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20 2 (53)
1. Do "Newly Born" orphan proteins resemble "Never Born" proteins? A study using three deep learning algorithms.
20 2 3
Liu J, Yuan R, Shao W
2. Crystal structure of Campylobacter jejuni lipoprotein Cj1090c.
20 2 3
Paek S, Kawai F, Venisetty N
3. Annexin A1, A2, A5, and A6 involvement in human pathologies.
20 2 3
de Souza Ferreira LP, da Silva RA, Gil CD
4. A novel brick for bispecific antibody construction.
20 2 3
He Y, Ma H, Wang C
5. Interplay between hydrogen and chalcogen bonds in cysteine.
20 2 3
Carugo O.
6. Prediction of protein-protein interactions using sequences of intrinsically disordered regions.
20 2 3
Kibar G, Vingron M.
7. The avidin-theophylline complex: A structural and computational study.
20 2 3
Spinello A, Lapenta F, De March M.
8. An efficient computational protocol for template-based design of peptides that inhibit interactions involving SARS-CoV-2 proteins.
20 2 3
Chenna A, Khan WH, Dash R
9. Modeling the zinc effect on OsASR5-STAR1 promoter interaction by molecular dynamics.
20 2 3
Barros NLF, Siqueira AS, Arenhart RA
10. Efficient mapping of RNA-binding residues in RNA-binding proteins using local sequence features of binding site residues in protein-RNA complexes.
20 2 3
Agarwal A, Kant S, Bahadur RP.
11. Analysis of CheW-like domains provides insights into organization of prokaryotic chemotaxis systems.
20 2 3
Vass LR, Bourret RB, Foster CA.
12. Cross-linking disulfide bonds govern solution structures of diabodies.
20 2 3
Math BA, Waibl F, Lamp LM
13. Functional characterization of a hypothetical protein (TTHA1873) from Thermus thermophilus.
20 2 3
Iyyappan Y, Dhayabaran V, Elayappan M
14. Protein model quality assessment using rotation-equivariant transformations on point clouds.
20 2 3
Eismann S, Suriana P, Jing B
15. Molecular determinants of tetrahydrocannabinol binding to the glycine receptor.
20 2 3
Alvarez LD, Alves NRC.
16. Crystal structure of FAD-independent methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase from Mycobacterium hassiacum.
20 2 3
Gehl M, Demmer U, Ermler U
17. Structural insights into the mechanism of adaptive ribosomal modification by Pseudomonas RimK.
20 2 3
Thompson CMA, Little RH, Stevenson CEM
18. Ca(2+) ions facilitate the organization of the Annexin A2/S100A10 heterotetramer.
20 2 3
Lindsay S, Bartolotti L, Li Y.
19. Crystal structure of a type III Rubisco in complex with its product 3-phosphoglycerate.
20 2 3
Huang Q, Szebenyi DME.
20. Crystal structure of the dimerized of porcine circovirus type II replication-related protein Rep'.
20 2 3
Guan S, Tian A, Jing H
21. Biochemical, structural, and kinetic characterization of PP(i) -dependent phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase from Propionibacterium freudenreichii.
20 2 3
McLeod MJ, Holyoak T.
22. Fundamentals behind the specificity of Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase: MD and QM/MM joint investigations.
20 2 3
Chen B, Mansour B, Zheng E
23. Rational design of mini protein mimicking uricase: Encapsulation in ZIF-8 for uric acid detection.
20 2 3
Abdul Aziz SFN, Rahim ASMA, Normi YM
24. ComparePD: Improving protein-DNA complex model comparison with hydrogen bond energy-based metrics.
20 2 3
Malik FK, Guo JT.
25. Effect of maleylation and denaturation of human serum albumin on its interaction with scavenger receptors.
20 2 3
Li XL, Yan ZS, Ma YQ
26. An updated dataset and a structure-based prediction model for protein-RNA binding affinity.
20 2 3
Hong X, Tong X, Xie J
27. Crystal structure of reducing-end xylose-releasing exoxylanase in subfamily 7 of glycoside hydrolase family 30.
20 2 3
Nakamichi Y, Watanabe M, Fujii T
28. Improving the quality of co-evolution intermolecular contact prediction with DisVis.
20 2 3
van Keulen SC, Bonvin AMJJ.
29. An interaction network in Bacillus subtilis coproporphyrinogen oxidase is essential for the oxidation of protoporphyrinogen IX.
20 2 3
Wang B, Sun L, Wen X
30. Influence of force field choice on the conformational landscape of rat and human islet amyloid polypeptide.
20 2 3
Moore SJ, Deplazes E, Mancera RL.
31. Structural basis for substrate binding and catalytic mechanism of the key enzyme VioD in the violacein synthesis pathway.
20 2 3
Xu M, Xu D, Gao M
32. Key substrate recognition residues in the active site of cystathionine beta-synthase from Toxoplasma gondii.
20 2 3
Conter C, Favretto F, Dominici P
33. Conserved functions of prion candidates suggest a primeval role of protein self-templating.
20 2 3
Zajkowski T, Lee MD, Sharma S
34. Reframing prosegment-dependent folding and limits on natural protein folding landscapes from an evolutionary perspective.
20 2 3
Sanders AD, Dee DR, Yada RY.
35. Governing dynamics and preferential binding of the AXH domain influence the aggregation pathway of Ataxin-1.
20 2 3
Tammara V, Das A.
36. Domain shuffling of a highly mutable ligand-binding fold drives adhesin generation across the bacterial kingdom.
20 2 3
Barringer R, Parnell AE, Lafita A
37. Improved NMR-data-compliant protein structure modeling captures context-dependent variations and expands the scope of functional inference.
20 2 3
Das NR, Chaudhury KN, Pal D.
38. Dynamical changes of SARS-CoV-2 spike variants in the highly immunogenic regions impact the viral antibodies escaping.
20 2 3
Di Rienzo L, Miotto M, Desantis F
39. CRMSNet: A deep learning model that uses convolution and residual multi-head self-attention block to predict RBPs for RNA sequence.
20 2 3
Pan Z, Zhou S, Zou H
40. Evolution of large Aβ16-22 aggregates at atomic details and potential of mean force associated to peptide unbinding and fragmentation events.
20 2 3
Iorio A, Timr Š, Chiodo L
41. Coevolutionary analysis of Forkhead box protein P3 and its physical binary interactors E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CHIP, Zfp-90, and nuclear receptor ROR-α.
20 2 3
D'Amico F, Skarmoutsou E, Libra M.
42. Conformational response to ligand binding of TMPRSS2, a protease involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection: Insights through computational modeling.
20 2 3
Frumenzio G, Chandramouli B, Besker N
43. The high identity of the Trypanosoma cruzi Group-I of trans-sialidases points them as promising vaccine immunogens.
20 2 3
Pacini MF, Perdomini A, Bulfoni Balbi C
44. Discovery of novel glucosinolates inhibiting advanced glycation end products: Virtual screening and molecular dynamic simulation.
20 2 3
Cao L, Wang Y, Chen X
45. Identification of natural small molecule modulators of MurB from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi Ty2 strain using computational and biophysical approaches.
20 2 3
Haque MA, Singh M, Tripathi MK
46. Characterization of a transitionally occupied state and thermal unfolding of domain 1.1 of σA factor of RNA polymerase from Bacillus subtilis.
20 2 3
Tužinčin D, Padrta P, Šanderová H
47. SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody epitopes are overlapping and highly mutated which raises the chances of escape variants and requires development of broadly reactive vaccines.
20 2 3
Joseph J, Darpe S, Kulkarni G
48. The structural analysis of the periplasmic domain of Sinorhizobium meliloti chemoreceptor McpZ reveals a novel fold and suggests a complex mechanism of transmembrane signaling.
20 2 3
Salar S, Ball NE, Baaziz H
49. Fine tuning rigid body docking results using the Dreiding force field: A computational study of 36 known nanobody-protein complexes.
20 2 3
Hacisuleyman A, Erman B.
50. Analysis of the crystal structure of a parallel three-stranded coiled coil.
20 2 3
de March M, Hickey N, Geremia S.
51. Identification of key molecular players and associated pathways in cervical squamous cell carcinoma progression through network analysis.
20 2 3
Thippana M, Dwivedi A, Das A
52. An in silico prediction of interaction models of influenza A virus PA and human C14orf166 protein from yeast-two-hybrid screening data.
20 2 3
Çağlayan E, Turan K.
53. Amphiphilic peptide Mastoparan-B induces conformational changes within the AdeB efflux pump, down-regulates adeB gene expression, and restores antibiotic susceptibility in an MDR strain of Acinetobacter baumannii.
20 2 3
Shakibaie MR, Modaresi F, Azizi O
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