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2021 Aug (418)
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2021 Jun (526)
2021 May (423)
1. Red-seaweed biostimulants differentially alleviate the impact of fungicidal stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 9
Banakar SN, PrasannaKumar MK, Mahesh HB
2. Influence of Chlorella vulgaris on growth, digestibility and gut morphology and microbiota of weaned piglet.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 9
Martins CF, Trevisi P, Coelho DF
3. Decoding herbal materials of TCM preparations with the multi-barcode sequencing approach.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 9
Yao Q(#), Zhu X(#), Han M
4. A glibenclamide-sensitive TRPM4-mediated component of CA1 excitatory postsynaptic potentials appears in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 9
Fearey BC, Binkle L, Mensching D
5. Experimental evidence challenges the presumed defensive function of a "slow toxin" in cycads.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 9
Whitaker MRL, Gilliéron F, Skirgaila C
6. Facile fabrication of ternary MWCNTs/ZnO/Chitosan nanocomposite for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue and antibacterial activity.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 8
Malekkiani M, Heshmati Jannat Magham A, Ravari F
7. Fireworks ocular injury in Saudi children: profile and management outcomes.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 8
AlGhadeer H, Khandekar R.
8. Analytic solution for double optical metasurface beam scanners.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 8
Wang J, Ge Y, Chen ZD
9. Impact of experience on visual behavior and driving performance of high-speed train drivers.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 8
Du Y, Zhi JY, He SJ.
10. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided side-fenestrated needle biopsy sampling is sensitive for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors but inadequate for tumor grading: a prospective study.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 8
Appelstrand A, Bergstedt F, Elf AK
11. Indigenous cellulolytic aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacterial community enhanced the composting of rice straw and chicken manure with biochar addition.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 8
Zainudin MHM, Singam JT, Sazili AQ
12. Development and validation of a predictive nomogram for preoperative deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in isolated calcaneal fracture.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 8
Cheng X(#), Lei X(#), Wu H
13. Processing of high temperature alumina/aluminum titanate ceramic composites from clean sources.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 8
Besisa NHA, Besisa DHA, Ewais EMM.
14. Hysteretic hERG channel gating current recorded at physiological temperature.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 8
Jones DK.
15. Ultrasound and nerve stimulator guidance lumbar transforaminal epidural block for the treatment of patients with lumbosacral radicular pain.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 8
Emami SA, Sanatkar M, Espahbodi E
16. Anticancer, antioxidant, antiviral and antimicrobial activities of Kei Apple (Dovyalis caffra) fruit.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 8
Qanash H, Yahya R, Bakri MM
17. Prenatal opioid-exposed infant extracellular miRNA signature obtained at birth predicts severity of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 8
Mahnke AH, Roberts MH, Leeman L
18. Relationships between species richness and ecosystem services in Amazonian forests strongly influenced by biogeographical strata and forest types.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 8
Steur G, Ter Steege H, Verburg RW
19. Detection and discrimination of neutron capture events for NCEPT dose quantification.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 7
Chacon A, Kielly M, Rutherford H
20. Behavioral intentions of rural farmers to recycle human excreta in agriculture.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 7
Gwara S, Wale E, Odindo A.
21. Executive failure hypothesis explains the trait-level association between motivation and mind wandering.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 7
Kawagoe T.
22. Evaluation of a new transcutaneous bilirubinometer in newborn infants.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 7
Norman M, Aytug H, Celebi HB.
23. High intestinal parasite infection detected in children from Región Autónoma Atlántico Norte (R.A.A.N.) of Nicaragua.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 7
Muñoz-Antoli C, Pérez P, Pavón A
24. Affective response to physical activity as a deep phenotype in a non-randomized pilot study.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 7
Lee HH, McGeary JE, Dunsiger S
25. Optimization of the nutritional constituents for ergosterol peroxide production by Paecilomyces cicadae based on the uniform design and mathematical model.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 7
Fenhui S, He L, Qian J
26. Individual treatment effect estimation in the presence of unobserved confounding using proxies: a cohort study in stage III non-small cell lung cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 7
van Amsterdam WAC, Verhoeff JJC, Harlianto NI
27. Quantum spinning photonic circulator.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 7
Jing YW.
28. Ultra-sensitive detection of pyridine in water using zinc porphyrin incorporated in a transparent hydrophobic film.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Sasai R, Aoyama YH, Fujimura T.
29. Preoperative quadriceps muscle strength deficit severity predicts knee function one year after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Kim DK, Park G, Wang JH
30. The impact of Tamarix invasion on the soil physicochemical properties.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Araya T, Mlahlwa AV, Elbasit MAMA
31. SaliVISION: a rapid saliva-based COVID-19 screening and diagnostic test with high sensitivity and specificity.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
DeFina SM, Wang J, Yang L
32. DNA damage alters EGFR signaling and reprograms cellular response via Mre-11.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Volman Y, Hefetz R, Galun E
33. Characterization and molecular docking study of cathepsin L inhibitory peptides (SnuCalCpIs) from Calotropis procera R. Br.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Kwon CW(#), Yeo S(#), Chang PS.
34. The first family of application-specific integrated circuits for programmable and reconfigurable metasurfaces.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Petrou L, Kossifos KM, Antoniades MA
35. Acute-phase serum amyloid A for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients with low AFP level.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Wu JL, Su TH, Chen PJ
36. Assessment of the predictive potential of cognitive scores from retinal images and retinal fundus metadata via deep learning using the CLSA database.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Corbin D, Lesage F.
37. Mapping the wildland-urban interface in California using remote sensing data.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Li S, Dao V, Kumar M
38. Monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies using dried blood spot for at-home collection.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Miesse PK, Collier BB, Grant RP.
39. In.To. COVID-19 socio-epidemiological co-causality.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Galbraith E, Li J, Rio-Vilas VJD
40. Association mapping of autumn-seeded rye (Secale cereale L.) reveals genetic linkages between genes controlling winter hardiness and plant development.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Båga M, Bahrani H, Larsen J
41. Development and exploration of novel substituted thiosemicarbazones as inhibitors of aldose reductase via in vitro analysis and computational study.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Imran A, Shehzad MT, Shah SJA
42. Complex drought patterns robustly explain global yield loss for major crops.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Santini M, Noce S, Antonelli M
43. Impact of rice paddy agriculture on habitat usage of migratory shorebirds at the rice paddy scale in Korea.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Choi SH, Choi G, Nam HK.
44. Enhanced processing of aversive stimuli on embodied artificial limbs by the human amygdala.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Fourcade A, Schmidt TT, Nierhaus T
45. Excitatory neurons in paraventricular hypothalamus contributed to the mechanism underlying acupuncture regulating the swallowing function.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Yuan S, Deng B, Ye Q
46. An analysis of student essays on medical leadership and its educational implications in South Korea.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Lee IR(#), Jung H(#), Lee Y
47. Wildmeat consumption and child health in Amazonia.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Carignano Torres P, Morsello C, Orellana JDY
48. System dynamics modeling of lake water management under climate change.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Bozorg-Haddad O, Dehghan P, Zolghadr-Asli B
49. Effect of vitamin E supplementation on cardiometabolic risk factors, inflammatory and oxidative markers and hormonal functions in PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome): a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Tefagh G, Payab M(#), Qorbani M
50. An ambient air quality evaluation model based on improved evidence theory.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Sun Q, Zhang T, Wang X
51. Mechanical and microstructural performance of concrete containing high-volume of bagasse ash and silica fume.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 6
Amin MN, Ahmad A, Shahzada K
52. Improved method of fire hazard assessment taking into account the effect of the primary temperature of a coal seam on the desorption ratio of gas indicators.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 5
Więckowski M, Howaniec N, Smoliński A.
53. National trends in ideal cardiovascular health among adults in Bhutan from three cross-sectional surveys in 2007, 2014, and 2019.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 5
Pengpid S, Peltzer K.
54. Fusion of fully integrated analog machine learning classifier with electronic medical records for real-time prediction of sepsis onset.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 5
Sadasivuni S(#), Saha M(#), Bhatia N
55. Anxiety symptoms, rule learning, and cognitive flexibility in non-clinical psychosis.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 5
Park JS, Damme KSF, Kuhney FS
56. Assessment of the epi-pericardial fibrotic substrate by collagen-targeted probes.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 5
Ezeani M, Noor A, Donnelly PS
57. Intravascular ultrasound-factors associated with slow flow following rotational atherectomy in heavily calcified coronary artery.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 5
Jinnouchi H, Sakakura K, Taniguchi Y
58. Applicability of the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann theory to contact angle problems and application to the carbon dioxide-brine-solid systems.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 5
Amadu M, Miadonye A.
59. A microbiome study reveals the potential relationship between the bacterial diversity of a gymnastics hall and human health.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 5
Liang Z, Dong CB, Liang H
60. Influence of infrastructure, ecology, and underpass-dimensions on multi-year use of Standard Gauge Railway underpasses by mammals in Tsavo, Kenya.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 5
Lala F, Chiyo PI, Omondi P
61. Metasurface magnetless specular isolator.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 5
Lavigne G, Kodera T, Caloz C.
62. Lipid phosphate phosphatase 3 in smooth muscle cells regulates angiotensin II-induced abdominal aortic aneurysm formation.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 5
Van Hoose PM, Yang L, Kraemer M
63. Halotolerant biofilm-producing rhizobacteria mitigate seawater-induced salt stress and promote growth of tomato.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 4
Haque MM, Biswas MS, Mosharaf MK
64. Psychological distress and mental health trajectories during the COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina: a longitudinal study.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 4
Fernández RS, Crivelli L, Guimet NM
65. Comparative mitogenomics and phylogenetics of the family Carangidae with special emphasis on the mitogenome of the Indian Scad Decapterus russelli.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 4
Jose A, Sukumaran S, Mukundan LP
66. Investigation of Fusobacterium Nucleatum in saliva and colorectal mucosa: a pilot study.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 4
Idrissi Janati A, Karp I, Von Renteln D
67. Proteomic analysis of the periodontal pathogen Prevotella intermedia secretomes in biofilm and planktonic lifestyles.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 4
Karched M, Bhardwaj RG, Qudeimat M
68. Deposition, microstructure and nanoindentation of multilayer Zr nitride and carbonitride nanostructured coatings.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 4
Ul-Hamid A.
69. Coupling genetic structure analysis and ecological-niche modeling in Kersting's groundnut in West Africa.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 4
Coulibaly M, Idohou R, Akohoue F
70. Biosynthesis of S-adenosyl-methionine enhances aging-related defects in Drosophila oogenesis.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 4
Hayashi Y, Kashio S, Murotomi K
71. Housing environment and mental health of Europeans during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-country comparison.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 4
Keller A, Groot J, Matta J
72. Addressing the range anxiety of battery electric vehicles with charging en route.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 4
Chakraborty P, Parker R, Hoque T
73. Analytical modelling of soil porosity and bulk density across the soil organic matter and land-use continuum.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 30
Robinson DA, Thomas A, Reinsch S
74. Deep parameter-free attention hashing for image retrieval.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 30
Yang W, Wang L, Cheng S.
75. Molecular dynamics simulations of the secondary-binding site in disaccharide-modified glycopeptide antibiotics.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 30
Olademehin OP, Shuford KL, Kim SJ.
76. Prevalence of anemia and association with mortality in community-dwelling elderly in Thailand.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 30
Karoopongse E, Srinonprasert V, Chalermsri C
77. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment induces more severe macular capillary changes than central serous chorioretinopathy.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Lee J(#), Seo EJ(#), Yoon YH.
78. Identification of an autophagy-related gene signature for predicting prognosis and immune activity in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Deng J, Zhang Q, Lv L
79. Using de novo genome assembly and high-throughput sequencing to characterize the MHC region in a non-model bird, the Eurasian coot.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Pikus E, Minias P.
80. A turning point in the bacterial nanocellulose production employing low doses of gamma radiation.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Al-Hagar OEA, Abol-Fotouh D.
81. Comprehensive decoding mental processes from Web repositories of functional brain images.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Menuet R(#), Meudec R(#), Dockès J
82. Differences in visual field loss pattern when transitioning from SITA standard to SITA faster.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Le CT, Fiksel J, Ramulu P
83. Increased NUSAP1 expression is associated with lymph node metastasis and survival prognosis in bladder urothelial carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Hou J(#), Lu Z(#), Liu X(#)
84. Proteomics of lung tissue reveals differences in inflammation and alveolar-capillary barrier response between atelectasis and aerated regions.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Rashid A, Zeng C, Motta-Ribeiro G
85. The relationship of muscular endurance and coordination and dexterity with behavioral and neuroelectric indices of attention in preschool children.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Kao SC, Tsai YJ, Hsieh SS
86. Phosphate-regulated expression of the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum for pandemic diagnostics.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Slattery SS, Giguere DJ, Stuckless EE
87. Doping of carbon nanotubes by halogenated solvents.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Taborowska P, Stando G, Sahlman M
88. Postural control during turn on the light task assisted by functional electrical stimulation in post stroke subjects.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Sousa ASP, Moreira J, Silva C
89. Metal nanoparticles functionalized with nutraceutical Kaempferitrin from edible Crotalaria juncea, exert potent antimicrobial and antibiofilm effects against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Shamprasad BR(#), Lotha R(#), Nagarajan S
90. Organocatalytic activity of granaticin and its involvement in bactericidal function.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Nishiyama T, Enomoto N, Nagayasu R
91. GC-MS and LC-TOF-MS profiles, toxicity, and macrophage-dependent in vitro anti-osteoporosis activity of Prunus africana (Hook f.) Kalkman Bark.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Komakech R, Shim KS, Yim NH
92. Trends in female breast cancer incidence, mortality, and survival in Austria, with focus on age, stage, and birth cohorts (1983-2017).
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Ilic L, Haidinger G, Simon J
93. Age and sex effects across the blood proteome after ionizing radiation exposure can bias biomarker screening and risk assessment.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Langen B, Vorontsov E, Spetz J
94. Genome-wide association study identifies loci and candidate genes for grain micronutrients and quality traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 29
Rathan ND, Krishna H, Ellur RK
95. Sustainable human population density in Western Europe between 560.000 and 360.000 years ago.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Rodríguez J, Willmes C, Sommer C
96. A novel soluble epoxide hydrolase vaccine protects murine cardiac muscle against myocardial infarction.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Kitsuka T, Shiraki A, Oyama JI
97. Concordance between biparametric MRI, transperineal targeted plus systematic MRI-ultrasound fusion prostate biopsy, and radical prostatectomy pathology.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Noh TI, Shim JS, Kang SG
98. A randomised study to assess the nicotine pharmacokinetics of an oral nicotine pouch and two nicotine replacement therapy products.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Azzopardi D, Ebajemito J, McEwan M
99. Differences in total stored C and N in dryland red soil caused by different long-term fertilization practices.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Xi W, Liu K, Yu X
100. Evaluation of corneal nerves and dendritic cells by in vivo confocal microscopy after Descemet's membrane keratoplasty for bullous keratopathy.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Shimizu T, Hayashi T, Ishida A
101. The importance of pH adjustment for preventing fibrin glue dissolution in the stomach: an in vitro study.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Takegawa Y, Takao T, Sakaguchi H
102. Femtosecond laser-assisted corneal transplantation with a low-energy, liquid-interface system.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Liu YC(#), Morales-Wong F(#), Patil M
103. Performance of innovative nanomaterials for bone remains consolidation and effect on (14)C dating and on palaeogenetic analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Porpora F, Zaro V, Liccioli L
104. Full factorial design and dynamic modelling of silent and ultrasound-assisted lead and cadmium removal by porous biosorbent.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Ahmed SB, Dobre T, Kamar FH
105. Laser ablation assisted micropattern screen printed transduction electrodes for sensing applications.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Rehmani MAA, Lal K, Shaukat A
106. Dominant transcript expression profiles of human protein-coding genes interrogated with GTEx dataset.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Tung KF, Pan CY, Lin WC.
107. Airway epithelial interferon response to SARS-CoV-2 is inferior to rhinovirus and heterologous rhinovirus infection suppresses SARS-CoV-2 replication.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Vanderwall ER, Barrow KA, Rich LM
108. Strength training alters the tissue fatty acids profile and slightly improves the thermogenic pathway in the adipose tissue of obese mice.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
de Melo DG, Anaruma CP, da Cruz Rodrigues KC
109. The role of neurotrophin genes involved in the vulnerability to gambling disorder.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Solé-Morata N(#), Baenas I(#), Etxandi M
110. Reservoir computing with dielectric relaxation at an electrode-ionic liquid interface.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 28
Koh SG, Shima H, Naitoh Y
111. Weak spin-flip scattering in Pd(89)Ni(11) interlayer of NbN-based ferromagnetic Josephson junctions.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Pham D, Sugimoto R, Oba K
112. A perspective of scale differences for studying the green total factor productivity of Chinese laying hens.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Zhong S, Chen X, Li J
113. Extending UTAUT with national identity and fairness to understand user adoption of DCEP in China.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Wu B, An X, Wang C
114. Correlation between structure, chromaticity, and dielectric properties of calcium copper pyrophosphates, Ca(2-x)Cu(x)P(2)O(7).
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Baitahe R, Sronsri C, Thompho S
115. Compressive behaviour of anisotropic mycelium-based composites.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Rigobello A, Ayres P.
116. Establishment and a comparative transcriptomic analysis of a male-specific cell line from the African malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Krzywinska E, Ferretti L, Krzywinski J.
117. Optimizing antiviral therapy for COVID-19 with learned pathogenic model.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Dutta A.
118. Real-time segmentation method of billet infrared image based on multi-scale feature fusion.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Zhang L, Nan Q, Bian S
119. Apparent absence of avian malaria and malaria-like parasites in northern blue-footed boobies breeding on Isla Isabel.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Roldán-Zurabián F, José Ruiz-López M, de la Puente JM
120. Super-strong magnetic field-dominated ion beam dynamics in focusing plasma devices.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Morace A, Abe Y, Honrubia JJ
121. Phases of stability during major hydroclimate change ending the Last Glacial in the Levant.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Müller D, Neugebauer I, Ben Dor Y
122. Universality of political corruption networks.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Martins AF, da Cunha BR, Hanley QS
123. Superoxide dismutase 6 is required during metamorphosis for the development of properly movable legs in Tribolium castaneum.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Nishiko M, Sakamoto T, Mun S
124. Obstetric outcomes during delivery hospitalizations among obese pregnant women in the United States.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Rubens M, Ramamoorthy V, Saxena A
125. Characterization of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from patients suspected of pulmonary or bubonic plague during the Madagascar epidemic in 2017.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Rakotondrasoa A, Andrianonimiadana LM, Rahajandraibe S
126. Automated estimation of cancer cell deformability with machine learning and acoustic trapping.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Lee OJ, Lim HG, Shung KK
127. Clinical significance of baseline Pan-Immune-Inflammation Value and its dynamics in metastatic colorectal cancer patients under first-line chemotherapy.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Pérez-Martelo M(#), González-García A(#), Vidal-Ínsua Y
128. Comprehensive human amniotic fluid metagenomics supports the sterile womb hypothesis.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Wang H, Yang GX, Hu Y
129. Analysis of oxidative stress, inflammation and endothelial function following intravenous iron in chronic kidney disease in the Iron and Heart Trial.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Kassianides X, Allgar V, Macdougall IC
130. Differences between human and machine perception in medical diagnosis.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Makino T, Jastrzębski S, Oleszkiewicz W
131. The nano- and meso-scale structure of amorphous calcium carbonate.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Clark SM, Colas B, Jacob DE
132. Changes to the gut microbiota of a wild juvenile passerine in a multidimensional urban mosaic.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Maraci Ö, Corsini M, Antonatou-Papaioannou A
133. Bone marrow transplantation induces changes in the gut microbiota that chronically increase the cytokine response pattern of splenocytes.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 27
Katiraei S, van Diepen JA, Tavares LP
134. Bioimpedance spinal needle provides high success and low complication rate in lumbar punctures of pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 26
Långström S, Huurre A, Kari J
135. A multi-suckling system combined with an enriched housing environment during the growing period promotes resilience to various challenges in pigs.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 26
Parois SP, Van Der Zande LE, Knol EF
136. Light dependent synthesis of a nucleotide second messenger controls the motility of a spirochete bacterium.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 26
Xu J(#), Koizumi N(#), Morimoto YV(#)
137. Metamaterial sensor based on rectangular enclosed adjacent triple circle split ring resonator with good quality factor for microwave sensing application.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 26
Islam MR, Islam MT, M MS
138. Grasp-squeeze adaptation to changes in object compliance leads to dynamic beta-band communication between primary somatosensory and motor cortices.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 26
Cu H, Lynch L, Huang K
139. Temperature gradient of vertical air column in gravitational field.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 26
Jeong HM, Park S.
140. Definition of the snoring episode index based on the analyses of snoring parameters and the apnea hypopnea index.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 26
Kim SG, Cho SW, Kim JW.
141. Imaging furcation defects with low-dose cone beam computed tomography.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 26
Ruetters M, Gehrig H, Kim TS
142. Multi-angle quantum approximate optimization algorithm.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 26
Herrman R, Lotshaw PC, Ostrowski J
143. Modeling and characterization of stochastic resistive switching in single Ag(2)S nanowires.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 26
Frick N(#), Hosseini M(#), Guilbaud D
144. Improved virtual extensometer measurement method in complex multi-fracture situation.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 26
Chai J, Ouyang Y, Liu J
145. Toward passive BCI: asynchronous decoding of neural responses to direction- and angle-specific perturbations during a simulated cockpit scenario.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 26
Jalilpour S, Müller-Putz G.
146. General cognitive decline does not account for older adults' worse emotion recognition and theory of mind.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 26
Kong Q, Currie N, Du K
147. A novel ND1 mitochondrial DNA mutation is maternally inherited in growth hormone transgenesis in amago salmon (Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae).
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 25
Sato T, Goto-Inoue N, Kimishima M
148. Unveiling OASIS family as a key player in hypoxia-ischemia cases induced by cocaine using generative adversarial networks.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 25
Lee K(#), Kim T(#), Cheon M
149. Using virtual global landmark to improve incidental spatial learning.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 25
Liu J, Singh AK, Lin CT.
150. Molecular mechanisms of bifunctional vitamin D receptor agonist-histone deacetylase inhibitor hybrid molecules in triple-negative breast cancer.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 25
Barbier C, Mansour A, Ismailova A
151. Automated segmentation of the fractured vertebrae on CT and its applicability in a radiomics model to predict fracture malignancy.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 25
Park T, Yoon MA, Cho YC
152. Mixture-modeling approach reveals global and local processes in visual crowding.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 25
Jimenez M, Kimchi R, Yashar A.
153. Evaluation and application of the CROPGRO-soybean model for determining optimum sowing windows of soybean in the Nigeria savannas.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 25
Bebeley JF, Kamara AY, Jibrin JM
154. Immunoreactivity of humanized single-chain variable fragment against its functional epitope on domain 1 of CD147.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 25
Intasai N, Rangnoi K, Yamabhai M
155. Characterization of the high-pressure and high-temperature phase diagram and equation of state of chromium.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 25
Anzellini S, Errandonea D, Burakovsky L
156. TLR4 and SARM1 modulate survival and chemoresistance in an HPV-positive cervical cancer cell line.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 25
Morale MG, Tamura RE, Cintra R
157. Magnetic chitosan stabilized Cu(II)-tetrazole complex: an effective nanocatalyst for the synthesis of 3-imino-2-phenylisoindolin-1-one derivatives under ultrasound irradiation.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 25
Nasrollahzadeh M, Shafiei N, Orooji Y.
158. Investigation of optical and electrical properties of novel 4T all perovskite tandem solar cell.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 25
Moradbeigi M, Razaghi M.
159. Role of Majorana fermions in high-harmonic generation from Kitaev chain.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 25
Pattanayak A, Pujari S, Dixit G.
160. Effects of ALT-801, a GLP-1 and glucagon receptor dual agonist, in a translational mouse model of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 23
Nestor JJ, Parkes D, Feigh M
161. Neuroforamen stenosis remains a challenge in conventional computed tomography and new dual-energy techniques.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 23
Ditges AK, Diekhoff T, Engelhard N
162. Matamatas Chelus spp. (Testudines, Chelidae) have a remarkable evolutionary history of sex chromosomes with a long-term stable XY microchromosome system.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 23
Viana PF, Feldberg E, Takagui FH
163. Utility of an artificial intelligence system for classification of esophageal lesions when simulating its clinical use.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 23
Tajiri A, Ishihara R, Kato Y
164. Human amniotic fluid stem cells can alleviate detrusor dysfunction caused by bladder outlet obstruction in rats.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 23
Liang CC, Huang WC, Shaw SW
165. Causal associations of circulating adiponectin with cardiometabolic diseases and osteoporotic fracture.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 23
Zhang M(#), Chen X(#), Zhu Y
166. An experimental study on strength improvement of expansive subgrades by polypropylene fibers and geogrid reinforcement.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 23
Tiwari N, Satyam N.
167. Unemployed individuals contact GPs more frequently but report lower satisfaction: results of the population-based DEGS1 and the GPCare-1 patient survey.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 23
Ikar N, Sommer S, Schmidt M
168. Renoprotective effects of ferric citrate in a mouse model of chronic kidney disease.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 23
Hanudel MR, Czaya B, Wong S
169. Periodic attention operates faster during more complex visual search.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 23
Merholz G, Grabot L, VanRullen R
170. Asteltoxin inhibits extracellular vesicle production through AMPK/mTOR-mediated activation of lysosome function.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 23
Mitani F(#), Lin J(#), Sakamoto T
171. Selection of oxygen reduction catalysts for secondary tri-electrode zinc-air batteries.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 23
Loh A, Trudgeon DP, Li X
172. Spatial links between subchondral bone architectural features and cartilage degeneration in osteoarthritic joints.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 23
Ajami S, Javaheri B, Chang YM
173. Simultaneous monitoring of the middle cerebral and basilar arteries to detect right-to-left shunts using transcranial Doppler by agitated saline administration.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Kim M, Park SY, Hong JM.
174. Self-esteem depends on beliefs about the rate of change of social approval.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Low AAY(#), Hopper WJT(#), Angelescu I
175. 3D isotope density measurements by energy-resolved neutron imaging.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Losko AS, Vogel SC.
176. FT-IR characteristics, phenolic profiles and inhibitory potential against digestive enzymes of 25 herbal infusions.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Wongsa P, Phatikulrungsun P, Prathumthong S.
177. Maternal breast milk microbiota and immune markers in relation to subsequent development of celiac disease in offspring.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Štšepetova J(#), Simre K(#), Tagoma A
178. Determination of key residues in MRGPRX2 to enhance pseudo-allergic reactions induced by fluoroquinolones.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Hamamura-Yasuno E, Matsushita J, Sato S
179. Investigation of the correlation between immune thrombocytopenia and T cell activity-regulated gene polymorphism using functional study.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Chen DP, Lin WT, Wen YH
180. The probabilistic pool punishment proportional to the difference of payoff outperforms previous pool and peer punishment.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Ohdaira T.
181. Influence of hand-arm self-avatar motion delay on the directional perception induced by an illusory sensation of being twisted.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Amemiya T.
182. Protein-bound sialic acid in saliva contributes directly to salivary anti-influenza virus activity.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Kobayashi K(#), Shono C(#), Mori T
183. Automated quantitative high-throughput multiplex immunofluorescence pipeline to evaluate OXPHOS defects in formalin-fixed human prostate tissue.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Sachdeva A, Hart CA, Carey CD
184. Mortality and readmission rates of patients discharged in-hours and out-of-hours from a British ICU over a 3-year period.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Cumberworth J, Chequers M, Bremner S
185. Surgical Apgar Score and Controlling Nutritional Status Score are significant predictors of major complications after cervical spine surgery.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Miura K, Koda M, Funayama T
186. Entropy analysis and grey cluster analysis of multiple indexes of 5 kinds of genuine medicinal materials.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Zhou L, Jiang C, Lin Q.
187. Detrimental health relationship between blood lead and cadmium and the red blood cell folate level.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Wang BK, Chen WL.
188. Fast environmental sound classification based on resource adaptive convolutional neural network.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Fang Z, Yin B, Du Z
189. Ferroptosis-related lncRNA signature predicts the prognosis and immune microenvironment of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 22
Fang C(#), Liu S(#), Feng K
190. Retrospective genomics highlights changes in genetic composition of tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) and potential loss of a south-eastern Australia population.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 21
Manuzzi A, Jiménez-Mena B, Henriques R
191. One-step preparation of RGO/Fe(3)O(4)-FeVO(4) nanocomposites as highly effective photocatalysts under natural sunlight illumination.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 21
Alsulami QA, Rajeh A, Mannaa MA
192. Baicalin regulates autophagy to interfere with small intestinal acute graft-versus-host disease.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 21
Sun X, Pisano M, Xu L
193. Early indicators of microbial strain dysbiosis in the human gastrointestinal microbial community of certain healthy humans and hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 21
Koo H, Morrow CD.
194. The distribution of manta rays in the western North Atlantic Ocean off the eastern United States.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 21
Farmer NA, Garrison LP, Horn C
195. Alterations of mucosa-attached microbiome and epithelial cell numbers in the cystic fibrosis small intestine with implications for intestinal disease.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 21
Kelly J, Al-Rammahi M, Daly K
196. Comparison of vision-related quality of life in patients with homonymous hemianopia and monocular blindness.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 21
Choi HY, Kim SJ, Kim SY
197. Reliable P wave detection in pathological ECG signals.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 21
Saclova L, Nemcova A, Smisek R
198. Next generation automated traceless cell chromatography platform for GMP-compliant cell isolation and activation.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 21
Radisch S(#), Poltorak MP(#), Wagner M
199. The influence of contact lenses with different optical designs on the binocular vision and visual behavior of young adults.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 21
Chen ST(#), Tung HC(#), Chen YT
200. A novel algorithm for cardiovascular screening using conjunctival microcirculatory parameters and blood biomarkers.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 21
Awuah A, Moore JS, Nesbit MA
201. Changes in neural processing and evaluation of negative facial expressions after administration of an open-label placebo.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 21
Schienle A, Unger I, Schwab D.
202. eDNA-based detection of the invasive crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus in streams with a LAMP assay using dependent replicates to gain higher sensitivity.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 21
Porco D, Hermant S, Purnomo CA
203. Clinical diagnosis of metabolic disorders using untargeted metabolomic profiling and disease-specific networks learned from profiling data.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 21
Thistlethwaite LR(#), Li X(#), Burrage LC
204. Dynamics of maternal gene expression in Rhodnius prolixus.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 20
Pascual A, Rivera-Pomar R.
205. Higher mortality and intubation rate in COVID-19 patients treated with noninvasive ventilation compared with high-flow oxygen or CPAP.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 20
Marti S, Carsin AE, Sampol J
206. Transcriptome analysis of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells revealed fetal programming due to chorioamnionitis.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 20
Noguchi Y(#), Taki A(#), Honda I
207. Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation driven by primary motor cortex γ2 activity in parkinsonian monkeys.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 20
Darbin O, Hatanaka N, Takara S
208. Scientific investigation of a fractional model based on hybrid nanofluids with heat generation and porous medium: applications in the drilling process.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 20
Khan D, Kumam P, Khan I
209. Human forager response to abrupt climate change at 8.2 ka on the Atlantic coast of Europe.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 20
García-Escárzaga A, Gutiérrez-Zugasti I, Marín-Arroyo AB
210. Smart-parking management algorithms in smart city.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 20
Jemmali M, Melhim LKB, Alharbi MT
211. Severe acute kidney disease is associated with worse kidney outcome among acute kidney injury patients.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 20
Chen YW, Wu MY, Mao CH
212. Development and validation of cost-effective one-step multiplex RT-PCR assay for detecting the SARS-CoV-2 infection using SYBR Green melting curve analysis.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 20
Sarkar SL(#), Alam ASMRU(#), Das PK(#)
213. Variable-heavy (VH) families influencing IgA1&2 engagement to the antigen, FcαRI and superantigen proteins G, A, and L.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 20
Ling WL, Su CT, Lua WH
214. Qualitative study identifies life shifts and stress coping strategies in people with multiple sclerosis.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 20
Lex H, Price P, Clark L.
215. Ultrasound waves in tumors via needle irradiation for precise medicine.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 20
Cutolo A, Carotenuto AR, Cutolo MA
216. Effectiveness of emotional freedom techniques (EFT) vs sleep hygiene education group therapy (SHE) in management of sleep disorders among elderly.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 20
Souilm N, Elsakhy NM, Alotaibi YA
217. Night work, chronotype and cortisol at awakening in female hospital employees.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 20
Burek K, Rabstein S, Kantermann T
218. Epigenetic and post-transcriptional repression support metabolic suppression in chronically hypoxic goldfish.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 2
Farhat E, Talarico GGM, Grégoire M
219. A suspension technique for efficient large-scale cancer organoid culturing and perturbation screens.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 2
Price S, Bhosle S, Gonçalves E
220. Black Kites on a flyway between Western Siberia and the Indian Subcontinent.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 2
Literák I, Škrábal J, Karyakin IV
221. Potential cannabidiol (CBD) repurposing as antibacterial and promising therapy of CBD plus polymyxin B (PB) against PB-resistant gram-negative bacilli.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 19
Abichabki N, Zacharias LV(#), Moreira NC(#)
222. A novel 2-phase residual U-net algorithm combined with optimal mass transportation for 3D brain tumor detection and segmentation.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 19
Lin WW, Lin JW, Huang TM
223. Atrial fibrillation designation with micro-Raman spectroscopy and scanning acoustic microscope.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 19
Parlatan U, Parlatan S, Sen K
224. The effects of embodying wildlife in virtual reality on conservation behaviors.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 19
Pimentel D, Kalyanaraman S.
225. Collisional positron acoustic soliton and double layer in an unmagnetized plasma having multi-species.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 19
Akter S, Hafez MG.
226. Biodegradable cellulose nanocrystals hydrogels for removal of acid red 8 dye from aqueous solutions.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 19
Abdelaziz RM, El-Maghraby A, Sadik WA
227. Assessment of heterogeneous Head Start treatment effects on cognitive and social-emotional outcomes.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 19
Lee SY, Kim R, Rodgers J
228. Factors influencing wind turbine avoidance behaviour of a migrating soaring bird.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 19
Santos CD(#), Ramesh H(#), Ferraz R
229. A multi-parameter persistence framework for mathematical morphology.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 19
Chung YM, Day S, Hu CS.
230. Comprehensive analysis of epigenetics regulation, prognostic and the correlation with immune infiltrates of GPX7 in adult gliomas.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 19
Ferreira WAS, Vitiello GAF, da Silva Medina T
231. The association between hypomagnesemia and poor glycaemic control in type 1 diabetes is limited to insulin resistant individuals.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 19
Oost LJ, van Heck JIP, Tack CJ
232. Cationic vacancies as defects in honeycomb lattices with modular symmetries.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 19
Kanyolo GM, Masese T.
233. Lipid composition of the Amazonian 'Mountain Sacha Inchis' including Plukenetia carolis-vegae Bussmann, Paniagua & C.Téllez.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 19
Kodahl N, Frandsen HB, Lütken H
234. Molar loss induces hypothalamic and hippocampal astrogliosis in aged mice.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 18
Furukawa M, Tada H, Wang J
235. Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase from Trypanosoma brucei cleanses cytosolic pools from deaminated nucleotides.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 18
Vidal AE, Yagüe-Capilla M, Martínez-Arribas B
236. Anti-blastocystosis activity of antioxidant coated ZIF-8 combined with mesoporous silicas MCM-41 and KIT-6.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 17
Jermy BR, Al-Jindan RY, Ravinayagam V
237. Babesiosis in cattle and ixodid tick distribution in Dasenech and Salamago Districts, southern Ethiopia.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 16
Fesseha H, Mathewos M, Eshetu E
238. Investigating the dispersal of macro- and microplastics on agricultural fields 30 years after sewage sludge application.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 16
Weber CJ, Santowski A, Chifflard P.
239. Error rate reduction of single-qubit gates via noise-aware decomposition into native gates.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 16
Maldonado TJ, Flick J, Krastanov S
240. Texture evolution during processing and post-processing of maraging steel fabricated by laser powder bed fusion.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 16
Kannan R, Nandwana P.
241. Agavin induces beneficial microbes in the shrimp microbiota under farming conditions.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 16
Ochoa-Romo JP, Cornejo-Granados F, Lopez-Zavala AA
242. An exploration of new methods for metabolic syndrome examination by infrared thermography and knowledge mining.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 16
Mi BH(#), Zhang WZ(#), Xiao YH
243. Observational study of rebiopsy in EGFR-TKI-resistant patients with EGFR mutation-positive advanced NSCLC.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 16
Koyama K, Miura S, Watanabe S
244. Deep 3D attention CLSTM U-Net based automated liver segmentation and volumetry for the liver transplantation in abdominal CT volumes.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 16
Jeong JG(#), Choi S(#), Kim YJ
245. Unity yield of deterministically positioned quantum dot single photon sources.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 16
Laferrière P, Yeung E, Miron I
246. The coral reef-dwelling Peneroplis spp. shows calcification recovery to ocean acidification conditions.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 16
Charrieau LM, Nagai Y, Kimoto K
247. Time dependent analysis of rat microglial surface markers in traumatic brain injury reveals dynamics of distinct cell subpopulations.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Gottlieb A, Toledano-Furman N, Prabhakara KS
248. Dual role of melatonin as an anti-colitis and anti-extra intestinal alterations against acetic acid-induced colitis model in rats.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Ahmed O, Farid A, Elamir A.
249. Biochemical changes and macrophage polarization of a silane-based endodontic irrigant in an animal model.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Daood U, Ilyas MS, Ashraf M
250. Deep learning model for tongue cancer diagnosis using endoscopic images.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Heo J, Lim JH, Lee HR
251. Aberrant functional connectivity and temporal variability of the dynamic pain connectome in patients with low back related leg pain.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Pei Y, Peng J, Zhang Y
252. Piezo1 activation using Yoda1 inhibits macropinocytosis in A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Kuriyama M(#), Hirose H(#), Masuda T
253. The role of epiphytes in seagrass productivity under ocean acidification.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Berlinghof J, Peiffer F, Marzocchi U
254. Seasonal and sexual variation in mRNA expression of selected adipokine genes affecting fat deposition and metabolism of the emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae).
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Kim JE, Bennett DC, Wright K
255. An integrated expert weight determination method for design concept evaluation.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Chen Z, Zhong P, Liu M
256. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between uric acid levels and chronic kidney disease.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Gonçalves DLN, Moreira TR, da Silva LS.
257. Rationale and performances of a data-driven method for computing the duration of pharmacological prescriptions using secondary data sources.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Pazzagli L, Liang D, Andersen M
258. Transcriptome analysis reveals anthocyanin regulation in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.) at low temperatures.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Dai Y(#), Zhang L(#), Sun X
259. Efficient double-layer sintering of titanomagnetite concentrate.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Xu L, Liu H, Cheng D
260. Blindfolded adults use mental transformation strategies for spatial scaling of tactile maps.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Szubielska M, Möhring W.
261. An activation specific anti-Mac-1 designed ankyrin repeat protein improves survival in a mouse model of acute lung injury.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Siegel PM(#), Przewosnik AS, Wrobel J
262. Loss of microbiota-derived protective metabolites after neutropenic fever.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Rashidi A, Ebadi M, Rehman TU
263. Thermo-mechanical properties of 3D printed photocurable shape memory resin for clear aligners.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Lee SY(#), Kim H(#), Kim HJ
264. The impact of maternal influences on childhood obesity.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Hsu PC, Hwang FM, Chien MI
265. Misfolding-induced chronic pancreatitis in CPA1 N256K mutant mice is unaffected by global deletion of Ddit3/Chop.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Németh BC(#), Demcsák A(#), Geisz A
266. Decoding personalized motor cortical excitability states from human electroencephalography.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Hussain SJ, Quentin R.
267. Valorization of spent disposable wooden chopstick as the CO(2) adsorbent for a CO(2)/H(2) mixed gas purification.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Koo-Amornpattana W, Jonglertjunya W, Phadungbut P
268. Signal voids of active cardiac implants at 3.0 T CMR.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Reiter T, Weiss I, Weber OM
269. Development of a paper printed colorimetric sensor based on Cu-Curcumin nanoparticles for evolving point-of-care clinical diagnosis of sodium.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Chandran N, Janardhanan P, Bayal M
270. Machine learning models for prediction of adverse events after percutaneous coronary intervention.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Niimi N, Shiraishi Y, Sawano M
271. Non-invasive sampling of water-borne hormones demonstrates individual consistency of the cortisol response to stress in laboratory zebrafish (Danio rerio).
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Midttun HLE, Øverli Ø, Tudorache C
272. Cross subkey side channel analysis based on small samples.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Hu F, Wang H, Wang J.
273. Key connection between gravitational instability in physical gels and granular media.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Kobayashi KU, Kurita R.
274. Culture and multiomic analysis of lung cancer patient-derived pleural effusions revealed distinct druggable molecular types.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Seo HY(#), Kim SC(#), Roh WL
275. Understanding of cell death induced by the constituents of Taxus yunnanensis wood.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 15
Akao Y, Terazawa R, Sugito N
276. Radiation dose-rate is a neglected critical parameter in dose-response of insects.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 14
Yamada H, Dias VS, Parker AG
277. Inactivation of various variant types of SARS-CoV-2 by indoor-light-sensitive TiO(2)-based photocatalyst.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 14
Nakano R, Yamaguchi A, Sunada K
278. Computational prediction of the molecular mechanism of statin group of drugs against SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 14
Ghosh D(#), Ghosh Dastidar D(#), Roy K(#)
279. Predictors of impaired SARS-CoV-2 immunity in healthcare workers after vaccination with BNT162b2.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 14
Bertram S, Blazquez-Navarro A, Seidel M
280. Smoking has disruptive effects on the small bowel luminal microbiome.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 14
Leite G, Barlow GM, Hosseini A
281. Genome-wide interaction analysis of menopausal hormone therapy use and breast cancer risk among 62,370 women.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 13
Wang X, Kapoor PM, Auer PL
282. Impact of temperature, inoculum flow pattern, inoculum type, and their ratio on dry anaerobic digestion for biogas production.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 13
Hossain MS, Karim TU, Onik MH
283. Impaired surface marker expression in stimulated Epstein-Barr virus transformed lymphoblasts from Barth Syndrome patients.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 13
Zegallai HM, Hatch GM.
284. Identification of additional dye tracers for measuring solid food intake and food preference via consumption-excretion in Drosophila.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 13
Shell BC, Grotewiel M.
285. The relationship between stability of interpersonal coordination and inter-brain EEG synchronization during anti-phase tapping.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 13
Kurihara Y, Takahashi T, Osu R.
286. Functionalized graphene oxide nanosheets with folic acid and silk fibroin as a novel nanobiocomposite for biomedical applications.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 13
Eivazzadeh-Keihan R, Alimirzaloo F, Aghamirza Moghim Aliabadi H
287. The appropriate and sequential value of standard radiograph, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging to characterize a bone tumor.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 13
Gaume M, Chevret S, Campagna R
288. Antioxidant potential and essential oil properties of Hypericum perforatum L. assessed by application of selenite and nano-selenium.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 13
Nazari MR, Abdossi V, Hargalani FZ
289. Amplification of elliptically polarized sub-femtosecond pulses in neon-like X-ray laser modulated by an IR field.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 13
Khairulin IR, Antonov VA, Ryabikin MY
290. Negative affective burden is associated with higher resting-state functional connectivity in subjective cognitive decline.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 13
Schwarz C(#), Benson GS(#), Antonenko D
291. Instability motion characteristics of overburden rock and the distribution pattern of fissures in shallow thick seam mining.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 13
Li J, Liu C, Guo X
292. Circuit network theory of n-horizontal bridge structure.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 13
Fang XY, Tan ZZ.
293. An optimal selection method of wells for secondary fracturing in a single coal seam and its application.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 12
Tan X, Ni X, Li Z
294. Design of an ultra-wideband omnidirectional and polarization insensitive flower petal antenna for potential ambient electromagnetic energy harvesting applications.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 12
Wang WC, Garu P.
295. Unique evidence of fluid alteration in the Kakowa (L6) ordinary chondrite.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 12
Baziotis IP, Ma C, Guan Y
296. Non-destructive crystallinity assessment of indomethacin in tablets made from smartFilms(®) using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 12
Ornik J, Heidrich L, Schesny R
297. Enhanced in situ H(2)O(2) production explains synergy between an LPMO with a cellulose-binding domain and a single-domain LPMO.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 12
Stepnov AA, Eijsink VGH, Forsberg Z.
298. Polarization based discrete variables quantum key distribution via conjugated homodyne detection.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 12
Ramos MF(#), Pinto AN, Silva NA(#).
299. Longitudinal in-vivo quantification of tumour microvascular heterogeneity by optical coherence angiography in pre-clinical radiation therapy.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 12
Allam N, Jeffrey Zabel W, Demidov V
300. Association of bleb formation with peri-aneurysmal contact in unruptured intracranial aneurysms.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 12
Satoh T(#), Yagi T(#), Sawada Y
301. Real world data of anticoagulant treatment in non-valvular atrial fibrillation across renal function status.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 12
Calderon JM, Martinez F, Fernandez A
302. Exploring cellulose nanocrystals obtained from olive tree wastes as sustainable crop protection tool against bacterial diseases.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 12
Schiavi D, Francesconi S, Taddei AR
303. An influence of dew point temperature on the occurrence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis disease in Chennai, India.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 12
Krishnan R, Thiruvengadam K, Jayabal L
304. Experimental evolution of active Brownian grains driven by quantum effects in superfluid helium.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 12
Petrov OF, Boltnev RE, Vasiliev MM.
305. Medical image segmentation model based on triple gate MultiLayer perceptron.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 12
Yan J, Wang X(#), Cai J
306. Cross-border malaria drivers and risk factors on the Brazil-Venezuela border between 2016 and 2018.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 11
Wangdi K(#), Wetzler E(#), Marchesini P
307. Genetic structure in neotropical birds with different tolerance to urbanization.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 11
Rodríguez-Bardía M, Fuchs EJ, Barrantes G
308. Clustering of Parkinson subtypes reveals strong influence of DRD2 polymorphism and gender.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 11
Pelzer EA(#), Stürmer S(#), Feis DL
309. Longitudinal [(18)]UCB-H/[(18)F]FDG imaging depicts complex patterns of structural and functional neuroplasticity following bilateral vestibular loss in the rat.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 11
Antons M, Lindner M, Grosch M
310. Dispositional gratitude, health-related factors, and lipid profiles in midlife: a biomarker study.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 11
Hartanto A, Majeed NM, Lua VYQ
311. Tuneable conductivity at extreme electric fields in ZnO tetrapod-silicone composites for high-voltage power cable insulation.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 11
Greijer H, Mirotta N, Treossi E
312. Biological activities and phenolic compounds of olive oil mill wastewater from Abani, endemic Algerian variety.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 11
Gueboudji Z, Addad D, Kadi K
313. Learning-based cable coupling effect modeling for robotic manipulation of heavy industrial cables.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 11
Mou F, Wang B, Wu D.
314. A multi-omics approach to elucidate the mechanisms of action of a dietary muramidase administered to broiler chickens.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Brugaletta G, De Cesare A, Laghi L
315. A comparison of international and national references to measure the prevalence of stunting in Pakistani school-age girls.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Qaisar R, Karim A.
316. Metformin is associated with favorable outcomes in patients with COVID-19 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Ma Z, Patel N, Vemparala P
317. Molecular mechanisms of Huanglian jiedu decoction on ulcerative colitis based on network pharmacology and molecular docking.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Yang J(#), Tang C(#), Jin R(#)
318. XGB-DrugPred: computational prediction of druggable proteins using eXtreme gradient boosting and optimized features set.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Sikander R, Ghulam A, Ali F.
319. Effect of SARs-CoV-2 pandemic on infection prevention behaviors and bacterial burden of high touch surfaces in a medical/surgical setting.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Resendiz M, Blanchard DM, Lustik MB
320. Influence of the autotaxin-lysophosphatidic acid axis on cellular function and cytokine expression in different breast cancer cell lines.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Hauck T, Kadam S, Heinz K
321. Magnetic UiO-66 functionalized with 4,4'-diamino-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic as a highly recoverable acid catalyst for the synthesis of 4H-chromenes in green solvent.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Khodabakhshi MR, Baghersad MH.
322. Strain-resolved analysis in a randomized trial of antibiotic pretreatment and maintenance dose delivery mode with fecal microbiota transplant for ulcerative colitis.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Smith BJ, Piceno Y, Zydek M
323. Longitudinal relationship of liver injury with inflammation biomarkers in COVID-19 hospitalized patients using a joint modeling approach.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Diaz-Louzao C, Barrera-Lopez L, Lopez-Rodriguez M
324. A deep learning model (FociRad) for automated detection of γ-H2AX foci and radiation dose estimation.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Wanotayan R, Chousangsuntorn K, Petisiwaveth P
325. Ceramides and phospholipids in plasma extracellular vesicles are associated with high risk of major cardiovascular events after carotid endarterectomy.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Timmerman N(#), Waissi F(#), Dekker M
326. Structural basis to repurpose boron-based proteasome inhibitors Bortezomib and Ixazomib as β-lactamase inhibitors.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Perbandt M(#), Werner N(#), Prester A
327. Characterization of an engineered mucus microenvironment for in vitro modeling of host-microbe interactions.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Huang AJ, O'Brien CL, Dawe N
328. Improved calibration of electrochemical aptamer-based sensors.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Downs AM, Gerson J, Leung KK
329. Rapid surface uplift and crustal flow in the Central Andes (southern Peru) controlled by lithospheric drip dynamics.
Sci Rep
2022 Apr 1
Göğüş OH, Sundell K, Uluocak EŞ
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