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2021 Jan (256)
1. Mutation in the CX3C Motif of G Protein Disrupts Its Interaction with Heparan Sulfate: A Calorimetric, Spectroscopic, and Molecular Docking Study.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 9
Hamza A, Samad A, Parray ZA
2. Aging and Clonal Behavior of Hematopoietic Stem Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 9
Yamashita M, Iwama A.
3. Role of Silica Nanoparticles in Abiotic and Biotic Stress Tolerance in Plants: A Review.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 9
Wang L, Ning C, Pan T
4. Synergistic Effect of Toceranib and Nanohydroxyapatite as a Drug Delivery Platform-Physicochemical Properties and In Vitro Studies on Mastocytoma Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 9
Sobierajska P, Serwotka-Suszczak A, Targonska S
5. Fragile X Syndrome: From Molecular Aspect to Clinical Treatment.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 9
Protic DD, Aishworiya R, Salcedo-Arellano MJ
6. Membrane Vesicles for Nanoencapsulated Sulforaphane Increased Their Anti-Inflammatory Role on an In Vitro Human Macrophage Model.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 9
Yepes-Molina L, Pérez-Jiménez MI, Martínez-Esparza M
7. A Novel Xeno-Free Method to Isolate Human Endometrial Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (E-MSCs) in Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Conditions.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 9
Canosa S, Mareschi K, Marini E
8. Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of SET Domain Family Genes in Brassica napus L.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 9
Sehrish S, Sumbal W, Xie M
9. Auxin/Cytokinin Antagonistic Control of the Shoot/Root Growth Ratio and Its Relevance for Adaptation to Drought and Nutrient Deficiency Stresses.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 9
Kurepa J, Smalle JA.
10. Neural Crest Stem Cells in Juvenile Angiofibromas.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 9
Schick B, Pillong L, Wenzel G
11. Mitochondrial-Targeted Therapy for Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 9
Wu BB, Leung KT, Poon EN.
12. Erythrocyte Membrane Nanomechanical Rigidity Is Decreased in Obese Patients.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 8
Sot J, García-Arribas AB, Abad B
13. Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Gene Family in Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) Rootstock under Drought Stress Suggested the Potential Role of these Chaperones in Stress Tolerance.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 8
Davoudi M, Chen J, Lou Q.
14. Why Monoamine Oxidase B Preferably Metabolizes N-Methylhistamine over Histamine: Evidence from the Multiscale Simulation of the Rate-Limiting Step.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 8
Maršavelski A, Mavri J, Vianello R
15. Fusarium graminearum Infection Strategy in Wheat Involves a Highly Conserved Genetic Program That Controls the Expression of a Core Effectome.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 8
Rocher F, Alouane T, Philippe G
16. High, in Contrast to Low Levels of Acute Stress Induce Depressive-like Behavior by Involving Astrocytic, in Addition to Microglial P2X7 Receptors in the Rodent Hippocampus.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 8
Zhao YF, Ren WJ, Zhang Y
17. The Biosynthesis and Transport of Ophiobolins in Aspergillus ustus 094102.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 8
Yan J, Pang J, Liang J
18. Calcium Signalling in Breast Cancer Associated Bone Pain.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 8
Bortolin A, Neto E, Lamghari M.
19. Exposure to b-LED Light While Exerting Antimicrobial Activity on Gram-Negative and -Positive Bacteria Promotes Transient EMT-like Changes and Growth Arrest in Keratinocytes.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 8
Terri M, Mancianti N, Trionfetti F
20. Synergistic Effect of Co-Delivering Ciprofloxacin and Tetracycline Hydrochloride for Promoted Wound Healing by Utilizing Coaxial PCL/Gelatin Nanofiber Membrane.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 8
Lin M, Liu Y, Gao J
21. The Multiple Functions of Fibrillin-1 Microfibrils in Organismal Physiology.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 8
Asano K, Cantalupo A, Sedes L
22. Antimicrobial Materials with Medical Applications.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 8
Banti CN, Hadjikakou SK.
23. General Anesthesia and the Young Brain: The Importance of Novel Strategies with Alternate Mechanisms of Action.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 8
Maksimovic S, Useinovic N, Quillinan N
24. Plant Cell and Organism Development 2.0.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 8
Hasterok R, Betekhtin A.
25. Quantitative and Functional Assessment of the Influence of Routinely Used Cryopreservation Media on Mononuclear Leukocytes for Medical Research.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 7
Haider P, Hoberstorfer T, Salzmann M
26. Murine Beta-Amyloid (1-42) Oligomers Disrupt Endothelial Barrier Integrity and VEGFR Signaling via Activating Astrocytes to Release Deleterious Soluble Factors.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 7
Yue Q, Zhou X, Zhang Z
27. Structural and Functional Differences between Homologous Bacterial Ribonucleases.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 7
Ulyanova V, Nadyrova A, Dudkina E
28. Motility of the Zoonotic Spirochete Leptospira: Insight into Association with Pathogenicity.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 7
Nakamura S.
29. Evolutionary Analysis of Dipeptidyl Peptidase I.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 6
Varda N, Novinec M.
30. A Review of the Common Neurodegenerative Disorders: Current Therapeutic Approaches and the Potential Role of Nanotherapeutics.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 6
Lamptey RNL, Chaulagain B, Trivedi R
31. Minocycline Counteracts Ectopic Calcification in a Murine Model of Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum: A Proof-of-Concept Study.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 6
Bouderlique E, Nollet L, Letavernier E
32. 3D Printable Composite Biomaterials Based on GelMA and Hydroxyapatite Powders Doped with Cerium Ions for Bone Tissue Regeneration.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 6
Leu Alexa R, Cucuruz A, Ghițulică CD
33. New Strategies for the Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Disorders Based on Reelin Dysfunction.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 6
Tsuneura Y, Nakai T, Mizoguchi H
34. A Pro-Inflammatory Signature Constitutively Activated in Monogenic Autoinflammatory Diseases.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 5
Galozzi P, Negm O, Bindoli S
35. The Physiology of Insulin Clearance.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 5
Bergman RN, Kabir M, Ader M.
36. Inherited Thrombophilia in the Era of Direct Oral Anticoagulants.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 5
Khider L, Gendron N, Mauge L.
37. The Barley Chloroplast Mutator (cpm) Mutant: All Roads Lead to the Msh1 Gene.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 5
Lencina F, Landau A, Prina AR.
38. The Role of Oncostatin M and Its Receptor Complexes in Cardiomyocyte Protection, Regeneration, and Failure.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 5
Kubin T, Gajawada P, Bramlage P
39. Phytoplasma Infection Blocks Starch Breakdown and Triggers Chloroplast Degradation, Leading to Premature Leaf Senescence, Sucrose Reallocation, and Spatiotemporal Redistribution of Phytohormones.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 5
Wei W, Inaba J, Zhao Y
40. IL-6 Cytokine Family: A Putative Target for Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 5
Felcher CM, Bogni ES, Kordon EC.
41. Tumor-Associated Macrophages/Microglia in Glioblastoma Oncolytic Virotherapy: A Double-Edged Sword.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 4
Blitz SE, Kappel AD, Gessler FA
42. Hidden Information Revealed Using the Orthogonal System of Nucleic Acids.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 4
Víglaský V.
43. Lipid Droplet Accumulation Promotes RPE Dysfunction.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 4
Yako T, Otsu W, Nakamura S
44. EZH2-CCF-cGAS Axis Promotes Breast Cancer Metastasis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 4
Duan D, Shang M, Han Y
45. Expression and Function of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in Induced Regulatory T Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 4
Nakata Y, Miura K, Yamasaki N
46. Identification of Potential Antiviral Inhibitors from Hydroxychloroquine and 1,2,4,5-Tetraoxanes Analogues and Investigation of the Mechanism of Action in SARS-CoV-2.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 4
Ramos RS, Borges RS, de Souza JSN
47. COMT Val/Met and Psychopathic Traits in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and New Evidence of a Developmental Trajectory toward Psychopathy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 4
Kant T, Koyama E, Zai CC
48. Immunomodulatory Activity of the Most Commonly Used Antihypertensive Drugs-Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 4
Bryniarski P, Nazimek K, Marcinkiewicz J.
49. Is Cadmium Toxicity Tissue-Specific? Toxicogenomics Studies Reveal Common and Specific Pathways in Pulmonary, Hepatic, and Neuronal Cell Models.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 4
Forcella M, Lau P, Fabbri M
50. Drought-Responsive NAC Transcription Factor RcNAC72 Is Recognized by RcABF4, Interacts with RcDREB2A to Enhance Drought Tolerance in Arabidopsis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 3
Jia X, Zeng Z, Lyu Y
51. Gene Transfer of Skeletal Muscle-Type Myosin Light Chain Kinase via Adeno-Associated Virus 6 Improves Muscle Functions in an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Mouse Model.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 3
Oya R, Tsukamoto O, Hitsumoto T
52. The Absence of the AtSYT1 Function Elevates the Adverse Effect of Salt Stress on Photosynthesis in Arabidopsis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 3
Krausko M, Kusá Z, Peterková D
53. A Transfer-Learning-Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Predicting Leukemia-Related Phosphorylation Sites from Protein Primary Sequences.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 3
He J, Wu Y, Pu X
54. Optogenetic and Chemical Induction Systems for Regulation of Transgene Expression in Plants: Use in Basic and Applied Research.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 3
Omelina ES, Yushkova AA, Motorina DM
55. Metalloprotein-Specific or Critical Amino Acid Residues: Perspectives on Plant-Precise Detoxification and Recognition Mechanisms under Cadmium Stress.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 3
Li D, He T, Saleem M
56. Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Seeded on a Biomimetic Spongiosa-like Scaffold: Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Delivery by Overexpressing Fascia.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Ren B, Betz OB, Seitz D
57. Bone Fragility in Gastrointestinal Disorders.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Merlotti D, Mingiano C, Valenti R
58. Metformin and Breast Cancer: Where Are We Now?
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Cejuela M, Martin-Castillo B, Menendez JA
59. PD-1/PD-L1 Immuno-Mediated Therapy in NAFLD: Advantages and Obstacles in the Treatment of Advanced Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Lombardi R, Piciotti R, Dongiovanni P
60. Identification of a Tumor Cell Associated Type I IFN Resistance Gene Expression Signature of Human Melanoma, the Components of Which Have a Predictive Potential for Immunotherapy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Ladányi A, Rásó E, Barbai T
61. Replication-Deficient Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus-Vectored Vaccine Candidate for the Induction of T Cell Immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Belnoue E, Vogelzang A, Nieuwenhuizen NE
62. Pediococcus acidilactici CECT9879 (pA1c) Counteracts the Effect of a High-Glucose Exposure in C. elegans by Affecting the Insulin Signaling Pathway (IIS).
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Yavorov-Dayliev D, Milagro FI, Ayo J
63. Thidiazuron Promotes Leaf Abscission by Regulating the Crosstalk Complexities between Ethylene, Auxin, and Cytokinin in Cotton.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Li F, Wu Q, Liao B
64. Alzheimer's Disease as Type 3 Diabetes: Common Pathophysiological Mechanisms between Alzheimer's Disease and Type 2 Diabetes.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Michailidis M, Moraitou D, Tata DA
65. Nitrite Concentration in the Striated Muscles Is Reversely Related to Myoglobin and Mitochondrial Proteins Content in Rats.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Majerczak J, Kij A, Drzymala-Celichowska H
66. The Role of Autophagy and Apoptosis in Neuropathic Pain Formation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Liao MF, Lu KT, Hsu JL
67. Potential of a Novel Chemical Compound Targeting Matrix Metalloprotease-13 for Early Osteoarthritis: An In Vitro Study.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Inagaki J, Nakano A, Hatipoglu OF
68. Zebrafish Mutant Lines Reveal the Interplay between nr3c1 and nr3c2 in the GC-Dependent Regulation of Gene Transcription.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Dinarello A, Tesoriere A, Martini P
69. Identification and DNA Marker Development for a Wheat-Leymus mollis 2Ns (2D) Disomic Chromosome Substitution.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Feng X, Du X, Wang S
70. BdGUCD1 and Cyclic GMP Are Required for Responses of Brachypodium distachyon to Fusarium pseudograminearum in the Mechanism Involving Jasmonate.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Duszyn M, Świeżawska-Boniecka B, Skorupa M
71. Identification of Surface Antigens That Define Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived PRRX1+Limb-Bud-like Mesenchymal Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Yamada D, Takao T, Nakamura M
72. Modulation of Gut Microbiota Combined with Upregulation of Intestinal Tight Junction Explains Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Corylin on Colitis-Associated Cancer in Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Chang ZY, Liu HM, Leu YL
73. A Redox-Silent Analogue of Tocotrienol May Break the Homeostasis of Proteasomes in Human Malignant Mesothelioma Cells by Inhibiting STAT3 and NRF1.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Ishii K, Fusegi M, Mori T
74. Salidroside, 8(E)-Nuezhenide, and Ligustroside from Ligustrum japonicum Fructus Inhibit Expressions of MMP-2 and -9 in HT 1080 Fibrosarcoma.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Kim H, Kong CS, Seo Y.
75. The UV-B-Induced Transcription Factor HY5 Regulated Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Zanthoxylum bungeanum.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Zhou J, Meng J, Zhang S
76. Untargeted LC-MS/MS Metabolomics Study on the MCF-7 Cell Line in the Presence of Valproic Acid.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Estrada-Pérez AR, Rosales-Hernández MC, García-Vázquez JB
77. Key Role of Astrocytes in Postnatal Brain and Retinal Angiogenesis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 28
Puebla M, Tapia PJ, Espinoza H.
78. Mitochondrial Proteins as Source of Cancer Neoantigens.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 27
Prota G, Lechuga-Vieco AV, De Libero G.
79. Ebola Entry Inhibitors Discovered from Maesa perlarius.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 27
Tsang NY, Li WF, Varhegyi E
80. The Influence of Interaction between Cadmium with 17β-Estradiol, 2-Methoxyestradiol and 16α-Hydroxyestrone on Viability and p-Glycoprotein in Ovarian Cancer Cell Line.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 27
Sawicka E, Saczko J, Kulbacka J
81. Properties and Mechanisms of Flavin-Dependent Monooxygenases and Their Applications in Natural Product Synthesis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 27
Deng Y, Zhou Q, Wu Y
82. The BDNF/TrkB Neurotrophin System in the Sensory Organs of Zebrafish.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 27
Aragona M, Porcino C, Guerrera MC
83. Hexokinase 2 Inhibition and Biological Effects of BNBZ and Its Derivatives: The Influence of the Number and Arrangement of Hydroxyl Groups.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 27
Juszczak K, Kubicka A, Kitel R
84. Molecular Biological Comparison of Dental Pulp- and Apical Papilla-Derived Stem Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 27
Smeda M, Galler KM, Woelflick M
85. Thiolated Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin: A Potential Multifunctional Excipient for Ocular Drug Delivery.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 26
Grassiri B, Knoll P, Fabiano A
86. Semaphorin 6C Suppresses Proliferation of Pancreatic Cancer Cells via Inhibition of the AKT/GSK3/β-Catenin/Cyclin D1 Pathway.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 26
Hung YH, Hsu SH, Hou YC
87. Chemical Compounds Released from Specific Osteoinductive Bioactive Materials Stimulate Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Migration.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 26
Łukowicz K, Zagrajczuk B, Truchan K
88. Amelioration of Endotoxin-Induced Acute Lung Injury and Alveolar Epithelial Cells Apoptosis by Simvastatin Is Associated with Up-Regulation of Survivin/NF-kB/p65 Pathway.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 26
Nežić L, Amidžić L, Škrbić R
89. Evaluating the Sub-Acute Toxicity of Formaldehyde Fumes in an In Vitro Human Airway Epithelial Tissue Model.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 26
Ren B, Wu Q, Muskhelishvili L
90. Development of VPC-70619, a Small-Molecule N-Myc Inhibitor as a Potential Therapy for Neuroendocrine Prostate Cancer.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 26
Ton AT, Foo J, Singh K
91. Genetic Variation in ZmPAT7 Contributes to Tassel Branch Number in Maize.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 26
Guan H, Chen X, Wang K
92. The Antidepressant Duloxetine Inhibits Platelet Function and Protects against Thrombosis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 26
Lozano PA, Alarabi AB, Garcia SE
93. Design, Synthesis, and Anticancer Activity of a Selenium-Containing Galectin-3 and Galectin-9N Inhibitor.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Di Gaetano S, Pirone L, Galdadas I
94. Acute Prenatal Hypoxia in Rats Affects Physiology and Brain Metabolism in the Offspring, Dependent on Sex and Gestational Age.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Graf AV, Maslova MV, Artiukhov AV
95. Structure, Oligomerization and Activity Modulation in N-Ribohydrolases.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Degano M.
96. Non-Invasive Profiling of Advanced Prostate Cancer via Multi-Parametric Liquid Biopsy and Radiomic Analysis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Morrison G, Buckley J, Ostrow D
97. Zinc Prevents DNA Damage in Normal Cells but Shows Genotoxic and Cytotoxic Effects in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Costa MI, Lapa BS, Jorge J
98. Safety of G2-S16 Polyanionic Carbosilane Dendrimer as Possible HIV-1 Vaginal Microbicide.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Martin-Moreno A, Ceña-Diez R, Serramía MJ
99. A Hybrid Machine Learning and Network Analysis Approach Reveals Two Parkinson's Disease Subtypes from 115 RNA-Seq Post-Mortem Brain Samples.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Termine A, Fabrizio C, Strafella C
100. Reorienting Mechanism of Harderoheme in Coproheme Decarboxylase-A Computational Study.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Liu W, Pang Y, Song Y
101. Physicochemical and Theoretical Characterization of a New Small Non-Metal Schiff Base with a Differential Antimicrobial Effect against Gram-Positive Bacteria.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Gacitúa M, Carreño A, Morales-Guevara R
102. Alternative Brain Slice-on-a-Chip for Organotypic Culture and Effective Fluorescence Injection Testing.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Herreros P, Tapia-González S, Sánchez-Olivares L
103. CHERP Regulates the Alternative Splicing of pre-mRNAs in the Nucleus.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Yamanaka Y, Ishizuka T, Fujita KI
104. Mast Cells in the Mammalian Testis and Epididymis-Animal Models and Detection Methods.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Himelreich-Perić M, Katušić-Bojanac A, Hohšteter M
105. Function and Regulation of microRNA171 in Plant Stem Cell Homeostasis and Developmental Programing.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Han H, Zhou Y.
106. Doxycycline Decreases Atherosclerotic Lesions in the Aorta of ApoE(-⁄-) and Ovariectomized Mice with Correlation to Reduced MMP-2 Activity.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Rodrigues KE, Azevedo A, Gonçalves PR
107. Spheroid-Based Tissue Engineering Strategies for Regeneration of the Intervertebral Disc.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Kasamkattil J, Gryadunova A, Martin I
108. Possible Action of Olaparib for Preventing Invasion of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Vitro and In Vivo.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 25
Nakamura N, Fujihara H, Kawaguchi K
109. Transcriptomics of Parental Care in the Hypothalamic-Septal Region of Female Zebra Finch Brain.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 24
Kumari R, Fazekas EA, Morvai B
110. The Splicing of the Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter Genuine Activator MICU1 Is Driven by RBFOX2 Splicing Factor during Myogenic Differentiation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 24
Vecellio Reane D, Cerqua C, Sacconi S
111. Dek504 Encodes a Mitochondrion-Targeted E+-Type Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein Essential for RNA Editing and Seed Development in Maize.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 24
Wang Z, Chen W, Zhang S
112. Gata3 Silencing Is Involved in Neuronal Differentiation and Its Abnormal Expression Impedes Neural Activity in Adult Retinal Neurocytes.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 24
Chen P, Wu Y, Zhuang J
113. Effect of Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP) on Osteogenic Differentiation Potential of Human Osteoblasts.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 24
Eggers B, Wagenheim AM, Jung S
114. Mouse Gastric Epithelial Cells Resist CagA Delivery by the Helicobacter pylori Type IV Secretion System.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 24
Shrestha R, Murata-Kamiya N, Imai S
115. The Complex Mechanisms by Which Neurons Die Following DNA Damage in Neurodegenerative Diseases.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 24
Shadfar S, Brocardo M, Atkin JD.
116. A Comparative Genomic and Safety Assessment of Six Lactiplantibacillus plantarum subsp. argentoratensis Strains Isolated from Spontaneously Fermented Greek Wheat Sourdoughs for Potential Biotechnological Application.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 24
Syrokou MK, Paramithiotis S, Drosinos EH
117. Deposition of Lead Phosphate by Lead-Tolerant Bacteria Isolated from Fresh Water near an Abandoned Mine.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 24
Kato Y, Kimura S, Kogure T
118. The Complex Biology of the Obesity-Induced, Metastasis-Promoting Tumor Microenvironment in Breast Cancer.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 24
Mubtasim N, Moustaid-Moussa N, Gollahon L.
119. On the Way for Patients with Prostate Cancer to the Best Use of PSMA.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 24
von Eyben FE, Bauman G, Kapp DS
120. Bivalent EGFR-Targeting DARPin-MMAE Conjugates.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 23
Karsten L, Janson N, Le Joncour V
121. Comparison of L- and D-Amino Acids for Bacterial Imaging in Lung Infection Mouse Model.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 23
Muranaka Y, Mizutani A, Kobayashi M
122. Artificial Intelligence for Predicting Microsatellite Instability Based on Tumor Histomorphology: A Systematic Review.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 23
Park JH, Kim EY, Luchini C
123. Effect of Irradiation on Structural Changes of Levan.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 23
Chelminiak-Dudkiewicz D, Smolarkiewicz-Wyczachowski A, Wegrzynowska-Drzymalska K
124. Exosomal RNAs: Novel Potential Biomarkers for Diseases-A Review.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 23
Wang J, Yue BL, Huang YZ
125. Thermally Stable and Reusable Ceramic Encapsulated and Cross-Linked CalB Enzyme Particles for Rapid Hydrolysis and Esterification.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 23
Song M, Chang JH.
126. The Interplay between Autonomic Nervous System and Inflammation across Systemic Autoimmune Diseases.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 23
Bellocchi C, Carandina A, Montinaro B
127. Lipid Signaling Requires ROS Production to Elicit Actin Cytoskeleton Remodeling during Plant Innate Immunity.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 23
Cao L, Wang W, Zhang W
128. Proximity Profiling of the CFTR Interaction Landscape in Response to Orkambi.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 23
Iazzi M, Astori A, St-Germain J
129. The Platelet Collagen Receptor GPVI Is Cleaved by Tspan15/ADAM10 and Tspan33/ADAM10 Molecular Scissors.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 23
Koo CZ, Matthews AL, Harrison N
130. New Insights into the Interaction of Class II Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenases with Ubiquinone in Lipid Bilayers as a Function of Lipid Composition.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 23
Orozco Rodriguez JM, Wacklin-Knecht HP, Clifton LA
131. Role of Distinct Macrophage Populations in the Development of Heart Failure in Macrophage Activation Syndrome.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 23
Kuna J, Żuber Z, Chmielewski G
132. Bortezomib-Induced Epigenetic Alterations in Nerve Cells: Focus on the Mechanisms Contributing to the Peripheral Neuropathy Development.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 23
Łuczkowska K, Rogińska D, Kulig P
133. HF Formation through Dissociative Electron Attachment-A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study on Pentafluorothiophenol and 2-Fluorothiophenol.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 23
Cipriani M, Ingólfsson O.
134. Antisense Therapy Attenuates Phospholamban p.(Arg14del) Cardiomyopathy in Mice and Reverses Protein Aggregation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 22
Eijgenraam TR, Stege NM, Oliveira Nunes Teixeira V
135. Molecular Mechanisms and Physiological Changes behind Benign Tracheal and Subglottic Stenosis in Adults.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 22
Marchioni A, Tonelli R, Andreani A
136. Manipulating the Level of Sensorimotor Stimulation during LI-rTMS Can Improve Visual Circuit Reorganisation in Adult Ephrin-A2A5(-/-) Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 22
Poh EZ, Green C, Agostinelli L
137. Dynamics of Endothelial Engagement and Filopodia Formation in Complex 3D Microscaffolds.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 22
Ucla P, Ju X, Demircioglu M
138. Interleukin-1 Induces the Release of Lubricating Phospholipids from Human Osteoarthritic Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 22
Thottakkattumana Parameswaran V, Hild C, Eichner G
139. Genetic Architecture of Grain Yield-Related Traits in Sorghum and Maize.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 22
Baye W, Xie Q, Xie P.
140. Advanced Glycation End Products: A Sweet Flavor That Embitters Cardiovascular Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 22
Pinto RS, Minanni CA, de Araújo Lira AL
141. Recent Advances of Microneedles and Their Application in Disease Treatment.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 22
Zhang W, Zhang W, Li C
142. Tracking the Molecular Fingerprint of Head and Neck Cancer for Recurrence Detection in Liquid Biopsies.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 22
Diez-Fraile A, De Ceulaer J, Derpoorter C
143. The Role of Natural Polymorphic Variants of DNA Polymerase β in DNA Repair.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 21
Kladova OA, Fedorova OS, Kuznetsov NA.
144. Neuroprotective Effects of the DPP4 Inhibitor Vildagliptin in In Vivo and In Vitro Models of Parkinson's Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 21
Pariyar R, Bastola T, Lee DH
145. Role of Ionic Strength in the Formation of Stable Supramolecular Nanoparticle-Protein Conjugates for Biosensing.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 21
Brancolini G, Rotello VM, Corni S.
146. A Zebrafish Model for a Rare Genetic Disease Reveals a Conserved Role for FBXL3 in the Circadian Clock System.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 21
Confino S, Dor T, Tovin A
147. Tryptophan Metabolites Regulate Neuropentraxin 1 Expression in Endothelial Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 21
Vial R, Poitevin S, McKay N
148. Serial Passaging of RAW 264.7 Cells Modulates Intracellular AGE Formation and Downregulates RANKL-Induced In Vitro Osteoclastogenesis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 21
Lucy TT, Mamun-Or-Rashid ANM, Yagi M
149. Bioadhesive Nanoparticles for Local Drug Delivery.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 21
Yu L, Luo Z, Chen T
150. Maize Transcription Factor ZmARF4 Confers Phosphorus Tolerance by Promoting Root Morphological Development.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 21
Li J, Wu F, He Y
151. Enzymes-Assisted Extraction of Plants for Sustainable and Functional Applications.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 21
Streimikyte P, Viskelis P, Viskelis J.
152. ISSVA Classification of Vascular Anomalies and Molecular Biology.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 21
Kunimoto K, Yamamoto Y, Jinnin M.
153. Role of Mitochondrial Pathways in Cell Apoptosis during He-Patic Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 21
Zhang S, Rao S, Yang M
154. Thermochemical Characterization of Eight Seaweed Species and Evaluation of Their Potential Use as an Alternative for Biofuel Production and Source of Bioactive Compounds.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 21
Cassani L, Lourenço-Lopes C, Barral-Martinez M
155. The Roles of NOD-like Receptors in Innate Immunity in Otitis Media.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 21
You MW, Kim D, Lee EH
156. Thiacalixarenes with Sulfur Functionalities at Lower Rim: Heavy Metal Ion Binding in Solution and 2D-Confined Space.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 20
Muravev A, Yakupov A, Gerasimova T
157. Cellular Senescence and Aging in Myotonic Dystrophy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 20
Hasuike Y, Mochizuki H, Nakamori M.
158. Natural NADH and FAD Autofluorescence as Label-Free Biomarkers for Discriminating Subtypes and Functional States of Immune Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 20
Lemire S, Thoma OM, Kreiss L
159. Old and Novel Therapeutic Approaches in the Management of Hyperglycemia, an Important Risk Factor for Atherosclerosis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 20
Janjusevic M, Fluca AL, Gagno G
160. Epithelial Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Trigger the Differentiation of Two Epithelial Cell Lines.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 2
Ramos T, Parekh M, Kaye SB
161. Magnesium Modified β-Tricalcium Phosphate Induces Cell Osteogenic Differentiation In Vitro and Bone Regeneration In Vivo.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 2
Salamanca E, Pan YH, Sun YS
162. The Proteolysis of ECM in Intervertebral Disc Degeneration.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 2
Liang H, Luo R, Li G
163. COVID-19 and Lung Mast Cells: The Kallikrein-Kinin Activation Pathway.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 2
Nagashima S, Dutra AA, Arantes MP
164. Characterisation of Endogenous Peptides Present in Virgin Olive Oil.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 2
Lopez-Huertas E, Alcaide-Hidalgo JM.
165. Delivering Therapeutics to Glioblastoma: Overcoming Biological Constraints.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 2
Mathew EN, Berry BC, Yang HW
166. Engineered Zinc Finger Protein Targeting 2LTR Inhibits HIV Integration in Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cell-Derived Macrophages: In Vitro Study.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 19
Chupradit K, Khamaikawin W, Sakkhachornphop S
167. Nitroxyl Delivered by Angeli's Salt Causes Short-Lasting Activation Followed by Long-Lasting Deactivation of Meningeal Afferents in Models of Headache Generation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 19
Stöckl SK, de Col R, Filipovic MR
168. Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Apoptosis: A Scoping Review of In Vitro Studies on Mammalian Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 19
Romeo S, Zeni O, Scarfì MR
169. A Mixture of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Associated with Lower Birth Weight in Children Induces Adipogenesis and DNA Methylation Changes in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 19
Lizunkova P, Engdahl E, Borbély G
170. Knockout of the P2Y(6) Receptor Prevents Peri-Infarct Neuronal Loss after Transient, Focal Ischemia in Mouse Brain.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 19
Milde S, Brown GC.
171. CRISPR/Cas-Mediated Resistance against Viruses in Plants.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 19
Khan ZA, Kumar R, Dasgupta I.
172. Aβ-Induced Alterations in Membrane Lipids Occur before Synaptic Loss Appears.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 19
Van Bulck M, Brandt N, Claus RA
173. Buckwheat in Tissue Culture Research: Current Status and Future Perspectives.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 18
Tomasiak A, Zhou M, Betekhtin A.
174. Variant Enrichment Analysis to Explore Pathways Functionality in Complex Autoinflammatory Skin Disorders through Whole Exome Sequencing Analysis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 18
Brandão LAC, Moura RR, Marzano AV
175. Cerebellar and Striatal Implications in Autism Spectrum Disorders: From Clinical Observations to Animal Models.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 18
Thabault M, Turpin V, Maisterrena A
176. Biological Synthesis of Bioactive Gold Nanoparticles from Inonotus obliquus for Dual Chemo-Photothermal Effects against Human Brain Cancer Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 18
Shukurov I, Mohamed MS, Mizuki T
177. HOXB9 Overexpression Promotes Colorectal Cancer Progression and Is Associated with Worse Survival in Liver Resection Patients for Colorectal Liver Metastases.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 18
Martinou E, Moller-Levet C, Karamanis D
178. Linking Multi-Omics to Wheat Resistance Types to Fusarium Head Blight to Reveal the Underlying Mechanisms.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 18
Wu F, Zhou Y, Shen Y
179. Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Two Sweet Sorghum Genotypes with Different Salt Tolerance Abilities to Reveal the Mechanism of Salt Tolerance.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 18
Chen C, Shang X, Sun M
180. A Transcriptomic Analysis of T98G Human Glioblastoma Cells after Exposure to Cadmium-Selenium Quantum Dots Mainly Reveals Alterations in Neuroinflammation Processes and Hypothalamus Regulation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 18
Fuster E, Candela H, Estévez J
181. Unilateral Acute Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Induces Cardiac Dysfunction through Intracellular Calcium Mishandling.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 18
Junho CVC, González-Lafuente L, Navarro-García JA
182. Cytokine-Induced JAK2-STAT3 Activates Tissue Regeneration under Systemic or Local Inflammation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 18
Kim YK, Lee JY, Suh HN.
183. Analysis of Mitochondrial Function, Structure, and Intracellular Organization In Situ in Cardiomyocytes and Skeletal Muscles.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 18
Kuznetsov AV, Javadov S, Margreiter R
184. SMRT and Illumina RNA-Seq Identifies Potential Candidate Genes Related to the Double Flower Phenotype and Unveils SsAP2 as a Key Regulator of the Double-Flower Trait in Sagittaria sagittifolia.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 17
Gao M, Jiang W, Lin Z
185. GLIS1 in Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Regulates the Migration and Invasion of Ovarian Cancer Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 17
Kim MJ, Jung D, Park JY
186. Adipsin Serum Concentrations and Adipose Tissue Expression in People with Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 17
Milek M, Moulla Y, Kern M
187. A Splicing Mutation in Slc4a5 Results in Retinal Detachment and Retinal Pigment Epithelium Dysfunction.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 17
Collin GB, Shi L, Yu M
188. Modified Industrial Three-Dimensional Polylactic Acid Scaffold Cell Chip Promotes the Proliferation and Differentiation of Human Neural Stem Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 17
Kim GJ, Lee KJ, Choi JW
189. MicroRNA-199b Deregulation Shows Oncogenic Properties and Promising Clinical Value as Circulating Marker in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer Patients.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 17
Santos A, Cristóbal I, Rubio J
190. Design, Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationship Studies of Meridianin Derivatives as Novel JAK/STAT3 Signaling Inhibitors.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 16
Zhang JQ, Li R, Dong XY
191. Roles and Regulation of BCL-xL in Hematological Malignancies.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 16
Morales-Martínez M, Vega MI.
192. Integrative Genomic and Transcriptomic Profiling Reveals a Differential Molecular Signature in Uterine Leiomyoma versus Leiomyosarcoma.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 16
Machado-Lopez A, Alonso R, Lago V
193. Self-Assembled Particles Combining SARS-CoV-2 RBD Protein and RBD DNA Vaccine Induce Synergistic Enhancement of the Humoral Response in Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 16
Borgoyakova MB, Karpenko LI, Rudometov AP
194. CD44 Expression Intensity Marks Colorectal Cancer Cell Subpopulations with Different Extracellular Vesicle Release Capacity.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 16
Kelemen A, Carmi I, Seress I
195. Genome-Wide Association Analysis and Genomic Prediction of Thyroglobulin Plasma Levels.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 16
Pleić N, Babić Leko M, Gunjača I
196. Implication of COVID-19 on Erythrocytes Functionality: Red Blood Cell Biochemical Implications and Morpho-Functional Aspects.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 16
Russo A, Tellone E, Barreca D
197. Utilizing Genomically Targeted Molecular Data to Improve Patient-Specific Outcomes in Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 16
Hausman-Cohen S, LaValley W, Way H
198. Hexokinase-2-Linked Glycolytic Overload and Unscheduled Glycolysis-Driver of Insulin Resistance and Development of Vascular Complications of Diabetes.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 16
Rabbani N, Xue M, Thornalley PJ.
199. Discrimination between NSIP- and IPF-Derived Fibroblasts Based on Multi-Parameter Characterization of Their Growth, Morphology and Physic-Chemical Properties.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 15
Orzechowska B, Awsiuk K, Wnuk D
200. Biochemical and Structural Insights into the Winged Helix Domain of P150, the Largest Subunit of the Chromatin Assembly Factor 1.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 15
Ayoub J, Buonanno M, Di Fiore A
201. EMBER-Embedding Multiple Molecular Fingerprints for Virtual Screening.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 15
Mendolia I, Contino S, De Simone G
202. WMR Peptide as Antifungal and Antibiofilm against Albicans and Non-Albicans Candida Species: Shreds of Evidence on the Mechanism of Action.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 15
Maione A, Bellavita R, de Alteriis E
203. Antibacterial and Sporicidal Activity Evaluation of Theaflavin-3,3'-digallate.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 15
Yussof A, Cammalleri B, Fayemiwo O
204. Criticality of Surface Characteristics of Intravenous Iron-Carbohydrate Nanoparticle Complexes: Implications for Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 15
Funk F, Flühmann B, Barton AE.
205. Pharmacological Inhibition of Spermine Oxidase Suppresses Excitotoxicity Induced Neuroinflammation in Mouse Retina.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 15
Alfarhan M, Liu F, Shan S
206. Review of the Mechanisms of Snake Venom Induced Pain: It's All about Location, Location, Location.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 15
Nielsen VG, Wagner MT.
207. Lymphatics in Tumor Progression and Immunomodulation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 15
Li CY, Brown S, Mehrara BJ
208. NGF/TRKA Promotes ADAM17-Dependent Cleavage of P75 in Ovarian Cells: Elucidating a Pro-Tumoral Mechanism.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 15
Garrido MP, Vallejos C, Girardi S
209. Mechanisms Underlying the Expansion and Functional Maturation of β-Cells in Newborns: Impact of the Nutritional Environment.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 14
Jacovetti C, Regazzi R.
210. Atopic Dermatitis: The Fate of the Fat.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 14
Pavel P, Blunder S, Moosbrugger-Martinz V
211. Proinflammatory Cytokines (IL-1, -6, -8, -15, -17, -18, -23, TNF-α) Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Rheumatoid Arthritis-A Literature Review.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 14
Koper-Lenkiewicz OM, Sutkowska K, Wawrusiewicz-Kurylonek N
212. Global N(6)-Methyladenosine Profiling Revealed the Tissue-Specific Epitranscriptomic Regulation of Rice Responses to Salt Stress.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 14
Wang Y, Du F, Li Y
213. Application of Proteomics in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Biomarker Investigations: A Review.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 14
Vellan CJ, Jayapalan JJ, Yoong BK
214. Dual Nature of RAGE in Host Reaction and Nurturing the Mother-Infant Bond.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 14
Oshima Y, Harashima A, Munesue S
215. Genome-Wide Analysis of LBD Transcription Factor Genes in Dendrobiumcatenatum.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 14
Jia R, Li C, Wang Y
216. Wheat TaTIP4;1 Confers Enhanced Tolerance to Drought, Salt and Osmotic Stress in Arabidopsis and Rice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 14
Wang Y, Zhang Y, An Y
217. IMGG: Integrating Multiple Single-Cell Datasets through Connected Graphs and Generative Adversarial Networks.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 14
Wang X, Zhang C, Zhang Y
218. DUX: One Transcription Factor Controls 2-Cell-like Fate.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 13
Ren W, Gao L, Mou Y
219. Genetic Deletion of HLJ1 Does Not Affect Blood Coagulation in Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 13
Hsu MC, Luo WJ, Guo BC
220. SALL4 Oncogenic Function in Cancers: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Relevance.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 12
Sun B, Xu L, Bi W
221. Biocompatible Gas Plasma Treatment Affects Secretion Profiles but Not Osteogenic Differentiation in Patient-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 12
Fischer M, Schoon J, Freund E
222. Numerical Simulation of S-Shaped Current-Voltage Curves Induced by Electron Traps in Inverted Organic Photovoltaics.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 12
Luo S, Huo M, Xue Q
223. Ginsenoside Rh4 Suppressed Metastasis of Lung Adenocarcinoma via Inhibiting JAK2/STAT3 Signaling.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 11
Zhang Y, Ma P, Duan Z
224. Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, Redox Homeostasis and Embryogenesis.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 11
Chen PH, Tjong WY, Yang HC
225. Severe Acute Hepatic Dysfunction Induced by Ammonium Acetate Treatment Results in Choroid Plexus Swelling and Ventricle Enlargement in the Brain.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 11
Nakadate K, Kamata S.
226. The Protein Phosphatase GhAP2C1 Interacts Together with GhMPK4 to Synergistically Regulate the Immune Response to Fusarium oxysporum in Cotton.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 11
Guo D, Hao C, Hou J
227. Aging, Cellular Senescence, and Alzheimer's Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 11
Liu RM.
228. Remodeling of Lipid A in Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola In Vitro.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 11
Gerster T, Wröbel M, Hofstaedter CE
229. Effects of Cell Density and Microenvironment on Stem Cell Mitochondria Transfer among Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells and HEK293 Tumorigenic Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 11
Burch SA, Luna Lopez C.
230. Stressor-Induced Increases in Circulating, but Not Colonic, Cytokines Are Related to Anxiety-like Behavior and Hippocampal Inflammation in a Murine Colitis Model.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 11
Maltz RM, Marte-Ortiz P, Rajasekera TA
231. Interdisciplinary Study of the Effects of Dipeptidyl-Peptidase III Cancer Mutations on the KEAP1-NRF2 Signaling Pathway.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 11
Matić S, Tomašić Paić A, Sobočanec S
232. Genome-Wide Expression and Anti-Proliferative Effects of Electric Field Therapy on Pediatric and Adult Brain Tumors.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 11
Branter J, Estevez-Cebrero M, Diksin M
233. Microfluidic-Based Technologies for CTC Isolation: A Review of 10 Years of Intense Efforts towards Liquid Biopsy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 10
Descamps L, Le Roy D, Deman AL.
234. Straight to the Point-The Novel Strategies to Cure Pediatric AML.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 10
Lejman M, Dziatkiewicz I, Jurek M.
235. Physiology and Pathophysiology of Heparan Sulfate in Animal Models: Its Biosynthesis and Degradation.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 10
Mashima R, Okuyama T, Ohira M.
236. Sodium Energetic Cycle in the Natronophilic Bacterium Thioalkalivibrio versutus.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 10
Muntyan MS, Viryasov MB, Sorokin DY
237. Lycopene in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 10
Przybylska S, Tokarczyk G.
238. Inhibition of the Akt/PKB Kinase Increases Na(v)1.6-Mediated Currents and Neuronal Excitability in CA1 Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 1
Marosi M, Nenov MN, Di Re J
239. Cold Atmospheric Plasma Apoptotic and Oxidative Effects on MCF7 and HCC1806 Human Breast Cancer Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 1
Almeida-Ferreira C, Silva-Teixeira R, Gonçalves AC
240. Adipose-Derived Stem Cells from Type 2 Diabetic Rats Retain Positive Effects in a Rat Model of Erectile Dysfunction.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 1
Quaade ML, Dhumale P, Steffensen SGC
241. Potential of Biofermentative Unsulfated Chondroitin and Hyaluronic Acid in Dermal Repair.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 1
D'Agostino A, La Gatta A, Stellavato A
242. Nanoparticles in Clinical Translation for Cancer Therapy.
Int J Mol Sci
2022 Feb 1
Mundekkad D, Cho WC.
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