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2021 May (423)
1. Clinical feasibility of an advanced neonatal epidermal multiparameter continuous monitoring technology in a large public maternity hospital in Nairobi, Kenya.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 9
Ginsburg AS, Zandi Nia S, Chomba D
2. Transcriptome analysis reveals cell cycle-related transcripts as key determinants of varietal differences in seed size of Brassica juncea.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 9
Dhaka N, Jain R, Yadav A
3. Genetic diversity and population structure of critically endangered Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D. Don) Soo from North-Western Himalayas and implications for conservation.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 9
Sharma S(#), Chhabra M(#), Singh SK(#)
4. Activation of the Hepcidin-Ferroportin1 pathway in the brain and astrocytic-neuronal crosstalk to counteract iron dyshomeostasis during aging.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 9
Mezzanotte M, Ammirata G, Boido M
5. Different transcriptional responses by the CRISPRa system in distinct types of heterochromatin in Drosophila melanogaster.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 9
Ortega-Yáñez A, Cruz-Ruiz S, Vázquez M
6. A flexible IrO(2) membrane for pH sensing.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 9
Chou SC, Hsieh YC, Cheang WH
7. Vascular injury of immature epiphyses impair stem cell engraftment in cartilage defects.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 9
Rashidi A, Theruvath AJ, Huang CH
8. Risk factors for glaucoma are reflected in abnormal responses to frequency-doubling technology screening in both normal and glaucoma eyes.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 9
Iwase A, Tsutsumi T, Fujii M
9. Sleep habits are associated with cognition decline in physically robust, but not in frail participants: a longitudinal observational study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Chuang SC, Wu IC, Chang JJ
10. Chronology of embryonic and gonadal development in the Reeves' turtle, Mauremys reevesii.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Akashi H, Kubota M, Yamamoto H
11. Exploring the molecular interaction of mebendazole with bovine serum albumin using multi-spectroscopic approaches and molecular docking.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
El Gammal RN, Elmansi H, El-Emam AA
12. Nutrient intakes and telomere length of cell-free circulating DNA from amniotic fluid: findings from the Mamma & Bambino cohort.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Magnano San Lio R, Maugeri A, La Rosa MC
13. Assessment of plant growth promoting bacteria strains on growth, yield and quality of sweet corn.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Katsenios N, Andreou V, Sparangis P
14. Analysing the effect of gender on the human-machine interaction in level 3 automated vehicles.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Li S, Blythe P, Zhang Y
15. Evaluation of long-term outcomes associated with extended heavy-silicone oil use for the treatment of inferior retinal detachment.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Horozoglu F, Sener H, Polat OA
16. Functional characterization of dopamine and norepinephrine transport across the apical and basal plasma membranes of the human placental syncytiotrophoblast.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Horackova H, Karahoda R, Vachalova V
17. Lack of Cathepsin D in the central nervous system results in microglia and astrocyte activation and the accumulation of proteinopathy-related proteins.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Suzuki C(#), Yamaguchi J(#), Sanada T
18. Phylogeography of Nasutitermes ephratae (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) in neotropical region.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
de Faria Santos A, Cancello EM, Morales AC.
19. Diurnal and semidiurnal internal waves on the southern slope of the Yermak Plateau.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Wang S(#), Cao A(#), Li Q
20. Simulation of hybridized nanofluids flowing and heat transfer enhancement via 3-D vertical heated plate using finite element technique.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Hafeez MB, Krawczuk M, Shahzad H
21. Comparison of physiological responses of running on a nonmotorized and conventional motor-propelled treadmill at similar intensities.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Sousa FAB, Manchado-Gobatto FB, de A Rodrigues N
22. A multi-epitope vaccine designed against blood-stage of malaria: an immunoinformatic and structural approach.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Atapour A, Vosough P, Jafari S
23. Insights into amino acid fractionation and incorporation by compound-specific carbon isotope analysis of three-spined sticklebacks.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Hesse T, Nachev M, Khaliq S
24. Neuroimaging features of antiphospholipid antibody-related stroke compared with atrial fibrillation-related stroke.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Yang W, Kang DW, Kim JM
25. A pair of primers facing at the double-strand break site enables to detect NHEJ-mediated indel mutations at a 1-bp resolution.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Ijaz F, Nakazato R, Setou M
26. PFKM inhibits doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity by enhancing oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Zhou M, Sun X, Wang C
27. Nanotube abundance from non-negative matrix factorization of Raman spectra as an example of chemical purity from open source machine learning.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Flores E, Ouyang J, Lapointe F
28. Comparing stress and behavioral coping strategies during the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis among domestic and overseas Taiwanese.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Chen CC, Wu HY, Yeh MJ
29. Integrated socio-environmental vulnerability assessment of coastal hazards using data-driven and multi-criteria analysis approaches.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Tanim AH, Goharian E, Moradkhani H.
30. Leveraging physical intelligence for the self-design of high performance engineering structures.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Paixão J(#), Sadoulet-Reboul E(#), Foltête E(#)
31. Coverage optimization of soil moisture wireless sensor networks based on adaptive Cauchy variant butterfly optimization algorithm.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Liang J, Tian M, Liu Y
32. 3D-printed lightweight dorsal skin fold chambers from PEEK reduce chamber-related animal distress.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Xie W, Lorenz M, Poosch F
33. CyberSco.Py an open-source software for event-based, conditional microscopy.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Chiron L(#), Le Bec M(#), Cordier C
34. A novel inactivated virus system (InViS) for a fast and inexpensive assessment of viral disintegration.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Furer LA, Clement P, Herwig G
35. Temporal quality degradation in AI models.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 8
Vela D, Sharp A, Zhang R
36. Re-do Operation Using a Robotic System due to Locoregional Recurrence after Initial Thyroidectomy for Thyroid Cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
Kim DG(#), Kim K(#), Lee JE
37. Shortcuts to adiabatic population inversion via time-rescaling: stability and thermodynamic cost.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
da Silva Andrade J, da Silva França ÂF, de Lima Bernardo B.
38. General circulation and global heat transport in a quadrupling CO(2) pulse experiment.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
An SI, Park SE, Shin J
39. The global, regional and national burden of stomach cancer and its attributable risk factors from 1990 to 2019.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
Song Y, Liu X, Cheng W
40. Sex-specific cardiometabolic risk markers of left ventricular mass in physically active young adults: the CHIEF heart study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
Tsai KZ, Liu PY, Huang WC
41. Circulating N-Acetylaspartate does not track brain NAA concentrations, cognitive function or features of small vessel disease in humans.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
Rebelos E, Daniele G, Campi B
42. The impact of spontaneous cough on pleural pressure changes during therapeutic thoracentesis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
Stecka AM(#), Grabczak EM(#), Michnikowski M
43. A millimeter-scale insight into formation mechanism of lacustrine black shale in tephra deposition background.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
Lin S(#), Hou L(#), Luo X
44. Using the Kriging Correlation for unsupervised feature selection problems.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
Chua CH, Guo M, Huang SF.
45. Phyllanthus amarus shoot cultures as a source of biologically active lignans: the influence of selected plant growth regulators.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
Sparzak-Stefanowska B, Krauze-Baranowska M.
46. Untargeted lipidomic analysis of plasma from obese women submitted to combined physical exercise.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
San Martin R, Brandao CFC, Junqueira-Franco MVM
47. Melting enhancement of PCM in a finned tube latent heat thermal energy storage.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
Ahmed S(#), Abderrahmane A, Saeed AM
48. Characterization of regulatory transcriptional mechanisms in hepatocyte lipotoxicity.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
Pérez-Schindler J, Vargas-Fernández E, Karrer-Cardel B
49. Modeling the impact of indoor relative humidity on the infection risk of five respiratory airborne viruses.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
Aganovic A, Bi Y, Cao G
50. Mesenchymal stem cells promote spermatogonial stem/progenitor cell pool and spermatogenesis in neonatal mice in vitro.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
Önen S, Köse S, Yersal N
51. Green synthesis of novel stable biogenic gold nanoparticles for breast cancer therapeutics via the induction of extrinsic and intrinsic pathways.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
El-Deeb NM, Khattab SM, Abu-Youssef MA
52. Tripling the light extraction efficiency of a deep ultraviolet LED using a nanostructured p-contact.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
López-Fraguas E, Binkowski F, Burger S
53. Synthetic MRI for stroke: a qualitative and quantitative pilot study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 7
André J, Barrit S, Jissendi P.
54. Dual immobilization of magnetite nanoparticles and biosilica within alginate matrix for the adsorption of Cd(II) from aquatic phase.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Safari M, Rezaee R, Soltani RDC
55. Peptidome profiling for the immunological stratification in sepsis: a proof of concept study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Ledesma M, Todero MF, Maceira L
56. Application of multiplex amplicon deep-sequencing (MAD-seq) to screen for putative drug resistance markers in the Necator americanus isotype-1 β-tubulin gene.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
George S, Suwondo P, Akorli J
57. Multivariate analysis methods improve the selection of strawberry genotypes with low cold requirement.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Barth E, de Resende JTV, Mariguele KH
58. Enrichment of (150)Nd for neutrinoless double-beta decay detection.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Suryanarayana MV.
59. Rickettsia helvetica infection is associated with microbiome modulation in Ixodes ricinus collected from humans in Serbia.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Maitre A, Wu-Chuang A, Mateos-Hernández L
60. Resilience to suicidal behavior in young adults: a cross-sectional study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Han J, Wong I, Christensen H
61. Investigation of cypermethrin toxicity in Swiss albino mice with physiological, genetic and biochemical approaches.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Seven B, Kültiğin, Çavuşoğlu
62. Two-dimensional B[Formula: see text]C as a potential anode material for Mg-ion batteries with extremely high theoretical capacity.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Kasprzak GT, Durajski AP.
63. Microfluidic model for in vitro acute Toxoplasma gondii infection and transendothelial migration.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Kim H(#), Hong SH(#), Jeong HE
64. Baseline predictors of in-hospital mortality after acute traumatic spinal cord injury: data from a level I trauma center.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Blex C, Kreutzträger M, Ludwig J
65. A unique peptide-based pharmacophore identifies an inhibitory compound against the A-subunit of Shiga toxin.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Watanabe-Takahashi M(#), Senda M(#), Yoshino R(#)
66. PD-L1 regulates cell proliferation and apoptosis in acute myeloid leukemia by activating PI3K-AKT signaling pathway.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Wang F(#), Yang L(#), Xiao M
67. Histological and electrophysiological evidence on the safe operation of a sharp-tip multimodal optrode during infrared neuromodulation of the rat cortex.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Horváth ÁC(#), Borbély S(#), Mihók F
68. Evaluation of blood perfusion using laser doppler flowmetry during endoscopic lumbar sympathectomy in patients with plantar hyperhidrosis: a retrospective observational study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Lee YC, You YK, Lee S
69. A thorough annotation of the krill transcriptome offers new insights for the study of physiological processes.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Urso I, Biscontin A, Corso D
70. Microsponge based gel as a simple and valuable strategy for formulating and releasing Tazarotene in a controlled manner.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Khattab A, Nattouf A.
71. The interplay of chemical structure, physical properties, and structural design as a tool to modulate the properties of melanins within mesopores.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Pira A, Amatucci A, Melis C
72. Effects of a supervised exercise program in addition to electrical stimulation or kinesio taping in low back pain: a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Aguilar-Ferrándiz ME, Matarán-Peñarrocha GA, Tapia-Haro RM
73. Systematic review of mental health symptom changes by sex or gender in early-COVID-19 compared to pre-pandemic.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 6
Dal Santo T, Sun Y, Wu Y
74. Impact of COVID-19 on cancer screening in South Korea.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Lee K, Lee YY, Suh M
75. Chronic social defeat stress increases the amounts of 12-lipoxygenase lipid metabolites in the nucleus accumbens of stress-resilient mice.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Akiyama S, Nagai H, Oike S
76. Interface modes in planar one-dimensional magnonic crystals.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Mieszczak S, Kłos JW.
77. A novel Cuproptosis-related LncRNA signature to predict prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Zhang G(#), Sun J(#), Zhang X.
78. The evaluation of Bcftools mpileup and GATK HaplotypeCaller for variant calling in non-human species.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Lefouili M, Nam K.
79. Comprehensive climatic suitability evaluation of peanut in Huang-Huai-Hai region under the background of climate change.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Wei S, Li K, Yang Y
80. Examination of sub-harmonic responses along with various initial conditions induced by multi-staged clutch damper system.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Yoon JY, Kim B.
81. Older Korean men with inadequate vitamin D status have lower odds of radiologic osteoarthritis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Kim S, Lee GW, Park CY.
82. Prediction of postoperative cardiac events in multiple surgical cohorts using a multimodal and integrative decision support system.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Kim RB(#), Alge OP(#), Liu G
83. Measurements of roll, steering, and the far-field wake in track cycling.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Fitzgerald S, Kelso R, Grimshaw P
84. Design and characteristics analysis of a new vibration reduction system for in service long span transmission tower.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Liu J, Li Z, Liu W
85. Protection of hamsters challenged with SARS-CoV-2 after two doses of MVC-COV1901 vaccine followed by a single intranasal booster with nanoemulsion adjuvanted S-2P vaccine.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Lin YJ, Lin MY, Chuang YS
86. Heat stress mitigation in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) through foliar application of gibberellic acid.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Guo T, Gull S, Ali MM
87. Meeting 24-h movement guidelines and markers of adiposity in adults from eight Latin America countries: the ELANS study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Ferrari G, Cristi-Montero C, Drenowatz C
88. Inverse-cavity structure for low-threshold miniature lasers.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Kim G, Song SH, Yoon JW.
89. Edge-colored directed subgraph enumeration on the connectome.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 5
Matejek B, Wei D, Chen T
90. Impact of lumbar spinal stenosis on metabolic syndrome incidence in community-dwelling adults in Aizu cohort study (LOHAS).
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Ono R, Takegami M, Yamamoto Y
91. Suitability of the global forest cover change map to assess climatic megadisturbance impacts on remote tropical forests.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Geler Roffe T, Couturier S, García-Romero A.
92. Counting generations in birth and death processes with competing Erlang and exponential waiting times.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Belluccini G, López-García M, Lythe G
93. The upper percolation threshold and porosity-permeability relationship in sandstone reservoirs using digital image analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Payton RL, Chiarella D, Kingdon A.
94. A systematic review and meta-analysis on the association between ambient air pollution and pulmonary tuberculosis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Dimala CA, Kadia BM.
95. Contamination level, sources, and health risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in suburban vegetable field soils of Changchun, Northeast China.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Cui Z, Wang Y, Du L
96. Effects of aging on functional connectivity in a neurodegenerative risk cohort: resting state versus task measurement using near-infrared spectroscopy.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Blum L(#), Hofmann A(#), Rosenbaum D
97. The iodide transporter Slc26a7 impacts thyroid function more strongly than Slc26a4 in mice.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Yamaguchi N(#), Suzuki A(#), Yoshida A
98. A brassinosteroid functional analogue increases soybean drought resilience.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Perez-Borroto LS, Guzzo MC, Posada G
99. The genetic consequences of captive breeding, environmental change and human exploitation in the endangered peninsular pronghorn.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Klimova A, Gutiérrez-Rivera JN, Sánchez-Sotomayor V
100. Fabrication of near-invisible solar cell with monolayer WS(2).
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
He X, Iwamoto Y, Kaneko T
101. Quantitative measure of concrete fragment using ANN to consider uncertainties under impact loading.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Kim K, Kim W, Seo J
102. Necroptosis-related lncRNA signatures determine prognosis in breast cancer patients.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Zhang Y, Yue Q, Cao F
103. Study of tribological properties of human buccal epithelium cell membranes using probe microscopy.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Torhov NA, Mosunov AA, Novikov VA
104. Evaluation of heavy metal contamination in copper mine tailing soils of Kitwe and Mufulira, Zambia, for reclamation prospects.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Dusengemungu L, Mubemba B, Gwanama C.
105. Laser cluster interaction in ambient magnetic fields for accelerating electrons in two stages without external injection.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Swain K, Mahalik SS, Kundu M.
106. Motivations underlying self-infliction of pain during thinking for pleasure.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Eder AB, Maas F, Schubmann A
107. Comprehensive analysis of autophagy related long non-coding RNAs in prognosis, immunity, and treatment of muscular invasive bladder cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Tan W, Yuan Y, Huang H
108. NAC transcription factors ATAF1 and ANAC055 affect the heat stress response in Arabidopsis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 4
Alshareef NO, Otterbach SL, Allu AD
109. Smoking remains associated with education after controlling for social background and genetic factors in a study of 18 twin cohorts.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 31
Silventoinen K, Piirtola M, Jelenkovic A
110. Theaflavin 3-gallate inhibits the main protease (M(pro)) of SARS-CoV-2 and reduces its count in vitro.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Chauhan M(#), Bhardwaj VK(#), Kumar A
111. Ym155 localizes to the mitochondria leading to mitochondria dysfunction and activation of AMPK that inhibits BMP signaling in lung cancer cells.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Mondal A, Jia D, Bhatt V
112. An ANN-based advancing double-front method for automatic isotropic triangle generation.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Lu P, Wang N, Chang X
113. Increasing vitamin C through agronomic biofortification of arugula microgreens.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Kathi S, Laza H, Singh S
114. Calorie restriction has no effect on bone marrow tumour burden in a Vk*MYC transplant model of multiple myeloma.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Bradey AL, Fitter S, Duggan J
115. Learning to rank Higgs boson candidates.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Köppel M, Segner A, Wagener M
116. Intervention is a better predictor of tDCS mind-wandering effects than subjective beliefs about experimental results.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Gordon MS, Seeto JXW, Dux PE
117. Exome sequencing revealed comparable frequencies of RNF43 and BRAF mutations in Middle Eastern colorectal cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Siraj AK(#), Bu R(#), Masoodi T(#)
118. Foveal eversion patterns in diabetic macular edema.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Arrigo A, Saladino A, Aragona E
119. Global slowness and increased intra-individual variability are key features of attentional deficits and cognitive fluctuations in post COVID-19 patients.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Ortelli P(#), Benso F(#), Ferrazzoli D
120. LITOS: a versatile LED illumination tool for optogenetic stimulation.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Höhener TC(#), Landolt AE(#), Dessauges C
121. Fabrication of polyamide-12/cement nanocomposite and its testing for different dyes removal from aqueous solution: characterization, adsorption, and regeneration studies.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Aldahash SA, Higgins P, Siddiqui S
122. Modulation of dielectric properties in low-loss polypropylene-based composites at GHz frequencies: theory and experiment.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Wilczyński K, Wróblewska A, Daniszewska A
123. Enhancement of fatigue resistance by recrystallization and grain growth to eliminate bonding interfaces in Cu-Cu joints.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Ong JJ, Tran DP, Lan MC
124. Stochastic consolidation of lifelong memory.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Shaham N, Chandra J, Kreiman G
125. Molecular occurrence and risk factors for Toxoplasma gondii infection in equids in Jilin, China.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 30
Liang W(#), Zhao S(#), Wang N(#)
126. Paradoxical effects of altruism on efforts to mitigate climate change.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Fossas-Tenas A, Ibelings BW, Kasparian J
127. Evaluation of the microbial reduction efficacy and perception of use of an ozonized water spray disinfection technology.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Mascarenhas LAB, Dos Santos LMC, Oliveira FO
128. Brain potential responses involved in decision-making in weightlessness.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Cebolla AM, Petieau M, Palmero-Soler E
129. Locating critical events in AFM force measurements by means of one-dimensional convolutional neural networks.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Sotres J, Boyd H, Gonzalez-Martinez JF.
130. Genomic analysis of a novel Neanderthal from Mezmaiskaya Cave provides insights into the genetic relationships of Middle Palaeolithic populations.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Andreeva TV, Manakhov AD, Gusev FE
131. The abundance of bifidobacterium in relation to visceral obesity and serum uric acid.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Gong H, Gao H, Ren Q
132. Organic amendment additions to cadmium-contaminated soils for phytostabilization of three bioenergy crops.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Taeprayoon P, Homyog K, Meeinkuirt W.
133. Surgical and functional outcomes of robot-assisted versus laparoscopic partial nephrectomy with cortical renorrhaphy omission.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Kubota M, Yamasaki T, Murata S
134. Deep learning-based defects detection of certain aero-engine blades and vanes with DDSC-YOLOv5s.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Li X, Wang W, Sun L
135. Long-term clinical outcomes and predictive factors in patients with chronic ocular graft-versus-host disease.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Yoon HJ, Song GY, Yoon KC.
136. Differential association between the GLP1R gene variants and brain functional connectivity according to the severity of alcohol use.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Farokhnia M(#), Fede SJ(#), Grodin EN
137. Spatiotemporal changes in influenza A virus prevalence among wild waterfowl inhabiting the continental United States throughout the annual cycle.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Kent CM, Ramey AM, Ackerman JT
138. Balsam fir (Abies balsamea) needles and their essential oil kill overwintering ticks (Ixodes scapularis) at cold temperatures.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Adamo SA, El Nabbout A, Ferguson LV
139. N(1)-methyl-pseudouridine is incorporated with higher fidelity than pseudouridine in synthetic RNAs.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Chen TH, Potapov V, Dai N
140. Long-term changes in serum silver concentrations after extremity reconstruction with silver-coated megaprostheses.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Smolle MA, Bergovec M, Scheipl S
141. Metformin treatment is associated with improved outcome in patients with diabetes and advanced heart failure (HFrEF).
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Benes J, Kotrc M, Kroupova K
142. The adverse impact of herbicide Roundup Ultra Plus in human spermatozoa plasma membrane is caused by its surfactant.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Torres-Badia M, Solar-Malaga S, Serrano R
143. Miscibility of rock and ice in the interiors of water worlds.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Kovačević T, González-Cataldo F, Stewart ST
144. Thermoresponsive C22 phage stiffness modulates the phage infectivity.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Sae-Ueng U, Bhunchoth A, Phironrit N
145. Metagenomic analysis reveals associations between salivary microbiota and body composition in early childhood.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Coker MO(#), Lebeaux RM(#), Hoen AG
146. Study on emergency escape route planning under fire accidents in the Burtai coal mine.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 29
Jinzhang J, Fengxiao W.
147. Intrapulpal temperature changes during the cementation of ceramic veneers.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Lempel E, Kincses D, Szebeni D
148. Stability indicating potentiometric method for the determination of palonosetron HCl using two different sensors.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Tantawy MA, Elshabasy DA, Youssef NF
149. The CCR5 antagonist maraviroc exerts limited neuroprotection without improving neurofunctional outcome in experimental pneumococcal meningitis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Le ND(#), Steinfort M(#), Grandgirard D
150. The green tea catechin EGCG provides proof-of-concept for a pan-coronavirus attachment inhibitor.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
LeBlanc EV, Colpitts CC.
151. Connexin43 represents an important regulator for Sertoli cell morphology, Sertoli cell nuclear ultrastructure, and Sertoli cell maturation.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Staggenborg S, Koch R, Rode K
152. Synthesis of innovative triphenylamine-functionalized organic photosensitizers outperformed the benchmark dye N719 for high-efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Badawy SA, Abdel-Latif E, Fadda AA
153. Identifying potential mechanisms between childhood trauma and the psychological response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: a longitudinal study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Rek SV, Reinhard MA, Bühner M
154. Microbial dysbiosis and fecal metabolomic perturbations in Yorkshire Terriers with chronic enteropathy.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Galler AI, Suchodolski JS, Steiner JM
155. Assessment of diagnostic utility of serum hemeoxygenase-1 measurement for acute exacerbation of interstitial pneumonias.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Kata Y, Hara Y, Tagami Y
156. Using the articularis genu to test peri-articular muscle health during knee osteoarthritis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Cruz Ayala JA, Crawford M, Gatterer MC
157. Water activated disposable paper battery.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Poulin A, Aeby X, Nyström G.
158. New prediction method of horizontal principal stress of deep tight reservoirs.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Fang X, Zhang J, Liu T
159. Assessing temporal correlation in environmental risk factors to design efficient area-specific COVID-19 regulations: Delhi based case study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Chaudhary V, Bhadola P, Kaushik A
160. Effects of elevated serum urate on cardiometabolic and kidney function markers in a randomised clinical trial of inosine supplementation.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Dalbeth N, Mihov B, Stewart A
161. A digital alkali spin maser.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Ingleby S, Griffin P, Dyer T
162. Clinical and neurophysiological effects of central thalamic deep brain stimulation in the minimally conscious state after severe brain injury.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Arnts H, Tewarie P, van Erp WS
163. Psychosocial work environment as a dynamic network: a multi-wave cohort study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Elovainio M, Hakulinen C, Komulainen K
164. Clinical significance of germline telomere length and associated genetic factors in patients with neuroblastoma.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Bae JS(#), Lee JW(#), Joung JG
165. Systematic screening and validation of reliable reference genes for qRT-PCR analysis in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.).
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Zhang JR(#), Feng YY(#), Yang MJ
166. The psychophysiological mechanisms of real-world time experience.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Ogden RS, Dobbins C, Slade K
167. Isolated effects of patellar resurfacing in total knee arthroplasty and their relation to native patellar geometry.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Sauer A, Thorwaechter C, Dupraz I
168. Social determinants and lifestyle factors for brain health: implications for risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Röhr S, Pabst A, Baber R
169. Quasi-dark resonances with antiferromagnetic order in silicon metasurfaces.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 28
Zografopoulos DC, Algorri JF, López-Higuera JM
170. Inverse design of compact power divider with arbitrary outputs for 5G applications.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Shadi M(#), Tavakol MR(#), Atlasbaf Z.
171. A nationwide study of patients operated for cervical degenerative disorders in public and private hospitals.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Danielsen E, Mjåset C, Ingebrigtsen T
172. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)-induced inhibitory effects on porcine coronary and cerebral arteries involve inhibition of prostanoid TP receptors.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Yoshioka K(#), Obara K(#), Oikawa S
173. A multicenter study to compare the effectiveness of the inpatient post acute care program versus traditional rehabilitation for stroke survivors.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Chang KV, Chen KH, Chen YH
174. A comparative study of a rabbit spinal tuberculosis model constructed by local direct infection via the posterior lateral approach.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Yue X(#), Zhu X(#), Wu L
175. Spatial distribution differences of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in healthy elderly people under the influence of geographical environmental factors.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Yang W, Ge M, Wang Y
176. Contamination analysis of Arctic ice samples as planetary field analogs and implications for future life-detection missions to Europa and Enceladus.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Coelho LF, Blais MA, Matveev A
177. Progressive crushing (40)Ar/(39)Ar dating of a gold-bearing quartz vein from the Liaotun Carlin-type gold deposit, Guangxi, southern China.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Hu R, Pang B, Bai X
178. Assessing agreement between different polygenic risk scores in the UK Biobank.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Clifton L, Collister JA, Liu X
179. Home-cage behavior in the Stargazer mutant mouse.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Schirmer C, Abboud MA, Lee SC
180. Series arc fault detection based on continuous wavelet transform and DRSN-CW with limited source data.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Hu C, Qu N, Zhang S.
181. Optimization of the 4-anilinoquin(az)oline scaffold as epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors for chordoma utilizing a toxicology profiling assay platform.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Bieberich AA, Laitinen T, Maffuid K
182. Identifying pathways to increased volunteering in older US adults.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Nakamura JS, Lee MT, Chen FS
183. Cytokine changes in cerebrospinal fluid following vascular surgery on the thoracic aorta.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Pereira C, Perera AH, Rudarakanchana N
184. The relationship between serum sex hormone and cardiac echocardiographic findings in healthy men.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Yeo Y, Park SW, Lee SC(#)
185. Effects of polyethylene oxide particles on the photo-physical properties and stability of FA-rich perovskite solar cells.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Koech RK, Olanrewaju YA, Ichwani R
186. Best practices for instrumenting honey bees.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Koenig PA, Petersen KH.
187. Stable isotopes unveil one millennium of domestic cat paleoecology in Europe.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Krajcarz M(#), Van Neer W(#), Krajcarz MT(#)
188. Construction of a new automatic grading system for jaw bone mineral density level based on deep learning using cone beam computed tomography.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 27
Xiao Y(#), Liang Q(#), Zhou L
189. Gene Updater: a web tool that autocorrects and updates for Excel misidentified gene names.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Koh CWT(#), Ooi JSG(#), Joly GLC
190. Persistent popliteal lymphatic muscle cell coverage defects despite amelioration of arthritis and recovery of popliteal lymphatic vessel function in TNF-Tg mice following anti-TNF therapy.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Kenney HM, Peng Y, Bell RD
191. Deep learning to distinguish Best vitelliform macular dystrophy (BVMD) from adult-onset vitelliform macular degeneration (AVMD).
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Crincoli E, Zhao Z, Querques G
192. Mathematical analysis of hybrid mediated blood flow in stenosis narrow arteries.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Hussain A, Sarwar L, Rehman A
193. Forms of application of silicon in quinoa and benefits involved in the association between productivity with grain biofortification.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Lata-Tenesaca LF, de Mello Prado R, de Cássia Piccolo M
194. Reference gene selection in bovine caruncular epithelial cells under pregnancy-associated hormones exposure.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Sozoniuk M, Jamioł M, Kankofer M
195. High-performance Mach-Zehnder modulator using tailored plasma dispersion effects in an ITO/graphene-based waveguide.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Mohammadi-Pouyan S, Bahadori-Haghighi S, Heidari M
196. Substantial impact of 3-iodothyronamine (T1AM) on the regulations of fluorescent thermoprobe-measured cellular temperature and natriuretic peptide expression in cardiomyocytes.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Takahashi H, Nagoshi T, Kimura H
197. Structural diagnosis of benthic invertebrate communities in relation to salinity gradient in Baltic coastal lake ecosystems using biological trait analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Matela M, Obolewski K.
198. Ultrasound-based radiomics technology in fetal lung texture analysis prediction of neonatal respiratory morbidity.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Du Y(#), Jiao J(#), Ji C
199. Spatio-temporal photolysis rate profiles of UV(254) irradiated toluene.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
El-Tawargy AS.
200. A multifaceted strategy to improve recombinant expression and structural characterisation of a Trypanosoma invariant surface protein.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Sülzen H, Votrubova J, Dhillon A
201. The method of lines extension for the analysis of multilayered graphene-loaded structures in cylindrical coordinates.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Mehrdadian A, Forooraghi K, Bideskan MZ.
202. Left ventricular active strain energy density is a promising new measure of systolic function.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
MacIver DH, Agger P, Rodrigues JCL
203. Structural, electrical, and magnetic properties of nano Sr(1-X)La(X)Fe(12)O(19) (X = 0.2-0.8).
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Baba Basha D, Suresh Kumar N, Chandra Babu Naidu K
204. Structural design and performance study of primitive triply periodic minimal surfaces Ti6Al4V biomimetic scaffold.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Qin Y, Wang Q, Shi C
205. Risk for Behçet's disease gauged via high-density lipoprotein cholesterol: a nationwide population-based study in Korea.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Kim YH, Kim HJ, Park JW
206. Invasive brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis) move short distances and have small activity areas in a high prey environment.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Boback SM, Nafus MG, Yackel Adams AA
207. AutoComBat: a generic method for harmonizing MRI-based radiomic features.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Carré A, Battistella E, Niyoteka S
208. Synthesis of Candida Antarctica Lipase B (CALB) enzyme-powered magnetite nanomotor based on PCL/Chitosan Janus nanostructure.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 26
Mafakheri F, Khoee S.
209. Cellular analysis of SOD1 protein-aggregation propensity and toxicity: a case of ALS with slow progression harboring homozygous SOD1-D92G mutation.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Sawamura M, Imamura K, Hikawa R
210. Cholesterol affects the relationship between albumin and major adverse cardiac events in patients with coronary artery disease: a secondary analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Yao YF(#), Chen ZY(#), Luo TY
211. 2450-MHz microwave ablation of liver metastases under 3.0 T wide-bore magnetic resonance guidance: a pilot study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Xu K, Li Z, Liu Y
212. Association of circulating gene expression signatures with stiffness following total knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis: a pilot study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Kirksey MA, Lessard SG(#), Khan M(#)
213. Lymphoma total lesion glycolysis leads to hyperlactatemia and reduction of brain glucose utilization.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Yi HK, Yoo J, Kim SJ
214. Comparison between two- and three-dimensional methods for offset measurements after total hip arthroplasty.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Tone S, Hasegawa M, Naito Y
215. Finite element and in vitro study on biomechanical behavior of endodontically treated premolars restored with direct or indirect composite restorations.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Maravić T, Comba A, Mazzitelli C
216. Ascent of the conus medullaris in human foetuses: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Costa Almeida L, de Souza Figueiredo YJ, Pinheiro Zylberman A
217. The clinical significance of BRAFV600E mutations in pediatric papillary thyroid carcinomas.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Li Y(#), Wang Y(#), Li L
218. Altered genome-wide hippocampal gene expression profiles following early life lead exposure and their potential for reversal by environmental enrichment.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Singh G, Singh V, Kim T
219. Polarimetric biomarkers of peri-tumoral stroma can correlate with 5-year survival in patients with left-sided colorectal cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Lad J, Serra S, Quereshy F
220. A prediction-focused approach to personality modeling.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Lavi G, Rosenblatt J, Gilead M.
221. Temperature-dependent optical properties of some mixtures nematic liquid crystal.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Alipanah Z, Zakerhamidi MS, Ranjkesh A.
222. Empagliflozin mitigates endothelial inflammation and attenuates endoplasmic reticulum stress signaling caused by sustained glycocalyx disruption.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Campeau MA, Leask RL.
223. Population-based screening for celiac disease reveals that the majority of patients are undiagnosed and improve on a gluten-free diet.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Kvamme JM, Sørbye S, Florholmen J
224. Comparative analysis of temperature preference behavior and effects of temperature on daily behavior in 11 Drosophila species.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 25
Ito F, Awasaki T.
225. Quantitative texture analysis based on dynamic contrast enhanced MRI for differential diagnosis between primary thymic lymphoma from thymic carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 24
Zhu JJ(#), Shen J(#), Zhang W
226. Relationship between anatomical characteristics and personality traits in Lipizzan horses.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 23
Debeljak N, Košmerlj A, Altimiras J
227. Prevalence and correlates of burnout among physicians in a developing country facing multi-layered crises: a cross-sectional study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 23
Youssef D, Youssef J, Abou-Abbas L
228. Associations between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cognitive impairment and the effect modification of inflammation.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 23
Kang S, Kim E, Cho H
229. Metabolic signatures associated with oncolytic myxoma viral infections.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 23
Mahar R(#), Ragavan M(#), Chang MC(#)
230. Modulation of atrazine-induced chromosomal aberrations and cyclin-dependent kinases by aqueous extract of Roylea cinerea (D.Don) Baillon leaves in Allium cepa.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Rashid F, Singh D, Attri S
231. Discrimination of Curculigo orchioides Rhizoma and Curculigo glabrescens Rhizoma using stable isotope and mineral element analyses coupled with chemometrics.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Liu Y(#), Guo Y(#), Gong S
232. Glycometabolism change during Burkholderia pseudomallei infection in RAW264.7 cells by proteomic analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Li X, Zeng Y, Guo S
233. Mechanical properties of friction induced nanocrystalline pearlitic steel.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Medina-Clavijo B, Rafael-Velayarce J, Modin E
234. Limited generalizability of single deep neural network for surgical instrument segmentation in different surgical environments.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Kitaguchi D, Fujino T, Takeshita N
235. Smooth muscle cell specific NEMO deficiency inhibits atherosclerosis in ApoE(-/-) mice.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Imai T, Van TM, Pasparakis M
236. Antibody CDR amino acids underlying the functionality of antibody repertoires in recognizing diverse protein antigens.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Peng HP, Hsu HJ, Yu CM
237. Robust osteogenic efficacy of 2α-heteroarylalkyl vitamin D analogue AH-1 in VDR (R270L) hereditary vitamin D-dependent rickets model rats.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Nishikawa M, Murose N, Mano H
238. Spaceborne NO(2) observations are sensitive to coal mining and processing in the largest coal basin of Russia.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Labzovskii LD, Belikov DA, Damiani A.
239. The molecular heterogeneity of the precancerous breast affects drug efficacy.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Bhardwaj A, Rojo RD, Ju Z
240. Optimal control for a SIR epidemic model with limited quarantine.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Balderrama R, Peressutti J, Pinasco JP
241. Wheat transcriptomic responses to extended feeding by wheat curl mites.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Pingault L(#), Luong TKN(#), Louis J
242. Blockade of CD47 enhances the antitumor effect of macrophages in renal cell carcinoma through trogocytosis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Park HR, Kim SE, Keam B
243. Thermal fluid fields reconstruction for nanofluids convection based on physics-informed deep learning.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Li Y, Liu T, Xie Y.
244. Engineered chimeric insecticidal crystalline protein improves resistance to lepidopteran insects in rice (Oryza sativa L.) and maize (Zea mays L.).
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Liu Y(#), Han S(#), Yang S
245. Structure-based prediction of BRAF mutation classes using machine-learning approaches.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Krebs FS, Britschgi C, Pradervand S
246. Experimental and numerical study of steady state stability in a toluene biodegrading biofilter.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Süß M, De Visscher A.
247. An in silico approach to study the role of epitope order in the multi-epitope-based peptide (MEBP) vaccine design.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Salaikumaran MR, Kasamuthu PS, Aathmanathan VS
248. Standardization and quantitative analysis of Araucaria Heterophylla extract via an UPLC-MS/MS method and its formulation as an antibacterial phytonanoemulsion gel.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Younis NA, Hemdan A, Zafer MM
249. A new L-shaped rigid beam FBG acceleration sensor.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Teng Y, Wang Y, Tang Y
250. Process optimization and technoeconomic environmental assessment of biofuel produced by solar powered microwave pyrolysis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 22
Fodah AEM, Abdelwahab TAM.
251. Demonstration of a new entity of non-perforated appendicitis through studying cluster of appendicitis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 21
Guo Y, Ye D, Yang G
252. Carboxylic acids derived from triacylglycerols that contribute to the increase in acid value during the thermal oxidation of oils.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 21
Sakaino M, Sano T, Kato S
253. Decision effect of a deep-learning model to assist a head computed tomography order for pediatric traumatic brain injury.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 21
Heo S, Ha J, Jung W
254. All organic homojunction PEDOT:PSS p-n diode.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 21
Aboulhadeed S, Ghali M, Ayad MM.
255. Rapid and sensitive detection of ovarian cancer biomarker using a portable single peak Raman detection method.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 21
Moothanchery M(#), Perumal J(#), Mahyuddin AP
256. Forecast of a future leveling of the incidence trends of female breast cancer in Taiwan: an age-period-cohort analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 21
Chen YC, Su SY, Jhuang JR
257. Reliability and accuracy of straightforward measurements for liver volume determination in ultrasound and computed tomography compared to real volumetry.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 21
Seppelt D, Kromrey ML, Ittermann T
258. A joint learning approach for genomic prediction in polyploid grasses.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 21
Aono AH, Ferreira RCU, Moraes ADCL
259. Prognostic value of molecular cytology by one-step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA) assay of peritoneal washings in advanced gastric cancer patients.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 21
Gęca K(#), Skórzewska M(#), Rawicz-Pruszyński K
260. Wildfire plumes in the Western US are reaching greater heights and injecting more aerosols aloft as wildfire activity intensifies.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Wilmot TY, Mallia DV, Hallar AG
261. Investigation of the correlation between diabetic retinopathy and prevalent and incident migraine in a national cohort study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Vergmann AS, Stokholm L, Rubin KH
262. Development of a rapid in vitro pre-screen for distinguishing effective liposome-adjuvant delivery systems.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Feather LAJ, Nadella V, Kastner E
263. Cryopreservation of six Symbiodiniaceae genera and assessment of fatty acid profiles in response to increased salinity treatments.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Kihika JK, Wood SA, Rhodes L
264. The effect of metformin on the survival of colorectal cancer patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Tarhini Z, Manceur K, Magne J
265. Comparing the clinical utility of single-shot, readout-segmented and zoomit echo-planar imaging in diffusion-weighted imaging of the kidney at 3 T.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Liu W(#), Liu H(#), Xie S
266. Repatriation of a historical North Atlantic right whale habitat during an era of rapid climate change.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
O'Brien O, Pendleton DE, Ganley LC
267. Immunomodulatory activity of extracts from five edible basidiomycetes mushrooms in Wistar albino rats.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Elhusseiny SM, El-Mahdy TS, Elleboudy NS
268. Association of serum s-adenosylmethionine, s-adenosylhomocysteine, and their ratio with the risk of dementia and death in a community.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Mihara A, Ohara T, Hata J
269. Current use of D-dimer for the exclusion of venous thrombosis in hospitalized patients.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Karny-Epstein N, Abuhasira R, Grossman A.
270. The fusion-fission optimization (FuFiO) algorithm.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Nouhi B, Darabi N, Sareh P
271. Eolian erosion of polygons in the Atacama Desert as a proxy for hyper-arid environments on Earth and beyond.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Sager C, Airo A, Arens FL
272. Modelling the interplay of SARS-CoV-2 variants in the United Kingdom.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Barreiro NL, Govezensky T, Ventura CI
273. Controlled release of vitamin D(3) using a nanocellulose-based membrane.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Colturato PL, Goveia D.
274. Resistance to grain protectants and synergism in Pakistani strains of Sitophilus oryzae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Khan T, Haider MS, Khan HAA.
275. Weakened pacific overturning circulation, winter monsoon dominance and tectonism re-organized Japan Sea paleoceanography during the Late Miocene global cooling.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Matsuzaki KM, Ikeda M, Tada R.
276. Locomotion of an untethered, worm-inspired soft robot driven by a shape-memory alloy skeleton.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Xu L(#), Wagner RJ(#), Liu S(#)
277. Sexual practices and HPV infection in unvaccinated young adults.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Pauli S, Kops NL, Bessel M
278. The value of social interactions and incentives on the use of a digital contact tracing tool post COVID-19 lockdown in Singapore.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Huang Z, Guo H, Lim HY
279. Net greenhouse gas balance with cover crops in semi-arid irrigated cropping systems.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Acharya P, Ghimire R, Paye WS
280. A clinical trial of a patient-customized virtual reality intervention for tinnitus.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Park DH(#), Han SS(#), Han M
281. Comparing two different automatic methods to measure femoral neck-shaft angle based on PointNet++ network.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Li Z(#), Yang J(#), Li X
282. Relationship between hyperhomocysteinemia and coexisting obesity with low skeletal muscle mass in asymptomatic adult population.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Yoo TK(#), Rhim HC(#), Lee YT
283. Mirabegron and solifenacin are effective for the management of the increased urinary frequency induced by psychological stress in female mice.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
West EG, McDermott C, Chess-Williams R
284. Evaluation of early innate and adaptive immune responses to the TB vaccine Mycobacterium bovis BCG and vaccine candidate BCGΔBCG1419c.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Gunasena M, Shukla RK, Yao N
285. Cone penetration index for soil behaviour type prediction.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Sodré DJR.
286. Clearance and persistence of Escherichia coli in the freshwater mussel Unio mancus.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Campos M, Lobato-Bailón L, Merciai R
287. Microinvasive breast cancer and the role of sentinel lymph node biopsy.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Hacking SM, Leonard KL, Wu D
288. Transition of a small Himalayan glacier lake outburst flood to a giant transborder flood and debris flow.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Sattar A, Haritashya UK, Kargel JS
289. Genetic dissection of grain iron and zinc, and thousand kernel weight in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using genome-wide association study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 20
Krishnappa G, Khan H, Krishna H
290. Transcriptome analysis of human cholangiocytes exposed to carcinogenic 1,2-dichloropropane in the presence of macrophages in vitro.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 2
Ekuban A, Shichino S, Zong C
291. Multi-scale electronics transport properties in non-ideal CVD graphene sheet.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 2
Bishnoi B, Buerkle M, Nakamura H.
292. Human enteric adenovirus F40/41 as a major cause of acute gastroenteritis in children in Brazil, 2018 to 2020.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 2
do Nascimento LG, Fialho AM, de Andrade JDSR
293. Hypertension and diabetes including their earlier stage are associated with increased risk of sudden cardiac arrest.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Kim YG(#), Roh SY(#), Han KD
294. Activation function 1 of progesterone receptor is required for mammary development and regulation of RANKL during pregnancy.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Lee SH(#), Yap YHY(#), Lim CL
295. Automatic parameter selection for electron ptychography via Bayesian optimization.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Cao MC, Chen Z, Jiang Y
296. Tibial sagittal and rotational alignment reduce patellofemoral stresses in posterior stabilized total knee arthroplasty.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Mizu-Uchi H, Ma Y, Ishibashi S
297. A simple proteinuria-based risk score predicts contrast-associated acute kidney injury after percutaneous coronary intervention.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Fujiwara W, Ishii H, Sobue Y
298. Comparison of three imaging and navigation systems regarding accuracy of pedicle screw placement in a sawbone model.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Beisemann N, Gierse J, Mandelka E
299. Rapid high-resolution volumetric imaging via laser ablation delayering and confocal imaging.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Phoulady A(#), May N(#), Choi H(#)
300. 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-derived reactive oxygen species stimulate ATP release via TRPA1 in human dental pulp cells.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Orimoto A, Kitamura C, Ono K.
301. Identification of FAT3 as a new candidate gene for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Nada D, Julien C, Papillon-Cavanagh S
302. Development of Ag(0.04)ZrO(2)/rGO heterojunction, as an efficient visible light photocatalyst for degradation of methyl orange.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Iqbal RMA, Akhtar T, Sitara E
303. Fluorescence and UV-visible reflectance in the fur of several Rodentia genera.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Sobral G, Souza-Gudinho F.
304. Effects of etomidate combined with dexmedetomidine on adrenocortical function in elderly patients: a double-blind randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Wang F, Yang Z, Zeng S
305. Allogeneic MHC-matched T-cell receptor α/β-depleted bone marrow transplants in SHIV-infected, ART-suppressed Mauritian cynomolgus macaques.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Weinfurter JT(#), D'Souza SS(#), Matschke LM
306. Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in a university outbreak setting and implications for public health planning.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Nickbakhsh S(#), Hughes J(#), Christofidis N
307. Class I PI3K regulatory subunits control differentiation of dendritic cell subsets and regulate Flt3L mediated signal transduction.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Thummar K, Rathinam CV.
308. Long-term anti-tumor effects following both conventional radiotherapy and FLASH in fully immunocompetent animals with glioblastoma.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Liljedahl E, Konradsson E, Gustafsson E
309. 3D food printing improves color profile and structural properties of the derived novel whole-grain sourdough and malt biscuits.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Kewuyemi YO, Kesa H, Meijboom R
310. The high-pressure lithium-palladium and lithium-palladium-hydrogen systems.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Frost M, McBride EE, Smith JS
311. Validation of Sport Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2) among Polish athletes and the relationship between anxiety and goal orientation in sport.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Tomczak M, Kleka P, Walczak A
312. Experimental study on deformation characteristics and pore characteristics variation of granite residual soil.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Yin S, Huang J, Li X
313. Methods for stroke severity assessment by chart review in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Koton S, Patole S, Carlson JM
314. Prediction and experimental evidence of the optimisation of the angular branching process in the thallus growth of Podospora anserina.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Ledoux C, Chapeland-Leclerc F, Ruprich-Robert G
315. Connecting nutritional facts with the traditional ranking of ethnobotanically used fodder grasses by local farmers in Central Punjab of Pakistan.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Harun N(#), Chaudhry AS(#), Shaheen S
316. PDA modification and properties of α-AlH(3).
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 19
Qin M, Yao B, Shi Q
317. Offset-decoupled deformable convolution for efficient crowd counting.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Zhong X, Qin J, Guo M
318. A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluating of a mouthwash containing Sambucus williamsii var. coreana extract for prevention of gingivitits.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Kim YR, Nam SH.
319. An experimental and theoretical characterization of the electronic structure of doubly ionised disulfur.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Olsson E, Ayari T, Ideböhn V
320. A retrospective cohort study of factors associated with severity of falls in hospital patients.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Ghosh M, O'Connell B, Afrifa-Yamoah E
321. Domain-level epitope mapping of polyclonal antibodies against HER-1 and HER-2 receptors using phage display technology.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Pérez-Martínez D, Infante YC, Ramírez BS
322. Cerebral small vessel disease as imaging biomarker predicting ocular cranial nerve palsy of presumed ischemic origin at admission.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Kang DW, Ha SY, Sung JJ
323. Latency period of PROM at term and the risk of neonatal infectious diseases.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Zhuang L(#), Li ZK(#), Zhu YF(#)
324. Multi-parametric analyses to investigate dependencies of normal left atrial strain by cardiovascular magnetic resonance feature tracking.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Eckstein J(#), Körperich H(#), Paluszkiewicz L
325. Artificial intelligence fully automated myocardial strain quantification for risk stratification following acute myocardial infarction.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Backhaus SJ(#), Aldehayat H(#), Kowallick JT
326. Titania nanospikes activate macrophage phagocytosis by ligand-independent contact stimulation.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Kartikasari N, Yamada M, Watanabe J
327. Meta-analytic evidence that mindfulness training alters resting state default mode network connectivity.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Rahrig H, Vago DR, Passarelli MA
328. Angiogenic gene characterization and vessel permeability of dermal microvascular endothelial cells isolated from burn hypertrophic scar.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Molina EA, Hartmann B, Oliver MA
329. Microcomputed tomography versus plethysmometer and electronic caliper in the measurements of lymphedema in the hindlimb of mice.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Bucan A, Wiinholt A, Dalaei F
330. Dynamical stochastic simulation of complex electrical behavior in neuromorphic networks of metallic nanojunctions.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Mambretti F, Mirigliano M, Tentori E
331. Geographic social inequalities in information-seeking response to the COVID-19 pandemic in China: longitudinal analysis of Baidu Index.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 18
Wang Z(#), Xiao H(#), Lin L
332. PAI-1 is a potential transcriptional silencer that supports bladder cancer cell activity.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 16
Furuya H, Sasaki Y, Chen R
333. Electrostatic interactions between single arginine and phospholipids modulate physiological properties of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 16
Yamasaki K, Daiho T, Yasuda S
334. Depression is a main determinant of health-related quality of life in patients with diabetic kidney disease.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 16
Kim S, Jeon J, Lee YJ(#)
335. Deep null fixing on optimal compromise among sum and difference patterns of thinned arrays through the Schelkunoff unit circle representation.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 16
Raíndo-Vázquez M, Rodríguez-González JA, López-Martín ME
336. Analysis of three-dimensional chromatin packing domains by chromatin scanning transmission electron microscopy (ChromSTEM).
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 16
Li Y(#), Agrawal V(#), Virk RKA(#)
337. Modeling of three dimensional Prandtl hybrid nano-material over a heated rotating cone involving hall and ion slip currents via finite element procedure.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 16
Sohail M, Nazir U, El-Zahar ER
338. Parameter optimization of PID controller for water and fertilizer control system based on partial attraction adaptive firefly algorithm.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 16
Huang M, Tian M, Liu Y
339. An experimental investigation of laser scabbling on cement-based materials using nanosecond fiber laser.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 16
Van Huynh T, Mondal M, Lee D.
340. Younger adults tolerate more relational risks in everyday life as revealed by the general risk-taking questionnaire.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 16
Law WHC, Yoshino S, Fong CY
341. Reduced dynamic loads due to hip dislocation induce acetabular cartilage degeneration by IL-6 and MMP3 via the STAT3/periostin/NF-κB axis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 16
Nakamura Y, Saitou M, Komura S
342. Leveraging whole blood based functional flow cytometry assays to open new perspectives for rheumatoid arthritis translational research.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 16
Cartagena García C, Balandraud N, Roudier J
343. Effects of solar irradiance noise on a complex marine trophic web.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 16
Grimaudo R, Lazzari P, Solidoro C
344. A multi-proxy bioarchaeological approach reveals new trends in Bronze Age diet in Italy.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 16
Varalli A, Moggi-Cecchi J, Goude G.
345. Coenzyme Q10 in the eye isomerizes by sunlight irradiation.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Mamun MA, Nabi MM, Sato T
346. Transcription-associated DNA DSBs activate p53 during hiPSC-based neurogenesis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Michel N, Young HMR, Atkin ND
347. Neural network-based method for diagnosis and severity assessment of Graves' orbitopathy using orbital computed tomography.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Lee J, Seo W, Park J
348. Relationship between subjective well-being and aripiprazole: an [(11)C]raclopride PET study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Kim S, Ock EY, Kwon JS
349. Research on instability characteristics and precursory effect of coal-rock parting-coal structures.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Liu Y, Wang JH, Lu CP
350. Immigrant background and socioeconomic status are associated with severe COVID-19 requiring intensive care.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Nordberg P(#), Jonsson M(#), Hollenberg J
351. Periodical assessment of four horns of knee meniscus using MR T2 mapping imaging in volunteers before and after amateur marathons.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Zhang X(#), Li J(#), Ren C
352. High gain DC/DC converter with continuous input current for renewable energy applications.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Mansour AS, Amer AH, El-Kholy EE
353. Ultrafast optical control of surface and bulk magnetism in magnetic topological insulator/antiferromagnet heterostructure.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Liu P, Eckberg C, Pan L
354. Quantification of synthetic errors during chemical synthesis of DNA and its suppression by non-canonical nucleosides.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Masaki Y, Onishi Y, Seio K.
355. The non-volatile electrostatic doping effect in MoTe(2) field-effect transistors controlled by hexagonal boron nitride and a metal gate.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Khan MA(#), Khan MF(#), Rehman S
356. The prevalence of psychological stress in student populations during the COVID-19 epidemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Fang Y, Ji B, Liu Y
357. IHACRES, GR4J and MISD-based multi conceptual-machine learning approach for rainfall-runoff modeling.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Mohammadi B, Safari MJS, Vazifehkhah S.
358. Acute and protracted abstinence from methamphetamine bidirectionally changes intrinsic excitability of indirect pathway spiny projection neurons in the dorsomedial striatum.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Choi S, Du Y, Wokosin DL
359. Validation and promise of a TCR mimic antibody for cancer immunotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Liu C(#), Liu H(#), Dasgupta M
360. Relaxation anisotropy of quantitative MRI parameters in biological tissues.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Hänninen NE, Liimatainen T, Hanni M
361. Ovicidal and repellent activities of several plant essential oils against Periplaneta americana L. and enhanced activities from their combined formulation.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Soonwera M, Moungthipmalai T, Takawirapat W
362. Discovery of a novel class of benzimidazoles as highly effective agonists of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) receptor signaling.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Najafi S, Barasa L, Huang SY
363. Sound localization in web-based 3D environments.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Rajguru C, Brianza G, Memoli G.
364. Plasmonic hot spots reveal local conformational transitions induced by DNA double-strand breaks.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Seweryn S, Skirlińska-Nosek K, Wilkosz N
365. Statistical evaluation of proxies for estimating the rainfall erosivity factor.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Ma X, Zheng M.
366. Transmission history of SARS-CoV-2 in humans and white-tailed deer.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Willgert K, Didelot X, Surendran-Nair M
367. Accurate image-based CSF volume calculation of the lateral ventricles.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Yepes-Calderon F, McComb JG.
368. Uric acid and cardiometabolic risk by gender in youth with type 1 diabetes.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 15
Di Bonito P(#), Rosanio FM(#), Marcovecchio ML
369. Non-monotonous dose response function of the termination of spiral wave chaos.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Lilienkamp T, Parlitz U, Luther S.
370. A rationally identified panel of microRNAs targets multiple oncogenic pathways to enhance chemotherapeutic effects in glioblastoma models.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Sadeghipour N, Kumar SU, Massoud TF
371. Lanthanoid-containing polyoxometalate nanocatalysts in the synthesis of bioactive isatin-based compounds.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Daraie M, Mirzaei M, Bazargan M
372. Multi-omics study identifies novel signatures of DNA/RNA, amino acid, peptide, and lipid metabolism by simulated diabetes on coronary endothelial cells.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Moreno-Ulloa A, Delgado-De la Herrán HC, Álvarez-Delgado C
373. Spatiotemporal characteristics and influencing factors of grain yield at the county level in Shandong Province, China.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
He H, Ding R, Tian X.
374. Clustering analysis and prognostic signature of lung adenocarcinoma based on the tumor microenvironment.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Shan Q, Zhang Y, Liang Z.
375. Carbon nanoparticle-entrapped macroporous Mn(3)O(4) microsphere anodes with improved cycling stability for Li-ion batteries.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Kozawa T, Kitabayashi F, Fukuyama K
376. LRP-1 receptor combines EGFR signalling and eHsp90α autocrine to support constitutive breast cancer cell motility in absence of blood supply.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Chang C(#), Tang X(#), Mosallaei D
377. Reprocessed magnetorheological elastomers with reduced carbon footprint and their piezoresistive properties.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Munteanu A, Ronzova A, Kutalkova E
378. The rise of Indian summer monsoon precipitation extremes and its correlation with long-term changes of climate and anthropogenic factors.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Falga R, Wang C.
379. How well have CMIP3, CMIP5 and CMIP6 future climate projections portrayed the recently observed warming.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Carvalho D, Rafael S, Monteiro A
380. Cabin1 domain-containing gene picd-1 interacts with pry-1/Axin to regulate multiple processes in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Mallick A, Taylor SKB, Mehta S
381. Network-medicine framework for studying disease trajectories in U.S. veterans.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
do Valle IF, Ferolito B, Gerlovin H
382. Circ_0000181 regulates miR-667-5p/NLRC4 axis to promote pyroptosis progression in diabetic nephropathy.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Li Y, Yu W, Xiong H
383. Nutritional support for successful weaning in patients undergoing prolonged mechanical ventilation.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Lo SC, Ma KS, Li YR
384. Genomic palaeoparasitology traced the occurrence of Taenia asiatica in ancient Iran (Sassanid Empire, 2th cent. CE-6th cent. CE).
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Askari Z, Ruehli F, Bouwman A
385. Chromosomal phase improves aneuploidy detection in non-invasive prenatal testing at low fetal DNA fractions.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Genovese G, Mello CJ, Loh PR
386. Genital microbiota of women using a 90 day tenofovir or tenofovir and levonorgestrel intravaginal ring in a placebo controlled randomized safety trial in Kenya.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 14
Dabee S, Mugo N, Mudhune V
387. Proteomic profiling of plasma exosomes from patients with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Zhu S, Xing C, Li R
388. Inducing Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in symmetrical multilayers using post annealing.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Ahmadi K, Mahfouzi F, Jamilpanah L
389. Regulation of extracellular matrix components by AmrZ is mediated by c-di-GMP in Pseudomonas ogarae F113.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Blanco-Romero E, Garrido-Sanz D, Durán D
390. Rapid, in-field deployable, avian influenza virus haemagglutinin characterisation tool using MinION technology.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
de Vries EM, Cogan NOI, Gubala AJ
391. Mortality rate of high cardiovascular risk patients with mild cognitive impairment.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Yaneva-Sirakova T, Traykov L.
392. The Campsis-Icterus association as a model system for avian nectar-robbery studies.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Graves GR.
393. Maternal childbirth experience and time in labor: a population-based cohort study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Carlhäll S, Nelson M, Svenvik M
394. Improved inpatient deterioration detection in general wards by using time-series vital signs.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Su CF, Chiu SI, Jang JR
395. The impact of implantation site on procedure success in patients with unresolved facial palsy treated with upper-eyelid gold weight loading.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Nowak-Gospodarowicz I, Koktysz R, Rękas M.
396. The influence and acting pattern of China's national carbon emission trading scheme on regional ecologicalization efficiency of industry.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Fu C, Huang Y, Zheng Y
397. Cross-sectional computed tomography assessment of exophthalmos in comparison to clinical measurement via Hertel exophthalmometry.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Klingenstein A, Samel C, Garip-Kübler A
398. Low anti-Müllerian hormone levels are associated with an increased risk of incident early-onset vasomotor symptoms among premenopausal women.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
NamGoung S(#), Chang Y(#), Kim Y
399. Use of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes and probiotic in finely ground starters to improve calf performance.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Khademi AR, Hashemzadeh F, Khorvash M
400. Varus stress MRI in the refined assessment of the posterolateral corner of the knee joint.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Ciba M, Winkelmeyer EM, Schock J
401. A first-principles-based high fidelity, high throughput approach for the design of high entropy alloys.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Sorkin V, Yu ZG, Chen S
402. Mapping and determinants of consumption of egg and/or flesh foods and zero vegetables or fruits among young children in SSA.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Hailu BA, Geremew BM, Liverani S
403. Experimental study on the influence of mental fatigue on risk decision-making of miners.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Jia A, Guo X, Tian S.
404. Exploratory analysis using machine learning of predictive factors for falls in type 2 diabetes.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Suzuki Y, Suzuki H, Ishikawa T
405. Ultrafast-UV laser integrating cavity device for inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Ambardar S(#), Howell MC Jr(#), Mayilsamy K(#)
406. Spatiotemporal expression of HMGB2 regulates cell proliferation and hepatocyte size during liver regeneration.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Yano K, Choijookhuu N, Ikenoue M
407. Transgenic overexpression of microRNA-30d in pancreatic beta-cells progressively regulates beta-cell function and identity.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Mao Y, Schoenborn J, Wang Z
408. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma associated immune-gene signature as a novo risk factor for clinical prognosis prediction in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Dai L(#), Mugaanyi J(#), Cai X
409. A portable negative pressure unit reduces bone cement fumes in a simulated operating room.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Carroll GT, Kirschman DL.
410. Deficiency of protocadherin 9 leads to reduction in positive emotional behaviour.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Uemura M, Furuse T, Yamada I
411. Phase synchronization of chlorophyll and total phosphorus oscillations as an indicator of the transformation of a lake ecosystem.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Rusakov AV, Adamovich BV, Nurieva NI
412. Aerobic capacity of professional soccer players before and after COVID-19 infection.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Parpa K, Michaelides M.
413. Preoperative prediction of the need for arterial and central venous catheterization using machine learning techniques.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Suh J, Lee SW.
414. Moving closer to experimental level materials property prediction using AI.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Jha D(#), Gupta V(#), Liao WK
415. Short-sighted decision-making by those not vaccinated against COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Halilova JG, Fynes-Clinton S, Green L
416. Physics of emergence beyond Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition for interacting topological quantum matter.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Kumar RR, Sarkar S.
417. SARS-CoV-2 potential drugs, drug targets, and biomarkers: a viral-host interaction network-based analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Samy A(#), Maher MA(#), Abdelsalam NA
418. Case study of the convergent evolution in the color patterns in the freshwater bivalves.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Asato K, Nakayama K, Imai T.
419. The evolution of neurosensation provides opportunities and constraints for phenotypic plasticity.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Chen EY, Adams DK.
420. Reconstructing firm-level interactions in the Dutch input-output network from production constraints.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Ialongo LN, de Valk C, Marchese E
421. Predictive factors for massive hemorrhage in women with retained products of conception: a prospective study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Sonehara R, Nakamura T, Iwase A
422. Characterization of mitochondrial dysfunction due to laser damage by 2-photon FLIM microscopy.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 13
Alam SR, Wallrabe H, Christopher KG
423. Electrochemical investigation of carbon paper/ZnO nanocomposite electrodes for capacitive anion capturing.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 12
Chalangar E, Björk EM, Pettersson H.
424. Analysis of entropy production in a bi-convective magnetized and radiative hybrid nanofluid flow using temperature-sensitive base fluid (water) properties.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 12
Barman T, Roy S, Chamkha AJ.
425. The conserved C-terminal residues of FAM83H are required for the recruitment of casein kinase 1 to the keratin cytoskeleton.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 12
Kuga T, Inoue N, Sometani K
426. Data-driven discovery of the governing equations of dynamical systems via moving horizon optimization.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 12
Lejarza F, Baldea M.
427. A single session of exercise reduces blood pressure reactivity to stress: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 12
Mariano IM, Amaral AL, Ribeiro PAB
428. On the mechanism of marine fouling-prevention performance of oil-containing silicone elastomers.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 12
Kolle S, Ahanotu O, Meeks A
429. Structural controls on bedrock weathering in crystalline basement terranes and its implications on groundwater resources.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 12
Pradhan RM, Singh A, Ojha AK
430. O-terminated interface for thickness-insensitive transport properties of aluminum oxide Josephson junctions.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 12
Shan Z, Gou X, Sun H
431. Anti-proliferative and immunomodulatory potencies of cinnamon oil on Ehrlich ascites carcinoma bearing mice.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 12
Morsi DS, El-Nabi SH, Elmaghraby MA
432. Treadmill locomotion in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) produces dynamic changes in intracranial cerebrospinal fluid pressure.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 12
Young BA, Cramberg MJ.
433. Prevalence of fatigue at one-year follow-up from the Gothenburg recovery and rehabilitation after COVID-19 and intensive care unit study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 12
Hussain N, Samuelsson CM, Drummond A
434. Mycobacterium intracellulare induces a Th17 immune response via M1-like macrophage polarization in canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 12
Kim S, Hyun YS, Park HT
435. Electrochemical behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel in simulated solution containing high concentration Cl(-) and saturated CO(2) at different temperatures.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 12
Li Y, Zhu S, Xian J
436. Effects of yoga on cardiometabolic risks and fetomaternal outcomes are associated with serum nitric oxide in gestational hypertension: a randomized control trial.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 12
Karthiga K, Pal GK, Dasari P
437. Reduced cerebral vascular fractal dimension among asymptomatic individuals as a potential biomarker for cerebral small vessel disease.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 11
Aminuddin N, Achuthan A, Ruhaiyem NIR
438. Flow field characteristics and experimental research on inner-jet electrochemical face grinding of SUS420J2 stainless steel.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 11
Wang F, He Y, Wu X
439. A human IgM enriched immunoglobulin preparation, Pentaglobin, reverses autoimmune diabetes without immune suppression in NOD mice.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 11
Wilson CS, Hoopes EM, Falk AC
440. Risk trajectories of complications in over one thousand newly diagnosed individuals with type 2 diabetes.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 11
Höskuldsdóttir G, Franzén S, Eeg-Olofsson K
441. Multimorbidity and multi-disability among the elderly in residential care in India: the Hyderabad Ocular Morbidity in Elderly Study (HOMES).
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 11
Marmamula S, Kumbham TR, Shidhaye R
442. Thermodynamically-guided machine learning modelling for predicting the glass-forming ability of bulk metallic glasses.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 11
Ghorbani A, Askari A, Malekan M
443. The effectiveness of 20 μg hepatitis B vaccine used for the prevention of HBV vertical transmission.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 11
Yonghao G(#), Yanping C(#), Qiaohua D
444. The COVID-19 pandemic in Brazilian pregnant and postpartum women: results from the REBRACO prospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 11
Souza RT, Cecatti JG, Pacagnella RC
445. Retinal drusen counts are increased in inflammatory bowel disease, and with longer disease duration, more complications and associated IgA glomerulonephritis.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 11
Nicklason E(#), Ham Y(#), Ng D
446. Stockwell transform and semi-supervised feature selection from deep features for classification of BCI signals.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 11
Salimpour S, Kalbkhani H, Seyyedi S
447. Sulindac acetohydrazide derivative attenuates against cisplatin induced organ damage by modulation of antioxidant and inflammatory signaling pathways.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 11
Razak S(#), Afsar T(#), Bibi N(#)
448. Sea lions could use multilateration localization for object tracking as tested with bio-inspired whisker arrays.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 11
Glick R, Muthuramalingam M, Brücker C.
449. Non-political anger shifts political preferences towards stronger leaders.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 11
Ambroziak KB, Safra L, Tsakiris M.
450. An accurate alignment-free protein sequence comparator based on physicochemical properties of amino acids.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Akbari Rokn Abadi S, Abdosalehi AS, Pouyamehr F
451. Familiarity modulates both intra- and interspecific yawn contagion in red-capped mangabeys.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Pedruzzi L, Aychet J, Le Vern L
452. Diagnostic accuracy of quick SOFA score and inflammatory biomarkers for predicting community-onset bacteremia.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Matono T, Yoshida M, Koga H
453. RF-CNN-F: random forest with convolutional neural network features for coronary artery disease diagnosis based on cardiac magnetic resonance.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Khozeimeh F, Sharifrazi D, Izadi NH
454. Postoperative recovery patterns following discectomy surgery in patients with lumbar radiculopathy.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Wang S, Hebert JJ, Abraham E
455. Leaf bacterial microbiota response to flooding is controlled by plant phenology in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Francioli D, Cid G, Hajirezaei MR
456. Sensorimotor performance after high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation over the primary somatosensory or motor cortices in men versus women.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Swissa Y, Hacohen S, Friedman J
457. Characteristics and mortality of 561,379 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Germany until December 2021 based on real-life data.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Kloka JA(#), Blum LV(#), Old O
458. A novel hamster model of SARS-CoV-2 respiratory infection using a pseudotyped virus.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Yamada H, Sasaki SI, Tani H
459. Biophysical evaluation of treating adipose tissue-derived stem cells using non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Shojaei E, Zare S, Shirkavand A
460. J-Matrix time propagation of atomic hydrogen in attosecond fields.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Gersbacher R, Broad JT.
461. Interactions of boron nitride nanosheet with amino acids of differential polarity.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Najafi F, Farzad F, Pasban S.
462. Computational assessment of groundwater salinity distribution within coastal multi-aquifers of Bangladesh.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Jamei M, Karbasi M, Malik A
463. Interleukin 7 inhibit autophagy via P53 regulated AMPK/mTOR signaling pathway in non-small cell lung cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Zhu Y, Jiang X, Ding Z
464. Propensity-score matched analysis to evaluate efficacy of endoscopic submucosal dissection for superficial esophageal cancer in gastrectomized patients.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Hamada Y, Tanaka K, Katsurahara M
465. Optimization of industrial (3000 L) production of Bacillus subtilis CW-S and its novel application for minituber and industrial-grade potato cultivation.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Abuhena M(#), Al-Rashid J(#), Azim MF(#)
466. The role of serum Wisteria floribunda agglutinin-positive Mac-2 binding protein in the assessment of fibrosis in children with chronic hepatitis C.
Sci Rep
2022 Jul 1
Tajiri H, Suzuki M, Bessho K
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