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2021 May (423)
1. Cognitive impairment and associated factors among mature and older adults living in the community of Gondar town, Ethiopia, 2020.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Gela YY, Fekadu SA, Belsti Y
2. Customized protective visors enabled by closed loop controlled 4D printing.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Ji Q, Wang XV, Wang L
3. Factors affecting compliance with national accreditation essential safety standards in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Althumairi A, Alzahrani A, Alanzi T
4. Chitinase-3-like protein-1 at hospital admission predicts COVID-19 outcome: a prospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
De Lorenzo R(#), Sciorati C(#), Lorè NI
5. Army liposome formulation containing QS-21 render human monocyte-derived macrophages less permissive to HIV-1 infection by upregulating ABOBEC3A.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Jobe O, Kim J, Pinto DO
6. Exploring influencing factors of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease based on elastic net and Bayesian network.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Quan D(#), Ren J(#), Ren H(#)
7. Physics-informed attention-based neural network for hyperbolic partial differential equations: application to the Buckley-Leverett problem.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Rodriguez-Torrado R, Ruiz P, Cueto-Felgueroso L
8. Left atrium phasic impairments in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation patients assessed by cardiovascular magnetic resonance feature tracking.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Mojica-Pisciotti ML, Panovský R, Masárová L
9. A low-dimensional representation of arm movements and hand grip forces in post-stroke individuals.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Kanzler CM(#), Averta G(#), Schwarz A
10. Reaching alignment-profile-based accuracy in predicting protein secondary and tertiary structural properties without alignment.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Singh J, Paliwal K, Litfin T
11. The increased frequency of combined El Niño and positive IOD events since 1965s and its impacts on maritime continent hydroclimates.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Xiao HM, Lo MH, Yu JY.
12. Analyzing historical and future acute neurosurgical demand using an AI-enabled predictive dashboard.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Pandit AS, Jalal AHB, Toma AK
13. Experience sampling self-reports of social media use have comparable predictive validity to digital trace measures.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Verbeij T, Pouwels JL, Beyens I
14. Antimicrobial adhesive films by plasma-enabled polymerisation of m-cresol.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Hartl H, Li W, Michl TD
15. Height identification of water-permeable fractured zone based on synchronous movement in overlying strata.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Wang Z, Li J, Qin Z
16. Determination of a distinguished interferon gamma epitope recognized by monoclonal antibody relating to autoantibody associated immunodeficiency.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Yasamut U, Wisitponchai T, Lee VS
17. Optimising the photothrombotic model of stroke in the C57BI/6 and FVB/N strains of mouse.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Knezic A, Broughton BRS, Widdop RE
18. The value of Ki67 for the diagnosis of LSIL and the problems of p16 in the diagnosis of HSIL.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Liu J, Su S, Liu Y.
19. Estimating and explaining cross-country variation in the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions during COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Banholzer N, Feuerriegel S, Vach W.
20. Gray wolf optimizer with bubble-net predation for modeling fluidized catalytic cracking unit main fractionator.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Wang X, Su C, Wang N
21. Springback effect and structural features during the drying of silica aerogels tracked by in-situ synchrotron X-ray scattering.
Sci Rep
2022 May 9
Zemke F, Scoppola E, Simon U
22. Darcy resistance flow of Sutterby nanofluid with microorganisms with applications of nano-biofuel cells.
Sci Rep
2022 May 7
Aldabesh A, Haredy A, Al-Khaled K
23. Proteins in human body fluids contain in vivo antigen analog of the melibiose-derived glycation product: MAGE.
Sci Rep
2022 May 7
Gostomska-Pampuch K, Gamian A, Rawicz-Pruszyński K
24. Bioinformatic analyses to uncover genes involved in trehalose metabolism in the polyploid sugarcane.
Sci Rep
2022 May 7
de Oliveira LP(#), Navarro BV(#), de Jesus Pereira JP
25. Arboreal camera trap reveals the frequent occurrence of a frugivore-carnivore in neotropical nutmeg trees.
Sci Rep
2022 May 7
Séguigne M, Coutant O, Bouton B
26. The numerical study of pressure and temperature effects on mechanical properties of baghdadite-based nanostructure: molecular dynamics simulation.
Sci Rep
2022 May 7
Liu Q, Bykanova O, Akhmadeev R
27. Latent class analysis of occupational accidents patterns among Iranian industry workers.
Sci Rep
2022 May 7
Saranjam B, Shirinzadeh I, Davoudi K
28. Research on permeable pores in collapse column fillings with different gradation structures.
Sci Rep
2022 May 7
Song S, Zhang T, Pan H
29. Single-shot femtosecond bulk micromachining of silicon with mid-IR tightly focused beams.
Sci Rep
2022 May 7
Mareev E, Pushkin A, Migal E
30. Actions of CSF2 and DKK1 on bovine embryo development and pregnancy outcomes are affected by composition of embryo culture medium.
Sci Rep
2022 May 7
Amaral TF, de Grazia JGV, Martinhao LAG
31. Multispectral pattern recognition measures change in drusen area in age-related macular degeneration with high congruency to expert graders.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Nam J, Ly A, Kalloniatis M
32. Within-person reproducibility of proteoforms related to inflammation and renal dysfunction.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Gao J, McCann A, Laupsa-Borge J
33. Preliminary study for the application of Raman spectroscopy for the identification of Leishmania infected dogs.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Giuseppe A, Annastella F, Giannetto C
34. Cytochrome P450 2E1 predicts liver functional recovery from donation after circulatory death using air-ventilated normothermic machine perfusion.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Shi JH(#), Yang DJ(#), Jin Q(#)
35. Silica nanolayer coated capillary by hydrothermal sol-gel process for amines separation and detection of tyramine in food products.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Obma A, Hemwech P, Phoolpho S
36. Fertilizer type and humic acid improve the growth responses, nutrient uptake, and essential oil content on Coriandrum sativum L.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Rasouli F, Nasiri Y, Asadi M
37. Promoting a growth mindset decreases behavioral self-handicapping among students who are on the fixed side of the mindset continuum.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Török L, Szabó ZP, Orosz G.
38. A route towards the fabrication of large-scale and high-quality perovskite films for optoelectronic devices.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Rezaee E, Kutsarov D, Li B
39. Irisin protects cardiomyocytes against hypoxia/reoxygenation injury via attenuating AMPK mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Yue R(#), Lv M(#), Lan M(#)
40. Shock wave formation from head-on collision of two subsonic vortex rings.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Bauer RL, Thomas CJ, Baker EVP
41. Electron liquid state in the spin-[Formula: see text] anisotropic Kondo lattice.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Karnaukhov IN.
42. Eye movement analysis of children's attention for midline diastema.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Cho VY, Hsiao JH, Chan AB
43. The bifurcation angle is associated with the progression of saccular aneurysms.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Shimizu K, Kataoka H, Imai H
44. Unveiling the dynamics of ultra high velocity droplet impact on solid surfaces.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Tretola G, Vogiatzaki K.
45. Persistence versus dynamical seasonal forecasts of cereal crop yields.
Sci Rep
2022 May 6
Bento VA, Russo A, Dutra E
46. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of pulmonary arterial hypertension fibrosis using wide-field second harmonic generation microscopy.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Padrez Y, Golubewa L, Kulahava T
47. Longitudinal MRI-visible perivascular space (PVS) changes with long-duration spaceflight.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Hupfeld KE(#), Richmond SB(#), McGregor HR
48. Ambient mass spectrometry for rapid authentication of milk from Alpine or lowland forage.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Tata A, Massaro A, Riuzzi G
49. Biophysical studies of cancer cells' traverse-vessel behaviors under different pressures revealed cells' motion state transition.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Li X, Shi J, Gao Z
50. Traditional Chinese medicine extracts as novel corrosion inhibitors for AZ91 magnesium alloy in saline environment.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Li H, Fan M, Wang K
51. Assessing positive and negative valence systems to refine animal models of bipolar disorders: the example of GBR 12909-induced manic phenotype.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Bigot M, Vicq E, Lledo PM
52. Distribution of TAS2R38 bitter taste receptor phenotype and haplotypes among COVID-19 patients.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Risso D(#), Carmagnola D(#), Morini G(#)
53. Health burden in type 2 diabetes and prediabetes in The Maastricht Study.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Veugen MGJ, Onete VG, Henry RMA
54. Intraoperative aberrometry compared to preoperative Barrett True-K formula for intraocular lens power selection in eyes with prior refractive surgery.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Gasparian SA, Nassiri S, You H
55. Impact of environmental variables on yield related traits and bioactive compounds of the Persian fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) populations.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Rajabihashjin M, Zeinalabedini M, Asghari A
56. Accurate THz ellipsometry using calibration in time domain.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Mazaheri Z(#), Koral C(#), Andreone A.
57. Electron energization dynamics in interaction of self-generated magnetic vortices in upstream of collisionless electron/ion shocks.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Naseri N, Bochkarev SG, Bychenkov VY
58. Topography inversion in scanning tunneling microscopy of single-atom-thick materials from penetrating substrate states.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Park C, Yoon M.
59. A long-tailed marine reptile from China provides new insights into the Middle Triassic pachypleurosaur radiation.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Xu GH, Ren Y, Zhao LJ
60. Upper airway flow characteristics of childhood obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Cai H, Xu C, Xue H
61. Associations, overlaps and dissociations between apathy and fatigue.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Daumas L, Corbel C, Zory R
62. Rabies prevention practices and associated factors among household heads in Bure Zuria district, North West Ethiopia.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Wolelaw GA, Yalew WA, Azene AG
63. Non-circularly shaped conical diffraction.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Iqbal MW, Marsal N, Montemezzani G.
64. A database of calculated solution parameters for the AlphaFold predicted protein structures.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Brookes E, Rocco M.
65. Efficient processing of top-k frequent spatial keyword queries.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Xu T, Xu A, Mango J
66. Torsional vibration analysis of shaft with multi inertias.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Peng T, Yan Q.
67. Rational inference strategies and the genesis of polarization and extremism.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Kvam PD, Alaukik A, Mims CE
68. Groove rhythm stimulates prefrontal cortex function in groove enjoyers.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Fukuie T, Suwabe K, Kawase S
69. Evaluation of nutrient characteristics and bacterial community in agricultural soil groups for sustainable land management.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Wongkiew S, Chaikaew P, Takrattanasaran N
70. Perception thresholds and qualitative perceptions for electrocutaneous stimulation.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Dölker EM(#), Lau S(#), Bernhard MA
71. Climate change and modernization drive structural realignments in European grain production.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Pinke Z, Decsi B, Jámbor A
72. Longitudinal analysis of built environment and aerosol contamination associated with isolated COVID-19 positive individuals.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Horve PF, Dietz LG, Bowles G
73. Cost-effectiveness of managing HBV reactivation in patients with resolved HBV infection treated with anti-CD20 antibody for B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Sci Rep
2022 May 5
Fujita M, Kusumoto S, Ishii I
74. Association of X-linked TLR-7 gene polymorphism with the risk of knee osteoarthritis: a case-control study.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Xi X, Mehmood A, Niu P
75. Multimorbidity is associated with the income, education, employment and health domains of area-level deprivation in adult residents in the UK.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Knies G, Kumari M.
76. Increased proinflammatory cytokines in tears correspond with conjunctival SARS-CoV-2 positivity in symptomatic COVID-19 patients.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Niedźwiedź A, Kawa M, Pius-Sadowska E
77. Effects of phosphorus-modified biochar as a soil amendment on the growth and quality of Pseudostellaria heterophylla.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Ng CWW, Wang YC, Ni JJ
78. Static and dynamic analyses of free-hinged-hinged-hinged-free beam in non-homogeneous gravitational field: application to gravity gradiometry.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Veryaskin AV, Meyer TJ.
79. Internal validation and comparison of predictive models to determine success rate of infertility treatments: a retrospective study of 2485 cycles.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Mehrjerd A, Rezaei H, Eslami S
80. Novel preparation of functional β-SiC fiber based In(2)O(3) nanocomposite and controlling of influence factors for the chemical gas sensing.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Otgonbayar Z, Jun Joo Y, Youn Cho K
81. Sparse representations of high dimensional neural data.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Mody SK, Rangarajan G.
82. Quaternary taphonomy: understanding the past through traces.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Blasco R.
83. Allergic rhinitis is associated with thromboembolic disease in pregnancy.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Wu CT, Tsao CH, Chen KT
84. Biliverdin regulates NR2E3 and zebrafish retinal photoreceptor development.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Connor B(#), Titialii-Torres K(#), Rockenhaus AE(#)
85. Brønsted acidity in zeolites measured by deprotonation energy.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Trachta M, Bulánek R, Bludský O
86. Sleep enhances reconsolidation-based strengthening of visuospatial memories.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Jones BJ, Chen ME, Simoncini L
87. Diagnostic performance of a 5-plex malaria immunoassay in regions co-endemic for Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. knowlesi, P. malariae and P. ovale.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Kho S, Anstey NM, Barber BE
88. Studying and mitigating the effects of data drifts on ML model performance at the example of chemical toxicity data.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Morger A(#), Garcia de Lomana M(#), Norinder U
89. Clinical features of acute focal bacterial nephritis in adults.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Jiao S, Yan Z, Zhang C
90. Designing a new alginate-fibrinogen biomaterial composite hydrogel for wound healing.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Soleimanpour M(#), Mirhaji SS(#), Jafari S
91. Liver secretin receptor predicts portoenterostomy outcomes and liver injury in biliary atresia.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Godbole N, Nyholm I, Hukkinen M
92. Invasions of an obligate asexual daphnid species support the nearly neutral theory.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Ohtsuki H, Norimatsu H, Makino T
93. Progressive compressive sensing of large images with multiscale deep learning reconstruction.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Kravets V, Stern A.
94. Innovative diagnostic device for thickness measurement of conveyor belts in horizontal transport.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Kirjanów-Błażej A, Błażej R, Jurdziak L
95. Taxonomic and functional trait-based approaches suggest that aerobic and anaerobic soil microorganisms allow the natural attenuation of oil from natural seeps.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Cébron A, Borreca A, Beguiristain T
96. Experimental investigation of four-point bending of thin walled open section steel beam loaded and set in the shear center.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Obst M(#), Wasilewicz P(#), Adamiec J.
97. One-step nucleic acid amplification for intraoperative diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in lung cancer patients: a single-center prospective study.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Namba K, Suzawa K, Shien K
98. Role of the M point phonons for the dynamical stability of B2 compounds.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Ono S, Kobayashi D.
99. Giant nonlinear self-phase modulation of large-amplitude spin waves in microscopic YIG waveguides.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Merbouche H, Divinskiy B, Nikolaev KO
100. 3D Reconstruction of cellular images from microfabricated imagers using fully-adaptive deep neural networks.
Sci Rep
2022 May 4
Najafiaghdam H, Rabbani R, Gharia A
101. Higher dietary phytochemical index is associated with lower odds of knee osteoarthritis.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Amirkhizi F, Ghoreishy SM, Hamedi-Shahraki S
102. Highly sensitive and selective detection of dopamine with boron and sulfur co-doped graphene quantum dots.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Chatterjee M(#), Nath P(#), Kadian S
103. Bifunctional CePO(4)/CeO(2) nanocomposite as a promising heterogeneous catalyst for the enhancement of the ozonation recovery effect in the presence of chloride ions.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Fijołek L(#), Wolski L(#).
104. The effects of post-activation performance enhancement and different warm-up protocols on swim start performance.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Đurović M(#), Stojanović N(#), Stojiljković N(#)
105. Adipose and serum zinc alpha-2-glycoprotein (ZAG) expressions predict longitudinal change of adiposity, wasting and predict survival in dialysis patients.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Chan GC, Than WH, Kwan BC
106. Renal protection induced by physical exercise may be mediated by the irisin/AMPK axis in diabetic nephropathy.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Formigari GP, Dátilo MN, Vareda B
107. The new preparation method for paraffin-embedded samples applying scanning electron microscopy revealed characteristic features in asthma-induced mice.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Wakai K, Azuma K, Iwamura C
108. Scale, context, and heterogeneity: the complexity of the social space.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Balsa-Barreiro J, Menendez M, Morales AJ.
109. Online symptoms self-assessment during COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of a COVID-19 portal responses from Canada.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Egbujie BA, Francisco K, Alarakhia M
110. A benchmark study on economic impact of Neem Coated Urea on Indian agriculture.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Ramappa KB, Jadhav V, Manjunatha AV.
111. Photopic negative response recorded with RETeval system in eyes with optic nerve disorders.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Yamashita T, Kato K, Kondo M
112. Thinning increases forest resiliency during unprecedented drought.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Sankey T, Tatum J.
113. Pharmacologic modulation of 5-fluorouracil by folinic acid and pyridoxine for treatment of patients with advanced breast carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Machover D, Goldschmidt E, Almohamad W
114. Chromatic discrimination measures in mature observers depend on the response window.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Fars J, Fernandes TP, Huchzermeyer C
115. Evidence for superior encoding of detailed visual memories in deaf signers.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Craig M, Dewar M, Turner G
116. Prevalence of left ventricular thrombus formation after mitral valve edge-to-edge repair.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Tichelbäcker T, Körber MI, Mauri V
117. Interactions between Caveolin-1 polymorphism and Plant-based dietary index on metabolic and inflammatory markers among women with obesity.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Abaj F, Mirzababaei A, Hosseininasab D
118. Facemask wearing does not impact neuro-electrical brain activity.
Sci Rep
2022 May 31
Tamimi A, Dahbour S, Al-Btush A
119. SARS-CoV-2 RNA in exhaled air of hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
Sci Rep
2022 May 30
Kurver L, van den Kieboom CH, Lanke K
120. Estimation of milk yield based on udder measures of Pelibuey sheep using artificial neural networks.
Sci Rep
2022 May 30
Angeles-Hernandez JC, Castro-Espinoza FA, Peláez-Acero A
121. Acidified drinking water attenuates motor deficits and brain pathology in a mouse model of a childhood neurodegenerative disorder.
Sci Rep
2022 May 30
Kovács AD, Langin LM, Hernandez JLG
122. A study of the oxidative processes in human plasma by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy.
Sci Rep
2022 May 30
Wybranowski T, Ziomkowska B, Cyrankiewicz M
123. Increasing salinity stress decreases the thermal tolerance of amphibian tadpoles in coastal areas of Taiwan.
Sci Rep
2022 May 30
Chuang MF(#), Cheng YJ(#), Andersen D
124. Competition between Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus is dependent on intercellular signaling and regulated by the NtrBC two-component system.
Sci Rep
2022 May 30
Alford MA, Mann S, Akhoundsadegh N
125. Human magnetic sense is mediated by a light and magnetic field resonance-dependent mechanism.
Sci Rep
2022 May 30
Chae KS(#), Kim SC(#), Kwon HJ
126. Municipal biowaste treatment plants contribute to the contamination of the environment with residues of biodegradable plastics with putative higher persistence potential.
Sci Rep
2022 May 30
Steiner T(#), Zhang Y(#), Möller JN(#)
127. Optimization of physical quantities in the autoencoder latent space.
Sci Rep
2022 May 30
Park SM, Yoon HG, Lee DB
128. Behavioral and inflammatory sex differences revealed by celecoxib nanotherapeutic treatment of peripheral neuroinflammation.
Sci Rep
2022 May 30
Deal B, Reynolds LM, Patterson C
129. Group VR experiences can produce ego attenuation and connectedness comparable to psychedelics.
Sci Rep
2022 May 30
Glowacki DR, Williams RR, Wonnacott MD
130. Nutrient quality and maturity status of frass fertilizer from nine edible insects.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Beesigamukama D, Subramanian S, Tanga CM.
131. Between-hospital variations in 3-year survival among patients with newly diagnosed gastric, colorectal, and lung cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Morishima T, Okawa S, Koyama S
132. Dielectric characterization and modelling of aqueous solutions involving sodium chloride and sucrose and application to the design of a bi-parameter RF-sensor.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Bakam Nguenouho OS, Chevalier A, Potelon B
133. Trends of influenza vaccination coverage in pregnant women: a ten-year analysis from a French healthcare database.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Corbeau M, Mulliez A, Chenaf C
134. COVID-19 patient serum less potently inhibits ACE2-RBD binding for various SARS-CoV-2 RBD mutants.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Junker D, Dulovic A, Becker M
135. Open label safety and efficacy pilot to study mitigation of equine recurrent uveitis through topical suppressor of cytokine signaling-1 mimetic peptide.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Plummer CE(#), Polk T(#), Sharma J
136. Quality of life and patient satisfaction with raloxifene/cholecalciferol combination therapy in postmenopausal women.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Lee DY, Chung YS.
137. Reliability, usability and identified need for home-based cardiometabolic health self-assessment during the COVID-19 pandemic in Soweto, South Africa.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Calvert C, Kolkenbeck-Ruh A, Crouch SH
138. Timescale of a magmatic-hydrothermal system revealed by (40)Ar-(39)Ar geochronology: the Mio-Pliocene Campiglia Marittima system (Tuscany, Italy).
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Di Vincenzo G, Vezzoni S, Dini A
139. PCA-based sub-surface structure and defect analysis for germanium-on-nothing using nanoscale surface topography.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Jeong J, Kim T, Lee BJ
140. Improved methods for the detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Peinado B, Martínez-García L, Martínez F
141. Remofuscin induces xenobiotic detoxification via a lysosome-to-nucleus signaling pathway to extend the Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Oh M, Yeom J, Schraermeyer U
142. Generalizing predictions to unseen sequencing profiles via deep generative models.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Oh M, Zhang L.
143. Predictive value of clinical and (18)F-FDG-PET/CT derived imaging parameters in patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiation for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Marr L, Haller B, Pyka T
144. Real-time realizable mobile imaging photoplethysmography.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Lee H(#), Ko H(#), Chung H(#)
145. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein could be a potential indicator of bone mineral density in adolescents aged 10-20 years.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Ye W(#), Cheng S(#), Xiao J
146. Association between circulating CD34-positive cell count and height loss among older men.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Shimizu Y, Kawashiri SY, Nobusue K
147. Pesticide risk to managed bees during blueberry pollination is primarily driven by off-farm exposures.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Graham KK, Milbrath MO, Zhang Y
148. Optimization study of plasmonic cell fusion.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Belansky J, Yelin D.
149. High throughput screen for the improvement of inducible promoters for tumor microenvironment cues.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Sharabi O(#), Greenshpan Y(#), Ofir N
150. Statistical optimization for simultaneous removal of methyl red and production of fatty acid methyl esters using fresh alga Scenedesmus obliquus.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
El-Naggar NE, Hamouda RA, Abou-El-Souod GW.
151. Adverse events associated with JAK inhibitors in 126,815 reports from the WHO pharmacovigilance database.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Hoisnard L, Lebrun-Vignes B, Maury S
152. Clinical prediction model of pathological response following neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 May 3
Shin JK, Huh JW, Lee WY
153. High sensitivity refractive index sensing using zone plate metasurfaces with a conical phase profile.
Sci Rep
2022 May 28
Abdel-Galil M, Swillam M, Ismail Y
154. Quantitative study for control of air-liquid segmented flow in a 3D-printed chip using a vacuum-driven system.
Sci Rep
2022 May 28
Hong H, Song JM, Yeom E.
155. Flexible adjustment of anticipations in human outcome processing.
Sci Rep
2022 May 27
Habiby Alaoui S, Adam-Darqué A, Schnider A.
156. Ocean temperatures through the Phanerozoic reassessed.
Sci Rep
2022 May 27
Grossman EL, Joachimski MM.
157. Lasiodiplodia theobromae as a causal pathogen of leaf blight, stem canker, and pod rot of Theobroma cacao in Malaysia.
Sci Rep
2022 May 27
Huda-Shakirah AR, Mohamed Nor NMI, Zakaria L
158. Evaluation of color changes during stability studies using spectrophotometric chromaticity measurements versus visual examination.
Sci Rep
2022 May 27
Sakiroff LM, Chennell P, Yessaad M
159. Integration of thermal imaging and neural networks for mechanical strength analysis and fracture prediction in 3D-printed plastic parts.
Sci Rep
2022 May 27
Boiko DA(#), Korabelnikova VA(#), Gordeev EG
160. Polyploid giant cancer cells are dependent on cholesterol for progeny formation through amitotic division.
Sci Rep
2022 May 27
White-Gilbertson S, Lu P, Esobi I
161. Prenatal exposure to phthalate and decreased body mass index of children: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 May 27
Lee DW, Lim HM, Lee JY
162. Identification of metabolite extraction method for targeted exploration of antimicrobial resistance associated metabolites of Klebsiella pneumoniae.
Sci Rep
2022 May 27
Kumar A, Singh S, Gupta SK
163. Electroantennogram and machine learning reveal a volatile blend mediating avoidance behavior by Tuta absoluta females to a wild tomato plant.
Sci Rep
2022 May 27
Miano RN, Ayelo PM, Musau R
164. Differences in composition of interdigital skin microbiota predict sheep and feet that develop footrot.
Sci Rep
2022 May 27
Clifton R, Monaghan EM, Green MJ
165. Underwater image restoration with Haar wavelet transform and ensemble of triple correction algorithms using Bootstrap aggregation and random forests.
Sci Rep
2022 May 27
Rowghanian V.
166. Adipokine human Resistin promotes obesity-associated inflammatory intervertebral disc degeneration via pro-inflammatory cytokine cascade activation.
Sci Rep
2022 May 27
Shin JH, Park S, Cho H
167. Multi-cultural cities reduce disadvantages in recognizing naturalistic images of other-race faces: evidence from a novel face learning task.
Sci Rep
2022 May 27
Zhou X, Mondloch CJ, Chien SH
168. Superabsorbent cellulose-based hydrogels cross-liked with borax.
Sci Rep
2022 May 26
Tanpichai S, Phoothong F, Boonmahitthisud A.
169. Determinants of variability in signature whistles of the Mediterranean common bottlenose dolphin.
Sci Rep
2022 May 26
La Manna G, Rako-Gospić N, Pace DS
170. Dynamics of radiative Williamson hybrid nanofluid with entropy generation: significance in solar aircraft.
Sci Rep
2022 May 26
Hussain SM.
171. The role of surface chemistry on CO(2) adsorption in biomass-derived porous carbons by experimental results and molecular dynamics simulations.
Sci Rep
2022 May 26
Khosrowshahi MS, Abdol MA, Mashhadimoslem H
172. The effects of contracting Covid-19 on cognitive failures at work: implications for task performance and turnover intentions.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Beck JW, Flow A.
173. Personality mediates the association between juvenile conduct problems and adulthood mood disorders.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Chan JH, Chen HC, Chen IM
174. Fabrication of benzoyl chloride treated tiger-nut fiber reinforced insect repellent hybrid composite.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Babayo H, Musa H, Garba MD.
175. Effect of heat exposure on the growth and developmental competence of bovine oocytes derived from early antral follicles.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Kawano K, Sakaguchi K, Madalitso C
176. Relativistic motions of spin-zero quantum oscillator field in a global monopole space-time with external potential and AB-effect.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Ahmed F.
177. Optimized removal of hexavalent chromium from water using spent tea leaves treated with ascorbic acid.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Zaib Q, Kyung D.
178. A portable non-invasive microwave based head imaging system using compact metamaterial loaded 3D unidirectional antenna for stroke detection.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Islam MS, Islam MT, Almutairi AF.
179. Ionic liquid-assisted synthesis of chitin-ethylene glycol hydrogels as electrolyte membranes for sustainable electrochemical capacitors.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Wysokowski M, Nowacki K, Jaworski F
180. The effects of CuO/CeO(2) mixture nanoparticles on the performance of a vapor compression refrigeration system.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Mohamed HA, Camdali U, Biyikoglu A
181. The importance of extrinsic and intrinsic compensatory mechanisms to body posture of competitive athletes a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Zwierzchowska A, Gaweł E, Maszczyk A
182. Comparative transcriptome profiles of human dental pulp stem cells from maxillary and mandibular teeth.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Faruangsaeng T, Thaweesapphitak S, Khamwachirapitak C
183. Therapeutic potential of biogenic and optimized silver nanoparticles using Rubia cordifolia L. leaf extract.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Chandraker SK, Lal M, Khanam F
184. Longer amplicons provide better sensitivity for electrochemical sensing of viral nucleic acid in water samples using PCB electrodes.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Ahuja S(#), Kumar MS(#), Nandeshwar R
185. Chronic treatment with serelaxin mitigates adverse remodeling in a murine model of ischemic heart failure and modulates bioactive sphingolipid signaling.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Devarakonda T, Valle Raleigh J, Mauro AG
186. High CRP-albumin ratio predicts poor prognosis in transplant ineligible elderly patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Senjo H, Onozawa M, Hidaka D
187. Exploration for adequate non-diffractive beam generation in dense scattering media.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Xiafukaiti A, Lagrosas N, Shiina T.
188. Polymer-assisted enzyme induced carbonate precipitation for non-ammonia emission soil stabilization.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Yan Z, Gowthaman S, Nakashima K
189. Tai Chi versus conventional exercise for improving cognitive function in older adults: a pilot randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Yu AP, Chin EC, Yu DJ
190. Signaling events evoked by domain III of envelop glycoprotein of tick-borne encephalitis virus and West Nile virus in human brain microvascular endothelial cells.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Bhide K, Mochnáčová E, Tkáčová Z
191. Impact of the revised definition on incidence and outcomes of acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Yoo JW(#), Kim J(#), Song JW.
192. Symptom burden correlates to impairment of diffusion capacity and exercise intolerance in long COVID patients.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Kersten J, Wolf A, Hoyo L
193. A novel decentralized federated learning approach to train on globally distributed, poor quality, and protected private medical data.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Nguyen TV, Dakka MA, Diakiw SM
194. Proteomic profiling of concurrently isolated primary microvascular endothelial cells, pericytes, and vascular smooth muscle cells from adult mouse heart.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Cao Z, Minnier J, Liu L
195. Exploring 3D elastic-wave scattering at interfaces using high-resolution phased-array system.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Ohara Y, Remillieux MC, Ulrich TJ
196. Neural network-based prediction of the secret-key rate of quantum key distribution.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Zhou MG, Liu ZP, Liu WB
197. Heat transfer analysis of Cu and Al(2)O(3) dispersed in ethylene glycol as a base fluid over a stretchable permeable sheet of MHD thin-film flow.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Zeeshan, Khan I, Weera W
198. The relationships between physical activity, lumbar multifidus muscle morphology, and low back pain from childhood to early adulthood: a 12-year longitudinal study.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Cunningham E, Wedderkopp N, Kjaer P
199. Novel electrochemical PMI marker biosensor based on quantum dot dissolution using a double-label strategy.
Sci Rep
2022 May 25
Jeong B(#), Akter R(#), Oh J
200. Advances in physicochemical characterization of lead-free hybrid perovskite [NH(3)(CH(2))(3)NH(3)]CuBr(4) crystals.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Lim AR, Kwac LK.
201. Simultaneous dyeing and antibacterial finishing of polypropylene using vinyl sulfone dye under supercritical carbon dioxide.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Abou Elmaaty T, Mousa A, Gaffar H
202. External validation of a triage tool for predicting cardiac arrest in the emergency department.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Sun JT, Chang CC, Lu TC
203. DNA and RNA oxidative damage in the retina is associated with ganglion cell mitochondria.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Gu L, Kwong JM, Caprioli J
204. Reliability of shear wave elastography for the assessment of gastrocnemius fascia elasticity in healthy individual.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Zhou J, Lin Y, Zhang J
205. Diversity of the virome associated with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in the U.S. Pacific Northwest.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Nemchinov LG, Irish BM, Grinstead S
206. Alteration in DNA-binding affinity of Wilms tumor 1 protein due to WT1 genetic variants associated with steroid - resistant nephrotic syndrome in children.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Bezdicka M, Kaufman F, Krizova I
207. Growth differentiation factor 15 as a novel diagnostic and therapeutic marker for autoimmune hepatitis.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Arinaga-Hino T, Ide T, Akiba J
208. Sub-second temporal magnetic field microscopy using quantum defects in diamond.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Parashar M, Bathla A, Shishir D
209. FXR expression in rats of hilar cholangiocarcinoma.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Zhang MY, Luo M, Wang JP.
210. Comprehensive analysis of 65 patients with Castleman disease in a single center in China.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Wang XQ(#), Zhong NN(#), Sun Q(#)
211. Differential effects of acute and chronic antagonist and an irreversible antagonist treatment on cocaine self-administration behavior in rats.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Wetzel HN, Tsibulsky VL, Norman AB.
212. Allele expression biases in mixed-ploid sugarcane accessions.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Correr FH, Furtado A, Franco Garcia AA
213. Stability analysis of rock slope and calculation of rock lateral pressure in foundation pit with structural plane and cave development.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Xu J, Wang Y, Li C.
214. Dominant predictors of early post-transplant outcomes based on the Korean Organ Transplantation Registry (KOTRY).
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Jeong JC, Koo TY, Ro H
215. Energy and economic efficiency of climate-smart agriculture practices in a rice-wheat cropping system of India.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Kakraliya SK, Jat HS, Singh I
216. A population genetic analysis of the Critically Endangered Madagascar big-headed turtle, Erymnochelys madagascariensis across captive and wild populations.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
White NFD, Mennell H, Power G
217. COVID-19 pandemic influence on self-reported health status and well-being in a society.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Moniuszko-Malinowska A(#), Czupryna P(#), Dubatówka M
218. Assessment of antimicrobial, cytotoxicity, and antiviral impact of a green zinc oxide/activated carbon nanocomposite.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Hassan HS, Abol-Fotouh D, Salama E
219. Prognostic significance of crown-like structures to trastuzumab response in patients with primary invasive HER2 + breast carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2022 May 24
Birts CN(#), Savva C(#), Laversin SA
220. Online recognition and yield estimation of tomato in plant factory based on YOLOv3.
Sci Rep
2022 May 23
Wang X, Vladislav Z, Viktor O
221. Yeast-based directed-evolution for high-throughput structural stabilization of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).
Sci Rep
2022 May 23
Meltzer M, Zvagelsky T, Hadad U
222. Viral strategies for targeting spinal neuronal subtypes in adult wild-type rodents.
Sci Rep
2022 May 23
Kaur J, Berg RW.
223. Response of drought index to land use types in the Loess Plateau of Shaanxi, China.
Sci Rep
2022 May 23
Wang W, Cui C, Yu W
224. An animal derivative-free medium enhances Lactobacillus johnsonii LJO02 supernatant selective efficacy against the methicillin (oxacillin)-resistant Staphylococcus aureus virulence through key-metabolites.
Sci Rep
2022 May 23
Squarzanti DF, Zanetta P, Ormelli M
225. Insecticide resistant Anopheles gambiae have enhanced longevity but reduced reproductive fitness and a longer first gonotrophic cycle.
Sci Rep
2022 May 23
Osoro JK, Machani MG, Ochomo E
226. Methodology for the determination of human respiration rate by using Doppler radar and Empirical Modal Decomposition.
Sci Rep
2022 May 23
Hernandez-Aguila M, Olvera-Cervantes JL, Perez-Ramos AE
227. Kinetic and thermodynamic study on the esterification of oleic acid over SO(3)H-functionalized eucalyptus tree bark biochar catalyst.
Sci Rep
2022 May 23
Yusuff AS.
228. Multiagent off-screen behavior prediction in football.
Sci Rep
2022 May 23
Omidshafiei S, Hennes D, Garnelo M
229. Chitosan-EDTA-Cellulose network as a green, recyclable and multifunctional biopolymeric organocatalyst for the one-pot synthesis of 2-amino-4H-pyran derivatives.
Sci Rep
2022 May 23
Rostami N, Dekamin MG, Valiey E
230. iTRAQ proteomics of sentinel lymph nodes for identification of extracellular matrix proteins to flag metastasis in early breast cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 May 22
Pathania S, Khan MI, Bandyopadhyay S
231. Blood compatibility of widely used central venous catheters; an experimental study.
Sci Rep
2022 May 21
Thorarinsdottir H, Kander T, Johansson D
232. Neural network model applied to electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of ultra-light Ni/Cu coated polyester fibrous materials.
Sci Rep
2022 May 21
Periyasamy AP, Muthusamy LP, Militký J.
233. An orally active plant Rubisco-derived peptide increases neuronal leptin responsiveness.
Sci Rep
2022 May 21
Kaneko K(#), Takekuma Y(#), Goto T
234. Expression and function of the luteinizing hormone choriogonadotropin receptor in human endometrial stromal cells.
Sci Rep
2022 May 21
Mann ON, Kong CS, Lucas ES
235. Terahertz waves dynamic diffusion in 3D printed structures.
Sci Rep
2022 May 21
Missori M, Pilozzi L, Conti C.
236. Effect of bending on radial distribution density, MFA and MOE of bent bamboo.
Sci Rep
2022 May 21
Wang X, Ma J, Xu W
237. Refractive astigmatism in phaco-canaloplasty vs phaco-non-penetrating deep sclerectomy.
Sci Rep
2022 May 21
Byszewska A, Rudowicz J, Lewczuk K
238. Design of a cryptographically secure pseudo random number generator with grammatical evolution.
Sci Rep
2022 May 21
Ryan C(#), Kshirsagar M(#), Vaidya G(#)
239. Repetitive afterglow in zirconia by pulsed near-infrared irradiation toward biological temperature sensing.
Sci Rep
2022 May 21
Ohashi M, Takahashi Y, Terakado N
240. A novel spiral infinity reactor for continuous hydrothermal synthesis of nanoparticles.
Sci Rep
2022 May 21
Pukkella AK, Nadimpalli NRV, Runkana V
241. A longitudinal study of the impact of university student return to campus on the SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among the community members.
Sci Rep
2022 May 21
Arnold CRK(#), Srinivasan S(#), Rodriguez S
242. Rising surface pressure over Tibetan Plateau strengthens indian summer monsoon rainfall over northwestern India.
Sci Rep
2022 May 21
Singh R, Jaiswal N, Kishtawal CM.
243. Spin-orbit coupling effects on transport properties of electronic Lieb lattice in the presence of magnetic field.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Sadeghi E, Rezania H.
244. Selection of RNA-based evaluation methods for tumor microenvironment by comparing with histochemical and flow cytometric analyses in gastric cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Saito N, Sato Y, Abe H
245. Proof of concept for multiplex amplicon sequencing for mutation identification using the MinION nanopore sequencer.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Whitford W, Hawkins V, Moodley KS
246. Spatial distribution and risk assessments due to the microplastics pollution in sediments of Karnaphuli River Estuary, Bangladesh.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Rakib MRJ(#), Hossain MB(#), Kumar R
247. All-optical manipulation of the Drosophila olfactory system.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Zanon M, Zanini D, Haase A.
248. Formation control for discrete-time multi-agent system with input and output delays under network attacks.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Yuan J, Liu H, Zhang W.
249. Irregular shape as an independent predictor of prognosis in patients with primary intracerebral hemorrhage.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Liu C(#), Zhang H(#), Wang L(#)
250. Differences in interaction lead to the formation of different types of insulin amyloid.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Mori W, Kawakami R, Niko Y
251. D-galactose-induced aging aggravates obesity-induced bone dyshomeostasis.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Imerb N, Thonusin C, Pratchayasakul W
252. Partial oxidation of methane to methanol on boron nitride at near critical acetonitrile.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Kapuge TK, Moharreri E, Perera I
253. Post-resonance backward whirl analysis in cracked overhung rotors.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Alzarooni T, Al-Shudeifat M, Shiryayev O
254. X-linked palindromic gene families 4930567H17Rik and Mageb5 are dispensable for male mouse fertility.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Stark-Dykema ER(#), Dulka EA(#), Gerlinger ER
255. Assessment of mutations on RBD in the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 Alpha, Delta and Omicron variants.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
da Costa CHS(#), de Freitas CAB(#), Alves CN
256. 6-Bromo-2-naphthol from Silene armeria extract sensitizes Acinetobacter baumannii strains to polymyxin.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Kang M, Kim W, Lee J
257. First purified recombinant CYP75B including transmembrane helix with unexpected high substrate specificity to (2R)-naringenin.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Hausjell J(#), Weissensteiner J(#), Molitor C
258. Convolutional neural network-based reconstruction for positronium annihilation localization.
Sci Rep
2022 May 20
Jegal J, Jeong D, Seo ES
259. Seed priming with selenium and zinc nanoparticles modifies germination, growth, and yield of direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Sci Rep
2022 May 2
Adhikary S, Biswas B, Chakraborty D
260. Bacterial communities associated with silage of different forage crops in Malaysian climate analysed using 16S amplicon metagenomics.
Sci Rep
2022 May 2
Hisham MB, Hashim AM, Mohd Hanafi N
261. Experimental investigation of CO(2) uptake in CO(2) hydrates formation with amino acids as kinetic promoters and its dissociation at high temperature.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Srivastava S, Kollemparembil AM, Zettel V
262. Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients' lived experience at a tertiary hospital in Ekiti State, Nigeria.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Okurumeh AI, Akpor OA, Okeya OE
263. Prevalence of leptospirosis among patients attending renal and general outpatient clinics in Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Wambi R, Worodria W, Muleme J
264. Performance of PROPELLER FSE T(2)WI in reducing metal artifacts of material porcelain fused to metal crown: a clinical preliminary study.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Li W(#), Shi J(#), Bian W
265. Low adherence to the guideline for the acute treatment of migraine.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Olesen A, Schytz HW, Ostrowski SR
266. Pore structure evolution in andesite rocks induced by freeze-thaw cycles examined by non-destructive methods.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Maľa M, Greif V, Ondrášik M.
267. Distribution of invasive versus native whitefly species and their pyrethroid knock-down resistance allele in a context of interspecific hybridization.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Taquet A, Jourdan-Pineau H, Simiand C
268. Optimal strategies and cost-benefit analysis of the [Formula: see text]-player weightlifting game.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Cuaresma DCN, Chiba E, Tubay JM
269. Combined treatment of graft versus host disease using donor regulatory T cells and ruxolitinib.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Rodríguez-Gil A, Escamilla-Gómez V, Nufer M
270. Prevalence of pain in community-dwelling older adults with hypertension in the United States.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Li CY(#), Lin WC(#), Lu CY(#)
271. An air quality index prediction model based on CNN-ILSTM.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Wang J, Li X, Jin L
272. Temporally modulated one-dimensional leaky-wave holograms.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Amini A(#), Oraizi H(#).
273. Comprehensive genome analysis of Lentzea reveals repertoire of polymer-degrading enzymes and bioactive compounds with clinical relevance.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Maiti PK, Mandal S.
274. The lysosomal V-ATPase a3 subunit is involved in localization of Mon1-Ccz1, the GEF for Rab7, to secretory lysosomes in osteoclasts.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Matsumoto N, Sekiya M, Sun-Wada GH
275. Neuro-molecular characterization of fish cleaning interactions.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Ramírez-Calero S, Paula JR, Otjacques E
276. Evaluation of cfDNA as an early detection assay for dense tissue breast cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Barbirou M, Miller AA, Gafni E
277. Noise logic with an InGaN/SiN(x)/Si uniband diode photodetector.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Song J, Nötzel R.
278. Association of short-term particulate matter exposure with suicide death among major depressive disorder patients: a time-stratified case-crossover analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Hwang IY(#), Choi D(#), Kim JA
279. Prediction of protein-protein interaction using graph neural networks.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Jha K, Saha S, Singh H.
280. Synthesis and robocasting of YAG xerogel: one-step conversion of ceramics.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Flores-Martinez N, Ouamara L, Remondiere F
281. Predicting target-ligand interactions with graph convolutional networks for interpretable pharmaceutical discovery.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Ruiz Puentes P(#), Rueda-Gensini L(#), Valderrama N(#)
282. Torsional wave elastography to assess the mechanical properties of the cornea.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Torres J, H Faris I, Callejas A
283. Identification of AKIRIN2 as a potential biomarker and correlation with immunotherapy in gastric adenocarcinoma by integrated bioinformatics analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Sun S, Chen J, Weng C
284. Noise resilient leaky integrate-and-fire neurons based on multi-domain spintronic devices.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Wang C, Lee C, Roy K.
285. Controlling resistive switching behavior in the solution processed SiO(2-x) device by the insertion of TiO(2) nanoparticles.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Kwon S, Kim MJ, Lim DH
286. Reliability and generalization of gait biometrics using 3D inertial sensor data and 3D optical system trajectories.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Santos G, Tavares T, Rocha A.
287. Recent progress in melting heat phenomenon for bioconvection transport of nanofluid through a lubricated surface with swimming microorganisms.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Alqarni MS, Yasmin S, Waqas H
288. Destructive coastal sea level oscillations generated by Typhoon Maysak in the Sea of Japan in September 2020.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Medvedev IP, Rabinovich AB, Šepić J.
289. The hospital environment versus carriage: transmission pathways for third-generation cephalosporin-resistant bacteria in blood in neonates in a low-resource country healthcare setting.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Kovacs D, Silago V, Msanga DR
290. Effects of different dual task training on dual task walking and responding brain activation in older adults with mild cognitive impairment.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Kuo HT(#), Yeh NC(#), Yang YR
291. Cannabis consumption and prosociality.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Vigil JM, Stith SS, Chanel T.
292. Label-free complete absorption microscopy using second generation photoacoustic remote sensing.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Ecclestone BR, Bell K, Sparkes S
293. Microfluidic-assisted synthesis and modeling of stimuli-responsive monodispersed chitosan microgels for drug delivery applications.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Sartipzadeh O, Naghib SM, Haghiralsadat F
294. Human induced mesenchymal stem cells display increased sensitivity to matrix stiffness.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Gultian KA, Gandhi R, Sarin K
295. Exploring body consciousness of dancers, athletes, and lightly physically active adults.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Virtanen N, Tiippana K, Tervaniemi M
296. Modeling of charged-particle multiplicity and transverse-momentum distributions in pp collisions using a DNN.
Sci Rep
2022 May 19
Shokr E, De Roeck A, Mahmoud MA.
297. Discovery of Late Triassic bivalves from Jurassic deep-water deposits in Riganpeicuo area, Tibet and their geological significance.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Xiao H, Luo S, Gao J
298. Results of screening in early and advanced thoracic malignancies in the EORTC pan-European SPECTAlung platform.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Morfouace M(#), Novello S(#), Stevovic A(#)
299. Kendall transformation brings a robust categorical representation of ordinal data.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Kursa MB.
300. Genetic variation and structure of complete chloroplast genome in alien monoecious and dioecious Amaranthus weeds.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Xu H, Xiang N, Du W
301. Assessing the pathogenicity of gut bacteria associated with tobacco caterpillar Spodoptera litura (Fab.).
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Devi S, Saini HS, Kaur S.
302. NMR-based metabolomic profiling can differentiate follicular lymphoma from benign lymph node tissues and may be predictive of outcome.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Banoei MM(#), Mahé E(#), Mansoor A
303. Graph Ricci curvatures reveal atypical functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Elumalai P(#), Yadav Y(#), Williams N
304. Incremental levels of diagnostic information incentivize health-seeking in non-alcoholic fatty liver: a randomized clinical trial.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Chavez-Tapia NC, Barrientos-Gutierrez T, Torres-Ibarra L
305. Achieving high molecular alignment and orientation for CH[Formula: see text]F through manipulation of rotational states with varying optical and THz laser pulse parameters.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Chordiya K(#), Simkó I(#), Szidarovszky T
306. Modeling the systemic risks of COVID-19 on the wildland firefighting workforce.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Belval EJ(#), Bayham J(#), Thompson MP
307. Tension experience induced by tonal and melodic shift at music phrase boundaries.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Zhang N, Sun L, Wu Q
308. Morphological and ultrasonographic characterization of the three zones of supratesticular region of testicular artery in Assaf rams.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Hassan MAA(#), Sayed RKA(#), Abdelsabour-Khalaf M
309. Distance to public transit predicts spatial distribution of dengue virus incidence in Medellín, Colombia.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Shragai T, Pérez-Pérez J, Del Pilar Quimbayo-Forero M
310. Consideration of high-quality development strategies for soil and water conservation on the loess plateau.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Zhang J, Ge Y, Yuan G
311. Plasma levels of S100B and neurofilament light chain protein in stress-related mental disorders.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Wallensten J, Mobarrez F, Åsberg M
312. Association between sperm mitochondrial DNA copy number and deletion rate and industrial air pollution dynamics.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Vozdova M, Kubickova S, Kopecka V
313. Spatial and temporal distribution of population in urban agglomerations changes in China.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Lyu Y, Jiang F.
314. Stratification at the health district level for targeting malaria control interventions in Mali.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Cissoko M, Magassa M, Sanogo V
315. Stretchable nanofibers of polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF)/thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) nanocomposite to support piezoelectric response via mechanical elasticity.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Shehata N, Nair R, Boualayan R
316. No alteration of back muscle oxygenation during isometric exercise in individuals with non-specific low back pain.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Langenfeld A, Wirth B, Scherer-Vrana A
317. Antimicrobial potential and osteoblastic cell growth on electrochemically modified titanium surfaces with nanotubes and selenium or silver incorporation.
Sci Rep
2022 May 18
Staats K, Pilz M, Sun J
318. Shift of the storm surge season in Europe due to climate variability.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Roustan JB, Pineau-Guillou L, Chapron B
319. Neutrophil elastase aggravates periodontitis by disrupting gingival epithelial barrier via cleaving cell adhesion molecules.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Hiyoshi T, Domon H, Maekawa T
320. Quantum features of nonlinear coupler with competing nonlinearity.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Julius R, Ibrahim AMA, Choudhury PK
321. An immune gene signature to predict prognosis and immunotherapeutic response in lung adenocarcinoma.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Chen H(#), Lin R(#), Lin W(#)
322. Efficient binary and QAM optical modulation in ultra-compact MZI structures utilizing indium-tin-oxide.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Mohammadi-Pouyan S, Miri M, Sheikhi MH.
323. Predefined and data driven CT densitometric features predict critical illness and hospital length of stay in COVID-19 patients.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Shalmon T, Salazar P, Horie M
324. Property space mapping of Pseudomonas aeruginosa permeability to small molecules.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Leus IV, Weeks JW, Bonifay V
325. Network pharmacology combined with GEO database identifying the mechanisms and molecular targets of Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma on Peri-implants.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Shan C, Ji X, Wu Z
326. Investigating the benthic megafauna in the eastern Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone (north-east Pacific) based on distribution models predicted with random forest.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Uhlenkott K, Simon-Lledó E, Vink A
327. Endocranial volume increases across captive generations in the endangered Mexican wolf.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Siciliano-Martina L, Michaud M, Tanis BP
328. Male recognition bias in sex assignment based on visual stimuli.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Federici S, Lepri A, Bacci S
329. Piezo2 is not an indispensable mechanosensor in murine cardiomyocytes.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Kloth B, Mearini G, Weinberger F
330. Cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities of two new sesquiterpenoids from red sea brittle star Ophiocoma dentata.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
El Feky SE, Abd El Hafez MSM, Abd El Moneim NA
331. Use of intravascular ultrasound and long-term cardiac death or myocardial infarction in patients receiving current generation drug-eluting stents.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Lee SY(#), Choi KH(#), Song YB
332. Superposition of vortex beams generated by polarization conversion in uniaxial crystals.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Craciun A(#), Grigore OV(#).
333. Assessment of major centelloside ratios in Centella asiatica accessions grown under identical ecological conditions, bioconversion clues and identification of elite lines.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Kunjumon R, Johnson AJ, Sukumaryamma Remadevi RK
334. The isolation and expression analysis of cinnamate 4-hydroxylase and chalcone synthase genes of Scrophularia striata under different abiotic elicitors.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Rostami Z, Fazeli A, Hojati Z.
335. Acute effects of high intensity training on cardiac function: a pilot study comparing subjects with type 2 diabetes to healthy controls.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Ness HO, Ljones K, Gjelsvik RH
336. Clinico-epidemiology and management of hump-nosed pit viper (Hypnale spp.) bites in dogs.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Adhikari R, Suriyagoda L, Premarathna AD
337. Chasing genetic correlation breakers to stimulate population resilience to climate change.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Klápště J, Telfer EJ, Dungey HS
338. Identification of candidate genes associated with bacterial and viral infections in wild boars hunted in Tuscany (Italy).
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Fabbri MC, Crovetti A, Tinacci L
339. Overnutrition is a significant component of food waste and has a large environmental impact.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Franco S, Barbanera M, Moscetti R
340. Developmental differences in the impact of perceptual salience on short-term memory performance and meta-memory skills.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Pedale T, Mastroberardino S, Capurso M
341. Biomimetic on-chip filtration enabled by direct micro-3D printing on membrane.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Li H, Raza A, Yuan S
342. Fundamental aspects of long-acting tenofovir alafenamide delivery from subdermal implants for HIV prophylaxis.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Gunawardana M, Remedios-Chan M, Sanchez D
343. White blood cell count is not associated with flow-mediated vasodilation or nitroglycerine-induced vasodilation.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Kishimoto S, Maruhashi T, Kajikawa M
344. Delayed processing of blood samples impairs the accuracy of mRNA-based biomarkers.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Wilson C, Dias NW, Pancini S
345. Lithospheric conductors reveal source regions of convergent margin mineral systems.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Kirkby A, Czarnota K, Huston DL
346. Interdisk spacing effect on resonant properties of Ge disk lattices on Si substrates.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Shklyaev AA, Utkin DE, Tsarev AV
347. Homology directed correction, a new pathway model for point mutation repair catalyzed by CRISPR-Cas.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Sansbury BM, Hewes AM, Tharp OM
348. Analysis of rhodopsin G protein-coupled receptor orthologs reveals semiochemical peptides for parasite (Schistosoma mansoni) and host (Biomphalaria glabrata) interplay.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Phan P, Liang D, Zhao M
349. Helical Indexing in Real Space.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Sun C, Gonzalez B, Jiang W.
350. Conventional and digital Ki67 evaluation and their correlation with molecular prognosis and morphological parameters in luminal breast cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Pons L, Hernández-León L, Altaleb A
351. (99m)Tc-NTP 15-5 is a companion radiotracer for assessing joint functional response to sprifermin (rhFGF-18) in a murine osteoarthritis model.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Briat A, Jacques C, Malige M
352. Terahertz absorption characteristics of ammonium salt solution based on self-sampling microfluidic chip.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Meng Q, Qian S, Ding J
353. Expert surgeons and deep learning models can predict the outcome of surgical hemorrhage from 1 min of video.
Sci Rep
2022 May 17
Pangal DJ, Kugener G, Zhu Y
354. Low divergent MeV-class proton beam with micrometer source size driven by a few-cycle laser pulse.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Singh PK, Varmazyar P, Nagy B
355. Tracking COVID-19 urban activity changes in the Middle East from nighttime lights.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Stokes EC, Román MO.
356. Inducing respiratory complex I impairment elicits an increase in PGC1α in ovarian cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
De Luise M(#), Sollazzo M(#), Lama E(#)
357. Socioecology shapes child and adolescent time allocation in twelve hunter-gatherer and mixed-subsistence forager societies.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Lew-Levy S, Reckin R, Kissler SM
358. A machine learning approach to predict resilience and sickness absence in the healthcare workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Lieslehto J(#), Rantanen N(#), Oksanen LAH
359. Gain roll-off in cadmium selenide colloidal quantum wells under intense optical excitation.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Diroll BT, Brumberg A, Schaller RD.
360. Non-linear relationships between density and demographic traits in three Aedes species.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Sauers LA, Hawes KE, Juliano SA.
361. Trophic and immunomodulatory effects of adipose tissue derived stem cells in a preclinical murine model of endometriosis.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Hirakawa T, Yotsumoto F, Shirasu N
362. A typology of North Sea oil and gas platforms.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Lawrence JM, Fernandes PG.
363. Evidence of carbon-supported porphyrins pyrolyzed for the oxygen reduction reaction keeping integrity.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Orellana W, Loyola CZ, Marco JF
364. Development of a system for the automated identification of herbarium specimens with high accuracy.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Shirai M(#), Takano A(#), Kurosawa T
365. Photoreceptor distributions, visual pigments and the opsin repertoire of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus).
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Bolstad K, Novales Flamarique I.
366. High expression of lncRNA PELATON serves as a risk factor for the incidence and prognosis of acute coronary syndrome.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Chen L, Huang Y.
367. Influence of thread design on anchorage of pedicle screws in cancellous bone: an experimental and analytical analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Weidling M, Heilemann M, Schoenfelder S
368. The evaluation of IMERG and ERA5-Land daily precipitation over China with considering the influence of gauge data bias.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Xie W, Yi S(#), Leng C(#)
369. In vivo imaging with a fast large-area multiphoton exoscope (FLAME) captures the melanin distribution heterogeneity in human skin.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Vicente JR, Durkin A, Shrestha K
370. Conceptual knowledge shapes visual working memory for complex visual information.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Sims CR, Lerch RA, Tarduno JA
371. Light and elevated temperature induced degradation and recovery of gallium-doped Czochralski-silicon solar cells.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Winter M, Walter DC, Min B
372. Additive effects of coexisting respiratory comorbidities on overall or respiratory mortality in patients with asthma: a national cohort study.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Yeo Y(#), Lee H(#), Ryu J(#)
373. Factors associated with gravity-dependent distribution on chest CT in elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia: a retrospective observational study.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Komiya K(#), Yamamoto T(#), Yoshikawa H
374. Antimicrobial properties of chitosan from different developmental stages of the bioconverter insect Hermetia illucens.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Guarnieri A, Triunfo M, Scieuzo C
375. Multiscale mechanical consequences of ocean acidification for cold-water corals.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Wolfram U, Peña Fernández M, McPhee S
376. Analysis of particles containing alpha-emitters in stagnant water at torus room of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station's Unit 2 reactor.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Yomogida T, Ouchi K, Oka T
377. New integrated hydrologic approach for the assessment of rivers environmental flows into the Urmia Lake.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Mobadersani A, Hosseinzadeh Dalir A, Yasi M
378. Development of a new antigen-based microarray platform for screening and detection of human IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2.
Sci Rep
2022 May 16
Burgold-Voigt S, Müller E, Zopf D
379. Cubic-meter scale laboratory fault re-activation experiments to improve the understanding of induced seismicity risks.
Sci Rep
2022 May 15
Oye V, Stanchits S, Babarinde O
380. Effects of drying methods and solvent extraction on quantification of major bioactive compounds in pomegranate peel waste using HPLC.
Sci Rep
2022 May 14
Kumar N, Pratibha, Neeraj
381. Thermo-electrochemical redox flow cycle for continuous conversion of low-grade waste heat to power.
Sci Rep
2022 May 14
Bleeker J, Reichert S, Veerman J
382. Ultrasound-assisted carbon ion dosimetry and range measurement using injectable polymer-shelled phase-change nanodroplets: in vitro study.
Sci Rep
2022 May 14
Toumia Y, Pullia M, Domenici F
383. Factoring semi-primes with (quantum) SAT-solvers.
Sci Rep
2022 May 14
Mosca M, Verschoor SR.
384. Blood pressure and outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Sci Rep
2022 May 14
Darkwah Oppong M, Steinwasser L, Rieß C
385. Spatial-dependent quantum dot-photon entanglement via tunneling effect.
Sci Rep
2022 May 14
Delir Ghaleh Joughi Y, Sahrai M.
386. Glycoprotein nonmetastatic melanoma protein B (GNMPB) as a novel biomarker for cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy.
Sci Rep
2022 May 14
Taghizadeh LA, King CJ, Nascene DR
387. A novel approach to control Botrytis cinerea fungal infections: uptake and biological activity of antifungals encapsulated in nanoparticle based vectors.
Sci Rep
2022 May 14
De Angelis G(#), Simonetti G(#), Chronopoulou L(#)
388. Risk factors associated with preterm birth after IVF/ICSI.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Li J(#), Shen J(#), Zhang X
389. Spatial distribution and source identification for heavy metals in surface sediments of East Dongting Lake, China.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Yuan Y, Liu B, Liu H.
390. Modified precordial lead ECG SafOne on electrocardiography recordings.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Dewi WN(#), Safri S(#), Rosma IH.
391. The vaginal microbiome and the risk of preterm birth: a systematic review and network meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Gudnadottir U, Debelius JW, Du J
392. Influences of dielectric constant and scan rate on hysteresis effect in perovskite solar cell with simulation and experimental analyses.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Huang JY, Yang YW, Hsu WH
393. Integrated computational analysis reveals HOX genes cluster as oncogenic drivers in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Shenoy US, Morgan R, Hunter K
394. Differential effects of stress-related and stress-unrelated humor in remitted depression.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Braniecka A, Wołkowicz I, Orylska A
395. Influence of wafer quality on chip size-dependent efficiency variation in blue and green micro light-emitting diodes.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Woo KY, Song HG, Lee K
396. A fusion approach to improve accuracy and estimate uncertainty in cuffless blood pressure monitoring.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Landry C, Peterson SD, Arami A.
397. Probing the effect of Ni, Co and Fe doping concentrations on the antibacterial behaviors of MgO nanoparticles.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Almontasser A, Parveen A.
398. The breast cancer immune microenvironment is modified by neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Urueña C, Lasso P, Bernal-Estevez D
399. Primary support optimization of large-span and shallow buried hard rock tunnels based on the active support concept.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Liu Q, Li Y, Li W
400. Cohort dominance rank and "robbing and bartering" among subadult male long-tailed macaques at Uluwatu, Bali.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Peterson JV, Fuentes A, Wandia IN.
401. Shrimp thrombospondin (TSP): presence of O-β1,4 N-acetylglucosamine polymers and its function in TSP chain association in egg extracellular matrix.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Magerd S, Senarai T, Thongsum O
402. Quasiparticle dynamics by effective [Formula: see text]-field distortion.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Cassiano TSA, de Oliveira Neto PH, E Silva GM.
403. Differential expression analysis of genes and long non-coding RNAs associated with KRAS mutation in colorectal cancer cells.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Saliani M, Jalal R, Javadmanesh A.
404. Population-specific association of Clock gene polymorphism with annual cycle timing in stonechats.
Sci Rep
2022 May 13
Justen H, Hasselmann T, Illera JC
405. Experimental evaluation of thermal rectification in a ballistic nanobeam with asymmetric mass gradient.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Tavakoli A, Maire J, Brisuda B
406. Modification of the vacuum-steam thawing method of meat by using the initial stage of sublimation dehydration.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Kopeć A, Mierzejewska S, Bać A
407. In silico mutational analysis of ACE2 to check the susceptibility of lung cancer patients towards COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Khalid Z, Khan AT, Alnajjar R
408. Gadoxetic acid-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging predicts hyperbilirubinemia induced by glecaprevir during hepatitis C virus treatment.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Okubo H, Atsukawa M, Okubo T
409. Cell fiber-based 3D tissue array for drug response assay.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Kato-Negishi M, Sawayama J, Kawahara M
410. Association between tumor (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose metabolism and survival in women with estrogen receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Chae SY(#), Park SH(#), Lee HS
411. Predictors of stress among dentists during the COVID-19 epidemic.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Wójcik D, Kutnik J, Szalewski L
412. Age-based spatial distribution of workers is resilient to worker loss in a subterranean termite.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Lee SB, Chouvenc T, Mizumoto N
413. A mechanical and simplified model for RC elements subjected to combined shear and axial tension.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Deifalla A, Mukhtar FM.
414. Hydrochemical characteristics of surface waters and their relationships to the Kashin-Beck Disease in Longzi County, Tibet.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Zha X(#), Tian Y(#), Xiao J
415. Reduced helping intentions are better explained by the attribution of antisocial emotions than by 'infrahumanization'.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Enock FE, Over H.
416. Short-term causal effects of common treatments in ambulatory children and young adults with cerebral palsy: three machine learning estimates.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Schwartz MH, Ries AJ, Georgiadis AG.
417. Analysis of the coexistence of gaming and viewing activities in Twitch users and their relationship with pathological gaming: a multilayer perceptron approach.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Cabeza-Ramírez LJ, Rey-Carmona FJ, Del Carmen Cano-Vicente M
418. Inorganic cesium lead mixed halide based perovskite solar materials modified with functional silver iodide.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Eze VO, Carani LB, Majumder H
419. Reconfigurable switching between reflecting/absorbing modes in VO(2) assisted graphene-coated hemispherical dielectric hole arrays.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Raad SH.
420. Phylogeography of the veined squid, Loligo forbesii, in European waters.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Göpel A, Oesterwind D, Barrett C
421. The impact of pitolisant, an H(3) receptor antagonist/inverse agonist, on perirhinal cortex activity in individual neuron and neuronal population levels.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Hirano K, Morishita Y, Minami M
422. Preparation, mechanics and self-sensing performance of sprayed reactive powder concrete.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Zhang Y, Wang J, Wang J
423. Significant reduction of carbon stocks and changes of ecosystem service valuation of Indian Sundarban.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Bera B, Bhattacharjee S, Sengupta N
424. Partially-covered fractal induced turbulence on fins thermal dissipation.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Chew SH, Hoi SM, Tran MV
425. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in characterization of inconclusive cervical lymph nodes: a meta-analysis and systematic review.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Spiesecke P, Neumann K, Wakonig K
426. Understanding the diversity and biogeography of Colombian edible plants.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Gori B, Ulian T, Bernal HY
427. Exposure of domestic dogs and cats to ticks (Acari: Ixodida) and selected tick-borne diseases in urban and recreational areas in southern Poland.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Kocoń A, Asman M, Nowak-Chmura M
428. Sotatercept analog suppresses inflammation to reverse experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Joshi SR, Liu J, Bloom T
429. Effects of rhBMP-2-loaded hydroxyapatite granules/beta-tricalcium phosphate hydrogel (HA/β-TCP/hydrogel) composite on a rat model of caudal intervertebral fusion.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Nakagawa S, Okada R, Kushioka J
430. Patterns of functional connectivity alterations induced by alcohol reflect somatostatin interneuron expression in the human cerebral cortex.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Ochi R, Ueno F, Sakuma M
431. An innovative antenna array with high inter element isolation for sub-6 GHz 5G MIMO communication systems.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Alibakhshikenari M, Virdee BS, Benetatos H
432. Mid-infrared-scanning cavity ring-down CH(2)F(2) detection using electronically tuned Cr:ZnSe laser.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Yumoto M, Kawata Y, Wada S.
433. Python-assisted biological knowledge acquisition method to trigger design inspiration.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Zha ZM, Zhang H, Aggidis GA.
434. Loneliness inside of the brain: evidence from a large dataset of resting-state fMRI in young adult.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Brilliant T D, Takeuchi H, Nouchi R
435. Effect of timing of school enrollment on physical fitness in third graders.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Fühner T, Granacher U, Golle K
436. Preliminary outcomes of the surgical navigation system combined with intraoperative three-dimensional C-arm computed tomography for zygomatico-orbital fracture reconstruction.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Chu YY, Yang JR, Lai BR
437. Impact of host phonons on interstitial diffusion.
Sci Rep
2022 May 12
Tang C, Sun G, Liu Y.
438. First fluvial archive of the 8.2 and 7.6-7.3 ka events in North Africa (Charef River, High Plateaus, NE Morocco).
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Depreux B, Berger JF, Lefèvre D
439. Diagnosis of colour vision deficits using eye movements.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Taore A, Lobo G, Turnbull PR
440. Parallel MR image reconstruction based on triple cycle optimization.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Sheng J, Yin J, Wang L
441. Diagnostic accuracy of keystroke dynamics as digital biomarkers for fine motor decline in neuropsychiatric disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Alfalahi H, Khandoker AH, Chowdhury N
442. Perceptually motivated loss functions for computer generated holographic displays.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Yang F, Kadis A, Mouthaan R
443. Phase-matched high-order harmonic generation in pre-ionized noble gases.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Finke O, Vábek J, Nevrkla M
444. A statistical shape model of soleus muscle morphology in spastic cerebral palsy.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Bin Ghouth SG, Williams SA, Reid SL
445. Quantifying firm-level economic systemic risk from nation-wide supply networks.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Diem C, Borsos A, Reisch T
446. Biosurfactant production by Bacillus subtilis SL and its potential for enhanced oil recovery in low permeability reservoirs.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Wu B, Xiu J, Yu L
447. Microwave treatment of rice bran and its effect on phytochemical content and antioxidant activity.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Pokkanta P, Yuenyong J, Mahatheeranont S
448. Effect of instant jasmine rice coating combining Spirulina with edible polymers on physicochemical properties, textural properties and sensory acceptance.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Utama-Ang N, Kuatrakul I, Walter P
449. Alpha and beta phylogenetic diversities jointly reveal ant community assembly mechanisms along a tropical elevational gradient.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Pérez-Toledo GR, Villalobos F, Silva RR
450. Changes in the urine volatile metabolome throughout growth of transplanted hepatocarcinoma.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Kochevalina MY, Bukharina AB, Trunov VG
451. Identification of a biomass unaffected pale green mutant gene in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis).
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Zhao Y, Huang S, Wang N
452. LncMIR181A1HG is a novel chromatin-bound epigenetic suppressor of early stage osteogenic lineage commitment.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Tye CE, Ghule PN, Gordon JAR
453. Temporary cable force monitoring techniques during bridge construction-phase: the Tajo River Viaduct experience.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Gaute-Alonso A, Garcia-Sanchez D, Alonso-Cobo C
454. Foveal hypoplasia and characteristics of optical components in patients with familial exudative vitreoretinopathy and retinopathy of prematurity.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Chen PY(#), Kang EY(#), Chen KJ
455. High-throughput analysis of ANRIL circRNA isoforms in human pancreatic islets.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
MacMillan HJ(#), Kong Y(#), Calvo-Roitberg E
456. The nasal microbiome of predicting bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm infants.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Xu Y, Huang Y, Shen Z
457. Regression-based gap-filling methods show air temperature reductions and wind pattern changes during the 2019 total eclipse in Chile.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Hammann AC, MacDonell S.
458. Late non-fasting plasma glucose predicts cardiovascular mortality independent of hemoglobin A1c.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Wang Y, Fang Y.
459. Optimization of hydropower energy generation by 14 robust evolutionary algorithms.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Sharifi MR, Akbarifard S, Madadi MR
460. Electron beam evaporation of superconductor-ferromagnet heterostructures.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Bromley D, Wright AJ, Jones LAH
461. Postural behavior recognition of captive nocturnal animals based on deep learning: a case study of Bengal slow loris.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Lei Y(#), Dong P(#), Guan Y(#)
462. Daily blood pressure profile and blood-brain barrier permeability in patients with cerebral small vessel disease.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Dobrynina LA, Shamtieva KV, Kremneva EI
463. Development of a predictive model for luteal phase oocyte retrieval in poor responders undergoing natural cycle IVF.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Simopoulou M(#), Galatis D(#), Maziotis E
464. Utilization of additive from waste products with gasoline fuel to operate spark ignition engine.
Sci Rep
2022 May 11
Awad OI, Ali OM, Zhou B
465. Prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms in ulcerative colitis patients in Jordan and its relationship to patient-reported disease activity.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Abu Sneineh A, Haj Ali S, Al-Masri A
466. Cost-utility analysis on robot-assisted and laparoscopic prostatectomy based on long-term functional outcomes.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Lindenberg MA, Retèl VP, van der Poel HG
467. Effect of drought on root exudates from Quercus petraea and enzymatic activity of soil.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Staszel K, Lasota J, Błońska E.
468. Bilateral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation for refractory isolated cervical dystonia.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Yin F(#), Zhao M(#), Yan X
469. Assessing influences of climate change on highland barley productivity in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during 1978-2017.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Zhang Z, Lu C.
470. Radiobiological effects of wound fluid on breast cancer cell lines and human-derived tumor spheroids in 2D and microfluidic culture.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Jeibouei S(#), Hojat A(#), Mostafavi E
471. Robust and scalable barcoding for massively parallel long-read sequencing.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Ezpeleta J, Garcia Labari I, Villanova GV
472. A non-canonical Raf function is required for dorsal-ventral patterning during Drosophila embryogenesis.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Lusk JB, Chua EHZ, Kaur P
473. Group IIA secreted phospholipase A(2) inhibition by elemolic acid as a function of anti-inflammatory activity.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Giresha AS, Urs D, Manjunatha JG
474. Motor signature of autism spectrum disorder in adults without intellectual impairment.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Cho AB, Otte K, Baskow I
475. Prognostic significance of cachexia index in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma treated with systemic chemotherapy.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Goh MJ, Kang W, Jeong WK
476. Design of high avidity and low affinity antibodies for in situ control of antibody drug conjugate targeting.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Evans R, Thurber GM.
477. An updated view into the cell cycle kinetics of human T lymphocytes and the impact of irradiation.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Duthoo E, Vral A, Baeyens A.
478. Analysis of thromboembolic events in patients with non-small cell lung cancer who received adjuvant chemotherapy: single-center real-world data.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Kim TH, Choi YW, Lee HW
479. Photokinetics of Dacarbazine and Nifedipine under polychromatic light irradiation and their application as new reliable actinometers for the ultraviolet range.
Sci Rep
2022 May 10
Maafi M, Al-Qarni MA.
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