rice.
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2022 Nov 1
Hasan S, Furtado A, Henry R.
407. Thyroxine Regulates the Opening of the Organ of Corti through Affecting P-Cadherin and Acetylated Microtubule.
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2022 Nov 1
Zhang H, Xie L, Chen S
408. Cardioprotection by Hypothyroidism Is Not Mediated by Favorable Hemodynamics-Role of Canonical Thyroid Hormone Receptor Alpha Signaling.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 1
Pape J, Kerp H, Lieder HR
409. Peritrophin-like Genes Are Associated with Delousing Drug Response and Sensitivity in the Sea Louse Caligus rogercresseyi.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 1
Casuso A, Núñez-Acuña G, Valenzuela-Muñoz V
410. Protective Role of Hepassocin against Hepatic Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 1
Yang Y, Chen H, Wan Y
411. Crystal Structure and Biochemical Analysis of a Cytochrome P450 CYP101D5 from Sphingomonas echinoides.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 1
Subedi P, Do H, Lee JH
412. Natural and Synthetic Xanthone Derivatives Counteract Oxidative Stress via Nrf2 Modulation in Inflamed Human Macrophages.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 1
Gallorini M, Carradori S, Resende DISP
413. Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of AMT and NRT Gene Family in Pecan (Carya illinoinensis) Seedlings Revealed a Preference for NH(4)(+)-N.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Nov 1
Chen M, Zhu K, Xie J
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