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2021 Aug (303)
2021 Jul (306)
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2021 Mar (294)
2021 Feb (258)
2021 Jan (256)
1. The Different Molecular Code in Generation of Dopaminergic Neurons from Astrocytes and Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 9
Wang N, Ji X, Wu Y
2. Developmental Toxicology of Metal Mixtures in Drosophila: Unique Properties of Potency and Interactions of Mercury Isoforms.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 9
Beamish CR, Love TM, Rand MD.
3. Effects of Cynaroside on Cell Proliferation, Apoptosis, Migration and Invasion though the MET/AKT/mTOR Axis in Gastric Cancer.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 9
Ji J, Wang Z, Sun W
4. Experimental Models, Induction Protocols, and Measured Parameters in Dry Eye Disease: Focusing on Practical Implications for Experimental Research.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 9
Rahman MM, Kim DH, Park CK
5. The Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Fear Memory: Dynamics, Connectivity, and Engrams.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 9
Dixsaut L, Gräff J.
6. Discovery of Phenolic Glycoside from Hyssopus cuspidatus Attenuates LPS-Induced Inflammatory Responses by Inhibition of iNOS and COX-2 Expression through Suppression of NF-κB Activation.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 9
Liu X, Su J, Wang G
7. MVP Expression Facilitates Tumor Cell Proliferation and Migration Supporting the Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 9
Pietras P, Leśniczak-Staszak M, Kasprzak A
8. New Drug Targets to Prevent Death Due to Stroke: A Review Based on Results of Protein-Protein Interaction Network, Enrichment, and Annotation Analyses.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 9
Maes M, Nikiforov NG, Plaimas K
9. The Escherichia coli Outer Membrane β-Barrel Assembly Machinery (BAM) Crosstalks with the Divisome.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 9
Consoli E, Luirink J, den Blaauwen T.
10. Arginase 2 and Polyamines in Human Pancreatic Beta Cells: Possible Role in the Pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 9
Marselli L, Bosi E, De Luca C
11. Focus on the Small GTPase Rab1: A Key Player in the Pathogenesis of Parkinson's Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 8
Martínez-Menárguez JÁ, Martínez-Alonso E, Cara-Esteban M
12. Senolytics: A Novel Strategy for Neuroprotection in ALS?
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 8
Maximova A, Werry EL, Kassiou M.
13. Prediction of Peptide Detectability Based on CapsNet and Convolutional Block Attention Module.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 8
Yu M, Duan Y, Li Z
14. AMBRA1 Negatively Regulates the Function of ALDH1B1, a Cancer Stem Cell Marker, by Controlling Its Ubiquitination.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 8
Baek SH, Jang YK.
15. Multifunctional Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 8
Yadav RS.
16. Clioquinol Decreases Levels of Phosphorylated, Truncated, and Oligomerized Tau Protein.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 8
Lin G, Zhu F, Kanaan NM
17. Cubic Octa-Carbon: Quantum-Chemical Design of Molecular Structure and Potential Way of Its Synthesis from Cubane.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 8
Chachkov DV, Mikhailov OV.
18. Early Deconditioning of Human Skeletal Muscles and the Effects of a Thigh Cuff Countermeasure.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 8
Fovet T, Guilhot C, Stevens L
19. A Novel Isogenic Human Cell-Based System for MEN1 Syndrome Generated by CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 8
Klementieva N, Goliusova D, Krupinova J
20. B6 Mouse Strain: The Best Fit for LPS-Induced Interstitial Cystitis Model.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 8
Chen CH, Liao CH, Chen KC
21. Multi-Omics Study of Keystone Species in a Cystic Fibrosis Microbiome.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 7
Silveira CB, Cobián-Güemes AG, Uranga C
22. An Association between Diet and MC4R Genetic Polymorphism, in Relation to Obesity and Metabolic Parameters-A Cross Sectional Population-Based Study.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 7
Adamska-Patruno E, Bauer W, Bielska D
23. A Small Step, a Giant Leap: Somatic Hypermutation of a Single Amino Acid Leads to Anti-La Autoreactivity.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 7
Bartsch T, Arndt C, Loureiro LR
24. MALDI-MS Analysis of Peptide Libraries Expands the Scope of Substrates for Farnesyltransferase.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 7
Schey GL, Buttery PH, Hildebrandt ER
25. Heparin and Derivatives for Advanced Cell Therapies.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 7
Laner-Plamberger S, Oeller M, Rohde E
26. Leaf Apoplast of Field-Grown Potato Analyzed by Quantitative Proteomics and Activity-Based Protein Profiling.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 6
Abreha KB, Alexandersson E, Resjö S
27. Effects of Arachidonic Acid Metabolites on Cardiovascular Health and Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 6
Zhou Y, Khan H, Xiao J
28. Cationic Peptides and Their Cu(II) and Ni(II) Complexes: Coordination and Biological Characteristics.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 6
Kotynia A, Wiatrak B, Kamysz W
29. Development and Validation of Tumor Immunogenicity Based Gene Signature for Skin Cancer Risk Stratification.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 6
Yavartanoo M, Yi GS.
30. Stem Cell Therapy Enhances Motor Activity of Triceps Surae Muscle in Mice with Hereditary Peripheral Neuropathy.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 6
Govbakh I, Kyryk V, Ustymenko A
31. Adaptive Responses of Citrus grandis Leaves to Copper Toxicity Revealed by RNA-Seq and Physiology.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 6
Wu F, Huang H, Peng M
32. The Effect of Glycerin Content in Sodium Alginate/Poly(vinyl alcohol)-Based Hydrogels for Wound Dressing Application.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 6
Bialik-Wąs K, Pluta K, Malina D
33. Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Three Triterpene from Hippophae rhamnoides L. in Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated RAW264.7 Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 5
Han Y, Yuan C, Zhou X
34. Inhibitors of the Sec61 Complex and Novel High Throughput Screening Strategies to Target the Protein Translocation Pathway.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 5
Pauwels E, Schülein R, Vermeire K.
35. Novel Nanobiocomposites Based on Natural Polysaccharides as Universal Trophic Low-Dose Micronutrients.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 5
Khutsishvili SS, Perfileva AI, Nozhkina OA
36. Oleanolic Acid Alleviates Atopic Dermatitis-like Responses In Vivo and In Vitro.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 5
Kang YM, Kim HM, Lee M
37. Decoding the Role of DVL1 in Intracranial Meningioma.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 5
Bukovac A, Dragičević K, Kafka A
38. Identification of Spiro-Fused Pyrrolo[3,4-a]pyrrolizines and Tryptanthrines as Potential Antitumor Agents: Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 5
Latypova DK, Shmakov SV, Pechkovskaya SA
39. MMP9 Differentially Regulates Proteins Involved in Actin Polymerization and Cell Migration during TGF-β-Induced EMT in the Lens.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 5
Liu ZZG, Taiyab A, West-Mays JA.
40. Effect of Central Administration of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) on Behavior and Brain Monoamine Metabolism in New Recombinant Mouse Lines Differing by 5-HT(1A) Receptor Functionality.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 5
Bazovkina D, Naumenko V, Bazhenova E
41. Ultra-Fine Control of Silica Shell Thickness on Silver Nanoparticle-Assembled Structures.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 5
Hahm E, Jo A, Kang EJ
42. Improvement of an Effective Protocol for Directed Differentiation of Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Corneal Endothelial Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 5
Marta CM, Adrian M, Jorge FD
43. Ciprofloxacin and Levofloxacin as Potential Drugs in Genitourinary Cancer Treatment-The Effect of Dose-Response on 2D and 3D Cell Cultures.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 4
Kloskowski T, Szeliski K, Fekner Z
44. Genome-Wide Identification of ARF Gene Family Suggests a Functional Expression Pattern during Fruitlet Abscission in Prunus avium L.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 4
Hou Q, Qiu Z, Wen Z
45. The First De Novo Transcriptome Assembly and Transcriptomic Dynamics of the Mangrove Tree Rhizophora stylosa Griff. (Rhizophoraceae).
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 4
Miryeganeh M, Saze H.
46. Proper Balance of Small GTPase rab10 Is Critical for PGC Migration in Zebrafish.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 4
Mo C, Li W, Jia K
47. BRAF and MEK Inhibitors Affect Dendritic-Cell Maturation and T-Cell Stimulation.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 4
Hoyer S, Eberlein V, Schuler G
48. Spike Formation Is a Turning Point Determining Wheat Root Microbiome Abundance, Structures and Functions.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 4
Usyskin-Tonne A, Hadar Y, Minz D.
49. Cross-Tolerance and Autoimmunity as Missing Links in Abiotic and Biotic Stress Responses in Plants: A Perspective toward Secondary Metabolic Engineering.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 4
Perincherry L, Stępień Ł, Vasudevan SE.
50. Genetic Variants of the NF-κB Pathway: Unraveling the Genetic Architecture of Psoriatic Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Queiro R, Coto P, González-Lara L
51. Protective Effects of Glutamine and Leucine Supplementation on Sepsis-Induced Skeletal Muscle Injuries.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Hou YC, Pai MH, Wu JM
52. Regulation of Cytosolic pH: The Contributions of Plant Plasma Membrane H(+)-ATPases and Multiple Transporters.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Zhou JY, Hao DL, Yang GZ.
53. Skeletal Ryanodine Receptors Are Involved in Impaired Myogenic Differentiation in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Meyer P, Notarnicola C, Meli AC
54. Multimodal Spectroscopic Imaging of Pea Root Nodules to Assess the Nitrogen Fixation in the Presence of Biofertilizer Based on Nod-Factors.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Susniak K, Krysa M, Kidaj D
55. Molecular Network for Regulation of Ovule Number in Plants.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Qadir M, Wang X, Shah SRU
56. Kinetic Study on the Reactivity of Azanone (HNO) toward Cyclic C-Nucleophiles.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Artelska A, Rola M, Rostkowski M
57. Reassessment of SST4 Somatostatin Receptor Expression Using SST4-eGFP Knockin Mice and the Novel Rabbit Monoclonal Anti-Human SST4 Antibody 7H49L61.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Lupp A, Ehms B, Stumm R
58. Exploiting Structural Modelling Tools to Explore Host-Translocated Effector Proteins.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Amoozadeh S, Johnston J, Meisrimler CN.
59. Natural Gums as Oleogelators.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Banaś K, Harasym J.
60. Royal Jelly Protects against Epidermal Stress through Upregulation of the NQO1 Expression.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Okumura N, Ito T, Degawa T
61. Integration of Light and Brassinosteroid Signaling during Seedling Establishment.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Lin F, Cao J, Yuan J
62. Role of Defect Engineering and Surface Functionalization in the Design of Carbon Nanotube-Based Nitrogen Oxide Sensors.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Valdés-Madrigal MA, Montejo-Alvaro F, Cernas-Ruiz AS
63. Fetal Immunomodulatory Environment Following Cartilage Injury-The Key to CARTILAGE Regeneration?
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Ribitsch I, Bileck A, Egerbacher M
64. A Review on the Role of Non-Coding RNAs in the Pathogenesis of Myasthenia Gravis.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Ghafouri-Fard S, Azimi T, Hussen BM
65. The Effect of Organoselenium Compounds on Histone Deacetylase Inhibition and Their Potential for Cancer Therapy.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Adimulam T, Arumugam T, Foolchand A
66. Role of Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ-NOP Receptor System in the Regulation of Stress-Related Disorders.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Ubaldi M, Cannella N, Borruto AM
67. Role of ANGPTL8 in NAFLD Improvement after Bariatric Surgery in Experimental and Human Obesity.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Perdomo CM, Gómez-Ambrosi J, Becerril S
68. Malondialdehyde-Acetaldehyde Modified (MAA) Proteins Differentially Effect the Inflammatory Response in Macrophage, Endothelial Cells and Animal Models of Cardiovascular Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Duryee MJ, Clemens DL, Opperman PJ
69. Early Development of the GABAergic System and the Associated Risks of Neonatal Anesthesia.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Gascoigne DA, Serdyukova NA, Aksenov DP.
70. Prenatal Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane Exposure Impaired Proliferation of Neuronal Progenitor, Leading to Motor, Cognition, Social and Behavioral Functions.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Tran DN, Park SM, Jung EM
71. Initiation and Execution of Programmed Cell Death and Regulation of Reactive Oxygen Species in Plants.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 30
Ye C, Zheng S, Jiang D
72. Biosynthesis and Degradation of Sulfur Modifications in tRNAs.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 3
Shigi N.
73. Fibronectin 1B Gene Plays an Important Role in Loach Barbel Air-Breathing.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 3
Sun B, Huang S, Huang L
74. The Role of Endothelium in COVID-19.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 3
Ionescu M, Stoian AP, Rizzo M
75. High-Molecular-Weight Hyaluronic Acid Inhibits IL-1β-Induced Synovial Inflammation and Macrophage Polarization through the GRP78-NF-κB Signaling Pathway.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 3
Lee CH, Chiang CF, Kuo FC
76. Relevance of BRAF Subcellular Localization and Its Interaction with KRAS and KIT Mutations in Skin Melanoma.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 3
Beleaua MA, Jung I, Braicu C
77. Interplay between Prokineticins and Histone Demethylase KDM6A in a Murine Model of Bortezomib-Induced Neuropathy.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 3
Rullo L, Franchi S, Amodeo G
78. Biotin Transport-Targeting Polysaccharide-Modified PAMAM G3 Dendrimer as System Delivering α-Mangostin into Cancer Cells and C. elegans Worms.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 29
Markowicz J, Uram Ł, Wołowiec S
79. Gastrointestinal Dopamine in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Systematic Review.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 29
Kurnik-Łucka M, Pasieka P, Łączak P
80. Nutraceutical Approach to Chronic Osteoarthritis: From Molecular Research to Clinical Evidence.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 29
Colletti A, Cicero AFG.
81. Combined Blockade of TIGIT and CD39 or A2AR Enhances NK-92 Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity in AML.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 29
Brauneck F, Seubert E, Wellbrock J
82. Optimizing Release of Nucleic Acids of African Swine Fever Virus and Influenza A Virus from FTA Cards.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 29
Elnagar A, Harder TC, Blome S
83. Applications of DNA-Functionalized Proteins.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 29
Gong Z, Tang Y, Ma N
84. Salivary Biomarkers in Patients with Sjögren's Syndrome-A Systematic Review.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 29
Jung JY, Kim JW, Kim HA
85. Comparative Transcriptome Analysis Revealed the Key Genes Regulating Ascorbic Acid Synthesis in Actinidia.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 29
Liu X, Xie X, Zhong C
86. Genomic and Metabolic Characteristics of the Pathogenicity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 29
de Sousa T, Hébraud M, Dapkevicius MLNE
87. LSSmScarlet, dCyRFP2s, dCyOFP2s and CRISPRed2s, Genetically Encoded Red Fluorescent Proteins with a Large Stokes Shift.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 28
Subach OM, Vlaskina AV, Agapova YK
88. Effect of 2-Cys Peroxiredoxins Inhibition on Redox Modifications of Bull Sperm Proteins.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 28
Mostek-Majewska A, Janta A, Majewska A
89. Etifoxine Restores Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation and Improves Cognitive Recovery Following Traumatic Brain Injury.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 28
Palzur E, Edelman D, Sakas R
90. Patterns of Maternal Neutrophil Gene Expression at 30 Weeks of Gestation, but Not DNA Methylation, Distinguish Mild from Severe Preeclampsia.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 28
Walsh SW, Al Dulaimi M, Archer KJ
91. Revisiting Hepatic Artery Infusion Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 28
Chen CT, Liu TH, Shao YY
92. Cyclic Nucleotide (cNMP) Analogues: Past, Present and Future.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 28
Maronde E.
93. Evidence for the Involvement of Pleckstrin Homology Domain-Containing Proteins in the Transport of Enterocin DD14 (EntDD14); a Leaderless Two-Peptide Bacteriocin.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 28
Pérez-Ramos A, Ladjouzi R, Benachour A
94. Study of the Spatio-Chemical Heterogeneity of Tannin-Furanic Foams: From 1D FTIR Spectroscopy to 3D FTIR Micro-Computed Tomography.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 28
Cefarin N, Bedolla DE, Surowka A
95. Deepening the Knowledge of ROS1 Rearrangements in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Diagnosis, Treatment, Resistance and Concomitant Alterations.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 28
Guaitoli G, Bertolini F, Bettelli S
96. Structural Modelling of KCNQ1 and KCNH2 Double Mutant Proteins, Identified in Two Severe Long QT Syndrome Cases, Reveals New Insights into Cardiac Channelopathies.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 28
Agudelo WA, Gil-Quiñones SR, Fonseca A
97. Data-Independent Acquisition-Based Proteome and Phosphoproteome Profiling Reveals Early Protein Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation Events in Arabidopsis Seedlings upon Cold Exposure.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 27
Tan J, Zhou Z, Feng H
98. Histone 3 Lysine 27 Trimethylation Signature in Breast Cancer.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 27
Borkiewicz L.
99. Physiological and Dual Transcriptional Analysis of Microalga Graesiella emersonii-Amoeboaphelidium protococcarum Pathosystem Uncovers Conserved Defense Response and Robust Pathogenicity.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 27
Ding Y, Wang Z, Wang Y
100. Sensitive Immunofluorescent Detection of the PRAME Antigen Using a Practical Antibody Conjugation Approach.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 27
Sapozhnikova KA, Misyurin VA, Ryazantsev DY
101. The Complexity of the Ovine and Caprine Keratin-Associated Protein Genes.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 27
Zhou H, Gong H, Wang J
102. Macrophages Modulate the Function of MSC- and iPSC-Derived Fibroblasts in the Presence of Polyethylene Particles.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 27
Gao Q, Li Z, Rhee C
103. Evaluation of Deep Neural Network ProSPr for Accurate Protein Distance Predictions on CASP14 Targets.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 27
Stern J, Hedelius B, Fisher O
104. VDACs Post-Translational Modifications Discovery by Mass Spectrometry: Impact on Their Hub Function.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 27
Pittalà MGG, Conti Nibali S, Reina S
105. The Mechanisms Underlying the Protective Action of Selenium Nanoparticles against Ischemia/Reoxygenation Are Mediated by the Activation of the Ca(2+) Signaling System of Astrocytes and Reactive Astrogliosis.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 26
Varlamova EG, Turovsky EA, Babenko VA
106. β-Cell Pathophysiology: A Review of Advanced Optical Microscopy Applications.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 26
Ferri G, Pesce L, Tesi M
107. Volume-Independent Sodium Toxicity in Peritoneal Dialysis: New Insights from Bench to Bed.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 26
Borrelli S, De Nicola L, De Gregorio I
108. Differential Role of p53 in Oligodendrocyte Survival in Response to Various Stresses: Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis, Cuprizone Intoxication or White Matter Stroke.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 26
Luo F, Zhang Z, Luo Y.
109. Erythrocytes Prevent Degradation of Carnosine by Human Serum Carnosinase.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 26
Oppermann H, Elsel S, Birkemeyer C
110. Transmission Electron Microscopy as a Powerful Tool to Investigate the Interaction of Nanoparticles with Subcellular Structures.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 26
Malatesta M.
111. Lessons Learned from the Studies of Roots Shaded from Direct Root Illumination.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 26
Lacek J, García-González J, Weckwerth W
112. Cytotoxic Aβ Protofilaments Are Generated in the Process of Aβ Fibril Disaggregation.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 26
Kaku T, Tsukakoshi K, Ikebukuro K.
113. Development of Minicircle Vectors Encoding COL7A1 Gene with Human Promoters for Non-Viral Gene Therapy for Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 26
Wang X, Alshehri F, Manzanares D
114. Modified Low-Temperature Extraction Method for Isolation of Bletilla striata Polysaccharide as Antioxidant for the Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 25
Lin YW, Fang CH, Liang YJ
115. Transcription Regulators and Membraneless Organelles Challenges to Investigate Them.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 25
Sołtys K, Ożyhar A.
116. Emerging View on the Molecular Functions of Sec62 and Sec63 in Protein Translocation.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 25
Jung SJ, Kim H.
117. Prognostic Value of BUB1 for Predicting Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Progression.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 25
Piao XM, You C, Byun YJ
118. Dexmedetomidine Promotes Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Differentiation of Cardiac Fibroblasts and Collagen I/III Synthesis through α(2A) Adrenoreceptor-Mediated Activation of the PKC-p38-Smad2/3 Signaling Pathway in Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 25
Liao J, Li K, Su X
119. The Role of Toll-like Receptors (TLRs) Mediated Inflammation in Pancreatic Cancer Pathophysiology.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 25
Orlacchio A, Mazzone P.
120. CCL4 Stimulates Cell Migration in Human Osteosarcoma via the mir-3927-3p/Integrin αvβ3 Axis.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 25
Tsai HC, Lai YY, Hsu HC
121. Osteoporosis: From Molecular Mechanisms to Therapies 3.0.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 25
Tang CH.
122. Correction: Shao et al. AKT Axis, miR-21, and RECK Play Pivotal Roles in Dihydroartemisinin Killing Malignant Glioma Cells. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2017, 18, 350.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Shao YY, Zhang TL, Wu LX
123. The Pellicle-Another Strategy of the Root Apex Protection against Mechanical Stress?
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Potocka I, Szymanowska-Pułka J.
124. Sulfur-Induced Resistance against Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae via Triggering Salicylic Acid Signaling Pathway in Kiwifruit.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Zhang Z, Long Y, Yin X
125. Placental Endocrine Activity: Adaptation and Disruption of Maternal Glucose Metabolism in Pregnancy and the Influence of Fetal Sex.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Stern C, Schwarz S, Moser G
126. Fine Breakpoint Mapping by Genome Sequencing Reveals the First Large X Inversion Disrupting the NHS Gene in a Patient with Syndromic Cataracts.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Damián A, Ionescu RO, Rodríguez de Alba M
127. HbSnRK2.6 Functions in ABA-Regulated Cold Stress Response by Promoting HbICE2 Transcriptional Activity in Hevea brasiliensis.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Wang X, Liu WC, Zeng XW
128. An In Vitro Evaluation of the Biological and Osteogenic Properties of Magnesium-Doped Bioactive Glasses for Application in Bone Tissue Engineering.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Hohenbild F, Arango Ospina M, Schmitz SI
129. Rare Glutamic Acid Methyl Ester Peptaibols from Sepedonium ampullosporum Damon KSH 534 Exhibit Promising Antifungal and Anticancer Activity.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Lam YTH, Ricardo MG, Rennert R
130. Effects of the Combined Treatment with a G-Quadruplex-Stabilizing Ligand and Photon Beams on Glioblastoma Stem-like Cells: A Magnetic Resonance Study.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Palma A, Grande S, Luciani AM
131. GRPEL2 Knockdown Exerts Redox Regulation in Glioblastoma.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Tang CT, Li YF, Chou CH
132. Porphyromonas gingivalis Components/Secretions Synergistically Enhance Pneumonia Caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae in Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Okabe T, Kamiya Y, Kikuchi T
133. Phytosterols in Seaweeds: An Overview on Biosynthesis to Biomedical Applications.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Sohn SI, Rathinapriya P, Balaji S
134. Impact of Hydrogen Sulfide on Mitochondrial and Bacterial Bioenergetics.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Borisov VB, Forte E.
135. Comparing C2=O and C2=S Barbiturates: Different Hydrogen-Bonding Patterns of Thiobarbiturates in Solution and the Solid State.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Li C, Hilgeroth P, Hasan N
136. Adamantane-Substituted Purines and Their β-Cyclodextrin Complexes: Synthesis and Biological Activity.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Rouchal M, Rudolfová J, Kryštof V
137. Progressive Aggregation of 16 kDa Gamma-Zein during Seed Maturation in Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 24
Arcalis E, Mainieri D, Vitale A
138. C57BL/6 Background Attenuates mHTT Toxicity in the Striatum of YAC128 Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 23
Back MK, Kurzawa J, Ruggieri S
139. The Significance of Biomechanics and Scaffold Structure for Bladder Tissue Engineering.
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2021 Nov 23
Hanczar M, Moazen M, Day R.
140. Paradigmatic De Novo GRIN1 Variants Recapitulate Pathophysiological Mechanisms Underlying GRIN1-Related Disorder Clinical Spectrum.
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2021 Nov 23
Santos-Gómez A, Miguez-Cabello F, Juliá-Palacios N
141. CAF Proteins Help SOT1 Regulate the Stability of Chloroplast ndhA Transcripts.
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2021 Nov 23
Li X, Luo W, Zhou W
142. Natural Bioactive Molecules: An Alternative Approach to the Treatment and Control of COVID-19.
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2021 Nov 23
Islam F, Bibi S, Meem AFK
143. Heterogenous Clinical Landscape in a Consanguineous Malonic Aciduria Family.
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2021 Nov 23
Snanoudj S, Torre S, Sudrié-Arnaud B
144. A Talk between Flavonoids and Hormones to Reorient the Growth of Gymnosperms.
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2021 Nov 23
Morales-Quintana L, Ramos P.
145. Unveiling the Complexity of Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.) Transcriptome and Transcriptional Regulation of Isoflavonoid Biosynthesis Using Integrated Long- and Short-Read RNAseq.
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2021 Nov 23
Shi K, Liu X, Pan X
146. Mast Cells and Basophils in the Defense against Ectoparasites: Efficient Degradation of Parasite Anticoagulants by the Connective Tissue Mast Cell Chymases.
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2021 Nov 23
Fu Z, Akula S, Olsson AK
147. Enhanced Platelet-Rich Plasma (ePRP) Stimulates Wound Healing through Effects on Metabolic Reprogramming in Fibroblasts.
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2021 Nov 23
Weng HP, Cheng YY, Lee HL
148. Plant Dehydrins: Expression, Regulatory Networks, and Protective Roles in Plants Challenged by Abiotic Stress.
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2021 Nov 23
Sun Z, Li S, Chen W
149. Disulfide Dimerization of Neuronal Calcium Sensor-1: Implications for Zinc and Redox Signaling.
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2021 Nov 22
Baksheeva VE, Baldin AV, Zalevsky AO
150. PSD-95: An Effective Target for Stroke Therapy Using Neuroprotective Peptides.
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2021 Nov 22
Ugalde-Triviño L, Díaz-Guerra M.
151. GM3 Ganglioside Linked to Neurofibrillary Pathology in a Transgenic Rat Model for Tauopathy.
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2021 Nov 22
Olešová D, Majerová P, Hájek R
152. Takinib Inhibits Inflammation in Human Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Fibroblasts by Targeting the Janus Kinase-Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (JAK/STAT3) Pathway.
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2021 Nov 22
Panipinto PM, Singh AK, Shaikh FS
153. Manipulating Estrogenic/Anti-Estrogenic Activity of Triphenylethylenes towards Development of Novel Anti-Neoplastic SERMs.
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2021 Nov 22
Elnakib HE, Ramsis MM, Albably NO
154. Targeting Mitochondria by Plant Secondary Metabolites: A Promising Strategy in Combating Parkinson's Disease.
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2021 Nov 22
Fakhri S, Abdian S, Zarneshan SN
155. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Is Biological Augmentation Beneficial?
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2021 Nov 22
Rodríguez-Merchán EC.
156. Possible Treatment of Myocardial Infarct Based on Tissue Engineering Using a Cellularized Solid Collagen Scaffold Functionalized with Arg-Glyc-Asp (RGD) Peptide.
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2021 Nov 22
Schussler O, Falcoz PE, Chachques JC
157. Analysis of Cryopreservation Protocols and Their Harmful Effects on the Endothelial Integrity of Human Corneas.
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2021 Nov 22
Rodríguez-Fernández S, Álvarez-Portela M, Rendal-Vázquez E
158. CD40 Pathway and IL-2 Expression Mediate the Differential Outcome of Colorectal Cancer Patients with Different CSF1R c.1085 Genotypes.
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2021 Nov 22
Yeh YM, Lin PC, Su WC
159. The Regeneration of Large-Sized and Vascularized Adipose Tissue Using a Tailored Elastic Scaffold and dECM Hydrogels.
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2021 Nov 22
Kim SH, Kim D, Cha M
160. Comparative Genome Analysis of Genes Regulating Compound Inflorescences in Tomato.
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2021 Nov 21
Yang Y, Yang H, Tan Y
161. Priming, Triggering, Adaptation and Senescence (PTAS): A Hypothesis for a Common Damage Mechanism of Steatohepatitis.
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2021 Nov 21
Abuja PM, Zatloukal K, Denk H.
162. New Investigations with Lupane Type A-Ring Azepane Triterpenoids for Antimycobacterial Drug Candidate Design.
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2021 Nov 21
Kazakova O, Racoviceanu R, Petrova A
163. Fibrinogen and Antifibrinolytic Proteins: Interactions and Future Therapeutics.
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2021 Nov 21
Pechlivani N, Kearney KJ, Ajjan RA.
164. Aquaporin-1 Facilitates Transmesothelial Water Permeability: In Vitro and Ex Vivo Evidence and Possible Implications in Peritoneal Dialysis.
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2021 Nov 21
Piccapane F, Gerbino A, Carmosino M
165. Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Inhibits Candida Biofilm Formation, Increases Susceptibility to Antifungal Agents and Reduces Infection.
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Kim D, Kim KY.
166. New Insight into Molecular and Hormonal Connection in Andrology.
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2021 Nov 2
Francomano D, Sanguigni V, Capogrosso P
167. Contribution of Dysregulated DNA Methylation to Autoimmunity.
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2021 Nov 2
Funes SC, Fernández-Fierro A, Rebolledo-Zelada D
168. The Protective Role of Prolyl Oligopeptidase (POP) Inhibition in Kidney Injury Induced by Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion.
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2021 Nov 2
Casili G, Ardizzone A, Basilotta R
169. Computationally Reconstructed Interactome of Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens USDA110 Reveals Novel Functional Modules and Protein Hubs for Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation.
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2021 Nov 2
Ma JX, Yang Y, Li G
170. Association between Equol Production Status and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis.
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2021 Nov 2
Akahane T, Kaya D, Noguchi R
171. A Novel Spo11 Homologue Functions as a Positive Regulator in Cyst Differentiation in Giardia lamblia.
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2021 Nov 2
Chen YC, Tung SY, Huang CW
172. Transcriptome-Wide Gene Expression Plasticity in Stipa grandis in Response to Grazing Intensity Differences.
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2021 Nov 2
Dang Z, Jia Y, Tian Y
173. Melatonin-Mediated Colonic Microbiota Metabolite Butyrate Prevents Acute Sleep Deprivation-Induced Colitis in Mice.
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2021 Nov 2
Gao T, Wang Z, Dong Y
174. Recombinase Polymerase Amplification Assay with and without Nuclease-Dependent-Labeled Oligonucleotide Probe.
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2021 Nov 2
Ivanov AV, Safenkova IV, Zherdev AV
175. Tofacitinib Ameliorates Retinal Vascular Leakage in a Murine Model of Diabetic Retinopathy with Type 2 Diabetes.
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2021 Nov 2
Byrne EM, Llorián-Salvador M, Lyons TJ
176. Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of Soybean GmLOR Gene Family and Expression Analysis in Response to Abiotic Stresses.
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2021 Nov 19
Fang Y, Cao D, Yang H
177. Astragaloside IV Attenuates Ocular Hypertension in a Mouse Model of TGFβ2 Induced Primary Open Angle Glaucoma.
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2021 Nov 19
Kasetti RB, Maddineni P, Kodati B
178. Anti-Müllerian Hormone in Pathogenesis, Diagnostic and Treatment of PCOS.
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Rudnicka E, Kunicki M, Calik-Ksepka A
179. Therapeutic Advances in Gut Microbiome Modulation in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease from Pediatrics to Adulthood.
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2021 Nov 19
Eindor-Abarbanel A, Healey GR, Jacobson K.
180. Neuroprotective Effect of Statins in a Rat Model of Chronic Ocular Hypertension.
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2021 Nov 19
Kim ML, Sung KR, Kwon J
181. On the Edge of Dispensability, the Chloroplast ndh Genes.
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2021 Nov 19
Sabater B.
182. PAHs and PCBs Affect Functionally Intercorrelated Genes in the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus Embryos.
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Albarano L, Zupo V, Guida M
183. Cell Behavior of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Is at EGFR and MicroRNAs Hands.
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2021 Nov 19
Hassanein SS, Ibrahim SA, Abdel-Mawgood AL.
184. Melatonin and Pathological Cell Interactions: Mitochondrial Glucose Processing in Cancer Cells.
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2021 Nov 19
Reiter RJ, Sharma R, Rosales-Corral S
185. The Roles of the Colon Cancer Associated Transcript 2 (CCAT2) Long Non-Coding RNA in Cancer: A Comprehensive Characterization of the Tumorigenic and Molecular Functions.
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2021 Nov 19
Pirlog R, Drula R, Nutu A
186. Statins and Bempedoic Acid: Different Actions of Cholesterol Inhibitors on Macrophage Activation.
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2021 Nov 19
Linnenberger R, Hoppstädter J, Wrublewsky S
187. Controlled Transdermal Iontophoresis of Insulin from Water-Soluble Polypyrrole Nanoparticles: An In Vitro Study.
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2021 Nov 19
Tari K, Khamoushian S, Madrakian T
188. The Rpd3-Complex Regulates Expression of Multiple Cell Surface Recycling Factors in Yeast.
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2021 Nov 19
Amoiradaki K, Bunting KR, Paine KM
189. The Role of NLRP3 Inflammasome in Lupus Nephritis.
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2021 Nov 19
Oliveira CB, Lima CAD, Vajgel G
190. Aquatic Toxicity Effects and Risk Assessment of 'Form Specific' Product-Released Engineered Nanomaterials.
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2021 Nov 18
Lehutso RF, Wesley-Smith J, Thwala M.
191. Osteopontin Deficiency Ameliorates Prostatic Fibrosis and Inflammation.
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2021 Nov 18
Popovics P, Jain A, Skalitzky KO
192. Targeting PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathway by Different Flavonoids: A Cancer Chemopreventive Approach.
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2021 Nov 18
Zughaibi TA, Suhail M, Tarique M
193. Dexamethasone Suppresses Palatal Cell Proliferation through miR-130a-3p.
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2021 Nov 18
Yoshioka H, Jun G, Suzuki A
194. Characterization and Genome Study of Novel Lytic Bacteriophages against Prevailing Saprophytic Bacterial Microflora of Minimally Processed Plant-Based Food Products.
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2021 Nov 18
Wójcicki M, Średnicka P, Błażejak S
195. Calciprotein Particles Link Disturbed Mineral Homeostasis with Cardiovascular Disease by Causing Endothelial Dysfunction and Vascular Inflammation.
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2021 Nov 18
Shishkova DK, Velikanova EA, Bogdanov LA
196. Keratins as an Inflammation Trigger Point in Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex.
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2021 Nov 18
Evtushenko NA, Beilin AK, Kosykh AV
197. Increased Frequency of Copy Number Variations Revealed by Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization in the Offspring of Male Mice Exposed to Low Dose-Rate Ionizing Radiation.
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2021 Nov 18
Ogura K, Ayabe Y, Harada C
198. Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) Activation by 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD) Dose-Dependently Shifts the Gut Microbiome Consistent with the Progression of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
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Fling RR, Zacharewski TR.
199. A Systematic Approach to the Development of Cilostazol Nanosuspension by Liquid Antisolvent Precipitation (LASP) and Its Combination with Ultrasound.
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2021 Nov 17
Jakubowska E, Milanowski B, Lulek J.
200. Clinical Translation of Combined MAPK and Autophagy Inhibition in RAS Mutant Cancer.
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2021 Nov 17
Lee JJ, Jain V, Amaravadi RK.
201. Comparing the Osteogenic Potential and Bone Regeneration Capacities of Dedifferentiated Fat Cells and Adipose-Derived Stem Cells In Vitro and In Vivo: Application of DFAT Cells Isolated by a Mesh Method.
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2021 Nov 17
Takabatake K, Matsubara M, Yamachika E
202. Aesculetin Accelerates Osteoblast Differentiation and Matrix-Vesicle-Mediated Mineralization.
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2021 Nov 17
Na W, Kang MK, Park SH
203. Unravel the Local Complexity of Biological Environments by MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging.
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2021 Nov 17
Sgobba E, Daguerre Y, Giampà M.
204. Osr1 Is Required for Mesenchymal Derivatives That Produce Collagen in the Bladder.
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2021 Nov 17
Murugapoopathy V, Cammisotto PG, Mossa AH
205. Genomic Regions Associated with Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Flax.
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2021 Nov 17
Kanapin A, Bankin M, Rozhmina T
206. COX Inhibitory and Cytotoxic Naphthoketal-Bearing Polyketides from Sparticola junci.
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2021 Nov 17
Garcia KYM, Quimque MTJ, Primahana G
207. The Role of Cannabinoids in Bone Metabolism: A New Perspective for Bone Disorders.
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2021 Nov 16
Saponaro F, Ferrisi R, Gado F
208. Auxin Metabolite Profiling in Isolated and Intact Plant Nuclei.
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2021 Nov 16
Skalický V, Vojtková T, Pěnčík A
209. Enigmatic Pilus-Like Endospore Appendages of Bacillus cereus Group Species.
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Zegeye ED, Pradhan B, Llarena AK
210. Diabetes and Cognitive Impairment: A Role for Glucotoxicity and Dopaminergic Dysfunction.
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Pignalosa FC, Desiderio A, Mirra P
211. p130Cas Is Correlated with EREG Expression and a Prognostic Factor Depending on Colorectal Cancer Stage and Localization Reducing FOLFIRI Efficacy.
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2021 Nov 16
Kumbrink J, Li P, Pók-Udvari A
212. Assessment of the Effects of Dietary Vitamin D Levels on Olanzapine-Induced Metabolic Side Effects: Focus on the Endocannabinoidome-Gut Microbiome Axis.
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2021 Nov 16
Abolghasemi A, Manca C, Iannotti FA
213. The Mechanism of Leptin on Inhibiting Fibrosis and Promoting Browning of White Fat by Reducing ITGA5 in Mice.
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Liu Y, Li Y, Liang J
214. The Somatic Mutation Paradigm in Congenital Malformations: Hirschsprung Disease as a Model.
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2021 Nov 16
MacKenzie KC, Garritsen R, Chauhan RK
215. Special Issue "Microglia Heterogeneity and Its Relevance for Translational Research".
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2021 Nov 16
Michelucci A, Miron VE, Priller J.
216. Intramuscular Exposure to a Lethal Dose of Ricin Toxin Leads to Endothelial Glycocalyx Shedding and Microvascular Flow Abnormality in Mice and Swine.
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2021 Nov 16
Sapoznikov A, Gal Y, Evgy Y
217. NTRK Gene Fusion Detection in Atypical Spitz Tumors.
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2021 Nov 15
Cappellesso R, Nozzoli F, Zito Marino F
218. Hyperandrogenism? Increased 17, 20-Lyase Activity? A Metanalysis and Systematic Review of Altered Androgens in Boys and Girls with Autism.
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2021 Nov 15
Gasser BA, Buerki SF, Kurz J
219. Garlic Volatile Diallyl Disulfide Induced Cucumber Resistance to Downy Mildew.
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2021 Nov 15
Yang F, Wang H, Zhi C
220. Nuclear Receptors in Myocardial and Cerebral Ischemia-Mechanisms of Action and Therapeutic Strategies.
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2021 Nov 15
Rzemieniec J, Castiglioni L, Gelosa P
221. To Discover the Efficient and Novel Drug Targets in Human Cancers Using CRISPR/Cas Screening and Databases.
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2021 Nov 15
Onishi I, Yamamoto K, Kinowaki Y
222. Dissimilar Ligands Bind in a Similar Fashion: A Guide to Ligand Binding-Mode Prediction with Application to CELPP Studies.
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Xu X, Zou X.
223. Efficacy of Cord Blood Cell Therapy for Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome-A Case Report.
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Suh MR, Lim I, Kim J
224. Chymase as a Novel Therapeutic Target in Acute Pancreatitis.
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2021 Nov 15
Kuramoto T, Jin D, Komeda K
225. Incretins in the Therapy of Diabetic Kidney Disease.
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2021 Nov 15
Przezak A, Bielka W, Pawlik A.
226. Molecular Evolution of Calcium Signaling and Transport in Plant Adaptation to Abiotic Stress.
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2021 Nov 15
Tong T, Li Q, Jiang W
227. Inhibitory Potential of New Phenolic Hydrazide-Hydrazones with a Decoy Substrate Fragment towards Laccase from a Phytopathogenic Fungus: SAR and Molecular Docking Studies.
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2021 Nov 14
Maniak H, Talma M, Giurg M.
228. Small Reduced Graphene Oxides for Highly Efficient Oxygen Reduction Catalysts.
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2021 Nov 14
Bak SJ, Kim SI, Lim SY
229. The Role of Ancestral Duplicated Genes in Adaptation to Growth on Lactate, a Non-Fermentable Carbon Source for the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
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2021 Nov 14
Mattenberger F, Fares MA, Toft C
230. Bridging Radiotherapy to Immunotherapy: The IFN-JAK-STAT Axis.
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2021 Nov 14
Shi LZ, Bonner JA.
231. Metal Sulfide Semiconductor Nanomaterials and Polymer Microgels for Biomedical Applications.
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2021 Nov 14
Paca AM, Ajibade PA.
232. Extracellular Vesicles Physiological Role and the Particular Case of Disease-Spreading Mechanisms in Polyglutamine Diseases.
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2021 Nov 13
Moreira R, Mendonça LS, Pereira de Almeida L.
233. Ablation of Red Stable Transfected Claudin Expressing Canine Prostate Adenocarcinoma and Transitional Cell Carcinoma Cell Lines by C-CPE Gold-Nanoparticle-Mediated Laser Intervention.
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2021 Nov 13
Alnajjar S, Nolte I, Becker A
234. Treatment of HT29 Human Colorectal Cancer Cell Line with Nanocarrier-Encapsulated Camptothecin Reveals Histone Modifier Genes in the Wnt Signaling Pathway as Important Molecular Cues for Colon Cancer Targeting.
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2021 Nov 13
Farhana A, Koh AE, Kothandan S
235. In-Depth Sequence Analysis of Bread Wheat VRN1 Genes.
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Strejčková B, Milec Z, Holušová K
236. Secretome Analysis of Rabbit and Human Mesenchymal Stem and Endothelial Progenitor Cells: A Comparative Study.
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Vašíček J, Baláži A, Tirpáková M
237. Epigenetic Mechanisms in Memory and Cognitive Decline Associated with Aging and Alzheimer's Disease.
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238. Encapsulin Based Self-Assembling Iron-Containing Protein Nanoparticles for Stem Cells MRI Visualization.
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Gabashvili AN, Vodopyanov SS, Chmelyuk NS
239. Control of Chromatin Organization and Chromosome Behavior during the Cell Cycle through Phase Separation.
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Li J, Gao J, Wang R.
240. Mold, Mycotoxins and a Dysregulated Immune System: A Combination of Concern?
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Kraft S, Buchenauer L, Polte T.
241. Therapeutic Effects of Inhibitor of ompA Expression against Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Strains.
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242. Maturation of UTR-Derived sRNAs Is Modulated during Adaptation to Different Growth Conditions.
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243. Enhanced Muscle Strength in Dyslipidemic Mice and Its Relation to Increased Capacity for Fatty Acid Oxidation.
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Tomczyk M, Braczko A, Jablonska P
244. Bioconversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass into Value Added Products under Anaerobic Conditions: Insight into Proteomic Studies.
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2021 Nov 12
Vélez-Mercado MI, Talavera-Caro AG, Escobedo-Uribe KM
245. Safety of Surgery after Neoadjuvant Targeted Therapies in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Narrative Review.
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2021 Nov 12
Marjanski T, Dziedzic R, Kowalczyk A
246. Optimizing the Aspect Ratio of Nanopatterned Mesoporous TiO(2) Thin-Film Layer to Improve Energy Conversion Efficiency of Perovskite Solar Cells.
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2021 Nov 12
Yang HY, Chuquer A, Han SH
247. Genome-Wide Characterization of Salt-Responsive miRNAs, circRNAs and Associated ceRNA Networks in Tomatoes.
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2021 Nov 12
Wang Z, Li N, Yu Q
248. CTI-2 Inhibits Metastasis and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition of Breast Cancer Cells by Modulating MAPK Signaling Pathway.
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Ke J, Han W, Meng F
249. Signaling at Physical Barriers during Pollen-Pistil Interactions.
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250. (Un)expected Similarity of the Temporary Adhesive Systems of Marine, Brackish, and Freshwater Flatworms.
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251. The Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in the Development and Metastasis of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.
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2021 Nov 11
Ramundo V, Zanirato G, Aldieri E.
252. Multifunctional Cyanine-Based Theranostic Probe for Cancer Imaging and Therapy.
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2021 Nov 11
Peng CL, Shih YH, Chiang PF
253. Eco-Friendly Ether and Ester-Urethane Prepolymer: Structure, Processing and Properties.
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2021 Nov 11
Niesiobędzka J, Głowińska E, Datta J.
254. Investigation of Ifosfamide Toxicity Induces Common Upstream Regulator in Liver and Kidney.
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2021 Nov 11
Han HY, Choi MS, Yoon S
255. 3D Cell Culture Systems: Tumor Application, Advantages, and Disadvantages.
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2021 Nov 11
Habanjar O, Diab-Assaf M, Caldefie-Chezet F
256. The Effect of Tuberculosis Antimicrobials on the Immunometabolic Profiles of Primary Human Macrophages Stimulated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
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2021 Nov 10
Cahill C, Cox DJ, O'Connell F
257. The Role of Nucleocytoplasmic Transport Defects in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
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2021 Nov 10
Vanneste J, Van Den Bosch L.
258. Patient-Specific iPSC-Derived Neural Differentiated and Hepatocyte-like Cells, Carrying the Compound Heterozygous Mutation p.V1023Sfs*15/p.G992R, Present the "Variant" Biochemical Phenotype of Niemann-Pick Type C1 Disease.
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Völkner C, Liedtke M, Untucht R
259. Vascular Polyurethane Prostheses Modified with a Bioactive Coating-Physicochemical, Mechanical and Biological Properties.
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2021 Nov 10
Kuźmińska A, Wojciechowska A, Butruk-Raszeja BA.
260. Molecular Mechanisms and Cellular Contribution from Lung Fibrosis to Lung Cancer Development.
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2021 Nov 10
Samarelli AV, Masciale V, Aramini B
261. Zinc Induced Aβ(16) Aggregation Modeled by Molecular Dynamics.
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2021 Nov 10
Tolstova AP, Makarov AA, Adzhubei AA.
262. The Fusion of CLEC12A and MIR223HG Arises from a trans-Splicing Event in Normal and Transformed Human Cells.
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2021 Nov 10
Dhungel BP, Monteuuis G, Giardina C
263. Delivery of Nitric Oxide in the Cardiovascular System: Implications for Clinical Diagnosis and Therapy.
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2021 Nov 10
Ma T, Zhang Z, Chen Y
264. There Is Strength in Numbers: Quantitation of Fc Gamma Receptors on Murine Tissue-Resident Macrophages.
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2021 Nov 10
Vorsatz C, Friedrich N, Nimmerjahn F
265. Structural Basis for the Functional Diversity of Centrins: A Focus on Calcium Sensing Properties and Target Recognition.
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Pedretti M, Bombardi L, Conter C
266. Micro-RNA Implications in Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus: A Review of Literature.
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Margaritis K, Margioula-Siarkou G, Giza S
267. Chemoattraction of Neoplastic Glial Cells with CXCL10, CCL2 and CCL11 as a Paradigm for a Promising Therapeutic Approach for Primary Brain Tumors.
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2021 Nov 10
Déry L, Charest G, Guérin B
268. The Emerging Role of Presepsin (P-SEP) in the Diagnosis of Sepsis in the Critically Ill Infant: A Literature Review.
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Maddaloni C, De Rose DU, Santisi A
269. Synthesis of Porous Polydimethylsiloxane Gold Nanoparticles Composites by a Single Step Laser Ablation Process.
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2021 Nov 10
Cutroneo M, Havranek V, Mackova A
270. Fukutin Protein Participates in Cell Proliferation by Enhancing Cyclin D1 Expression through Binding to the Transcription Factor Activator Protein-1: An In Vitro Study.
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2021 Nov 10
Okamura Y, Yamamoto T, Tsukui R
271. Transcriptional Regulation of Ripening in Chili Pepper Fruits (Capsicum spp.).
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2021 Nov 10
Villa-Rivera MG, Ochoa-Alejo N.
272. Profiling the Proteome of Cyst Nematode-Induced Syncytia on Tomato Roots.
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2021 Nov 10
Filipecki M, Żurczak M, Matuszkiewicz M
273. Recent Trends in Cancer Genomics and Bioinformatics Tools Development.
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2021 Nov 10
Anashkina AA, Leberfarb EY, Orlov YL.
274. Towards the Idea of Molecular Brains.
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2021 Nov 1
Timsit Y, Grégoire SP.
275. The Clinical Application of Pulsed Radiofrequency Induces Inflammatory Pain via MAPKs Activation: A Novel Hint for Pulsed Radiofrequency Treatment.
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2021 Nov 1
Lin FY, Huang KF, Chen JC
276. The Fibrotic Effects of TMAO on Human Renal Fibroblasts Is Mediated by NLRP3, Caspase-1 and the PERK/Akt/mTOR Pathway.
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2021 Nov 1
Kapetanaki S, Kumawat AK, Persson K
277. Cellular Stress and Molecular Responses in Bladder Ischemia.
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2021 Nov 1
Yang JH, Choi HP, Niu W
278. MicroRNA 132-3p Is Upregulated in Laron Syndrome Patients and Controls Longevity Gene Expression.
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2021 Nov 1
Yaron-Saminsky D, Nagaraj K, Sarfstein R
279. Bio-Performance of Hydrothermally and Plasma-Treated Titanium: The New Generation of Vascular Stents.
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2021 Nov 1
Benčina M, Rawat N, Lakota K
280. Regulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum-Mitochondria Tethering and Ca(2+) Fluxes by TDP-43 via GSK3β.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Nov 1
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