期刊文献 > Sci Rep期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (704)
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2021 May (423)
1. A data-driven approach to the "Everesting" cycling challenge.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 8
Seo J, Raeymaekers B.
2. Description of allergic phenotype in patients with eosinophilic oesophagitis: management protocol proposal.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 8
Domenech Witek J, Gonzalez Mendiola R, Jover Cerdá V
3. Breaking the hard-sphere model with fluorite and antifluorite solid solutions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 8
Vauchy R, Hirooka S, Watanabe M
4. Effects of cottonseed hull on intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance, blood metabolites and ingestive behaviour of rams.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 8
Zanine AM, Castro WJR, Ferreira DJ
5. Limbic progesterone receptors regulate spatial memory.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Joshi S, Williams CL, Kapur J.
6. Identifying congenital generalized lipodystrophy using deep learning-DEEPLIPO.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
da Cunha Olegario NB, da Cunha Neto JS, Barbosa PCS
7. Skin irritation in children undergoing orthodontic facemask therapy.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Kim H(#), Kim JS(#), Kim CS
8. Modeling acute care utilization: practical implications for insomnia patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Chekani F, Zhu Z, Khandker RK
9. Benefits of the microalgae Spirulina and Schizochytrium in fish nutrition: a meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Trevi S, Uren Webster T, Consuegra S
10. Co-cultivation of Mortierellaceae with Pseudomonas helmanticensis affects both their growth and volatilome.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Probst M(#), Telagathoti A(#), Siewert B
11. Magnetic hydrogel particles improve nanopore sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Andersen P, Barksdale S, Barclay RA
12. Inactivation kinetics of 280 nm UV-LEDs against Mycobacterium abscessus in water.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Song JJX, Oguma K, Takizawa S.
13. Gut microbiota of Parkinson's disease in an appendectomy cohort: a preliminary study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Nakahara K(#), Nakane S(#), Ishii K
14. A single point mutation expands the applicability of ostreolysin A6 in biomedicine.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Panevska A, Čegovnik N, Fortuna K
15. Rare variant aggregation in 148,508 exomes identifies genes associated with proxy dementia.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Wightman DP, Savage JE, de Leeuw CA
16. Mechanisms of amyloid-β34 generation indicate a pivotal role for BACE1 in amyloid homeostasis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Ulku I, Liebsch F, Akerman SC
17. Upwelling, climate change, and the shifting geography of coral reef development.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Rodriguez-Ruano V, Toth LT, Enochs IC
18. Room-temperature spin injection from a ferromagnetic semiconductor.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Goel S, Khang NHD, Osada Y
19. Risk factors and prognosis of postoperative delirium in nonagenarians with hip fracture.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Zhao S, Sun T, Zhang J
20. Calibration of spectra in presence of non-stationary background using unsupervised physics-informed deep learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Puleio A, Rossi R, Gaudio P.
21. In silico drug discovery of SIRT2 inhibitors from natural source as anticancer agents.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Ibrahim MAA, Abdeljawaad KAA, Roshdy E
22. Human cochlear microstructures at risk of electrode insertion trauma, elucidated in 3D with contrast-enhanced microCT.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Starovoyt A, Pyka G, Putzeys T
23. Epidemiological and genomic analysis of dengue cases in Guangzhou, China, from 2010 to 2019.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Jiang L(#), Liu Y(#), Su W(#)
24. Effects of different remote ischemia perconditioning methods on cerebral infarct volume and neurological impairment in rats.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Otsuka S(#), Itashiki Y(#), Tani A
25. The effects of core stabilization exercises on the neuromuscular function of athletes with ACL reconstruction.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Saki F, Shafiee H, Tahayori B
26. Combating lead and cadmium exposure with an orally administered chitosan-based chelating polymer.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Howard JA, Kuznietsova H, Dziubenko N
27. Solubility of palbociclib in supercritical carbon dioxide from experimental measurement and Peng-Robinson equation of state.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Sodeifian G, Hsieh CM, Tabibzadeh A
28. Extraction and identification of new flavonoid compounds in dandelion Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz. with evaluation of antioxidant activities.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Wang R, Li W, Fang C
29. Using machine learning to predict venous thromboembolism and major bleeding events following total joint arthroplasty.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Shohat N, Ludwick L, Sherman MB
30. Water-in-salt electrolytes made saltier by Gemini ionic liquids for highly efficient Li-ion batteries.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Tot A, Zhang L, Berg EJ
31. Exploring individual differences in musical rhythm and grammar skills in school-aged children with typically developing language.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Nitin R, Gustavson DE, Aaron AS
32. Flavescence dorée phytoplasma enters insect cells by a clathrin-mediated endocytosis allowing infection of its insect vector.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Arricau-Bouvery N, Dubrana MP, Canuto F
33. Salinity and high pH reduce denitrification rates by inhibiting denitrifying gene abundance in a saline-alkali soil.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Pan Y, She D, Shi Z
34. Efficacy of high-volume vs very low volume corticosteroid subacromial injection in subacromial impingement syndrome: a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Apivatgaroon A, Srimongkolpitak S, Boonsun P
35. Association of hemoglobin variability with the risk of cardiovascular disease: a nationally representative retrospective cohort study from South Korea.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Lee WJ, Choi S, Park SM
36. A conserved SNP variation in the pre-miR396c flanking region in Oryza sativa indica landraces correlates with mature miRNA abundance.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Jaganathan D(#), Rajakani R(#), Doddamani D
37. Translating principles of quality control to cardiovascular magnetic resonance: assessing quantitative parameters of the left ventricle in a large cohort.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Riazy L(#), Däuber S(#), Lange S
38. The effect of Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN) in cognitive impairment and coping strategies in Parkinson's disease: a preliminary study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Formica C, Bonanno L, Latella D
39. Integrative taxonomy reveals new, widely distributed tardigrade species of the genus Paramacrobiotus (Eutardigrada: Macrobiotidae).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Kayastha P, Stec D, Sługocki Ł
40. Optimal spatial evaluation of a pro rata vaccine distribution rule for COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Castonguay FM, Blackwood JC, Howerton E
41. Population genetic analysis of Plasmodium knowlesi reveals differential selection and exchange events between Borneo and Peninsular sub-populations.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Turkiewicz A, Manko E, Oresegun DR
42. Deposition of carbon from methane on manganese sources.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Dalaker H, Gjøvik JE, Ringdalen E.
43. A deep learning model for detection of leukocytes under various interference factors.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Li M(#), Lin C(#), Ge P
44. The relationship of social determinants and distress in newly diagnosed cancer patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Okeke B, Hillmon C, Jones J
45. Nonlinear Rayleigh wave propagation in a layered half-space in dual-phase-lag.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Youssef AA, Amein NK, Abdelrahman NS
46. Investigation of structural, optical, morphological, photoluminescence and antimicrobial properties of SrAl(2)O(4):Eu(2+) nanophosphor by using urea fuel combustion method.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Litoriya PK, Kurmi S, Verma A.
47. Nanocellulose reinforced lightweight composites produced from cotton waste via integrated nanofibrillation and compounding.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Liang D, Liu W, Zhong T
48. The effects of sun exposure on colorant identification of permanently and semi-permanently dyed hair.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Holman A, Kurouski D.
49. Handwriting kinematics during learning to write with the dominant left hand in converted left-handers.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Stetter L, Sattler JB, Marquardt C
50. Individual attractiveness preferences differentially modulate immediate and voluntary attention.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Roth TS(#), Samara I(#), Perea-Garcia JO
51. Prediction of hydrophilic and hydrophobic hydration structure of protein by neural network optimized using experimental data.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Sato K, Oide M, Nakasako M.
52. Using optimal controlled singlet spin order to accurately target molecular signal in MRI and MRS.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Xin JX, Yang G, Zhang H
53. Synchrotron-based operando X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of LiCo(0.5)Fe(0.5)PO(4) mixed d-metal olivine cathode.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Hamdalla TA, Aboraia AM, Shapovalov VV
54. Prediction of the shear capacity of ultrahigh-performance concrete beams using neural network and genetic algorithm.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Hou R, Hou Q.
55. Part orientation optimization for Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing process for convex and non-convex shapes.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Alomari Y, Birosz MT, Andó M.
56. Outcomes of a computer-based cognitive training (CoRe) in early phases of cognitive decline: a data-driven cluster analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Bernini S, Gerbasi A, Panzarasa S
57. Multidisciplinary approach to the study of large-format oil paintings.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Calderón-Mesén P(#), Jaikel-Víquez D(#), Barrantes-Madrigal MD(#)
58. Group threat, political extremity, and collective dynamics in online discussions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Bacaksizlar Turbic NG, Galesic M.
59. Shape classification technology of pollinated tomato flowers for robotic implementation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Hiraguri T, Kimura T, Endo K
60. Up-conversion emission in transition metal and lanthanide co-doped systems: dimer sensitization revisited.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Avram D, Colbea C, Patrascu AA
61. The unique fibrilar to platy nano- and microstructure of twinned rotaliid foraminiferal shell calcite.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Lastam J, Griesshaber E, Yin X
62. Reconciling policy instruments with drivers of deforestation and forest degradation: cross-scale analysis of stakeholder perceptions in tropical countries.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Ferrer Velasco R, Lippe M, Fischer R
63. Efficient methodology with potential uses of Fresnel diffractometry for real-time study of uniaxial nematic liquid crystal phase transitions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Madadi N, Amiri M.
64. Dynamical response and noise limit of a parametrically pumped microcantilever sensor in a Phase-Locked Loop.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Mouro J, Paoletti P, Sartore M
65. Restoration of insect communities after land use change is shaped by plant diversity: a case study on carabid beetles (Carabidae).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Lange M, Ebeling A, Voigt W
66. Retrospective analysis of drug resistance characteristics and infection related risk factors of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) isolated from the orthopedics department of a tertiary hospital.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Yang X(#), Guo R(#), Zhang B(#)
67. Dynamic response characteristics and damage rule of graphite ore rock under different strain rates.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Ye H, Li X, Lei T
68. Hydrogen production by the steam reforming of synthetic biogas in atmospheric-pressure microwave (915 MHz) plasma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Hrycak B, Mizeraczyk J, Czylkowski D
69. The importance of the Andes in the evolutionary radiation of Sigmodontinae (Rodentia, Cricetidae), the most diverse group of mammals in the Neotropics.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Vallejos-Garrido P, Pino K, Espinoza-Aravena N
70. A novel ZnS-CdS nanocomposite as a visible active photocatalyst for degradation of synthetic and real wastewaters.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Khodamorady M, Bahrami K.
71. White Laue and powder diffraction studies to reveal mechanisms of HCP-to-BCC phase transformation in single crystals of Mg under high pressure.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Vasilev E, Popov D, Somayazulu M
72. Transportation of nanomaterial Maxwell fluid flow with thermal slip under the effect of Soret-Dufour and second-order slips: nonlinear stretching.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Abbas N, Shatanawi W, Shatnawi TAM.
73. Scenarios of land use and land cover change in the Colombian Amazon to evaluate alternative post-conflict pathways.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Agudelo-Hz WJ, Castillo-Barrera NC, Uriel MG.
74. New constraints of terrestrial and oceanic global gross primary productions from the triple oxygen isotopic composition of atmospheric CO(2) and O(2).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Liang MC, Laskar AH, Barkan E
75. Evaluation and remediation protocol of selected organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals in industrial wastewater using nanoparticles (NPs) in Nigeria.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 7
Nnaji JC, Amaku JF, Amadi OK
76. CASPR2 antibody associated neurological syndromes in children.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Wu L, Cai F, Zhuo Z
77. Plant miRNA osa-miR172d-5p suppressed lung fibrosis by targeting Tab1.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Kumazoe M(#), Ogawa F(#), Hikida A
78. Risk of mortality in COVID-19 patients: a meta- and network analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Kowsar R, Rahimi AM, Sroka M
79. Quantifying human performance in chess.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Chowdhary S, Iacopini I, Battiston F.
80. Monocyte subsets and monocyte-related chemokines in Takayasu arteritis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
de Aguiar MF, Torquato H, Salu BR
81. Quantum error mitigation by Pauli check sandwiching.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Gonzales A, Shaydulin R, Saleem ZH
82. Node-based generalized friendship paradox fails.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Evtushenko A, Kleinberg J.
83. Synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of Hesperetin nanocrystals for regenerative dentistry.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Alipour M, Sharifi S, Samiei M
84. Ketogenic diet for epilepsy control and enhancement in adaptive behavior.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
El-Rashidy OF, Nassar MF, Shokair WA
85. Denervation during mandibular distraction osteogenesis results in impaired bone formation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Tevlin R, Griffin M, Chen K
86. Application of neural network-based image analysis to detect sister chromatid cohesion defects.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Ikemoto D, Taniguchi T, Hirota K
87. Reference-free lossless compression of nanopore sequencing reads using an approximate assembly approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Meng Q(#), Chandak S(#), Zhu Y(#)
88. High-precision automatic identification method for dicentric chromosome images using two-stage convolutional neural network.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Shen X, Ma T, Li C
89. In silico and in vitro anti-inflammatory study of phenolic compounds isolated from Eucalyptus maculata resin.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Ali DE(#), Gedaily RAE(#), Ezzat SM
90. Simple curettage and allogeneic cancellous bone chip impaction grafting in solitary enchondroma of the short tubular bones of the hand.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Park HY, Joo MW, Choi YH
91. Hydrogen migration in inner-shell ionized halogenated cyclic hydrocarbons.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Abid AR, Bhattacharyya S, Venkatachalam AS
92. Study on the application of optical coherence microscopy in Hirschsprung's disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Wu Z(#), Song J(#), Zeng X
93. Discovering novel clues of natural selection on four worldwide goat breeds.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Manunza A(#), Diaz JR(#), Sayre BL
94. Reduced cardiovascular reserve capacity in long-term allogeneic stem cell transplant survivors.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Dillon HT, Foulkes S, Horne-Okano YA
95. Exogenous melatonin alleviates neuropathic pain-induced affective disorders by suppressing NF-κB/ NLRP3 pathway and apoptosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Mokhtari T, Yue LP, Hu L.
96. Engineered mineralogical interfaces as radionuclide repositories.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Douglas GB, Reddy SM, Saxey DW
97. Consolidation of metabolomic, proteomic, and GWAS data in connective model of schizophrenia.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Kopylov AT(#), Stepanov AA(#), Butkova TV
98. Recombinant anti-HIV MAP30, a ribosome inactivating protein: against plant virus and bacteriophage.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Amirzadeh N, Moghadam A, Niazi A
99. Microwave-sensor-node integrated into a short-range wireless sensor network.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Hernandez-Aguila M, Olvera-Cervantes JL, Perez-Ramos AE
100. Spatiotemporal dynamics and environmental determinants of scrub typhus in Anhui Province, China, 2010-2020.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Wei X(#), He J(#), Yin W(#)
101. Simultaneous detection of omicron and other SARS-CoV-2 variants by multiplex PCR MassARRAY technology.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Wacharapluesadee S, Hirunpatrawong P, Petcharat S
102. Screening of novel peptides that specifically interact with vitamin D bound biocomplex proteins.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Kim T, Lee J, Lee JP
103. Ferroptosis-associated lncRNA prognostic signature predicts prognosis and immune response in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Lai J, Miao S, Ran L.
104. Time-scale synchronisation of oscillatory responses can lead to non-monotonous R-tipping.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Swierczek-Jereczek J, Robinson A, Blasco J
105. AI-accelerated protein-ligand docking for SARS-CoV-2 is 100-fold faster with no significant change in detection.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Clyde A(#), Liu X(#), Brettin T
106. An in-depth analysis of four classes of antidepressants quantification from human serum using LC-MS/MS.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Fariha R, Deshpande PS, Rothkopf E
107. Hg(II) immobilization and detection using gel formation with tetra-(4-pyridylphenyl)ethylene and an aggregation-induced luminescence effect.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Hu B, Wei T, Cui Y
108. Comparative proteome analysis of different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains during growth on sucrose and glucose.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Soares Rodrigues CI, den Ridder M, Pabst M
109. Potential roles of acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) in nitrifying bacteria survival under certain adverse circumstances.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Zeng X, Hu H.
110. Association of polysialic acid serum levels with schizophrenia spectrum and bipolar disorder-related structural brain changes and hospitalization.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Müller-Miny L(#), Thiel K(#), Meinert S
111. ADAR1 is a promising risk stratification biomarker of remnant liver recurrence after hepatic metastasectomy for colorectal cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Hata N, Shigeyasu K, Umeda Y
112. H-CoNiSe(2)/NC dodecahedral hollow structures for high-performance supercapacitors.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Salehan P, Ensafi AA, Andikaey Z
113. Evidence of structural segmentation of the Uttarakhand Himalaya and its implications for earthquake hazard.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Mandal P, Prathigadapa R, Srinivas D
114. Ovicidal toxicity of plant essential oils and their major constituents against two mosquito vectors and their non-target aquatic predators.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Moungthipmalai T, Puwanard C, Aungtikun J
115. Allolobophora caliginosa coelomic fluid and extract alleviate glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in mice by suppressing oxidative stress and regulating osteoblastic/osteoclastic-related markers.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Abdelfattah MA, Mohamed AS, Ibrahim SA
116. In silico analysis of TUBA4A mutations in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis to define mechanisms of microtubule disintegration.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Ganne A(#), Balasubramaniam M(#), Ayyadevara H
117. Tumor-infiltrating T cells as a risk factor for lymph node metastasis in patients with submucosal colorectal cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Kitakaze M, Fujino S, Miyoshi N
118. Association between pazopanib exposure and safety in Japanese patients with renal cell carcinoma or soft tissue sarcoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Aoyama T, Nakano K, Yuasa T
119. Bacteriological spectrum, extended-spectrum β-lactamase production and antimicrobial resistance pattern among patients with bloodstream infection in Addis Ababa.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Bitew A, Adane A, Abdeta A.
120. Increased expression of the immunoproteasome subunits PSMB8 and PSMB9 by cancer cells correlate with better outcomes for triple-negative breast cancers.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Geoffroy K, Araripe Saraiva B(#), Viens M(#)
121. Three-dimensional visualization of the total mesorectal excision plane for dissection in rectal cancer surgery and its ability to predict surgical difficulty.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Nagai Y, Kawai K, Nozawa H
122. Machine learning classifiers predict key genomic and evolutionary traits across the kingdoms of life.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Hallee L, Khomtchouk BB.
123. Introduction of a cascaded segmentation pipeline for parametric T1 mapping in cardiovascular magnetic resonance to improve segmentation performance.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Viezzer D, Hadler T, Ammann C
124. Serum levels of anti-Müllerian hormone influence pregnancy outcomes associated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist treatment: a retrospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Hou Y(#), Wang L(#), Li Y
125. Feature-enhanced text-inception model for Chinese long text classification.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Yang G, Jiayu Y, Dongdong X
126. A nomogram for predicting postoperative urosepsis following retrograde intrarenal surgery in upper urinary calculi patients with negative preoperative urine culture.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Yang M, Li Y, Huang F.
127. Dual RNA sequencing of group B Streptococcus-infected human monocytes reveals new insights into host-pathogen interactions and bacterial evasion of phagocytosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Sullivan MJ, Prince D, Goh KGK
128. A methodological tool for sustainability and feasibility assessment of indoor vertical farming with artificial lighting in Africa.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Paucek I, Durante E, Pennisi G
129. Composition and taste of beef, pork, and duck meat and bioregulatory functions of imidazole dipeptides in meat.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Kajiya K, Arino M, Koshio A
130. Joint use of location and acceleration data reveals influences on transitions among habitats in wintering birds.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
VonBank JA, Schafer TLJ, Cunningham SA
131. The volatile organic compounds and palatability of mixed ensilage of marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) crop residues.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Hou Z(#), Liu J(#), Cai M
132. A granular mechanics model study of the influence of non-spherical shape on aggregate collisions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Bandyopadhyay R, Urbassek HM.
133. Evaluation of solar photovoltaic carport canopy with electric vehicle charging potential.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Fakour H, Imani M, Lo SL
134. Mind evolutionary algorithm optimization in the prediction of satellite clock bias using the back propagation neural network.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Bai H, Cao Q, An S.
135. MiRNA-30d and miR-770-5p as potential clinical risk predictors of Vasoplegic Syndrome in Patients undergoing on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Vilca Mejia OA(#), de Souza RC(#), S Santos A
136. Hedonism as a motive for information search: biased information-seeking leads to biased beliefs.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Jiwa M, Cooper PS, Chong TT
137. Three-dimensional evaluation of the maxillary sinus in patients with different skeletal classes and cranio-maxillary relationships assessed with cone beam computed tomography.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Abate A(#), Cavagnetto D(#), Lanteri V(#)
138. A numerical study towards shape memory alloys application in orthotic management of pediatric knee lateral deviations.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Alonso MG, Yawny A(#), Bertolino G(#).
139. Exact solutions of [Formula: see text]-dependent Schrödinger equation with quantum pseudo-harmonic oscillator and its applications for the thermodynamic properties in normal and superstatistics.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Okorie US, Ikot AN, Okon IB
140. Role of vanadium ions substitution on spinel MnCo(2)O(4) towards enhanced electrocatalytic activity for hydrogen generation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 6
Mohamed MJS, Slimani Y, Gondal MA
141. Nearly-freestanding supramolecular assembly with tunable structural properties.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 5
Caruso T(#), De Luca O(#), Melfi N
142. Association between cannabis use and blood pressure levels according to comorbidities and socioeconomic status.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 5
Vallée A.
143. Purinergic signaling during Marek's disease in chickens.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Akbar H, Fasick JJ, Ponnuraj N
144. Absolute dosimetry for FLASH proton pencil beam scanning radiotherapy.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Lourenço A, Subiel A, Lee N
145. Understanding microbiome dynamics via interpretable graph representation learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Melnyk K, Weimann K, Conrad TOF.
146. The restoration and erection of the world's first elevated obelisk.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Saleh AM, Mourad SA, Elanwar HH
147. Molecular phylogeny reveals distinct evolutionary lineages of the banded krait, Bungarus fasciatus (Squamata, Elapidae) in Asia.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Biakzuala L, Lalremsanga HT, Santra V
148. The distribution of blinkrate among Malawian young adults: a cross-sectional study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Mbamba M, Mzumara T, Chisale P
149. The synergetic effect of sitafloxacin-arbekacin combination in the Mycobacterium abscessus species.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Watanabe J, Ihara H, Takei S
150. Establishing a simple perfusion cell culture system for light-activated liposomes.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Mäki-Mikola E, Lauren P, Uema N
151. Coordinated local RNA overexpression of complement induced by interferon gamma in myositis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Casal-Dominguez M(#), Pinal-Fernandez I(#), Pak K
152. SH2D4A promotes centrosome maturation to support spindle microtubule formation and mitotic progression.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Yuki R, Ikeda Y, Yasutake R
153. PRR11 is a prognostic biomarker and correlates with immune infiltrates in bladder urothelial carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Ni W(#), Yi L(#), Dong X
154. Noncanonical regulation of imprinted gene Igf2 by amyloid-beta 1-42 in Alzheimer's disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Fertan E, Gendron WH, Wong AA
155. Metabolomic profiling in kidney cells treated with a sodium glucose-cotransporter 2 inhibitor.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Jo HA(#), Seo JH(#), Lee S
156. Rigidity control mechanism by turgor pressure in plants.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Kanahama T, Tsugawa S, Sato M.
157. Macromolecular crowding regulates matrix composition and gene expression in human gingival fibroblast cultures.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Ramalingam R, Jiang G, Larjava H
158. Clinical characteristics depending on magnetic resonance imaging patterns in idiopathic isolated optic neuritis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Park SM, Kim US.
159. Nicotine exposure decreases likelihood of SARS-CoV-2 RNA expression and neuropathology in the hACE2 mouse brain but not moribundity.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Letsinger AC, Ward JM, Fannin RD
160. The onset of rare earth metallosis begins with renal gadolinium-rich nanoparticles from magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent exposure.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
DeAguero J, Howard T, Kusewitt D
161. Impact of lamina-open side on unilateral open door laminoplasty in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Kang KC, Im SK, Lee JH
162. Blocking of PI3-kinase beta protects against cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury by reducing platelet activation and downstream microvascular thrombosis in rats.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Cheng Q, Wang M, Jin R
163. Efficacy of ZnO nanoparticles in Zn fortification and partitioning of wheat and rice grains under salt stress.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Mazhar Z, Akhtar J, Alhodaib A
164. Influence of a transient spark plasma discharge on producing high molecular masses of chemical products from L-cysteine.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Farhadi M, Sohbatzadeh F.
165. Non-enzymatic disposable electrochemical sensors based on CuO/Co(3)O(4)@MWCNTs nanocomposite modified screen-printed electrode for the direct determination of urea.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Magar HS, Hassan RYA, Abbas MN.
166. Segmentation of mine overburden dump particles from images using Mask R CNN.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Shrivastava S, Bhattacharjee S, Deb D.
167. Face pareidolia is enhanced by 40 Hz transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) of the face perception network.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Palmisano A(#), Chiarantoni G(#), Bossi F
168. Impact of GAP-43, Cx43 and actin expression on the outcome and overall survival in diffuse and anaplastic gliomas.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Krigers A, Demetz M, Moser P
169. Caloric restriction increases the resistance of aged heart to myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury via modulating AMPK-SIRT(1)-PGC(1a) energy metabolism pathway.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Guo Z(#), Wang M(#), Ying X
170. Radiomic phenotyping of the lung parenchyma in a lung cancer screening cohort.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Haghighi B, Horng H, Noël PB
171. Parametric study of pulsed nanosecond laser interaction with carbon-nanotube composite bipolar plate for PEMFCs.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Musse D, Lee D.
172. Association between urinary iodine concentration and the risk of papillary thyroid cancer by sex and age: a case-control study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Hwang Y, Oh HK, Chung JH
173. Novel biosynthesis of MnO NPs using Mycoendophyte: industrial bioprocessing strategies and scaling-up production with its evaluation as anti-phytopathogenic agents.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
El-Moslamy SH, Yahia IS, Zahran HY
174. The sleeping brain's connectivity and family environment: characterizing sleep EEG coherence in an infant cohort.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Markovic A, Schoch SF, Huber R
175. Clinical and sonographic impact of oral contraception in patients with deep endometriosis and adenomyosis at 2 years of follow-up.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Carrillo Torres P, Martínez-Zamora MÁ, Ros C
176. Comparing bound entanglement of bell diagonal pairs of qutrits and ququarts.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Popp C, Hiesmayr BC.
177. Red cabbage extract-mediated colorimetric sensor for swift, sensitive and economic detection of urease-positive bacteria by naked eye and Smartphone platform.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Celik C, Demir NY, Duman M
178. Mechanical performance and thermal stability of hardened Portland cement-recycled sludge pastes containing MnFe(2)O(4) nanoparticles.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Mohamed OA, El-Dek SI, El-Gamal SMA.
179. Incentive strategy of safe and intelligent production in assembled steel plants from the perspective of evolutionary game.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Wang Y, Chen L, Li Y
180. Energy management system in smart buildings based coalition game theory with fog platform and smart meter infrastructure.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Saeed MA, Eladl AA, Alhasnawi BN
181. A nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model with damage and experimental validation for composite solid propellant.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Li H, Xu JS, Chen X
182. Combining thermal, tri-stereo optical and bi-static InSAR satellite imagery for lava volume estimates: the 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption, La Palma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Plank S, Shevchenko AV, d'Angelo P
183. Measurements and computational fluid dynamics investigation of the indoor radon distribution in a typical naturally ventilated room.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Adelikhah M, Imani M, Kovács T.
184. A numerical study on the relationship between the doping and performance in P3HT:PCBM organic bulk heterojunction solar cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 4
Movla H(#), Shahalizad A, Asgari A(#).
185. Digital manufacturing of personalised footwear with embedded sensors.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Binelli MR(#), van Dommelen R(#), Nagel Y
186. Spatio-temporal numerical modeling of stochastic predator-prey model.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Yasin MW, Ahmed N, Iqbal MS
187. Engineered tissue vascularization and engraftment depends on host model.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Brady EL(#), Prado O(#), Johansson F
188. Anti-biofilm effects and healing promotion by silver oxynitrate-based dressings.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Doherty C, Byrne CV, Baqader S
189. Multimodal sensor fusion in the latent representation space.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Piechocki RJ, Wang X, Bocus MJ.
190. The impact of oxygen supply and erythrocytes during normothermic kidney perfusion.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
von Horn C, Zlatev H, Lüer B
191. Effects of microplastics and surfactants on surface roughness of water waves.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Sun Y, Bakker T, Ruf C
192. Differentially expression analyses in fruit of cultivated and wild species of grape and peach.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Huang W(#), Li M(#), Zhang H
193. Lysine 222 in PPAR γ1 functions as the key site of MuRF2-mediated ubiquitination modification.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Fan Y(#), Xu F(#), Wang R
194. Integrative pathway and network analysis provide insights on flooding-tolerance genes in soybean.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Jhan LH, Yang CY, Huang CM
195. Immature and mature bone marrow-derived dendritic cells exhibit distinct intracellular mechanical properties.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Leblanc-Hotte A(#), Audiger C(#), Chabot-Roy G
196. DNA quality evaluation of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded heart tissue for DNA methylation array analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Dupont ME, Christiansen SN, Jacobsen SB
197. Self-association of the glycopeptide antibiotic teicoplanin A2 in aqueous solution studied by molecular hydrodynamics.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Chun T, Pattem J, Gillis RB
198. Evaluation of the portability of computable phenotypes with natural language processing in the eMERGE network.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Pacheco JA, Rasmussen LV, Wiley K Jr
199. Disease state associated with chronic toe lesions in hellbenders may alter anti-chytrid skin defenses.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Hardman RH, Reinert LK, Irwin KJ
200. TEMPRANILLO homologs in apple regulate flowering time in the woodland strawberry Fragaria vesca.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Dejahang A, Maghsoudi N, Mousavi A
201. Graphene-based optofluidic tweezers for refractive-index and size-based nanoparticle sorting, manipulation, and detection.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Gholizadeh E(#), Jafari B(#), Golmohammadi S.
202. Machine learning to improve frequent emergency department use prediction: a retrospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Chiu YM, Courteau J, Dufour I
203. Genome-wide transcriptional response of Escherichia coli O157:H7 to light-emitting diodes with various wavelengths.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Khan SA, Kim MJ, Yuk HG.
204. Enhanced bacterial clearance in early secondary sepsis in a porcine intensive care model.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Wilske F(#), Skorup P(#), Hanslin K
205. The effects of being told you are in the intervention group on training results: a pilot study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Lindberg K, Bjørnsen T, Vårvik FT
206. Emotional and behavioral changes in French children during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Landman B, Cohen A, Khoury E
207. A circulating microRNA panel as a novel dynamic monitor for oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Piao Y, Jung SN, Lim MA
208. Yoghurt as a deglutition aid for oral medication: effects on famotidine powder dissolution rate and pharmacokinetics.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Gotoh Y, Tabata Y, Sugiura S
209. Gut microbial signature in lung cancer patients highlights specific taxa as predictors for durable clinical benefit.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Haberman Y, Kamer I, Amir A
210. Computational fluid-structure interaction analysis of flapping uvula on aerodynamics and pharyngeal vibration in a pediatric airway.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Chen Y, Feng X, Shi XQ
211. Clinical relevance of leukocyte-associated endotoxins measured by semi-automatic synthetic luminescent substrate method.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Terayama M, Takahashi G, Nonoguchi M
212. Limitation of convergence-confinement method on three-dimensional tunnelling effect.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Chang L, Alejano LR, Cui L
213. Differential gene expression analysis using RNA-seq in the blood of goats exposed to transportation stress.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Naldurtiker A, Batchu P, Kouakou B
214. Visibility of early gastric cancers by texture and color enhancement imaging using a high-definition ultrathin transnasal endoscope.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Koyama Y, Sugimoto M, Kawai T
215. Solving large-scale discrete time-cost trade-off problem using hybrid multi-verse optimizer model.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Son PVH, Nguyen Dang NT.
216. Local IL-10 delivery modulates the immune response and enhances repair of volumetric muscle loss muscle injury.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Huynh T, Reed C, Blackwell Z
217. The effect of mindfulness-based intervention on neurobehavioural functioning and its association with white-matter microstructural changes in preterm young adolescents.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Siffredi V, Liverani MC, Van De Ville D
218. The post-conflict expansion of coca farming and illicit cattle ranching in Colombia.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Murillo-Sandoval PJ, Kilbride J, Tellman E
219. Narrowing the coordination solution space during motor learning standardizes individual patterns of search strategy but diversifies learning rates.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Komar J, Seifert L, Vergne N
220. Entropy optimization and heat flux analysis of Maxwell nanofluid configurated by an exponentially stretching surface with velocity slip.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Nasir S, Berrouk AS, Aamir A
221. Fabrication of biochar derived from different types of feedstocks as an efficient adsorbent for soil heavy metal removal.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Burachevskaya M, Minkina T, Bauer T
222. Physical and psychosocial factors associated with sexual satisfaction in long-term cancer survivors 5 and 10 years after diagnosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Heyne S, Taubenheim S, Dietz A
223. De novo transcriptome assembly from the nodal root growth zone of hydrated and water-deficit stressed maize inbred line FR697.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Sen S, King SK, McCubbin T
224. Evaluation of the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalization in vaccinated and previously infected subjects based on real world data.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Rossi MA, Cena T, Binala J
225. Different effects of pesticides on transcripts of the endocrine regulation and energy metabolism in honeybee foragers from different colonies.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Christen V.
226. Laboratory protocol is important to improve the correlation between target copies and metabarcoding read numbers of seed DNA in ground beetle regurgitates.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Neidel V, Traugott M.
227. Influence of pneumatization on morphology of temporal bone-related vasculatures and their morphometric relationship with ear regions: a computed tomography study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Aladeyelu OS, Olojede SO, Lawal SK
228. Yield, growth development and grain characteristics of seven Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) genotypes grown in open-field production systems under hot-arid climatic conditions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Oustani M, Mehda S, Halilat MT
229. Combining accelerometers and direct visual observations to detect sickness and pain in cows of different ages submitted to systemic inflammation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Ledoux D, Veissier I, Meunier B
230. Exploring finite temperature properties of materials with quantum computers.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Powers C, Bassman Oftelie L, Camps D
231. The effect of temporal expectation on the correlations of frontal neural activity with alpha oscillation and sensory-motor latency.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Lee J.
232. Simulation-based architecture of a stable large-area [Formula: see text] atmospheric plasma source.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Roshan MV, Razaghi S, Singh A.
233. Magnetic bentonite decorated with Pd nanoparticles and cross-linked polyvinyl pyridine as an efficient nanocatalyst for Suzuki coupling and 4-Nitrophenol reduction reactions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Daneshafruz H, Mohammadi P, Barani H
234. Estimation of dye concentration by using Kubelka-Munk and Allen-Goldfinger reflective models: comparing the performance.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Safi M, Amirshahi SH.
235. Evaluating the effects of giraffe skin disease and wire snare wounds on the gaits of free-ranging Nubian giraffe.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Bernstein-Kurtycz LM, Dunham NT, Evenhuis J
236. Research on blasting cumulative dynamic damage of surrounding rock in step construction tunnel.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Cui Y, Wu B, Meng G
237. Development of a treatment for water contaminated with Cr (VI) using cellulose xanthogenate from E. crassipes on a pilot scale.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Sayago UFC, Ballesteros Ballesteros V.
238. Exploring the impact of temperature and oxygen partial pressure on the spent nuclear fuel oxidation during its dry management.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Milena-Pérez A, Bonales LJ, Rodríguez-Villagra N
239. Dynamics of fatty acid and non-volatile polar metabolite profiles in colostrum and milk depending on the lactation stage and parity number of sows.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 3
Settachaimongkon S, Homyog K, Mekboonsonglarp W
240. A micromechanical study on the effects of precipitation on the mechanical properties of CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloys with various annealing temperatures.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Huang CW, Su PY, Yu CH
241. UCHL1, besides leptin and fibronectin, also could be a sensitive marker of the relapsing-remitting type of multiple sclerosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Górska E(#), Tylicka M(#), Hermanowicz A
242. Cortical atrophy in chronic subdural hematoma from ultra-structures to physical properties.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Familiari P(#), Lapolla P(#), Relucenti M
243. Spin-flip-driven anomalous Hall effect and anisotropic magnetoresistance in a layered Ising antiferromagnet.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Oh DG(#), Kim JH(#), Kim MK
244. Comparison of portal vein hemodynamics with ultrasound-based elastography for the prediction of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic liver disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Yamaguchi K, Seko Y, Sakai T
245. Assortativity in cognition.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Bilancini E(#), Boncinelli L(#), Vicario E(#).
246. Prenatal genetic analysis of fetal aberrant right subclavian artery with or without additional ultrasound anomalies in a third level referral center.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Xue H(#), Zhang L(#), Yu A(#)
247. Orange peels magnetic activate carbon (MG-OPAC) composite formation for toxic chromium absorption from wastewater.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Khalil A, Salem M, Ragab S
248. Exploring the diagnostic value of eosinophil-to-lymphocyte ratio to differentiate Kawasaki disease from other febrile diseases based on clinical prediction model.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Guo X(#), Liao J(#), Fan X
249. Rescuing cellular function in Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy by healthy exogenous mitochondrial internalization.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Méthot S, Proulx S, Brunette I
250. Contributions of NR1H3 genetic polymorphisms to susceptibility and effects of narrowband UVB phototherapy to nonsegmental vitiligo.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Xu M(#), Xu Q(#), Liu Y
251. A clustering linear combination method for multiple phenotype association studies based on GWAS summary statistics.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Wang M, Cao X, Zhang S
252. Papaver somniferum in seventeenth century (Italy): archaeotoxicological study on brain and bone samples in patients from a hospital in Milan.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Giordano G(#), Mattia M(#), Biehler-Gomez L
253. Silver nanoparticles and platelet-rich fibrin accelerate tendon healing in donkey.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Abdelhakiem MAH, Hussein A, Seleim SM
254. Interconnected hydrologic extreme drivers and impacts depicted by remote sensing data assimilation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Lahmers TM, Kumar SV, Locke KA
255. Effect of cavity shape on microstructural evolution of pure aluminum in electrically-assisted solidification.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Choi SJ, Kim D, La M
256. A new method for ferroresonance suppression in an IEEE 33-bus distribution system integrated with multi distributed generation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Abdel-Hamed AM, El-Shafhy MM, Badran EA.
257. Effect of oxygen vacancy and highly dispersed MnO(x) on soot combustion in cerium manganese catalyst.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Zhu Y, Chen Z, Li H
258. Structural controllability of general edge dynamics in complex network.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Pang S, Zhou Y, Ren X
259. Bio-physiological susceptibility of the brain, heart, and lungs to systemic ischemia reperfusion and hyperoxia-induced injury in post-cardiac arrest rats.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Aoki T, Wong V, Endo Y
260. Efficacy and safety of angiogenesis inhibitors plus immune checkpoint inhibitors in advanced soft tissue sarcoma: a real-world, single-center study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Liu Z(#), Xu J(#), Liu M
261. A radioanatomical study of 3rd segment terminal branches of the maxillary artery in the pterygopalatine fossa.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Lovász K, Magyar P, Szalóki T
262. Unsupervised anomaly detection for posteroanterior chest X-rays using multiresolution patch-based self-supervised learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Kim M(#), Moon KR(#), Lee BD.
263. Astragalus-cultivated soil was a suitable bed soil for nurturing Angelica sinensis seedlings from the rhizosphere microbiome perspective.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
An ZG, Guo FX, Chen Y
264. PAMAM-G4 protect the N-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-2-propylpentanamide (HO-AAVPA) and maintain its antiproliferative effects on MCF-7.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Ortiz-Morales AA, García-Vázquez JB, Fragoso-Vázquez MJ
265. Potential benefits of a blend of essential oils on metabolism, digestibility, organ development and gene expression of dairy calves.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Campolina JP, Coelho SG, Belli AL
266. Bellows stiffness characteristics of cord-reinforced air spring with winding formation under preload conditions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Cheng YQ, Gao H, Shuai CG.
267. Novel biomarkers for neoplastic progression from ulcerative colitis to colorectal cancer: a systems biology approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Shahnazari M, Afshar S, Emami MH
268. Rapid diagnosis of membranous nephropathy based on serum and urine Raman spectroscopy combined with deep learning methods.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Zhang X, Song X, Li W
269. Endoscopic image-guided laser treatment system based on fiber bundle laser steering.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Miyoshi Y(#), Nishimura T(#), Shimojo Y
270. Cdk5 mediates rotational force-induced brain injury.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Umfress A, Chakraborti A, Priya Sudarsana Devi S
271. Changes in clinicomorphometrical findings, lipid profiles, hepatorenal indices and oxidant/antioxidant status as thermoregulatory adaptive mechanisms in poikilothermic Dabb lizard (Uromastyx aegyptia).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Abdelghffar EAR, ALmohammadi AG, Malik S
272. Spectroscopic identification of Ca-bearing uranyl silicates formed in C-S-H systems.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 28
Yorkshire AS, Stennett MC, Walkley B
273. Applying machine learning methods to enable automatic customisation of knee replacement implants from CT data.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Burge TA, Jeffers JRT, Myant CW.
274. Effects of mammalian sex hormones on in vitro organogenesis of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Haliloğlu K, Türkoğlu A, Balpınar Ö
275. Days alive and out of hospital at 30 days and outcomes of off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Oh AR(#), Lee SH(#), Park J
276. An alternate hybrid PWM for uniform thermal sharing in single phase voltage-source inverter.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Kiranmai KSP(#), Damodaran RV(#), Hushki M
277. Spherical PEG/SiO(2) promising agents for Lamivudine antiviral drug delivery, a molecular dynamics simulation study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Razzaghi S, Vafaee M, Kharazian B
278. Sleep duration during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: A GIS-based large sample survey study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Al-Mamun F, Hussain N, Sakib N
279. Remote-refocusing light-sheet fluorescence microscopy enables 3D imaging of electromechanical coupling of hiPSC-derived and adult cardiomyocytes in co-culture.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Dvinskikh L, Sparks H, Brito L
280. Patient profile, management, and quality of life associated with Dravet syndrome: a cross-sectional, multicentre study of 80 patients in Spain.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Gil-Nagel A, Sánchez-Carpintero R, Villanueva V.
281. Predicting anti-cancer activity in flavonoids: a graph theoretic approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Mukwembi S, Nyabadza F.
282. Development of a novel ex vivo organ culture system to improve preservation methods of regenerative tissues.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Yuta T(#), Tian T(#), Chiba Y
283. Research on the flow experience and social influences of users of short online videos. A case study of DouYin.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Zheng C.
284. Nine patients with KCNQ2-related neonatal seizures and functional studies of two missense variants.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Chokvithaya S, Caengprasath N, Buasong A
285. Repeatability and reproducibility of cardiac manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Singh T, Joshi S, Meah MN
286. A new and accurate qPCR protocol to detect plant pathogenic bacteria of the genus 'Candidatus Liberibacter' in plants and insects.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
de Chaves MQ(#), Morán F(#), Barbé S
287. Investigation of V/III ratio dependencies for optimizing AlN growth during reduced parasitic reaction in metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Tomita A, Miyagawa T, Hirayama H
288. The catalytic performance of CuFe(2)O(4)@CQD nanocomposite as a high-perform heterogeneous nanocatalyst in nitroaniline group reduction.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Naghash-Hamed S, Arsalani N, Mousavi SB.
289. Investigation on CMB monopole and dipole using blackbody radiation inversion.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Dhal S, Paul RK.
290. Using machine learning with optical profilometry for GaN wafer screening.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Gallagher JC, Mastro MA, Ebrish MA
291. Frailty and pain in an acute private hospital: an observational point prevalence study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Saunders R, Crookes K, Seaman K
292. Sodium benzoate attenuates 2,8-dihydroxyadenine nephropathy by inhibiting monocyte/macrophage TNF-α expression.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Oshima Y, Wakino S, Kanda T
293. Residue-specific binding of Ni(II) ions influences the structure and aggregation of amyloid beta (Aβ) peptides.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Berntsson E, Vosough F, Svantesson T
294. Cost-effectiveness evaluation of risk-based breast cancer screening in Urban Hebei Province.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Shi J, Guan Y, Liang D
295. Risk perception and gratitude mediate the negative relationship between COVID-19 management satisfaction and public anxiety.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Mei Y, Tan L, Yang W
296. Initial results of the meteorological data from the first 325 sols of the Tianwen-1 mission.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Jiang C, Jiang Y, Li H
297. Photobiomodulation therapy retarded axial length growth in children with myopia: evidence from a 12-month randomized controlled trial evidence.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Zhou L, Tong L, Li Y
298. A survey of barriers and facilitators to ultrasound use in low- and middle-income countries.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Ginsburg AS, Liddy Z, Khazaneh PT
299. Discounting money and health effects from communicable and noncommunicable diseases in Thailand.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Yadee J, Permsuwan U, Guntawongwan K
300. Author Correction: Estimation of the mutation rate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in cases with recurrent tuberculosis using whole genome sequencing.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Comín J, Cebollada A; Aragonese Working Group on Molecular Epidemiology of Tuberculosis (EPIMOLA); Samper S.
301. Hip arthroplasty for patients with chronic renal failure on dialysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Lee SM, Shin WC, Woo SH
302. Development of controlled nanosphere lithography technology.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Osipov AA, Gagaeva AE, Speshilova AB
303. Structural basis for the toxic activity of MafB2 from maf genomic island 2 (MGI-2) in N. meningitidis B16B6.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Park SH(#), Jeong SJ(#), Ha SC.
304. Fragmentation and correlations in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate undergoing breakup.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Dutta S, Lode AUJ, Alon OE.
305. Deep learning augmented ECG analysis to identify biomarker-defined myocardial injury.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Chaudhari GR(#), Mayfield JJ(#), Barrios JP
306. Knowledge grounded medical dialogue generation using augmented graphs.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Varshney D, Zafar A, Behera NK
307. Influence of carbon nanotube suspensions on Casson fluid flow over a permeable shrinking membrane: an analytical approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Mahesh R, Mahabaleshwar US, Sofos F.
308. Parental personality and early life ecology: a prospective cohort study from preconception to postpartum.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Spry EA, Olsson CA, Aarsman SR
309. Access to information and oncofertility consultation for young women with breast cancer: a population-based study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Martinet-Kosinski F, Lamy S, Bauvin E
310. Changes in task performance and frontal cortex activation within and over sessions during the n-back task.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Yeung MK, Han YMY.
311. Improvements in 2D p-type WSe(2) transistors towards ultimate CMOS scaling.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Patoary NH, Xie J, Zhou G
312. Immature platelet fraction predicts early marrow recovery after severe chemotherapy associated neutropenia.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Salvador C, Meryk A, Hetzer B
313. Causes for an extreme cold condition over Northeast Asia during April 2020.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Kim GU, Oh H, Kim YS
314. Differences in nutritional risk assessment between NRS2002, RFH-NPT and LDUST in cirrhotic patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Zhang P, Wang Q, Zhu M
315. Correlates of burnout among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Hwang S, Kwon KT, Lee SH
316. Development of evaluation system for cerebral artery occlusion in emergency medical services: noninvasive measurement and utilization of pulse waves.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Shimada T, Matsubara K, Koyama D
317. Pet dog facial expression recognition based on convolutional neural network and improved whale optimization algorithm.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Mao Y, Liu Y.
318. Development of an array of molecular tools for the identification of khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium), a destructive beetle of stored food products.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Wu Y, Domingue MJ, McGraw AR
319. Construction of a prognostic prediction model for renal clear cell carcinoma combining clinical traits.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Weng Y, Ning P.
320. Association between quality control and outcomes of septic shock caused by intestinal perforation in China: a cross-sectional study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Wang L(#), Ma X(#), He H(#)
321. Hybrid de novo genome assembly and comparative genomics of three different isolates of Gnomoniopsis castaneae.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Turco S, Mazzaglia A, Drais MI
322. Re-analysis of publicly available methylomes using signal detection yields new information.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Hafner A, Mackenzie S.
323. Analgesic effects of a highly selective mPGES-1 inhibitor.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Stewart MJ, Weaver LM, Ding K
324. SBAS-InSAR based validated landslide susceptibility mapping along the Karakoram Highway: a case study of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 27
Kulsoom I, Hua W, Hussain S
325. Breakthrough: a first-in-class virtual simulator for dose optimization of ACE inhibitors in translational cardiovascular medicine.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 26
Schneider BK, Ward J, Sotillo S
326. Machine learning-based obesity classification considering 3D body scanner measurements.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 26
Jeon S, Kim M, Yoon J
327. Gestational age and trajectories of body mass index and height from birth through adolescence in the Danish National Birth Cohort.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 26
Vinther JL, Ekstrøm CT, Sørensen TIA
328. High frequency conductivity decomposition by solving physically constraint underdetermined inverse problem in human brain.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Kwon OI, Lee MB, Jahng GH.
329. Effects of tongue right positioner use on tongue pressure: a pilot study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Yanagida R, Hara K, Namiki C
330. Horses discriminate human body odors between fear and joy contexts in a habituation-discrimination protocol.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Jardat P, Destrez A, Damon F
331. On the potential of transauricular electrical stimulation to reduce visually induced motion sickness.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Molefi E, McLoughlin I, Palaniappan R.
332. Machine learning model for predicting ciprofloxacin resistance and presence of ESBL in patients with UTI in the ED.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Lee HG, Seo Y, Kim JH
333. Short-term outcome of adrenal radiofrequency ablation of adrenal cysts: a single-center experience.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Pak SJ, Lee YM, Kim PN
334. Composition, structure and robustness of Lichen guilds.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Duran-Nebreda S, Valverde S.
335. Real-time automatic temperature regulation during in vivo MRI-guided laser-induced thermotherapy (MR-LITT).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Desclides M, Ozenne V, Bour P
336. Spatio-temporal visualization and forecasting of [Formula: see text] in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
da Silva KLS, López-Gonzales JL, Turpo-Chaparro JE
337. Impact of timing to initiate adjuvant therapy on survival of elderly glioblastoma patients using the SEER-Medicare and national cancer databases.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Zhu P, Du XL, Hwang LY
338. Reliability and validity of OpenPose for measuring hip-knee-ankle angle in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Saiki Y, Kabata T, Ojima T
339. Assessment of foraminal decompression following discoplasty using a combination of ex vivo testing and numerical tools.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Techens C, Bereczki F, Montanari S
340. DFT-aided machine learning-based discovery of magnetism in Fe-based bimetallic chalcogenides.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Pant D, Pokharel S, Mandal S
341. Estimation of optimal tilt angles for photovoltaic panels in Egypt with experimental verifications.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Abdelaal AK, El-Fergany A.
342. A highly elastic absorbable monofilament suture fabricated from poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Murayama A, Yoneda H, Maehara A
343. Monitoring and immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination of laboratory rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Oh DQP, Grothe I, Lukaß H
344. The potential utility of the SAGIT instrument in the clinical assessment of patients with acromegaly, a large single-centre study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Sawicka-Gutaj N(#), Ziółkowska P(#), Biczysko A
345. Slack-based tunable damping leads to a trade-off between robustness and efficiency in legged locomotion.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Mo A, Izzi F, Gönen EC
346. Theoretical investigation of the MXene precursors Mo(x)V(4-x)AlC(3) (0 ≤ x ≤ 4).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Moreno-Armenta MG, Guerrero-Sánchez J, Gutiérrez-Ojeda SJ
347. Replication and mediation of the association between the metabolome and clinical markers of metabolic health in an adolescent cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Brachem C, Weinhold L, Alexy U
348. Evidence for avoidance tendencies linked to anxiety about specific types of thinking.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Daker RJ, Slipenkyj MS, Green AE
349. Prognostic impact of PD-L1 and TIGIT expression in non-small cell lung cancer following concurrent chemo-radiotherapy.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Mori M, Kanayama M, Kuwata T
350. A fast privacy-preserving patient record linkage of time series data.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Soliman A, Rajasekaran S, Toman P
351. Influence of aldo-keto reductase 1C3 polymorphisms in early-onset female psoriasis patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Nojiri Y, Nakamura M, Magara T
352. Variational quantum approximate support vector machine with inference transfer.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Park S, Park DK, Rhee JK.
353. Differential expression of interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3 (IFIT3) in Alzheimer's disease and HIV-1 associated neurocognitive disorders.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Garces A, Martinez B, De La Garza R
354. Removal of toxic lead from aqueous solution using a low-cost adsorbent.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 25
Dehghani MH, Afsari Sardari S, Afsharnia M
355. Imaging biomarkers and clinical factors associated with the rate of progressive inner and outer retinal thinning in patients with diabetic macular edema.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Borrelli E, Barresi C, Feo A
356. Accurate holographic light potentials using pixel crosstalk modelling.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Schroff P, La Rooij A, Haller E
357. Named entity recognition for Chinese based on global pointer and adversarial training.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Li H, Cheng M, Yang Z
358. Environmental changes associated with drying climate are expected to affect functional groups of pro- and microeukaryotes differently in temporary saline waters.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Márton Z, Szabó B, Vad CF
359. Fast simultaneous estimation of nD transport coefficients and source function in perturbation experiments.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
van Kampen R, de Vries J, Weiland S
360. Experimental venous thrombus resolution is driven by IL-6 mediated monocyte actions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Obi AT, Sharma SB, Elfline MA
361. Development and validation of a cynomolgus macaque grimace scale for acute pain assessment.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Paterson EA, O'Malley CI, Moody C
362. The microstructure, mechanical and electrochemical properties of 3D printed alloys with reusing powders.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Bajt Leban M, Hren M, Kosec T.
363. Risk factors for wound healing complications after revascularization for MMD with complete Y-shaped incision.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Wang C, Li H, Dong Y
364. A comprehensive overview of SMN and NAIP copy numbers in Iranian SMA patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Savad S, Ashrafi MR, Samadaian N
365. Enlightening the bimetallic effect of Au@Pd nanoparticles on Ni oxide nanostructures with enhanced catalytic activity.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Bruno L, Scuderi M, Priolo F
366. Automated in-depth cerebral arterial labelling using cerebrovascular vasculature reframing and deep neural networks.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Hong SW, Song HN, Choi JU
367. Design, development, in-vitro and in-vivo evaluation of polylactic acid-based multifunctional nanofibrous patches for efficient healing of diabetic wounds.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Ali IH(#), Khalil IA(#), El-Sherbiny IM.
368. Curvilinear regression analysis of benzenoid hydrocarbons and computation of some reduced reverse degree based topological indices for hyaluronic acid-paclitaxel conjugates.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Ravi V, Desikan K.
369. Classification of deep-sea cold seep bacteria by transformer combined with Raman spectroscopy.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Liu B(#), Liu K(#), Qi X
370. A new patient-specific overformed anatomical implant design method to reconstruct dysplastic femur trochlea.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Öztürk Y, Ayazoğlu M, Öztürk Ç
371. Electromagnetic metamaterials to approach superconductive-like electrical conductivity.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Danisi A, Zannini C.
372. Predicting tracheostomy in multiple injured patients with severe thoracic injury (AIS ≥ 3) with the new T(3)P-Score: a multivariable regression prediction analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Bläsius FM, Wutzler S, Störmann P
373. Bovine tumor necrosis factor-alpha Increases IL-6, IL-8, and PGE2 in bovine fibroblast-like synoviocytes by metabolic reprogramming.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Manosalva C(#), Alarcon P(#), Quiroga J
374. Synthesis of a magnetic polystyrene-supported Cu(II)-containing heterocyclic complex as a magnetically separable and reusable catalyst for the preparation of N-sulfonyl-N-aryl tetrazoles.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Nasrollahzadeh M, Motahharifar N, Pakzad K
375. Explainable AI for unveiling deep learning pollen classification model based on fusion of scattered light patterns and fluorescence spectroscopy.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Brdar S, Panić M, Matavulj P
376. Synthesis, experimental and computational studies on the anti-corrosion performance of substituted Schiff bases of 2-methoxybenzaldehyde for mild steel in HCl medium.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Ibeji CU, Akintayo DC, Oluwasola HO
377. Additional flight delays and magnetospheric-ionospheric disturbances during solar storms.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Wang Y, Xu XH, Wei FS
378. Variability by region and method in human brain sodium concentrations estimated by (23)Na magnetic resonance imaging: a meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Ridley B, Morsillo F, Zaaraoui W
379. Optimization of quasi-hemispherical CdZnTe detectors by means of first principles simulation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Vicini V, Zanettini S, Sarzi Amadè N
380. Impact of activation energy and variable properties on peristaltic flow through porous wall channel.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Rafiq M, Shaheen A, Trabelsi Y
381. Two-year outcomes of treat-and-extend regimen with intravitreal brolucizumab for treatment-naïve neovascular age-related macular degeneration with type 1 macular neovascularization.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Matsumoto H, Hoshino J, Nakamura K
382. Comparison of clinicopathological characteristics and survival between symptomatic and asymptomatic anaplastic thyroid carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Cho S, Kim H, Oh YL
383. Two wild carnivores selectively forage for prey but not amino acids.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Dwyer GK, Stoffels RJ, Silvester E
384. The clinical characteristics of anemia in native adults living at different altitudes of the Tibetan Plateau.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Fang J(#), Li R(#), Ye D(#)
385. Biogenic copper oxide nanoparticles from Bacillus coagulans induced reactive oxygen species generation and apoptotic and anti-metastatic activities in breast cancer cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Dolati M, Tafvizi F, Salehipour M
386. Prevalence of perioperative asymptomatic venous thromboses of the lower extremity in 30 consecutive patients undergoing transsphenoidal surgery for Cushing's disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Huckhagel T, Atlihan G, Langer F
387. Implementation of helicase-dependent amplification with SYBR Green I for prompt naked-eye detection of bacterial contaminants in platelet products.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Yamket W, Sathianpitayakul P, Santanirand P
388. In-situ formation of Ag nanoparticles in the MAO coating during the processing of cp-Ti.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Maj Ł, Fogarassy Z, Wojtas D
389. Heterogenous effects of the Great East Japan earthquake on prosociality of people depending on their age.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Sawada Y, Ashida T, Iwasaki K.
390. Formulas calculating the reactance of tubular busbars and their derivation in primary electrical connection schemes.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Ge Q, Li Z, Liu S
391. Removal of Cu(2+), Fe(2+) and SO(4)(2-) ions from industrial wastewater by ion exchange resins contained in a rotating perforated cylindrical basket of different heights.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Zakaria KK, Farag HA, El-Gayar DA.
392. Study on the synthesis mechanism of sodalite, gismondine, and zeolite-P1 zeolite materials from ladle furnace slag and fly ash.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Ma W, Yi Y, Fang M
393. Improving performance of mesoporous MOF AlTp impregnated with ionic liquids for CO(2) adsorption.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Noorani N, Mehrdad A.
394. Variable fluid properties analysis for thermally laminated 3-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic non-Newtonian nanofluid over a stretching sheet.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Akbar NS, Al-Zubaidi A, Saleem S
395. Study on mechanical properties and energy change of rock materials in whole splitting process based on peridynamics.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Li H, Liu J, Wang L
396. Folate receptor targeted nanoparticles containing niraparib and doxorubicin as a potential candidate for the treatment of high grade serous ovarian cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Wang L, Evans JC, Ahmed L
397. Genetic diversity of virus auxiliary metabolism genes associated with phosphorus metabolism in Napahai plateau wetland.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Yu H(#), Xiong L(#), Li Y
398. Novel approach to studying effects of inhalational exposure on lung function in civilians exposed to the World Trade Center disaster.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Wang Y, Berger KI, Zhang Y
399. Diagnosing malignant distal bile duct obstruction using artificial intelligence based on clinical biomarkers.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 24
Sugimoto Y, Kurita Y(#), Kuwahara T(#)
400. A facile novel synthesis of AgCuO(2) delafossite nanoparticles and evaluation of their antimicrobial activity.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Ateia EE, Arman MM, Mohamed AT.
401. Motor-effector dependent modulation of sensory-motor processes identified by the multivariate pattern analysis of EEG activity.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Choi K(#), Woo S(#), Lee J.
402. Domes and semi-capsules as model systems for infrared microspectroscopy of biological cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Solheim JH(#), Brandsrud MA(#), Kong B
403. A novel computational approach to pain perception modelling within a Bayesian framework using quantitative sensory testing.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Drusko A(#), Baumeister D(#), McPhee Christensen M
404. Modeling present and future distribution of plankton populations in a coastal upwelling zone: the copepod Calanus chilensis as a study case.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Rivera R, Escribano R, González CE
405. Identifying important nodes in complex networks based on extended degree and E-shell hierarchy decomposition.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Liu J, Zheng J.
406. Hippocampal volumetry to determine the resection side in patients with intractable non-lesional bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Seyama G, Iida K, Kagawa K
407. Investigating responses to object-labels in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Kőszegi H, Fugazza C, Magyari L
408. Implicit feedback policies for COVID-19: why "zero-COVID" policies remain elusive.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Jadbabaie A, Sarker A, Shah D.
409. The diachronic trend of female and male stature in Milan over 2000 years.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Biehler-Gomez L, Del Bo B, Petrosino D
410. Use of access port covers in transport incubators to improve thermoregulation during neonatal transport.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Fukuyama T, Arimitsu T.
411. Design and fabrication of superhydrophobic cellulose nanocrystal films by combination of self-assembly and organocatalysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Alimohammadzadeh R, Sanhueza I, Córdova A.
412. Observation of near-inertial waves in the wake of four typhoons in the northern South China Sea.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Gong Q, Wang Q, Chen L
413. Bile metabolites as diagnostic biomarkers for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Zhang D(#), Zhao G(#), Sun W
414. Feasibility of an inertial measurement unit sensor-based guiding system for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo treatment: A pilot study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Pastor CAC(#), Kwon C(#), Joo JS
415. Estimation of rocks' failure parameters from drilling data by using artificial neural network.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Siddig O, Ibrahim AF, Elkatatny S.
416. A CRISPR-Cas9-mediated F0 screen to identify pro-regenerative genes in the zebrafish retinal pigment epithelium.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Lu F, Leach LL, Gross JM.
417. NOTCH2NLC GGC repeats are not expanded in Italian amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Manini A, Gagliardi D, Meneri M
418. Measuring visual information gathering in individuals with ultra low vision using virtual reality.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Kartha A, Sadeghi R, Bradley C
419. Facile preparation of flame-retardant cellulose composite with biodegradable and water resistant properties for electronic device applications.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Chandrasekaran S, Cruz-Izquierdo A, Castaing R
420. Scaling-up strategies for controllable biosynthetic ZnO NPs using cell free-extract of endophytic Streptomyces albus: characterization, statistical optimization, and biomedical activities evaluation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
El-Moslamy SH, Elnouby MS, Rezk AH
421. Development of a chub mackerel with less-aggressive fry stage by genome editing of arginine vasotocin receptor V1a2.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Ohga H, Shibata K, Sakanoue R
422. Numerical solution of neutral delay differential equations using orthogonal neural network.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Vinodbhai CD, Dubey S.
423. Quantification of the methodological error in kinematic evaluation of the DRUJ using dynamic CT.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Oonk JGM, Dobbe JGG, Strackee SD
424. Targeted delivery of paclitaxel drug using polymer-coated magnetic nanoparticles for fibrosarcoma therapy: in vitro and in vivo studies.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Al-Obaidy R, Haider AJ, Al-Musawi S
425. Numerical simulation on energy transfer enhancement of a Williamson ferrofluid subjected to thermal radiation and a magnetic field using hybrid ultrafine particles.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Swalmeh MZ, Alwawi FA, Kausar MS
426. Assessing brain state and anesthesia level with two-photon calcium signals.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Tort-Colet N, Resta F, Montagni E
427. Uncertainty in vulnerability of networks under attack.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Ermagun A, Tajik N, Mahmassani H.
428. Influence of surface carbon on the performance of cesiated p-GaN photocathodes with high quantum efficiency.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Schaber J, Xiang R, Teichert J
429. The effect of a brief, unplanned treatment delay on neovascular age-related macular degeneration patients: a retrospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Zehden JA, Ghosh A, Soundararajan S
430. Brown bear skin-borne secretions display evidence of individuality and age-sex variation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Clapham M(#), Wilson AE(#), Williams CL
431. On the identification of internal solitary waves from moored observations in the northern South China Sea.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Gong Q, Chen L, Diao Y
432. Alleviation of arthritis through prevention of neutrophil extracellular traps by an orally available inhibitor of protein arginine deiminase 4.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Gajendran C, Fukui S, Sadhu NM
433. [(18)F]Tosyl fluoride as a versatile [(18)F]fluoride source for the preparation of (18)F-labeled radiopharmaceuticals.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Zhou D, Chu W, Xu J
434. Integrative taxonomy and species distribution models of the genus Diamesus Hope, 1840 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Silphinae).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Růžička J, Jakubec P, Mahlerová K
435. Evaluation of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) synthesis by Pichia sp. TSLS24 yeast isolated in Vietnam.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Thu NTT, Hoang LH, Cuong PK
436. Zebrafish Larvae Position Tracker (Z-LaP Tracker): a high-throughput deep-learning behavioral approach for the identification of calcineurin pathway-modulating drugs using zebrafish larvae.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Gore SV, Kakodkar R, Del Rosario Hernández T
437. Induction of primordial germ cell-like cells from common marmoset embryonic stem cells by inhibition of WNT and retinoic acid signaling.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Shono M, Kishimoto K, Hikabe O
438. Deep ensemble learning enables highly accurate classification of stored red blood cell morphology.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Routt AH, Yang N, Piety NZ
439. Changes of biomarkers for erythropoiesis, iron metabolism, and FGF23 by supplementation with roxadustat in patients on hemodialysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Yoshida S, Saito T, Shibagaki K
440. Angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor delays progression from paroxysmal to persistent atrial fibrillation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Dong Y(#), Zhai Z(#), Wang J(#)
441. Osteoprotegerin deficiency aggravates methionine-choline-deficient diet-induced nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Wu S(#), Wu Y(#), Lin L
442. The amniotic fluid proteome changes with term labor and informs biomarker discovery in maternal plasma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Bhatti G, Romero R, Gomez-Lopez N
443. The predictive model for risk of chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia based on antineoplastic drugs for solid tumors in eastern China.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Zhou S, Song B, Li C
444. Expanded profiling of Remdesivir as a broad-spectrum antiviral and low potential for interaction with other medications in vitro.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Radoshitzky SR, Iversen P, Lu X
445. Independence and upper extremity functioning after spinal cord injury: a cross-sectional study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Lili L, Sunnerhagen KS, Rekand T
446. Antibacterial and antioxidant double-layered nanofibrous mat promotes wound healing in diabetic rats.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Nejaddehbashi F, Rafiee Z, Orazizadeh M
447. Implementation of a free water protocol at a long term acute care hospital.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 23
Gaidos S, Hrdlicka HC, Corbett J.
448. Mycobacterium bovis BCG increase the selected determinants of monocyte/macrophage activity, which were diminished in response to gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Gonciarz W, Chyb M, Chmiela M.
449. Taxonomic composition, community structure and molecular novelty of microeukaryotes in a temperate oligomesotrophic lake as revealed by metabarcoding.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Mitsi K, Richter DJ, Arroyo AS
450. Ostreopsis Schmidt and Coolia Meunier (Dinophyceae, Gonyaulacales) from Cook Islands and Niue (South Pacific Ocean), including description of Ostreopsis tairoto sp. nov.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Verma A, Hoppenrath M, Smith KF
451. Molecular identification and antiprotozoal activity of silver nanoparticles on viability of Cryptosporidium parvum isolated from pigeons, pigeon fanciers and water.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Abou Elez RMM, Attia ASA, Tolba HMN
452. Investigating valley-dependent current generation due to asymmetric energy dispersion for charge-transfer from a quantum dot to single-walled carbon nanotube.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Charoenpakdee J, Suntijitrungruang O, Boonchui S.
453. Identification of Parkinson's disease-associated chromatin regulators.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Xing H, Wang S, Li K.
454. Cold atmospheric microwave plasma (CAMP) stimulates dermal papilla cell proliferation by inducing β-catenin signaling.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Mongkolpobsin K(#), Sillapachaiyaporn C(#), Lertpatipanpong P
455. GRIM-19 in asthenozoospermia regulates GC-2 spd cell proliferation, apoptosis and migration.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Li F, Niu A, Zhao K
456. A fast vanishing point detection method based on row space features suitable for real driving scenarios.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Yang Q, Ma Y, Li L
457. A new paradigm of reliable sensing with field-deployed electrochemical sensors integrating data redundancy and source credibility.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Saha A, Sedaghat S, Gopalakrishnan S
458. Targeting DNA repair pathways with B02 and Nocodazole small molecules to improve CRIS-PITCh mediated cassette integration in CHO-K1 cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Rahmani B, Kheirandish MH, Ghanbari S
459. V(2)CT(X) MXene-based hybrid sensor with high selectivity and ppb-level detection for acetone at room temperature.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Majhi SM, Ali A, Greish YE
460. The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary in light of new developments in terrestrial palynology.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Galasso F, Heimhofer U, Schneebeli-Hermann E.
461. Development of the automated temperature control system of the main gas pipeline.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Fetisov V, Ilyushin YV, Vasiliev GG
462. Comparison of RT-qPCR and RT-ddPCR with Rift valley fever virus (RVFV) RNA.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Park C, Park D, Hassan ZU
463. Contributors to self-report motor function after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Niederer D, Mengis N, Wießmeier M
464. Catalyst free one pot three components synthesis of 2-iminothiazoles from nitroepoxides and thiourea.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Badali E, Ziyaei Halimehjani A, Habibi A.
465. Reconstitution of human pyroptotic cell death in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Ji Y, Hawkins CJ.
466. Retinal and peripapillary vascular deformations in prematurely born children aged 4-12 years with a history of retinopathy of prematurity.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Lee GI(#), Park KA(#), Oh SY
467. Anomalous kinetic study of atenolol release from ATN@DNA a core-shell like structure.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Hefny MM, Elmezayyen AS, Tawfik AM.
468. Exploring soil bacterial diversity in different micro-vegetational habitats of Dachigam National Park in North-western Himalaya.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Mushtaq H, Ganai BA, Jehangir A.
469. Assessing the impact of one million COVID-19 deaths in America: economic and life expectancy losses.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Silva S, Goosby E, Reid MJA.
470. Improving the efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells based on rare-earth metal modified bismuth ferrites.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Khan M, Iqbal MA(#), Malik M(#)
471. Composition and electronic structure of [Formula: see text]/[Formula: see text]/Al passivating carrier selective contacts on n-type silicon solar cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Flathmann C, Meyer T, Titova V
472. Carbon nanotubes and nanobelts as potential materials for biosensor.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Monavari SM, Marsusi F, Memarian N
473. Rational thinking as a mediator of the relationship between mindfulness and dental anxiety.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Yao J, Carciofo R, Pan L.
474. ANFIS-based forming limit prediction of stainless steel 316 sheet metals.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Zhang M, Meng Z, Shariati M.
475. Uncovering the complex genetic architecture of human plasma lipidome using machine learning methods.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Lehtimäki M(#), Mishra BH(#), Del-Val C
476. Non-invasive monitoring of T cell differentiation through Raman spectroscopy.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Pavillon N, Smith NI.
477. A nomogram predictive model for long-term survival in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage patients without cerebral herniation at admission.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Lin F(#), He Q(#), Zhuo L(#)
478. Neuroendocrine and psychophysiological investigation of the evolutionary roots of gossip.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Rudnicki K, Spacova I, Backer C
479. The spatio-temporal distribution of alkaline phosphatase activity and phoD gene abundance and diversity in sediment of Sancha Lake.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Li Y, Yu X, Liu H
480. Germline VWF/MPRIP and somatoplasm FGA variants synergically confer susceptibility to non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Wang D(#), Gu L(#), Zheng J(#)
481. Reliability and validity of ultrasonographic automated length measurement system for assessing talofibular anterior instability in acute lateral ankle sprain.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Kawabata M, Kumazawa Y, Takagi K
482. Apparent increase in lip size influences two-point discrimination.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Ambron E, Coslett HB.
483. Evaluation and classification of obfuscated Android malware through deep learning using ensemble voting mechanism.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Aurangzeb S, Aleem M.
484. An underexploited invisible gold resource in the Archean sulphides of the Witwatersrand tailings dumps.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Chingwaru SJ, Von der Heyden B, Tadie M.
485. An ultralow-cost portable centrifuge from discarded materials for medical applications.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Franco JJ(#), Nagata T(#), Okamoto T
486. Acquired radioresistance in EMT6 mouse mammary carcinoma cell line is mediated by CTLA-4 and PD-1 through JAK/STAT/PI3K pathway.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Sham NFR, Hasani NAH, Hasan N
487. Diverse flower-visiting responses among pollinators to multiple weather variables in buckwheat pollination.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Miyashita T, Hayashi S, Natsume K
488. Prevalence of family history of cancer in the NC-CCAPH consortium of Japan.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Abe SK, Ihira H, Minami T
489. Effects of exogenous oxytocin and estradiol on resting-state functional connectivity in women and men.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Coenjaerts M, Adrovic B, Trimborn I
490. In vitro to clinical translational pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling of doxorubicin (DOX) and dexrazoxane (DEX) interactions: Safety assessment and optimization.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Mody H(#), Vaidya TR(#), Ait-Oudhia S.
491. Inhibition of norepinephrine signaling during a sensitive period disrupts locus coeruleus circuitry and emotional behaviors in adulthood.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Meng Q(#), Garcia-Garcia AL(#), Dranovsky A
492. Application of self-organizing maps to AFM-based viscoelastic characterization of breast cancer cell mechanics.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 22
Weber A, Vivanco MD, Toca-Herrera JL.
493. Once a week consumption of Western diet over twelve weeks promotes sustained insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fat liver disease in C57BL/6 J mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Demaria TM(#), Crepaldi LD(#), Costa-Bartuli E
494. The magnetic field strength and the force distance dependency of the magnetically controlled growing rods used for early onset scoliosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Diekhöner L, Meyer CS, Eiskjær S.
495. Transcranial high-frequency random noise stimulation does not modulate Nogo N2 and Go/Nogo reaction times in somatosensory and auditory modalities.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Yamashiro K, Ikarashi K, Makibuchi T
496. A maximum entropy approach for the modelling of car-sharing parking dynamics.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Daniotti S, Monechi B, Ubaldi E.
497. A novel transgenic mouse model expressing primate-specific nuclear choline acetyltransferase: insights into potential cholinergic vulnerability.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
AlQot HE, Rylett RJ.
498. Mechanical properties and biocompatibility of a novel miniscrew made of Zr(70)Ni(16)Cu(6)Al(8) bulk metallic glass for orthodontic anchorage.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Sasaki S, Seiryu M, Ida H
499. RCS reduction using grounded multi-height multi-dielectrics metasurfaces.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Heidari M, Sedighy SH, Amirhosseini MK.
500. MosChito rafts as effective and eco-friendly tool for the delivery of a Bacillus thuringiensis-based insecticide to Aedes albopictus larvae.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Pitton S(#), Negri A(#), Pezzali G
501. Molecular biological features of cyst wall of adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Zhao C(#), Wang Y(#), Liu H
502. A comparison of experience sampled hay fever symptom severity across rural and urban areas of the UK.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Gledson A, Lowe D, Reani M
503. Impact of mobile health on maternal and child health service utilization and continuum of care in Northern Ghana.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Nuhu AGK, Dwomoh D, Amuasi SA
504. Mutation in Smek2 regulating hepatic glucose metabolism causes hypersarcosinemia and hyperhomocysteinemia in rats.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Tanaka Y(#), Kawano M(#), Nakashima S
505. Spectro-temporal acoustic elements of music interact in an integrated way to modulate emotional responses in pigs.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Zapata Cardona J, Ceballos MC, Tarazona Morales AM
506. Metasurfaces of capacitively loaded metallic rings for magnetic resonance imaging surface coils.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Freire MJ.
507. Structural equation modeling of direct and indirect associations of social media addiction with eating behavior in adolescents and young adults.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Mohsenpour MA, Karamizadeh M, Barati-Boldaji R
508. Effect of bulky anions on the liquid-liquid phase transition in phosphonium ionic liquids: Ambient and high-pressure dielectric studies.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Yao B, Paluch M, Wojnarowska Z.
509. High thermoelectric performance of flexible nanocomposite films based on Bi(2)Te(3) nanoplates and carbon nanotubes selected using ultracentrifugation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Chiba T, Yabuki H, Takashiri M.
510. The impact of hypoxia and oxidative stress on proteo-metabolomic alterations of 3D cholangiocarcinoma models.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Phukhum P, Phetcharaburanin J, Chaleekarn K
511. Sunsetting Binding MOAD with its last data update and the addition of 3D-ligand polypharmacology tools.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Wagle S, Smith RD, Dominic AJ 3rd
512. The importance of batch sensitization in missing value imputation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Hui HWH(#), Kong W(#), Peng H
513. Characterization of sinoatrial automaticity in Microcebus murinus to study the effect of aging on cardiac activity and the correlation with longevity.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
DiFrancesco ML, Marrot M, Torre E
514. Modified unified critical state model for soils considering over-consolidation and cyclic loading behaviours.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Wang X, Yuan R, Cui K.
515. Mammalian pumilio proteins control cellular morphology, migration, and adhesion.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Sternburg EL, Lillibridge JJ, Phandthong R
516. Spherical rotary cell seeding system for production of small-caliber tissue-engineered blood vessels with complex geometry.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Brodeur A, Winter A, Roy V
517. Non-synonymous variation and protein structure of candidate genes associated with selection in farm and wild populations of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Andersen Ø, Rubiolo JA, Pirolli D
518. High and low worriers do not differ in unstimulated resting-state brain connectivity.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Weber-Goericke F, Muehlhan M.
519. Extracellular vesicles released from macrophages modulates interleukin-1β in astrocytic and neuronal cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Kodidela S, Sinha N, Kumar A
520. Quality prediction and classification of resistance spot weld using artificial neural network with open-sourced, self-executable and GUI-based application tool Q-Check.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Abd Halim S, Manurung YHP, Raziq MA
521. Rodent activity in municipal waste collection premises in Singapore: an analysis of risk factors using mixed-effects modelling.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Soh S, Chua CH, Neo ZW
522. Heat and mass transfer of micropolar liquid flow due to porous stretching/shrinking surface with ternary nanoparticles.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Vanitha GP, Mahabaleshwar US, Hatami M
523. Efficient and accurate KRAS genotyping using digital PCR combined with melting curve analysis for ctDNA from pancreatic cancer patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Tanaka J, Nakagawa T, Harada K
524. An experimental and numerical study of twin dowel type shear connector.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Vanova P, Dubecky D, Weissova M
525. Evaluation of cellular water exchange in a mouse glioma model using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI with two flip angles.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Kiser K, Zhang J, Das AB
526. Systematic analysis identifies REST as an oncogenic and immunological biomarker in glioma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Wang G, Yang X, Qi M
527. The influence of astrocytic leaflet motility on ionic signalling and homeostasis at active synapses.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Toman M, Wade JJ, Verkhratsky A
528. Cancer-associated fibroblasts are the main contributors to epithelial-to-mesenchymal signatures in the tumor microenvironment.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Szabo PM, Vajdi A, Kumar N
529. Implementation and performance analysis of QPSK system using pocket double gate asymmetric JLTFET for satellite communications.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Boggarapu L, B L.
530. Early detection of anthropogenic climate change signals in the ocean interior.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Tjiputra JF, Negrel J, Olsen A.
531. Strategies for single-shot discrimination of process matrices.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Lewandowska P, Pawela Ł, Puchała Z.
532. Decadal cyclical geological atmospheric emissions for a major marine seep field, offshore Coal Oil Point, Southern California.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Leifer I.
533. Research on longitudinal vibration suppression of underwater vehicle shafting based on particle damping.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Liu J, Deng T, Chang X
534. Efficient quantization of painting images by relevant colors.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Tirandaz Z, Foster DH, Romero J
535. Cluster-based psychological phenotyping and differences in anxiety treatment outcomes.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Taylor VA, Roy A, Brewer JA.
536. Exploring the mechanistic pathways of how social network influences social norms in adolescent smoking prevention interventions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Montes F, Blanco M, Useche AF
537. The transnasal endoscopic approach for resection of clival tumors: a single-center experience.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Butenschoen VM, Krauss P, Bernhardt D
538. Fluorescence lifetime imaging through scattering media.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Nilsson S, Kristensson E, Aldén M
539. Scour ponds from unusually large tsunamis on a beach-ridge plain in eastern Hokkaido, Japan.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Sawai Y, Tamura T, Shimada Y
540. Joint estimation of relaxation and diffusion tissue parameters for prostate cancer with relaxation-VERDICT MRI.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Palombo M, Valindria V, Singh S
541. The symmetry in the model of two coupled Kerr oscillators leads to simultaneous multi-photon transitions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Nikitchuk BY, Anikin EV, Maslova NS
542. Effect of in vitro cultivation on human gut microbiota composition using 16S rDNA amplicon sequencing and metabolomics approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Średnicka P, Roszko MŁ, Popowski D
543. Uric acid and risk of pre-eclampsia: results from a large case-control study and meta-analysis of prospective studies.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Colmenares-Mejia CC, Quintero-Lesmes DC, Bautista-Niño PK
544. Risk of systemic lupus erythematosus flares according to autoantibody positivity at the time of diagnosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Kwon OC, Park MC.
545. Upside down sulphate dynamics in a saline inland lake.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Margalef-Marti R, Sebilo M, Thibault De Chanvalon A
546. Exploring a global interpretation mechanism for deep learning networks when predicting sepsis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 21
Strickler EAT, Thomas J, Thomas JP
547. Successful identification of the species of the semipetrified amber medicinal resin benzoin using molecular diagnostic technology.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Feng J, He Q, Xie A
548. The necessity of incorporating non-genetic risk factors into polygenic risk score models.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
van Dam S(#), Folkertsma P(#), Castela Forte J
549. Controllable Hartman effect by vortex beam in a one dimensional photonic crystal doped by graphene quantum dots.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Kevin S, Sahrai M, Asadpour SH.
550. The diagnostic and prognostic utility of repetitive nerve stimulation in patients with myasthenia gravis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Tomschik M, Renaud E, Jäger F
551. Source apportionment and source-specific risk evaluation of potential toxic elements in oasis agricultural soils of Tarim River Basin.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Li Y, Abuduwaili J, Ma L
552. FUS regulates a subset of snoRNA expression and modulates the level of rRNA modifications.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Gawade K, Plewka P, Häfner SJ
553. Quantifying the impact of the Grain-for-Green Program on ecosystem service scarcity value in Qinghai, China.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Hu Y, Zhang S, Shi Y
554. Identification of germline cancer predisposition variants in pediatric sarcoma patients from somatic tumor testing.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Alba-Pavón P(#), Alaña L(#), Gutierrez-Jimeno M
555. An optical coherence tomography and endothelial shear stress study of a novel bioresorbable bypass graft.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Poon EKW, Ono M, Wu X
556. A tool to enhance antimicrobial stewardship using similarity networks to identify antimicrobial resistance patterns across farms.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Aguilar-Vega C, Scoglio C, Clavijo MJ
557. The association of ODF4 with AK1 and AK2 in mice is essential for fertility through its contribution to flagellar shape.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Ito C(#), Makino T, Mutoh T
558. Pixel-by-pixel autofluorescence corrected FRET in fluorescence microscopy improves accuracy for samples with spatially varied autofluorescence to signal ratio.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Rebenku I, Lloyd CB, Szöllősi J
559. Analysis of gaze patterns during facade inspection to understand inspector sense-making processes.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Saleem MR, Mayne R, Napolitano R.
560. Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on physical activity, insomnia, and loneliness among Spanish women and men.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Guerra-Balic M, González-González CS, Sansano-Nadal O
561. The effect of postmenopausal osteoporosis on subchondral bone pathology in a rat model of knee osteoarthritis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Wada H, Aso K, Izumi M
562. Estimability study on the age of toddlers' gait development based on gait parameters.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Tsuyuki C, Hiraga H, Sudo M
563. Directional asymmetry in gonad length indicates moray eels (Teleostei, Anguilliformes, Muraenidae) are "right-gonadal".
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Lin YJ, Chen HM.
564. Deep learning ensemble 2D CNN approach towards the detection of lung cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Shah AA, Malik HAM, Muhammad A
565. Long-term visual acuity outcome of pediatric uveitis patients presenting with severe visual impairment.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Tungsattayathitthan U, Rattanalert N, Sittivarakul W.
566. Presaccadic attention sharpens visual acuity.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Kwak Y, Hanning NM(#), Carrasco M(#).
567. Protective effect of Anoectochilus burmannicus extracts and its active compound, kinsenoside on adipocyte differentiation induced by benzyl butyl phthalate and bisphenol A.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Buacheen P(#), Karinchai J(#), Kammasit N
568. Preserved ratio impaired spirometry with or without restrictive spirometric abnormality.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Miura S, Iwamoto H, Omori K
569. Efficient plasma electron accelerator driven by linearly chirped multi-10-TW laser pulses.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Grigoriadis A, Andrianaki G, Tazes I
570. A new method for axis adjustment of the hydro-generator unit using machine learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Cao J, Li Y, Qu Z
571. Diversification of the shell shape and size in Baikal Candonidae ostracods inferred from molecular phylogeny.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Karanovic I, Pham HTM, Sitnikova T.
572. Multiple metrics assessment method for a reliable evaluation of corneal suturing skills.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Dormegny L, Neumann N, Lejay A
573. Full-visibility 3D imaging of oxygenation and blood flow by simultaneous multispectral photoacoustic fluctuation imaging (MS-PAFI) and ultrasound Doppler.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Godefroy G, Arnal B, Bossy E.
574. Environmental and pathological factors affecting the hatching success of the two northernmost loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nests.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Pietroluongo G, Centelleghe C, Sciancalepore G
575. Improving morphology and optoelectronic properties of ultra-wide bandgap perovskite via Cs tuning for clear solar cell and UV detection applications.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Tun MZ, Pansa-Ngat P, Ruankham P
576. Frequency-specific brain network architecture in resting-state fMRI.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Kajimura S, Margulies D, Smallwood J.
577. Identification and prediction of mixed-use functional areas supported by POI data in Jinan City of China.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Zheng M, Wang H, Shang Y
578. Long-term health-related quality of life after trauma with and without traumatic brain injury: a prospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Kiwanuka O, Lassarén P, Thelin EP
579. Socioeconomic inequality in awareness, treatment and control of diabetes among adults in India: Evidence from National Family Health Survey of India (NFHS), 2019-2021.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Maiti S, Akhtar S, Upadhyay AK
580. Taxonomic and enzymatic basis of the cellulolytic microbial consortium KKU-MC1 and its application in enhancing biomethane production.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Wongfaed N, O-Thong S, Sittijunda S
581. Bimodal CNN for cardiovascular disease classification by co-training ECG grayscale images and scalograms.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Yoon T, Kang D.
582. NLRC3 is a potential prognostic biomarker that is correlated with immune cell infiltration in lung adenocarcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Zhuo Y, Li X, Feng W.
583. Computational investigation of IP(3) diffusion.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Ornelas-Guevara R, Gil D, Voorsluijs V
584. A monocarboxylate transporter-dependent mechanism confers resistance to exercise-induced fatigue in a high-altitude hypoxic environment.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Gao C(#), Yang B(#), Li Y
585. SARS-CoV-2 alters neural synchronies in the brain with more severe effects in younger individuals.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Valsamis H, Baki SA, Leung J
586. Differences in skin test reactions to official and defined antigens in guinea pigs exposed to non-tuberculous and tuberculous bacteria.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Fernández-Veiga L, Fuertes M, Geijo MV
587. Entanglement transmission due to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Motamedifar M, Sadeghi F, Golshani M.
588. A spectroscopic and quantum chemical calculation method for the characterisation of metal ions complexed with propyl gallate and procyanidins.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Zhang L, Guan Q, Zhang H
589. Taguchi optimization and modelling of stir casting process parameters on the percentage elongation of aluminium, pumice and carbonated coal composite.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Ibrahim TK, Yawas DS, Dan-Asabe B
590. Insect recognition based on complementary features from multiple views.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
An J(#), Du Y(#), Hong P
591. Combating errors in quantum communication: an integrated approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Bala R, Asthana S, Ravishankar V.
592. Elucidation of the (R)-enantiospecific benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthetic pathways in sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Menéndez-Perdomo IM, Facchini PJ.
593. Risk factors for stroke among anthropometric indices and lipid profiles in the Korean population: a large-scale cross-sectional study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Yim MH, Jeon YJ, Lee BJ.
594. Impact of time to full enteral feeding on long-term neurodevelopment without mediating by postnatal growth failure in very-low-birth-weight-infants.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 20
Yoon SA(#), Lee MH(#), Chang YS.
595. Designing plant-transparent agrivoltaics.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Stallknecht EJ(#), Herrera CK(#), Yang C
596. Short-term sedimentation dynamics in mesotidal marshes.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Carrasco AR, Kombiadou K, Matias A.
597. Carbon black-containing self-healing adhesive hydrogels for endoscopic tattooing.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Kwon HJ(#), Shin HH(#), Hyun DH
598. Matrix-entrapped fibers create ecological niches for gut bacterial growth.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Bulut N, Cantu-Jungles TM, Zhang X
599. Effects of wounds in the cell membrane on cell division.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Tanvir MIO, Yumura S.
600. Maternal immune activation affects socio-communicative behavior in adult rats.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Gzieło K, Piotrowska D, Litwa E
601. Relationship between brain metastasis and thyroid transcription factor 1.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Kut E, Menekşe S.
602. Language combinations of multilinguals are reflected in their first-language knowledge and processing.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Kepinska O, Caballero J, Oliver M
603. Efficacy and aesthetic outcomes for quilting sutures in the prevention of seroma after mastectomy.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Foulon A, Mancaux A, Theret P
604. The less obvious effect of hosting the Olympics on sporting performance.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Csurilla G, Fertő I.
605. Characteristic cortico-cortical connection profile of human precuneus revealed by probabilistic tractography.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Jitsuishi T, Yamaguchi A.
606. Distributed compact plasma reactor decontamination for planetary protection in space missions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Choudhury B, Revazishvili T, Lozada M
607. Comparing event-related potentials of retrospective and prospective metacognitive judgments during episodic and semantic memory.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Irak M, Soylu C, Yavuz M.
608. Longitudinal profiles of the fecal metabolome during the first 2 years of life.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Holzhausen EA, Shen N, Chalifour B
609. Fetal bovine serum, an important factor affecting the reproducibility of cell experiments.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Liu S(#), Yang W(#), Li Y
610. Severe SARS-Cov2 pneumonia in vaccinated patients: a multicenter cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Mirouse A(#), Friol A(#), Moreau AS
611. Multimodal single-cell analyses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells of COVID-19 patients in Japan.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Kashima Y, Mizutani T, Nakayama-Hosoya K
612. An open source Python library for environmental isotopic modelling.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Hassanzadeh A, Valdivielso S, Vázquez-Suñé E
613. Experiencing sweet taste is associated with an increase in prosocial behavior.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Schaefer M, Kühnel A, Schweitzer F
614. Subduction thermal regime, petrological metamorphism and seismicity under the Mariana arc.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Qu R, Zhu W, Ji Y
615. Environmental factors driving the abundance of Philaenus spumarius in mesomediterranean habitats of Corsica (France).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Chartois M, Mesmin X, Quiquerez I
616. The ferroptosis signature predicts the prognosis and immune microenvironment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Zhou J, Guo T, Zhou L
617. Social isolation in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia: a cross-sectional study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Takahara M, Iida O, Ohura N
618. Novel green flexible rice straw nanofibers/zinc oxide nanoparticles films with electrical properties.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
El-Wahab RMA, Fadel SM, Abdel-Karim AM
619. Quantitative monitoring and modelling of retrodialysis drug delivery in a brain phantom.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Rognin E, Willis-Fox N, Daly R.
620. Effects of time-restricted feeding on letrozole-induced mouse model of polycystic ovary syndrome.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Ryu KJ, Park H, Han YI
621. Circulating microRNA expression signatures accurately discriminate myalgic encephalomyelitis from fibromyalgia and comorbid conditions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Nepotchatykh E, Caraus I, Elremaly W
622. Safe reinforcement learning under temporal logic with reward design and quantum action selection.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Cai M, Xiao S, Li J
623. The human microbial exposome: expanding the Exposome-Explorer database with gut microbial metabolites.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Neveu V(#), Nicolas G(#), Amara A
624. Pien Tze Huang regulates phosphorylation of metabolic enzymes in mice of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Lin J, Wang S, Lan W
625. Characterisation of a cyclic peptide that binds to the RAS binding domain of phosphoinositide 3-kinase p110α.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Ismail M, Martin SR, George R
626. Degradation of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate in an ultrasonic zero-valent zinc and activated carbon micro-electrolysis system.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Lyu P, Guo W, Qi H
627. MAPkinases regulate secondary metabolism, sexual development and light dependent cellulase regulation in Trichoderma reesei.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Schalamun M, Beier S, Hinterdobler W
628. Fully automated immunoassay for cholesterol uptake capacity to assess high-density lipoprotein function and cardiovascular disease risk.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Murakami K, Harada A, Toh R
629. Enrichr in silico analysis of MS-based extracted candidate proteomic biomarkers highlights pathogenic pathways in systemic sclerosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Chairta PP, Nicolaou P, Christodoulou K.
630. FMRP, FXR1 protein and Dlg4 mRNA, which are associated with fragile X syndrome, are involved in the ubiquitin-proteasome system.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Shimizu H, Hohjoh H.
631. Low thigh muscle strength in relation to myosteatosis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Huang Y(#), Yan J(#), Zhu H
632. Adverse events are not increased by controlled delay in surgery of acute upper extremity fractures.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Matias T, Axel S, Hannu K
633. Extra-viral DNA in adeno-associated viral vector preparations induces TLR9-dependent innate immune responses in human plasmacytoid dendritic cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Bucher K(#), Rodríguez-Bocanegra E(#), Wissinger B
634. Changes in pupil dilation and P300 amplitude indicate the possible involvement of the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE) system in psychological flow.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Lu H, van der Linden D, Bakker AB.
635. A mechanistic understanding of the effects of polyethylene terephthalate nanoplastics in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Bashirova N, Poppitz D, Klüver N
636. Different functional networks underlying human walking with pulling force fields acting in forward or backward directions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Ogawa T, Obata H, Yokoyama H
637. Objective analysis of facial bone fracture CT images using curvature measurement in a surface mesh model.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Kim J, Seo C, Yoo JH
638. Dose rate effect on mortality from ischemic heart disease in the cohort of Russian Mayak Production Association workers.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Azizova TV, Grigoryeva ES, Hamada N.
639. Robust, practical and comprehensive analysis of soft compression image coding algorithms for big data.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Xin G, Fan P.
640. Molecular evolutionary insight of structural zinc atom in yeast xylitol dehydrogenases and its application in bioethanol production by lignocellulosic biomass.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Yoshiwara K(#), Watanabe S(#), Watanabe Y.
641. Association of combustible cigarettes and heated tobacco products use with SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe COVID-19 in Japan: a JASTIS 2022 cross-sectional study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Nishimura M, Asai K, Tabuchi T
642. CT-based data generation for foreign object detection on a single X-ray projection.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Andriiashen V, van Liere R, van Leeuwen T
643. Analysis of Himalayan marmot distribution and plague risk in Qinghai province of China using the "3S" technology.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Wu H(#), Wu H(#), Wang Y
644. Simultaneous activation of CXC chemokine receptor 4 and histamine receptor H1 enhances calcium signaling and cancer cell migration.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Park C, Lee JW, Kim K
645. Study on the spatialization of anthropogenic carbon emissions in China based on SVR-ZSSR.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Liu M, Qi L, Chen H
646. Reynolds nano fluid model for Casson fluid flow conveying exponential nanoparticles through a slandering sheet.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Nadeem S, Ishtiaq B, Ben Hamida MB
647. Risk of dementia and mild cognitive impairment in older adults with a criminal background: a population-based register study in Sweden.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Solares C, Garcia-Argibay M, Chang Z
648. Long-term survival and second malignant tumor prediction in pediatric, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors using Random Survival Forests: a SEER analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Zhang IY, Hart GR, Qin B
649. New Dielis species and structural dichotomy of the mitochondrial cox2 gene in Scoliidae wasps.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Szafranski P.
650. Comparative efficacy of onsite, digital, and other settings for cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: a systematic review and network meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Simon L, Steinmetz L, Feige B
651. Determination of the characteristic curves of a nonlinear first order system from Fourier analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Gonzalez FJ.
652. Tuning the fluorescence of Dy(3+) via the structure of borophosphate glasses.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Griebenow K, Truong MP, Munoz F
653. Large-scale geological structures of the Egyptian Nubian Shield.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Hamimi Z, Eldosouky AM, Hagag W
654. Trapping and manipulating skyrmions in two-dimensional films by surface acoustic waves.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Miyazaki Y, Yokouchi T, Shiomi Y.
655. Heterogeneity of interaction strengths and its consequences on ecological systems.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Jackson Z, Xue B.
656. Atomistic-geometric simulations to investigate the mechanical stability of monocrystalline sI methane hydrates under pressure.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Zhu X, Guerra A, Servio P
657. Design, development and application of a compact robotic transplanter with automatic seedling picking mechanism for plug-type seedlings.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Khadatkar A, Pandirwar AP, Paradkar V.
658. Dynamical behaviors, circuit design, and synchronization of a novel symmetric chaotic system with coexisting attractors.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Qiu H, Xu X, Jiang Z
659. Understanding the role of natural and anthropogenic forcings in structuring the periphytic algal assemblages in a regulated river ecosystem.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Sofi MS, Hamid A, Bhat SU
660. Stem stiffness functionality in a submerged canopy patch under oscillatory flow.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Barcelona A, Colomer J, Serra T.
661. A secure and dependable trust assessment (SDTS) scheme for industrial communication networks.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Khan T, Singh K, Ahmad K
662. Leveraging space-time modulation for energy coupling control in electromagnetic coupled transmission lines structures.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Baharian M, Rashed Mohassel JA.
663. Sustainable synthesis of graphene sand composite from waste cooking oil for dye removal.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Abdullah Sani NS, Ang WL, Mohammad AW
664. Soil consolidation acoustic experiment and pore pressure prediction model establishment-taking the Yingqiong Basin as an example.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Han Z, Sun B, Cheng Y
665. Contrasting patterns of population structure of Bulwer's petrel (Bulweria bulwerii) between oceans revealed by statistical phylogeography.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Silva MC, Catry P, Bried J
666. Novel versatile topologies and design optimization of wide-bandstop frequency selective surfaces for X-band, Ku-band and millimeter-wave applications.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 2
Aziz RS, Koziel S(#), Leifsson L(#)
667. Development and validation of a robot social presence measurement dimension scale.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 19
Chen N, Liu X, Zhai Y
668. Effect of total knee replacement on skeletal muscle mass measurements using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 19
Jang JY, Kim M(#), Lee D
669. Salinity stress improves antioxidant potential by modulating physio-biochemical responses in Moringa oleifera Lam.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Azeem M, Pirjan K, Qasim M
670. Rice-memolin, a novel peptide derived from rice bran, improves cognitive function after oral administration in mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Shobako M, Shobako N, Zhang B
671. Low-cost fully additively manufactured passive microwave components exploiting available 3D flexibility.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Piekarz I, Wincza K, Gruszczynski S
672. Wavelets based physics informed neural networks to solve non-linear differential equations.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Uddin Z, Ganga S, Asthana R
673. Reevaluating the wave power-salt marsh retreat relationship.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Houttuijn Bloemendaal LJ, FitzGerald DM, Hughes ZJ
674. The tight junction protein occludin modulates blood-brain barrier integrity and neurological function after ischemic stroke in mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Sugiyama S, Sasaki T, Tanaka H
675. Peak knee joint moments accurately predict medial and lateral knee contact forces in patients with valgus malalignment.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Holder J, van Drongelen S, Uhlrich SD
676. Mapping localization of 21 endogenous proteins in the Golgi apparatus of rodent neurons.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
van Bommel DM, Toonen RF, Verhage M.
677. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator blockade ameliorates experimental colitis in mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Kida Y, Okahisa T, Sato Y
678. Prediction of stable radon fluoride molecules and geometry optimization using first-principles calculations.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Kang J, Park I, Shim JH
679. Portable and cost-effective genetic detection and characterization of Plasmodium falciparum hrp2 using the MinION sequencer.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Sabin S, Jones S, Patel D
680. Design and implementation of elliptical mantle cloaks for polarization decoupling of two tightly spaced interleaved co-frequency patch array antennas.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Masoumi R, Kazemi R, Fathy AE.
681. Phase-change materials based on amorphous equichalcogenides.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Golovchak R, Plummer J, Kovalskiy A
682. Dissipative MHD free convective nanofluid flow past a vertical cone under radiative chemical reaction with mass flux.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Ragulkumar E, Palani G, Sambath P
683. First principles and mean field study on the magnetocaloric effect of YFe(3) and HoFe(3) compounds.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Abu-Elmagd MSM, Hammad T, Abdel-Kader A
684. Neuroplasticity enables bio-cultural feedback in Paleolithic stone-tool making.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Hecht EE, Pargeter J, Khreisheh N
685. Exploring the mechanism of anti-fatigue of resveratrol based on network pharmacology and molecular docking, and in vitro studies.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Ma P, Li J, Huang Q
686. The importance of temporal-fine structure to perceive time-compressed speech with and without the restoration of the syllabic rhythm.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Gransier R, Peeters S, Wouters J.
687. Quantum algorithms for geologic fracture networks.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Henderson JM, Podzorova M, Cerezo M
688. circRNA-ZCCHC14 affects the chondrogenic differentiation ability of peripheral blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells by regulating GREM1 through miR-181a.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Zhao D, Chen H, Zhong J
689. Comparison of different software for processing physical activity measurements with accelerometry.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Verhoog S, Gubelmann C, Bano A
690. Higher throughput workflow with sensitive, reliable and automatic quantification of myelination in vitro suitable for drug screening.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Seiler S, Wälti CM, de Barros V
691. The optimization of postoperative radiotherapy in de novo stage IV breast cancer: evidence from real-world data to personalize treatment decisions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Miyashita M, Balogun OB, Olopade OI
692. The effect of orthotics on plantar pressure in children with infantile tibia vara (Blount's disease).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Güven E, Çıtaker S, Alsancak S.
693. Ecological momentary assessment of mind-wandering: meta-analysis and systematic review.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 18
Kawashima I, Hinuma T, Tanaka SC.
694. Amniotic membrane application in surgical treatment of conjunctival tumors.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Furdova A, Czanner G, Koller J
695. Chair squat performance as a potential predictor of nurses' physical capabilities in ergonomic patient transfers.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Brinkmann A, Kowalski C, Lau S
696. Machine learning intelligence to assess the shear capacity of corroded reinforced concrete beams.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Kumar A, Arora HC, Kapoor NR
697. The association between muscle architecture and muscle spindle abundance.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Kissane RWP(#), Charles JP(#), Banks RW
698. Modulation of AMPK/ TET2/ 5-hmC axis in response to metabolic alterations as a novel pathway for obesity-related colorectal cancer development.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Kon T, Sasaki Y, Abe Y
699. Association between levels of exposure to heavy metals and renal function indicators of residents in environmentally vulnerable areas.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Kwon JY, Lee S, Surenbaatar U
700. Serum lactate monitoring may help to predict neurological function impairment caused by acute metabolism crisis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Liu D, Yao Q, Song B
701. Neuroprotective and antioxidant properties of new quinolylnitrones in in vitro and in vivo cerebral ischemia models.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Chamorro B, Izquierdo-Bermejo S, Serrano J
702. A new method for analyzing non-uniform guiding structures.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Yasi N, Boozari M, Alijani MGH
703. Phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometry based on geometric phase measurement.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Shaheen S, Hicke K, Krebber K.
704. Ultrasound assessment of gastric contents and volume in patients undergoing endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery: a prospective observational study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Jia H(#), He E(#), Gao S
705. Preclinical dental students self-assessment of an improved operative dentistry virtual reality simulator with haptic feedback.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Rodrigues P, Nicolau F(#), Norte M(#)
706. Transportation of dislocation plasticity in a dual-phase TiMo alloy.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Men J, Fu X, Yu Q.
707. Multi-objective integrated optimization study of prefabricated building projects introducing sustainable levels.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Peng J, Feng Y, Zhang Q(#)
708. Sensitivity and performance of three novel quantitative assays of SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein in blood.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Hillig T, Kristensen JR, Brasen CL
709. Machine learning to predict late respiratory support in preterm infants: a retrospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Wu TY, Lin WT, Chen YJ
710. Randomized multicenter trial to assess posterior capsule opacification and glistenings in two hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lenses.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Auffarth GU, Brézin A, Lignereux F
711. Transcriptomic profiling of programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) expressing T cells in early rheumatoid arthritis identifies a decreased CD4 + PD-1 + signature post-treatment.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Lowe K, Small A, Song Q
712. Anticancer properties of curcumin-treated Lactobacillus plantarum against the HT-29 colorectal adenocarcinoma cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Gholipour F, Amini M, Baradaran B
713. Hybrid feature engineering of medical data via variational autoencoders with triplet loss: a COVID-19 prognosis study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Mahdavi M(#), Choubdar H(#), Rostami Z
714. Atypical changes in Candida albicans cells treated with the Venetin-1 complex from earthworm coelomic fluid.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Wójcik-Mieszawska S, Lewtak K, Sofińska-Chmiel W
715. Network coevolution drives segregation and enhances Pareto optimal equilibrium selection in coordination games.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
González Casado MA, Sánchez A, San Miguel M.
716. Prostate cancer cell-platelet bidirectional signaling promotes calcium mobilization, invasion and apoptotic resistance via distinct receptor-ligand pairs.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Garofano K, Rashid K, Smith M
717. Baseline characteristics in the Israel refraction, environment, and devices (iREAD) study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Shneor E, Ostrin LA, Doron R
718. Rapid shift in greenhouse forcing of emerging arctic peatlands.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Christensen TR, Scheller J, Scheel M
719. Inflammatory biomarkers, angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in epicardial adipose tissue correlate with coronary artery disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Si Y, Feng Z, Liu Y
720. Electrically conductive scaffolds mimicking the hierarchical structure of cardiac myofibers.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Ul Haq A, Montaina L, Pescosolido F
721. Quantitative proteomic analysis of human serum using tandem mass tags to predict cardiovascular risks in patients with psoriasis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Kim NY(#), Back JH(#), Shin JH
722. RNA independent fragment partition method based on deep learning for RNA secondary structure prediction.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Zhao Q, Mao Q, Zhao Z
723. The simplified tailor-made workflows for a 3D slicer-based craniofacial implant design.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Tantisatirapong S, Khunakornpattanakarn S, Suesatsakul T
724. Improving the efficiency of crossbred Pradu Hang Dam chicken production for meat consumption using cold plasma technology on eggs.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 17
Sakulthai A, Sawangrat C, Pichpol D
725. An insight into synthesis and antitumor activity of citrate and gallate stabilizing gold nanospheres.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Fathy MM, Elfiky AA, Bashandy YS
726. The association between egg consumption and metabolic health status in overweight and obese adolescents.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Tabatabaeyan A, Lotfi K, Mirzaei S
727. Industrial upgrading and its influence on green land use efficiency.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Chang J, Wang W, Liu J.
728. The permanent magnet hypothesis: an intuitive approach to designing non-circular magnet arrays with high field homogeneity.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Tewari S, Webb A.
729. Ischemic stroke protected by ISO-1 inhibition of apoptosis via mitochondrial pathway.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Ji W, Ren Y, Wei X
730. Fungal cell barriers and organelles are disrupted by polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Ntow-Boahene W, Papandronicou I, Miculob J
731. Combination of treatments with transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy vestibular approach (TOETVA) for Graves' disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Wu YJ, Chang YH, Tsai C
732. Ideal cardiovascular health and all-cause or cardiovascular mortality in a longitudinal study of the Thai National Health Examination Survey IV and V.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Aekplakorn W, Neelapaichit N, Chariyalertsak S
733. Wavefront shaping with nonlinear four-wave mixing.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Shen D, Cao J, Wan W.
734. Long-term sentinel surveillance of enteroviruses in Gwangju, South Korea, 2011-2020.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Kim MJ, Lee JE, Kim KG
735. Investigation of the spatial and temporal variation of soil salinity using Google Earth Engine: a case study at Werigan-Kuqa Oasis, West China.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Ma S, He B, Xie B
736. Protective effects of Pudilan Tablets against osteoarthritis in mice induced by monosodium iodoacetate.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Fang Z(#), Li X(#), Lei S
737. The spatial distribution of GPCR and Gβγ activity across a cell dictates PIP3 dynamics.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Wijayaratna D, Ratnayake K, Ubeysinghe S
738. Direct observation of electric field-induced magnetism in a molecular magnet.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Lewkowitz M, Adams J, Sullivan NS
739. The deficiency of poly-β-1,6-N-acetyl-glucosamine deacetylase trigger A. baumannii to convert to biofilm-independent colistin-tolerant cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Lai SJ, Tu IF, Tseng TS
740. Microvasculature evaluation of anisometropic amblyopia children by Angio-OCT.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Ye H, Wang S, Zhang Y
741. Optimized protocol for MALDI MSI of N-glycans using an on-tissue digestion in fresh frozen tissue sections.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Grgic A(#), Krestensen KK(#), Heeren RMA.
742. Quitting smoking after a cancer diagnosis is associated with high-risk neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio among tobacco use-related cancer survivors.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Lu Y, Kwong K, Wells J
743. Risk of gout attack not increased in patients with thalassemia: a population-based cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Chen JW(#), Xu Q(#), Yang PD
744. Optimized workplace risk mitigation measures for SARS-CoV-2 in 2022.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Pettit R(#), Peng B(#), Yu P
745. The importance of cultural tailoring of communicators and media outlets in an influenza vaccination awareness campaign: a digital randomized trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Habib GL, Yousuf H, Bredius L
746. IRF4 as a novel target involved in malignant transformation of oral submucous fibrosis into oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Meng L(#), Jiang Y(#), You J(#)
747. The impact of feeding supplemental minerals to sheep on the return of micronutrients to pasture via urine and faeces.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Kao PT, Fleming H, Warren H
748. Effect of fluid overload on survival in patients with sepsis-induced acute kidney injury receiving continuous renal replacement therapy.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Kim IY, Kim S, Ye BM
749. CD47 antisense oligonucleotide treatment attenuates obesity and its-associated metabolic dysfunction.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Gwag T(#), Li D(#), Ma E
750. Association between knee osteoarthritis and the risk of cardiovascular disease and the synergistic adverse effects of lack of exercise.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Park D, Park YM, Ko SH
751. Deep learning for the ovarian lesion localization and discrimination between borderline and malignant ovarian tumors based on routine MR imaging.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Wang Y(#), Zhang H(#), Wang T
752. Establishment of a rabbit liver metastasis model by percutaneous puncture of the spleen and implantation of the VX2 tumor strain under CT guidance.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Li B(#), Feng G(#), Feng L(#)
753. Info-gap theory to determine cost-effective eradication of invasive species.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Liu Y, Thomas ML, Coupland GT
754. Iron (hydr)oxide formation in Andosols under extreme climate conditions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Klaes B, Thiele-Bruhn S, Wörner G
755. Automatic dispersion, defect, curing, and thermal characteristics determination of polymer composites using micro-scale infrared thermography and machine learning algorithm.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Rahman MA, Rahman MM, Ashraf A.
756. Parental education, cognition and functional connectivity of the salience network.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Cermakova P, Chlapečka A, Csajbók Z
757. Inhibition of inflammatory microglia by dietary fiber and short-chain fatty acids.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Caetano-Silva ME, Rund L, Hutchinson NT
758. Radiomics analysis of contrast-enhanced T1W MRI: predicting the recurrence of acute pancreatitis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Tang L(#), Ma L(#), Chen Y
759. Discrete optimal quadratic AGC based cost functional minimization for interconnected power systems.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Esmail M, Krishnamurthy S.
760. 1'-O-methyl-averantin isolated from the endolichenic fungus Jackrogersella sp. EL001672 suppresses colorectal cancer stemness via sonic Hedgehog and Notch signaling.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Varlı M, Lee EY, Yang Y
761. Methodology for estimation of undeformed thickness of arterial tissues.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Schwarz D, Fleisman J, Vitasek R
762. Unravelling microalgal-bacterial interactions in aquatic ecosystems through 16S rRNA gene-based co-occurrence networks.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Pushpakumara BLDU, Tandon K, Willis A
763. Coordinate value of the femoral head center estimated using those of the tip of the greater trochanter and lesser trochanter.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Imai N, Kimura K, Sakagami A
764. Chitosan bead containing metal-organic framework encapsulated heteropolyacid as an efficient catalyst for cascade condensation reaction.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Sadjadi S, Abedian-Dehaghani N, Heydari A
765. A comparison between asymptomatic and symptomatic ureteral stones.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Noh TI, Pyun JH, Shim JS
766. Electric impedance tomography and protective mechanical ventilation in elective robotic-assisted laparoscopy surgery with steep Trendelenburg position: a randomized controlled study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Buonanno P, Marra A, Iacovazzo C
767. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide metabolism and arterial stiffness after long-term nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Katayoshi T, Uehata S, Nakashima N
768. Population genetic structure of a recent insect invasion: a gall midge, Asynapta groverae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in South Korea since the first outbreak in 2008.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Kang JH, Ham D, Park SH
769. Association between daily gait speed patterns and cognitive impairment in community-dwelling older adults.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Seo K, Takayanagi N, Sudo M
770. Mexican traditional medicines for women's reproductive health.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Cabada-Aguirre P, López López AM, Mendoza KCO
771. Phytohormones regulate the non-redundant response of ω-3 fatty acid desaturases to low temperatures in Chorispora bungeana.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Shi Y, Yang S, Zhao Z
772. Preschool children aged 4 to 5 years show discomfort with trypophobic images.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Suzuki C, Shirai N, Sasaki K
773. Climate-driven convergent evolution in riparian ecosystems on sky islands.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Love SJ, Schweitzer JA, Bailey JK.
774. Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on the survival of patients with high-grade glioma and best practice recommendations.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Vogel MME, Wagner A, Gempt J
775. Spontaneous action matching in dog puppies, kittens and wolf pups.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Fugazza C, Temesi A, Coronas R
776. Dynamics of stochastic-constrained particles.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Guo T.
777. No evidence for the benefit of PPIs in the treatment of acute pancreatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Horváth IL, Bunduc S, Hankó B
778. Metagenomic mapping of cyanobacteria and potential cyanotoxin producing taxa in large rivers of the United States.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Linz DM, Sienkiewicz N, Struewing I
779. Agricultural dust derived bacterial extracellular vesicle mediated inflammation is attenuated by DHA.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Heires AJ, Samuelson D, Villageliu D
780. Deep reinforcement learning-based pairwise DNA sequence alignment method compatible with embedded edge devices.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Lall A, Tallur S.
781. Correlation of monocyte counts with clinical outcomes in idiopathic nonspecific interstitial pneumonia.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 16
Kim TH, Kim HJ, Song MJ
782. Effect of membrane depolarization against Aspergillus niger GM31 resistant by ultra nanoclusters characterized by Ag(2+) and Ag(3+) oxidation state.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Molina Hernandez JB, Scotti L, Valbonetti L
783. Surface profile analysis of laminated transfemoral prosthetic socket fabricated with different ratios of epoxy resin and acrylic resin.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Zainuddin NAMN, Razak NAA, Karim MSA
784. The interplay between spatiotemporal overlap and morphology as determinants of microstructure suggests no 'perfect fit' in a bat-flower network.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Diniz UM, Aguiar LMS.
785. Determination of optimum dose based of biological responses of lethal dose (LD(25, 50, 75)) and growth reduction (GR(25, 50, 75)) in 'Yaghouti' grape due to gamma radiation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Ghasemi-Soloklui AA, Kordrostami M, Karimi R.
786. Development of Self-Active Aging Index (S-AAI) among rural elderly in lower northern Thailand classified by age and gender.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Keeratisiroj O, Kitreerawutiwong N, Mekrungrongwong S.
787. Effects of saccade delay, side of deficit, and training on detection of catch-up saccades during head-impulse test in virtual-reality-enhanced mannequin.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Charlery-Adèle A, Guigou C, Ryard J
788. Improvement of trip generation rates for mixed-use development in Klang Valley, Malaysia.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Goh BH, Yuen CW, Onn CC.
789. SPLIT-PIN software enabling confocal and super-resolution imaging with a virtually closed pinhole.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Di Franco E, Costantino A, Cerutti E
790. Studying the connection between SF3B1 and four types of cancer by analyzing networks constructed based on published research.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Samy A, Ozdemir MK, Alhajj R.
791. Integrated multiple microarray studies by robust rank aggregation to identify immune-associated biomarkers in Crohn's disease based on three machine learning methods.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Chen ZA(#), Ma HH(#), Wang Y
792. Intestinal epithelial barrier integrity investigated by label-free techniques in ulcerative colitis patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Quansah E(#), Gardey E(#), Ramoji A(#)
793. A randomized trial on the effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Lu JY, Ou HY, Wu CZ
794. Experimental analysis of recommended corneal incision sizes in cataract surgery using 13 intraocular lens injector systems.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Friedrich M, Auffarth GU, Merz PR.
795. Association of glaucoma and lifestyle with incident cardiovascular disease: a longitudinal prospective study from UK Biobank.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Choi JA, Lee SN, Jung SH
796. The degree of urbanisation reduces wild bee and butterfly diversity and alters the patterns of flower-visitation in urban dry grasslands.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Herrmann J, Buchholz S, Theodorou P.
797. Seasonal variation in the lipid content of Fraser River Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and its implications for Southern Resident Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) prey quality.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Lerner JE, Hunt BPV.
798. Digestive enzymes and sphingomyelinase D in spiders without venom (Uloboridae).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Valladão R, Neto OBS, de Oliveira Gonzaga M
799. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted knock-in of large constructs using nocodazole and RNase HII.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Eghbalsaied S, Kues WA.
800. Effects of activation energy and chemical reaction on unsteady MHD dissipative Darcy-Forchheimer squeezed flow of Casson fluid over horizontal channel.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Li S, Raghunath K, Alfaleh A
801. Passive flow control via tip grooving and stall fencing mechanisms of a marine energy harvesting turbine.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Das TK, Islam N, Samad A
802. Nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 may not be dispersed by a high-flow nasal cannula.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Suzuki T, Morioka S, Yamamoto K
803. Predictors of shoulder dystocia at the time of operative vaginal delivery: a prospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Bouchghoul H, Hamel JF, Mattuizzi A
804. Targeting mTOR to overcome resistance to hormone and CDK4/6 inhibitors in ER-positive breast cancer models.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Rodriguez MJ, Perrone MC, Riggio M
805. Anti-DEspR antibody treatment improves survival and reduces neurologic deficits in a hypertensive, spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (hsICH) rat model.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Herrera VLM, Gromisch CM, Decano JL
806. Effect of fissure angle on energy evolution and failure characteristics of fractured rock under uniaxial cyclic loading.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Zhao Y, Li Q, Zhang K
807. Mixture effects of thiamethoxam and seven pesticides with different modes of action on honey bees (Aplis mellifera).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Li W, Lv L, Wang Y
808. A proof of principle study using radiopharmaceuticals to quantify and localize container-content interactions in medical syringes.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Dupire C(#), Chennell P(#), Pereira B
809. A straightforward method to quantify circulating mRNAs as biomarkers of colorectal cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Grosgeorges M(#), Picque Lasorsa L(#), Pastor B(#)
810. Restoring speech intelligibility for hearing aid users with deep learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Diehl PU, Singer Y, Zilly H
811. Validation of an MD simulation approach for electrical field responsive micelles and their application in drug delivery.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Razavi L, Raissi H, Farzad F.
812. Reliability‑based probabilistic numerical plastically limited analysis of reinforced concrete haunched beams.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Khaleel Ibrahim S, Movahedi Rad M.
813. Application of a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model in predicting captopril disposition in children with chronic kidney disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Khalid S, Rasool MF, Masood I
814. AcrAB efflux pump impacts on the survival of adherent-invasive Escherichia coli strain LF82 inside macrophages.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Fanelli G, Pasqua M, Prosseda G
815. Automatic diagnosis of retention pseudocyst in the maxillary sinus on panoramic radiographs using a convolutional neural network algorithm.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Ha EG(#), Jeon KJ(#), Choi H
816. Classification of electrically-evoked potentials in the parkinsonian subthalamic nucleus region.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Rosing J, Doyle A, Brinda A
817. Hydrodynamic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability on metallic surface.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Wang X, Hu XM, Wang ST
818. Stability evaluation and validation of appropriate reference genes for real-time PCR expression analysis of immune genes in the rohu (Labeo rohita) skin following argulosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Sahoo PK, Parida S, Parida S
819. Evaluation of polyanionic cyclodextrins as high affinity binding scaffolds for fentanyl.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Mayer BP, Kennedy DJ, Lau EY
820. NMR-based metabolomics of plasma from dairy calves infected with two primary causal agents of bovine respiratory disease (BRD).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Santos-Rivera M, Fitzkee NC, Hill RA
821. Classification of emotional stress and physical stress using a multispectral based deep feature extraction model.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Hong K.
822. Butyrate limits human natural killer cell effector function.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Zaiatz-Bittencourt V, Jones F, Tosetto M
823. Morpho-physiological and biochemical response of wheat to various treatments of silicon nano-particles under drought stress conditions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Raza MAS, Zulfiqar B, Iqbal R
824. The effect of long-range interactions on the infrared and Raman spectra of aragonite (CaCO(3), Pmcn) up to 25 GPa.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Ulian G, Valdrè G.
825. Characteristics of the cervical spine and cervical cord injuries in older adults with cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Okuwaki S, Funayama T, Koda M
826. Iron oxide/hydroxide-nitrogen doped graphene-like visible-light active photocatalytic layers for antibiotics removal from wastewater.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Ivan R, Popescu C, Antohe VA
827. Dose-response of benazepril on biomarkers of the classical and alternative pathways of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in dogs.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Sotillo S, Ward JL, Guillot E
828. Multi-dimensional safety risk assessment on coal mines under the profitability dilemma.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
You Q, Yao Q, Song R
829. Fetal growth restriction followed by early catch-up growth impairs pancreatic islet morphology in male rats.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Jabary M(#), Onoda A(#), Kitase Y
830. Perceived social support in solo women seeking treatment with donor gametes and in women in heterosexual couples seeking IVF-treatment with own gametes.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Lindell Pettersson M, Sydsjö G, Lampic C
831. Developmental programming: adverse sexually dimorphic transcriptional programming of gestational testosterone excess in cardiac left ventricle of fetal sheep.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Ramamoorthi Elangovan V(#), Saadat N(#), Ghnenis A
832. Comparison of the efficacy of 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine, 0.5% levobupivacaine, and 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine for spinal anesthesia in lower limb surgeries.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Piacherski V, Muzyka L.
833. Livestock exposure to future cumulated climate-related stressors in West Africa.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Brouillet A, Sultan B.
834. Towards environmental detection, quantification, and molecular characterization of Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti from experimental larval breeding sites.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Kristan M, Acford-Palmer H, Campos MO
835. Analysis of economic forecasting in the post-epidemic era: evidence from China.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Li X.
836. Nature-inspired stochastic hybrid technique for joint and individual inversion of DC and MT data.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 15
Sarkar K, Mukesh, Singh UK.
837. Early sleep after action observation and motor imagery training boosts improvements in manual dexterity.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Temporiti F(#), Calcagno A(#), Coelli S
838. Robustness of a multivariate composite score when evaluating distress of animal models for gastrointestinal diseases.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Talbot SR, Kumstel S, Schulz B
839. Adjusting time-of-day and depth of fishing provides an economically viable solution to seabird bycatch in an albacore tuna longline fishery.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Gilman E, Evans T, Pollard I
840. MSR1 is not required for obesity-associated inflammation and insulin resistance in mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Nance SA, Muir L, Delproprosto J
841. Clinical outcomes of colonoscopic polypectomy with strategic surveillance colonoscopies in patients with 10 or more polyps.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Park JH, Hong SW, Hwang SW
842. Performance of novice versus experienced surgeons for dental implant placement with freehand, static guided and dynamic navigation approaches.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Wang X, Shujaat S, Meeus J
843. Investigation of the inverse problem for the Arrhenius equation using the example of thermal degradation of spongin-based scaffolds.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Żółtowska S, Ciałkowski M, Alejski K
844. Cell quantification in digital contrast microscopy images with convolutional neural networks algorithm.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Ferreira EKGD, Lara DSD, Silveira GF.
845. Life cycle of the cold-water coral Caryophyllia huinayensis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Heran T, Laudien J, Waller RG
846. Diagnosis of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris causing Fusarium wilt of chickpea using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and conventional end-point PCR.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Achari SR, Mann RC, Sharma M
847. Voluntary running-induced activation of ventral hippocampal GABAergic interneurons contributes to exercise-induced hypoalgesia in neuropathic pain model mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Minami K, Kami K, Nishimura Y
848. Activity patterns are associated with fractional lifespan, memory, and gait speed in aged dogs.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Mondino A, Khan M, Case B
849. Graft rejection episodes after keratoplasty in Japanese eyes.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Wajima H, Hayashi T, Kobayashi A
850. Adaptive photoperiod interpretation modulates phenological timing in Atlantic salmon.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Oldham T, Oppedal F, Fjelldal PG
851. DUSP1 mediates BCG induced apoptosis and inflammatory response in THP-1 cells via MAPKs/NF-κB signaling pathway.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Liu Z(#), Wang J(#), Dai F
852. Itinerant-localized dichotomy in magnetic anisotropic properties of U-based ferromagnets.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Shick AB, Halevy I, Tchaplianka M
853. Modulation of transcription factor dynamics allows versatile information transmission.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Givré A, Colman-Lerner A, Ponce Dawson S.
854. Interpretable patent recommendation with knowledge graph and deep learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Chen H, Deng W.
855. Double bare metal stent deployment combined with intraductal radiofrequency ablation for malignant distal biliary obstruction: a prospective pilot study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Inoue T, Ibusuki M, Kitano R
856. Association of p-phenylenediamine exposure with alterations of pulmonary function, pruritus and health-related quality of life in hair dye factory workers: a cross-sectional study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Zhang M, Zhang M, Zeng Q
857. Standoff detection of bacterial spores by field deployable coherent Raman spectroscopy.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Coluccelli N, Galzerano G, Laporta P
858. Environmental variables and machine learning models to predict cetacean abundance in the Central-eastern Mediterranean Sea.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Maglietta R, Saccotelli L, Fanizza C
859. Identifying inhibitors of β-haematin formation with activity against chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites via virtual screening approaches.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Amod L, Mohunlal R, Teixeira N
860. Seismic performance analysis of shallow-buried large-scale three-box-section segment-connected pipeline structure under multiple actions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Wang H, Chen Z, Ma S
861. Association of age and spinopelvic function in patients receiving a total hip arthroplasty.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Haffer H, Hu Z, Wang Z
862. Characterization of the influence of the dominant tract on hand closing post stroke based on the Fugl-Meyer score.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Baghi R(#), Kim D(#), Koh K
863. Magnetization dynamics at finite temperature in CoFeB-MgO based MTJs.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Sampan-A-Pai S, Phoomatna R, Boonruesi W
864. Hybrid autoencoder with orthogonal latent space for robust population structure inference.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Yuan M, Hoskens H, Goovaerts S
865. Symplectic superposition solutions for free in-plane vibration of orthotropic rectangular plates with general boundary conditions.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Hu Z, Du J, Liu M
866. Developmental exposure to domoic acid targets reticulospinal neurons and leads to aberrant myelination in the spinal cord.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Panlilio JM, Hammar KM, Aluru N
867. Donor cord blood aging accelerates in recipients after transplantation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Onizuka M, Imanishi T, Harada K
868. Evaluation of synthesized biosurfactants as promising corrosion inhibitors and alternative antibacterial and antidermatophytes agents.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Fawzy A, Al Bahir A, Alqarni N
869. Exploring the influence of personal factors on physiological responses to mental imagery in sport.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Budnik-Przybylska D, Syty P, Kaźmierczak M
870. Impact of gene alterations on clinical outcome in young adults with myelodysplastic syndromes.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Konishi T(#), Sadato D(#), Toya T
871. Pulmonary recovery from COVID-19 in patients with metabolic diseases: a longitudinal prospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Sonnweber T(#), Grubwieser P(#), Pizzini A
872. Enduring musician advantage among former musicians in prosodic pitch perception.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Toh XR, Tan SH, Wong G
873. Influence of surgical position and registration methods on clinical accuracy of navigation systems in brain tumor surgery.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Furuse M(#), Ikeda N(#), Kawabata S
874. Imaginary pills and open-label placebos can reduce test anxiety by means of placebo mechanisms.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Buergler S, Sezer D, Bagge N
875. Revealing Corynebacterium glutamicum proteoforms through top-down proteomics.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Melo RM, de Souza JMF, Williams TCR
876. Sequence dependent UV damage of complete pools of oligonucleotides.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Kufner CL, Krebs S, Fischaleck M
877. Geographical variability of bacterial communities of cryoconite holes of Andean glaciers.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Pittino F, Ambrosini R, Seeger M
878. Effects of concentration-dependent graphene on maize seedling development and soil nutrients.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Wang S, Liu Y, Wang X
879. Use of the speckle imaging sub-pixel correlation analysis in revealing a mechanism of microbial colony growth.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Balmages I, Liepins J, Auzins ET
880. Usability of a mobile application for health professionals in home care services: a user-centered approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Manzano-Monfort G, Paluzie G, Díaz-Gegúndez M
881. Circular active noise barrier using theoretical control filter considering interaction between speaker and barrier.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Lee S, Park Y.
882. Impact of test, vaccinate or remove protocol on home ranges and nightly movements of badgers a medium density population.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 14
Redpath SHA, Marks NJ, Menzies FD
883. Muscle fat replacement and contractility in patients with skeletal muscle sodium channel disorders.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Pedersen JJ, Stemmerik MG, Jacobsen LN
884. Influence of Co doping on phase, structure and electrochemical properties of hydrothermally obtained Co(x)Zn(1-x)Fe(2)O(4) (x = 0.0-0.4) nanoparticles.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Putjuso T, Putjuso S, Karaphun A
885. Fermi liquid-like behaviour of cuprates in the pseudogap phase simulated via T-dependent electron-boson spectral density.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Park H, Hwang J.
886. Thioquinoline derivatives conjugated to thiosemicarbazide as potent tyrosinase inhibitors with anti-melanogenesis properties.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Noori M, Sabourian R, Tasharoie A
887. Gut microbiome composition associates with corticosteroid treatment, morbidity, and senescence in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Couch CE, Neal WT, Herron CL
888. Static friction coefficient depends on the external pressure and block shape due to precursor slip.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Iwashita W, Matsukawa H, Otsuki M.
889. A hybrid multi-objective optimization of functional ink composition for aerosol jet 3D printing via mixture design and response surface methodology.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Zhang H, Liu Z, Yin S
890. Isotherm and kinetic studies of cadmium biosorption and its adsorption behaviour in multi-metals solution using dead and immobilized archaeal cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Hegazy GE, Soliman NA, Ossman ME
891. Volatile sulfide compounds and oral microorganisms on the inner surface of masks in individuals with halitosis during COVID-19 pandemic.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Lee YH, Kim H, Heo DW
892. Activation of the rostral nucleus accumbens shell by optogenetics induces cataplexy-like behavior in orexin neuron-ablated mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Kawashima S, Lou F, Kusumoto-Yoshida I
893. Optimization of the hydrogen response characteristics of halogen-doped SnO(2).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Filippatos PP, Sharma R, Soultati A
894. Antioxidant enzymes that target hydrogen peroxide are conserved across the animal kingdom, from sponges to mammals.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Hewitt OH, Degnan SM.
895. Low frequency lattice mode dynamics of cyclotrimethylene trinitramine (RDX) crystal studied by femtosecond time-resolved impulsive stimulated Raman scattering.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Yu G, Song Y, Zhu G
896. Self-aligned multi-layer X-ray absorption grating using large-area fabrication methods for X-ray phase-contrast imaging.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Pil-Ali A, Adnani S, Karim KS.
897. Tanshinone IIA-loaded nanoparticles and neural stem cell combination therapy improves gut homeostasis and recovery in a pig ischemic stroke model.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Jeon JH, Kaiser EE, Waters ES
898. Acquisition of new function through gene duplication in the metallocarboxypeptidase family.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Fajardo D, Saint Jean R, Lyons PJ.
899. Ki67 increase after core needle biopsy associated with worse disease outcome in HER2-negative breast cancer patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Tong Y(#), Dai J(#), Huang J
900. House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) escape behavior is triggered faster in smaller settlements.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
García-Arroyo M, MacGregor-Fors I, Quesada J
901. Precision dual-comb spectroscopy using wavelength-converted frequency combs with low repetition rates.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Sugiyama Y, Kashimura T, Kashimoto K
902. Multiple plasma membrane reporters discern LHFPL5 region that blocks trafficking to the plasma membrane.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Soler DC, Ballesteros A, Sloan AE
903. Diagnostic, clustering, and immune cell infiltration analysis of m6A regulators in patients with sepsis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Li F(#), Zhang Y(#), Peng Z
904. A physics-informed neural network based on mixed data sampling for solving modified diffusion equations.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Fang Q(#), Mou X(#), Li S.
905. ATR-FTIR spectroscopy of plasma supported by multivariate analysis discriminates multiple sclerosis disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Crocco MC, Moyano MFH, Annesi F
906. Adélie penguins north and east of the 'Adélie gap' continue to thrive in the face of dramatic declines elsewhere in the Antarctic Peninsula region.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Wethington M, Flynn C, Borowicz A
907. Performance of classification and diagnostic criteria for IgG4-related disease and comparison of patients with and without IgG4-related disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Kogami M, Abe Y, Ando T
908. Using machine learning methods and EEG to discriminate aircraft pilot cognitive workload during flight.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Taheri Gorji H, Wilson N(#), VanBree J
909. Automatic measurement and prediction of Chinese Grown Pigs weight using multilayer perceptron neural networks.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Ositanwosu OE(#), Huang Q(#), Liang Y
910. The role of higher education and civic involvement in converting young adults' social responsibility to prosocial behavior.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Alfirević N, Arslanagić-Kalajdžić M, Lep Ž.
911. Political ideology and moral dilemmas in public good provision.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Hoenig LC, Pliskin R, De Dreu CKW.
912. Attention-assisted hybrid 1D CNN-BiLSTM model for predicting electric field induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation coil.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Sathi KA, Hosain MK, Hossain MA
913. Gender-specific association between serum ferritin and neurodevelopment in infants aged 6 to 12 months.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Guo Y, Yu L, Wu ZY
914. How scan parameter choice affects deep learning-based coronary artery disease assessment from computed tomography.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Denzinger F, Wels M, Breininger K
915. Increase in the wave power caused by decreasing sea ice over the Sea of Okhotsk in winter.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Iwasaki S.
916. A deep-learning approach for reconstructing 3D turbulent flows from 2D observation data.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Yousif MZ, Yu L, Hoyas S
917. Whole-genome sequencing-based analyses of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Taiwan.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Xiao YX(#), Liu KH(#), Lin WH
918. Effect of contact vector direction on achieving cavotricuspid isthmus block.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Sumi H, Hoshiyama T, Morihisa K
919. The association between shift work and the incidence of reflux esophagitis in Korea: a cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Nam MW, Lee Y, Mun E
920. Factors associated with plasmid antibiotic resistance gene carriage revealed using large-scale multivariable analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Orlek A, Anjum MF, Mather AE
921. Federated blockchain system (FBS) for the healthcare industry.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Mohey Eldin A, Hossny E, Wassif K
922. Effects of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and associated factors in access hand oxygenation in patients undergoing hemodialysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Sugiyama T(#), Ito K(#), Ookawara S
923. Identification of novel targets and pathways to distinguish suicide dependent or independent on depression diagnosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Peng S, Zhou Y, Xiong L
924. Role of periosteum in alveolar bone regeneration comparing with collagen membrane in a buccal dehiscence model of dogs.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Ma Z(#), Guo K(#), Chen L
925. Persistent homology analysis distinguishes pathological bone microstructure in non-linear microscopy images.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Pritchard Y, Sharma A, Clarkin C
926. Global conservation prioritization areas in three dimensions of crocodilian diversity.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Lourenço-de-Moraes R, Campos FS, Cabral P
927. Prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension and their risk factors in Shaanxi Province in 2004-18.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Wang W, Sa R, Dang S
928. Wheat husk-based sorbent as an economical solution for removal of oil spills from sea water.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Omar BM, Abdelgalil SA, Fakhry H
929. Structure-function assessment in glaucoma based on perimetric sensitivity and en face optical coherence tomography images of retinal nerve fiber bundles.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Alluwimi MS, Swanson WH, Malik R.
930. An extensive study on multiple ETL and HTL layers to design and simulation of high-performance lead-free CsSnCl(3)-based perovskite solar cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Hossain MK, Toki GFI, Kuddus A
931. Resistance training restores skeletal muscle atrophy and satellite cell content in an animal model of Alzheimer's disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Rahmati M, Shariatzadeh Joneydi M, Koyanagi A
932. Analysis of C-reactive protein from finger stick dried blood spot to predict high risk of cardiovascular disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Schakelaar MY, Kemperman H, Schoneveld AH
933. Wet oxidation and catalytic wet oxidation of pharmaceutical sludge.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Zeng X, Liu J, Zhao J.
934. Identification and validation of BCL6 and VEGFA as biomarkers and ageing patterns correlating with immune infiltrates in OA progression.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Chen Z(#), Wang W(#), Hua Y.
935. Microwave-assisted biodiesel production using bio-waste catalyst and process optimization using response surface methodology and kinetic study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Devasan R, Ruatpuia JVL, Gouda SP
936. Ab-GALFA, A bioassay for insect gall formation using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Hirano T, Okamoto A, Oda Y
937. Weakly supervised semantic segmentation for MRI: exploring the advantages and disadvantages of class activation maps for biological image segmentation with soft boundaries.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Syed S, Anderssen KE, Stormo SK
938. Evaluating red tide effects on the West Florida Shelf using a spatiotemporal ecosystem modeling framework.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Vilas D, Buszowski J, Sagarese S
939. Synthesis of new magnetic nanocatalyst Fe(3)O(4)@CPTMO-phenylalanine-Ni and its catalytic effect in the preparation of substituted pyrazoles.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Bikas S, Poursattar Marjani A, Bibak S
940. Left ventricular hypertrophy detection using electrocardiographic signal.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Liu CW(#), Wu FH(#), Hu YL
941. Development and application of a new biological nano-selenium fermentation broth based on Bacillus subtilis SE201412.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Huang S(#), Yu K(#), Wen L
942. A machine learning pipeline to classify foetal heart rate deceleration with optimal feature set.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Das S, Obaidullah SM, Mahmud M
943. Gender differences in prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in Egypt: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Abdel-Gawad M, Nour M, El-Raey F
944. Detection of acute promyelocytic leukemia in peripheral blood and bone marrow with annotation-free deep learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Manescu P, Narayanan P, Bendkowski C
945. Effects of thinning on soil nutrient availability and fungal community composition in a plantation medium-aged pure forest of Picea koraiensis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Caihong Z(#), Nier S(#), Hao W
946. Protective effects of isorhamnetin against H(2)O(2)-induced oxidative damage in HaCaT cells and comprehensive analysis of key genes.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Hu W, Zhang J, Wang H
947. Asbestos exposure as an additional risk factor for small duct intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: a pilot study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Vasuri F, Deserti M, Corradini AG
948. A validated LC-MS/MS method for clinical pharmacokinetics and presumptive phase II metabolic pathways following oral administration of Andrographis paniculata extract.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Songvut P, Pholphana N, Suriyo T
949. The combination of polyphenols and phospholipids as an efficient platform for delivery of natural products.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 13
Hashemzadeh H, Hanafi-Bojd MY, Iranshahy M
950. Sunlight exposure cannot explain "grue" languages.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Hardy JL, Werner JS, Regier T
951. The graph structure of two-player games.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Biggar O, Shames I.
952. Tumor organoid biobank-new platform for medical research.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Xie X, Li X, Song W.
953. Analysis of vocal communication in the genus Falco.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Griffiths CS, Aaronson NL.
954. Spider mites avoid caterpillar traces to prevent intraguild predation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Kinto S, Akino T, Yano S.
955. Appropriate screening mammography method for patients with breast implants.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Park J, Ko EY, Han BK
956. Investigation on the site of coronal deformities in Hallux valgus.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Wei RX, Ko VM, Chui EC
957. The effect of obesity on chronic diseases in USA: a flexible copula approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Dettoni R, Bahamondes C, Yevenes C
958. Effect of duodenal-jejunal bypass on diabetes in the early postoperative period.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Okikawa S, Kashihara H, Shimada M
959. Data-driven audiogram classifier using data normalization and multi-stage feature selection.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Elkhouly A, Andrew AM, Rahim HA
960. Majority networks and local consensus algorithm.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Goles E(#), Medina P(#), Santiváñez J(#).
961. Facile fabrication of a novel self-healing and flame-retardant hydrogel/MXene coating for wood.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Zhao X(#), Tian M(#), Wei R
962. Diagnostic accuracy of the Enferplex Bovine Tuberculosis antibody test in cattle sera.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
O'Brien A, Clarke J, Hayton A
963. Lack of GPR180 ameliorates hepatic lipid depot via downregulation of mTORC1 signaling.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Yoshida K, Yokota K, Watanabe K
964. Method for 3D atomic structure determination of multi-element nanoparticles with graphene liquid-cell TEM.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Heo J(#), Kim D(#), Choi H(#)
965. A novel hybrid methodology to secure GOOSE messages against cyberattacks in smart grids.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Hussain S, Iqbal A, Hussain SMS
966. Identification of key immune-related genes in dilated cardiomyopathy using bioinformatics analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Li F(#), Du TY(#), Wu LD(#)
967. Bioconversion of 4-hydroxyestradiol by extradiol ring-cleavage dioxygenases from Novosphingobium sp. PP1Y.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Mensitieri F, Bosso A, Dal Piaz F
968. Surface-dependent quenching of Qdot emission can be a new tool for high resolution measurements.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Okura K, Tatsumi H.
969. Oxygenated hemoglobin as prognostic marker among patients with systemic sclerosis screened for pulmonary hypertension.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Xanthouli P, Gordjani O, Benjamin N
970. Prevalence of early and late menopause and its determinants in Rafsanjan cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Vatankhah H, Khalili P, Vatanparast M
971. Modeling the impact of national and regional lockdowns on the 2020 spring wave of COVID-19 in France.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Roux J, Massonnaud CR, Colizza V
972. Non-invasive screening of breast cancer from fingertip smears-a proof of concept study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Russo C, Wyld L, Da Costa Aubreu M
973. Disease severity classification using passively collected smartphone-based keystroke dynamics within multiple sclerosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Hoeijmakers A, Licitra G, Meijer K
974. Identification of key genes related to immune infiltration in cirrhosis via bioinformatics analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Du TY, Gao YX, Zheng YS.
975. Association between low handgrip strength and obesity with mortality in peritoneal dialysis patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Do JY, Kang SH.
976. Vedolizumab is superior to infliximab in biologic naïve patients with ulcerative colitis.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Sablich R, Urbano MT, Scarpa M
977. NHANES cross sectional study of aspirin and fractures in the elderly.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Swed S, El-Sakka AA, Abouainain Y
978. HIF-PHD inhibitor regulates the function of group2 innate lymphoid cells and polarization of M2 macrophages.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Nagashima R, Ishikawa H, Kuno Y
979. Physical evidence of meminductance in a passive, two-terminal circuit element.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Dinavahi A, Yamamoto A, Harris HR.
980. Prediction model for the compressive strength of green concrete using cement kiln dust and fly ash.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Bakhoum ES, Amir A, Osama F
981. Tamarixia radiata global distribution to current and future climate using the climate change experiment (CLIMEX) model.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Souza PGC, Aidoo OF, Farnezi PKB
982. Genetic algorithm optimization of broadband operation in a noise-like pulse fiber laser.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Lapre C, Meng F, Hary M
983. Whole-genome sequencing identifies potential candidate genes for egg production traits in laying ducks (Anas platyrhynchos).
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Sun Y(#), Zhang Y(#), Wu Q
984. Effects of medwakh smoking on salivary metabolomics and its association with altered oral redox homeostasis among youth.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Aghila Rani KG(#), Soares NC(#), Rahman B
985. Monitoring storm evolution using a high-density seismic network.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Diaz J, Ruiz M, Udina M
986. Comparison of radiological characteristics between diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis and ankylosing spondylitis: a multicenter study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Takahashi T, Yoshii T, Mori K
987. Life time use of illicit substances among adolescents and young people hospitalized in psychiatric hospital.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Engelgardt P, Krzyżanowski M, Borkowska-Sztachańska M
988. Accuracy and feasibility of a novel fine hand motor skill assessment using computer vision object tracking.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Kim B, Neville C.
989. Alternate day versus daily oral iron for treatment of iron deficiency anemia: a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Pasupathy E, Kandasamy R, Thomas K
990. Comparison of the combined use of CNV-seq and karyotyping or QF-PCR in prenatal diagnosis: a retrospective study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Zhang H, Xu Z, Chen Q
991. In silico protein engineering shows that novel mutations affecting NAD(+) binding sites may improve phosphite dehydrogenase stability and activity.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Baammi S, Daoud R, El Allali A.
992. Synthesis of new diphenyl urea-clubbed imine analogs and its Implications in diabetic management through in vitro and in silico approaches.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Pasha AR, Khan A, Ullah S
993. Co-infection by multiple vector-borne agents in wild ring-tailed coatis (Nasua nasua) from Iguaçu National Park, southern Brazil.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Perles L, Moraes MF, Xavier da Silva M
994. Efficacy of combined transbronchial lung cryobiopsy and conventional forceps biopsy for lung malignancies: a prospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Kinoshita K, Morikawa K, Tsuruoka H
995. Toxic Ag(+) detection based on Au@Ag core shell nanostructure formation using Tannic acid assisted synthesis of Pullulan stabilized gold nanoparticles.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Jayeoye TJ, Supachettapun C, Muangsin N.
996. Detection of Babesia bovis using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) with improved thermostability, sensitivity and alternative visualization methods.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Arnuphapprasert A, Nugraheni YR, Aung A
997. Cell type specific IL-27p28 (IL-30) deletion in mice uncovers an unexpected regulatory function of IL-30 in autoimmune inflammation.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Kim D, Kim S, Kang MS
998. Early warm compress treatment can promote recanalization of vascular embolisms and reduce tissue necrosis after polymethyl methacrylate injection.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Sun Y(#), Jin M(#), Wang G
999. Endoplasmic reticulum stress inhibition ameliorated WFS1 expression alterations and reduced pancreatic islets' insulin secretion induced by high-fat diet in rats.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Binayi F, Fahanik-Babaei J, Salimi M
1000. A multinational empirical study of perceived cyber barriers to automated vehicles deployment.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Khan SK, Shiwakoti N, Stasinopoulos P
1001. Effects of probiotic and synbiotic supplementation on ponderal and linear growth in severely malnourished young infants in a randomized clinical trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Nuzhat S, Hasan SMT, Palit P
1002. Peristaltic transport of Rabinowitsch nanofluid with moving microorganisms.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Moatimid GM, Mohamed MAA, Elagamy K.
1003. Observation of plasma inflows in laser-produced Sn plasma and their contribution to extreme-ultraviolet light output enhancement.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Tomita K, Pan Y, Sunahara A
1004. Bagarius bagarius, and Eichhornia crassipes are suitable bioindicators of heavy metal pollution, toxicity, and risk assessment.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Mahamood M, Khan FR, Zahir F
1005. Zeolite A powder and beads from sugarcane bagasse fly ash modified with iron(III) oxide-hydroxide for lead adsorption.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Praipipat P, Ngamsurach P, Roopkhan N.
1006. Simultaneous determination of volatile phenol, cyanide, anionic surfactant, and ammonia nitrogen in drinking water by a continuous flow analyzer.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Qin G, Zou K, He F
1007. Modelling evolution of a large, glacier-fed lake in the Western Indian Himalaya.
Sci Rep
2023 Feb 1
Gantayat P, Ramsankaran R.
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