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2021 Nov (441)
2021 Oct (419)
2021 Sep (453)
2021 Aug (418)
2021 Jul (450)
2021 Jun (526)
2021 May (423)
1. Collagen fiber regulation in human pediatric aortic valve development and disease.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Clift CL, Su YR, Bichell D
2. Incorporating false negative tests in epidemiological models for SARS-CoV-2 transmission and reconciling with seroprevalence estimates.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Bhattacharyya R, Kundu R, Bhaduri R
3. Characterizing the impact of MnO(2) addition on the efficiency of Fe(0)/H(2)O systems.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Cao V, Alyoussef G, Gatcha-Bandjun N
4. Temporal structure of brain oscillations predicts learned nocebo responses to pain.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Thomaidou MA(#), Blythe JS(#), Houtman SJ(#)
5. A systematic review and meta-analysis of regional risk factors for critical outcomes of COVID-19 during early phase of the pandemic.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Kim HJ(#), Hwang H(#), Hong H
6. Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 is a novel target of the γ-secretase complex.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Bartolomé A, Liang J, Wang P
7. Effects of methane ratio on MPDF (micro-pilot dual-fuel) combustion characteristic in a heavy-duty single cylinder engine.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Choi M, Mohiuddin K, Park S.
8. Low human dystrophin levels prevent cardiac electrophysiological and structural remodelling in a Duchenne mouse model.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Marchal GA, van Putten M, Verkerk AO
9. Evaluation of the performance and gas emissions of a tractor diesel engine using blended fuel diesel and biodiesel to determine the best loading stages.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Emaish H, Abualnaja KM, Kandil EE
10. Tracking the time course of reproduction number and lockdown's effect on human behaviour during SARS-CoV-2 epidemic: nonparametric estimation.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Pillonetto G, Bisiacco M, Palù G
11. Structural insight into Pichia pastoris fatty acid synthase.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Snowden JS, Alzahrani J, Sherry L
12. A combined microfluidic deep learning approach for lung cancer cell high throughput screening toward automatic cancer screening applications.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Hashemzadeh H(#), Shojaeilangari S(#), Allahverdi A
13. Characteristics of soil salt crust formed by mixing calcium chloride with sodium sulfate and the possibility of inhibiting wind-sand flow.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Li S, Li C, Fu X.
14. Multi-channel transorbital electrical stimulation for effective stimulation of posterior retina.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Lee S, Park J, Kwon J
15. The modulation of neural insular activity by a brain computer interface differentially affects pain discrimination.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Taesler P, Rose M.
16. Prevalence and risk factors of anxiety and depression among the community-dwelling elderly in Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory, Myanmar.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Cho SM, Saw YM, Saw TN
17. In vivo cell proliferation analysis and cell-tracing reveal the global cellular dynamics of periodontal ligament cells under mechanical-loading.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Mizukoshi M, Kaku M, Thant L
18. Multiple social network influences can generate unexpected environmental outcomes.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Yletyinen J, Perry GLW, Stahlmann-Brown P
19. Effects of TiO(2) structure and Co addition as a second metal on Ru-based catalysts supported on TiO(2) for selective hydrogenation of furfural to FA.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Tolek W, Nanthasanti N, Pongthawornsakun B
20. Neuroticism is positively associated with leptin/adiponectin ratio, leptin and IL-6 in young adults.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Syk M, Isaksson J, Rasmusson AJ
21. Endothelial glycocalyx degradation and disease severity in Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi malaria.
Sci Rep
2021 May 7
Barber BE, Grigg MJ, Piera KA
22. Determination and dietary risk assessment of 284 pesticide residues in local fruit cultivars in Shanghai, China.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Zhang Y, Si W, Chen L
23. An individual alginate lyase is effective in the disruption of Laminaria digitata recalcitrant cell wall.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Costa M, Pio L, Bule P
24. Inspection of the lens thickness with preoperative biometric measurements prevents an erroneous interpretation of posterior capsule during FLACS.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Kurosawa M, Horiguchi H, Shiba T
25. Variations of risk factors for ischemic stroke and its subtypes in Chinese patients in Taiwan.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Tsai CF, Sudlow CLM, Anderson N
26. Thawed cryopreserved synovial mesenchymal stem cells show comparable effects to cultured cells in the inhibition of osteoarthritis progression in rats.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Horiuchi K, Ozeki N, Endo K
27. Longitudinal studies support the safety and ethics of virtual reality suicide as a research method.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Huang X, Funsch KM, Park EC
28. Hospitalization for acute coronary syndrome increases the long-term risk of pneumonia: a population-based cohort study.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Kim J, Park SJ, Choi S
29. Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies and risk factors in health care workers at an academic medical center in Boston, Massachusetts.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Kataria Y, Cole M, Duffy E
30. Deep learning methods allow fully automated segmentation of metacarpal bones to quantify volumetric bone mineral density.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Folle L, Meinderink T, Simon D
31. Hybrid bilayer membranes on metallurgical polished aluminum.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Sabirovas T, Valiūnienė A, Valincius G.
32. A community-based randomized controlled trial providing weekly iron-folic acid supplementation increased serum- ferritin, -folate and hemoglobin concentration of adolescent girls in southern Ethiopia.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Handiso YH, Belachew T, Abuye C
33. Identification of germ cell-specific Mga variant mRNA that promotes meiosis via impediment of a non-canonical PRC1.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Kitamura Y, Uranishi K, Hirasaki M
34. pH induced conformational alteration in human peroxiredoxin 6 might be responsible for its resistance against lysosomal pH or high temperature.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Chowhan RK, Hotumalani S, Rahaman H
35. Steroid hormone bioavailability is controlled by the lymphatic system.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Klossner R, Groessl M, Schumacher N
36. Suppression of neuropathic pain and comorbidities by recurrent cycles of repetitive transcranial direct current motor cortex stimulation in mice.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Gan Z(#), Li H(#), Naser PV
37. Interplay between IL6 and CRIM1 in thiopurine intolerance due to hematological toxicity in leukemic patients with wild-type NUDT15 and TPMT.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Kim H(#), You S(#), Park Y
38. Association between ACE2 and TMPRSS2 nasopharyngeal expression and COVID-19 respiratory distress.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Rossi ÁD, de Araújo JLF, de Almeida TB
39. Studies of the potential of a native natural biosorbent for the elimination of an anionic textile dye Cibacron Blue in aqueous solution.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Grabi H, Derridj F, Lemlikchi W
40. A biomimetic peptide has no effect on the isotopic fractionation during in vitro silica precipitation.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Cassarino L, Curnow P(#), Hendry KR(#).
41. Clinical characteristics of tumor lysis syndrome in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Sci Rep
2021 May 6
Xue Y(#), Chen J(#), Gao S
42. New identification and significance of Early Cretaceous mafic rocks in the interior South China Block.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Su HM, Jiang SY, Shao JB
43. A novel introgression line collection to unravel the genetics of climacteric ripening and fruit quality in melon.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Pereira L(#), Santo Domingo M(#), Argyris J
44. Trends in the prevalence of adult overweight and obesity in Australia, and its association with geographic remoteness.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Keramat SA, Alam K, Al-Hanawi MK
45. Role of cytoplasmic localization of maspin in promoting cell invasion in breast cancer with aggressive phenotype.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Sakabe T, Wakahara M, Shiota G
46. C1q/TNF-related protein-9 ameliorates hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension by regulating secretion of endothelin-1 and nitric oxide mediated by AMPK in rats.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Jin Q(#), Su H(#), Yang R(#)
47. A genetic variant in telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) modifies cancer risk in Lynch syndrome patients harbouring pathogenic MSH2 variants.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Wiik MU, Evans TJ, Belhadj S
48. Neural networks for increased accuracy of allergenic pollen monitoring.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Polling M(#), Li C(#), Cao L
49. Genome-wide identification of the BASS gene family in four Gossypium species and functional characterization of GhBASSs against salt stress.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Myo T(#), Wei F(#), Zhang H
50. Disruption of the odorant coreceptor Orco impairs foraging and host finding behaviors in the New World screwworm fly.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Paulo DF, Junqueira ACM, Arp AP
51. An ERP study on facial emotion processing in young people with subjective memory complaints.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Perez V, Garrido-Chaves R, Perez-Alarcón M
52. A randomized controlled trial of two diets enriched with protein or fat in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with dapagliflozin.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Watanabe Y, Suzuki D, Kuribayashi N
53. An optogenetic method for investigating presynaptic molecular regulation.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Kay Y, Herring BE.
54. Freeze-thaw characterization process to minimize aggregation and enable drug product manufacturing of protein based therapeutics.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Jain K, Salamat-Miller N, Taylor K.
55. Re-crushing process and non-Darcian seepage characteristics of broken coal medium in coal mine water inrush.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Pang M, Zhang T, Guo Y
56. Abscisic acid implicated in differential plant responses of Phaseolus vulgaris during endophytic colonization by Metarhizium and pathogenic colonization by Fusarium.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Hu S, Bidochka MJ.
57. Platelet derived growth factor receptor β (PDGFRβ) is a host receptor for the human malaria parasite adhesin TRAP.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Steel RWJ(#), Vigdorovich V(#), Dambrauskas N
58. Fluorescent base analogues in gapmers enable stealth labeling of antisense oligonucleotide therapeutics.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Nilsson JR, Baladi T, Gallud A
59. Electromechanical impedance based self-diagnosis of piezoelectric smart structure using principal component analysis and LibSVM.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Jiang X, Zhang X, Tang T
60. A three-dimensional musculoskeletal model of the dog.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Stark H, Fischer MS, Hunt A
61. Longitudinal effects of meditation on brain resting-state functional connectivity.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Zhang Z, Luh WM, Duan W
62. Magnetic and structural properties of the solid solution CuAl(2(1-x))Ga(2x)O(4).
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Bullard TJ, Susner MA, Taddei KM
63. Environmental influences on sinking rates and distributions of transparent exopolymer particles after a typhoon surge at the Western Pacific.
Sci Rep
2021 May 31
Islam MS, Sun J, Zhang G
64. Facet controlled growth mechanism of SnO(2) (101) nanosheet assembled film via cold crystallization.
Sci Rep
2021 May 28
Masuda Y.
65. Transcriptome analysis of MBD5-associated neurodevelopmental disorder (MAND) neural progenitor cells reveals dysregulation of autism-associated genes.
Sci Rep
2021 May 28
Mullegama SV, Klein SD, Williams SR
66. Identification and functional analysis of cadmium-binding protein in the visceral mass of Crassostrea gigas.
Sci Rep
2021 May 28
Zheng Z(#), Kawakami K(#), Zhang D
67. Berberine modulates hyper-inflammation in mouse macrophages stimulated with polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid via calcium-CHOP/STAT pathway.
Sci Rep
2021 May 28
Kim HJ, Kim YJ, Park W.
68. Accurate detection and quantification of seasonal abundance of American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) using ddPCR eDNA assays.
Sci Rep
2021 May 28
Everts T, Halfmaerten D, Neyrinck S
69. Aging affects artemisinin synthesis in Artemisia annua.
Sci Rep
2021 May 28
Li J, Chu XH, Wang XY
70. A Japanese traditional medicine Hochuekkito promotes negative conversion of vancomycin-resistant Enterococci.
Sci Rep
2021 May 28
Kohno J, Kawamura T, Kikuchi A
71. Fungal diversity driven by bark features affects phorophyte preference in epiphytic orchids from southern China.
Sci Rep
2021 May 28
Pecoraro L, Rasmussen HN, Gomes SIF
72. Trace compounds in Early Medieval Egyptian blue carry information on provenance, manufacture, application, and ageing.
Sci Rep
2021 May 28
Dariz P(#), Schmid T(#).
73. Impact of a tropical forest blowdown on aboveground carbon balance.
Sci Rep
2021 May 28
Cushman KC, Burley JT, Imbach B
74. Deep learning of material transport in complex neurite networks.
Sci Rep
2021 May 28
Li A, Barati Farimani A, Zhang YJ.
75. Retrospective methodology to estimate daily infections from deaths (REMEDID) in COVID-19: the Spain case study.
Sci Rep
2021 May 28
García-García D, Vigo MI, Fonfría ES
76. A single serving of mixed spices alters gut microflora composition: a dose-response randomised trial.
Sci Rep
2021 May 28
Khine WWT(#), Haldar S(#), De Loi S
77. The intestinal microbiota contributes to the growth and physiological state of muscle tissue in piglets.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Qi R(#), Sun J(#), Qiu X
78. Magneto-optical design of anomalous Nernst thermopile.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Wang J, Miura A, Modak R
79. Subclinical gait disturbance and postoperative gait improvement in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Lee DH, Yoo JY, Cho JH
80. Correlation between amide proton transfer-related signal intensity and diffusion and perfusion magnetic resonance imaging parameters in high-grade glioma.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Nakajo M(#), Bohara M(#), Kamimura K
81. Gene expression and morphological responses of Lolium perenne L. exposed to cadmium (Cd(2+)) and mercury (Hg(2+)).
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Cruz Y, Villar S, Gutiérrez K
82. First theoretical determination of relative biological effectiveness of very high energy electrons.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Delorme R, Masilela TAM, Etoh C
83. Association between stress and bilateral symmetrical alopecia in free-ranging Formosan macaques in Mt. Longevity, Taiwan.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Chen CC, Chang AM, Tsai MS
84. Dietary and Plasmodium challenge effects on the cuticular hydrocarbon profile of Anopheles albimanus.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Claudio-Piedras F, Recio-Tótoro B, Cime-Castillo J
85. Draft genome sequence of the pulse crop blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] reveals potential R-genes.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Jegadeesan S, Raizada A, Dhanasekar P
86. Metabolomic analysis of skeletal muscle before and after strenuous exercise to fatigue.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Ohmura H, Mukai K, Takahashi Y
87. Inferring long-distance connectivity shaped by air-mass movement for improved experimental design in aerobiology.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Choufany M, Martinetti D, Soubeyrand S
88. Screening and selection of camptothecin producing endophytes from Nothapodytes nimmoniana.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Mohinudeen IAHK, Pandey S, Kanniyappan H
89. Saline-alkaline stress in growing maize seedlings is alleviated by Trichoderma asperellum through regulation of the soil environment.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Fu J, Xiao Y, Wang YF
90. Potential local adaptation of corals at acidified and warmed Nikko Bay, Palau.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Kurihara H, Watanabe A, Tsugi A
91. The importance of the urinary output criterion for the detection and prognostic meaning of AKI.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Vanmassenhove J(#), Steen J(#), Vansteelandt S
92. Hydrochemistry of sediment pore water in the Bratsk reservoir (Baikal region, Russia).
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Poletaeva VI, Tirskikh EN, Pastukhov MV.
93. Mobile sonouroflowmetry using voiding sound and volume.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
El Helou E, Naba J, Youssef K
94. Dynamic modulation of social influence by indirect reciprocity.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Zonca J, Folsø A, Sciutti A.
95. Calcification in free-living coralline algae is strongly influenced by morphology: Implications for susceptibility to ocean acidification.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Schubert N, Hofmann LC, Almeida Saá AC
96. Change in rheotactic behavior patterns of dinoflagellates in response to different microfluidic environments.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Li SW, Lin PH, Ho TY
97. Automatic detect lung node with deep learning in segmentation and imbalance data labeling.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Chiu TW, Tsai YL, Su SF.
98. Comparison of different anesthesia modalities during percutaneous kyphoplasty of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Ge C(#), Wu X(#), Gao Z(#)
99. A plant endophyte Staphylococcus hominis strain MBL_AB63 produces a novel lantibiotic, homicorcin and a position one variant.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Aftab Uddin M(#), Akter S(#), Ferdous M
100. White-tailed deer S96 prion protein does not support stable in vitro propagation of most common CWD strains.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Otero A, Duque Velásquez C, Aiken J
101. Chemical analysis and computed tomography of metallic inclusions in Roman glass to unveil ancient coloring methods.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Di Turo F, Moro G, Artesani A
102. Microplastic in angling baits as a cryptic source of contamination in European freshwaters.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
de Carvalho AR, Imbert A, Parker B
103. Urine biomarkers for the prediction of mortality in COVID-19 hospitalized patients.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Morell-Garcia D, Ramos-Chavarino D, Bauça JM
104. Magnetic properties of (Bi(1-x)La(x))(Fe,Co)O(3) films fabricated by a pulsed DC reactive sputtering and demonstration of magnetization reversal by electric field.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Kuppan M, Yamamoto D, Egawa G
105. Dynamic changes in gene-to-gene regulatory networks in response to SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Tanaka Y, Higashihara K, Nakazawa MA
106. Real-time, automatic, open-source sleep stage classification system using single EEG for mice.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Tezuka T, Kumar D, Singh S
107. Glycoproteomic analysis of the changes in protein N-glycosylation during neuronal differentiation in human-induced pluripotent stem cells and derived neuronal cells.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Kimura K, Koizumi T, Urasawa T
108. Effect of TNFα stimulation on expression of kidney risk inflammatory proteins in human umbilical vein endothelial cells cultured in hyperglycemia.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Md Dom ZI, Pipino C, Krolewski B
109. Complex network model indicates a positive effect of inspiratory muscles pre-activation on performance parameters in a judo match.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Cirino C, Gobatto CA, Pinto AS
110. The impact of hypothetical interventions on adiposity in adolescence.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Gebremariam MK, Nianogo RA, Lien N
111. Growth performance of five different strains of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) introduced to Tanzania reared in fresh and brackish waters.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Moses M, Chauka LJ, de Koning DJ
112. A whole lung in silico model to estimate age dependent particle dosimetry.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Poorbahrami K, Vignon-Clementel IE, Shadden SC
113. Skyrmion crystals in centrosymmetric itinerant magnets without horizontal mirror plane.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Yambe R, Hayami S.
114. Comparison of minimal residual disease detection in multiple myeloma between the DuraClone and EuroFlow methods.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Yoroidaka T(#), Narita K(#), Takamatsu H
115. A high mutation load of m.14597A>G in MT-ND6 causes Leigh syndrome.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Kishita Y, Ishikawa K, Nakada K
116. 3-D thermal regime and dehydration processes around the regions of slow earthquakes along the Ryukyu Trench.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Suenaga N, Yoshioka S, Ji Y.
117. Metabolomics study of fibroblasts damaged by UVB and BaP.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Yang X, Wang J, Wang H
118. Minor allele of rs55763075 located in MTHFR is associated with the risk of cognitive impairment after anesthesia via modulating miR-34b.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Li SY(#), Lei HS(#), Wu XY
119. Favourably regulating two-phase flow regime of flow boiling HFE-7100 in microchannels using silicon nanowires.
Sci Rep
2021 May 27
Alam T, Li W, Chang W
120. The association between fluoroquinolones and aortic dissection and aortic aneurysms: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Wee I, Chin B, Syn N
121. Functional characterization of a loss-of-function mutant I324M of arginine vasopressin receptor 2 in X-linked nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Wang L(#), Guo W(#), Fang C(#)
122. Secular trends in health-related physical fitness among 11-14-year-old Croatian children and adolescents from 1999 to 2014.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Kasović M, Štefan L, Petrić V.
123. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has beneficial effects on liver lipid accumulation and hepatic inflammatory parameters in obese rats.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Longo L, de Souza VEG, Stein DJ
124. Prediction of precise subsoiling based on analytical method, discrete element simulation and experimental data from soil bin.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Makange NR, Ji C, Nyalala I
125. Development of a yeast cell surface display method using the SpyTag/SpyCatcher system.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Kajiwara K, Aoki W, Koike N
126. Boron from net charge acceptor to donor and its effect on hydrogen uptake by novel Mg-B-electrochemically synthesized reduced graphene oxide.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Aditya MVVS, Panda S, Tatiparti SSV.
127. Seagrass blue carbon stocks and sequestration rates in the Colombian Caribbean.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Serrano O, Gómez-López DI, Sánchez-Valencia L
128. People serve themselves larger portions before a social meal.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Ruddock HK, Long EV, Brunstrom JM
129. Cooperative inhibition of SNARE-mediated vesicle fusion by α-synuclein monomers and oligomers.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Yoo G, Yeou S, Son JB
130. Ocular findings among patients surviving COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Costa ÍF, Bonifácio LP, Bellissimo-Rodrigues F(#)
131. HDAC6 inhibitors sensitize non-mesenchymal triple-negative breast cancer cells to cysteine deprivation.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Alothaim T, Charbonneau M, Tang X.
132. Frequency domain measurements of melt pool recoil force using modal analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Cullom T, Lough C, Altese N
133. Microbiota dysbiosis and functional outcome in acute ischemic stroke patients.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Chang Y, Woo HG, Jeong JH
134. Transcriptional analysis of the response of C. elegans to ethanol exposure.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Sterken MG(#), van Wijk MH(#), Quamme EC
135. ADAMTS12 acts as a tumor microenvironment related cancer promoter in gastric cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Hou Y, Xu Y, Wu D.
136. Proteomic analysis-based discovery of a novel biomarker that differentiates intestinal Behçet's disease from Crohn's disease.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Park J(#), Jeong D(#), Chung YW(#)
137. Novel human neutralizing mAbs specific for Spike-RBD of SARS-CoV-2.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Passariello M(#), Gentile C(#), Ferrucci V
138. Flow of long chain hydrocarbons through carbon nanotubes (CNTs).
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Asai P, Panja P, Velasco R
139. Extracellular DNA of slow growers of mycobacteria and its contribution to biofilm formation and drug tolerance.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Ilinov A, Nishiyama A, Namba H
140. Fast genetic mapping using insertion-deletion polymorphisms in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Hwang HY, Wang J.
141. A merged molecular representation learning for molecular properties prediction with a web-based service.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Kim H, Lee J, Ahn S
142. Temperature effect in physicochemical and bioactive behavior of biogenic hydroxyapatite obtained from porcine bones.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Forero-Sossa PA, Salazar-Martínez JD, Giraldo-Betancur AL
143. Origami-inspired thin-film shape memory alloy devices.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Velvaluri P, Soor A, Plucinsky P
144. Genetic variant of TTLL11 gene and subsequent ciliary defects are associated with idiopathic scoliosis in a 5-generation UK family.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Mathieu H, Patten SA, Aragon-Martin JA
145. First record of a new microsporidium pathogenic to Gonipterus platensis in Brazil.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Jordan C, de Carvalho VR, Mascarin GM
146. Environmental DNA detection of an invasive ant species (Linepithema humile) from soil samples.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Yasashimoto T, Sakata MK, Sakita T
147. Subclinical hypothyroidism or isolated high TSH in hospitalized patients with chronic heart-failure and chronic renal-failure.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Bashkin A, Abu Saleh W, Shehadeh M
148. Leaky and waveguide modes in biperiodic holograms.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Keshmiri H(#), Armin F(#), Elsayad K
149. Heatline visualization of MHD natural convection heat transfer of nanofluid in a prismatic enclosure.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Islam T, Alam MN, Asjad MI
150. The climatic and genetic heritage of Italian goat breeds with genomic SNP data.
Sci Rep
2021 May 26
Cortellari M(#), Barbato M(#), Talenti A
151. Benchmark solution for the stability of plane Couette flow with net throughflow.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Shankar BM, Shivakumara IS.
152. The dynamics of evolutionary rescue from a novel pathogen threat in a host metapopulation.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Jiao J, Fefferman N.
153. Single channel properties of mitochondrial large conductance potassium channel formed by BK-VEDEC splice variant.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Gałecka S(#), Kulawiak B(#), Bednarczyk P
154. Behavioral variation according to feeding organ diversification in glossiphoniid leeches (Phylum: Annelida).
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Kwak HJ(#), Kim JH(#), Kim JY
155. [18F]FDG-labelled stem cell PET imaging in different route of administrations and multiple animal species.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Nose N, Nogami S, Koshino K
156. Efficacy of continuous apical negative ultrasonic irrigation (CANUI) in penetration of simulated lateral canals in extracted teeth.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Castelo-Baz P, Lozano FJR, Ginzo-Villamayor MJ
157. Brainwide functional networks associated with anatomically- and functionally-defined hippocampal subfields using ultrahigh-resolution fMRI.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Chang WT, Langella SK, Tang Y
158. Tolerance and decolorization potential of duckweed (Lemna gibba) to C.I. Basic Green 4.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Singh H, Raj S, Kumar D
159. Genetics of symptom remission in outpatients with COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Dubé MP, Lemaçon A, Barhdadi A
160. Deceleration capacity of heart rate variability as a predictor of sedation related hypotension.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Tsai FF, Liu CM, Wang HP
161. The association between hepatitis C virus infection and renal cell cancer, prostate cancer, and bladder cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Ma Y(#), Huang Z(#), Jian Z(#)
162. Soil organic carbon cycling in response to simulated soil moisture variation under field conditions.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Singh S, Mayes MA, Shekoofa A
163. Influence of the 5'-terminal sequences on the 5'-UTR structure of HIV-1 genomic RNA.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Obayashi CM, Shinohara Y, Masuda T
164. Splenic uptake on FDG PET/CT correlates with Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease severity.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Seong H(#), Jeong YH(#), Lee WJ
165. A reliable set of reference genes to normalize oxygen-dependent cytoglobin gene expression levels in melanoma.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
De Backer J(#), Maric D(#), Bosman M
166. Integrated RNA and miRNA sequencing analysis reveals a complex regulatory network of Magnolia sieboldii seed germination.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Mei M, Wei J, Ai W
167. Identification of novel source of salt tolerance in local bread wheat germplasm using morpho-physiological and biochemical attributes.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Hussain N, Ghaffar A, Zafar ZU
168. Effects of elevated temperature on the corrosion resistance of silver-cobalt oxide-titanium dioxide (Ag/Co(3)O(4)/TiO(2)) nanocomposites coating on AISI 1020.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Ibrahim M, Agboola JB, Abdulkareem SA
169. Alginate hydrogel beads embedded with drug-bearing polycaprolactone microspheres for sustained release of paclobutrazol.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Mun A, Simaan Yameen H, Edelbaum G
170. Protein model accuracy estimation empowered by deep learning and inter-residue distance prediction in CASP14.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Chen X(#), Liu J(#), Guo Z(#)
171. White matter hyperintensity in different migraine subtypes.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Dobrynina LA, Suslina AD, Gubanova MV
172. Positive Epstein-Barr virus detection in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Chen T(#), Song J(#), Liu H
173. Elastic transformation of histological slices allows precise co-registration with microCT data sets for a refined virtual histology approach.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Albers J, Svetlove A, Alves J
174. Beauvericin potentiates the activity of pesticides by neutralizing the ATP-binding cassette transporters in arthropods.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Al Khoury C, Nemer N, Nemer G.
175. Variable coastal hypoxia exposure and drivers across the southern California Current.
Sci Rep
2021 May 25
Low NHN, Micheli F, Aguilar JD
176. A novel synthetic microtubule inhibitor exerts antiproliferative effects in multidrug resistant cancer cells and cancer stem cells.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Park M(#), Hwang JW(#), Cho Y
177. Remote ischemic preconditioning improves tissue oxygenation in a porcine model of controlled hemorrhage without fluid resuscitation.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Yaniv G(#), Eisenkraft A(#), Gavish L
178. Decline in influenza cases in Mexico after the implementation of public health measures for COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Arellanos-Soto D, Padilla-Rivas G, Ramos-Jimenez J
179. The roles and prognostic significance of ABI1-TSV-11 expression in patients with left-sided colorectal cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Zhang Y(#), Zhong Z(#), Li M
180. Abiraterone induces SLCO1B3 expression in prostate cancer via microRNA-579-3p.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Barbier RH, McCrea EM, Lee KY
181. Laparoscopic approach to refractory extraspinal sciatica and pudendal pain caused by intrapelvic nerve entrapment.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Lemos N, Sermer C, Fernandes G
182. Air-ozonolysis activation of polyolefins versus use of laden finishing to form contact-active nonwoven materials.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Kiel S(#), Klein M(#), Kroupitski Y
183. Maternal mental health and gestational weight gain in a Brazilian Cohort.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Farias DR, Carrilho TRB, Freitas-Costa NC
184. The limit of tolerable micromotion for implant osseointegration: a systematic review.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Kohli N, Stoddart JC, van Arkel RJ.
185. Green synthesis of multifunctional carbon coated copper oxide nanosheets and their photocatalytic and antibacterial activities.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Bibi H, Iqbal M, Wahab H
186. COVID-19 awareness, knowledge and perception towards digital health in an urban multi-ethnic Asian population.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Teo CL(#), Chee ML(#), Koh KH
187. A two-hybrid system reveals previously uncharacterized protein-protein interactions within the Helicobacter pylori NIF iron-sulfur maturation system.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Benoit SL, Agudelo S, Maier RJ.
188. Power determination in vitamin D randomised control trials and characterising factors affecting it through a novel simulation-based tool.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Wyse J(#), Mangan R(#), Zgaga L(#).
189. Predicting MHC I restricted T cell epitopes in mice with NAP-CNB, a novel online tool.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Wert-Carvajal C(#), Sánchez-García R(#), Macías JR
190. A single neuron subset governs a single coactive neuron circuit in Hydra vulgaris, representing a possible ancestral feature of neural evolution.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Noro Y, Shimizu H, Mineta K
191. Molecular model of a sensor of two-component signaling system.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Ryzhykau YL(#), Orekhov PS(#), Rulev MI(#)
192. A novel application of bubble-eye strain of Carassius auratus for ex vivo fish immunological studies.
Sci Rep
2021 May 24
Nakajima H, Miyashita A, Hamamoto H
193. SARS-CoV-2 and other human coronavirus show genome patterns previously associated to reduced viral recognition and altered immune response.
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Franzo G.
194. Mesenchymal stromal cell mitochondrial transfer to human induced T-regulatory cells mediates FOXP3 stability.
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Do JS, Zwick D, Kenyon JD
195. Antimicrobial responses of peripheral and central nervous system glia against Staphylococcus aureus.
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Choudhury IN(#), Chacko A(#), Delbaz A
196. Antimony induced structural and ultrastructural changes in Trapa natans.
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Baruah S(#), Bora MS(#), Dutta S
197. Enhanced condensation heat transfer using porous silica inverse opal coatings on copper tubes.
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Adera S, Naworski L, Davitt A
198. Transcriptomic and metabolomic joint analysis reveals distinct flavonoid biosynthesis regulation for variegated testa color development in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.).
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Hu M, Li J, Hou M
199. Complete mitochondrial genomes and phylogenetic relationships of the genera Nephila and Trichonephila (Araneae, Araneoidea).
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Yong HS, Song SL, Chua KO
200. Novel late-stage radiosynthesis of 5-[18F]-trifluoromethyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole (TFMO) containing molecules for PET imaging.
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Turkman N, Liu D, Pirola I.
201. Flow cytometry detection of sustained humoral immune response (IgG + IgA) against native spike glycoprotein in asymptomatic/mild SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Piñero P, Marco De La Calle FM, Horndler L
202. The nature of Pu-bearing particles from the Maralinga nuclear testing site, Australia.
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Cook M, Etschmann B, Ram R
203. Gate-tuned anomalous Hall effect driven by Rashba splitting in intermixed LaAlO(3)/GdTiO(3)/SrTiO(3).
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Lebedev N(#), Stehno M(#), Rana A
204. Glucose and NAADP trigger elementary intracellular β-cell Ca(2+) signals.
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Heister PM, Powell T, Galione A.
205. A novel method for in situ TEM measurements of adhesion at the diamond-metal interface.
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Loginov PA, Sidorenko DA, Orekhov AS
206. Fully integrated ultra-sensitive electronic nose based on organic field-effect transistors.
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Anisimov DS, Chekusova VP, Trul AA
207. The impact of improved data quality on the prevalence estimates of anthropometric measures using DHS datasets in India.
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Harkare HV, Corsi DJ, Kim R
208. β-Galactosidase is a target enzyme for detecting peritoneal metastasis of gastric cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 May 21
Kubo H, Murayama Y, Ogawa S
209. A functional requirement for sex-determination M/m locus region lncRNA genes in Aedes aegypti female larvae.
Sci Rep
2021 May 20
Mysore K, Hapairai LK, Li P
210. Study on the adsorption properties of methyl orange by natural one-dimensional nano-mineral materials with different structures.
Sci Rep
2021 May 20
Wu L, Liu X, Lv G
211. Prognostic value of low skeletal muscle mass in patient treated by exclusive curative radiochemotherapy for a NSCLC.
Sci Rep
2021 May 20
Mallet R, Decazes P, Modzelewski R
212. Clinical characterization of respiratory large droplet production during common airway procedures using high-speed imaging.
Sci Rep
2021 May 20
Mueller SK, Veltrup R, Jakubaß B
213. 3D free-hand ultrasound to register anatomical landmarks at the pelvis and localize the hip joint center in lean and obese individuals.
Sci Rep
2021 May 20
Horsak B, Schwab C, Durstberger S
214. Analysing wideband absorbance immittance in normal and ears with otitis media with effusion using machine learning.
Sci Rep
2021 May 20
Grais EM(#), Wang X(#), Wang J(#)
215. A super-potent tetramerized ACE2 protein displays enhanced neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Miller A, Leach A, Thomas J
216. Behavior and properties of water in silicate melts under deep mantle conditions.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Karki BB, Ghosh DB, Karato SI.
217. Drop homotopic effects of masseter-muscle pain on somatosensory sensitivity in healthy participants.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Hayakawa H, Iida T, Honda-Sakaki M
218. Prediction of velocity profile of water based copper nanofluid in a heated porous tube using CFD and genetic algorithm.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Ciano T, Ferrara M, Babanezhad M
219. X-ray fan beam coded aperture transmission and diffraction imaging for fast material analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Stryker S, Greenberg JA, McCall SJ
220. Prediction of population behavior of Listeria monocytogenes in food using machine learning and a microbial growth and survival database.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Hiura S, Koseki S, Koyama K.
221. Compact solid-state optical phased array beam scanners based on polymeric photonic integrated circuits.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Kim SM, Lee ES, Chun KW
222. Experiential ownership and body ownership are different phenomena.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Liang C, Lin WH, Chang TY
223. Feasibility of predicting allele specific expression from DNA sequencing using machine learning.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Zhang Z, van Dijk F, de Klein N
224. Decreased renal function increases the nighttime urine volume rate by carryover of salt excretion to the nighttime.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Takezawa K, Kuribayashi S, Okada K
225. Monolingual and bilingual language networks in healthy subjects using functional MRI and graph theory.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Li Q(#), Pasquini L(#), Del Ferraro G
226. An inter-laboratory study to investigate the impact of the bioinformatics component on microbiome analysis using mock communities.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
O'Sullivan DM, Doyle RM, Temisak S
227. Unique evolutionary trajectories of breast cancers with distinct genomic and spatial heterogeneity.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Phung TN, Webster TH, Lenkiewicz E
228. Human delta like 1-expressing human mesenchymal stromal cells promote human T cell development and antigen-specific response in humanized NOD/SCID/IL-2R[Formula: see text](null) (NSG) mice.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Kwon DH, Park JB, Lee JS
229. Altered endothelial dysfunction-related miRs in plasma from ME/CFS patients.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Blauensteiner J, Bertinat R, León LE
230. Hidden order across online extremist movements can be disrupted by nudging collective chemistry.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Velásquez N, Manrique P, Sear R
231. A bispecific antibody agonist of the IL-2 heterodimeric receptor preferentially promotes in vivo expansion of CD8 and NK cells.
Sci Rep
2021 May 19
Harris KE(#), Lorentsen KJ(#), Malik-Chaudhry HK
232. Development of marker-free transgenic pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) expressing a pod borer insecticidal protein.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Sarkar S, Roy S, Ghosh SK.
233. ITGA2, LAMB3, and LAMC2 may be the potential therapeutic targets in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: an integrated bioinformatics analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Islam S, Kitagawa T, Baron B
234. Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles for the fabrication of non cytotoxic and antibacterial metallic polymer based nanocomposite system.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Raza S, Ansari A, Siddiqui NN
235. A python code for automatic construction of Fischer plots using proxy data.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Yang D, Huang Y, Chen Z
236. Diurnal evolution of urban tree temperature at a city scale.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Vo TT, Hu L.
237. Incremental value of QT interval for the prediction of obstructive coronary artery disease in patients with chest pain.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Cho DH, Choi J, Kim MN
238. X-chromosome variants are associated with aldosterone producing adenomas.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Dutta RK, Larsson M, Arnesen T
239. Metformin treatment response is dependent on glucose growth conditions and metabolic phenotype in colorectal cancer cells.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Alhourani AH(#), Tidwell TR(#), Bokil AA
240. Implementing a method for engineering multivalency to substantially enhance binding of clinical trial anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies to wildtype spike and variants of concern proteins.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Leach A(#), Miller A(#), Bentley E
241. Serological surveys to inform SARS-CoV-2 epidemic curve: a cross-sectional study from Odisha, India.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Kshatri JS, Bhattacharya D, Kanungo S
242. Pathologies affect the performance of ECG signals compression.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Nemcova A, Smisek R, Vitek M
243. Super-resolution imaging of platelet-activation process and its quantitative analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Chung J, Jeong D, Kim GH
244. Simulation study on the mining conditions of dissolution of low grade solid potash ore in Qarhan Salt Lake.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Li R, Liu C, Jiao P
245. Inflammatory responses to metal oxide ceramic nanopowders.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Jamieson S, Mawdesley A, Deehan D
246. Highly stabilized flexible transparent capacitive photodetector based on silver nanowire/graphene hybrid electrodes.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Hwang Y(#), Hwang YH(#), Choi KW
247. Antibacterial activity and mechanism of plant flavonoids to gram-positive bacteria predicted from their lipophilicities.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Yuan G, Guan Y, Yi H
248. Delineating tesamorelin response pathways in HIV-associated NAFLD using a targeted proteomic and transcriptomic approach.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Fourman LT(#), Stanley TL(#), Billingsley JM
249. Analysis of the occurrence of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) features in patients with sepsis: a prospective study.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Bursa D, Bednarska A, Pihowicz A
250. Kokumi taste perception is functional in a model carnivore, the domestic cat (Felis catus).
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Laffitte A(#), Gibbs M(#), Hernangomez de Alvaro C
251. Integrated metabolomic analysis and cytokine profiling define clusters of immuno-metabolic correlation in new-onset psoriasis.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Tarentini E, Odorici G, Righi V
252. STAT3 determines IL-4 signalling outcomes in naïve T cells.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Deimel LP, Li Z, Roy S
253. Factors affecting in-stent restenosis after angioplasty with the Enterprise stent for intracranial atherosclerotic diseases.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Zhang K(#), Li TX(#), Wang ZL
254. Predicting anemia using NIR spectrum of spent dialysis fluid in hemodialysis patients.
Sci Rep
2021 May 18
Matović V, Jeftić B, Trbojević-Stanković J
255. Optimization of whole-brain rabies virus tracing technology for small cell populations.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Roelofs TJM, Menting-Henry S, Gol LM
256. Soil environmental quality in Nanling commodity grain base based on equal intercept transformation radar chart.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Dong HB, Zhang GH, Yan MJ
257. Dual RNA-seq analysis of in vitro infection multiplicity and RNA depletion methods in Chlamydia-infected epithelial cells.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Hayward RJ, Humphrys MS, Huston WM
258. iTRAQ-mediated analysis of the relationship between proteomic changes and yak longissimus lumborum tenderness over the course of postmortem storage.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Yang Y(#), Yang J(#), Ma J
259. Validity of the EOS-determined pelvic parameters and orientation with pelvic positional variation: a phantom study.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Kim JT, Lee DH, Lee HD
260. Increased expression of Protein S in eyes with diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Sugimoto M, Kondo M, Yasuma T
261. A miR-375/YAP axis regulates neuroendocrine differentiation and tumorigenesis in lung carcinoid cells.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Yang X(#), Nanayakkara J(#), Claypool D
262. Application of clove and dill oils as an alternative of salphos for chickpea food seed storage.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Kumar N, Khurana SMP, Pandey VN.
263. Genetic structure of urban and non-urban populations differs between two common parid species.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Markowski M, Minias P, Bańbura M
264. Disparities between IgG4-related kidney disease and extrarenal IgG4-related disease in a case-control study based on 450 patients.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Zeng Q(#), Gao J(#), Zhang X(#)
265. Comparative evaluation of the antioxidant, antimicrobial and nutritive properties of gluten-free flours.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Miedzianka J, Drzymała K, Nemś A
266. Discovery of primary prostate cancer biomarkers using cross cancer learning.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Zhou K, Arslanturk S, Craig DB
267. A high-efficiency method for site-directed mutagenesis of large plasmids based on large DNA fragment amplification and recombinational ligation.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Zhang K(#), Yin X(#), Shi K(#)
268. High 1-year risk of stroke in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: a nationwide registry-based cohort study.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Hsu JY, Liu PP, Liu AB
269. Ultrasound-guided corticosteroid injection for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Yang FA, Shih YC, Hong JP
270. CRISPR-mediated mutations in the ABC transporter gene ABCA2 confer pink bollworm resistance to Bt toxin Cry2Ab.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Fabrick JA, LeRoy DM, Mathew LG
271. LIPG endothelial lipase and breast cancer risk by subtypes.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Gago-Dominguez M, Redondo CM, Calaza M
272. Outer membrane and phospholipid composition of the target membrane affect the antimicrobial potential of first- and second-generation lipophosphonoxins.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Látrová K, Havlová N, Večeřová R
273. Deciphering the laws of social network-transcendent COVID-19 misinformation dynamics and implications for combating misinformation phenomena.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Cheng M, Yin C, Nazarian S
274. Misalignment between perceptual boundaries and weight categories reflects a new normal for body size perception.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Chan AWY, Noles DL, Utkov N
275. Quantum transport in a single molecular transistor at finite temperature.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Kalla M, Chebrolu NR, Chatterjee A.
276. Maternal and perinatal factors are associated with risk of pediatric central nervous system tumors and poorer survival after diagnosis.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Adel Fahmideh M, Peckham-Gregory EC, Schraw JM
277. Artificial intelligence could alert for focal skeleton/bone marrow uptake in Hodgkin's lymphoma patients staged with FDG-PET/CT.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Sadik M, López-Urdaneta J, Ulén J
278. Long-term conservation agriculture and best nutrient management improves productivity and profitability coupled with soil properties of a maize-chickpea rotation.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Pooniya V, Zhiipao RR, Biswakarma N
279. Resting state alpha oscillatory activity is a valid and reliable marker of schizotypy.
Sci Rep
2021 May 17
Trajkovic J, Di Gregorio F, Ferri F
280. Synthesizing environmentally friendly non-silicone oxygen bleaching stabilizer for linen yarn using oligomeric acrylic acid.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Liu J, Lv C.
281. Fungus-mediated green synthesis of nano-silver using Aspergillus sydowii and its antifungal/antiproliferative activities.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Wang D, Xue B, Wang L
282. Priming with skin-problems increases fear of clusters.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Shirai R, Ogawa H.
283. Effect of hypoxia factors gene silencing on ROS production and metabolic status of A375 malignant melanoma cells.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Špaková I, Rabajdová M, Mičková H
284. Fast and accurate automated recognition of the dominant cells from fecal images based on Faster R-CNN.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Zhang J, Wang X, Ni G
285. Oil palm cultivation critically affects sociality in a threatened Malaysian primate.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Holzner A, Balasubramaniam KN, Weiß BM
286. In-vitro and in-vivo metabolism of different aspirin formulations studied by a validated liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Dei Cas M(#), Rizzo J(#), Scavone M
287. Differential features of chronic cough according to etiology and the simple decision tree for predicting causes.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Koo HK, Bae W, Moon JY
288. Omega-3 fatty acid-rich fish oil supplementation prevents rosiglitazone-induced osteopenia in aging C57BL/6 mice and in vitro studies.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Cugno C, Kizhakayil D, Calzone R
289. Molecular and serological epidemiology of Leptospira infection in cats in Okinawa Island, Japan.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Kakita T, Kuba Y, Kyan H
290. Radioactivity and radionuclides in deciduous teeth formed before the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Takahashi A, Chiba M, Tanahara A
291. Kaolin based protective barrier in municipal landfills against adverse chemo-mechanical loadings.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Das P, Bharat TV.
292. Micro-mechanical performance evaluation of expansive soil biotreated with indigenous bacteria using MICP method.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Tiwari N, Satyam N, Sharma M.
293. Accuracy of digital model generated from CT data with metal artifact reduction algorithm.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Lee C(#), Lee A(#), Choi YJ
294. Chorioamnionitis induces hepatic inflammation and time-dependent changes of the enterohepatic circulation in the ovine fetus.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Heymans C, den Dulk M, Lenaerts K
295. Room-temperature-superconducting T(c) driven by electron correlation.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Kim HT.
296. The influence of body position on bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy measurements in young children.
Sci Rep
2021 May 14
Lyons-Reid J, Ward LC, Tint MT
297. Development and comparison of novel bioluminescent mouse models of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm metastasis.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Kaemmer CA, Umesalma S, Maharjan CK
298. Low ventilatory responsiveness to transient hypoxia or breath-holding predicts fast marathon performance in healthy middle-aged and older men.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Paleczny B, Seredyński R, Wyciszkiewicz M
299. Improved efficiency of coding systems with health information technology.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Lee J, Choi JY.
300. An intact complement system dampens cornea inflammation during acute primary HSV-1 infection.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Filiberti A, Gmyrek GB, Berube AN
301. An assessment of the mathematical model for estimating of entropy optimized viscous fluid flow towards a rotating cone surface.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Li YM, Khan MI, Khan SA
302. Transient fixation of L4 vertebra preserves lumbar motion and function in Lenke Type 5C and 6C scoliosis.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Yang JH, Shin JW, Park SR
303. Quantitative determination of spin-orbit-induced magnetic field in GaMnAs by field-scan planar Hall measurements.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Park S(#), Lee S(#), Lee KJ
304. A screen of FDA-approved drugs identifies inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatase 4A3 (PTP4A3 or PRL-3).
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Rivas DR(#), Dela Cerna MVC(#), Smith CN
305. Genetic dissection of heterosis of indica-japonica by introgression line, recombinant inbred line and their testcross populations.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Yang W(#), Zhang F(#), Zafar S(#)
306. Detecting the pulmonary trunk in CT scout views using deep learning.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Demircioğlu A(#), Stein MC(#), Kim MS
307. Inhibition of checkpoint kinase 1 potentiates anticancer activity of gemcitabine in bladder cancer cells.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Isono M, Okubo K, Asano T
308. The features of the coastal fronts in the Eastern Guangdong coastal waters during the downwelling-favorable wind period.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Yang C, Ye H.
309. Joint angle estimation with wavelet neural networks.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Sivakumar S, Gopalai AA, Lim KH
310. Lung function decline is associated with serum uric acid in Korean health screening individuals.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Ahn KM, Lee SY, Lee SH
311. Long-term results of sirolimus treatment in lymphangioleiomyomatosis: a single referral centre experience.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Revilla-López E, Berastegui C, Méndez A
312. Using past interglacial temperature maxima to explore transgressions in modern Maldivian coral and Amphistegina bleaching thresholds.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Stainbank S, Kroon D, de Leau ES
313. Faster monitoring of the invasive alien species (IAS) Dreissena polymorpha in river basins through isothermal amplification.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Carvalho J, Garrido-Maestu A, Azinheiro S
314. CMM-Net: Contextual multi-scale multi-level network for efficient biomedical image segmentation.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Al-Masni MA, Kim DH.
315. Spinal pain increases the risk of becoming overweight in Danish schoolchildren.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Hestbaek L, Aartun E, Côté P
316. TBC1D24 emerges as an important contributor to progressive postlingual dominant hearing loss.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Oziębło D, Leja ML, Lazniewski M
317. 3D modeling of a superconducting dynamo-type flux pump.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Ghabeli A, Pardo E, Kapolka M.
318. Profilin2 regulates actin rod assembly in neuronal cells.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Walter LM, Rademacher S, Pich A
319. A generative adversarial network-based abnormality detection using only normal images for model training with application to digital breast tomosynthesis.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Swiecicki A, Konz N, Buda M
320. In vitro performance of free and encapsulated bromelain.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Ataide JA, Cefali LC, Figueiredo MC
321. Screening of core filter layer for the development of respiratory mask to combat COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Pandey LK, Singh VV, Sharma PK
322. In silico analysis suggests the RNAi-enhancing antibiotic enoxacin as a potential inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Ahmadi A, Moradi S.
323. Salt tolerance of selected halophytes at the two initial growth stages for future management options.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Alhaddad FA, Abu-Dieyeh MH, ElAzazi EM
324. An SIR-type epidemiological model that integrates social distancing as a dynamic law based on point prevalence and socio-behavioral factors.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Cabrera M(#), Córdova-Lepe F(#), Gutiérrez-Jara JP(#)
325. Response to novelty induced by change in size and complexity of familiar objects in Lister-Hooded rats, a follow-up of 2019 study.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Pisula W, Modlinska K, Chrzanowska A
326. Comparing physiological responses during cognitive tests in virtual environments vs. in identical real-world environments.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Kalantari S, Rounds JD, Kan J
327. A robust polyfunctional Pd(II)-based magnetic amphiphilic nanocatalyst for the Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reaction.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Aghahosseini H, Saadati MR, Rezaei SJT
328. Serum alanine aminotransferase as an early marker of outcomes in patients receiving anti-PD-1 or anti-CTLA-4 antibody.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Azuma T, Takeuchi T, Matayoshi Y
329. The effects of beta-cell mass and function, intercellular coupling, and islet synchrony on [Formula: see text] dynamics.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Saadati M, Jamali Y.
330. Total testosterone is not associated with lean mass or handgrip strength in pre-menopausal females.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Alexander SE, Abbott G, Aisbett B
331. On local intrinsic dimensionality of deformation in complex materials.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Zhou S, Tordesillas A, Pouragha M
332. Daily variation of macronutrient concentrations in mature human milk over 3 weeks.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Leghi GE, Lai CT, Narayanan A
333. Cumulative incidence and risk factors for radiation induced leukoencephalopathy in high grade glioma long term survivors.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Terziev R, Psimaras D, Marie Y
334. Distinct roles of tumor associated mutations in collective cell migration.
Sci Rep
2021 May 13
Lee RM, Vitolo MI, Losert W
335. A metallo-β-lactamase enzyme for internal detoxification of the antibiotic thienamycin.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Diene SM, Pinault L, Baron SA
336. Analysis of hip joint loading during walking with different shoe types using instrumented total hip prostheses.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Palmowski Y, Popović S, Kosack D
337. Multiview deconvolution approximation multiphoton microscopy of tissues and zebrafish larvae.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Kapsokalyvas D, Rosas R, Janssen RWA
338. Infection effects of the new microsporidian species Tubulinosema suzukii on its host Drosophila suzukii.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Biganski S, Fückel S, Jehle JA
339. Abiraterone acetate versus bicalutamide in combination with gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonist therapy for high risk metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Ueda T, Shiraishi T, Ito S
340. Hearing brain evaluated using near-infrared spectroscopy in congenital toxoplasmosis.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Bertachini ALL(#), Januario GC(#), Novi SL
341. Affective empathy predicts self-isolation behaviour acceptance during coronavirus risk exposure.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Petrocchi S(#), Bernardi S, Malacrida R
342. Predicting distribution of malaria vector larval habitats in Ethiopia by integrating distributed hydrologic modeling with remotely sensed data.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Jiang AL, Lee MC, Zhou G
343. The lower respiratory tract microbiome of critically ill patients with COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Gaibani P, Viciani E, Bartoletti M
344. Comparison of bipolar plasmakinetic resection of prostate versus photoselective vaporization of prostate by a three year retrospective observational study.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Cheng X(#), Qin C(#), Xu P
345. Molecular docking analysis and evaluation of the antibacterial and antioxidant activities of the constituents of Ocimum cufodontii.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Aliye M, Dekebo A, Tesso H
346. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) rescues cognitive decline, neuroinflammation and cytoskeletal alterations in a model of post-operative cognitive decline (POCD) in middle-aged rats.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Garrone B, Durando L, Prenderville J
347. Novel vocalizations are understood across cultures.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Ćwiek A, Fuchs S, Draxler C
348. COVID-19's natural course among ambulatory monitored outpatients.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Weinbergerova B(#), Mayer J(#), Hrabovsky S
349. A discovery about the positional distribution pattern among candidate homologous pixels and its potential application in aerial multi-view image matching.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Zhang K, Xiao W(#), Sheng Y
350. Role of miR-506 in ulcerative colitis associated with primary sclerosing cholangitis.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Kempinska-Podhorodecka A, Adamowicz M, Ostrycharz E
351. Body temperature and esthesia in individuals with stroke.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
da Silva Dias C, Alfieri FM, Dos Santos ACA
352. Revealing the activation mechanism of autoinhibited RalF by integrated simulation and experimental approaches.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Dudas B, Perahia D, Balog E.
353. Rayleigh-wave attenuation across the conterminous United States in the microseism frequency band.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Magrini F, Boschi L, Gualtieri L
354. Clinical course and risk factors of fatal adverse outcomes in COVID-19 patients in Korea: a nationwide retrospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Song J, Park DW, Cha JH
355. C646 inhibits G2/M cell cycle-related proteins and potentiates anti-tumor effects in pancreatic cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Ono H, Kato T, Murase Y
356. Stray light characterization with ultrafast time-of-flight imaging.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Clermont L, Uhring W, Georges M.
357. Great tits who remember more accurately have difficulty forgetting, but variation is not driven by environmental harshness.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Hermer E, Murphy B, Chaine AS
358. Spatial and temporal analysis of cumulative environmental effects of offshore wind farms in the North Sea basin.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Gușatu LF, Menegon S, Depellegrin D
359. Real-world rogue wave probabilities.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Häfner D, Gemmrich J, Jochum M.
360. Intracellular localization of the mycobacterial stressosome complex.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Ramesh M, Nitharwal RG, Behra PRK
361. Effect of various weight loss interventions on serum NT-proBNP concentration in severe obese subjects without clinical manifest heart failure.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Hollstein T, Schlicht K, Krause L
362. The force effects of two types of polyethylene terephthalate glyc-olmodified clear aligners immersed in artificial saliva.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Xiang B, Wang X, Wu G
363. Global optimization of an encapsulated Si/SiO[Formula: see text] L3 cavity with a 43 million quality factor.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Vasco JP, Savona V.
364. Functional display of bioactive peptides on the vGFP scaffold.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Chee SMQ, Wongsantichon J, Yi LS
365. Monotonous driving induces shifts in spatial attention as a function of handedness.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Chandrakumar D, Coussens S, Keage HAD
366. Human monocyte-derived type 1 and 2 macrophages recognize Ara h 1, a major peanut allergen, by different mechanisms.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Krause M, Crauwels P, Blanco-Pérez F
367. Simulating the computational mechanisms of cognitive and behavioral psychotherapeutic interventions: insights from active inference.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Smith R, Moutoussis M(#), Bilek E(#).
368. GWAS analysis reveals distinct pathogenicity profiles of Australian Parastagonospora nodorum isolates and identification of marker-trait-associations to septoria nodorum blotch.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Phan HTT, Furuki E, Hunziker L
369. Strong anisotropic enhancement of photoluminescence in WS(2) integrated with plasmonic nanowire array.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Han C, Wang Y, Zhou W
370. Holocene polynya dynamics and their interaction with oceanic heat transport in northernmost Baffin Bay.
Sci Rep
2021 May 12
Jackson R, Kvorning AB, Limoges A
371. A randomised, non-inferiority study of chloroprocaine 2% and ropivacaine 0.75% in ultrasound-guided axillary block.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Sulyok I, Camponovo C, Zotti O
372. Mortality after large artery occlusion acute ischemic stroke.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Karamchandani RR, Rhoten JB, Strong D
373. Canonical Hamiltonian ensemble representation of dephasing dynamics and the impact of thermal fluctuations on quantum-to-classical transition.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Chen HB, Chen YN.
374. The feasibility of Gazefinder under 12 months of age infants.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Fukushima S, Takahashi T, Tsukamoto K
375. Identification of linear epitopes on the flagellar proteins of Clostridioides difficile.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Razim A, Pacyga K, Naporowski P
376. Genome-wide simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers discovered from whole-genome sequence comparisons of multiple spinach accessions.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Bhattarai G, Shi A, Kandel DR
377. Importance of [Formula: see text] orbital and electron correlation in iron-based superconductors revealed by phase diagram for 1111-system.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Kawashima T, Miyasaka S, Tsuji H
378. The SoftWipe tool and benchmark for assessing coding standards adherence of scientific software.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Zapletal A(#), Höhler D(#), Sinz C
379. Thermoelectric transports in pristine and functionalized boron phosphide monolayers.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Li MS, Mo DC, Lyu SS.
380. Analysis of microbiota in the stomach and midgut of two penaeid shrimps during probiotic feeding.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Imaizumi K, Tinwongger S, Kondo H
381. Tiny, ornamented eggs and eggshell from the Upper Cretaceous of Utah represent a new ootaxon with theropod affinities.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Oser SE, Chin K, Sertich JJW
382. Surgical outcomes of localization using indocyanine green fluorescence in breast conserving surgery: a prospective study.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Lee EG(#), Kim SK(#), Han JH
383. Efficient multiscale calculation results for microchannel mass transfer.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Zhang Y.
384. Utilization of urea and chicken litter biochar to improve rice production.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Maikol N, Haruna AO, Maru A
385. Safety measures for COVID-19 do not compromise the outcomes of patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: a single center retrospective study.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Guan X, Zhang J, Li Y
386. Reduced competence to arboviruses following the sustainable invasion of Wolbachia into native Aedes aegypti from Southeastern Brazil.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Gesto JSM(#), Ribeiro GS(#), Rocha MN(#)
387. Numerical simulation of spatiotemporal red blood cell aggregation under sinusoidal pulsatile flow.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Lee CA, Paeng DG.
388. Semiparametric model selection for identification of environmental covariates related to adult groundfish catches and weights.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Correia HE.
389. Comparison of anthropometric and body composition indices in the identification of metabolic risk factors.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Lee BJ, Yim MH.
390. DNA methylation landscape of 16 canine somatic tissues by methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme-based next generation sequencing.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Yamazaki J, Matsumoto Y, Jelinek J
391. Metformin improves the outcomes in Chinese invasive breast cancer patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Hui T(#), Shang C(#), Yang L
392. QUBO formulations for training machine learning models.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Date P, Arthur D, Pusey-Nazzaro L.
393. Acute toxicity analysis of an inhibitor of BCL2, Disarib, in rats.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Sharma S, Varsha KK, Ray U
394. Co-incorporation of manure and inorganic fertilizer improves leaf physiological traits, rice production and soil functionality in a paddy field.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Iqbal A, He L, Ali I
395. Associations among perfluorooctanesulfonic/perfluorooctanoic acid levels, nuclear receptor gene polymorphisms, and lipid levels in pregnant women in the Hokkaido study.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Kobayashi S, Sata F, Goudarzi H
396. Radiomics-based neural network predicts recurrence patterns in glioblastoma using dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced MRI.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Shim KY(#), Chung SW(#), Jeong JH(#)
397. Phenotypical predictors of pregnancy-related restless legs syndrome and their association with basal ganglia and the limbic circuits.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Chechko N, Lefort-Besnard J, Goecke TW
398. IDH2 mutations in patients with normal karyotype AML predict favorable responses to daunorubicin, cytarabine and cladribine regimen.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Libura M, Bialopiotrowicz E, Giebel S
399. First comprehensive quantification of annual land use/cover from 1990 to 2020 across mainland Vietnam.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Phan DC, Trung TH, Truong VT
400. Mechanisms of halosulfuron methyl pesticide biosorption onto neem seeds powder.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Haq AU, Saeed M, Usman M
401. Alkalinity of diverse water samples can be altered by mercury preservation and borosilicate vial storage.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Mos B, Holloway C, Kelaher BP
402. Field studies on breeding sites of Culicoides LATREILLE (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in agriculturally used and natural habitats.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Kameke D, Kampen H, Wacker A
403. Delineating visual, auditory and motor regions in the human brain with functional neuroimaging: a BrainMap-based meta-analytic synthesis.
Sci Rep
2021 May 11
Heckner MK, Cieslik EC, Küppers V
404. Novel AI driven approach to classify infant motor functions.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Reich S(#), Zhang D(#), Kulvicius T
405. MRI- and histologically derived neuroanatomical atlas of the Ambystoma mexicanum (axolotl).
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Lazcano I, Cisneros-Mejorado A, Concha L
406. Relationship of contact angle of spray solution on leaf surfaces with weed control.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
da Silva Santos RT, Vechia JFD, Dos Santos CAM
407. Development of a Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) technique for specific and early detection of Mycobacterium leprae in clinical samples.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Garg N, Sahu U, Kar S
408. Effects of cadmium stress on growth and physiological characteristics of sassafras seedlings.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Zhao H, Guan J, Liang Q
409. Spatial heterogeneity of hepatic fibrosis in primary sclerosing cholangitis vs. viral hepatitis assessed by MR elastography.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Reiter R, Shahryari M, Tzschätzsch H
410. Psychosis risk individuals show poor fitness and discrepancies with objective and subjective measures.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Damme KSF, Sloan RP, Bartels MN
411. Development and characterization of two equine formulations towards SARS-CoV-2 proteins for the potential treatment of COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
León G, Herrera M, Vargas M
412. Effects of the depth of the acetabular component during simulated acetabulum reaming in total hip arthroplasty.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Zuo J(#), Xu M(#), Zhao X(#)
413. Formulation and evaluation of injectable dextran sulfate sodium nanoparticles as a potent antibacterial agent.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Madkhali OA, Sivagurunathan Moni S, Sultan MH
414. Biomechanical regulation of breast cancer metastasis and progression.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Spencer A(#), Sligar AD(#), Chavarria D
415. Improving radiologist's ability in identifying particular abnormal lesions on mammograms through training test set with immediate feedback.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Trieu PDY, Lewis SJ, Li T
416. An enhanced dual IDW method for high-quality geospatial interpolation.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Li Z.
417. Regulatory rare variants of the dopaminergic gene ANKK1 as potential risk factors for Parkinson's disease.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Pérez-Santamarina E, García-Ruiz P, Martínez-Rubio D
418. Methylmercury induces neuronal cell death by inducing TNF-α expression through the ASK1/p38 signaling pathway in microglia.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Toyama T, Hoshi T, Noguchi T
419. The cytochrome P450 (CYP) superfamily in cnidarians.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Pankov KV, McArthur AG, Gold DA
420. Elevated serum SDMA and ADMA at hospital admission predict in-hospital mortality of COVID-19 patients.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Hannemann J(#), Balfanz P(#), Schwedhelm E
421. Peering inside a cough or sneeze to explain enhanced airborne transmission under dry weather.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Liu K, Allahyari M, Salinas JS
422. Bortezomib induces methylation changes in neuroblastoma cells that appear to play a significant role in resistance development to this compound.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Łuczkowska K(#), Sokolowska KE(#), Taryma-Lesniak O
423. Numerical study of nano-biofilm stagnation flow from a nonlinear stretching/shrinking surface with variable nanofluid and bioconvection transport properties.
Sci Rep
2021 May 10
Alsenafi A, Bég OA, Ferdows M
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