期刊文献 > Sci Rep期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (704)
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2021 May (423)
1. Hierarchical settlement behaviours of coral larvae to common coralline algae.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 9
Abdul Wahab MA, Ferguson S, Snekkevik VK
2. Hierarchical data structures for flowchart.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 9
Zhang P, Dou W, Liu H.
3. Unsteady natural convection flow of blood Casson nanofluid (Au) in a cylinder: nano-cryosurgery applications.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 9
Azmi WFW, Mohamad AQ, Jiann LY(#)
4. Ultrafast electron dynamics in a topological surface state observed in two-dimensional momentum space.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 9
Reimann J, Sumida K, Kakoki M
5. An integrated analysis of air pollution and meteorological conditions in Jakarta.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 9
Handhayani T.
6. Live 4D-OCT denoising with self-supervised deep learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Nienhaus J, Matten P, Britten A
7. Expression and localisation of MUC1 modified with sialylated core-2 O-glycans in mucoepidermoid carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Sugiura T, Hashimoto K, Kikuta K
8. Machine learning based prediction for oncologic outcomes of renal cell carcinoma after surgery using Korean Renal Cell Carcinoma (KORCC) database.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Kim JK, Lee S, Hong SK
9. Biotechnological enhancement of lactic acid conversion from pretreated palm kernel cake hydrolysate by Actinobacillus succinogenes 130Z.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Rahim NA, Luthfi AAI, Bukhari NA
10. Association between cumulative smoking exposure and cognitive decline in non-demented older adults: NEDICES study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Benito-León J, Ghosh R, Lapeña-Motilva J
11. Heat-inactivated Factor B inhibits alternative pathway fluid-phase activation and convertase formation on endothelial cell-secreted ultra-large von Willebrand factor strings.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Turner NA, Moake JL.
12. Response of varied rice genotypes on cell membrane stability, defense system, physio-morphological traits and yield under transplanting and aerobic cultivation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Zayed BA, Ghazy HA, Negm ME
13. Unveiling the paths of COVID-19 in a large city based on public transportation data.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Araújo JLB, Oliveira EA, Lima Neto AS
14. Explainable artificial intelligence-based prediction of poor neurological outcome from head computed tomography in the immediate post-resuscitation phase.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Kawai Y, Kogeichi Y, Yamamoto K
15. Clinical prognostic value of OSGIN2 in gastric cancer and its proliferative effect in vitro.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Wang P(#), Zhu Y(#), Jia X(#)
16. A moderated mediation analysis of the association between smoking and suicide attempts among adolescents in 28 countries.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Peprah P, Asare BY, Okwei R
17. Impact of porous microsponges in minimizing myotoxic side effects of simvastatin.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Ali AU, Abd-Elkareem M, Kamel AA
18. Hepatic phosphate uptake and subsequent nerve-mediated phosphaturia are crucial for phosphate homeostasis following portal vein passage of phosphate in rats.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Yasuda S(#), Inoue K(#), Matsui I
19. Quantum transports in two-dimensions with long range hopping.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Wang SS, Li K, Dai YM
20. The apoptotic effects of soybean agglutinin were induced through three different signal pathways by down-regulating cytoskeleton proteins in IPEC-J2 cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Pan L(#), E T(#), Xu C
21. High-speed broadband absorption spectroscopy enabled by cascaded frequency shifting loops.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Ogden HM, Murray JB, Murray MJ
22. Giant localized electromagnetic field of highly doped silicon plasmonic nanoantennas.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Alsayed AE, Ghanim AM, Yahia A(#)
23. Measurement and simulation of irrigation performance in continuous and surge furrow irrigation using WinSRFR and SIRMOD models.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Radmanesh M, Ahmadi SH, Sepaskhah AR.
24. Effects of Mn content on austenite stability and mechanical properties of low Ni alumina-forming austenitic heat-resistant steel: a first-principles study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Zhao Y, Cao Y, Wen W
25. First continuous marine sponge cell line established.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Hesp K, van der Heijden JME, Munroe S
26. Social aspects of collision avoidance: a detailed analysis of two-person groups and individual pedestrians.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Gregorj A, Yücel Z, Zanlungo F
27. Ablation of TRPC3 disrupts Ca(2+) signaling in salivary ductal cells and promotes sialolithiasis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Choi BE(#), Shin S(#), Evans S
28. Improving the photoelectrochemical water splitting performance of CuO photocathodes using a protective CuBi(2)O(4) layer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Lam NH, Truong NTN, Le N
29. Pyrazole-sulfonamide scaffold featuring dual-tail strategy as apoptosis inducers in colon cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
El-Hazek RMM, Zaher NH, Emam HES
30. Accuracy of doppler assessment of the uterine arteries for the diagnosis of pubertal onset in girls: a scoping review.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Cheuiche AV, Moro C, Lucena IRS
31. Clinical impact of weight loss on mortality in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a retrospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Lee JK, Chung C, Kim J
32. Electrophysiological, emotional and behavioural responses of female targets of sexual objectification.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Monachesi B, Deruti A, Grecucci A
33. Value of thyroid cancer history in the prognosis of pancreatic cancer: a SEER population-based study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
He J, Wang Y, Chen X
34. Novel Google Maps and Google Earth application for chemical industry disaster risk assessment during complex emergencies in Eastern Ukraine.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Gan RK, Bruni E, Castro Delgado R
35. A pan-cancer analysis of DDR1 in prognostic signature and tumor immunity, drug resistance.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Yang L(#), Zhang Y(#), Tang Y
36. Sex-specific differences in the genetic and environmental effects on cardiac phenotypic variation assessed by echocardiography.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 8
Lin H(#), Kwan AC(#), Castro-Diehl C
37. Calves peak-end memory of pain.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Ede T, Woodroffe RE, von Keyserlingk MAG
38. The locatability of Pearson algorithm for multi-source location in complex networks.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Wang HJ, Hu ZL, Tao L
39. Patterns and driving factors of ecological stoichiometry in system of deadwood and soil in mountains forest ecosystem.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Błońska E, Piaszczyk W, Lasota J.
40. Male song of the Aquatic Warbler, a promiscuous bird without paternal care, is more complex than previously thought.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Osiejuk TS, Kubacka J.
41. Automatic detection of circulating tumor cells and cancer associated fibroblasts using deep learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Shen C, Rawal S, Brown R
42. Application of machine learning algorithm in predicting distant metastasis of T1 gastric cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Tian H(#), Liu Z(#), Liu J
43. Three-round learning strategy based on 3D deep convolutional GANs for Alzheimer's disease staging.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Kang W, Lin L, Sun S
44. Robust, motion-free optical characterization of samples using actively-tunable Twyman-Green interferometry.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Imeri A, Reza SA.
45. Mechanical thrombectomy of distal cerebral vessel occlusions of the anterior circulation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Sepp D(#), Hernandez Petzsche MR(#), Zarth T
46. DUSP6 is a memory retention feedback regulator of ERK signaling for cellular resilience of human pluripotent stem cells in response to dissociation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Yoo DH(#), Im YS(#), Oh JY
47. Unraveling the nature of nano-diamonds and silica in a catheterized tapered artery: highlights into hydrophilic traits.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Abdelsalam SI, Bhatti MM.
48. Real-time respiratory motion prediction using photonic reservoir computing.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Liang Z, Zhang M, Shi C
49. Sex differences in hepatic ischemia‒reperfusion injury: a cross-sectional study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Li Z, Lu S, Qian B
50. Microstructural segmentation using a union of attention guided U-Net models with different color transformed images.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Biswas M, Pramanik R, Sen S
51. Disruptions of default mode network and precuneus connectivity associated with cognitive dysfunctions in tinnitus.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Rosemann S, Rauschecker JP.
52. Determination of the parameters of rock viscoelastic creep model and analysis of parameter degradation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Zheng Z, Yang Y, Pan C.
53. Analytical investigation of multi-layered rollable displays considering nonlinear elastic adhesive interfaces.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Han SH, Shin JH, Choi SS.
54. Cardiac ischemia and reperfusion in mice: a comprehensive hemodynamic, electrocardiographic and electrophysiological characterization.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Clasen L, Angendohr S, Becher S
55. Application of asymmetrical configuration in electrochemical noise to investigate corrosion inhibition of aluminum alloy by Ranunculus Arvensis/silver nanoparticles.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Sajadi GS, Naghizade R, Hosseini SMA.
56. Soil phosphorus availability and fractionation in response to different phosphorus sources in alkaline and acid soils: a short-term incubation study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Wang Y, Zhang W, Müller T
57. Inferring urban polycentricity from the variability in human mobility patterns.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Cabrera-Arnau C, Zhong C, Batty M
58. Sensor-cable-probe and sampler for early detection and prediction of dry matter loss and real-time corn grain quality in transport and storage.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Nunes CF, Coradi PC, Jaques LBA
59. Thianthrene polymers as 4 V-class organic mediators for redox targeting reaction with LiMn(2)O(4) in flow batteries.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Hatakeyama-Sato K, Sadakuni K, Kitagawa K
60. Consequences of changing Canadian activity patterns since the COVID-19 pandemic include increased residential radon gas exposure for younger people.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Cholowsky NL(#), Chen MJ(#), Selouani G
61. A multiresolution framework for the analysis of community structure in international trade networks.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Cho W, Lee D, Kim BJ.
62. Buried object characterization by data-driven surrogates and regression-enabled hyperbolic signature extraction.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Yurt R, Torpi H, Kizilay A
63. Association between maternal postpartum depressive symptoms, socioeconomic factors, and birth outcomes with infant growth in South Africa.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Ricci H, Nakiranda R, Malan L
64. Effect of the new silicon-based agent on the symptoms of interstitial pneumonitis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Shimada M, Koyama Y, Kobayashi Y
65. Exploring nurses' multitasking in clinical settings using a multimethod study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Kim Y, Lee MJ, Choi M
66. Identification and analysis of isoflavone reductase gene family in Gossypium hirsutum L.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Gui Y, Fu G, Li X
67. Factors affecting digital technology access in vocational education.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Habibi A, Sofyan S, Mukminin A.
68. Deformation characteristics test and mechanism of arbor taproot soil complex in rainforests.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Du P, Zhou D, Liu X
69. Intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor monotherapy in age-related macular degeneration with submacular hemorrhage.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Maruyama-Inoue M, Kitajima Y, Yanagi Y
70. Experimental evaluation of soapberry seed oil biodiesel performance in CRDI diesel engine.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Sajjad MOA, Sathish T, Rajasimman M
71. Comparison of the simulated outcomes of aerosol-cloud interaction by a meteorological model with and without an interactive chemistry module.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Takeishi A, Wang C.
72. Satellite monitoring of bio-fertilizer restoration in olive groves affected by Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Blonda P, Tarantino C, Scortichini M
73. Influence of an inclined magnetic field and heat and mass transfer on the peristaltic flow of blood in an asymmetric channel.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Abdelhafez MA, Abd-Alla AM, Abo-Dahab SM
74. Marginal leaf galls on Pliocene leaves from India indicate mutualistic behavior between Ipomoea plants and Eriophyidae mites.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Hazra T(#), Adroit B(#), Denk T
75. Influence of the hierarchical architecture of multi-core iron oxide nanoflowers on their magnetic properties.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Neumann S, Kuger L, Arlt CR
76. The phase of plasticity-induced neurochemical changes of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation are different from visual perceptual learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Lin SN, Lien YR, Shibata K
77. The combination of rolipram and cilostamide improved the developmental competence of cloned porcine embryos.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Tanga BM, Fang X, Bang S
78. Physiologic dead space is independently associated with mortality and discharge of mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19 ARDS: a retrospective study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Mollura M, Baroncelli F, Mandelli G
79. The unraveling of balanced complexes in metabolic networks.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Langary D, Küken A, Nikoloski Z.
80. Persistent currents and electronic properties of Mandelbrot quantum rings.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Tehrani DHT, Solaimani M.
81. Enabling chlorophyll photo-response for in-line real-time noninvasive direct probing of the quality of palm-oil during mill process.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Tan EKM, Tiong SH, Adan D
82. The criterion of development of processes of the self-organization of subsystems of the second level in tribosystems of diesel engine.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Baranovskyi D, Myamlin S.
83. Lung microbiome and cytokine profiles in different disease states of COPD: a cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Xue Q(#), Xie Y(#), He Y(#)
84. Extension of bacterial rDNA sequencing for simultaneous methylation detection and its application in microflora analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Nishimura M, Tanaka T, Murata S
85. Rapid detection of isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 mutation status in glioma based on Crispr-Cas12a.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Feng Z(#), Kong D(#), Jin W
86. Mapping hepatitis B virus genotypes on the African continent from 1997 to 2021: a systematic review with meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Kafeero HM, Ndagire D, Ocama P
87. Diagnostic accuracy of using multiple cytokines to predict aldosterone-producing adenoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Qin F(#), Wen H(#), Zhong X
88. Localization of spleen and kidney organs from CT scans based on classification of slices in rotational views.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Les T, Markiewicz T, Dziekiewicz M
89. Relationship between surgical field contamination by patient's exhaled air and the state of the drapes during eye surgery.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Morioka M, Takamura Y, Miyazaki HT
90. Influence of domain walls thickness, density and alignment on Barkhausen noise emission in low alloyed steels.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Neslušan M, Pitoňák M, Minárik P
91. Comparisons of efficacy and safety between preserved and preservative-free brimonidine tartrate in glaucoma and ocular hypertension: a parallel-grouped, randomized trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Kim KE(#), Lee CK(#), Shin J
92. NSF Fellows' perceptions about incentives, research misconduct, and scientific integrity in STEM academia.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Roy S, Edwards MA.
93. Topographical mapping of catecholaminergic axon innervation in the flat-mounts of the mouse atria: a quantitative analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 7
Zhang Y(#), Bizanti A(#), Harden SW
94. Collagen type I alters the proteomic signature of macrophages in a collagen morphology-dependent manner.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Vasse GF(#), Russo S(#), Barcaru A
95. Prediction of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agent-specific treatment outcomes in neovascular age-related macular degeneration using a generative adversarial network.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Moon S(#), Lee Y(#), Hwang J
96. Contribution of serum lipids and cholesterol cellular metabolism in lung cancer development and progression.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Hartmann P, Trufa DI, Hohenberger K
97. Rational design of phase separating peptides based on phase separating protein sequence of p53.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Kamagata K(#), Hando A(#), Ariefai M
98. Proteomic analysis of plasma to identify novel biomarkers for intra-amniotic infection and/or inflammation in preterm premature rupture of membranes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Back JH(#), Kim SY(#), Gu MB
99. Responses of biomass accumulation and nutrient utilization along a phosphorus supply gradient in Leymus chinensis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Li H, Hu Y, Liu G
100. Pharmacological inhibition of the inflammatory receptor CCR2 relieves the early deleterious consequences of status epilepticus.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Alemán-Ruiz C, Wang W, Dingledine R
101. Volcanic contribution to the 1990s North Pacific climate shift in winter.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Wu CH, Lee SY, Tsai IC
102. A temporal single cell transcriptome atlas of zebrafish anterior segment development.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Vöcking O, Famulski JK.
103. Graph-BERT and language model-based framework for protein-protein interaction identification.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Jha K, Karmakar S, Saha S.
104. Association between human papillomavirus particle production and the severity of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Yamada S, Itoh T, Ikegami T
105. Seasonal changes in photoperiod and temperature lead to changes in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles and affect mating success in Drosophila suzukii.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Kárpáti Z, Deutsch F, Kiss B
106. Access, timeliness and retention for HIV testing under early infant diagnosis (EID) program, India.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Kamble S(#), Gawde N(#), Goel N
107. Assessment of the tocolytic nifedipine in preclinical primary models of preterm birth.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Arman BM, Binder NK, de Alwis N
108. Floral scent of the Mediterranean fig tree: significant inter-varietal difference but strong conservation of the signal responsible for pollinator attraction.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Cao L, Hmimsa Y, El Fatehi S
109. Survival strategies of artificial active agents.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Zanovello L, Löffler RJG, Caraglio M
110. Immunomodulatory therapy with glatiramer acetate reduces endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Makar TK, Guda PR, Ray S
111. ChatGPT's inconsistent moral advice influences users' judgment.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Krügel S, Ostermaier A, Uhl M.
112. Disruptive lysosomal-metabolic signaling and neurodevelopmental deficits that precede Purkinje cell loss in a mouse model of Niemann-Pick Type-C disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Kim S, Ochoa K, Melli SE
113. Functionally active cross-linked protein oligomers formed by homocysteine thiolactone.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Kumari K(#), Sharma GS(#), Gupta A
114. Ketorolac modulates Rac-1/HIF-1α/DDX3/β-catenin signalling via a tumor suppressor prostate apoptosis response-4 (Par-4) in renal cell carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Sonawane V(#), Ghosalkar J(#), Achrekar S
115. Accurate real space iterative reconstruction (RESIRE) algorithm for tomography.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Pham M, Yuan Y, Rana A
116. A phenomenological and quantitative view on the degradation of positive electrodes from spent lithium-ion batteries in humid atmosphere.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Langner T, Sieber T, Rietig A
117. An improved plastination method for strengthening bamboo culms, without compromising biodegradability.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Osmond R, H Margoto O, Basar IA
118. Textile dual-band NFC-A4WP (13.56-6.78 MHz) combiner for wireless energy and data transmission for connected clothing.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Garnier B, Mariage P, Rault F
119. Forced-air prewarming prevents hypothermia during living donor liver transplantation: a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Oh EJ, Han S, Lee S
120. On good encodings for quantum annealer and digital optimization solvers.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Ceselli A, Premoli M.
121. Direct evidence of the use of multiple drugs in Bronze Age Menorca (Western Mediterranean) from human hair analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Guerra-Doce E, Rihuete-Herrada C, Micó R
122. Removal of hydrocarbons and heavy metals from petroleum water by modern green nanotechnology methods.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Bouafia A, Meneceur S, Chami S
123. Atomistic nonlinear carrier dynamics in Ge.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Srivastava A, Srivastava P, Srivastava A
124. Quantum-resistance in blockchain networks.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Allende M, León DL, Cerón S
125. Prospective study of weight loss and all-cause-, cardiovascular-, and cancer mortality.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Tolvanen L, Ghilotti F, Adami HO
126. Epidemiological and clinical characterization of a population-based cohort of cutaneous malignant melanoma patients in the South Region of Portugal.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Alves da Costa F, Ramos A, Bernardo C
127. Drug-induced loss of imprinting revealed using bioluminescent reporters of Cdkn1c.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Dimond A, Van de Pette M, Taylor-Bateman V
128. Changes in social behavioral developmental risks in preschool children after the first COVID-19 wave: a prospective longitudinal cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Kästner A, Ernst VS, Hoffmann W
129. Context expectation influences the gait pattern biomechanics.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Ciceri T, Malerba G, Gatti A
130. Counter-gradient variation and the expensive tissue hypothesis explain parallel brain size reductions at high elevation in cricetid and murid rodents.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Nengovhela A, Ivy CM, Scott GR
131. Estimation of the depth of origin of fluids using noble gases in the surface sediments of submarine mud volcanoes off Tanegashima Island.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Mitsutome Y, Toki T, Kagoshima T
132. A dual doping nonvolatile reconfigurable FET.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Jin X, Zhang S, Liu X.
133. A large-scale functional analysis of genes expressed differentially in insulin secreting MIN6 sublines with high versus mildly reduced glucose-responsiveness.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Tanaka A, Kosuda M, Yamana M
134. Access to germasiloxanes and alkynylgermanes mediated by earth-abundant species.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Stachowiak-Dłużyńska H, Kuciński K, Broniarz K
135. A new hazard scenario at Vesuvius: deadly thermal impact of detached ash cloud surges in 79CE at Herculaneum.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Pensa A, Giordano G, Corrado S
136. A global analysis of the effectiveness of policy responses to COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Agyapon-Ntra K, McSharry PE.
137. Prognostic factors and Doxorubicin involved in malignant progression of meningioma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Huo X(#), Song L(#), Wang K
138. Intracellular bioaccumulation of the rare earth element Gadolinium in ciliate cells resulting in biogenic particle formation and excretion.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Kohl J, Schweikert M, Klaas N
139. The Swiss chiropractic practice-based research network: a population-based cross-sectional study to inform future musculoskeletal research.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 6
Lalji R, Hofstetter L, Kongsted A
140. Integrating the norm activation model and theory of planned behaviour to investigate farmer pro-environmental behavioural intention.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Savari M, Damaneh HE, Damaneh HE
141. Quantifying the role of antecedent Southwestern Indian Ocean capacitance on the summer monsoon rainfall variability over homogeneous regions of India.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Thandlam V, Rahaman H, Rutgersson A
142. Enhanced axonal regeneration of ALS patient iPSC-derived motor neurons harboring SOD1(A4V) mutation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Marshall KL, Rajbhandari L, Venkatesan A
143. Synthesis of pyrido-annelated [1,2,4,5]tetrazines, [1,2,4]triazepine, and [1,2,4,5]tetrazepines for anticancer, DFT, and molecular docking studies.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Hassan AY, Shabaan SN, El-Sebaey SA
144. The functional change of the P2X7R containing the Ala(348) to Thr polymorphism is associated with the pathogenesis of gout.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Li MY(#), Fang X(#), Ma Y
145. Eco-morphodynamic carbon pumping by the largest rivers in the Neotropics.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Salerno L, Vezza P(#), Perona P(#)
146. Aldose reductase inhibition decelerates optic nerve degeneration by alleviating retinal microglia activation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Rao M, Huang YK, Liu CC
147. Exploring body weight-influencing gut microbiota by elucidating the association with diet and host gene expression.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Nemoto S, Kubota T, Ohno H.
148. Priority age targets for COVID-19 vaccination in Ethiopia under limited vaccine supply.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Galli M(#), Zardini A(#), Gamshie WN
149. Connectome and regulatory hubs of CAGE highly active enhancers.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Briend M, Rufiange A, Moncla LM
150. Hydroxychloroquine is neutral on incidental cataracts in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Zhang Z(#), Ma X(#), Wang YH(#)
151. A novel physiological function of pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide in production of aggregation pheromone.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Khan F, Kim K, Sung J
152. Evaluation of transorbital sonography measures of optic nerve diameter in the context of global and regional brain volume in multiple sclerosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Antal SI, Kincses B, Veréb D
153. Research of deformation law about guide rails under the action of mining deformation in mine vertical shaft.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Zhao J, Ma C, Han J
154. Prosocial behavior, social reward and affective state discrimination in adult male and female mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Misiołek K, Klimczak M, Chrószcz M
155. Synthesis, characterization and protective efficiency of novel polybenzoxazine precursor as an anticorrosive coating for mild steel.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Soliman AMM, Aly KI, Mohamed MG
156. Research on the community electric carbon emission prediction considering the dynamic emission coefficient of power system.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Yu H(#), Yang Y, Li B
157. Imperatorin exerts antioxidant effects in vascular dementia via the Nrf2 signaling pathway.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Liao X(#), Zhang Z(#), Ming M
158. Polyunsaturated fatty acids-rich dietary lipid prevents high fat diet-induced obesity in mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Haneishi Y(#), Furuya Y(#), Hasegawa M
159. Personality traits and decision-making styles among obstetricians and gynecologists managing childbirth emergencies.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Raoust G, Kajonius P, Hansson S.
160. 2-[(18)F]FDG-PET/CT is a better predictor of survival than conventional CT: a prospective study of response monitoring in metastatic breast cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Vogsen M, Naghavi-Behzad M, Harbo FG
161. Identification of three cultivated varieties of Scutellaria baicalensis using the complete chloroplast genome as a super-barcode.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Jiang Y, Zhu C, Wang S
162. Kinetic trapping of 2,4,6-tris(4-pyridyl)benzene and ZnI(2) into M(12)L(8) poly-[n]-catenanes using solution and solid-state processes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Martí-Rujas J, Elli S, Famulari A.
163. Serum proteins for monitoring and predicting visual function in patients with recent optic neuritis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Kim HJ, Lee EJ(#), Kim SY
164. CRISPR-resolved virus-host interactions in a municipal landfill include non-specific viruses, hyper-targeted viral populations, and interviral conflicts.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
George NA, Hug LA.
165. Development and validation of a semi-automated measurement tool for calculating consistent and reliable surface metrics describing cosmesis in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Suresh S, Perera P, Izatt MT
166. Discrimination of the chemotherapy resistance status of human leukemia and glioblastoma cell lines by MALDI-TOF-MS profiling.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Ledesma M(#), Poodts D(#), Amoia S
167. Impaired retinoic acid signaling in cerebral cavernous malformations.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Grdseloff N(#), Boulday G(#), Rödel CJ
168. Post-reperfusion acute MR diffusion in stroke is a potential predictor for clinical outcome in rats.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Nagy SA, Ivic I, Tóth P
169. Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on structural brain development in early adolescence.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
van Drunen L, Toenders YJ, Wierenga LM
170. KLB and NOX4 expression levels as potential blood-based transcriptional biomarkers of physical activity in children.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Galmés S, Rupérez AI, Sánchez J
171. Predicting wellbeing over one year using sociodemographic factors, personality, health behaviours, cognition, and life events.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Chilver MR, Champaigne-Klassen E, Schofield PR
172. A comprehensive analysis of gene expression profiling data in COVID-19 patients for discovery of specific and differential blood biomarker signatures.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Momeni M, Rashidifar M, Balam FH
173. Flood sensitivity assessment of super cities.
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2023 Apr 5
Wang Z, Chen X, Qi Z
174. Microfibrillar-associated protein 5 suppresses adipogenesis by inhibiting essential coactivator of PPARγ.
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2023 Apr 5
Zhang T(#), Li H(#), Sun S
175. Prediction of air quality index based on the SSA-BiLSTM-LightGBM model.
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2023 Apr 5
Zhang X, Jiang X, Li Y.
176. Public remotely sensed data raise concerns about history of failed Jagersfontein dam.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Torres-Cruz LA, O'Donovan C.
177. Accuracy of pilot balloon palpation for cuff pressure assessment in small versus large sized tubes: a prospective non-randomized observational study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Ban MG, Kim SY, Kim MS
178. Surface tension coupled non-uniformly imposed flows modulate the activity of reproducing chemotactic bacteria in porous media.
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2023 Apr 5
Kuipou W, Mohamadou A.
179. The species coalescent indicates possible bat and pangolin origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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2023 Apr 5
Yang J, Skaro M, Chen J
180. Improving detention ponds for effective stormwater management and water quality enhancement under future climate change: a simulation study using the PCSWMM model.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Abduljaleel Y, Salem A, Ul Haq F
181. Interpretable machine learning approach for neuron-centric analysis of human cortical cytoarchitecture.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Štajduhar A, Lipić T, Lončarić S
182. The role of nonequilibrium LO phonons, Pauli exclusion, and intervalley pathways on the relaxation of hot carriers in InGaAs/InGaAsP multi-quantum-wells.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Zou Y, Esmaielpour H, Suchet D
183. Secondary oxidized di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate metabolites may be associated with progression from isolated premature thelarche to central precocious or early puberty.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Zheng X(#), Su H(#), Huang S
184. Characterization of the pathogenicity of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli isolates from pneumonia-infected lung samples of dogs and cats in South Korea.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Yun CS, Moon BY, Hwang MH
185. On quantification and maximization of information transfer in network dynamical systems.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Singh MS, Pasumarthy R, Vaidya U
186. Regionally high risk increase for precipitation extreme events under global warming.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Martinez-Villalobos C, Neelin JD.
187. Identification of two insecticide resistance markers in Ethiopian Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes using a multiplex amplicon sequencing assay.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Acford-Palmer H, Phelan JE, Tadesse FG
188. CLUMondo-BNU for simulating land system changes based on many-to-many demand-supply relationships with adaptive conversion orders.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Gao P, Gao Y, Zhang X
189. Parasitic infection in the scyphozoan Rhizostoma pulmo (Macri, 1778).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 5
Motta G(#), Caffara M, Fioravanti ML
190. Rashba effect on finite temperature magnetotransport in a dissipative quantum dot transistor with electronic and polaronic interactions.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Bhattacharyya K, Debnath D, Chatterjee A.
191. Changes of the coronal lumbar-pelvic-femoral alignment after conversion total hip arthroplasty in patients with unilateral ankylosed hip.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Kobayashi T, Morimoto T, Hirata H
192. Women compared with men work harder for small rewards.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Lewis CA, Grahlow M, Kühnel A
193. Effects of FIFA 11 + warm-up program on kinematics and proprioception in adolescent soccer players: a parallel‑group randomized control trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Seyedi M, Zarei M, Daneshjoo A
194. Machine learning model to predict obesity using gut metabolite and brain microstructure data.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Osadchiy V, Bal R, Mayer EA
195. Dietary fatty acids differentially affect secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines in human THP-1 monocytes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Hung HC, Tsai SF, Chou HW
196. Effect of characteristics on the clinical course at the initiation of treatment for human immunodeficiency virus infection using dimensionality reduction.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Choi Y, Choi BY, Kim SI
197. Association between asymmetric dimethylarginine and sarcopenia in community-dwelling older women.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Yokoro M, Otaki N, Yano M
198. Long-term myopia control effect and safety in children wearing DIMS spectacle lenses for 6 years.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Lam CSY, Tang WC, Zhang HY
199. Prediction method of surface settlement of rectangular pipe jacking tunnel based on improved PSO-BP neural network.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Hu D, Hu Y, Yi S
200. Risk of venous thromboembolism in patients with COVID-19 during 2020; a retrospective cross-sectional study in a Swedish health care system.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Wretborn J, Jörg M, Benjaminsson Nyberg P
201. Root plasticity: an effective selection technique for identification of drought tolerant maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Wajhat-Un-Nisa, Sandhu S, Ranjan R
202. Long-term stability of PVDF-SiO(2)-HDTMS composite hollow fiber membrane for carbon dioxide absorption in gas-liquid contacting process.
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2023 Apr 4
Pang H, Qiu Y, Sheng W.
203. The participation of tumor residing pericytes in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
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2023 Apr 4
do Valle IB, Oliveira SR, da Silva JM
204. Artificial intelligence in communication impacts language and social relationships.
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2023 Apr 4
Hohenstein J, Kizilcec RF, DiFranzo D
205. Risk taking for potential losses but not gains increases with time of day.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Bedder RL, Vaghi MM, Dolan RJ
206. Data driven pathway analysis and forecast of global warming and sea level rise.
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2023 Apr 4
Song J, Tong G, Chao J
207. Utilization of the GOAL questionnaire as a standardized screening tool for obstructive sleep apnea.
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2023 Apr 4
Xing Y, Zhang Z, Yin J
208. The role of INTERCheckWEB digital innovation in supporting polytherapy management.
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2023 Apr 4
Foglia E, Ferrario L, Garagiola E
209. Loss of CSF-contacting neuron sensory function is associated with a hyper-kyphosis of the spine reminiscent of Scheuermann's disease.
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2023 Apr 4
Marie-Hardy L, Slimani L, Messa G
210. GC-MS analysis of soil faecal biomarkers uncovers mammalian species and the economic management of the archeological site "Le Colombare di Negrar".
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Reggio C(#), Palmisano E(#), Tecchiati U
211. A new phase model of the spatiotemporal relationships between three circadian oscillators in the brainstem.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Ahern J, Chrobok Ł, Champneys AR
212. Rat model of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder exhibits delayed recovery from acute incisional pain due to impaired descending noradrenergic inhibition.
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2023 Apr 4
Suto T, Kato D, Koibuchi I
213. Small RNA sequencing of circulating small extracellular vesicles microRNAs in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Kim JA(#), Park C(#), Sung JJ(#)
214. Combined use of CRP with neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in differentiating between infectious and noninfectious inflammation in hemodialysis patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Beberashvili I, Omar MA, Nizri E
215. Grafting red clay with Bi(2)O(3) nanoparticles into epoxy resin for gamma-ray shielding applications.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Elsafi M, Almuqrin AH, Almutairi HM
216. The unconditioned fear response in dystrophin-deficient mice is associated with adrenal and vascular function.
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2023 Apr 4
Lindsay A, Russell AP.
217. High-dimensional spatiotemporal visual analysis of the air quality in China.
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2023 Apr 4
Liu J, Wan G, Liu W
218. Real-world efficacy of anti-IL-5 treatment in patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Tomomatsu K, Yasuba H, Ishiguro T
219. Explanatory predictive model for COVID-19 severity risk employing machine learning, shapley addition, and LIME.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Laatifi M, Douzi S, Ezzine H
220. Love and affectionate touch toward romantic partners all over the world.
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2023 Apr 4
Sorokowska A, Kowal M, Saluja S
221. Revealing the static and dynamic nanomechanical properties of diatom frustules-Nature's glass lace.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Cvjetinovic J, Luchkin SY, Statnik ES
222. Multi-scale detection of pulmonary nodules by integrating attention mechanism.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Cao Z, Li R, Yang X
223. Microvascular and structural analysis of the retina and choroid in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Khalilipur E, Mahdizad Z, Molazadeh N
224. Exchange of Pb from Indian to Atlantic Ocean is driven by Agulhas current and atmospheric Pb input from South Africa.
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2023 Apr 4
Samanta S, Cloete R, Dey SP
225. Profiling Covid-19 patients with respect to level of severity: an integrated statistical approach.
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2023 Apr 4
Cugnata F(#), Scarale MG(#), De Lorenzo R
226. Manual reduction for incarcerated obturator hernia.
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2023 Apr 4
Gokon Y, Ohki Y, Ogino T
227. Determination of chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC in the paddy ecosystem and its risk assessment.
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2023 Apr 4
Mahato S, Naik RH, Bheemanna M
228. Hypoxic microenvironment as a crucial factor triggering events leading to rupture of intracranial aneurysm.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Ono I(#), Kayahara T(#), Kawashima A
229. Non-invasive authentication of mail packages using nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy.
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2023 Apr 4
Horace-Herron K, Masna NVR, Dehghanzadeh P
230. Development and application of rTMS device to murine model.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Choung JS(#), Bhattacharjee S(#), Son JP
231. Questionnaire survey on pharmacists' roles among non- and health care professionals in medium-sized cities in Japan.
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2023 Apr 4
Horio F, Ikeda T, Kouzaki Y
232. Self-report symptom-based endometriosis prediction using machine learning.
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2023 Apr 4
Goldstein A, Cohen S.
233. Bacterial microbiome in tropical lichens and the effect of the isolation method on culturable lichen-derived actinobacteria.
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2023 Apr 4
Weeraphan T, Somphong A, Poengsungnoen V
234. Two-dimensional nanofluid flow impinging on a porous stretching sheet with nonlinear thermal radiation and slip effect at the boundary enclosing energy perspective.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Zeeshan, Khan I, Eldin SM
235. Suppression of tumor growth and apoptosis induction by pomegranate seed nano-emulsion in mice bearing solid Ehrlich carcinoma cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Mohamed HRH, Tulbah FSA, El-Ghor AA
236. Parallel recovery of chromatin accessibility and gene expression dynamics from frozen human regulatory T cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Wong YY, Harbison JE, Hope CM
237. Treating SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant infection by molnupiravir for pandemic mitigation and living with the virus: a mathematical modeling study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Zheng Q(#), Bao C(#), Ji Y
238. Recursive computed ABC (cABC) analysis as a precise method for reducing machine learning based feature sets to their minimum informative size.
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2023 Apr 4
Lötsch J, Ultsch A.
239. Fossil and non-fossil sources of the carbonaceous component of PM(2.5) in forest and urban areas.
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2023 Apr 4
Cha JY, Lee K, Lee SC
240. Dynamic balance and explosive strength appears to better explain single leg hop test results among young elite female basketball athletes.
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2023 Apr 4
Dominguez-Navarro F, Casaña J, Perez-Dominguez B
241. The systematic comparison between Gaussian mirror and Model-X knockoff models.
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2023 Apr 4
Chen S, Li Z, Liu L
242. Effects of adding poly-histidine tag on stability, antimicrobial activity and safety of recombinant buforin I expressed in periplasmic space of Escherichia coli.
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2023 Apr 4
Roshanak S, Yarabbi H, Shahidi F
243. Spatiotemporal consistency of neural responses to repeatedly presented video stimuli accounts for population preferences.
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2023 Apr 4
Hoshi A, Hirayama Y, Saito F
244. Health trajectories of elderly living in French senior housing: a longitudinal perspective.
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2023 Apr 4
Boucaud-Maitre D, Meillon C, Letenneur L
245. Sulfur and nitrogen co-doped carbon quantum dots as fluorescent probes for the determination of some pharmaceutically-important nitro compounds.
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2023 Apr 4
Magdy G, Ebrahim S, Belal F
246. A sophisticated design of copper core to converge rotating eddy current control for detecting cracks in conductive materials.
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2023 Apr 4
Trung LQ, Kasai N, Sekino K
247. Indwelling stents cause severe inflammation and fibrosis of the ureter via urothelial-mesenchymal transition.
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2023 Apr 4
Reicherz A, Eltit F, Scotland K
248. Phylogenomic analysis uncovers a 9-year variation of Uganda influenza type-A strains from the WHO-recommended vaccines and other Africa strains.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Nabakooza G, Owuor DC, de Laurent ZR
249. Social contact patterns relevant for infectious disease transmission in Cambodia.
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2023 Apr 4
Leung WTM, Meeyai A, Holt HR
250. Circulating cf-miRNA as a more appropriate surrogate liquid biopsy marker than cfDNA for ovarian cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 4
Gahlawat AW, Witte T, Sinn P
251. Development and validation of a questionnaire to test Chinese patients' knowledge of inflammatory bowel disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 30
Xie H, Zhang J, Liu C
252. Molecular structure, comparative and phylogenetic analysis of the complete chloroplast genome sequences of weedy rye Secale cereale ssp. segetale.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Skuza L, Androsiuk P, Gastineau R
253. Braille recognition by E-skin system based on binary memristive neural network.
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2023 Apr 3
Liu YH, Wang JJ, Wang HZ
254. Bioinformatics and computational chemistry approaches to explore the mechanism of the anti-depressive effect of ligustilide.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Zhang K, Zhang C, Teng X
255. A database of heterogeneous faces for studying naturalistic expressions.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Long H(#), Peluso N(#), Baker CI
256. Corneal higher-order aberrations in corneal endothelial decompensation secondary to obstetric forceps injury.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Kasamatsu H, Yagi-Yaguchi Y, Yamaguchi T
257. In silico study of HASDI (high-affinity selective DNA intercalator) as a new agent capable of highly selective recognition of the DNA sequence.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Zaremba AA, Zaremba PY, Zahorodnia SD.
258. Sex differences in post-exercise fatigue and function in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome.
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2023 Apr 3
Friedberg F, Adamowicz JL, Bruckenthal P
259. Energy transfer in Carreau Yasuda liquid influenced by engine oil with Magnetic dipole using tri-hybrid nanoparticles.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Bilal M, Ullah I, Alam MM
260. Study of workshop network stability based on pinning control in disturbance environment.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Li X, Cui G, Li S
261. Valley-optical absorption in planar transition metal dichalcogenide superlattices.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Hashemi R, Shojaei S, Rezaei B
262. Longitudinal trajectory of vascular age indices and cardiovascular risk factors: a repeated-measures analysis.
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2023 Apr 3
Watanabe D, Gando Y, Murakami H
263. Predictive machine learning approaches for the microstructural behavior of multiphase zirconium alloys.
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2023 Apr 3
Hasan T, Capolungo L, Zikry MA.
264. Adsorption of methylene blue from textile industrial wastewater using activated carbon developed from Rumex abyssinicus plant.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Fito J, Abewaa M, Mengistu A
265. Microfluidic platform for the reproduction of hypoxic vascular microenvironments.
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2023 Apr 3
Takahashi N, Yoshino D, Sugahara R
266. Recellularized lymph node scaffolds with human adipose-derived stem cells enhance lymph node regeneration to improve lymphedema.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Kang HJ, Moon SY, Kim BK
267. A novel Raman spectroscopic method for detecting traces of blood on an interfering substrate.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Kistenev YV, Borisov AV, Samarinova AA
268. Myopia prediction for children and adolescents via time-aware deep learning.
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2023 Apr 3
Huang J, Ma W, Li R
269. Machine learning unifies flexibility and efficiency of spinodal structure generation for stochastic biomaterial design.
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2023 Apr 3
Wang Z, Dabaja R, Chen L
270. Food system actor perspectives on future-proofing European food systems through plant breeding.
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2023 Apr 3
Stetkiewicz S, Menary J, Nair A
271. Phase engineering of layered anode materials during ion-intercalation in Van der Waal heterostructures.
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2023 Apr 3
Parida S, Dobley A, Carter CB
272. Sound source localization based on residual network and channel attention module.
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2023 Apr 3
Hu F, Song X, He R
273. Grazing-incidence diffraction reveals cellulose and pectin organization in hydrated plant primary cell wall.
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2023 Apr 3
Del Mundo JT, Rongpipi S, Yang H
274. Mortality was predicted by depression and functional dependence in a cohort of elderly adults of Italian descent from southern Brazil.
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2023 Apr 3
Pessin E, Fuchs SC, Bruscato NM
275. Clinical characteristics and risk factors of patients with eosinophilic fasciitis associated with pleural effusion.
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2023 Apr 3
Chen Z, Wasti B, Shang Y
276. New compartment model for COVID-19.
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2023 Apr 3
Odagaki T.
277. Association of high proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 antibody level with poor prognosis in patients with diabetes: a prospective study.
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2023 Apr 3
Yamagata H(#), Hayashi A(#), Yoshida Y
278. Descriptor engineering in machine learning regression of electronic structure properties for 2D materials.
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2023 Apr 3
Dau MT, Al Khalfioui M, Michon A
279. A randomized, open-label clinical trial in mild cognitive impairment with EGb 761 examining blood markers of inflammation and oxidative stress.
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2023 Apr 3
Morató X, Marquié M, Tartari JP
280. Metabolic profile in first episode drug naïve patients with psychosis and its relation to cognitive functions and social cognition: a case control study.
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2023 Apr 3
Sayed SE, Gomaa S, Alhazmi A
281. A novel method for ZnO@NiO core-shell nanoparticle synthesis using pulse laser ablation in liquid and plasma jet techniques.
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2023 Apr 3
Imran HJ(#), Hubeatir KA, Aadim KA(#).
282. Analysis of fatality impact and seroprevalence surveys in a community sustaining a SARS-CoV-2 superspreading event.
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2023 Apr 3
Richter E, Liebl D, Schulte B
283. Growth origin of large-scale fiberform nanostructures in He-W co-deposition environment.
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2023 Apr 3
Hori K, Kajita S, Zhang R
284. Onchocerciasis transmission status in some endemic communities of Cross River State, Nigeria after two decades of mass drug administration with ivermectin.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Chikezie FM, Opara KN, Ubulom PME
285. Safety assessment of subchronic feeding of insect-resistant and herbicide-resistant transgenic soybeans to juvenile channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus).
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2023 Apr 3
Xiang D(#), Luo M(#), Jiang F
286. Genomic comparison of two Streptococcus suis serotype 1 strains recovered from porcine and human disease cases.
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2023 Apr 3
Hatrongjit R, Fittipaldi N, Jenjaroenpun P
287. Measurements of tendon length changes during stretch-shortening cycles in rat soleus.
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2023 Apr 3
Fukutani A, Hashizume S, Isaka T.
288. Unsigned surprise but not reward magnitude modulates the integration of motor elements during actions.
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2023 Apr 3
Jamous R(#), Takacs A(#), Frings C
289. Prevalence and types of anemia among people with tuberculosis in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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2023 Apr 3
Abaynew Y, Ali A, Taye G
290. Modeling pressure drop values across ultra-thin nanofiber filters with various ranges of filtration parameters under an aerodynamic slip effect.
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2023 Apr 3
Lee S, Bui-Vinh D, Baek M
291. A fractional order nonlinear model of the love story of Layla and Majnun.
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2023 Apr 3
Sabir Z, Said SB.
292. Total fat and omega-3 fatty acids intake in relation to serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels and psychological disorders in Iranian adults.
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2023 Apr 3
Bahadorpour S, Hajhashemy Z, Mohammadi S
293. Transmission dynamics of seasonal influenza in a remote island population.
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2023 Apr 3
Han SM, Robert A, Masuda S
294. Intensification of strontium (II) ion biosorption on Sargassum sp via response surface methodology.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Soleymani F, Khani MH, Pahlevanzadeh H
295. Investigation of time profile of FEV(1) across the onset of potential COPD: a retrospective cohort study using medical checkup data in Japan.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Suzuki M, Matsumoto I, Ishida M
296. Effects of sugammadex versus neostigmine on postoperative nausea and vomiting after general anesthesia in adult patients:a single-center retrospective study.
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2023 Apr 3
Ju JW, Hwang IE, Cho HY
297. The evaluation of tumorigenicity and characterization of colonies in a soft agar colony formation assay using polymerase chain reaction.
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2023 Apr 3
Nakamura D.
298. Macular outer nuclear layer, ellipsoid zone and outer photoreceptor segment band thickness, axial length and other determinants.
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2023 Apr 3
Wang YX, Pan Z, Xue CC
299. Studying pathogens degrades BLAST-based pathogen identification.
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2023 Apr 3
Beal J, Clore A, Manthey J.
300. Characteristics and response of subretinal hyperreflective material to anti-vascular endothelial growth factor in myopic choroidal neovascularization.
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2023 Apr 3
Huang CJ, Hsia Y, Wang SW
301. Suppressive effects of increasing mungbean density on growth and reproduction of junglerice and feather fingergrass.
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2023 Apr 3
Matloob A, Mobli A, Chauhan BS.
302. Methylammonium halide salt interfacial modification of perovskite quantum dots/triple-cation perovskites enable efficient solar cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Tien CH, Lai HY, Chen LC.
303. The structure of the hematopoietic system can explain chronic myeloid leukemia progression.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 3
Pérez-Jiménez M, Derényi I, Szöllősi GJ.
304. Autofocusing MALDI MS imaging of processed food exemplified by the contaminant acrylamide in German gingerbread.
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2023 Apr 3
Wittek O, Römpp A.
305. Reconstruction of incomplete X-ray diffraction pole figures of oligocrystalline materials using deep learning.
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2023 Apr 3
Meier D, Ragunathan R, Degener S
306. Multimodal intrinsic speckle-tracking (MIST) to extract images of rapidly-varying diffuse X-ray dark-field.
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2023 Apr 3
Alloo SJ, Morgan KS, Paganin DM
307. Ultra-thin Ag/Si heterojunction hot-carrier photovoltaic conversion Schottky devices for harvesting solar energy at wavelength above 1.1 µm.
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2023 Apr 3
Su ZC, Chang CH, Jhou JC
308. Pharmacological management of acute spinal cord injury: a longitudinal multi-cohort observational study.
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2023 Apr 3
Jutzeler CR(#), Bourguignon L(#), Tong B
309. A new improved generalized class of estimators for population distribution function using auxiliary variable under simple random sampling.
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2023 Apr 3
Ahmad S, Ullah K, Zahid E
310. Tribological behaviors of laser textured surface under different lubrication conditions for rotary compressor.
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2023 Apr 3
Ding S, Wei H, Yang O
311. Stereocomplexed microparticles loaded with Salvia cadmica Boiss. extracts for enhancement of immune response towards Helicobacter pylori.
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2023 Apr 29
Gonciarz W, Chmiela M, Kost B
312. Hip abduction angle after open-wedge high tibial osteotomy is associated with the timed up & go test and recurrence of varus alignment.
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2023 Apr 29
Kim Y, Kubota M, Sato T
313. Identification and phenotypic characterization of patients with LADA in a population of southeast Mexico.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Nolasco-Rosales GA(#), Ramírez-González D(#), Rodríguez-Sánchez E
314. Content-based filter queries on DNA data storage systems.
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2023 Apr 29
El-Shaikh A, Seeger B.
315. Clinical implications of somatic allele expansion in female FMR1 premutation carriers.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Aishworiya R(#), Hwang YH(#), Santos E
316. Preliminary investigation on the effect of insect-based chitosan on preservation of coated fresh cherry tomatoes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Tafi E, Triunfo M, Guarnieri A
317. Peristaltic transfer of nanofluid with motile gyrotactic microorganisms with nonlinear thermic radiation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Mostapha DR, El-Dabe NTM.
318. Human health-risk assessment of heavy metal-contaminated soil based on Monte Carlo simulation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Panqing Y, Abliz A, Xiaoli S
319. Occupational exposure to HIV and utilization of post-exposure prophylaxis among healthcare workers at St. Peter's specialized hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Tsega D, Gintamo B, Mekuria ZN
320. Identification and validation of fatty acid metabolism-related lncRNA signatures as a novel prognostic model for clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Shen C(#), Chen Z(#), Jiang J(#)
321. Evolution of fairness in the divide-a-lottery game.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Kim JY, Lee KM.
322. Phosphorylation of the PA subunit of influenza polymerase at Y393 prevents binding of the 5'-termini of RNA and polymerase function.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Liu L, Madhugiri R, Saul VV
323. Enriched environment exposure during development positively impacts the structure and function of the visual cortex in mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Bibollet-Bahena O, Tissier S, Ho-Tran S
324. Short-term inflow forecasting in a dam-regulated river in Southwest Norway using causal variational mode decomposition.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Yousefi M, Wang J(#), Fandrem Høivik Ø(#)
325. Effect of remote ischemic conditioning on the immune-inflammatory profile in patients with traumatic hemorrhagic shock in a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Leung CH, Rizoli SB, Trypcic S
326. Prenatal phthalate exposure and cord blood DNA methylation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Lee J(#), Kim J(#), Zinia SS
327. mTORC2 interactome and localization determine aggressiveness of high-grade glioma cells through association with gelsolin.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Chantaravisoot N(#), Wongkongkathep P(#), Kalpongnukul N
328. Tracing the human movements of three thousand years ago by volcanic grinding tools in the Final Bronze Age settlement of Monte Croce Guardia (Arcevia-Marche Region, central Italy).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Santi P, Cardarelli A, Bettelli M
329. Phytochemical screening and in-vitro biological properties of unprocessed and household processed fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn.) seeds and leaves.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Salam SGA, Rashed MM, Ibrahim NA
330. Short-term forecasts of streamflow in the UK based on a novel hybrid artificial intelligence algorithm.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Di Nunno F, de Marinis G, Granata F.
331. Heavy metals in the sediments of urban sinkholes in Cancun, Quintana Roo.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Ortega-Camacho D, Acosta-González G, Sánchez-Trujillo F
332. Seroprevalence of ANTI-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Martin-Arranz MD, García-Ramírez L, Hernandez-Perez M
333. Highly-conserved regulatory activity of the ANR family in the virulence of diarrheagenic bacteria through interaction with master and global regulators.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Rodriguez-Valverde D, Giron JA, Hu Y
334. Acute effect of moderate and high-intensity interval exercises on asprosin and BDNF levels in inactive normal weight and obese individuals.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Ceylan Hİ, Öztürk ME, Öztürk D
335. Sustainable development goals as unifying narratives in large UK firms' Twitter discussions.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Patuelli A, Saracco F.
336. Bifurcation analysis of hepatitis B virus with non-cytolytic cure process on infected liver and blood cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Mamo TT.
337. Clinical validation for automated geographic atrophy monitoring on OCT under complement inhibitory treatment.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Mai J, Lachinov D, Riedl S
338. High-performance phononic crystal sensing structure for acetone solution concentration sensing.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Fang TY, Sun XW, Wen XD
339. Comparison of postoperative outcomes between bikini-incision via direct anterior approach and posterolateral approach in simultaneous bilateral total hip arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 29
Jin X(#), Chen G(#), Chen M
340. Peptide microarray-based identification of dormancy-associated Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens inducing immune responses among latent tuberculosis infection individuals in Thailand.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Hanthamrongwit J(#), Aruvornlop P(#), Saelee C
341. An integrated computational approach towards novel drugs discovery against polyketide synthase 13 thioesterase domain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Altharawi A, Alossaimi MA, Alanazi MM
342. Comparing x-ray phase-contrast imaging using a Talbot array illuminator to propagation-based imaging for non-homogeneous biomedical samples.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Riedel M, Taphorn K, Gustschin A
343. Prevalence, awareness, and control of hypertension and associated factors among Royal Thai Army personnel in Thailand from 2017 to 2021.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Sakboonyarat B, Poovieng J, Srisawat P
344. Exposure of preterm neonates receiving total parenteral nutrition to phthalates and its impact on neurodevelopment at the age of 2 months.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Al-Saleh I, Elkhatib R, Alnuwaysir H
345. Minimal requirements for ISO15189 validation and accreditation of three next generation sequencing procedures for SARS-CoV-2 surveillance in clinical setting.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Maschietto C, Otto G, Rouzé P
346. Common weeds as heavy metal bioindicators: a new approach in biomonitoring.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Cakaj A, Lisiak-Zielińska M, Hanć A
347. Muscle synergies in Parkinson's disease before and after the deep brain stimulation of the bilateral subthalamic nucleus.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Ghislieri M, Lanotte M, Knaflitz M
348. Preliminary evaluation of deep learning for first-line diagnostic prediction of tumor mutational status.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Morel LO, Derangère V, Arnould L
349. Novel mitochondrial genome rearrangements including duplications and extensive heteroplasmy could underlie temperature adaptations in Antarctic notothenioid fishes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Minhas BF, Beck EA, Cheng CC
350. Prediction of total knee replacement using deep learning analysis of knee MRI.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Rajamohan HR, Wang T, Leung K
351. T-cell specific antibody induction versus corticosteroid induction immunosuppression for liver transplant recipients: a meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Jung WS, Kuh JH, Lim L
352. Male germ cell proliferation and apoptosis in sexually immature meagre Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801) treated with recombinant follicle stimulating hormone.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Zupa R, Duncan N, Giménez I
353. In-vitro biological evaluation of 3,3',5,5'-tetramethoxy-biphenyl-4,4'-diol and molecular docking studies on trypanothione reductase and Gp63 from Leishmania amazonensis demonstrated anti-leishmania potential.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Schirmann JG, Bortoleti BTS, Gonçalves MD
354. CBD hydroxyquinone photo-isomerises to a highly reactive intermediate.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Thomson BJ, Hanna S, Schwarzenberg A
355. Alteration of taste perception, food neophobia and oral microbiota composition in children with food allergy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
D'Auria E, Cattaneo C, Panelli S
356. Assessment of a multisite standardized biospecimen collection protocol for immune phenotyping in neurodevelopmental disorders.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Cleary S, Teskey G, Mathews C
357. A pilot study of digital bedside cards in the emergency room of a medical centre in Taiwan.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Liao WH(#), Lee SY(#), Liao EC
358. Enhancement of quasi-static compression strength for aluminum closed cell foam blocks shielded by aluminum tubes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Dadoura MH, Farahat AIZ, Taha MR
359. Dietary factors potentially impacting thiaminase I-mediated thiamine deficiency.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Edwards KA, Randall EA(#), Wolfe PC(#)
360. Optimization of bandgap reduction in 2-dimensional GO nanosheets and nanocomposites of GO/iron-oxide for electronic device applications.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Zainab S, Azeem M, Awan SU
361. Colonoscopy aspiration lavages for mucosal metataxonomic profiling of spondylarthritis-associated gastrointestinal tract alterations.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Marquez-Ortiz RA, Leon M, Abril D
362. Surgical starting time of the day and survival in gastric cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Gao Y, Xi H, Mattsson F
363. Prognostic value of soluble PD-L1 and exosomal PD-L1 in advanced gastric cancer patients receiving systemic chemotherapy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Shin K, Kim J, Park SJ
364. Change in skeletal muscle mass is associated with hepatic steatosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Jo IH, Song DS, Chang UI
365. Commercially available SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR diagnostic tests need obligatory internal validation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Linkowska K, Bogiel T, Lamperska K
366. Annexins A2 and A5 are potential early biomarkers of hepatocarcinogenesis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Herrera-López EE, Guerrero-Escalera D, Aguirre-Maldonado I
367. Surgical management and clinical outcome of cervical, thoracic and thoracolumbar spinal tuberculosis in a middle-European adult population.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Kilinc F, Setzer M, Behmanesh B
368. Piezoelectric energy extraction from a cylinder undergoing vortex-induced vibration using internal resonance.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Joy A, Joshi V, Narendran K
369. Reduction of thyroid radioactive iodine exposure by oral administration of cyclic oligosaccharides.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Nishi K(#), Hirota M(#), Higaki S(#)
370. Electric field-induced interfacial instability in a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Máthé MT, Farkas B, Péter L
371. Ancient DNA suggests anaemia and low bone mineral density as the cause for porotic hyperostosis in ancient individuals.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Ferrando-Bernal M.
372. Feeding an unsalable carrot total-mixed ration altered bacterial amino acid degradation in the rumen of lambs.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Forwood DL, Innes DJ, Parra MC
373. Aberrant topology of white matter networks in patients with methamphetamine dependence and its application in support vector machine-based classification.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Cheng P, Li Y, Wang G
374. High expression of RNF31 is associated with tumor immune cell infiltration and leads to poor prognosis in liver hepatocellular carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Xi G(#), Cheng R(#), Liang L
375. Functional characterization and molecular fingerprinting of potential phosphate solubilizing bacterial candidates from Shisham rhizosphere.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Joshi S, Gangola S, Jaggi V
376. Joint estimation of survival and dispersal effectively corrects the permanent emigration bias in mark-recapture analyses.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Badia-Boher JA, Real J, Riera JL
377. Olive shrub buried on Therasia supports a mid-16th century BCE date for the Thera eruption.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Pearson C, Sbonias K, Tzachili I
378. Rapid short-pulses of focused ultrasound and microbubbles deliver a range of agent sizes to the brain.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Lim Kee Chang W, Chan TG, Raguseo F
379. MMP9 and TYROBP affect the survival of circulating tumor cells in clear cell renal cell carcinoma by adapting to tumor immune microenvironment.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Guo L, An T, Zhou H
380. Psychopharmacological treatment of disruptive behavior in youths: systematic review and network meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Seok JW, Soltis-Vaughan B, Lew BJ
381. Simulation of the water-based hybrid nanofluids flow through a porous cavity for the applications of the heat transfer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Gul T, Nasir S, Berrouk AS
382. Impact of infection-related admission in patients with heart failure: a 10 years national cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Chen CY(#), Lee CH(#), Lin HW
383. Smoking induces increased apoptosis in osteoblasts: changes in bone matrix organic components.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Kohler JB, da Silva AF, Farias WA
384. Iron-loaded deferiprone can support full hemoglobinization of cultured red blood cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Gallego-Murillo JS, Yağcı N, Pinho EM
385. Predictors and survival of cardiomyopathy determined by echocardiography in Thai patients with early systemic sclerosis: an inception cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Wangkaew S, Prasertwitayakij N, Intum J
386. Effects of wearing different face masks on cardiopulmonary performance at rest and exercise in a partially double-blinded randomized cross-over study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Marek EM, van Kampen V, Jettkant B
387. The effect of RCA pavements on the liquefaction-induced settlement.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Akbas M, Subasi O, Iyisan R.
388. Visual perceptual load and processing of somatosensory stimuli in primary and secondary somatosensory cortices.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Peters A, Brockhoff L, Bruchmann M
389. Outcome analysis of infrapatellar fat pad partial resection or preservation in patients with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Wen Y(#), Xu F(#), Liu Y(#)
390. Inhibitory neurons control the consolidation of neural assemblies via adaptation to selective stimuli.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Bergoin R, Torcini A, Deco G
391. MIDO GDM: an innovative artificial intelligence-based prediction model for the development of gestational diabetes in Mexican women.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Gallardo-Rincón H, Ríos-Blancas MJ, Ortega-Montiel J
392. Increased incidence of vertebral fractures in German adults from 2009 to 2019 and the analysis of secondary diagnoses, treatment, costs, and in-hospital mortality.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Lang S, Walter N, Freigang V
393. Full-field, conformal epiretinal electrode array using hydrogel and polymer hybrid technology.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Zhou M, Young BK, Valle ED
394. MasitinibL shows promise as a drug-like analog of masitinib that elicits comparable SARS-Cov-2 3CLpro inhibition with low kinase preference.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Durojaye OA, Okoro NO, Odiba AS
395. Predicting drug adverse effects using a new Gastro-Intestinal Pacemaker Activity Drug Database (GIPADD).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Liu JYH, Rudd JA.
396. Repetitive administration of rituximab can achieve and maintain clinical remission in patients with MCD or FSGS.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Osterholt T, Todorova P, Kühne L
397. MagicCubePose, A more comprehensive 6D pose estimation network.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Li F, Gao D(#), Huang Q(#)
398. Feasibility of neural network metamodels for emulation and sensitivity analysis of radionuclide transport models.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 28
Turunen J, Lipping T.
399. Serum cobalt and chromium concentration following total hip arthroplasty: a Bayesian network meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Migliorini F, Pilone M, Bell A
400. Hybrid GWO-PSO based optimal placement and sizing of multiple PV-DG units for power loss reduction and voltage profile improvement.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Alyu AB, Salau AO, Khan B
401. Relationship between antidementia medication and fracture prevention in patients with Alzheimer's dementia using a nationwide health insurance claims database.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Hosoi T, Yakabe M, Matsumoto S
402. A novel hybrid protein composed of superoxide-dismutase-active Cu(II) complex and lysozyme.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Furuya T, Nakane D, Kitanishi K
403. Added value of lymphocyte subpopulations in the classification of Sjögren's syndrome.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Barcelos F, Brás-Geraldes C, Martins C
404. Root and canal morphology of third molar teeth.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Al-Qudah AA, Bani Younis HAB, Awawdeh LA
405. Infection-induced extracellular vesicles evoke neuronal transcriptional and epigenetic changes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Tedford E, Badya NB, Laing C
406. A widely applicable and cost-effective method for specific RNA-protein complex isolation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Balzarini S(#), Van Ende R(#), Voet A
407. Prepandemic psychotropic drug status in Portugal: a nationwide pharmacoepidemiological profile.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Madeira L, Queiroz G, Henriques R.
408. Biotransformation and bioaccessibility of active ingredients from Radix Astragali by Poria cocos during solid-state fermentation and in vitro digestion and antioxidant activity evaluation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Chen CY(#), Zhang R(#), Zhang LJ
409. Analysis of fractional order model on higher institution students' anxiety towards mathematics with optimal control theory.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Teklu SW.
410. Bone-patellar tendon-bone versus two- and four-strand hamstring tendon autografts for ACL reconstruction in young adults: a Bayesian network meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Migliorini F, Torsiello E, Trivellas A
411. A spectral preserved model based on spectral contribution and dependence with detail injection for pansharpening.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Wu L, Jiang X, Peng J
412. Excess mortality in Ukraine during the course of COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-2021.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Shishkin A, Lhewa P(#), Yang C(#)
413. Pulmonary computed tomographic manifestations of COVID-19 in vaccinated and non-vaccinated patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Askani E, Mueller-Peltzer K, Madrid J
414. Perceived barriers to early presentation and symptom-specific time to seek medical advice for possible colorectal cancer symptoms among Palestinians.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Elshami M(#), Ayyad M(#), Hamdan FK(#)
415. Land-use change is associated with multi-century loss of elephant ecosystems in Asia.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
de Silva S, Wu T, Nyhus P
416. Global trends in research related to the links between microbiota and antibiotics: a visualization study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Zyoud SH, Shakhshir M, Abushanab AS
417. Functional significance of vertical free moment for generation of human bipedal walking.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Negishi T, Ogihara N.
418. Provenance and deposition of a lithified volcanic-rich layer (VRL-5.5) at 5.5 Ma from Central Apennines (Italy).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Potere D, Iezzi G, Scisciani V
419. Low rates of bacterivory enhances phototrophy and competitive advantage for mixoplankton growing in oligotrophic waters.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Mitra A, Flynn KJ.
420. The cost-effectiveness of whole genome sequencing in neurodevelopmental disorders.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Runheim H, Pettersson M, Hammarsjö A
421. An AI based classifier model for lateral pillar classification of Legg-Calve-Perthes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Soydan Z, Saglam Y, Key S
422. Improvement of semantic segmentation through transfer learning of multi-class regions with convolutional neural networks on supine and prone breast MRI images.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Ham S, Kim M, Lee S
423. Comparative quality analysis and economic feasibility of solar assisted yogurt processing unit for decentralized dairy value chain.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Husnain SN, Munir A, Amjad W
424. High bending strength at 1800 °C exceeding 1 GPa in TiB(2)-B(4)C composite.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Kuncser A, Vasylkiv O, Borodianska H
425. Body composition predicts hypertension using machine learning methods: a cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Nematollahi MA, Jahangiri S, Asadollahi A
426. Contact lens embedded holographic pointer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Robert FM, Abiven B, Sinou M
427. Spontaneous reperfusion enhances succinate concentration in peripheral blood from stemi patients but its levels does not correlate with myocardial infarct size or area at risk.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Consegal M, Barba I, García Del Blanco B
428. Increased TG to HDL-C ratio is associated with severity of drug-induced liver injury.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Jia X, Zhang X, Yan M
429. Immunomodulatory effects of trans-anethole-treated Staphylococcus aureus Newman strain.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Kwiatkowski P, Rogulska K, Pruss A
430. Tropical lacustrine sediment microbial community response to an extreme El Niño event.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Chen M, Conroy JL, Sanford RA
431. A propensity score matching study on survival benefits of radiotherapy in patients with inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Zeng H(#), Su K(#), Chen X(#)
432. Aphanothece sp. as promising biostimulant to alleviate heavy metals stress in Solanum lycopersicum L. by enhancing physiological, biochemical, and metabolic responses.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Fal S, Aasfar A, Ouhssain A
433. Usefulness of texture and color enhancement imaging (TXI) in early gastric cancer found after Helicobacter pylori eradication.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Shijimaya T, Tahara T, Uragami T
434. Understanding physical climate risks and their implication for community adaptation in the borana zone of southern Ethiopia using mixed-methods research.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Shibru M, Opere A, Omondi P
435. Population-specific facial traits and diagnosis accuracy of genetic and rare diseases in an admixed Colombian population.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Echeverry-Quiceno LM(#), Candelo E(#), Gómez E
436. Modeling rod and cone photoreceptor cell survival in vivo using optical coherence tomography.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Whitmore SS, DeLuca AP, Andorf JL
437. Is implant choice associated with fixation strength for displaced radial neck fracture: a network meta-analysis of biomechanical studies.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 27
Su YC, Wang YY, Fang CJ
438. Extensive experimental investigation on the effect of thermal treatment and lateral pressure on the shear behavior of intact mudstone.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Alneasan M, Alzo'ubi AK.
439. Loss of fungal symbionts and changes in pollinator availability caused by climate change will affect the distribution and survival chances of myco-heterotrophic orchid species.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Kolanowska M.
440. Simultaneous multi-crop land suitability prediction from remote sensing data using semi-supervised learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Bhullar A, Nadeem K, Ali RA.
441. Mycoplasma fermentans infection induces human necrotic neuronal cell death via IFITM3-mediated amyloid-β (1-42) deposition.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Sim KY, Byeon Y, Bae SE
442. Genotype-phenotype correlation of X-linked Alport syndrome observed in both genders: a multicenter study in South Korea.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Kim JH, Lim SH, Song JY
443. Identification of oxidative stress-related genes differentially expressed in Alzheimer's disease and construction of a hub gene-based diagnostic model.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Zhang Y, Kiryu H.
444. Metabolomics analysis of dietary restriction results in a longer lifespan due to alters of amino acid levels in larval hemolymph of Bombyx mori.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Wang M(#), Shen Y(#), Tan Z(#)
445. Prevalence and incidence of stroke in Latin America and the Caribbean: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Cagna-Castillo D, Salcedo-Carrillo AL, Carrillo-Larco RM
446. Exploring the vaccine-induced immunity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in healthcare workers.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Lim YK, Kweon OJ, Choi Y
447. Reliability analysis of the compressed air supplying system in underground mines.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Rahimdel MJ, Ghodrati B.
448. Importance of incorporating spatial and temporal variability of biomass yield and quality in bioenergy supply chain.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Roni MS, Lin Y, Hartley DS
449. Early intervention with azelastine nasal spray may reduce viral load in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Klussmann JP, Grosheva M, Meiser P
450. First trimester abortion protocols by facility type in Switzerland and potential barriers to accessing the service.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Eckstein SM, von Felten S, Perotto L
451. Sex differences in patients with heart failure and mildly reduced left ventricular ejection fraction.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Liu Z(#), Zhu Y(#), Chen S(#)
452. Cold atmospheric plasma treatment enhances recombinant model protein production in yeast Pichia pastoris.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Kabarkouhi Z, Arjmand S, Ranaei Siadat SO
453. Wrist redundancy management during pointing tasks remains stable over time and in presence of a visuomotor perturbation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Raiano L, Noccaro A, Di Pino G
454. Structure improvement and parameter optimization of micro flow control valve.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Qu G, Li J, Peng C
455. From polyethylene waste bottles to UIO-66 (Zr) for preconcentration of steroid hormones from river water.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Selahle SK, Nqombolo A, Nomngongo PN.
456. Adsorption of radon on silver exchanged zeolites at ambient temperatures.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Heinitz S, Mermans J, Maertens D
457. Complete remission in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus-prevalence and factors.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Podolakova K, Barak L, Jancova E
458. Elemental bioimaging and transcriptomics reveal unchanged gene expression in mouse cerebellum following a single injection of Gadolinium-based contrast agents.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Richter H, Koke A, Soschinski PN
459. Liquid crystal-assisted optical biosensor for early-stage diagnosis of mammary glands using HER-2.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Pourasl MH, Vahedi A, Tajalli H
460. Trends in semen parameters of infertile men in South Africa and Nigeria.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Akang EN, Opuwari CS, Enyioma-Alozie S
461. Rapid adsorptive removal of chromium from wastewater using walnut-derived biosorbents.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Garg R, Garg R, Sillanpää M
462. High-precision density mapping of marine debris and floating plastics via satellite imagery.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Booth H, Ma W, Karakuş O.
463. Association between serum creatinine and type 2 diabetes in the Chinese population: a retrospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Li R(#), He M(#), Yang Q
464. Clinically differential diagnosis of human granulocytic anaplasmosis and severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Kim DM(#), Yu BJ(#), Kim DY
465. Development of an ultrahigh resolution real time alpha particle imaging system for observing the trajectories of alpha particles in a scintillator.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Yamamoto S, Yoshino M, Kamada K
466. Scalable continuous-flow electroporation platform enabling T cell transfection for cellular therapy manufacturing.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
VanderBurgh JA, Corso TN, Levy SL
467. A prospective study on linking diarrheagenic E. coli with stunted childhood growth in relation to gut microbiome.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Aziz I, Noreen Z, Ijaz UZ
468. Monitoring genotoxic, biochemical and morphotoxic potential of penoxsulam and the protective role of European blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) extract.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Acar A, Singh D.
469. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on business operations of Taiwan High Speed Rail and 7-Eleven stores.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Liu SF(#), Chang HC(#), Chang YP
470. Achieving effective interlayer bonding of PLA parts during the material extrusion process with enhanced mechanical properties.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Kumar MS, Farooq MU, Ross NS
471. Anthropogenic influence on extreme temperature and precipitation in Central Asia.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Fallah B, Russo E, Menz C
472. Screening marker genes of type 2 diabetes mellitus in mouse lacrimal gland by LASSO regression.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Pei X, Qi D, Liu J
473. Multidimensional spatial monitoring of open pit mine dust dispersion by unmanned aerial vehicle.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Li L, Zhang R, Li Q
474. Accuracy of hemodynamic parameters derived by GE E-PiCCO in comparison with PiCCO® in patients admitted to the intensive care unit.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Putko K, Erber J, Wagner F
475. Expansion of mixed immune cells using CD3/CD161 co-stimulation for the treatment of cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Tsumura R, Haruta M, Kuwano M
476. Factors associated with adverse drug reactions or death in very elderly hospitalized patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Yagi M, Shindo Y, Mutoh Y
477. Evidence for unconventional superconductivity and nontrivial topology in PdTe.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Chapai R, Reddy PVS, Xing L
478. Patterns of multiple brain network activation in dot perspective task.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Montandon ML, Rodriguez C, Herrmann FR
479. Hematic auto-management and extraction for arterial line (HAMEL), a blood-preserving arterial line system: an animal study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Lee H, Lee JM.
480. Optimism persists when walking in unpredictable environments.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Bucklin MA, Deol J, Brown G
481. Position-reconfigurable pinning for magnetic domain wall motion.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Lee T, Jeong S, Kim S
482. Prediction of an effective cervical ripenning in the induction of labour using vaginal dinoprostone.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
López Jiménez N, García Sánchez F, Pailos RH
483. The effect of claudin-15 deletion on cationic selectivity and transport in paracellular pathways of the cecum and large intestine.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Hempstock W, Nagata N, Ishizuka N
484. Prospective single-center study of health-related quality of life after COVID-19 in ICU and non-ICU patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Herrmann J, Müller K, Notz Q
485. Analysis of cardiac single-cell RNA-sequencing data can be improved by the use of artificial-intelligence-based tools.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Nguyen T, Wei Y, Nakada Y
486. Safety and feasibility of outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy for patients with spinal infection.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Kilinc F, Setzer M, Behmanesh B
487. Natural history of changes in knee skin temperature following total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Gavish L, Kandel L, Rivkin G
488. A CRISPR/Cas9-generated mutation in the zebrafish orthologue of PPP2R3B causes idiopathic scoliosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Seda M, Crespo B, Corcelli M
489. Isolating sensory artifacts in the suprathreshold TMS-EEG signal over DLPFC.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Poorganji M, Zomorrodi R, Hawco C
490. Pest scenario of Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) on pigeonpea during future climate change periods under RCP based projections in India.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Srinivasa Rao M, Rama Rao CA, Raju BMK
491. An eleven-gene risk model associated with lymph node metastasis predicts overall survival in lung adenocarcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 26
Zhao Y, Shi W, Tang Q.
492. Different LED light spectra's and nano-chelated potassium affect the quality traits of Dolce Vita cut roses in soilless culture condition.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Heidari Z, Noruzi P, Rezapour-Fard J
493. An unbiased AAV-STARR-seq screen revealing the enhancer activity map of genomic regions in the mouse brain in vivo.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Chan YC(#), Kienle E(#), Oti M(#)
494. Prevalence, factors associated and knowledge of probable dementia among adults 50 years and over attending a faith-based geriatric center in Uganda.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Awuol MDA, Innocent BK, Winfred A.
495. Forecasting COVID-19 spreading through an ensemble of classical and machine learning models: Spain's case study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Heredia Cacha I, Sáinz-Pardo Díaz J, Castrillo M
496. Post-hoc analysis of the safety and efficacy of isavuconazole in older patients with invasive fungal disease from the VITAL and SECURE studies.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Hamed K, Engelhardt M, Kovanda LL
497. Lectin-based carbohydrate profile of megakaryocytes in murine fetal liver during development.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Bomfim BCM, Azevedo-Silva J, Caminha G
498. Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in hydrochloric acid solution by the expired Ampicillin drug.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Alamry KA, Khan A, Aslam J
499. Predictive biosignature of major depressive disorder derived from physiological measurements of outpatients using machine learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Ricka N, Pellegrin G, Fompeyrine DA
500. Marital status and long-term cardiovascular risk in general population (Gubbio, Italy).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Humbert X, Rabiaza A, Fedrizzi S
501. Improving Josephson junction reproducibility for superconducting quantum circuits: junction area fluctuation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Pishchimova AA(#), Smirnov NS(#), Ezenkova DA
502. Neuropathological signatures revealed by transcriptomic and proteomic analysis in Pten-deficient mouse models.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Cheung SKK, Kwok J, Or PMY
503. Existence of La-site antisite defects in [Formula: see text] ([Formula: see text], Fe, and Co) predicted with many-body diffusion quantum Monte Carlo.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Ichibha T, Saritas K, Krogel JT
504. Early Aptian marine incursions in the interior of northeastern Brazil following the Gondwana breakup.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Fauth G, Kern HP, Villegas-Martín J
505. An interpretable hybrid predictive model of COVID-19 cases using autoregressive model and LSTM.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Zhang Y, Tang S, Yu G.
506. Mutation analysis of pathogenic non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) in WFS1 gene through computational approaches.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Zhao J, Zhang S, Jiang Y
507. ANGPTL4 is a potential driver of HCV-induced peripheral insulin resistance.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Gomes D, Sobolewski C, Conzelmann S
508. Assessment of experimental OpenCV tracking algorithms for ultrasound videos.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Levin AA, Klimov DD, Nechunaev AA
509. Deep generative model super-resolves spatially correlated multiregional climate data.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Oyama N, Ishizaki NN, Koide S
510. Compound climate-pollution extremes in Santiago de Chile.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Feron S, Cordero RR, Damiani A
511. Effect of the emotional valence of autobiographical memory and parental bonding on depressive symptoms in a community sample.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Fernández-Pérez D, Ros L, Jimeno MV
512. Impact of adenomyosis and endometriosis on IVF/ICSI pregnancy outcome in patients undergoing gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist treatment and frozen embryo transfer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Wang Y, Yi YC, Guu HF
513. Evaluation of volatile compound profiles and sensory properties of dark and pale beers fermented by different strains of brewing yeast.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Paszkot J, Gasiński A, Kawa-Rygielska J.
514. Global conservation prioritization for the Orchidaceae.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Vitt P, Taylor A, Rakosy D
515. Histological markers, sickle-shaped blood vessels, myxoid area, and infiltrating growth pattern help stratify the prognosis of patients with myxofibrosarcoma/undifferentiated sarcoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Washimi K, Kasajima R, Shimizu E
516. Genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolated from humans and animals in northeastern Iran.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Ghazvini K(#), Khoshbakht R(#), Tadayon K
517. Predicting surgical outcome and sagittal alignment change in patients with cervical spondylosis and degenerative kyphosis after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Li S, Bai B, Li Q
518. Construction and analysis of a conjunctive diagnostic model of HNSCC with random forest and artificial neural network.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Luo Y(#), Zhou LQ(#), Yang F(#)
519. Developing assessment flow for damage estimation of mud housing typology through a case study against coastal floods.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Aishwarya N, Aniruddha K, Sutapa D
520. CEA dynamics for predicting response after anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody treatment in metastatic colorectal cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Kang S, Kim SY, Hong YS
521. Reversible electric-field-induced phase transition in Ca-modified NaNbO(3) perovskites for energy storage applications.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Aso S, Matsuo H, Noguchi Y.
522. Interspecies and temporal dynamics of bacterial and fungal microbiomes of pistil stigmas in flowers in holoparasitic plants of the Orobanche series Alsaticae (Orobanchaceae).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Ruraż K, Przemieniecki SW, Piwowarczyk R.
523. Spectral cardiac CT in acute stroke patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Larsen N, Austein F, Klintz T
524. Deep learning-based automated detection and multiclass classification of focal interictal epileptiform discharges in scalp electroencephalograms.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Chung YG(#), Lee WJ(#), Na SM
525. Spatial ecology to strengthen invasive snake management on islands.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Maestresalas B, Piquet JC, López-Darias M.
526. False-positive classification and associated factors in segmented macular layers and retinal nerve fiber layer analysis: Spectralis OCT deviation map study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Lee YJ, Park KH, Jeoung JW.
527. Behaviour of mesopredatory coral reef fishes in response to threats from sharks and humans.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Asunsolo-Rivera A, Lester E, Langlois T
528. The permeability of shale exposed to supercritical carbon dioxide.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Wu D, Zhai W, Liu X
529. Integrating renewable energy devices with streetscape elements to electrify the Egyptian roads.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Moussa RR, Gurguis MN.
530. Detrusor underactivity is associated with metabolic syndrome in aged primates.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Biscola NP, Bartmeyer PM, Christe KL
531. Tuning electronic and magnetic properties through disorder in V(2)O(5) nanoparticles.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Correal S(#), Hernández-Gómez D(#), Esquivel AS(#)
532. Prevalence of comorbidities and their impact on survival among older adults with the five most common cancers in Taiwan: a population study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Chien LH(#), Tseng TJ(#), Chen TY
533. Genomic footprints of bottleneck in landlocked salmon population.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Subramanian S, Kumar M.
534. Multifunctional Zn and Ag co-doped bioactive glass nanoparticles for bone therapeutic and regeneration.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Naruphontjirakul P, Kanchanadumkerng P, Ruenraroengsak P.
535. Sport-related differences in QT dispersion and echocardiographic parameters in male athletes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Stoičkov V, Radovanović D, Deljanin-Ilić M
536. Tailoring the resonant modes in liquid crystal based all-dielectric metasurfaces.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Sakhare PA(#), Atmakuri M(#), Dontabhaktuni J(#).
537. Genes whose expressions in the primary lung squamous cell carcinoma are able to accurately predict the progression of metastasis through lymphatic system, inferred from a bioinformatics analyses.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Khashei Varnamkhasti K, Moghanibashi M, Naeimi S.
538. Prediction of 316 stainless steel low-cycle fatigue life based on machine learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Duan H, Cao M, Liu L
539. Lack of accessibility and clarity in regulations concerning dog access to protected areas lowers public awareness.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Zamora-Nasca LB, Lambertucci SA.
540. Relationship between depression and quality of life among students: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Fernandes MDSV, Mendonça CR, da Silva TMV
541. A novel medical image segmentation approach by using multi-branch segmentation network based on local and global information synchronous learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Jin S, Yu S, Peng J
542. Beat-to-beat finger photoplethysmography in atrial fibrillation patients undergoing electrical cardioversion.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Saglietto A(#), Scarsoglio S(#), Canova D
543. Low-grade glioma risk SNP rs11706832 is associated with type I interferon response pathway genes in cell lines.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Rosenbaum A, Dahlin AM, Andersson U
544. Multi-center retrospective study of children with sickle cell disease admitted to pediatric intensive care units in the United States.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Ettinger NA, Guffey D, Anum SJ
545. Comparative chloroplast genome analysis of seven extant Citrullus species insight into genetic variation, phylogenetic relationships, and selective pressure.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Zhou C(#), Wang P(#), Zeng Q
546. Calcareous sponges can synthesize their skeleton under short-term ocean acidification.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Ribeiro B, Lima C, Pereira SE
547. Early life nutrition affects the molecular ontogeny of testicular development in the young bull calf.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Coen S(#), Keogh K(#), Lonergan P
548. The increase in intensity and frequency of surface air temperature extremes throughout the western South Atlantic coast.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 25
Sanches FHC, Martins FR, Conti WRP
549. Human health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in the breast milk consumed by infants in Western Iran.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Sharafi K(#), Nakhaee S(#), Azadi NA
550. Factors affecting the micronutrient status of adolescent girls living in complex agro-aquatic ecological zones of Bangladesh.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Ara G, Little DC, Mamun AA
551. Novel device for dividing core needle biopsy specimens to provide paired mirror image-like tissues for genetic and pathological tests.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Nakamura Y(#), Tsuji K(#), Shiraishi T
552. A pilot study comparing the efficacy of autologous cultured fibroblast injections with hyaluronic acid fillers for treating nasolabial folds.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Wanitphakdeedecha R, Ng JNC, Phumariyapong P
553. Clinical features of anterior blepharitis after cataract surgery.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Sakimoto T, Sugiura T.
554. Synthesis of Cu(x)O/Ag nanoparticles on exfoliated graphene: application for enhanced electrochemical detection of H(2)O(2) in milk.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Song J, Wan Y, Yang C
555. Induced membrane technique combined with a retrograde intramedullary nail for the treatment of infected bone defects of the ankle.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Fu J(#), Wang X(#), Wang S
556. Development of sustainable strontium ferrite graphene nanocomposite for highly effective catalysis and antimicrobial activity.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Mayani SV, Bhatt SP, Mayani VJ
557. Gut microbiota induces hepatic steatosis by modulating the T cells balance in high fructose diet mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Zhou X(#), Zhang X(#), Niu D
558. Forensic application of epidermal expression of HSP27 and HSP70 for the determination of wound vitality in human compressed neck skin.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Zhang S, Ishida Y, Ishigami A
559. mRNA markers associated with malignant pleural effusion.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Hsu SC, Chang SY, Hwang YT
560. A pilot study of stable isotope fractionation in Bombyx mori rearing.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Li H, He Y, Lu J
561. Reclassification of moderate aortic stenosis based on data-driven phenotyping of hemodynamic progression.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Cho I(#), Kim WD(#), Kim S
562. Long-term survival, temperature, and torpor patterns.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Geiser F, Ruf T.
563. Design and key construction technology of steel-concrete-steel sandwich composite pylon for a large span cable-stayed bridge.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Pei B, Chong A, Xia H
564. Probiotic potential of Saccharomyces cerevisiae GILA with alleviating intestinal inflammation in a dextran sulfate sodium induced colitis mouse model.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Kil BJ, Pyung YJ, Park H
565. Ultralow threshold surface emitting ultraviolet lasers with semiconductor nanowires.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Vafadar MF, Zhao S.
566. Comparison of clinical outcomes between intense pulsed light therapy using two different filters in meibomian gland dysfunction: prospective randomized study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Jang JH, Lee K, Nam SH
567. Combined effect of early diagnosis and treatment on the case fatality risk of COVID-19 in Japan, 2020.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Amemiya Y, Nishiura H.
568. SARS-CoV-2 variants and mutational patterns: relationship with risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia in critically ill COVID-19 patients in the era of dexamethasone.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Razazi K(#), Martins Bexiga A(#), Arrestier R
569. Relationship between free-time physical activity and sleep quality in Brazilian university students.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Santos M, Sirtoli R, Rodrigues R
570. Water and heat exchanges in mammalian lungs.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Haut B(#), Karamaoun C(#), Mauroy B(#)
571. Development of anti-feline PD-1 antibody and its functional analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Nishibori S, Kaneko MK, Nakagawa T
572. Long-term uptake rate of a breast cancer screening program in Fukushima, Japan, following the 2011 Triple Disaster: a retrospective observational study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Ozaki A, Saito H, Kaneda Y
573. Enhanced putamen functional connectivity underlies altered risky decision-making in age-related cognitive decline.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Ren P(#), Hou G(#), Ma M
574. Super-resolution of X-ray CT images of rock samples by sparse representation: applications to the complex texture of serpentinite.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Omori T, Suzuki S, Michibayashi K
575. Plasma mineral status after a six-month intervention providing one egg per day to young Malawian children: a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Perez-Plazola M, Diaz J, Stewart CP
576. Classification models for assessing coronary artery disease instances using clinical and biometric data: an explainable man-in-the-loop approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Samaras AD, Moustakidis S, Apostolopoulos ID
577. Structural insights into thrombolytic activity of destabilase from medicinal leech.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Marin E(#), Kornilov DA(#), Bukhdruker SS
578. Fungicidal activities of Cymbopogon winterianus against anthracnose of banana caused by Colletotrichum musae.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Mangoba MAA, Alvindia DG.
579. Morphological analysis of ventricular septal defect by echocardiography for prediction of aortic regurgitation in pediatric population.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
El Louali F, Soler F, Fouilloux V
580. Influence of rootstock on endogenous hormones and color change in Cabernet Sauvignon grapes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Liu Z(#), Zhu C(#), Sun J
581. Characterization of the m(6)A regulator-mediated methylation modification patterns in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Pan L, She H, Wang K
582. Identification of a novel gut microbiota signature associated with colorectal cancer in Thai population.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Iadsee N, Chuaypen N, Techawiwattanaboon T
583. Pioglitazone use increases risk of Alzheimer's disease in patients with type 2 diabetes receiving insulin.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Lin HC, Chung CH, Chen LC
584. The mechanism of whey protein and blueberry juice mixed system fermented with Lactobacillus inhibiting Escherichia coli during storage.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Qian Y, Gui-Bing L, Wen-Qiong W
585. Composites containing resins and carbon nano-onions as efficient porous carbon materials for supercapacitors.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Siemiaszko G, Breczko J, Hryniewicka A
586. Spatial antiferromagnetic spin texture as a nano-oscillator.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Gerasimchuk VS, Gorobets YI, Gorobets OY
587. A theoretical approach to zero-reflection toroidal curved metasurfaces.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Allahverdizade H, Aghdasinia S, Younesiraad H
588. Fermatean hesitant fuzzy rough aggregation operators and their applications in multiple criteria group decision-making.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Attaullah, Rehman N, Khan A
589. Initial development and testing of an exhaled microRNA detection strategy for lung cancer case-control discrimination.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Shi M, Han W, Loudig O
590. Characterization and control of Rhizoctonia solani affecting lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana hort. ex. Mast.) using some bioagents.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Abdel-Rahman TFM, Abdel-Megeed A, Salem MZM.
591. Research on gearbox temperature field image fault diagnosis method based on transfer learning and deep belief network.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Lu X, Li P.
592. An apicomplexan parasite drives the collapse of the bay scallop population in New York.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Pales Espinosa E, Bouallegui Y, Grouzdev D
593. Mode of action, chemistry and defensive efficacy of the osmeterium in the caterpillar Battus polydamas archidamas.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Palma-Onetto V, Bergmann J, González-Teuber M.
594. Predicting new crescent moon visibility applying machine learning algorithms.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Al-Rajab M, Loucif S, Al Risheh Y.
595. Prolonged infusion of bivalirudin after elective percutaneous coronary intervention protects against procedural myocardial injury (a COBER study)-a randomized trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Wu Z, Meng P, Guo Y
596. Intensity-dependent cardiopulmonary response during and after strength training.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Lässing J, Maudrich T, Kenville R
597. Non-carcinogenic and cumulative risk assessment of exposure of kitchen workers in restaurants and local residents in the vicinity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Shamsedini N, Dehghani M, Samaei MR
598. Exogenous 24-epibrassinolide ameliorates tolerance to high-temperature by adjusting the biosynthesis of pigments, enzymatic, non-enzymatic antioxidants, and diosgenin content in fenugreek.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Sheikhi S, Ebrahimi A(#), Heidari P
599. Diagnostic accuracy of a deep learning model using YOLOv5 for detecting developmental dysplasia of the hip on radiography images.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Den H, Ito J, Kokaze A.
600. Within-subject reproducibility varies in multi-modal, longitudinal brain networks.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Nakuci J, Wasylyshyn N, Cieslak M
601. A ready-to-use machine learning tool for symmetric multi-modality registration of brain MRI.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Iglesias JE.
602. Exploring role of sleep aids in sleep problems in preschool children.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Yamaguchi M, Ishibashi M, Moriguchi Y
603. Validation of subjective manual palpation using objective physiological recordings of the cranial rhythmic impulse during osteopathic manipulative intervention.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Pelz H(#), Müller G(#), Keller M
604. Genomic profiling of idiopathic peri-hilar cholangiocarcinoma reveals new targets and mutational pathways.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Quinn LM, Haldenby S, Antzcak P
605. Controls on fracture openness and reactivation in Forsmark, Sweden.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Doolaeghe D, Darcel C, Selroos JO
606. Wave optics of imaging with contact ball lenses.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Maslov AV, Jin B, Astratov VN.
607. CBCT-based synthetic CT generated using CycleGAN with HU correction for adaptive radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Jihong C(#), Kerun Q(#), Kaiqiang C
608. Evaluation of bone growth around bioactive glass S53P4 by scanning acoustic microscopy co-registered with optical interferometry and elemental analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Holmström A, Meriläinen A, Hyvönen J
609. Short-term ocular dominance plasticity is not modulated by visual cortex tDCS but increases with length of monocular deprivation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Chen X, Bobier W, Thompson B.
610. Factors affecting the number of road traffic accidents in Kerman province, southeastern Iran (2015-2021).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Behzadi Goodari M, Sharifi H, Dehesh P
611. Short-term effect of intravitreal brolucizumab injections in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration on retinal nerve fiber layer thickness.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Jun SY, Hwang DD.
612. Clinical implications of circulating follistatin-like protein-1 in hemodialysis patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Kim DK(#), Kang SH(#), Kim JS
613. Altered oral microbiome in Sudanese Toombak smokeless tobacco users carries a newly emerging risk of squamous cell carcinoma development and progression.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Sami A, Elimairi I, Ryan CA
614. Food allergens in oral care products.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Coimbra L, Costa IM, Evangelista JG
615. The illusion of the mind-body divide is attenuated in males.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Berent I.
616. Distributions of CHN compounds in meteorites record organic syntheses in the early solar system.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 24
Furukawa Y, Saigusa D, Kano K
617. The nematicidal potential of novel fungus, Trichoderma asperellum FbMi6 against Meloidogyne incognita.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 23
Saharan R, Patil JA, Yadav S
618. A novel CT image de-noising and fusion based deep learning network to screen for disease (COVID-19).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 23
Khan SU, Ullah I, Ullah N
619. Chopped straw and coffee husks affect bedding chemical composition and the performance and foot pad condition of broiler chickens.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 23
Biesek J, Banaszak M, Grabowicz M
620. Transformer's frequency response analysis results interpretation using a novel cross entropy based methodology.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 23
Parkash C, Abbasi AR.
621. Extracting Group Velocity Dispersion values using quantum-mimic Optical Coherence Tomography and Machine Learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 22
Maliszewski KA(#), Urbańska MA, Kolenderski P
622. A novel visual illusion paradigm provides evidence for a general factor of illusion sensitivity and personality correlates.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 22
Makowski D, Te AS, Kirk S
623. Effect of Laminaria digitata dietary inclusion and CAZyme supplementation on blood cells, serum metabolites and hepatic lipids and minerals of weaned piglets.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 22
Ribeiro DM(#), Pinto RMA(#), Lopes PA
624. Correlation between genotype and phenotype with special attention to hearing in 14 Japanese cases of NF2-related schwannomatosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 22
Oishi N, Noguchi M, Fujioka M
625. Associating broad and clinically defined polygenic scores for depression with depression-related phenotypes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
McGeary JE(#), Benca-Bachman CE(#), Risner VA
626. Glycolysis inhibition partially resets epilepsy-induced alterations in the dorsal hippocampus-basolateral amygdala circuit involved in anxiety-like behavior.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Khatibi VA, Salimi M, Rahdar M
627. Performance characterization of freeform finished surfaces of potassium dihydrogen phosphate using fluid jet polishing with a nonaqueous slurry.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Urban ND, Kafka KRP, Jang JM
628. The effects of large roughness elements on the in-stream transport and retention of polystyrene microplastics.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Ijaz U, Baki ABM, Abdul-Aziz OI
629. Dendrites help mitigate the plasticity-stability dilemma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Wilmes KA, Clopath C.
630. Enhancing cancer treatment and understanding through clustering of gene responses to categorical stressors.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
El Hadi C, Hilal G, Aoun R.
631. Startle-triggered responses indicate reticulospinal drive is larger for voluntary shoulder versus finger movements.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Maslovat D, Santangelo CM, Carlsen AN.
632. Effect of distance measures on confidences of t-SNE embeddings and its implications on clustering for scRNA-seq data.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Ozgode Yigin B, Saygili G.
633. Acute COPD exacerbation treatment with noninvasive ventilation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Ralf E, Heine A, Obst A
634. Extended perceptive field revealed in humans with binocular fusion disorders.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Benhaim-Sitbon L, Lev M, Polat U.
635. First designing of a silicene-based optical MOSFET with outstanding performance.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Emami-Nejad H, Mir A, Lorestaniweiss Z
636. Transcriptomics unravels molecular changes associated with cilia and COVID-19 in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Torinsson Naluai Å, Östensson M, Fowler PC
637. CD8 + T cell infiltration is associated with improved survival and negatively correlates with hypoxia in clear cell ovarian cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Guo N, Yang A, Farooq FB
638. Towards reducing chemical usage for weed control in agriculture using UAS imagery analysis and computer vision techniques.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Sapkota R, Stenger J, Ostlie M
639. The sex impact on the technological and chemical characteristics of meat derived from the Polish native chicken breed.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Kasperek K, Drabik K, Sofińska-Chmiel W
640. Role of DNA methylation in the relationship between glioma risk factors and glioma incidence: a two-step Mendelian randomization study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Howell AE(#), Relton C, Martin RM
641. Clinical courses of 24,563 hospitalized COVID-19 patients during the first 12 months of the pandemic in the Central City of Iran.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Namayandeh SM, Dehghan H, Lotfi MH
642. Association between bone marrow lesions and bone mineral density of the proximal tibia in end-stage osteoarthritic knees.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Sasaki E, Araki R, Sasaki T
643. Evaluating the impact of first-yes-counts instructions on eyewitness performance using the two-high threshold eyewitness identification model.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Winter K, Menne NM, Bell R
644. Modeling of the movement of rich gas in a porous medium in immiscible, near miscible and miscible conditions.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Mehrjoo H, Safaei A, Kazemzadeh Y
645. Feasibility of in vivo multi-parametric quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of the healthy sciatic nerve with a unified signal readout protocol.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Boonsuth R, Battiston M, Grussu F
646. Advanced nano-texture, optical bandgap, and Urbach energy analysis of NiO/Si heterojunctions.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Dejam L, Sabbaghzadeh J, Ghaderi A
647. Tendon compliance and preload must be considered when determining the in vivo force-velocity relationship from the torque-angular velocity relation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Holzer D(#), Millard M(#), Hahn D
648. Prediction of ground vibration due to mine blasting in a surface lead-zinc mine using machine learning ensemble techniques.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Hosseini S, Pourmirzaee R, Armaghani DJ
649. Modelling of icodextrin hydrolysis and kinetics during peritoneal dialysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Stachowska-Pietka J, Waniewski J, Olszowska A
650. Green tea extract prevents CPT-11-induced diarrhea by regulating the gut microbiota.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Kon R, Ikarashi N, Yamaguchi A
651. The association between acetylsalicylic acid and subarachnoid haemorrhage: the Framingham Heart Study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Ewbank F, Birks J, Bulters D.
652. Automated cornea diagnosis using deep convolutional neural networks based on cornea topography maps.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Fassbind B, Langenbucher A, Streich A.
653. Biosynthesis and characterization of zinc oxide nanoparticles using Nigella sativa against coccidiosis in commercial poultry.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Lail NU, Sattar A, Omer MO
654. Phase-based design of CO(2) capture, transport, and storage infrastructure via SimCCS(3.0).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Ma Z, Chen B, Pawar RJ.
655. Putting hornets on the genomic map.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Favreau E, Cini A, Taylor D
656. Early central cardiovagal dysfunction after high fat diet in a murine model.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Strain MM(#), Espinoza L(#), Fedorchak S
657. Outcomes for an arboreal folivore after rehabilitation and implications for management.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Leigh KA, Hofweber LN, Sloggett BK
658. First evidence of industrial fly-ash in an Antarctic ice core.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Thomas ER, Tetzner DR, Roberts SL
659. Cr[Formula: see text]AlN and the search for the highest temperature superconductor in the M[Formula: see text]AX family.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Karaca E, Byrne PJP, Hasnip PJ
660. Layout of ancient Greek papyri through lead-drawn ruling lines revealed by Macro X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Romano FP, Puglia E, Caliri C
661. Post-intensive care syndrome and pulmonary fibrosis in patients surviving ARDS-pneumonia of COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 etiologies.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Sturgill JL(#), Mayer KP(#), Kalema AG
662. Discovery of novel CSF biomarkers to predict progression in dementia using machine learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Gogishvili D, Vromen EM, Koppes-den Hertog S
663. A big data-based prediction model for prostate cancer incidence in Japanese men.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Kato M(#), Horiguchi G(#), Ueda T
664. Various effects of 11,12 EET rescue wound healing in a combined model of diabetes and ischemia.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Sommer K, Jakob H, Lettenmeier T
665. Association of lipid composition and unsaturated fatty acids of VLDL with atrial remodeling in metabolic syndrome.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Lee HC, Cheng WC, Ma WL
666. Nitrogen leaching and groundwater N contamination risk in saffron/wheat intercropping under different irrigation and soil fertilizers regimes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Abbasi MR, Sepaskhah AR.
667. A non-second-gradient model for nonlinear elastic bodies with fibre stiffness.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Shariff MHBM, Merodio J, Bustamante R.
668. Influenza season influence on outcome of new nodules in the NELSON study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Lancaster HL, Heuvelmans MA, de Bock GH
669. Causal Bayesian machine learning to assess treatment effect heterogeneity by dexamethasone dose for patients with COVID-19 and severe hypoxemia.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Blette BS(#), Granholm A(#), Li F
670. Hypnotic suggestions cognitively penetrate tactile perception through top-down modulation of semantic contents.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Markmann M(#), Lenz M(#), Höffken O
671. LPS induces microglial activation and GABAergic synaptic deficits in the hippocampus accompanied by prolonged cognitive impairment.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Jung H(#), Lee D(#), You H
672. Using genomic scars to select immunotherapy beneficiaries in advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Donker HC, van Es B, Tamminga M
673. Evaluating the stability of artificial sand-binding vegetation by combining statistical methods and a neural network model.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Fu T, Li X.
674. Discrepancy between peripapillary retinal and choroidal microvasculature and the rate of localized retinal nerve fiber layer thinning in glaucoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Lee SH, Lee EJ, Kim TW.
675. Genetic assessment of the value of restoration planting within an endangered eucalypt woodland.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Rosser NL, Quinton A, Davey H
676. Cortical glia in SOD1(G93A) mice are subtly affected by ALS-like pathology.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Filipi T(#), Matusova Z(#), Abaffy P
677. Climate change impacts on optimal habitat of Stachys inflata medicinal plant in central Iran.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Shaban M, Ghehsareh Ardestani E, Ebrahimi A
678. Predictors of Lassa fever diagnosis in suspected cases reporting to health facilities in Nigeria.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Ochu CL, Ntoimo L, Onoh I
679. Prolactin-induced protein (PIP) increases the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to drug-induced apoptosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Urbaniak A(#), Jablonska K(#), Suchanski J
680. Influence of lateral single jets for thermal protection of reentry nose cone with multi-row disk spike at hypersonic flow: computational study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 21
Shi Y, Cheng Q, Alizadeh A
681. Accurate measurements of particle emissions from a three-dimensional printer using a chamber test with a mixer-installed sampling system.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Lee H(#), Kwak DB(#), Choi CY
682. Familial risk for depression is associated with reduced P300 and late positive potential to affective stimuli and prolonged cardiac deceleration to unpleasant stimuli.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Moretta T, Messerotti Benvenuti S.
683. Development and assessment of novel machine learning models to predict the probability of postoperative nausea and vomiting for patient-controlled analgesia.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Xie M(#), Deng Y(#), Wang Z
684. White blood cell count profiles in anti-aquaporin-4 antibody seropositive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder and anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Akaishi T, Misu T, Fujihara K
685. Effect of selenium nanoparticles on biological and morphofunctional parameters of barley seeds (Hordéum vulgáre L.).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Nagdalian AA, Blinov AV, Siddiqui SA
686. High levels of burnout among health professionals treating COVID-19 patients in two Nile basin countries with limited resources.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
El Dabbah NA, Elhadi YAM.
687. Intracranial epidermoid cysts: benign entities with malignant behavior: experience with 36 cases.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Pop MM(#), Bouros D, Klimko A
688. The efficacy of bimatoprost ophthalmic solution combined with NB-UVB phototherapy in non-segmental and segmental vitiligo: a single-blind randomized controlled study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Silpa-Archa N, Likittanasombat S, Apinuntham C
689. Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 whole genome sequencing using tiled amplicon enrichment and bait hybridization.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Koskela von Sydow A, Lindqvist CM, Asghar N
690. Some new soliton solutions of a semi-discrete fractional complex coupled dispersionless system.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Abdel Kader AH, El Bialy F, Nour HM
691. Repeated unilateral handgrip contractions alter functional connectivity and improve contralateral limb response times.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Andrushko JW, Levenstein JM, Zich C
692. Molecular mechanism underlying the increased risk of colorectal cancer metastasis caused by single nucleotide polymorphisms in LI-cadherin gene.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Yui A, Kuroda D, Maruno T
693. Degradation of paper products due to volatile organic compounds.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Alam I, Sharma C.
694. Epigenetic investigation into circulating microRNA 197-3p in sera from patients affected by malignant pleural mesothelioma and workers ex-exposed to asbestos.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Di Mauro G(#), Frontini F(#), Torreggiani E(#)
695. Feature-based attention warps the perception of visual features.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Chapman AF, Chunharas C, Störmer VS.
696. Evaluation of infliximab/tocilizumab versus tocilizumab among COVID-19 patients with cytokine storm syndrome.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Sarhan NM, Warda AEA, Ibrahim HSG
697. Solution of road network problem with the help of m-polar fuzzy graph using isometric and antipodal concept.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Mondal U, Mahapatra T, Xin Q
698. Engineering benefits of replacing natural sand with manufactured sand in landfill construction.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Pillai AG, Gali ML.
699. Early stoma closure after low anterior resection is not recommended due to postoperative complications and asymptomatic anastomotic leakage.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Fukudome I, Maeda H, Okamoto K
700. Decision heuristics in contexts integrating action selection and execution.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Dundon NM, Colas JT, Garrett N
701. Infrasound detection of approaching lahars.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Johnson JB, Roca A, Pineda A
702. Organic buffers act as reductants of abiotic and biogenic manganese oxides.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Hausladen DM, Peña J.
703. The impact of physicochemical features of carbon electrodes on the capacitive performance of supercapacitors: a machine learning approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Mishra S(#), Srivastava R(#), Muhammad A
704. Extractive-liquid sampling electron ionization-mass spectrometry (E-LEI-MS): a new powerful combination for direct analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Arigò A, Famiglini G, Marittimo N
705. Concurrent dilution and amplification effects in an intraguild predation eco-epidemiological model.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Gómez-Hernández EA, Moreno-Gómez FN, Bravo-Gaete M
706. The effect of critical coupling constants on superconductivity enhancement.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Wang PR, Yeh JW, Lee YH.
707. Regulation of early diagnosis and prognostic markers of lung adenocarcinoma in immunity and hypoxia.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Sun K, Zhang Z, Wang D
708. Searching for sliding surfaces in multi-level loess slopes based on the brachistochrone.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Yang KB(#), Zhu YP.
709. Neutron tomography of sealed copper alloy animal coffins from ancient Egypt.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
O'Flynn D, Fedrigo A, Perucchetti L
710. Waist circumference mediates the association between rs1260326 in GCKR gene and the odds of lean NAFLD.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Wu N(#), Li J(#), Zhang J(#)
711. Estimation and sensitivity analysis of a COVID-19 model considering the use of face mask and vaccination.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Bai Z, Ma Z, Jing L
712. A Mozambican marine protected area provides important habitat for vulnerable pelagic sharks.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Murie CJG, Lebrato M, Lawrence A
713. Aspergillus Carneus metabolite Averufanin induced cell cycle arrest and apoptotic cell death on cancer cell lines via inducing DNA damage.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Demirel D, Ozkaya FC, Ebrahim W
714. Effect of remdesivir post-exposure prophylaxis and treatment on pathogenesis of measles in rhesus macaques.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Peart Akindele NA, Katamoni LD, Brockhurst J
715. Uncovering spatial and social gaps in rural mobility via mobile phone big data.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Liu Z, Zhao P, Liu Q
716. Deciphering the spectrum of cutaneous lymphomas expressing TFH markers.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Donzel M, Trecourt A, Balme B
717. Modeling the relationship between neuronal activity and the BOLD signal: contributions from astrocyte calcium dynamics.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Tesler F, Linne ML, Destexhe A.
718. The intracellular domain of major histocompatibility class-I proteins is essential for maintaining excitatory spine density and synaptic ultrastructure in the brain.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Lazarczyk MJ(#), Eyford BA(#), Varghese M
719. Anti-inflammatory effect of combining fish oil and evening primrose oil supplementation on breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: a randomized placebo-controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Arsic A, Krstic P, Paunovic M
720. Effect of a novel telehealth device for dietary cognitive behavioral intervention in overweight or obesity care.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Fang YY, Lee JI, Wu NY
721. Pulmonary artery blood flow dynamics in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Tsubata H, Nakanishi N, Itatani K
722. Exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months after assisted and spontaneous conceiving: a prospective study in Northern Italy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Pisoni C, Garofoli F, De Silvestri A
723. Exploring the role of human-following robots in supporting the mobility and wellbeing of older people.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Li S, Milligan K, Blythe P
724. Selection of new sweetpotato hybrids for West Africa using accelerated breeding scheme and genotype × environment interaction under drought stress.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Mahaman Mourtala IZ, Oselebe HO, Baina DJ
725. Serum lipid mediator profiles in COVID-19 patients and lung disease severity: a pilot study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Irún P, Gracia R, Piazuelo E
726. Association of beverage consumption with subclinical atherosclerosis in a Spanish working population.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Muñoz-Cabrejas A, Laclaustra M, Guallar-Castillón P
727. Machine learning for design of degenerate Cas13a crRNAs using lassa virus as a model of highly variable RNA target.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Leski TA, Spangler JR, Wang Z
728. Textural properties and adsorption behavior of Zn-Mg-Al layered double hydroxide upon crystal violet dye removal as a low cost, effective, and recyclable adsorbent.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Abdel-Hady EE, Mohamed HFM, Hafez SHM
729. Effects of invisible lip movements on phonetic perception.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Teramoto W, Ernst MO.
730. Emotion regulation mediates the relationship between social frailty and stress, anxiety, and depression.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Demichelis OP, Grainger SA, Hubbard RE
731. Comparison of the neuromuscular response to three different Turkish, semi-professional football training sessions typically used within the tactical periodization training model.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Garrett JM, Leduc C, Akyildiz Z
732. Identification of immune and Toll-like receptor signaling pathway related feature lncRNAs to construct diagnostic nomograms for acute ischemic stroke.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Su ZY, Yu ZQ, Yao B
733. Mixed state behavior of Hermitian and non-Hermitian topological models with extended couplings.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Kartik YR, Sarkar S.
734. Tidal modulation of the seismic activity related to the 2021 La Palma volcanic eruption.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Miguelsanz L, Fernández J, Prieto JF
735. Pipe vibration attenuation through internal damping and optimal design of vibro-impact systems.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Aloschi F, Andreotti R, Bursi OS.
736. Utilizing EEG and fNIRS for the detection of sleep-deprivation-induced fatigue and its inhibition using colored light stimulation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Shoaib Z, Akbar A, Kim ES
737. Bee venom as an alternative for antibiotics against Staphylococcus aureus infections.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Sameh A, Gouda AA, Elmligy E
738. Human microbiome transfer in the built environment differs based on occupants, objects, and buildings.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Hoisington AJ, Stamper CE, Bates KL
739. Influence of reinforcement method on the crack characteristic parameters of expansive soil experimental study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Shu L, Yonggang H, Guiyao W.
740. Control of white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) through plant-mediated RNA interference.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Walker PL, Ziegler DJ, Giesbrecht S
741. Long-term impact of pulses and organic amendments inclusion in cropping system on soil physical and chemical properties.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Nath CP, Dutta A, Hazra KK
742. Optimizing construction company selection using einstein weighted aggregation operators for q-rung orthopair fuzzy hypersoft set.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Zulqarnain RM, Siddique I, Mahboob A
743. Efficient shallow learning as an alternative to deep learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 20
Meir Y, Tevet O, Tzach Y
744. Engineering-geological study of relationships between soil and rock workability, type and volume of excavated materials, and earthwork costs (six case studies).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 2
Marschalko M, Popielarczyk D, Matuskova S
745. Hydrodynamics of the fast-start caridoid escape response in Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 2
Connor AA, Webster DR.
746. A simple method to make, trap and deform a vesicle in a gel.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 2
Tapie P, Prevost AM, Montel L
747. Loss of Dead end1 induces testicular teratomas from primordial germ cells that failed to undergo sexual differentiation in embryonic testes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Imai A, Matsuda K, Niimi Y
748. Quantitative image-based collagen structural features predict the reversibility of hepatitis C virus-induced liver fibrosis post antiviral therapies.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Gole L(#), Liu F(#), Ong KH(#)
749. Comparative assessment of the biological activity of the green synthesized silver nanoparticles and aqueous leaf extract of Perilla frutescens (L.).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Tavan M, Hanachi P, Mirjalili MH
750. Development speed of sibling embryo positively reflects live birth rate after fresh day 3 embryo transfer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Wang X, Xiao Y, Zhou Y
751. In vitro PCR verification that lysozyme inhibits nucleic acid replication and transcription.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Liu L(#), Jia X(#), Zhao X(#)
752. The neuropsychology of healthy aging: the positive context of the University of the Third Age during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Amanzio M, Cipriani GE, Bartoli M
753. The impact of pharmaceutical form and simulated side effects in an open-label-placebo RCT for improving psychological distress in highly stressed students.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Winkler A(#), Hahn A(#), Hermann C.
754. Parahydrogen-induced polarization allows 2000-fold signal enhancement in biologically active derivatives of the peptide-based drug octreotide.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Lins J, Miloslavina YA, Carrara SC
755. TET3 as a non-invasive screening tool for the detection of fibrosis in patients with chronic liver disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Feng LL(#), Liu RY(#), An K
756. Shared cross-cultural principles underlie human prosocial behavior at the smallest scale.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Rossi G, Dingemanse M, Floyd S
757. Numerical simulation and mathematical modeling for heat and mass transfer in MHD stagnation point flow of nanofluid consisting of entropy generation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Khan MR, Puneeth V, Alqahtani AM
758. Self-healing perovskite solar cells based on copolymer-templated TiO(2) electron transport layer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Lalpour N, Mirkhani V, Keshavarzi R
759. Loss of neuron network coherence induced by virus-infected astrocytes: a model study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Stasenko SV, Hramov AE, Kazantsev VB.
760. More than unfamiliar environmental connection to super typhoon climatology.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Kang N(#), Jang CJ, Elsner JB(#).
761. Bogolon-mediated light absorption in atomic condensates of different dimensionality.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Ko D, Sun M, Kovalev V
762. The impact of selected abiotic factors on Artemia hatching process through real-time observation of oxygen changes in a microfluidic platform.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Dey P, Bradley TM, Boymelgreen A.
763. Dentin defects caused by a Dspp(-1) frameshift mutation are associated with the activation of autophagy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Liang T, Smith CE, Hu Y
764. Parallel Multi-Deque Partition Dual-Deque Merge sorting algorithm using OpenMP.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Ketchaya S, Rattanatranurak A.
765. The impact of digital transformation on the total factor productivity of heavily polluting enterprises.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Su J, Wei Y, Wang S
766. Differentially expressed microRNAs in peripheral blood cell are associated with downregulated expression of IgE in nonallergic childhood asthma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Lee JH, Wang LC, Lin YT
767. High-throughput image analysis with deep learning captures heterogeneity and spatial relationships after kidney injury.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
McElliott MC, Al-Suraimi A, Telang AC
768. Vibrio cholerae in rural and urban Bangladesh, findings from hospital-based surveillance, 2000-2021.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Das R(#), Nasrin S(#), Palit P
769. Deciphering the mechanisms of Yinlan Tiaozhi capsule in treating hyperlipidemia by combining network pharmacology, molecular docking and experimental verification.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Xiao G, Hu Z, Jia C
770. Low-cost biosorption of Fe(II) and Fe(III) from single and binary solutions using Ulva lactuca-derived cellulose nanocrystals-graphene oxide composite film.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Al-Badaani AA, Hifney AF, Adam MS
771. Green synthesis of multi-functional carbon dots from medicinal plant leaves for antimicrobial, antioxidant, and bioimaging applications.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Gedda G, Sankaranarayanan SA, Putta CL
772. Identification of disease propagation paths in two-layer networks.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Li G, Liu G, Wu X(#)
773. Economic and racial disparities of the weather impact on air quality in Brazil.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Requia WJ, Castelhano FJ.
774. Application of various machine learning techniques to predict obstructive sleep apnea syndrome severity.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Han H, Oh J.
775. Multi-scale study of load-bearing mechanism of uplift piles based on model tests and numerical simulations.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Fang J, Lin S, Liu K.
776. Global prevalence and effect of comorbidities and smoking status on severity and mortality of COVID-19 in association with age and gender: a systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Chenchula S, Vidyasagar K, Pathan S
777. Atypical weather patterns cause coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia during the 2021-2022 La Niña.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
McGowan H, Theobald A.
778. Clinical outcomes after a single induction dose of etomidate versus ketamine for emergency department sepsis intubation: a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Srivilaithon W, Bumrungphanithaworn A, Daorattanachai K
779. Determination of diurnal rhythm of salivary corticosterone concentration in the domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus f. domestica) using a non-invasive method.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Kadlecova G, Volfova M, Chloupek J
780. The first description of dermal armour in snakes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Frýdlová P, Janovská V, Mrzílková J
781. One to one comparison of cell-free synthesized erythropoietin conjugates modified with linear polyglycerol and polyethylene glycol.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Pouyan P(#), Zemella A(#), Schloßhauer JL
782. Impact of coronary artery revascularization on long-term outcome in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients: a nationwide population-based cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Rhee TM, Kim HK, Kim BS
783. Clinical results of autologous protein solution injection for knee osteoarthritis with severe disease grade is inferior to mild or moderate grade.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Kuwasawa A, Okazaki K, Noda K
784. Hypoglycemia risk with inappropriate dosing of glucose-lowering drugs in patients with chronic kidney disease: a retrospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Li YJ, Chang YL, Chou YC
785. Automatic brain extraction and brain tissues segmentation on multi-contrast animal MRI.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Nour Eddin J, Dorez H, Curcio V.
786. Dual-branch hybrid network for lesion segmentation in gastric cancer images.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
He D, Zhang Y, Huang H
787. Minimizing the makespan and carbon emissions in the green flexible job shop scheduling problem with learning effects.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Li Z, Chen Y.
788. Tooth brushing practice in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Sahile AT, Wondimu MT, Fikrie EM.
789. Distinctive characteristics of prolonged standing low back pain developers' and the associated risk factors: systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Khoshroo F, Seidi F, Bayattork M
790. In vivo imaging of renal microvasculature in a murine ischemia-reperfusion injury model using optical coherence tomography angiography.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Lee B(#), Kang W(#), Oh SH(#)
791. Patterns of admission and outcome of patients admitted to the intensive care unit of Addis Ababa Burn Emergency and Trauma Hospital.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Mamo D, Aklog E, Gebremedhin Y.
792. Prognostic model development for classification of colorectal adenocarcinoma by using machine learning model based on feature selection technique boruta.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Maurya NS, Kushwah S, Kushwaha S
793. Modified minimum principal stress estimation formula based on Hoek-Brown criterion and equivalent Mohr-Coulomb strength parameters.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Song Y, Feng M, Chen P.
794. Prediction of respiratory complications by quantifying lung contusion volume using chest computed tomography in patients with chest trauma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Lee NH, Kim SH, Seo SH
795. A novel immune score model predicting the prognosis and immunotherapy response of breast cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Lv W(#), He X(#), Wang Y
796. Development of a lab-device for evaporation-free supply of pure liquid nitrogen for droplet- and jet-generation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Schremb M, Kalter M, Vanapalli S.
797. Optimization of the multivariate polynomial public key for quantum safe digital signature.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 19
Kuang R, Perepechaenko M.
798. Framing a novel holistic energy subsystem structure for water-energy-food nexus based on existing literature (basic concepts).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Vahabzadeh M, Afshar A, Molajou A.
799. Cocatalyst loaded Al-SrTiO(3) cubes for Congo red dye photo-degradation under wide range of light.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Abd Elkodous M, El-Khawaga AM, Abouelela MM
800. Music-based interventions in the feeding environment on the gut microbiota of mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Niu J, Xu H, Zeng G
801. Genomic-regions associated with cold stress tolerance in Asia-adapted tropical maize germplasm.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Shikha K, Madhumal Thayil V, Shahi JP
802. Machine-learning predicts time-series prognosis factors in metastatic prostate cancer patients treated with androgen deprivation therapy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Saito S, Sakamoto S, Higuchi K
803. Echo chamber effects on short video platforms.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Gao Y, Liu F, Gao L.
804. In vitro kinase assay reveals ADP-heptose-dependent ALPK1 autophosphorylation and altered kinase activity of disease-associated ALPK1 mutants.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
García-Weber D(#), Dangeard AS(#), Teixeira V
805. Effects of fine grinding on mid-infrared spectroscopic analysis of plant leaf nutrient content.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Whatley CR, Wijewardane NK, Bheemanahalli R
806. Investigating mechanism of the effect of emotional facial expressions on attentional processing by data clustering approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Li Y, Zhao W, Peng X.
807. Accounting for endogenous effects in decision-making with a non-linear diffusion decision model.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Hoxha I, Chevallier S, Ciarchi M
808. Exchange bias effect in polycrystalline Bi(0.5)Sr(0.5)Fe(0.5)Cr(0.5)O(3) bulk.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Li SZ, Rahman A, Ma CL
809. An improved SIFT algorithm for registration between SAR and optical images.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Zhang W, Zhao Y.
810. Potential cultivation areas of Euterpe edulis (Martius) for rainforest recovery, repopulation and açai production in Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
de Novaes Vianna LF, Zambonim FM, Pandolfo C.
811. High-precision plant height measurement by drone with RTK-GNSS and single camera for real-time processing.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Matsuura Y, Heming Z, Nakao K
812. Synthesis, in vitro α-glucosidase inhibitory activities, and molecular dynamic simulations of novel 4-hydroxyquinolinone-hydrazones as potential antidiabetic agents.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Shayegan N, Haghipour S, Tanideh N
813. Serial evaluation of the serum lactate level with the SOFA score to predict mortality in patients with sepsis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Park H, Lee J, Oh DK
814. Nanodiamonds enable femtosecond-processed ultrathin glass as a hybrid quantum sensor.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Dadhich BK, Panda B, Sidhu MS
815. The epidemiological features of respiratory tract infection using the multiplex panels detection during COVID-19 pandemic in Shandong province, China.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Zhang J(#), Yang T(#), Zou M
816. Micro-abnormalities in the retina and choroid induced by anti-CTLA4 treatment.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Mukai R, Tajika Y, Saito K
817. Improving the efficiency of aerosolized insecticide testing against mosquitoes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Silva Martins WF, Reid E, Tomlinson S
818. Single-particle properties of topological Wannier excitons in bismuth chalcogenide nanosheets.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Maisel Licerán L, García Flórez F, Siebbeles LDA
819. Three marine species of the genus Fulvivirga, rich sources of carbohydrate-active enzymes degrading alginate, chitin, laminarin, starch, and xylan.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Nguyen TTH, Vuong TQ, Han HL
820. Randomized clinical trial on the clinical effects of a toothpaste containing extra virgin olive oil, xylitol, and betaine in gingivitis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Rodríguez-Agurto A, Bravo M, Magán-Fernandez A
821. Correlation between electroencephalographic markers in the healthy brain.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Päeske L, Uudeberg T, Hinrikus H
822. A cuproptosis-related lncRNA signature to predict prognosis and immune microenvironment of colon adenocarcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Li D(#), Qu G(#), Ling S
823. The ephemeral fumarolic mineralization of the 2021 Tajogaite volcanic eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Campeny M, Menéndez I, Ibáñez-Insa J
824. The impact of pandemic-related stress on attentional bias and anxiety in alexithymia during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Lee SH, Lee KT.
825. Measuring lineup fairness from eyewitness identification data using a multinomial processing tree model.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Menne NM, Winter K, Bell R
826. Three-dimensional fine structures in deep fascia revealed by combined use of cryo-fixed histochemistry and low-vacuum scanning microscopy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Imazato H, Takahashi N, Hirakawa Y
827. A pathogenicity locus of Streptococcus gallolyticus subspecies gallolyticus.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Taylor JC, Kumar R, Xu J
828. Characterisation of thermally treated beech and birch by means of quasi-static tests and ultrasonic waves.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Al-Musawi H, Manni E, Stadlmann A
829. Impacts on water quality in the peatland dominated catchment due to foreseen changes in Nordic Bioeconomy Pathways.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Bhattacharjee J, Marttila H, Molina Navarro E
830. Anaerobic co-digestion of grass and cow manure: kinetic and GHG calculations.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Ulukardesler AH.
831. Resting-state functional connectivity disruption between the left and right pallidum as a biomarker for subthreshold depression.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Sato Y, Okada G, Yokoyama S
832. A low cost neuromorphic learning engine based on a high performance supervised SNN learning algorithm.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Siddique A, Vai MI, Pun SH.
833. Tunable sulphur doping on CuFe(2)O(4) nanostructures for the selective elimination of organic dyes from water.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Aslam A, Abid MZ, Rafiq K
834. Characterization of aortic aging using 3D multi-parametric MRI-long-term follow-up in a population study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Loose S, Solou D, Strecker C
835. Rational peptide design for inhibition of the KIX-MLL interaction.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Sato N, Suetaka S, Hayashi Y
836. Population dynamics and drug resistance mutations in Plasmodium falciparum on the Bijagós Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Moss S, Mańko E, Vasileva H
837. Free-living bacteria stimulate sugarcane growth traits and edaphic factors along soil depth gradients under contrasting fertilization.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Fallah N, Tayyab M, Yang Z
838. Discrete time domain modeling and design of current mode controlled flyback LED driver.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Kim MG.
839. Ion-beam assisted sputtering of titanium nitride thin films.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Draher T, Polakovic T, Li J
840. Grain quality characteristics analysis and application on breeding of Yuenongsimiao, a high-yielding and disease-resistant rice variety.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Lu Z(#), Fang Z(#), Liu W
841. Perceiving the representative surface color of real-world materials.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Zhang Y, Motoyoshi I.
842. Systemic effects of oral tolerance in bone healing.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Costa BH, Rezende AK, Costa L
843. Modeling outcome trajectories in patients with acquired brain injury using a non-linear dynamic evolution approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Panunzi S(#), Lucca LF(#), De Tanti A
844. Genome-wide transcriptional profiling provides clues to molecular mechanisms underlying cold tolerance in chickpea.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Akbari A, Ismaili A, Amirbakhtiar N
845. Method and application of information sharing throughout the emergency rescue process based on 5G and AR wearable devices.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Wang M, Ji H, Jia M
846. Climatically promoted taxonomic homogenization of macroinvertebrates in unaffected streams varies along the river continuum.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Zhai M(#), Bojková J(#), Němejcová D
847. Mechanisms of length-dependent recognition of viral double-stranded RNA by RIG-I.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Im JH, Duic I, Yoshimura SH
848. Volumetric thermo-convective casson fluid flow over a nonlinear inclined extended surface.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Shuaib M, Anas M, Rehman HU
849. Tumor resident memory CD8 T cells and concomitant tumor immunity develop independently of CD4 help.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Medler TR, Kramer G, Bambina S
850. Adaptation to the shallow sea floor environment of a species of marine worms, Oligobrachia mashikoi, generally inhabiting deep-sea water.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Ogiso S, Watanabe K, Maruyama Y
851. Bioinformatics analysis of the pathogenic link between Epstein-Barr virus infection, systemic lupus erythematosus and diffuse large B cell lymphoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Zhu QY.
852. Results and lessons learned from the sbv IMPROVER metagenomics diagnostics for inflammatory bowel disease challenge.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Khachatryan L, Xiang Y, Ivanov A
853. CBGA ameliorates inflammation and fibrosis in nephropathy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Suzuki S, Fleig A, Penner R.
854. Release systems based on self-assembling RADA16-I hydrogels with a signal sequence which improves wound healing processes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Dzierżyńska M(#), Sawicka J(#), Deptuła M
855. Predicting work disability among people with chronic conditions: a prospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Nyberg ST, Airaksinen J, Pentti J
856. Statistical control of structural networks with limited interventions to minimize cellular phenotypic diversity represented by point attractors.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Kim J, Hopper C, Cho KH.
857. Nationwide sample data analysis of additional surgery rate after anterior or posterior cervical spinal surgery.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Yuh WT(#), Kim M(#), Choi Y
858. Alcohol control policies reduce all-cause mortality in Baltic Countries and Poland between 2001 and 2020.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Vaitkevičiūtė J, Gobiņa I, Janik-Koncewicz K
859. Spatial mapping of low pressure cluster jets using Rayleigh scattering.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Patel M, Geethika BR, Thomas J
860. Transient use of hemolymph for hydraulic wing expansion in cicadas.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Salcedo MK, Ellis TE, Sáenz ÁS
861. Multicenter retrospective cohort study of the association between surgery for odontoid fractures in the elderly and in-hospital outcomes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 18
Merali Z, Zhang PF, Jaffe RH
862. Detection of humoral and cellular immune response to anti-SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 vaccine in breastfeeding women and naïve and previously infected individuals.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Cavic M, Nesic A, Mirjacic Martinovic K
863. Improved YOLOv5 infrared tank target detection method under ground background.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Liang C, Yan Z, Ren M
864. The association of dietary and lifestyle indices for insulin resistance with the risk of cardiometabolic diseases among Iranian adults.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Teymoori F, Jahromi MK, Ahmadirad H
865. Introduction and comparision of three different fixation methods in the suprahepatic space in laparoscopy-assisted ventriculoperitoneal shunt for hydrocephalus.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Ding Q(#), Wang J(#), Fan H
866. Improving forecasts of individual ocean eddies using feature mapping.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Rykova T.
867. The simplification of the insomnia severity index and epworth sleepiness scale using machine learning models.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Lee W, Kim H, Shim J
868. IKKα inhibition re-sensitizes acquired adriamycin-resistant triple negative breast cancer cells to chemotherapy-induced apoptosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Liao J(#), Qin QH(#), Lv FY(#)
869. An investigation into epidemiological situations of COVID-19 with fuzzy K-means and K-prototype clustering methods.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Pasin O, Gonenc S.
870. Landscape of co-expressed genes between the myocardium and blood in sepsis and ceRNA network construction: a bioinformatic approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Long Q, Li G, Dong Q
871. Magneto radiative and heat convective flow boundary layer in Maxwell fluid across a porous inclined vertical plate.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Sudarmozhi K, Iranian D, Khan I
872. Health economic evaluation of a randomized controlled trial (EMBLA study), an internet-based treatment for provoked vulvodynia.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Hess Engström A, Bohm-Starke N, Buhrman M
873. SGLT2 inhibition ameliorates nano plastics-induced premature endothelial senescence and dysfunction.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Dhakal B(#), Shiwakoti S(#), Park EY
874. Chronic Mycobacterium avium infection differentially affects the cytokine expression profile of three mouse strains, but has no effect on behavior.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Roque S, de Sá-Calçada D, Cerqueira-Rodrigues B
875. Imbalanced expression of cation-chloride cotransporters as a potential therapeutic target in an Angelman syndrome mouse model.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Egawa K(#), Watanabe M(#), Shiraishi H
876. Influence of hydrodynamic and functional nonlinearities of blood flow in the cerebral vasculature on cerebral perfusion and autoregulation pressure reserve.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Piechna A, Cieślicki K.
877. Non-enzymatic glucose sensors composed of trimetallic CuO/Ag/NiO based composite materials.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Naikoo GA, Bano M, Arshad F
878. Visuo-spatial attention and semantic memory competition in the parietal cortex.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Capotosto P, Sulpizio V, Galati G
879. A head-to-head comparison of well-being of older people (WOOP) and EQ-5D-5L in patients, carers and general public in China.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Ran X, Mao Z, Yang Z.
880. Turbulent flow interacting with flexible trawl net structure including simulation catch in flume tank.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Nyatchouba Nsangue BT, Tang H, Liu W
881. Comparison of learning models to predict LDPE, PET, and ABS concentrations in beach sediment based on spectral reflectance.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Huda FR, Richard FS, Rahman I
882. Highly integrated bionic prostheses resolve the thermal asymmetry between residual amputated and contralateral limbs.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Lang VA, Munoz-Novoa M, Ortiz-Catalan M.
883. A new method for estimating ore grade based on sample length weighting.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Liu ZN, Deng YY, Tian R
884. Nonperturbative approach to magnetic response of an isolated nanoring in a strongly anharmonic confinement.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Ding YJ, Xiao Y.
885. Effects of 660-nm LED photobiomodulation on drebrin expression pattern and astrocyte migration.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Yoon SR, Chang SY, Lee MY
886. A paired emitter-detector diode-based photometer for the determination of sodium hypochlorite adulteration in milk.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Bastan N, Ahmadi M, Madrakian T
887. Pyrolytic elimination of ethylene from ethoxyquinolines and ethoxyisoquinolines: a computational study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Abdel-Rahman MA, Shibl MF, Mahmoud MAM.
888. Disappearance, division, and route change of excitable reaction-diffusion waves in deformable membranes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Noguchi H.
889. Inter- and intratumoral proteomics and glycosaminoglycan characterization of ALK rearranged lung adenocarcinoma tissues: a pilot study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Balbisi M, Sugár S, Schlosser G
890. Assessment of the water sources for potential channels of faecal contamination within Vhembe District Municipality using sanitary inspections and hydrogen sulphide test.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Murei A, Kamika I, Samie A
891. Contrasting area and yield responses to extreme climate contributes to climate-resilient rice production in Asia.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Hosokawa N, Doi Y, Kim W
892. Full-order adaptive sliding mode control with extended state observer for high-speed PMSM speed regulation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Luo M, Yu Z, Xiao Y
893. Neurocognitive bases of self-monitoring of inner speech in hallucination prone individuals.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Stephan-Otto C, Núñez C, Lombardini F
894. On the controllability of a singular nonregular methaniser system.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Tmar Z, Wafi T, Besbes M.
895. Feasibility of photon-counting computed tomography as a novel imaging modality for challenging endodontic diagnostic tasks.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Fontenele RC, Picoli FF, Pinto JC
896. Phosphatidylinositol metabolism of the renal proximal tubule S3 segment is disturbed in response to diabetes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Rietjens RGJ, Wang G, van der Velden AIM
897. Value of handcrafted and deep radiomic features towards training robust machine learning classifiers for prediction of prostate cancer disease aggressiveness.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Rodrigues A, Rodrigues N, Santinha J
898. Effect of Bamboo biochar on strength and water retention properties of low plastic clay and silty sand.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Yadav SK, Bag R.
899. Interrelationships between urban travel demand and electricity consumption: a deep learning approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Movahedi A, Parsa AB, Rozhkov A
900. Effective index model as a reliable tool for the design of nanostructured thin-film solar cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Sánchez PA, Esteban O, Elshorbagy MH
901. Building a second-opinion tool for classical polygraph.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Asonov D, Krylov M, Omelyusik V
902. Phylogenomic investigation of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) and related species using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Sardouei-Nasab S, Nemati Z, Mohammadi-Nejad G
903. Effectiveness of emotion regulation strategies measured by self-report and EMG as a result of strategy used, negative emotion strength and participants' baseline HRV.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Kobylińska D(#), Lewczuk K(#), Wizła M
904. Differential impact of transfusion guidelines on blood transfusion practices within a health network.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Balafas S, Gagliano V, Di Serio C
905. Dual-band and dual-polarized reflective Fresnel zone plate design based on Fractal shape.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Wei L, Ma C, Liu X
906. Effect of drill quality on biological damage in bone drilling.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Alam K, Qamar SZ, Iqbal M
907. Point of care parenchymal volume analyses to estimate split renal function and predict functional outcomes after radical nephrectomy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Rathi N, Attawettayanon W, Yasuda Y
908. Histological and contractile changes in the genioglossus muscle after nasal obstruction in growing rats.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Koecklin KHU, Kato C, Abe Y
909. Predicting the need for intubation within 3 h in the neonatal intensive care unit using a multimodal deep neural network.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Im JE(#), Park S(#), Kim YJ
910. A convolutional attention mapping deep neural network for classification and localization of cardiomegaly on chest X-rays.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Innat M, Hossain MF, Mader K
911. Identification and characterization of miRNAs in spleens of sheep subjected to repetitive vaccination.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Varela-Martínez E, Bilbao-Arribas M, Abendaño N
912. Circulating proteins to predict COVID-19 severity.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 17
Su CY(#), Zhou S(#), Gonzalez-Kozlova E(#)
913. Physics-informed reduced-order learning from the first principles for simulation of quantum nanostructures.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 16
Veresko M, Cheng MC.
914. Association of SLC11A1 polymorphisms with anthropometric and biochemical parameters describing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 16
Kavian Z, Sargazi S, Majidpour M
915. Novel Gemini ionic liquid for oxidative desulfurization of gas oil.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 16
Mohammed HA, Mostafa HY, El-Aty DMA
916. Feasibility of simultaneous development of laparoscopic and robotic pancreaticoduodenectomy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 16
Chao YJ, Lu WH, Liao TK
917. Rapid population growth and high management costs have created a narrow window for control of introduced hippos in Colombia.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 16
Subalusky AL, Sethi SA, Anderson EP
918. Initiating and imaging cavitation from infused echo contrast agents through the EkoSonic catheter.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 16
Kennedy SR, Lafond M, Haworth KJ
919. Effects of phosphogypsum on enzyme activity and microbial community in acid soil.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 16
Li C(#), Dong Y(#), Yi Y
920. Dietary micro-fibrillated cellulose improves growth, reduces diarrhea, modulates gut microbiota, and increases butyrate production in post-weaning piglets.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 16
Uddin MK, Mahmud MR, Hasan S
921. Classical conditioning of faciliatory paired-pulse TMS.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 16
Ewers SP(#), Dreier TM(#), Al-Bas S
922. Investigating the domestication and early management of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in the Sámi archaeological context from teeth geometric morphometrics.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Pelletier M, Discamps E, Bignon-Lau O
923. Production of Ni(0.5)Co(0.5)Fe(2)O(4)/activated carbon@chitosan magnetic nanobiocomposite as a novel adsorbent of methylene blue in aqueous solutions.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Dastoom Z.
924. Predictive factors for dissection-free sentinel node micrometastases in early oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Matsuzuka T, Tsukahara K, Yoshimoto S
925. External validation of the ACC/AHA ASCVD risk score in a Colombian population cohort.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Rodríguez-Ariza CD, Cabrera-Villamizar A, Rodríguez-Pulido AL
926. Method-comparison study between a watch-like sensor and a cuff-based device for 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Proença M, Ambühl J, Bonnier G
927. Lifetime prevalence and treatment of mental disorders in Saudi youth and adolescents.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Altwaijri Y, Kazdin AE, Al-Subaie A
928. Partial differential equations modeling of bio-convective sutterby nanofluid flow through paraboloid surface.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Abdul Basit M, Imran M, Khan SA
929. Pose estimation and motion analysis of ski jumpers based on ECA-HRNet.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Bao W, Niu T, Wang N
930. Perceiver and target partisanship shift facial trustworthiness effects on likability.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Malloy CS, Hughes C, Cassidy BS.
931. Hippocampal inactivation during rearing on hind legs impairs spatial memory.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Layfield D, Sidell N, Blankenberger K
932. Longitudinal lung cancer prediction convolutional neural network model improves the classification of indeterminate pulmonary nodules.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Paez R, Kammer MN, Balar A
933. Trends in SARS-CoV-2 cycle threshold values in the Czech Republic from April 2020 to April 2022.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Musalkova D(#), Piherova L(#), Kwasny O(#)
934. Predicting a kidney transplant patient's pre-transplant functional status based on information from waitlist registration.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Mark E, Goldsman D, Gurbaxani B
935. Optimization of reaction temperature and Ni-W-Mo catalyst soaking time in oil upgrading: application to kinetic modeling of in-situ upgrading.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Abdi-Khanghah M, Jafari A, Ahmadi G
936. GIS-based risk assessment of flood disaster in the Lijiang River Basin.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Ziwei L, Xiangling T, Liju L
937. Metabolomics profiling distinctively identified end-stage renal disease patients from chronic kidney disease patients.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Dahabiyeh LA, Nimer RM, Sumaily KM
938. α-D-Glucose as a non-radioactive MRS tracer for metabolic studies of the brain.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Weng G, Radojewski P, Slotboom J.
939. The impact of Charlson Comorbidity Index on surgical complications and reoperations following simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Lee KH, Chang WL, Tsai SW
940. A new data integration framework for Covid-19 social media information.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Ansell L, Dalla Valle L.
941. Modulation of the executive control network by anodal tDCS over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex improves task shielding in dual tasking.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Mahesan D, Antonenko D, Flöel A
942. Determining the orientation of acetabular prosthesis in total hip arthroplasty by refering to the anatomical landmarker of acetabular notches.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Zhang H(#), Zhou J(#), Ling X
943. A proof-of-concept assay for quantitative and optical assessment of drug-induced toxicity in renal organoids.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Dilz J, Auge I, Groeneveld K
944. G-protein coupled receptor 19 (GPR19) knockout mice display sex-dependent metabolic dysfunction.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Mushala BAS, Xie B, Sipula IJ
945. Cancer, cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality in Iraqi- and Swedish-born individuals in Sweden: the MEDIM cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Dhaher NF, Pikkemaat M, Shaat N
946. Triclustering-based classification of longitudinal data for prognostic prediction: targeting relevant clinical endpoints in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Soares DF, Henriques R, Gromicho M
947. The associations of socioeconomic status with incident dementia and Alzheimer's disease are modified by leucocyte telomere length: a population-based cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Lai KY, Webster C, Kumari S
948. Short-term exposure to some heavy metals carried with PM(10) and cardiovascular system biomarkers during dust storm.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Badeenezhad A, Parseh I, Veisi A
949. Contamination and mortality of leaf-cutting ant workers by the quinone inside inhibitor fungicide after social interactions.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Scudillio T, Camargo RDS, Mota Filho TMM
950. Larger left hippocampal presubiculum is associated with lower risk of antisocial behavior in healthy adults with childhood conduct history.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Abdolalizadeh A, Moradi K, Dabbagh Ohadi MA
951. Environmental change or choice during early rearing improves behavioural adaptability in laying hen chicks.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Skånberg L, Newberry RC, Estevez I
952. Estrogen associates with female predominance in Xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Lu Y, Zhu Y, Ma W
953. Investigating the physicochemical properties, structural attributes, and molecular dynamics of organic-inorganic hybrid [NH(3)(CH(2))(2)NH(3)](2)CdBr(4)·2Br crystals.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Lim AR.
954. Time domain double slit interference of electron produced by XUV synchrotron radiation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Kaneyasu T, Hikosaka Y, Wada S
955. Attraction, mobility, and preference by Lasioderma serricorne (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) to microbially-mediated volatile emissions by two species of fungi in stored grain.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Ponce MA(#), Sierra P(#), Maille JM
956. Evaluation of non-gastric upper gastrointestinal system polyps: an epidemiological assessment.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Erdoğan Ç, Arı D, Yeşil B
957. Quantification of bulk lipid species in human platelets and their thrombin-induced release.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Heimerl S, Höring M, Kopczynski D
958. Effective CO(2) capture by using poly (acrylonitrile) nanofibers based on the radiation grafting procedure in fixed-bed adsorption column.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Tourzani AA, Hormozi F, Asadollahzadeh M
959. Telocytes and ezrin expression in normal-appearing tissues adjacent to urothelial bladder carcinoma as predictors of invasiveness and recurrence.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Wishahi M, Hassan S, Hassan M
960. Vessel noise exposures of harbour seals from the Wadden Sea.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Nachtsheim DA, Johnson M, Schaffeld T
961. Adherence to oxidative balance scores and lower odds of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a case-control study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Sohouli MH, Rohani P, Hosseinzadeh M
962. Synesthesia has specific cognitive processing during Go/No-go paradigms.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Aoki Y, Shibasaki M, Nakata H.
963. The role of Klotho and FGF23 in cardiovascular outcomes of diabetic patients with chronic limb threatening ischemia: a prospective study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Biscetti F, Rando MM, Cecchini AL
964. Unsteady hybrid nanofluid ([Formula: see text], MWCNTs/blood) flow between two rotating stretchable disks with chemical reaction and activation energy under the influence of convective boundaries.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Qayyum M, Afzal S, Ali MR
965. Negative magnetostrictive paper formed by dispersing CoFe(2)O(4) particles in cellulose nanofibrils.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Keino T, Rova L, Gallet-Pandellé A
966. The specific core fucose-binding lectin Pholiota squarrosa lectin (PhoSL) inhibits hepatitis B virus infection in vitro.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Ouchida T(#), Maeda H(#), Akamatsu Y
967. Machine learning algorithms reveal potential miRNAs biomarkers in gastric cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 15
Azari H(#), Nazari E(#), Mohit R
968. A new stochastic diffusion model for influence maximization in social networks.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 14
Rezvanian A, Vahidipour SM, Meybodi MR.
969. Non-invasive mass and temperature quantifications with spectral CT.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 14
Liu LP, Hwang M, Hung M
970. Quantitative analysis of lacewing larvae over more than 100 million years reveals a complex pattern of loss of morphological diversity.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 14
Haug C, Braig F, Haug JT.
971. Intermediate hepatitis B virus infection prevalence among 1622 pregnant women in rural Burkina Faso and implications for mother-to-child transmission.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 14
Ouoba S, Ko K, Lingani M
972. Design and validation of Dolosigranulum pigrum specific PCR primers using the bacterial core genome.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 14
Aziz M(#), Palmer A(#), Iversen S
973. Structural basis for sequence-specific recognition of guide and target strands by the Archaeoglobus fulgidus Argonaute protein.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 14
Manakova E(#), Golovinas E(#), Pocevičiūtė R
974. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people with and without pre-existing mental health problems.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 14
Kleine R, Galimov A, Hanewinkel R
975. Fluid-structure interaction modelling of a positive-displacement Total Artificial Heart.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 14
Bornoff J, Najar A, Fresiello L
976. EPC-exosomal miR-26a-5p improves airway remodeling in COPD by inhibiting ferroptosis of bronchial epithelial cells via PTGS2/PGE2 signaling pathway.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 14
Liu C(#), Lu J(#), Yuan T
977. A machine learning approach to predict self-protecting behaviors during the early wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 14
Taye AD, Borga LG, Greiff S
978. Mass spectrometry-based proteomic strategy for ecchymotic skin examination in forensic pathology.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 14
Toma L(#), Vignali G(#), Maffioli E(#)
979. Polymorphisms within DIO2 and GADD45A genes increase the risk of liver disease progression in chronic hepatitis b carriers.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 14
Rybicka M, Verrier ER, Baumert TF
980. The effects of age, size, and cage complexity on the behaviour of farmed female chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera).
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 14
Łapiński S, Niedbała P, Markowska K
981. The stability of transient relationships.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 14
Hidd VV(#), López E(#), Centellegher S
982. Helquat dyes targeting G-quadruplexes as a new class of anti-HIV-1 inhibitors.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Pávová M, Reyes-Gutiérrez PE, Kozák J
983. Measuring antigen expression of cancer cell lines and circulating tumour cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Mentink A, Isebia KT, Kraan J
984. Quantum annealing for microstructure equilibration with long-range elastic interactions.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Sandt R, Le Bouar Y, Spatschek R.
985. Socio-economic status and trajectories of a novel multidimensional metric of Active and Healthy Ageing: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Malkowski OS, Kanabar R, Western MJ.
986. Application and limitation of a biological clock-based method for estimating time of death in forensic practices.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Kimura A, Ishida Y, Nosaka M
987. Effects of extended mixing processes on fresh, hardened and durable properties of cement systems incorporating fly ash.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Sereewatthanawut I, Panwisawas C, Ngamkhanong C
988. Outcomes of singleton preterm very low birth weight infants born to mothers with pregnancy-induced hypertension.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Kim HR, Lee BK.
989. Identification of hub genes and immune infiltration in ulcerative colitis using bioinformatics.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Hu W, Fang T, Zhou M
990. Graphene oxide classification and standardization.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Donato KZ, Tan HL, Marangoni VS
991. Factors affecting the ORR after neoadjuvant therapy of TP regimen combined with PD-1 inhibitors for esophageal cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Ma R, Yuan D, Mo C
992. Antiviral effect of melatonin on Japanese encephalitis virus infection involves inhibition of neuronal apoptosis and neuroinflammation in SH-SY5Y cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Kitidee K, Samutpong A, Pakpian N
993. Pan-cancer investigation of psoriasis-related BUB1B gene: genetical alteration and oncogenic immunology.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Li X, Wang W, Ding X.
994. Quantification of extracellular matrix remodeling for the non-invasive identification of graft fibrosis after liver transplantation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Engel B, Falk Villesen I, Fisker Nielsen MJ
995. Real-time gas mass spectroscopy by multivariate analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Franceschelli L, Ciricugno C, Di Lorenzo M
996. Initial treatment response and short-term mortality of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in cirrhotic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Lee CH(#), Kang HJ(#), Yu SY
997. The relationship between gait speed and mediolateral stability depends on a person's preferred speed.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Brinkerhoff SA, Murrah WM, Roper JA.
998. CZK, a novel alkaloid derivative from Clausena lansium, alleviates ischemic stroke injury through Nrf2-mediated antioxidant effects.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Chen H, Liu Y, Feng J
999. Differential privacy protection algorithm for network sensitive information based on singular value decomposition.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Ma X, Chang X, Chen H.
1000. Influencing factors of community residents' pro-environmental behavior in East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve under the policy intervention.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Tang X, Yuan J, Zeng X.
1001. Pan-cancer analysis reveals IGFL2 as a potential target for cancer prognosis and immunotherapy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Wang Y, Yuan H, Yue G
1002. Large-scale effects of offshore wind farms on seabirds of high conservation concern.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Garthe S, Schwemmer H, Peschko V
1003. Generalization of vision pre-trained models for histopathology.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Sikaroudi M, Hosseini M, Gonzalez R
1004. Identification of diagnostic biomarks and immune cell infiltration in ulcerative colitis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Chen Q(#), Bei S(#), Zhang Z
1005. Discriminatory punishment undermines the enforcement of group cooperation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Molenmaker WE, Gross J, de Kwaadsteniet EW
1006. Retention of visuo-proprioceptive recalibration in estimating hand position.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Wali M, Lee-Miller T, Babu R
1007. Characteristics of flight delays during solar flares.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Xu XH, Wang Y, Wei FS
1008. Performance analysis of the BDSBAS-B1C message in trial operation stage.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Xin J, Guo R, Chen J
1009. Effects of bariatric surgery and dietary intervention on insulin resistance and appetite hormones over a 3 year period.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Brzozowska MM, Isaacs M, Bliuc D
1010. Differential effects of sex on tuberculosis location and severity across the lifespan.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Min J(#), Park JS(#), Kim HW
1011. Creation of low cost, simple, and easy-to-use training kit for the dura mater suturing in endoscopic transnasal pituitary/skull base surgery.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Hattori Y(#), Ishisaka E(#), Tahara S
1012. Non-destructive monitoring of forming quality of self-piercing riveting via a lightweight deep learning.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Lin S, Zhao L, Wang S
1013. From comparative gene content and gene order to ancestral contigs, chromosomes and karyotypes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Xu Q, Jin L, Zheng C
1014. Bi-objective bus scheduling optimization with passenger perception in mind.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Liu S, Liu L, Pei D
1015. Urinary miR-16-5p can be used as a potential marker of endocapillary hypercellularity in IgA nephropathy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Zhang M, Duan ZY, Zhang QY
1016. Increasing cell culture density during a developmental window prevents fated rod precursors derailment toward hybrid rod-glia cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Barravecchia I, De Cesari C, Guadagni V
1017. Properties of odor identification testing in screening for early-stage Alzheimer's disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Audronyte E, Pakulaite-Kazliene G, Sutnikiene V
1018. Chitosan-based nano-sorbents: synthesis, surface modification, characterisation and application in Cd (II), Co (II), Cu (II) and Pb (II) ions removal from wastewater.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Chandra D, Molla MTH, Bashar MA
1019. Optimization of synergic antibacterial activity of Punica granatum L. and Areca nut (P.G.L.A.N) extracts through response surface methodology.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Gharbani P, Jam N, Doshmanfekan H
1020. Neural networks determination of material elastic constants and structures in nematic complex fluids.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Zaplotnik J, Pišljar J, Škarabot M
1021. Navigated direct photocoagulation with a 30-ms short-pulse laser for treating microaneurysms in diabetic macular edema exhibits a high closure rate.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Ikegami Y, Shiraya T, Araki F
1022. Laboratory simulation of the swampy forest system for the passive treatment of acid mine drainage in coal mine reclamation areas.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Noor I, Arifin YF, Priatmadi BJ
1023. Study on upper bound limit analysis of horizontal layers slope stability based on optimization method.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Yao Y, Wang Z.
1024. Assumed shared belief about conspiracy theories in social networks protects paranoid individuals against distress.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Suthaharan P, Corlett PR.
1025. Identification of railway subgrade defects based on ground penetrating radar.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Hou Z, Zhao W, Yang Y.
1026. Coping styles mediate the relation between mindset and academic resilience in adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Janssen TWP, van Atteveldt N.
1027. Prevalence of long COVID complaints in persons with and without COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Magnusson K, Turkiewicz A, Flottorp SA
1028. Sex and age affect acute and persisting COVID-19 illness.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Vasilevskaya A, Mushtaque A, Tsang MY
1029. Synthetic symbiosis between a cyanobacterium and a ciliate toward novel chloroplast-like endosymbiosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Azuma Y, Tsuru S, Habuchi M
1030. Water stabilizes an alternate turn conformation in horse heart myoglobin.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Bronstein A, Marx A.
1031. Collaborative training of medical artificial intelligence models with non-uniform labels.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Tayebi Arasteh S, Isfort P, Saehn M
1032. EU climate action through an energy poverty lens.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Vandyck T, Della Valle N, Temursho U
1033. Caves as wildlife refuges in degraded landscapes in the Brazilian Amazon.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
de Fraga R, Tavares V, Simões MH
1034. GIS model for geothermal advantageous target selection.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Li X, Huang C, Chen W
1035. Neural network based integration of assays to assess pathogenic potential.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Eslami M, Chen YP, Nicholson AC
1036. Dichotomous versus 5-scale grading system for the interpretation of the point-of-care immunoassay for tear matrix metalloproteinase-9 in dry eye.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Oh JY, Chun YS, Kim KW.
1037. Association between the Cardiac Arrest Hospital Prognosis (CAHP) score and reason for death after successfully resuscitated cardiac arrest.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Paul M, Legriel S, Benghanem S
1038. Maternal autistic traits and antenatal pain by cross-sectional analysis of the Japan Environment and Children's Study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Yamada K, Kimura T, Cui M
1039. Data integration reveals dynamic and systematic patterns of breeding habitat use by a threatened shorebird.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Ellis KS, Anteau MJ, MacDonald GJ
1040. Tug of War games and PDEs on graphs with applications in image and high dimensional data processing.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Ennaji H, Quéau Y, Elmoataz A.
1041. Modulation of internal solitary waves by the Kuroshio in the northern South China Sea.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Yu Y, Chen X, Cao A
1042. Parameter inference for enzyme and temperature constrained genome-scale models.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 13
Pettersen JP, Almaas E.
1043. An intriguing approach toward antibacterial activity of green synthesized Rutin-templated mesoporous silica nanoparticles decorated with nanosilver.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Abbasi M(#), Gholizadeh R(#), Kasaee SR
1044. Safety of oral propranolol for neonates with problematic infantile hemangioma: a retrospective study in an Asian population.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Fu R(#), Zou Y(#), Wu Z
1045. Assessment of quality of life, pain level and disability outcomes after lumbar discectomy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Staszkiewicz R, Ulasavets U, Dobosz P
1046. Trends in management and outcomes of COVID patients admitted to a Swiss tertiary care hospital.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Marti C(#), Gaudet-Blavignac C(#), Martin J
1047. The paucity of morality in everyday talk.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Atari M, Mehl MR, Graham J
1048. DNA damage, demethylation and anticancer activity of DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitors.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Laranjeira ABA, Hollingshead MG, Nguyen D
1049. Nondestructive inspection of surface nanostructuring using label-free optical super-resolution imaging.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Aguilar A, Khalil AA, Aldeiturriaga DP
1050. Rapid multi-criterial design of microwave components with robustness analysis by means of knowledge-based surrogates.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Koziel S, Pietrenko-Dabrowska A.
1051. Comparative- and network-based proteomic analysis of bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis lesions in broiler's proximal tibiae identifies new molecular signatures of lameness.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Cook J, Greene ES, Ramser A
1052. CFD model to study PM[Formula: see text] dispersion in large-scale open spaces.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Fernández-Pacheco VM, Álvarez-Álvarez E, Blanco-Marigorta E
1053. A novel corpus of molecular to higher-order events that facilitates the understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Nagano N, Tokunaga N, Ikeda M
1054. Simplified local infill size optimization for FDM printed PLA parts.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Birosz MT, Andó M.
1055. Cosmic time calibrator for wireless sensor network.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Tanaka HKM.
1056. Therapeutic effects of polydeoxyribonucleotide in an in vitro neuronal model of ischemia/reperfusion injury.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Jo S(#), Baek A(#), Cho Y
1057. Estimating the monthly pan evaporation with limited climatic data in dryland based on the extended long short-term memory model enhanced with meta-heuristic algorithms.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Fu T, Li X.
1058. The influence of polycystic ovary syndrome on abortion rate after in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection fresh cycle pregnancy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Dou Q, Ma LY, Li PF
1059. COPD awareness among the Syrian community: population-based study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Hadakie R, Kakaje A, Al Kwatly K
1060. Insights into the circulating microbiome of Atlantic and Greenland halibut populations: the role of species-specific and environmental factors.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Fronton F, Ferchiou S, Caza F
1061. Seismic background level (SBL) growth can reveal slowly developing long-term eruption precursors.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Ichihara M, Ohminato T, Konstantinou KI
1062. Weather parameters as a predictive tool potentially allowing for better monitoring of dairy cattle against gastrointestinal parasites hazard.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Płoneczka-Janeczko K, Szalińska W, Otop I
1063. Faceting the post-disaster built heritage reconstruction process within the digital twin framework for Notre-Dame de Paris.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Gros A(#), Guillem A(#), De Luca L(#)
1064. Electric scooter accidents leading to emergency department visits: influence of alcohol and outcomes in Stockholm, Sweden.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Andersson O, Djärv T.
1065. Mutant and curli-producing E. coli enhance the disease phenotype in a hSOD1-G93A mouse model of ALS.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Kurlawala Z, McMillan JD, Singhal RA
1066. Transgene-induced cell death following dengue-2 virus infection in Aedes aegypti.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Carvalho DO(#), Costa-da-Silva AL(#), Petersen V
1067. Estimation of wheel slip in 2WD mode for an agricultural tractor during plowing operation using an artificial neural network.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Al-Dosary NMN, Alnajjar FM, Aboukarima AEWM.
1068. Coxsackievirus A11 is an immunostimulatory oncolytic virus that induces complete tumor regression in a human non-small cell lung cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Sakamoto A, Inoue H, Miyamoto S
1069. Stabilization of a chaotic oscillator via a class of integral controllers under input saturation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Aguilar-López R, Mata-Machuca JL.
1070. ALS-linked TDP-43 mutations interfere with the recruitment of RNA recognition motifs to G-quadruplex RNA.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Ishiguro A, Ishihama A.
1071. Stronger functional connectivity during reading contextually predictable words in slow readers.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Weiss KL, Hawelka S, Hutzler F
1072. Functional and morphological renal changes in a Göttingen Minipig model of obesity-related and diabetic nephropathy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Christoffersen BØ, Kristensen CA, Lindgaard R
1073. A small fishing vessel recognition method using transfer learning based on laser sensors.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Zheng J, Cao J, Yuan K
1074. Assessing ecosystem vulnerability under severe uncertainty of global climate change.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Yoshikawa T, Koide D, Yokomizo H
1075. Direct evidence of terahertz emission arising from anomalous Hall effect.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Mottamchetty V, Rani P, Brucas R
1076. Fly ash boosted electrocatalytic properties of PEDOT:PSS counter electrodes for the triiodide reduction in dye-sensitized solar cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Kanjana N, Maiaugree W, Laokul P
1077. Self-assembling bilayer wiring with highly conductive liquid metal and insulative ion gel layers.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Murakami K, Isano Y, Asada J
1078. Toll-like receptors and nuclear factor kappa B signaling pathway involvement in hepatorenal oxidative damage induced by some food preservatives in rats.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Abd-Elhakim YM, Behairy A, Hashem MMM
1079. Optimal dose of normal saline for confirming correct peripheral venous access with precordial Doppler ultrasonography in children.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Omori A, Otaki Y, Tanaka M
1080. De novo full length transcriptome analysis of a naturally caffeine-free tea plant reveals specificity in secondary metabolic regulation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Mi X(#), Yang C(#), Qiao D
1081. Remnant cholesterol can identify individuals at higher risk of metabolic syndrome in the general population.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Zou Y(#), Kuang M(#), Zhong Y
1082. Chemical composition and repellent activity of essential oils of Tithonia diversifolia (Asteraceae) leaves against the bites of Anopheles coluzzii.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Akeumbiwo Tchumkam C, Kojom Foko LP, Ndo C
1083. Factors hindering coverage of targeted mass treatment with primaquine in a malarious township of northern Myanmar in 2019-2020.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Aung PL, Soe MT, Soe TN
1084. Warning regarding hematological toxicity of tamoxifen activated CreERT2 in young Rosa26CreERT2 mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Rossi M, Salomon A, Chaumontel N
1085. Association between soluble angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in saliva and SARS-CoV-2 infection: a cross-sectional study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Bru S(#), Brotons P(#), Jordan I
1086. Outpatient clinic specific for end-stage renal disease improves patient survival rate after initiating dialysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Fukuzaki H, Nakata J, Nojiri S
1087. MicroRNA-142-3p promotes renal cell carcinoma progression by targeting RhoBTB3 to regulate HIF-1 signaling and GGT/GSH pathways.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Zhang Y(#), Ma S(#), Zhang J(#)
1088. Using the future wheel methodology to assess the impact of open science in the transport sector.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Nielsen AF, Michelmann J, Akac A
1089. Location-based collective distress using large-scale biosignals in real life for walkable built environments.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Kim J, Nirjhar EH, Lee H
1090. Integrated strength of osmotic potential and phosphorus to achieve grain yield of rice under water deficit by arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Yooyongwech S, Tisarum R, Samphumphuang T
1091. Arithmetic optimization algorithm based maximum power point tracking for grid-connected photovoltaic system.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Mohamed MAE, Nasser Ahmed S, Eladly Metwally M.
1092. Establishment of an artificial particulate matter-induced lung disease model through analyzing pathological changes and transcriptomic profiles in mice.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Kim DI, Song MK, Yuk JE
1093. 5-methyladenosine regulators play a crucial role in development of chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Zhou Y, Hu Z, Sun Q
1094. The hyperexcitability of laterodorsal tegmentum cholinergic neurons accompanies adverse behavioral and cognitive outcomes of prenatal stress.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Shabani M, Ilaghi M, Naderi R
1095. An optimal selection method for exterior design schemes of subway trains based on multi-level gray relational analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Zou R, Xiang ZR, Zhi JY
1096. Association between social jetlag and chronic kidney disease among the Korean working population.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Cho SS, Chung BH, Lee HE
1097. Reproducible Tract Profiles 2 (RTP2) suite, from diffusion MRI acquisition to clinical practice and research.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Lerma-Usabiaga G, Liu M, Paz-Alonso PM
1098. Heat transport in inclined flow towards a rotating disk under MHD.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Mahmud K, Duraihem FZ, Mehmood R
1099. A generalized reinforcement learning based deep neural network agent model for diverse cognitive constructs.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Nair SS, Muddapu VR, Vigneswaran C
1100. Forensic characteristics of 4866 violent injury cases in Sichuan Province, China.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Zhang S(#), Wang W(#), Wei M
1101. Selection in coral mitogenomes, with insights into adaptations in the deep sea.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Ramos NI, DeLeo DM, Horowitz J
1102. Sonification as a reliable alternative to conventional visual surgical navigation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Matinfar S(#), Salehi M(#), Suter D
1103. High isolation circularly polarized in-band full-duplex anisotropic dielectric resonator antenna.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Abedian M, Khalily M, Wang F
1104. A novel nomogram model of breast cancer-based imaging for predicting the status of axillary lymph nodes after neoadjuvant therapy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Zhang P, Song X, Sun L
1105. Long COVID and risk of erectile dysfunction in recovered patients from mild to moderate COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Al-Kuraishy HM, Al-Gareeb AI, Alarfaj SJ
1106. An interpretable and interactive deep learning algorithm for a clinically applicable retinal fundus diagnosis system by modelling finding-disease relationship.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 12
Son J(#), Shin JY(#), Kong ST
1107. Partial substitution of red or processed meat with plant-based foods and the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Maukonen M, Harald K, Kaartinen NE
1108. Diastolic function evaluation in children with ventricular arrhythmia.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Pietrzak R, Książczyk TM, Franke M
1109. Adsorption and separation of Cs(I) and Ba(II) from aqueous solution using zinc ferrite-humic acid nanocomposite.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Abdel Maksoud MIA, Murad GA, Zaher WF
1110. Genome-wide characterization and comparative analysis of the OSCA gene family and identification of its potential stress-responsive members in legumes.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Chakraborty S, Gangwar R, Zahra S
1111. Wind-current feedback is an energy sink for oceanic internal waves.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Delpech A, Barkan R, Renault L
1112. Parameter adaptive sliding mode trajectory tracking strategy with initial value identification for the swing in a hydraulic construction robot.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Hou JW, Ni T, Zhang ZX.
1113. Response of different varieties of maize to nitrogen stress and diagnosis of leaf nitrogen using hyperspectral data.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Lu Y, Zhang X, Cui Y
1114. Adult expression of Semaphorins and Plexins is essential for motor neuron survival.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Vaikakkara Chithran A, Allan DW, O'Connor TP.
1115. Association of feed efficiency with organ characteristics and fatty liver haemorrhagic syndrome in laying hens.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Anene DO, Akter Y, Groves PJ
1116. Disrupted chromatin architecture in olfactory sensory neurons: looking for the link from COVID-19 infection to anosmia.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Tan ZW, Toong PJ, Guarnera E
1117. Targeting myeloid-derived suppressor cells in combination with tumor cell vaccination predicts anti-tumor immunity and breast cancer dormancy: an in silico experiment.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Mehdizadeh R, Shariatpanahi SP, Goliaei B
1118. A new silesaurid from Carnian beds of Brazil fills a gap in the radiation of avian line archosaurs.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Müller RT, Garcia MS.
1119. The effect of thermal photons on exceptional points in coupled resonators.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Chimczak G, Kowalewska-Kudłaszyk A, Lange E
1120. Genetic susceptibility for autoimmune diseases and white blood cell count.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Vaitinadin NS, Stein CM, Mosley JD(#)
1121. Analysis of influencing factors on gas film characteristics for hemispherical dynamic pressure motors.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Zhang Y, Wang Y, Zhang F
1122. Morphological and organic spectroscopic studies of a 44-million-year-old leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in amber with endogenous remains of chitin.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Mitchell JL, McKellar RC, Barbi M
1123. Conservative management of early-stage endometrial cancer for fertility preservation: a survey study among Swedish gynecologists and gynecological oncologists.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Iliadis SI, Gambadauro P.
1124. 35,000 years of recurrent visits inside Nerja cave (Andalusia, Spain) based on charcoals and soot micro-layers analyses.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Medina-Alcaide MÁ, Vandevelde S, Quiles A
1125. Income raises human well-being indefinitely, but age consistently slashes it.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Li C, Managi S.
1126. Assessment of the trophic state of the Soła River dam cascade, Polish Carpathians: a comparison of the methodology.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Jachniak E, Jaguś A.
1127. Effects of repetitive twice-weekly transcranial direct current stimulations on fatigue and fatigability in people with multiple sclerosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Linnhoff S, Haghikia A, Zaehle T.
1128. Production and characterization of anthocyanin-rich beer from black wheat by an efficient isolate Saccharomyces cerevisiae CMS12.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Singh A, Singh S, Kansal SK
1129. Single-cell analysis reveals novel clonally expanded monocytes associated with IL1β-IL1R2 pair in acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Li M, Song J, Yin P
1130. Ex vivo demonstration of canine corneal pre-Descemet's anatomy using pneumodissection as for the big bubble technique for deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Kafarnik C, Faraj LA, Ting DSJ
1131. Perception, environmental determinants, and health complications of excess weight in India: a mixed methods approach.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Barua S, Saikia N.
1132. Circulation of a digital community currency.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Mattsson CES, Criscione T, Takes FW.
1133. Avatar-based patient monitoring improves information transfer, diagnostic confidence and reduces perceived workload in intensive care units: computer-based, multicentre comparison study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Bergauer L, Braun J, Roche TR
1134. Diagnostic accuracy of transthoracic echocardiography for the identification of proximal aortic dissection: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Sutarjono B, Ahmed AJ, Ivanova A
1135. Stereology neuron counts correlate with deep learning estimates in the human hippocampal subregions.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Oltmer J, Rosenblum EW, Williams EM
1136. Validating the APACHE IV score in predicting length of stay in the intensive care unit among patients with sepsis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Zangmo K, Khwannimit B.
1137. m6A regulator-mediated RNA methylation modification patterns are involved in the regulation of the immune microenvironment in ischaemic cardiomyopathy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Zheng PF, Hong XQ, Liu ZY
1138. A modulated fingerprint assisted machine learning method for retrieving elastic moduli from resonant ultrasound spectroscopy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Liu J, Zhao X, Zhao K
1139. Comparing the effectiveness of two surgical techniques for treating lower lid epiblepharon in children: a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Takeuchi M(#), Matsumura N(#), Ohno T
1140. CryoFIB milling large tissue samples for cryo-electron tomography.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Wang S(#), Zhou H(#), Chen W(#)
1141. Neuronal growth on high-aspect-ratio diamond nanopillar arrays for biosensing applications.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Losero E, Jagannath S, Pezzoli M
1142. Prediction of Fishman's skeletal maturity indicators using artificial intelligence.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Kim H, Kim CS, Lee JM
1143. Equivalence partition based morphological similarity clustering for large-scale time series.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Hu S.
1144. Deep-trap dominated degradation of the endurance characteristics in OFET memory with polymer charge-trapping layer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Yu T, Liu Z, Wang Y
1145. Thermodynamic, kinetic, and isotherm studies of Direct Blue 86 dye absorption by cellulose hydrogel.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Shoaib AGM, Ragab S, El Sikaily A
1146. Multidimensional query processing algorithm by dimension transformation.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Rimi RT, Hasan KMA, Tsuji T.
1147. Characterisation of NPFF-expressing neurons in the superficial dorsal horn of the mouse spinal cord.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Quillet R(#), Dickie AC(#), Polgár E
1148. Plants exposed to titanium dioxide nanoparticles acquired contrasting photosynthetic and morphological strategies depending on the growing light intensity: a case study in radish.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Vatankhah A, Aliniaeifard S, Moosavi-Nezhad M
1149. A new samarium complex of 1,3-bis(pyridin-3-ylmethyl)thiourea on boehmite nanoparticles as a practical and recyclable nanocatalyst for the selective synthesis of tetrazoles.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Moradi P, Kikhavani T, Abbasi Tyula Y.
1150. Long-term outcomes of patients with primary intestinal follicular lymphoma managed with watch-and-wait strategy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Iwamuro M, Tanaka T, Ennishi D
1151. Cotton functionalized with polyethylene glycol and graphene oxide for dual thermoregulating and UV-protection applications.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Kumar A, Kebaili I, Boukhris I
1152. Positive selection in cytochrome P450 genes is associated with gonad phenotype and mating strategy in social bees.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Lago DC, Nora LC, Hasselmann M
1153. Combined X-ray absorption and SEM-EDX spectroscopic analysis for the speciation of thorium in soil.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Ratnayake S, Lützenkirchen J, Finck N
1154. The effect of different aqueous solutions ratios of Ocimum basilicum utilized in AgNPs synthesis on the inhibition of bacterial growth.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Qaeed MA, Hendi A, Obaid AS
1155. The bared external anal sphincter (BEAS), a new technique for high horseshoe anal fistula: a hospital-based cohort study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 11
Zhu J(#), Du P(#), Wang Z
1156. Reference values for low muscle mass and myosteatosis using tomographic muscle measurements in living kidney donors.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Westenberg LB(#), Zorgdrager M(#), Swaab TDA
1157. Protective effect of intensive glucose lowering therapy on all-cause mortality, adjusted for treatment switching using G-estimation method, the ACCORD trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Shakiba M, Nazemipour M, Mansournia N
1158. Artificial intelligence to estimate the tear film breakup time and diagnose dry eye disease.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Shimizu E, Ishikawa T, Tanji M
1159. Physical behavior of PEDOT polymer electrode during magnetic resonance imaging and long-term test in the climate chamber.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
de Camp NV(#), Bergeler J(#), Seifert F.
1160. The effect of barium and strontium on activity of glucoamylase QsGH97a from Qipengyuania seohaensis SW-135.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Wu K, Zhai X, Chen H
1161. Early versus late reversal of diverting loop ileostomy in rectal cancer surgery: a multicentre randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Ellebæk MB, Perdawood SK, Steenstrup S
1162. Comparative analysis of bacterial diversity in two hot springs in Hefei, China.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Zhang FQ, Liu J, Chen XJ.
1163. Application of a novel deep eutectic solvent as a capable and new catalyst for the synthesis of tetrahydropyridines and 1,3-thiazolidin-4-ones.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Goudarzi H, Habibi D, Monem A.
1164. Effects of adipose derived stem cells pretreated with resveratrol on sciatic nerve regeneration in rats.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Zhang Z(#), Zhang M(#), Sun Y(#)
1165. Effects on general pain perception and dental pulp sensibility in probable sleep bruxism subjects by experimentally induced pain in a pilot study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Ommerborn MA, Özbek A, Grunwald M
1166. Targeting the tumor microenvironment by liposomal Epacadostat in combination with liposomal gp100 vaccine.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Tahaghoghi-Hajghorbani S, Yazdani M, Nikpoor AR
1167. Potential role of LPAR5 gene in prognosis and immunity of thyroid papillary carcinoma and pan-cancer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Zhang B(#), Zhang L(#), Qi P
1168. Using inertial measurement units for quantifying the most intense jumping movements occurring in professional male volleyball players.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Lima RF, Silva AF, Matos S
1169. Contact time and disinfectant formulation significantly impact the efficacies of disinfectant towelettes against Candida auris on hard, non-porous surfaces.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Voorn MG, Kelley AM, Chaggar GK
1170. New non-ureolytic heterotrophic microbial induced carbonate precipitation for suppression of sand dune wind erosion.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Hemayati M, Nikooee E, Habibagahi G
1171. A mathematical model for supercooling process and its application to frazil ice evolution.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Yang D, Lian J, Zhao X
1172. Long-term trends of pediatric type 1 diabetes incidence in Japan before and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Matsuda F, Itonaga T, Maeda M
1173. Bilateral increase in MEG planar gradients prior to saccade onset.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Fabius JH, Fracasso A, Deodato M
1174. A federated learning differential privacy algorithm for non-Gaussian heterogeneous data.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Yang X, Wu W.
1175. Examining chronic disease onset across varying age groups of Indian adults using competing risk analysis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Rashmi R, Mohanty SK.
1176. A cross-sectional study on the relationship between visceral adiposity index and periodontitis in different age groups.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Yang Q, Wang X, Li C
1177. Altered brain structural and functional connectivity in cannabis users.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Soleimani N, Kazemi K, Helfroush MS
1178. Brazilian Amazon indigenous territories under deforestation pressure.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Silva-Junior CHL(#), Silva FB, Arisi BM
1179. Visualization of RNA virus infection in a marine protist with a universal biomarker.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Coy SR, Utama B, Spurlin JW
1180. Cerebral hypoperfusion in post-COVID-19 cognitively impaired subjects revealed by arterial spin labeling MRI.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Ajčević M, Iscra K, Furlanis G
1181. Mechanism of bubbles formation and anomalous phase separation in the CoNiP system.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Panasyuk MI, Zubar TI, Usovich TI
1182. Comparative study on landslide susceptibility mapping based on unbalanced sample ratio.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Tang L, Yu X, Jiang W
1183. The effect of salt water ageing on the mechanical and rheological properties of magnetorheological elastomer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Ahmad Khairi MH, Mazlan SA, Ubaidillah U
1184. Shaping farmers' beliefs, risk perception and adaptation response through Construct Level Theory in the southwest Iran.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Yazdanpanah M, Zobeidi T, Warner LA
1185. Alteration of gut microbiota in wild-borne long-tailed macaques after 1-year being housed in hygienic captivity.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Sawaswong V, Chanchaem P, Kemthong T
1186. Histological and molecular insights in to in vitro regeneration pattern of Xanthosoma sagittifolium.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Bansal S, Sharma MK, Singh S
1187. TAF15 promotes cell proliferation, migration and invasion of gastric cancer via activation of the RAF1/MEK/ERK signalling pathway.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Tang L(#), Guo C(#), Li X(#)
1188. Petrogenesis of juvenile pelletal lapilli in ultramafic lamprophyres.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Prokopyev I, Doroshkevich A, Starikova A
1189. Deep learning-based network pharmacology for exploring the mechanism of licorice for the treatment of COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Fu Y, Fang Y, Gong S
1190. Influence of TRPM4 rs8104571 genotype on intracranial pressure and outcomes in African Americans with traumatic brain injury.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Krocker JD, Cotton ME, Schriner JB
1191. The spatiotemporal prediction method of urban population density distribution through behaviour environment interaction agent model.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Yang J, Shi Y, Zheng Y
1192. National trends in the prevalence of chronic kidney disease among Korean adults, 2007-2020.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 10
Yoon SY(#), Park HW, Kim HJ(#)
1193. Patients with ACPA-positive and ACPA-negative rheumatoid arthritis show different serological autoantibody repertoires and autoantibody associations with disease activity.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Cunningham KY, Hur B, Gupta VK
1194. Study on drainage mode and anti-clogging performance of new waterproofing and drainage system in a tunnel.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Zhang C, Liu N, Chen K
1195. Development of a new HISCL automated CXCL9 immunoassay.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Hasegawa T, Yoshida M, Watanabe S
1196. Seismic performance of a new precast concrete frame joint with a built-in disc spring.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Chen Q, Qin Y, Xie Y
1197. Acceptance and willingness-to-pay for oocyte cryopreservation in medical versus age-related fertility preservation scenarios among Swedish female university students.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Gambadauro P, Bränn E, Hadlaczky G.
1198. Pyrazole derivatives of pyridine and naphthyridine as proapoptotic agents in cervical and breast cancer cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Alharthy RD, Rashid F, Ashraf A
1199. Long noncoding RNA SNHG6 silencing sensitized esophageal cancer cells to 5-FU via EZH2/STAT pathway.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Tan R, Liu J, Wang J
1200. Targeting the NF-κB pathway enhances responsiveness of mammary tumors to JAK inhibitors.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Bapat AS, O'Connor CH, Schwertfeger KL.
1201. Guilt-inducing interaction with others modulates subsequent attentional orienting via their gaze.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Zhao W, Yang J, Hu Z.
1202. Comparative transcriptomics of aphid species that diverged > 22 MYA reveals genes that are important for the maintenance of their symbiosis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Argandona JA, Kim D, Hansen AK.
1203. Effects of continuous positive airway pressure therapy on left ventricular performance in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Kim SE(#), Seo J(#), Kwon Y
1204. Using machine learning to determine the time of exposure to infection by a respiratory pathogen.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Sharma K, Aminian M, Ghosh T
1205. A COVID-19 medical image classification algorithm based on Transformer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Ren K, Hong G, Chen X
1206. Quantifying the complexity and similarity of chess openings using online chess community data.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
De Marzo G, Servedio VDP.
1207. Spatial subcellular organelle networks in single cells.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Venkatesan M(#), Zhang N(#), Marteau B
1208. Syphilis screening coverage and positivity by HIV treatment status among South African pregnant women enrolled in the 2019 antenatal HIV sentinel survey.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Kufa T, Woldesenbet S, Cheyip M
1209. Molecular pathways identified from single nucleotide polymorphisms demonstrate mechanistic differences in systemic lupus erythematosus patients of Asian and European ancestry.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Owen KA, Bell KA, Price A
1210. Longitudinal association of dietary habits and the risk of cardiovascular disease among Iranian population between 2001 and 2013: the Isfahan Cohort Study.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Mohseni M, Mohammadifard N, Hassannejad R
1211. Axl alleviates DSS-induced colitis by preventing dysbiosis of gut microbiota.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Yee SM(#), Choi H(#), Seon JE
1212. Squid Game Optimizer (SGO): a novel metaheuristic algorithm.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Azizi M(#), Baghalzadeh Shishehgarkhaneh M(#), Basiri M
1213. Exploring the components and mechanisms of Shen-qi-wang-mo granule in the treatment of retinal vein occlusion by UPLC-Triple TOF MS/MS and network pharmacology.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Zhao Y(#), Ma C(#), Qiu Q
1214. Heat denaturation enables multicolor X10-STED microscopy.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Saal KA, Shaib AH, Mougios N
1215. Application of symmetry evaluation to deep learning algorithm in detection of mastoiditis on mastoid radiographs.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Choi D, Sunwoo L, You SH
1216. Composition and function of the Galapagos penguin gut microbiome vary with age, location, and a putative bacterial pathogen.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Rohrer SD, Jiménez-Uzcátegui G, Parker PG
1217. Dynamical dissipative and radiative flow of comparative an irreversibility analysis of micropolar and hybrid nanofluid over a Joule heating inclined channel.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Raju SSK.
1218. A dynamically coherent pattern of rhythms that matches between distant species across the evolutionary scale.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Kembro JM(#), Flesia AG(#), Nieto PS(#)
1219. Synthesis of innovative and sustainable gelatin@graphene oxide-crosslinked-zirconium silicate@gelatin nanobiosorbent for effective biosorption of basic fuchsin dye.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Mahmoud ME, Nabil GM, Elsayed SM
1220. A smart privacy preserving framework for industrial IoT using hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Kumar M, Mukherjee P, Verma S
1221. Whole microbe arrays accurately predict interactions and overall antimicrobial activity of galectin-8 toward distinct strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Wu SC(#), Jan HM(#), Vallecillo-Zúniga ML
1222. Reliability modelling and evaluating of wind turbine considering imperfect repair.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Fan P, Yuan Y, Gao J
1223. Association of circulating serum free bioavailable and total vitamin D with cathelicidin levels among active TB patients and household contacts.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Acen EL, Worodria W, Kateete DP
1224. The feces of sea urchins as food improves survival, growth, and resistance of small sea cucumbers Apostichopus japonicus in summer.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Yu Y, Ding P, Qiao Y
1225. The thiolation of uridine 34 in tRNA, which controls protein translation, depends on a [4Fe-4S] cluster in the archaeum Methanococcus maripaludis.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Bimai O, Legrand P, Ravanat JL
1226. Exogenous application of selenium and nano-selenium alleviates salt stress and improves secondary metabolites in lemon verbena under salinity stress.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Ghanbari F, Bag-Nazari M, Azizi A.
1227. A set of SSR markers to characterize genetic diversity in all Viburnum species.
Sci Rep
2023 Apr 1
Hamm TP, Nowicki M, Boggess SL
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