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2021 Jan (256)
1. Lithium Enhances the GABAergic Synaptic Activities on the Hypothalamic Preoptic Area (hPOA) Neurons.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 9
Rijal S, Jang SH, Park SJ
2. Sustained Hypoxia Suppresses Joint Destruction in a Rat Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis via Negative Feedback of Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 9
Kaihara K, Nakagawa S, Arai Y
3. Acquisition and Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance: A tet(X) Case Study.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 9
Aminov R.
4. RNA Flow Cytometry for the Study of T Cell Metabolism.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 9
Rossi A, Pacella I, Piconese S.
5. Pregnancy-Related Extracellular Vesicles Revisited.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 9
Condrat CE, Varlas VN, Duică F
6. Overview of the Therapeutic Potential of Aptamers Targeting Coagulation Factors.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 9
Liu M, Zaman K, Fortenberry YM.
7. Fibromyalgia: Pathogenesis, Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Treatment Options Update.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 9
Siracusa R, Paola RD, Cuzzocrea S
8. JNK Pathway in CNS Pathologies.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 9
de Los Reyes Corrales T, Losada-Pérez M, Casas-Tintó S.
9. The Role of Molecular and Inflammatory Indicators in the Assessment of Cognitive Dysfunction in a Mouse Model of Diabetes.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 9
Piatkowska-Chmiel I, Herbet M, Gawronska-Grzywacz M
10. PSEN1 Compound Heterozygous Mutations Associated with Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and Cognitive Decline Phenotype.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 8
Palmieri I, Valente M, Farina LM
11. Physiological Imaging Methods for Evaluating Response to Immunotherapies in Glioblastomas.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 8
Chawla S, Shehu V, Gupta PK
12. Circulating Tumour Cells as Prognostic Biomarkers in Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 8
Veyrune L, Naumann DN, Christou N.
13. Translating Research for the Radiotheranostics of Nanotargeted (188)Re-Liposome.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 8
Chang CH, Chang MC, Chang YJ
14. Medicines for the Treatment of Obesity.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 8
Shin S, Yoon M.
15. Pickle Recruits Retinoblastoma Related 1 to Control Lateral Root Formation in Arabidopsis.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 8
Ötvös K, Miskolczi P, Marhavý P
16. Acceptive Immunity: The Role of Fucosylated Glycans in Human Host-Microbiome Interactions.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 8
Kononova S, Litvinova E, Vakhitov T
17. Endothelial Dysfunction, Inflammation and Coronary Artery Disease: Potential Biomarkers and Promising Therapeutical Approaches.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 8
Medina-Leyte DJ, Zepeda-García O, Domínguez-Pérez M
18. MGMT-Methylation in Non-Neoplastic Diseases of the Central Nervous System.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 8
Teuber-Hanselmann S, Worm K, Macha N
19. A Potential Role for Fructosamine-3-Kinase in Cataract Treatment.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 7
De Bruyne S, van Schie L, Himpe J
20. Prevention of Bone Destruction by Mechanical Loading Is Not Enhanced by the Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor CC-292 in Myeloma Bone Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 7
Ziouti F, Rummler M, Steyn B
21. Role of Oxidative DNA Damage and Repair in Atrial Fibrillation and Ischemic Heart Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 7
Hu L, Wang Z, Carmone C
22. Transcriptomic Profiles of CD47 in Breast Tumors Predict Outcome and Are Associated with Immune Activation.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 7
Noblejas-López MDM, Baliu-Piqué M, Nieto-Jiménez C
23. Anterior Gradient Protein 3 and S100 Calcium-Binding Protein P Levels in Different Endometrial Epithelial Compartments May Play an Important Role in Recurrent Pregnancy Failure.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 7
Tempest N, Batchelor E, Hill CJ
24. Alginate-g-PNIPAM-Based Thermo/Shear-Responsive Injectable Hydrogels: Tailoring the Rheological Properties by Adjusting the LCST of the Grafting Chains.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 7
Safakas K, Saravanou SF, Iatridi Z
25. The OSMR Gene Is Involved in Hirschsprung Associated Enterocolitis Susceptibility through an Altered Downstream Signaling.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 7
Bachetti T, Rosamilia F, Bartolucci M
26. Human Mitoribosome Biogenesis and Its Emerging Links to Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 7
Lopez Sanchez MIG, Krüger A, Shiriaev DI
27. Pt(IV) Prodrugs with NSAIDs as Axial Ligands.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 7
Spector D, Krasnovskaya O, Pavlov K
28. Could MicroRNAs Be Useful Tools to Improve the Diagnosis and Treatment of Rare Gynecological Cancers? A Brief Overview.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 7
Di Fiore R, Suleiman S, Pentimalli F
29. Functionalized Peptide Fibrils as a Scaffold for Active Substances in Wound Healing.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 7
Sawicka J, Iłowska E, Deptuła M
30. Future Perspectives in Detecting EGFR and ALK Gene Alterations in Liquid Biopsies of Patients with NSCLC.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 7
Ferreira D, Miranda J, Martins-Lopes P
31. Evidence for a Negative Correlation between Human Reactive Enamine-Imine Intermediate Deaminase A (RIDA) Activity and Cell Proliferation Rate: Role of Lysine Succinylation of RIDA.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 7
Siculella L, Giannotti L, Di Chiara Stanca B
32. Hemi- and Homozygous Loss-of-Function Mutations in DSG2 (Desmoglein-2) Cause Recessive Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy with an Early Onset.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 6
Brodehl A, Meshkov A, Myasnikov R
33. Towards the Enhancement of Essential Oil Components' Antimicrobial Activity Using New Zein Protein-Gated Mesoporous Silica Microdevices.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 6
Poyatos-Racionero E, Guarí-Borràs G, Ruiz-Rico M
34. Differential Expression of Sphingolipid Metabolizing Enzymes in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats: A Possible Substrate for Susceptibility to Brain and Kidney Damage.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 6
Pepe G, Cotugno M, Marracino F
35. Predicting the Structure and Dynamics of Membrane Protein GerAB from Bacillus subtilis.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 6
Blinker S, Vreede J, Setlow P
36. Characterization of the mbsA Gene Encoding a Putative APSES Transcription Factor in Aspergillus fumigatus.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 6
Choi YH, Jun SC, Lee MW
37. Polypurine Reverse-Hoogsteen Hairpins as a Tool for Exon Skipping at the Genomic Level in Mammalian Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 6
Noé V, Ciudad CJ.
38. Novel and Potent Small Molecules against Melanoma Harboring BRAF Class I/II/III Mutants for Overcoming Drug Resistance.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 6
Kim N, Shin I, Lee J
39. Polymorphisms of Dopamine Receptor Genes and Parkinson's Disease: Clinical Relevance and Future Perspectives.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 6
Magistrelli L, Ferrari M, Furgiuele A
40. Manmade Electromagnetic Fields and Oxidative Stress-Biological Effects and Consequences for Health.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 6
Schuermann D, Mevissen M.
41. Human Amniotic Epithelial Cells as a Tool to Investigate the Effects of Cyanidin 3-O-Glucoside on Cell Differentiation.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 5
Takahashi S, Ferdousi F, Zheng YW
42. Pax3 and Pax7 Exhibit Distinct and Overlapping Functions in Marking Muscle Satellite Cells and Muscle Repair in a Marine Teleost, Sebastes schlegelii.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 5
Wang M, Song W, Jin C
43. Advances in Lupus Nephritis Pathogenesis: From Bench to Bedside.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 5
Obrișcă B, Sorohan B, Tuță L
44. Macrophage-Derived Adenosine Deaminase 2 Correlates with M2 Macrophage Phenotype in Triple Negative Breast Cancer.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 5
Kutryb-Zajac B, Harasim G, Jedrzejewska A
45. DNA Methylation Patterns Correlate with the Expression of SCNN1A, SCNN1B, and SCNN1G (Epithelial Sodium Channel, ENaC) Genes.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 4
Pierandrei S, Truglio G, Ceci F
46. Molecular Analysis of ZNF71 KRAB in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 4
Ye Q, Mohamed R, Dakhlallah D
47. Neutrophils in Tuberculosis: Cell Biology, Cellular Networking and Multitasking in Host Defense.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 30
Borkute RR, Woelke S, Pei G
48. Impact of Obesity-Induced Inflammation on Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD).
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 30
Battineni G, Sagaro GG, Chintalapudi N
49. Metabolic Signatures Associated with Severity in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 30
Marín-Corral J, Rodríguez-Morató J, Gomez-Gomez A
50. Insights on the Functional Role of Beta-Glucans in Fungal Immunity Using Receptor-Deficient Mouse Models.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 30
Desamero MJM, Chung SH, Kakuta S.
51. Trastuzumab Deruxtecan: Changing the Destiny of HER2 Expressing Solid Tumors.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 30
Indini A, Rijavec E, Grossi F.
52. Radiation- and Photo-Induced Oxidation Pathways of Methionine in Model Peptide Backbone under Anoxic Conditions.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 30
Pędzinski T, Grzyb K, Skotnicki K
53. Mitochondria: Insights into Crucial Features to Overcome Cancer Chemoresistance.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 30
Genovese I, Carinci M, Modesti L
54. Molecular Mechanism of Small-Molecule Inhibitors in Blocking the PD-1/PD-L1 Pathway through PD-L1 Dimerization.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 30
Guo Y, Jin Y, Wang B
55. Physiological Roles of the Rapidly Activated Delayed Rectifier K(+) Current in Adult Mouse Heart Primary Pacemaker Activity.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 30
Hu W, Clark RB, Giles WR
56. SRC-3, a Steroid Receptor Coactivator: Implication in Cancer.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 30
Li L, Deng CX, Chen Q.
57. Molecular Mechanism of Thymidylate Synthase Inhibition by N(4)-Hydroxy-dCMP in View of Spectrophotometric and Crystallographic Studies.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 30
Maj P, Jarmuła A, Wilk P
58. High Temperature Alters Secondary Metabolites and Photosynthetic Efficiency in Heracleum sosnowskyi.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 30
Rysiak A, Dresler S, Hanaka A
59. MitoQ Is Able to Modulate Apoptosis and Inflammation.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 30
Piscianz E, Tesser A, Rimondi E
60. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Analysis of Effect of Molecular Crowding on Self-Assembly of β-Annulus Peptide into Artificial Viral Capsid.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 30
Kobayashi R, Inaba H, Matsuura K.
61. Uptake of MicroRNAs from Exosome-Like Nanovesicles of Edible Plant Juice by Rat Enterocytes.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 3
Ito Y, Taniguchi K, Kuranaga Y
62. Association of TaD14-4D, a Gene Involved in Strigolactone Signaling, with Yield Contributing Traits in Wheat.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 3
Liu R, Hou J, Li H
63. Positive Effects of Oral Antibiotic Administration in Murine Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 3
Sato S, Shimizu E, He J
64. Application of Upstream Open Reading Frames (uORFs) Editing for the Development of Stress-Tolerant Crops.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 3
Um T, Park T, Shim JS
65. RAD51 Inhibition Induces R-Loop Formation in Early G1 Phase of the Cell Cycle.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 3
Nascakova Z, Boleslavska B, Urban V
66. Hyperprogressive Disease: Main Features and Key Controversies.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 3
Arasanz H, Zuazo M, Bocanegra A
67. Pharmacological Inhibition of miR-130 Family Suppresses Bladder Tumor Growth by Targeting Various Oncogenic Pathways via PTPN1.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 29
Monoe Y, Jingushi K, Kawase A
68. Investigation of Neuropathology after Nerve Release in Chronic Constriction Injury of Rat Sciatic Nerve.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 29
Chen SH, Wu CC, Lin SC
69. Genome-Wide Analysis Identified a Set of Conserved lncRNAs Associated with Domestication-Related Traits in Rice.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 29
He H, Zhou YF, Yang YW
70. Detection of the First Epoxyalcohol Synthase/Allene Oxide Synthase (CYP74 Clan) in the Lancelet (Branchiostoma belcheri, Chordata).
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 29
Toporkova YY, Smirnova EO, Lantsova NV
71. A Pilot Study of Changes in the Level of Catecholamines and the Activity of α-2-Macroglobulin in the Tear Fluid of Patients with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 29
Bogdanov V, Kim A, Nodel M
72. Interactions between Phosphatidylcholine and Kaempferol or Myristicin: Langmuir Monolayers and Microelectrophoretic Studies.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 29
Laszuk P, Petelska AD.
73. Exploring the Ion Channel TRPV2 and Testicular Macrophages in Mouse Testis.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 29
Eubler K, Rantakari P, Gerke H
74. Lumican Inhibits Osteoclastogenesis and Bone Resorption by Suppressing Akt Activity.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 29
Lee JY, Kim DA, Kim EY
75. Preferential Expression of Programmed Death Ligand 1 Protein in Tumor-Associated Macrophages and Its Potential Role in Immunotherapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 29
Park DJ, Sung PS, Lee GW
76. Development of an Antigen-Antibody Co-Display System for Detecting Interaction of G-Protein-Coupled Receptors and Single-Chain Variable Fragments.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 29
Zhang Y, Wu BJ, Yu X
77. Mesoporous Silica-Bioglass Composite Pellets as Bone Drug Delivery System with Mineralization Potential.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 29
Szewczyk A, Skwira A, Konopacka A
78. Genomic Tackling of Human Satellite DNA: Breaking Barriers through Time.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 29
Lopes M, Louzada S, Gama-Carvalho M
79. Molecular Mechanisms Underlying TDP-43 Pathology in Cellular and Animal Models of ALS and FTLD.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 29
Wood A, Gurfinkel Y, Polain N
80. Therapeutic Effects of hiPSC-Derived Glial and Neuronal Progenitor Cells-Conditioned Medium in Experimental Ischemic Stroke in Rats.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 29
Salikhova D, Bukharova T, Cherkashova E
81. Extracellular Vesicles and Antiphospholipid Syndrome: State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Štok U, Čučnik S, Sodin-Šemrl S
82. Precision Oncology via NMR-Based Metabolomics: A Review on Breast Cancer.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Vignoli A, Risi E, McCartney A
83. Developing a Riboswitch-Mediated Regulatory System for Metabolic Flux Control in Thermophilic Bacillus methanolicus.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Irla M, Hakvåg S, Brautaset T.
84. Skeletal Muscle Proteomic Profile Revealed Gender-Related Metabolic Responses in a Diet-Induced Obesity Animal Model.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Moriggi M, Belloli S, Barbacini P
85. Effects of Overexpression of Neurosecretory Protein GL-Precursor Gene on Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Sensitivity in Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Fukumura K, Narimatsu Y, Moriwaki S
86. Effects of Lacosamide Treatment on Epileptogenesis, Neuronal Damage and Behavioral Comorbidities in a Rat Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Shishmanova-Doseva M, Atanasova D, Uzunova Y
87. Thermal Analysis of Stomatal Response under Salinity and High Light.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Orzechowska A, Trtílek M, Tokarz KM
88. Environmentally Friendly Cross-Linked Antifouling Coatings Based on Dual Antimicrobial Action.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Lainioti GC, Tsapikouni A, Druvari D
89. A Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibitor, 1-TrifluoromethoxyPhenyl-3-(1-Propionylpiperidin-4-yl) Urea, Ameliorates Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Jonnalagadda D, Wan D, Chun J
90. Pseudomonas aeruginosa DnaK Stimulates the Production of Pentraxin 3 via TLR4-Dependent NF-κB and ERK Signaling Pathways.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Jeon J, Lee Y, Yu H
91. Histone Methylation Regulation in Neurodegenerative Disorders.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Basavarajappa BS, Subbanna S.
92. Molecular Targets of Manganese-Induced Neurotoxicity: A Five-Year Update.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Tinkov AA, Paoliello MMB, Mazilina AN
93. The Predictive Role of Biomarkers and Genetics in Childhood Asthma Exacerbations.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
di Palmo E, Cantarelli E, Catelli A
94. Inhibition of β-Catenin Activity Abolishes LKB1 Loss-Driven Pancreatic Cystadenoma in Mice.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Hsieh MJ, Weng CC, Lin YC
95. Myocardial Hypertrophy and Fibrosis Are Associated with Cardiomyocyte Beta-Catenin and TRPC6/Calcineurin/NFAT Signaling in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats with 5/6 Nephrectomy.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Bogdanova E, Beresneva O, Galkina O
96. Tryptophan Metabolites at the Crossroad of Immune-Cell Interaction via the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor: Implications for Tumor Immunotherapy.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Gargaro M, Manni G, Scalisi G
97. Species-Specific Regulation of TRPM2 by PI(4,5)P(2) via the Membrane Interfacial Cavity.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Barth D, Lückhoff A, Kühn FJP.
98. Zebrafish Models to Study New Pathways in Tauopathies.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Barbereau C, Cubedo N, Maurice T
99. Resveratrol, Metabolic Dysregulation, and Alzheimer's Disease: Considerations for Neurogenerative Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Yang AJT, Bagit A, MacPherson REK.
100. Mitochondria Turnover and Lysosomal Function in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Metabolism.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Mochizuki-Kashio M, Shiozaki H, Suda T
101. When the Balance Tips: Dysregulation of Mitochondrial Dynamics as a Culprit in Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Kyriakoudi S, Drousiotou A, Petrou PP.
102. In Vitro Evaluation of No-Carrier-Added Radiolabeled Cisplatin ([(189, 191)Pt]cisplatin) Emitting Auger Electrons.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Obata H, Tsuji AB, Sudo H
103. Nephrotoxicity as a Complication of Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Colorectal Cancer, Melanoma and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Jagieła J, Bartnicki P, Rysz J.
104. Human Caspase 12 Enhances NF-κB Activity through Activation of IKK in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Chow SE, Chien HT, Chu WK
105. Regulation of Plant Responses to Salt Stress.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 28
Zhao S, Zhang Q, Liu M
106. Role of ABCA7 in Human Health and in Alzheimer's Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 27
Dib S, Pahnke J, Gosselet F.
107. A Crucial Role of Mitochondrial Dynamics in Dehydration Resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 27
Chen CL, Chen YC, Huang WL
108. Ursolic and Oleanolic Acids: Plant Metabolites with Neuroprotective Potential.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 27
Gudoityte E, Arandarcikaite O, Mazeikiene I
109. Combined Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analysis of Perk Toxicity Pathways.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 27
Popovic R, Celardo I, Yu Y
110. On Iron Metabolism and Its Regulation.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 27
Vogt AS, Arsiwala T, Mohsen M
111. State-of-Art of Cellular Therapy for Acute Leukemia.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 27
Lee JB, Vasic D, Kang H
112. DNA Methylation of the Angiotensinogen Gene, AGT, and the Aldosterone Synthase Gene, CYP11B2 in Cardiovascular Diseases.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 27
Takeda Y, Demura M, Yoneda T
113. Amyloid Aggregates of Smooth-Muscle Titin Impair Cell Adhesion.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 27
Bobylev AG, Fadeev RS, Bobyleva LG
114. Serum APOA4 Pharmacodynamically Represents Administered Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor (E3112).
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 27
Motoi S, Uesugi M, Obara T
115. Microglia and Inhibitory Circuitry in the Medullary Dorsal Horn: Laminar and Time-Dependent Changes in a Trigeminal Model of Neuropathic Pain.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 27
García-Magro N, Martin YB, Negredo P
116. Artificial Intelligence in Bulk and Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data to Foster Precision Oncology.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 27
Del Giudice M, Peirone S, Perrone S
117. Efficacy of the Piperidine Nitroxide 4-MethoxyTEMPO in Ameliorating Serum Amyloid A-Mediated Vascular Inflammation.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 27
Martin NJ, Chami B, Vallejo A
118. An Optimized Transformation System and Functional Test of CYC-Like TCP Gene CpCYC in Chirita pumila (Gesneriaceae).
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 27
Liu J, Wang JJ, Wu J
119. Knockdown of the Ribosomal Protein eL38 in HEK293 Cells Changes the Translational Efficiency of Specific Genes.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 26
Gopanenko AV, Kolobova AV, Tupikin AE
120. Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines as Models to Study Mitochondrial Function in Neurological Disorders.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 26
Annesley SJ, Fisher PR.
121. Supramolecular Polymorphism of (G(4)C(2))(n) Repeats Associated with ALS and FTD.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 26
Potrč M, Sebastián N, Škarabot M
122. Tryptophanyl-tRNA Synthetase as a Potential Therapeutic Target.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 26
Ahn YH, Oh SC, Zhou S
123. Combination of Cyclosporine A and Levosimendan Induces Cardioprotection under Acute Hyperglycemia.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 26
Torregroza C, Yueksel B, Ruske R
124. Dosage Compensation in Females with X-Linked Metabolic Disorders.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 26
Juchniewicz P, Piotrowska E, Kloska A
125. Increased Osteocyte Lacunae Density in the Hypermineralized Bone Matrix of Children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type I.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 26
Mähr M, Blouin S, Behanova M
126. Complex Mechanisms of Antimony Genotoxicity in Budding Yeast Involves Replication and Topoisomerase I-Associated DNA Lesions, Telomere Dysfunction and Inhibition of DNA Repair.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 26
Litwin I, Mucha S, Pilarczyk E
127. Aggregation and Its Influence on the Bioactivities of a Novel Antimicrobial Peptide, Temporin-PF, and Its Analogues.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 26
Zai Y, Xi X, Ye Z
128. Abundant Synthesis of Netrin-1 in Satellite Cell-Derived Myoblasts Isolated from EDL Rather Than Soleus Muscle Regulates Fast-Type Myotube Formation.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 26
Suzuki T, Mori A, Maeno T
129. Indolyl Septanoside Synthesis for In Vivo Screening of Bacterial Septanoside Hydrolases.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 26
Pote AR, Pascual S, Planas A
130. Hypoalbuminemia as Surrogate and Culprit of Infections.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 26
Wiedermann CJ.
131. Blood Platelets as an Important but Underrated Circulating Source of TGFβ.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 26
Karolczak K, Watala C.
132. Effect of Berberine Isolated from Barberry Species by Centrifugal Partition Chromatography on Memory and the Expression of Parvalbumin in the Mouse Hippocampus Proper.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 26
Szalak R, Kukula-Koch W, Matysek M
133. The Interplay between Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Angiogenesis in Bladder Cancer Development.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 25
Wigner P, Grębowski R, Bijak M
134. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Pharmacogenetic Studies in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 25
Tziastoudi M, Pissas G, Raptis G
135. Histone Deacetylase 1 Reduces Lipogenesis by Suppressing SREBP1 Transcription in Human Sebocyte Cell Line SZ95.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 25
Shin HS, Lee Y, Shin MH
136. Identification of Compounds with Potential Therapeutic Uses from Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Fruits and Their Modulation by Nitric Oxide (NO).
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 25
Guevara L, Domínguez-Anaya MÁ, Ortigosa A
137. Melanin Transfer in the Epidermis: The Pursuit of Skin Pigmentation Control Mechanisms.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 24
Moreiras H, Seabra MC, Barral DC.
138. A Yeast-Based Screening Unravels Potential Therapeutic Molecules for Mitochondrial Diseases Associated with Dominant ANT1 Mutations.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 24
di Punzio G, Di Noia MA, Delahodde A
139. The HSV-1 Transcription Factor ICP4 Confers Liquid-Like Properties to Viral Replication Compartments.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 24
Seyffert M, Georgi F, Tobler K
140. Transcriptome Analysis of Seed Weight Plasticity in Brassica napus.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 24
Canales J, Verdejo J, Carrasco-Puga G
141. Glucocorticoid Receptor: A Multifaceted Actor in Breast Cancer.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 24
Noureddine LM, Trédan O, Hussein N
142. Enriched-GWAS and Transcriptome Analysis to Refine and Characterize a Major QTL for Anaerobic Germination Tolerance in Rice.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 24
Tnani H, Chebotarov D, Thapa R
143. Lactobacillus plantarum ATG-K2 and ATG-K6 Ameliorates High-Fat with High-Fructose Induced Intestinal Inflammation.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 24
Park M, Park EJ, Kim SH
144. Metformin Protects against NMDA-Induced Retinal Injury through the MEK/ERK Signaling Pathway in Rats.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 23
Watanabe K, Asano D, Ushikubo H
145. Fabry Disease and the Heart: A Comprehensive Review.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 23
Azevedo O, Cordeiro F, Gago MF
146. Intraperitoneal Glucose Transport to Micrometastasis: A Multimodal In Vivo Imaging Investigation in a Mouse Lymphoma Model.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 23
Ritter Z, Zámbó K, Jia X
147. Functional Ambivalence of Dendritic Cells: Tolerogenicity and Immunogenicity.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 23
Nam JH, Lee JH, Choi SY
148. Biologically Active Compounds in Stizolophus balsamita Inflorescences: Isolation, Phytochemical Characterization and Effects on the Skin Biophysical Parameters.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 23
Nawrot J, Budzianowski J, Nowak G
149. Connexins in the Heart: Regulation, Function and Involvement in Cardiac Disease.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 23
Rodríguez-Sinovas A, Sánchez JA, Valls-Lacalle L
150. What Are the Potential Roles of Nuclear Perlecan and Other Heparan Sulphate Proteoglycans in the Normal and Malignant Phenotype.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 23
Hayes AJ, Melrose J.
151. Functionalization of Synthetic Bone Substitutes.
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2021 Apr 23
Busch A, Jäger M, Mayer C
152. Gene Coexpression Network Analysis Indicates that Hub Genes Related to Photosynthesis and Starch Synthesis Modulate Salt Stress Tolerance in Ulmus pumila.
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2021 Apr 23
Chen P, Liu P, Zhang Q
153. Mechanisms of High-Grade Serous Carcinogenesis in the Fallopian Tube and Ovary: Current Hypotheses, Etiologic Factors, and Molecular Alterations.
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2021 Apr 23
Otsuka I.
154. Oxidative Properties of Polystyrene Nanoparticles with Different Diameters in Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (In Vitro Study).
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2021 Apr 23
Kik K, Bukowska B, Krokosz A
155. Assessment of a New Nanostructured Microemulsion System for Ocular Delivery of Sorafenib to Posterior Segment of the Eye.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 22
Santonocito M, Zappulla C, Viola S
156. Senescent Microglia: The Key to the Ageing Brain?
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2021 Apr 22
Greenwood EK, Brown DR.
157. Peptides to Tackle Leishmaniasis: Current Status and Future Directions.
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2021 Apr 22
Robles-Loaiza AA, Pinos-Tamayo EA, Mendes B
158. Sexually Dimorphic Immune and Neuroimmune Changes Following Peripheral Nerve Injury in Mice: Novel Insights for Gender Medicine.
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2021 Apr 22
Vacca V, Marinelli S, De Angelis F
159. Plasminogen Activators in Neurovascular and Neurodegenerative Disorders.
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2021 Apr 22
Yepes M, Woo Y, Martin-Jimenez C.
160. 4-Methyl-2,4-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)pent-1-ene, a Major Active Metabolite of Bisphenol A, Triggers Pancreatic β-Cell Death via a JNK/AMPKα Activation-Regulated Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Mediated Apoptotic Pathway.
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2021 Apr 22
Huang CC, Yang CY, Su CC
161. Pleiotropic Effects of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors: Renoprotective Mechanisms beyond Glycemic Control.
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2021 Apr 22
Takata T, Isomoto H.
162. Characterization of Long Non-Coding RNAs in Systemic Sclerosis Monocytes: A Potential Role for PSMB8-AS1 in Altered Cytokine Secretion.
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2021 Apr 22
Servaas NH, Mariotti B, van der Kroef M
163. A Cell-Based Approach to Dental Pulp Regeneration Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells: A Scoping Review.
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2021 Apr 22
Kim SG.
164. Mitochondrial Bioenergetic, Photobiomodulation and Trigeminal Branches Nerve Damage, What's the Connection? A Review.
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2021 Apr 21
Ravera S, Colombo E, Pasquale C
165. Development of an Australian Bread Wheat Nested Association Mapping Population, a New Genetic Diversity Resource for Breeding under Dry and Hot Climates.
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2021 Apr 21
Chidzanga C, Fleury D, Baumann U
166. Estrogen-Related Receptor Influences the Hemolymph Glucose Content by Regulating Midgut Trehalase Gene Expression in the Last Instar Larvae of Bombyx mori.
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2021 Apr 21
Shen G, Wu J, Lin Y
167. Beneficial Effects of Natural Mineral Waters on Intestinal Inflammation and the Mucosa-Associated Microbiota.
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2021 Apr 21
Barnich N, Rodrigues M, Sauvanet P
168. The Role of Sarcopenic Obesity in Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease: A Synthesis of the Evidence on Pathophysiological Aspects and Clinical Implications.
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2021 Apr 21
Silveira EA, da Silva Filho RR, Spexoto MCB
169. Upgrading the Topical Delivery of Poorly Soluble Drugs Using Ionic Liquids as a Versatile Tool.
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2021 Apr 21
Caparica R, Júlio A, Fernandes F
170. A Highlight on the Inhibition of Fungal Carbonic Anhydrases as Drug Targets for the Antifungal Armamentarium.
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2021 Apr 21
Supuran CT, Capasso C.
171. Impaired 26S Proteasome Assembly Precedes Neuronal Loss in Mutant UBQLN2 Rats.
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2021 Apr 21
Zhang W, Huang B, Gao L
172. Influence of Trace Elements on Neurodegenerative Diseases of The Eye-The Glaucoma Model.
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2021 Apr 21
Kamińska A, Romano GL, Rejdak R
173. Signaling Pathways in Bone Development and Their Related Skeletal Dysplasia.
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2021 Apr 21
Guasto A, Cormier-Daire V.
174. New Succinimides with Potent Anticancer Activity: Synthesis, Activation of Stress Signaling Pathways and Characterization of Apoptosis in Leukemia and Cervical Cancer Cells.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 21
Cieślak M, Napiórkowska M, Kaźmierczak-Barańska J
175. Metallothionein 3 Promotes Osteoblast Differentiation in C2C12 Cells via Reduction of Oxidative Stress.
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2021 Apr 21
Li S, Kim MJ, Lee SH
176. The Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Kinases II and IV as Therapeutic Targets in Neurodegenerative and Neuropsychiatric Disorders.
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2021 Apr 21
Sałaciak K, Koszałka A, Żmudzka E
177. Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Therapy in Novel Porcine Model of Diffuse Liver Damage Induced by Repeated Biliary Obstruction.
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2021 Apr 21
Vištejnová L, Liška V, Kumar A
178. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Arabinogalactan Proteins during Larix decidua Mill. Male Gametophyte and Ovule Interaction.
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2021 Apr 21
Rafińska K, Niedojadło K, Świdziński M
179. Salivary Proteome Changes in Response to Acute Psychological Stress Due to an Oral Exam Simulation in University Students: Effect of an Olfactory Stimulus.
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2021 Apr 21
Zallocco L, Giusti L, Ronci M
180. Tissue-Engineering the Fibrous Pancreatic Tumour Stroma Capsule in 3D Tumouroids to Demonstrate Paclitaxel Response.
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2021 Apr 20
Pape J, Stamati K, Al Hosni R
181. Vitamin D and Microbiota: Is There a Link with Allergies?
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2021 Apr 20
Murdaca G, Gerosa A, Paladin F
182. AQP3 Increases Intercellular Cohesion in NSCLC A549 Cell Spheroids through Exploratory Cell Protrusions.
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2021 Apr 20
Min S, Choe C, Roh S.
183. Catalase (CAT) Gene Family in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.): Genome-Wide Analysis, Identification, and Expression Pattern in Response to Multiple Hormones and Abiotic Stress Conditions.
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2021 Apr 20
Raza A, Su W, Gao A
184. Circulating miRNAs Act as Diagnostic Biomarkers for Bladder Cancer in Urine.
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2021 Apr 20
Lin JT, Tsai KW.
185. The Increasing Impact of Translational Research in the Molecular Diagnostics of Neuromuscular Diseases.
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2021 Apr 20
Yubero D, Natera-de Benito D, Pijuan J
186. Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy Using Frozen Section Obtained Using Cryo-Ultramicrotomy.
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2021 Apr 20
Kim HL, Riew TR, Park J
187. Chronic High Fat Diet Intake Impairs Hepatic Metabolic Parameters in Ovariectomized Sirt3 KO Mice.
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2021 Apr 20
Pinterić M, Podgorski II, Popović Hadžija M
188. Genome-Wide Identification and Analysis of CC-NBS-LRR Family in Response to Downy Mildew and Black Rot in Chinese Cabbage.
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2021 Apr 20
Liu Y, Li D, Yang N
189. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Maternal Immune Dysregulation: What We Know So Far.
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2021 Apr 20
McElwain CJ, McCarthy FP, McCarthy CM.
190. Viral Infection Modulates Mitochondrial Function.
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2021 Apr 20
Li X, Wu K, Zeng S
191. Genetic Determinants of Poor Response to Treatment in Severe Asthma.
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2021 Apr 20
Figueiredo RG, Costa RS, Figueiredo CA
192. Apoferritin/Vandetanib Association Is Long-Term Stable But Does Not Improve Pharmacological Properties of Vandetanib.
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2021 Apr 20
Jáklová K, Feglarová T, Rex S
193. Plant Extracellular Vesicles and Nanovesicles: Focus on Secondary Metabolites, Proteins and Lipids with Perspectives on Their Potential and Sources.
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2021 Apr 2
Woith E, Guerriero G, Hausman JF
194. Beneficial Effects of Phenolic Compounds on Gut Microbiota and Metabolic Syndrome.
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2021 Apr 2
Kasprzak-Drozd K, Oniszczuk T, Stasiak M
195. Chronically Elevated Exogenous Glucose Elicits Antipodal Effects on the Proteome Signature of Differentiating Human iPSC-Derived Pancreatic Progenitors.
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2021 Apr 2
Ghila L, Legøy TA, Mathisen AF
196. Studies in a Murine Granuloma Model of Instilled Carbon Nanotubes: Relevance to Sarcoidosis.
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2021 Apr 2
Barna BP, Malur A, Thomassen MJ.
197. Improved CRISPR/Cas9 Tools for the Rapid Metabolic Engineering of Clostridium acetobutylicum.
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2021 Apr 2
Wilding-Steele T, Ramette Q, Jacottin P
198. Passive Immunoprophylaxis against Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Children: Where Are We Now?
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2021 Apr 2
Rocca A, Biagi C, Scarpini S
199. A Highly Selective In Vitro JNK3 Inhibitor, FMU200, Restores Mitochondrial Membrane Potential and Reduces Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in SH-SY5Y Cells.
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2021 Apr 2
Rehfeldt SCH, Laufer S, Goettert MI.
200. Brain Region-Dependent Effects of Neuropeptide Y on Conditioned Social Fear and Anxiety-Like Behavior in Male Mice.
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2021 Apr 2
Kornhuber J, Zoicas I.
201. Attenuating Effects of Dieckol on Hypertensive Nephropathy in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats.
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2021 Apr 19
Son M, Oh S, Choi J
202. Detection of Antimicrobial Peptides in Stratum Corneum by Mass Spectrometry.
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2021 Apr 19
Jenei A, Kalló G, Dajnoki Z
203. Malignant Ascites Promote Adhesion of Ovarian Cancer Cells to Peritoneal Mesothelium and Fibroblasts.
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2021 Apr 19
Uruski P, Mikuła-Pietrasik J, Pakuła M
204. The Gut Microbiota Affects Corticosterone Production in the Murine Small Intestine.
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2021 Apr 19
Ergang P, Vagnerová K, Hermanová P
205. Syndecan-1 (CD138), Carcinomas and EMT.
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2021 Apr 19
Couchman JR.
206. Impact of Medium-Sized Extracellular Vesicles on the Transduction Efficiency of Adeno-Associated Viruses in Neuronal and Primary Astrocyte Cell Cultures.
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2021 Apr 19
Kovács OT, Soltész-Katona E, Marton N
207. Genistein Activates Transcription Factor EB and Corrects Niemann-Pick C Phenotype.
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2021 Apr 19
Argüello G, Balboa E, Tapia PJ
208. Differential miRNA Expression Profiling Reveals Correlation of miR125b-5p with Persistent Infection of Japanese Encephalitis Virus.
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2021 Apr 19
Huang CW, Tsai KN, Chen YS
209. MET Exon 14 Skipping: A Case Study for the Detection of Genetic Variants in Cancer Driver Genes by Deep Learning.
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2021 Apr 19
Nosi V, Luca A, Milan M
210. Platyphyllenone Induces Autophagy and Apoptosis by Modulating the AKT and JNK Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathways in Oral Cancer Cells.
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2021 Apr 19
Liu YT, Ho HY, Lin CC
211. Preventive Aspects of Early Resveratrol Supplementation in Cardiovascular and Kidney Disease of Developmental Origins.
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2021 Apr 19
Hsu CN, Hou CY, Tain YL.
212. Could Lipoxins Represent a New Standard in Ischemic Stroke Treatment?
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2021 Apr 19
Tułowiecka N, Kotlęga D, Bohatyrewicz A
213. Application of CRISPR/Cas9 in Crop Quality Improvement.
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2021 Apr 19
Liu Q, Yang F, Zhang J
214. Muscle Proteomic and Transcriptomic Profiling of Healthy Aging and Metabolic Syndrome in Men.
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2021 Apr 19
Gueugneau M, Coudy-Gandilhon C, Chambon C
215. Genetic Neonatal-Onset Epilepsies and Developmental/Epileptic Encephalopathies with Movement Disorders: A Systematic Review.
Int J Mol Sci
2021 Apr 18
Spagnoli C, Fusco C, Percesepe A
216. Identification, Expression and Evolution of Short-Chain Dehydrogenases/Reductases in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).
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2021 Apr 18
Zhang S, Xie L, Zheng S
217. Extracellular Vesicles Tune the Immune System in Renal Disease: A Focus on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Thrombotic Microangiopathy and ANCA-Vasculitis.
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2021 Apr 18
Mazzariol M, Camussi G, Brizzi MF.
218. Transcriptome Profiling of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Early Response to Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans.
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2021 Apr 18
Słomnicka R, Olczak-Woltman H, Sobczak M
219. Type I Interferon Production of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells under Control.
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2021 Apr 18
Bencze D, Fekete T, Pázmándi K.
220. Molecular Pathways of Cellular Senescence and Placental Aging in Late Fetal Growth Restriction and Stillbirth.
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2021 Apr 18
Kajdy A, Modzelewski J, Cymbaluk-Płoska A
221. An Improved Protocol for Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation in Subterranean Clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.).
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2021 Apr 17
Rojo FP, Seth S, Erskine W
222. Localization and Maintenance of Engrafted Mesenchymal Stem Cells Administered via Renal Artery in Kidneys with Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury.
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2021 Apr 17
Yamada Y, Nakashima A, Doi S
223. Adenovirus-Mediated Inducible Expression of a PD-L1 Blocking Antibody in Combination with Macrophage Depletion Improves Survival in a Mouse Model of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis.
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2021 Apr 17
Buñuales M, Ballesteros-Briones MC, Gonzalez-Aparicio M
224. A Versatile Toolkit for Semi-Automated Production of Fluorescent Chemokines to Study CCR7 Expression and Functions.
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2021 Apr 16
Artinger M, Matti C, Gerken OJ
225. Citric Acid Cycle Metabolites Predict Infarct Size in Pigs Submitted to Transient Coronary Artery Occlusion and Treated with Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors or Remote Ischemic Perconditioning.
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2021 Apr 16
Consegal M, Núñez N, Barba I
226. Maternal Heat Stress Alters Expression of Genes Associated with Nutrient Transport Activity and Metabolism in Female Placentae from Mid-Gestating Pigs.
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2021 Apr 16
Zhao W, Liu F, Marth CD
227. In Vitro Characterization of Neutralizing Hen Antibodies to Coxsackievirus A16.
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2021 Apr 16
Mwale PF, Lee CH, Huang PN
228. Hydroxyapatite-Coated SPIONs and Their Influence on Cytokine Release.
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2021 Apr 16
Friedrich B, Auger JP, Dutz S
229. TaCKX2.2 Genes Coordinate Expression of Other TaCKX Family Members, Regulate Phytohormone Content and Yield-Related Traits of Wheat.
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2021 Apr 16
Jablonski B, Szala K, Przyborowski M
230. Peripheral Nerve-Derived Stem Cell Spheroids Induce Functional Recovery and Repair after Spinal Cord Injury in Rodents.
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2021 Apr 16
Lee HL, Yeum CE, Lee H
231. YABBY Genes in the Development and Evolution of Land Plants.
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2021 Apr 16
Romanova MA, Maksimova AI, Pawlowski K
232. Role of α2-Adrenoceptor Subtypes in Suppression of L-Type Ca(2+) Current in Mouse Cardiac Myocytes.
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2021 Apr 16
Evdokimovskii EV, Jeon R, Park S
233. An Integrated-Omics/Chemistry Approach Unravels Enzymatic and Spontaneous Steps to Form Flavoalkaloidal Nudicaulin Pigments in Flowers of Papaver nudicaule L.
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2021 Apr 16
Dudek B, Warskulat AC, Vogel H
234. Induction of Axonal Outgrowth in Mouse Hippocampal Neurons via Bacterial Magnetosomes.
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2021 Apr 16
De Vincentiis S, Falconieri A, Mickoleit F
235. Antibody Libraries as Tools to Discover Functional Antibodies and Receptor Pleiotropism.
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2021 Apr 16
Lin CW, Lerner RA.
236. Glucose Metabolism in Osteoblasts in Healthy and Pathophysiological Conditions.
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2021 Apr 16
Donat A, Knapstein PR, Jiang S
237. Vincristine-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (VIPN) in Pediatric Tumors: Mechanisms, Risk Factors, Strategies of Prevention and Treatment.
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2021 Apr 16
Triarico S, Romano A, Attinà G
238. Special Issue "Molecular Mechanisms of Memory Formation and Modification".
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2021 Apr 16
Jarome TJ, Kwapis JL.
239. Thixotropic Hydrogels Composed of Self-Assembled Nanofibers of Double-Hydrophobic Elastin-Like Block Polypeptides.
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2021 Apr 15
Sugioka Y, Nakamura J, Ohtsuki C
240. Deficiency of NEIL3 Enhances the Chemotherapy Resistance of Prostate Cancer.
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2021 Apr 15
Wang Y, Xu L, Shi S
241. Putrescine Depletion Affects Arabidopsis Root Meristem Size by Modulating Auxin and Cytokinin Signaling and ROS Accumulation.
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2021 Apr 15
Hashem AM, Moore S, Chen S
242. Targeting the Reconsolidation of Licit Drug Memories to Prevent Relapse: Focus on Alcohol and Nicotine.
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2021 Apr 15
Barak S, Goltseker K.
243. OsARF11 Promotes Growth, Meristem, Seed, and Vein Formation during Rice Plant Development.
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2021 Apr 15
Sims K, Abedi-Samakush F, Szulc N
244. Emerging Roles of Exosomes in Huntington's Disease.
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2021 Apr 15
Ananbeh H, Vodicka P, Kupcova Skalnikova H.
245. Neurological Complications of COVID-19: Underlying Mechanisms and Management.
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2021 Apr 15
Shehata GA, Lord KC, Grudzinski MC
246. Drusenoid Pigment Epithelial Detachment: Genetic and Clinical Characteristics.
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2021 Apr 15
Shijo T, Sakurada Y, Tanaka K
247. The Great Capacity on Promoting Melanogenesis of Three Compatible Components in Vernonia anthelmintica (L.) Willd.
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2021 Apr 15
Lai Y, Feng Q, Zhang R
248. Perinatal Exposure to Phthalates: From Endocrine to Neurodevelopment Effects.
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2021 Apr 14
Lucaccioni L, Trevisani V, Passini E
249. Ligand-Receptor Interactions and Machine Learning in GCGR and GLP-1R Drug Discovery.
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2021 Apr 14
Mizera M, Latek D.
250. Kinetically Equivalent Functionality and Reactivity of Commonly Used Biocompatible Polyurethane Crosslinking Agents.
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2021 Apr 14
Nagy L, Vadkerti B, Lakatos C
251. Protective Effect of Quercetin on Sodium Iodate-Induced Retinal Apoptosis through the Reactive Oxygen Species-Mediated Mitochondrion-Dependent Pathway.
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2021 Apr 14
Chang YY, Lee YJ, Hsu MY
252. Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Beneficial Effects of Exercise on Brain Function and Neurological Disorders.
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2021 Apr 14
Nay K, Smiles WJ, Kaiser J
253. Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1.
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2021 Apr 14
Marini F, Giusti F, Tonelli F
254. Carnosic Acid and Carnosol Activate AMPK, Suppress Expressions of Gluconeogenic and Lipogenic Genes, and Inhibit Proliferation of HepG2 Cells.
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2021 Apr 14
Hasei S, Yamamotoya T, Nakatsu Y
255. The Histone Chaperone HIRA Is a Positive Regulator of Seed Germination.
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2021 Apr 14
Layat E, Bourcy M, Cotterell S
256. A Photoresponsive Artificial Viral Capsid Self-Assembled from an Azobenzene-Containing β-Annulus Peptide.
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2021 Apr 14
Matsuura K, Fujita S.
257. Metabolic, Organoleptic and Transcriptomic Impact of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Genes Involved in the Biosynthesis of Linear and Substituted Esters.
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2021 Apr 14
Marullo P, Trujillo M, Viannais R
258. A Cascade Graph Convolutional Network for Predicting Protein-Ligand Binding Affinity.
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2021 Apr 14
Shen H, Zhang Y, Zheng C
259. The Role of Selected Wavelengths of Light in the Activity of Photosystem II in Gloeobacter violaceus.
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2021 Apr 13
Kula-Maximenko M, Zieliński KJ, Ślesak I.
260. The Endothelial Glycocalyx and Organ Preservation-From Physiology to Possible Clinical Implications for Solid Organ Transplantation.
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2021 Apr 13
Mathis S, Putzer G, Schneeberger S
261. Cell-Mediated Therapies to Facilitate Operational Tolerance in Liver Transplantation.
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2021 Apr 13
Ellias SD, Larson EL, Taner T
262. Complement Inactivation Strategy of Staphylococcus aureus Using Decay-Accelerating Factor and the Response of Infected HaCaT Cells.
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2021 Apr 13
Jang KO, Lee YW, Kim H
263. Evaluating Oxygen Tensions Related to Bone Marrow and Matrix for MSC Differentiation in 2D and 3D Biomimetic Lamellar Scaffolds.
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2021 Apr 13
Sayin E, Baran ET, Elsheikh A
264. Plant-Origin Stabilizer as an Alternative of Natural Additive to Polymers Used in Packaging Materials.
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2021 Apr 13
Plota A, Masek A.
265. Long Non-Coding RNA CRNDE Is Involved in Resistance to EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor in EGFR-Mutant Lung Cancer via eIF4A3/MUC1/EGFR Signaling.
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2021 Apr 13
Takahashi S, Noro R, Seike M
266. Microscopic Methods for Identification of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria from Various Habitats.
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2021 Apr 13
Kushkevych I, Hýžová B, Vítězová M
267. A Truncated TIR-NBS Protein TN10 Pairs with Two Clustered TIR-NBS-LRR Immune Receptors and Contributes to Plant Immunity in Arabidopsis.
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2021 Apr 13
Chen Y, Zhong G, Cai H
268. The Role of the Proteasome in Platelet Function.
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2021 Apr 13
El-Kadiry AE, Merhi Y.
269. DNA2 in Chromosome Stability and Cell Survival-Is It All about Replication Forks?
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2021 Apr 13
Hudson JJR, Rass U.
270. LeishIF4E-5 Is a Promastigote-Specific Cap-Binding Protein in Leishmania.
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2021 Apr 12
Shrivastava R, Tupperwar N, Schwartz B
271. Natural Cyclopeptides as Anticancer Agents in the Last 20 Years.
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2021 Apr 12
Zhang JN, Xia YX, Zhang HJ.
272. Thapsigargin-Stimulated LAD2 Human Mast Cell Line Is a Potent Cellular Adjuvant for the Maturation of Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells for Adoptive Cellular Immunotherapy.
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2021 Apr 12
Taborska P, Stakheev D, Bartunkova J
273. Fe(III), Cu(II) and Zn(II) Complexes of the Rigid 9-Oxido-phenalenone Ligand-Spectroscopy, Electrochemistry, and Cytotoxic Properties.
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2021 Apr 12
Butsch K, Haseloer A, Schmitz S
274. The Role of microRNAs in Development of Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer.
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2021 Apr 12
Bocchetti M, Ferraro MG, Ricciardiello F
275. The Role of Extracellular Vesicles in the Progression of Human Neuroblastoma.
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2021 Apr 12
Marimpietri D, Airoldi I, Faini AC
276. Cell Force-Driven Basement Membrane Disruption Fuels EGF- and Stiffness-Induced Invasive Cell Dissemination from Benign Breast Gland Acini.
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2021 Apr 12
Gaiko-Shcherbak A, Eschenbruch J, Kronenberg NM
277. Mechanosensation and Mechanotransduction by Lymphatic Endothelial Cells Act as Important Regulators of Lymphatic Development and Function.
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2021 Apr 12
Bálint L, Jakus Z.
278. Monoclonal Antibody Aggregation Associated with Free Radical Induced Oxidation.
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2021 Apr 12
Zheng K, Ren D, Wang YJ
279. Biomarkers of Angiogenesis and Neuroplasticity as Promising Clinical Tools for Stroke Recovery Evaluation.
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2021 Apr 11
Wlodarczyk L, Szelenberger R, Cichon N
280. AKT Inhibitors: The Road Ahead to Computational Modeling-Guided Discovery.
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2021 Apr 11
Halder AK, Cordeiro MNDS.
281. Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Infectious Diseases: From Endocrine Disruption to Immunosuppression.
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2021 Apr 11
Adegoke EO, Rahman MS, Park YJ
282. Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Contributes to Gefitinib-Induced Apoptosis in Glioma.
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283. Snapshots of the Fragmentation for C(70)@Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube: Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
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284. Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Chronic Inflammation in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
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285. The Eyes Absent Proteins: Unusual HAD Family Tyrosine Phosphatases.
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286. Effects of Antifreeze Protein III on Sperm Cryopreservation of Pacific Abalone, Haliotis discus hannai.
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288. X-ray Fluorescence Uptake Measurement of Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles in Tumor Cell Microsamples.
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289. Arginase Activity in Eisenia andrei Coelomocytes: Function in the Earthworm Innate Response.
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290. Circulating miRNAs as Biomarkers for Mitochondrial Neuro-Gastrointestinal Encephalomyopathy.
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291. Inhibition Effect of Chloroquine and Integrin-Linked Kinase Knockdown on Translation in Melanoma Cells.
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293. Fenofibrate Regulates Visceral Obesity and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in Obese Female Ovariectomized C57BL/6J Mice.
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294. Can miRNA Indicate Risk of Illness after Continuous Exposure to M. tuberculosis?
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295. Symbiotic NCR Peptide Fragments Affect the Viability, Morphology and Biofilm Formation of Candida Species.
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296. ATP-Independent Initiation during Cap-Independent Translation of m(6)A-Modified mRNA.
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