期刊文献 > Nat Methods期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (2)
2023 Aug (2)
2023 Jul (2)
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2023 Feb (1)
2023 Jan (2)
2022 Dec (2)
2022 Nov (1)
20 2 (68)
1. Quantitative assessment of near-infrared fluorescent proteins.
Nat Methods
2023 Sep 4
Zhang H(#), Papadaki S(#), Sun X
2. Recovery of missing single-cell RNA-sequencing data with optimized transcriptomic references.
Nat Methods
2023 Sep 11
Pool AH, Poldsam H, Chen S
3. SIMBA: single-cell embedding along with features.
Nat Methods
2023 May 29
Chen H, Ryu J, Vinyard ME
4. Segmentation metric misinterpretations in bioimage analysis.
Nat Methods
2023 Jul 27
Hirling D, Tasnadi E, Caicedo J
5. DBlink: dynamic localization microscopy in super spatiotemporal resolution via deep learning.
Nat Methods
2023 Jul 27
Saguy A, Alalouf O, Opatovski N
6. Video-based pooled screening yields improved far-red genetically encoded voltage indicators.
Nat Methods
2023 Jan 9
Tian H, Davis HC, Wong-Campos JD
7. Jasmine and Iris: population-scale structural variant comparison and analysis.
Nat Methods
2023 Jan 19
Kirsche M, Prabhu G, Sherman R
8. EnzymeML: seamless data flow and modeling of enzymatic data.
Nat Methods
2023 Feb 9
Lauterbach S, Dienhart H, Range J
9. A fluorogenic chemically induced dimerization technology for controlling, imaging and sensing protein proximity.
Nat Methods
2023 Aug 28
Bottone S, Joliot O(#), Cakil ZV(#)
10. scNanoHi-C: a single-cell long-read concatemer sequencing method to reveal high-order chromatin structures within individual cells.
Nat Methods
2023 Aug 28
Li W(#), Lu J(#), Lu P
11. A three-photon head-mounted microscope for imaging all layers of visual cortex in freely moving mice.
Nat Methods
2022 Nov 28
Klioutchnikov A, Wallace DJ, Sawinski J
12. Optimizing multiplexed imaging experimental design through tissue spatial segregation estimation.
Nat Methods
2022 Dec 30
Bost P, Schulz D, Engler S
13. SVDSS: structural variation discovery in hard-to-call genomic regions using sample-specific strings from accurate long reads.
Nat Methods
2022 Dec 22
Denti L(#), Khorsand P(#), Bonizzoni P
14. Single-cell proteomics enabled by next-generation sequencing or mass spectrometry.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Bennett HM, Stephenson W, Rose CM
15. Expansion spatial transcriptomics.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Fan Y(#), Andrusivová Ž(#), Wu Y
16. mScarlet3: a brilliant and fast-maturing red fluorescent protein.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Gadella TWJ Jr, van Weeren L, Stouthamer J
17. Development of miniature base editors using engineered IscB nickase.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Han D(#), Xiao Q(#), Wang Y(#)
18. Machine learning in rare disease.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Banerjee J(#), Taroni JN(#), Allaway RJ
19. CD-CODE: crowdsourcing condensate database and encyclopedia.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Rostam N(#), Ghosh S(#), Chow CFW
20. Voltage-Seq: all-optical postsynaptic connectome-guided single-cell transcriptomics.
Nat Methods
20 2 3
Csillag V, Bizzozzero MH, Noble JC
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