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20 2 (68)
1. Single-cell proteomics enabled by next-generation sequencing or mass spectrometry.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Bennett HM, Stephenson W, Rose CM
2. Expansion spatial transcriptomics.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Fan Y(#), Andrusivová Ž(#), Wu Y
3. mScarlet3: a brilliant and fast-maturing red fluorescent protein.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Gadella TWJ Jr, van Weeren L, Stouthamer J
4. Development of miniature base editors using engineered IscB nickase.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Han D(#), Xiao Q(#), Wang Y(#)
5. Machine learning in rare disease.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Banerjee J(#), Taroni JN(#), Allaway RJ
6. CD-CODE: crowdsourcing condensate database and encyclopedia.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Rostam N(#), Ghosh S(#), Chow CFW
7. Voltage-Seq: all-optical postsynaptic connectome-guided single-cell transcriptomics.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Csillag V, Bizzozzero MH, Noble JC
8. Nano-DMS-MaP allows isoform-specific RNA structure determination.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Bohn P(#), Gribling-Burrer AS(#), Ambi UB
9. Initial recommendations for performing, benchmarking and reporting single-cell proteomics experiments.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Gatto L, Aebersold R, Cox J
10. Comparison of transformations for single-cell RNA-seq data.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Ahlmann-Eltze C, Huber W.
11. Minimum information guidelines for experiments structurally characterizing intrinsically disordered protein regions.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Mészáros B, Hatos A(#), Palopoli N(#)
12. New measures of anisotropy of cryo-EM maps.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Vilas JL, Tagare HD.
13. A survey of algorithms for the detection of genomic structural variants from long-read sequencing data.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Ahsan MU, Liu Q, Perdomo JE
14. Neural engineering with photons as synaptic transmitters.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Porta-de-la-Riva M, Gonzalez AC, Sanfeliu-Cerdán N
15. Cryo-electron tomography on focused ion beam lamellae transforms structural cell biology.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Berger C, Premaraj N, Ravelli RBG
16. UniAligner: a parameter-free framework for fast sequence alignment.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Bzikadze AV, Pevzner PA.
17. Efficient high-precision homology-directed repair-dependent genome editing by HDRobust.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Riesenberg S, Kanis P, Macak D
18. Sensitive multicolor indicators for monitoring norepinephrine in vivo.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Kagiampaki Z(#), Rohner V(#), Kiss C(#)
19. Significance analysis for clustering with single-cell RNA-sequencing data.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Grabski IN, Street K, Irizarry RA.
20. Time-resolved assessment of single-cell protein secretion by sequencing.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Wu T, Womersley HJ, Wang JR
21. Fast and efficient template-mediated synthesis of genetic variants.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Liu L(#), Huang Y(#), Wang HH.
22. BUDDY: molecular formula discovery via bottom-up MS/MS interrogation.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Xing S, Shen S, Xu B
23. Spatiotemporally resolved transcriptomics reveals the subcellular RNA kinetic landscape.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Ren J(#), Zhou H(#), Zeng H(#)
24. Field-dependent deep learning enables high-throughput whole-cell 3D super-resolution imaging.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Fu S(#), Shi W(#), Luo T
25. Alignment of spatial genomics data using deep Gaussian processes.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Jones A, Townes FW, Li D
26. MultiVI: deep generative model for the integration of multimodal data.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Ashuach T(#), Gabitto MI(#), Koodli RV
27. An optical design enabling lightweight and large field-of-view head-mounted microscopes.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Scherrer JR(#), Lynch GF(#), Zhang JJ
28. CherryML: scalable maximum likelihood estimation of phylogenetic models.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Prillo S, Deng Y, Boyeau P
29. Photoselective sequencing: microscopically guided genomic measurements with subcellular resolution.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Mangiameli SM, Chen H, Earl AS
30. Virtual-scanning light-field microscopy for robust snapshot high-resolution volumetric imaging.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Lu Z(#), Liu Y(#), Jin M
31. Context-aware transcript quantification from long-read RNA-seq data with Bambu.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Chen Y(#), Sim A(#), Wan YK
32. FIOLA: an accelerated pipeline for fluorescence imaging online analysis.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Cai C(#), Dong C(#), Friedrich J
33. Hardwiring tissue-specific AAV transduction in mice through engineered receptor expression.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Zengel J(#), Wang YX(#), Seo JW(#)
34. Multiplex-GAM: genome-wide identification of chromatin contacts yields insights overlooked by Hi-C.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Beagrie RA(#), Thieme CJ(#), Annunziatella C(#)
35. A comparison of single-coverage and multi-coverage metagenomic binning reveals extensive hidden contamination.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Mattock J, Watson M.
36. Organ Mapping Antibody Panels: a community resource for standardized multiplexed tissue imaging.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Quardokus EM(#), Saunders DC(#), McDonough E
37. The Cell Tracking Challenge: 10 years of objective benchmarking.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Maška M, Ulman V, Delgado-Rodriguez P
38. Isolating salient variations of interest in single-cell data with contrastiveVI.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Weinberger E(#), Lin C(#), Lee SI.
39. SCENIC+: single-cell multiomic inference of enhancers and gene regulatory networks.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Bravo González-Blas C(#), De Winter S(#), Hulselmans G
40. Glutamate indicators with improved activation kinetics and localization for imaging synaptic transmission.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Aggarwal A, Liu R, Chen Y
41. Learning consistent subcellular landmarks to quantify changes in multiplexed protein maps.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Spitzer H(#), Berry S(#), Donoghoe M
42. Improving the sensitivity of in vivo CRISPR off-target detection with DISCOVER-Seq.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Zou RS, Liu Y(#), Gaido OER(#)
43. Time-resolved cryo-EM using a combination of droplet microfluidics with on-demand jetting.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Torino S, Dhurandhar M, Stroobants A
44. A positively tuned voltage indicator for extended electrical recordings in the brain.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Evans SW(#), Shi DQ(#), Chavarha M(#)
45. Simultaneous profiling of spatial gene expression and chromatin accessibility during mouse brain development.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Jiang F(#), Zhou X(#), Qian Y(#)
46. Multielement Z-tag imaging by X-ray fluorescence microscopy for next-generation multiplex imaging.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Strotton M(#), Hosogane T(#), di Michiel M
47. EmbryoNet: using deep learning to link embryonic phenotypes to signaling pathways.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Čapek D(#), Safroshkin M(#), Morales-Navarrete H(#)
48. Dictys: dynamic gene regulatory network dissects developmental continuum with single-cell multiomics.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Wang L(#), Trasanidis N(#), Wu T
49. Engineering of NEMO as calcium indicators with large dynamics and high sensitivity.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Li J(#), Shang Z(#), Chen JH(#)
50. Cross-modality supervised image restoration enables nanoscale tracking of synaptic plasticity in living mice.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Xu YKT(#), Graves AR(#), Coste GI
51. TomoTwin: generalized 3D localization of macromolecules in cryo-electron tomograms with structural data mining.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Rice G(#), Wagner T(#), Stabrin M
52. Unsupervised removal of systematic background noise from droplet-based single-cell experiments using CellBender.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Fleming SJ, Chaffin MD, Arduini A
53. Rapid detection of neurons in widefield calcium imaging datasets after training with synthetic data.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Zhang Y(#), Zhang G(#), Han X
54. Prioritized mass spectrometry increases the depth, sensitivity and data completeness of single-cell proteomics.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Huffman RG, Leduc A, Wichmann C
55. 3DFlex: determining structure and motion of flexible proteins from cryo-EM.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Punjani A, Fleet DJ.
56. DNA-barcoded signal amplification for imaging mass cytometry enables sensitive and highly multiplexed tissue imaging.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Hosogane T, Casanova R, Bodenmiller B.
57. High-contrast en bloc staining of mouse whole-brain and human brain samples for EM-based connectomics.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Song K, Feng Z, Helmstaedter M.
58. Massively parallel evaluation and computational prediction of the activities and specificities of 17 small Cas9s.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Seo SY, Min S, Lee S
59. Femtosecond laser microdissection for isolation of regenerating C. elegans neurons for single-cell RNA sequencing.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Zhao P, Mondal S, Martin C
60. In vivo photopharmacology with a caged mu opioid receptor agonist drives rapid changes in behavior.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Ma X(#), Johnson DA(#), He XJ
61. ERnet: a tool for the semantic segmentation and quantitative analysis of endoplasmic reticulum topology.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Lu M, Christensen CN, Weber JM
62. Multiscale analysis of pangenomes enables improved representation of genomic diversity for repetitive and clinically relevant genes.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Chin CS, Behera S, Khalak A
63. Reliability and accuracy of single-molecule FRET studies for characterization of structural dynamics and distances in proteins.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Agam G(#), Gebhardt C(#), Popara M(#)
64. ReX: an integrative tool for quantifying and optimizing measurement reliability for the study of individual differences.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Xu T, Kiar G, Cho JW
65. Genome-wide profiling of prime editor off-target sites in vitro and in vivo using PE-tag.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Liang SQ(#), Liu P(#), Ponnienselvan K
66. Self-supervised machine learning pushes the sensitivity limit in label-free detection of single proteins below 10 kDa.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Dahmardeh M(#), Mirzaalian Dastjerdi H(#), Mazal H
67. Direct determination of oligomeric organization of integral membrane proteins and lipids from intact customizable bilayer.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Panda A, Giska F, Duncan AL
68. BigNeuron: a resource to benchmark and predict performance of algorithms for automated tracing of neurons in light microscopy datasets.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Manubens-Gil L(#), Zhou Z, Chen H
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