期刊文献 > Sci Rep期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (704)
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2021 Nov (441)
2021 Oct (419)
2021 Sep (453)
2021 Aug (418)
2021 Jul (450)
2021 Jun (526)
2021 May (423)
1. Temporomandibular joint and Giant Panda's (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) adaptation to bamboo diet.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Vallittu PK, Varrela J, Salo J
2. Perception of geometric sequences and numerosity both predict formal geometric competence in primary school children.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Castaldi E(#), Arrighi R(#), Cicchini GM
3. Head-nodding: a driving force for the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Xu Q(#), Shao CX(#), Zhang Y(#)
4. Detection of Begomovirus in chilli and tomato plants using functionalized gold nanoparticles.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Lavanya R, Arun V.
5. Effective silencing of miR-126 after ischemic stroke by means of intravenous α-tocopherol-conjugated heteroduplex oligonucleotide in mice.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Suzuki M, Ishibashi S, Iwasawa E
6. Feasibility of balloon-based endobiliary radiofrequency ablation under cholangioscopy guidance in a swine model.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Inoue T, Kutsumi H, Ibusuki M
7. Experimental demonstration of a concave grating for spin waves in the Rowland arrangement.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Papp Á(#), Kiechle M(#), Mendisch S
8. Differences in the level of physical fitness and mobility among older women with osteoporosis and healthy women-cross-sectional study.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Babiuch AS, Oestervemb K, Lipińska A
9. Differential polarization and activation dynamics of systemic T helper cell subsets after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and during post-SAH complications.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Chaudhry SR, Kahlert UD, Kinfe TM
10. Levosimendan increases brain tissue oxygen levels after cardiopulmonary resuscitation independent of cardiac function and cerebral perfusion.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
García-Bardon A, Kamuf J, Ziebart A
11. Stratigraphy of stable isotope ratios and leaf structure within an African rainforest canopy with implications for primate isotope ecology.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Lowry BE, Wittig RM, Pittermann J
12. Broadband radar invisibility with time-dependent metasurfaces.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Kozlov V, Vovchuk D, Ginzburg P.
13. Morphological, molecular characterization, plant pathogenicity and biocontrol of Cladosporium complex groups associated with faba beans.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
El-Dawy EGAEM, Gherbawy YA, Hussein MA.
14. Direct RT-PCR amplification of SARS-CoV-2 from clinical samples using a concentrated viral lysis-amplification buffer prepared with IGEPAL-630.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Castellanos-Gonzalez A, Shelite TR, Lloyd N
15. In vitro protein digestibility and biochemical characteristics of soaked, boiled and fermented soybeans.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Ketnawa S, Ogawa Y.
16. A novel bidirectional clustering algorithm based on local density.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Lyu B, Wu W, Hu Z.
17. The stability of paintings and the molecular structure of the oil paint polymeric network.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 9
Nardelli F, Martini F, Lee J
18. Correlation of image quality parameters with tube voltage in X-ray dark-field chest radiography: a phantom study.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Sauter AP(#), Andrejewski J(#), Frank M
19. Integrative analysis of key candidate genes and signaling pathways in acute coronary syndrome related to obstructive sleep apnea by bioinformatics.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Shi Y(#), Jiang Z(#), Jiang L
20. The electronic origins of the "rare earth" texture effect in magnesium alloys.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Mahjoub R, Stanford N.
21. Differential effects of body mass index on domain-specific cognitive outcomes after stroke.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Lee M, Oh MS, Jung S
22. Easy and quick (EQ) sperm freezing method for urgent preservation of mouse strains.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Mochida K(#), Hasegawa A(#), Shikata D
23. CPT to RVU conversion improves model performance in the prediction of surgical case length.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Garside N(#), Zaribafzadeh H(#), Henao R
24. Phytochemical composition and antioxidant properties of methanolic extracts of whole and dehulled Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) seeds.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Adedayo BC, Anyasi TA, Taylor MJC
25. Effects of brewing conditions on infusible fluoride levels in tea and herbal products and probabilistic health risk assessment.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Pattaravisitsate N, Phetrak A, Denpetkul T
26. Screening of the HBx transactivation domain interacting proteins and the function of interactor Pin1 in HBV replication.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Zhou Q(#), Yan L(#), Xu B
27. Fuzzy rank-based fusion of CNN models using Gompertz function for screening COVID-19 CT-scans.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Kundu R, Basak H, Singh PK
28. Mapping habitat suitability for Asiatic black bear and red panda in Makalu Barun National Park of Nepal from Maxent and GARP models.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Su H, Bista M, Li M.
29. Transcriptome analysis discloses dysregulated genes in normal appearing tumor-adjacent thyroid tissues from patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
He H(#), Liyanarachchi S(#), Li W
30. Implications of Tamarkoz on stress, emotion, spirituality and heart rate.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Bahadorani N, Lee JW, Martin LR.
31. Quantifying superspreading for COVID-19 using Poisson mixture distributions.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Kremer C(#), Torneri A(#), Boesmans S
32. Dysregulation of anti-Mullerian hormone expression levels in mural granulosa cells of FMR1 premutation carriers.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Friedman-Gohas M, Orvieto R, Michaeli A
33. Integrative taxonomy and phylogeography of Telenomus remus (Scelionidae), with the first record of natural parasitism of Spodoptera spp. in Brazil.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Wengrat APGS, Coelho Junior A, Parra JRP
34. Early prediction of neoadjuvant chemotherapy response by exploiting a transfer learning approach on breast DCE-MRIs.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Comes MC, Fanizzi A, Bove S
35. Unconventional Hall effect and its variation with Co-doping in van der Waals Fe(3)GeTe(2).
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Chowdhury RR, DuttaGupta S, Patra C
36. Retrospective review of 27 European cases of fatal elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus-haemorrhagic disease reveals evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Perrin KL, Kristensen AT, Bertelsen MF
37. Acute fat loss does not affect bone mass.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Lagerquist MK, Gustafsson KL, Henning P
38. Spatiotemporal sensitivity of mesoderm specification to FGFR signalling in the Drosophila embryo.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Yadav V, Tolwinski N, Saunders TE.
39. BiPSim: a flexible and generic stochastic simulator for polymerization processes.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Fischer S, Dinh M, Henry V
40. The value of autopsy in preterm infants at a Swedish tertiary neonatal intensive care unit 2002-2018.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Hoffsten A, Markasz L, Ericson K
41. Pre-harvest spray of GABA and spermine delays postharvest senescence and alleviates chilling injury of gerbera cut flowers during cold storage.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Mohammadi M, Aelaei M, Saidi M.
42. Stability analysis of the coexistence equilibrium of a balanced metapopulation model.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Rao S, Muyinda N, De Baets B.
43. A momentary assessment study on emotional and biological stress in adult males and females with autism spectrum disorder.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
van der Linden K, Simons C, Viechtbauer W
44. The ammonia oxidizing bacterium Nitrosomonas eutropha blocks T helper 2 cell polarization via the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Maura D, Elmekki N, Goddard CA.
45. New evidence of arsenic translocation and accumulation in Pteris vittata from real-time imaging using positron-emitting (74)As tracer.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 8
Kohda YH, Qian Z, Chien MF
46. Adverse perinatal outcomes and its associated factors among adult and advanced maternal age pregnancy in Northwest Ethiopia.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Getaneh T, Asres A, Hiyaru T
47. Reversal of senescence-associated beta-galactosidase expression during in vitro three-dimensional tissue-engineering of human chondrocytes in a polymer scaffold.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Katoh S, Fujimaru A, Iwasaki M
48. Algorithm based on one monocular video delivers highly valid and reliable gait parameters.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Azhand A, Rabe S, Müller S
49. Drying and temperature induced conformational changes of nucleic acids and stallion sperm chromatin in trehalose preservation formulations.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Brogna R, Fan J, Sieme H
50. BeEAM conditioning regimen is a safe, efficacious and economical alternative to BEAM chemotherapy.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Hahn L, Lim H, Dusyk T
51. Calmodulin-dependent KCNE4 dimerization controls membrane targeting.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Roig SR, Solé L, Cassinelli S
52. Preoperative nomogram for microvascular invasion prediction based on clinical database in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Mao S, Yu X, Yang Y
53. Effects of education, income, and occupation on prevalence and symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Lee JY, Han K, Park YG
54. Antibiotics modulate neoadjuvant therapy efficiency in patients with breast cancer: a pilot analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Zhang X, Yu L, Shi J
55. Geochemical characterization and assessment of fluoride sources in groundwater of Siloam area, Limpopo Province, South Africa.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Onipe T, Edokpayi JN, Odiyo JO.
56. Subthreshold electrical stimulation as a low power electrical treatment for stroke rehabilitation.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Kim K(#), Yoo SJ(#), Kim SY
57. Taphonomic and spatial analyses from the Early Pleistocene site of Venta Micena 4 (Orce, Guadix-Baza Basin, southern Spain).
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Luzón C, Yravedra J, Courtenay LA
58. SoxD transcription factor deficiency in Schwann cells delays myelination in the developing peripheral nervous system.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Ittner E(#), Hartwig AC(#), Elsesser O
59. Comprehensive assessment of myocardial remodeling in ischemic heart disease by synchrotron propagation based X-ray phase contrast imaging.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Planinc I(#), Garcia-Canadilla P(#), Dejea H(#)
60. Label-free two-photon imaging of mitochondrial activity in murine macrophages stimulated with bacterial and viral ligands.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Allen CH, Ahmed D, Raiche-Tanner O
61. Paternal and maternal long-term psychological outcomes after uterine artery embolization for severe post-partum hemorrhage.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Bernasconi M(#), Eggel-Hort B(#), Horsch A
62. Oropharyngeal cancer patient stratification using random forest based-learning over high-dimensional radiomic features.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Patel H, Vock DM, Marai GE
63. Life cycle assessment of edible insects (Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis larvae) as a future protein and fat source.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 7
Nikkhah A, Van Haute S, Jovanovic V
64. Pilot study quantifying muscle glycosaminoglycan using bi-exponential T(1ρ) mapping in patients with muscle stiffness after stroke.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Menon RG, Raghavan P, Regatte RR.
65. Innovative finding of 266-nm laser regulating CD90 levels in SDSCs.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Hsiao RL, Chen YC, Huang MY
66. Phenotypic and genetic variation of ultraviolet-visible-infrared spectral wavelengths of bovine meat.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Bittante G, Savoia S, Cecchinato A
67. Enhancement of aragonite mineralization with a chelating agent for CO(2) storage and utilization at low to moderate temperatures.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Wang J, Watanabe N, Inomoto K
68. Characterisation of mass distributions of solvent-fractionated lignins using analytical ultracentrifugation and size exclusion chromatography methods.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Lu Y, Joosten L, Donkers J
69. Prediction of optimal continuous positive airway pressure in Thai patients with obstructive sleep apnea.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Saiphoklang N, Leelasittikul K, Pugongchai A.
70. Identification and comparative expression analysis of odorant-binding proteins in the reproductive system and antennae of Athetis dissimilis.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Song YQ, Song ZY, Dong JF
71. Nigella sativa callus treated with sodium azide exhibit augmented antioxidant activity and DNA damage inhibition.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Iqbal MS, Iqbal Z, Hashem A
72. Apixaban concentration variability and relation to clinical outcomes in real-life patients with atrial fibrillation.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Mavri A, Vene N, Božič-Mijovski M
73. Untangling the genetic link between type 1 and type 2 diabetes using functional genomics.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Nyaga DM, Vickers MH, Jefferies C
74. The effect of deadlines on cancer screening completion: a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Lieberman A, Gneezy A, Berry E
75. Statistical modeling for bioconvective tangent hyperbolic nanofluid towards stretching surface with zero mass flux condition.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Shafiq A, Lone SA, Sindhu TN
76. Triggering avalanches by transverse perturbations in a rotating drum.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Salinas V, Quiñinao C, González S
77. Association of peripheral anterior synechiae with anterior segment parameters in eyes with primary angle closure glaucoma.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Loo Y, Tun TA, Vithana EN
78. Both T cell priming in lymph node and CXCR3-dependent migration are the key events for predicting the response of atezolizumab.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Iwai T, Sugimoto M, Patil NS
79. Repeat and single dose administration of gadodiamide to rats to investigate concentration and location of gadolinium and the cell ultrastructure.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Davies J, Marino M, Smith APL
80. Metagenomic analysis of a throat swab sample collected in China on a patient infected with Varicella Zoster Virus.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Guo H(#), Rivailler P(#), Wang J
81. Prediction of non-responsiveness to pre-dialysis care program in patients with chronic kidney disease: a retrospective cohort analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
King EK, Hsieh MH, Chang DR
82. Effect of glycerol plasticizer loading on the physical, mechanical, thermal, and barrier properties of arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) starch biopolymers.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Tarique J, Sapuan SM, Khalina A.
83. Secret messaging with endogenous chemistry.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Kennedy E, Geiser J, Arcadia CE
84. Enhancement of the thermoelectric properties in bilayer graphene structures induced by Fano resonances.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Briones-Torres JA, Pérez-Álvarez R, Molina-Valdovinos S
85. Influence of ontogenetic development, temperature, and pCO(2) on otolith calcium carbonate polymorph composition in sturgeons.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Loeppky AR, Belding LD, Quijada-Rodriguez AR
86. Effect of earthworm Eisenia fetida epidermal mucus on the vitality and pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Zhou X, Liang W, Zhang Y
87. A unique volatile signature distinguishes malaria infection from other conditions that cause similar symptoms.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Pulido H, Stanczyk NM, De Moraes CM
88. Acute effect of high-definition and conventional tDCS on exercise performance and psychophysiological responses in endurance athletes: a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
da Silva Machado DG, Bikson M, Datta A
89. Tropical cyclones cumulatively control regional carbon fluxes in Everglades mangrove wetlands (Florida, USA).
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Zhao X, Rivera-Monroy VH, Farfán LM
90. Colonization of Warsaw by the red fox Vulpes vulpes in the years 1976-2019.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 6
Jackowiak M, Gryz J, Jasińska K
91. U-Pb ages of detrital zircons in Cretaceous-Paleogene/Neogene kaolins within Eastern Dahomey and Niger Delta Basins (Nigeria) as provenance indicators.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 5
Oyebanjo O, Ekosse GI, Odiyo J.
92. Kinetics modeling, thermodynamics and thermal performance assessments of pyrolytic decomposition of Moringa oleifera husk and Delonix regia pod.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 5
Balogun AO, Adeleke AA, Ikubanni PP
93. High expression of miR-17-5p in tumor epithelium is a predictor for poor prognosis for prostate cancer patients.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 5
Stoen MJ, Andersen S, Rakaee M
94. Targeting mitochondrial reactive oxygen species-mediated oxidative stress attenuates nicotine-induced cardiac remodeling and dysfunction.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 5
Ramalingam A, Budin SB, Mohd Fauzi N
95. Development and testing of a game-based digital intervention for working memory training in autism spectrum disorder.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 5
Wagle S, Ghosh A, Karthic P
96. Experimental infection of Asian house geckos with Enterococcus lacertideformus demonstrates multiple disease transmission routes and the in-vivo efficacy of antibiotics.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 5
Agius JE, Rose K, Emery JP
97. An immunoinformatics approach to design a multi-epitope vaccine against Mycobacterium tuberculosis exploiting secreted exosome proteins.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 5
Sharma R(#), Rajput VS(#), Jamal S
98. Quantum dot assisted luminescent hexarhenium cluster dye for a transparent luminescent solar concentrator.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 5
Choi J, Kim K, Kim SJ.
99. Severe Little Ice Age drought in the midcontinental United States during the Mississippian abandonment of Cahokia.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 5
Pompeani DP, Bird BW, Wilson JJ
100. Staphylococcus aureus enhances biofilm formation, aerotolerance, and survival of Campylobacter strains isolated from retail meats.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 5
Karki AB, Ballard K, Harper C
101. Bone mineral density response prediction following osteoporosis treatment using machine learning to aid personalized therapy.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 5
Tanphiriyakun T, Rojanasthien S, Khumrin P.
102. Accurate long-range forecasting of COVID-19 mortality in the USA.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 5
Ramazi P, Haratian A, Meghdadi M
103. Discovery of spatial pattern of prickles on stem of Rosa hybrida 'Red Queen' and mathematical model of the pattern.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 5
Amikura K, Ito H, Kitazawa MS.
104. Tailoring the effect of antithrombin-targeting therapy in haemophilia A using in silico thrombin generation.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
de Laat-Kremers RMW, Ninivaggi M, van Moort I
105. Earthworms drastically change fungal and bacterial communities during vermicomposting of sewage sludge.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Domínguez J, Aira M, Crandall KA
106. High-resolution model of Arabidopsis Photosystem II reveals the structural consequences of digitonin-extraction.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Graça AT, Hall M, Persson K
107. Integrative analysis of the choroid by quantifying Haller vessel and choriocapillaris parameters in different drusen subtypes.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Lee H, Kim S, Kim MA
108. Dynamic changes in mitochondrial 3D structure during folliculogenesis and luteal formation in the goat large luteal cell lineage.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Jiang YF, Yu PH, Budi YP
109. Boron rich nanotube drug carrier system is suited for boron neutron capture therapy.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Heide F(#), McDougall M(#), Harder-Viddal C
110. Analysis of planes within reduced micromorphic model.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Dhaba ARE, Mousavi SM.
111. Over 30% efficiency bifacial 4-terminal perovskite-heterojunction silicon tandem solar cells with spectral albedo.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Kim S, Trinh TT, Park J
112. Development of a CNS-permeable reactivator for nerve agent exposure: an iterative, multi-disciplinary approach.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Bennion BJ, Malfatti MA, Be NA
113. Multiple climate change-driven tipping points for coastal systems.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Barnard PL, Dugan JE, Page HM
114. Hydralazine augmented ultrasound hyperthermia for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Karmacharya MB(#), Sultan LR(#), Hunt SJ
115. Identification of non-classical hCA XII inhibitors using combination of computational approaches for drug design and discovery.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Al-Sanea MM(#), Chilingaryan G(#), Abelyan N(#)
116. GC-TOF/MS-based metabolomics analysis to investigate the changes driven by N-Acetylcysteine in the plant-pathogen Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Picchi SC, de Souza E Silva M, Saldanha LL
117. The impacts of road traffic on urban air quality in Jinan based GWR and remote sensing.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Wang Q, Feng H, Feng H
118. Boosting people's ability to detect microtargeted advertising.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Lorenz-Spreen P(#), Geers M, Pachur T
119. Brain-dead and coma patients exhibit different serum metabolic profiles: preliminary investigation of a novel diagnostic approach in neurocritical care.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Dawiskiba T(#), Wojtowicz W(#), Qasem B
120. Maternal blood count parameters of chronic inflammation by gestational age and their associations with risk of preterm delivery in the Japan Environment and Children's Study.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 30
Morisaki N, Piedvache A, Nagata C
121. Configuration of flowsheet and reagent dosage for gilsonite flotation towards the ultra-low-ash concentrate.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Bahrami A, Kazemi F, Mirmohammadi M
122. Environmental determinants of the occurrence and activity of Ixodes ricinus ticks and the prevalence of tick-borne diseases in eastern Poland.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Zając Z, Kulisz J, Bartosik K
123. Response of compacted bentonite to hyperalkalinity and thermal history.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Kale RC, Kapil B, Ravi K.
124. Machine learning to predict distal caries in mandibular second molars associated with impacted third molars.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Hur SH(#), Lee EY(#), Kim MK(#)
125. Non-communicable diseases deaths attributable to high body mass index in Chile.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Riquelme R, Rezende LFM, Guzmán-Habinger J
126. Effects of different returning method combined with decomposer on decomposition of organic components of straw and soil fertility.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Wang X, Wang X, Geng P
127. Robust chitinolytic activity of crab-eating monkey (Macaca fascicularis) acidic chitinase under a broad pH and temperature range.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Uehara M, Tabata E, Okuda M
128. Myeloid-IL4Rα is an indispensable link in IL-33-ILCs-IL-13-IL4Rα axis of eosinophil recruitment in murine lungs.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Patial S, Lewis BW, Vo T
129. Study on landslide susceptibility mapping based on rock-soil characteristic factors.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Yu X, Zhang K, Song Y
130. Feasibility of generating 90 Hz vibrations in remote implanted magnets.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Montero J, Clemente F, Cipriani C.
131. CRISPR/Cas9-based genetic screen of SCNT-reprogramming resistant genes identifies critical genes for male germ cell development in mice.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Akter MS, Hada M, Shikata D
132. Association of incremental pulse wave velocity with cardiometabolic risk factors.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Nabeel PM, Chandran DS, Kaur P
133. Muscle synergy differences between voluntary and reactive backward stepping.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Wang S, Varas-Diaz G, Bhatt T.
134. Predictors of chronic opioid therapy in Medicaid beneficiaries with HIV who initiated antiretroviral therapy.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Oh G, Brouwer ES, Abner EL
135. Prognostic value of CD34 expression status in patients with myxofibrosarcomas and undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Sugiura Y, Machinami R, Matsumoto S
136. A piggyBac-based platform for genome editing and clonal rhesus macaque iPSC line derivation.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Rodriguez-Polo I, Mißbach S, Petkov S
137. Adaptive ecological niche migration does not negate extinction susceptibility.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 29
Woodhouse A, Jackson SL, Jamieson RA
138. Enhanced sunlight driven photocatalytic activity of In(2)S(3) nanosheets functionalized MoS(2) nanoflowers heterostructures.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Singh J, Soni RK.
139. Characterization of humic acids from original coal and its oxidization production.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Yan S, Zhang N, Li J
140. A phenotypic high-content, high-throughput screen identifies inhibitors of NLRP3 inflammasome activation.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Nizami S(#), Millar V(#), Arunasalam K
141. Eco-friendly stability-indicating RP-HPTLC method for sildenafil analysis, characterization and biological evaluation of its oxidized stress degradation product.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Abdel-Kader MS, Alam P, Soliman GA
142. Periodic limb movements in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Zhou X, Zhou B, Li Z
143. Effect of cryoprotectant concentration on bovine oocyte permeability and comparison of two membrane permeability modelling approaches.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
García-Martínez T, Mogas T, Mullen SF
144. The influence of subcolony-scale nesting habitat on the reproductive success of Adélie penguins.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Schmidt AE, Ballard G, Lescroël A
145. Expression of HO1 and PER2 can predict the incidence of delirium in trauma patients with concomitant brain injury.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Steimer M, Kaiser S, Ulbrich F
146. The role of IL-18 in addition to Th17 cytokines in rheumatoid arthritis development and treatment in women.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Vasilev G, Manolova I, Ivanova M
147. DNA methylation of Vesicular Glutamate Transporters in the mesocorticolimbic brain following early-life stress and adult ethanol exposure-an explorative study.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Vrettou M, Yan L, Nilsson KW
148. Increased sugar-sweetened beverage use tendency in pregnancy positively associates with peripartum Edinburgh postpartum depression scores.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Ker CR, Wu CH, Lee CH
149. Effective cesium removal from Cs-containing water using chemically activated opaline mudstone mainly composed of opal-cristobalite/tridymite (opal-CT).
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Kwon S, Kim Y, Roh Y.
150. Vacancy tuned thermoelectric properties and high spin filtering performance in graphene/silicene heterostructures.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Gholami Z, Khoeini F.
151. Variation features of unfrozen water content of water-saturated coal under low freezing temperature.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Li B, Huang L, Lv X
152. Detecting suicidal risk using MMPI-2 based on machine learning algorithm.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Kim S, Lee HK, Lee K.
153. Specificity of UV-C LED disinfection efficacy for three N95 respirators.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Ontiveros CC, Shoults DC, MacIsaac S
154. Demonstration of central conduction time and neuroplastic changes after cervical lordosis rehabilitation in asymptomatic subjects: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Moustafa IM, Diab AA, Hegazy F
155. Bifunctional catalytic effect of Mo(2)C/oxide interface on multi-layer graphene growth.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Kizir S, van den Beld WTE, Schurink B
156. Cardiorespiratory fitness assessment using risk-stratified exercise testing and dose-response relationships with disease outcomes.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Gonzales TI, Westgate K, Strain T
157. A global assessment of surveillance methods for dominant malaria vectors.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
van de Straat B, Russell TL, Staunton KM
158. Insula reactivity mediates subjective isolation stress in alexithymia.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Morr M(#), Lieberz J(#), Dobbelstein M
159. Association between comorbid asthma and prognosis of critically ill patients with severe sepsis: a cohort study.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Huang J(#), Zhang J(#), Wang F
160. Multiple evolutionary lineages for the main vector of Leishmania guyanensis, Lutzomyia umbratilis (Diptera: Psychodidae), in the Brazilian Amazon.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Scarpassa VM, Cunha-Machado AS, Alencar RB.
161. Feasibility and effectiveness of endoscopic irreversible electroporation for the upper gastrointestinal tract: an experimental animal study.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Jeon HJ(#), Choi HS(#), Keum B
162. Age-related differences in strategic competition.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 28
Horn SS, Avrahami J, Kareev Y
163. An octa-band planar monopole antenna for portable communication devices.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Azim R, Alam T, Mia MS
164. Environment-induced overheating phenomena in Au-nanowire based Josephson junctions.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Skryabina OV(#), Bakurskiy SV(#), Shishkin AG
165. Impacts of treatments on recurrence and 28-year survival of ischemic stroke patients.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Wang TA, Wu TH, Pan SL
166. Association between statin use and Alzheimer's disease with dose response relationship.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Jeong SM, Shin DW, Yoo TG
167. Knockdown screening of chromatin binding and regulatory proteins in zebrafish identified Suz12b as a regulator of tfpia and an antithrombotic drug target.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Raman R, Fallatah W, Al Qaryoute A
168. The association between carotid blood flow and resting-state brain activity in patients with cerebrovascular diseases.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Matsumoto T, Hoshi H, Hirata Y
169. Structural colors of pearls.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Ozaki R, Kikumoto K, Takagaki M
170. The bifidobacterial distribution in the microbiome of captive primates reflects parvorder and feed specialization of the host.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Modrackova N, Stovicek A, Burtscher J
171. Shotgun lipidomics of liver and brain tissue of Alzheimer's disease model mice treated with acitretin.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Lauer AA(#), Janitschke D(#), Dos Santos Guilherme M(#)
172. Mechanisms that allow vaccination against an oncolytic vesicular stomatitis virus-encoded transgene to enhance safety without abrogating oncolysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
AuYeung AWK, Mould RC, Stegelmeier AA(#)
173. Lower peripheral blood Toll-like receptor 3 expression is associated with an unfavorable outcome in severe COVID-19 patients.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Menezes MCS, Veiga ADM, Martins de Lima T
174. A data-driven approach to modeling cancer cell mechanics during microcirculatory transport.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Balogh P, Gounley J, Roychowdhury S
175. Differential prioritization of intramaze cue and boundary information during spatial navigation across the human lifespan.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Glöckner F, Schuck NW, Li SC.
176. Illegal fishing with electrofishing devices in the Po river basin, Emilia Romagna, Italy.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Mazzariol S, Corazzola G, Rubini S
177. Monocyte-dependent co-stimulation of cytokine induction in human γδ T cells by TLR8 RNA ligands.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Serrano R(#), Coch C, Peters C
178. Fast and scalable likelihood maximization for Exponential Random Graph Models with local constraints.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Vallarano N, Bruno M, Marchese E
179. Comparative assessment of amino acids composition in two types of marine fish silage.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Gauthankar M, Khandeparker R, Shivaramu MS
180. Analysis of long intergenic non-coding RNAs transcriptomic profiling in skeletal muscle growth during porcine embryonic development.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 27
Zhao W, Li Z, Liu Q
181. Evaluation of efficacy and safety of new high-density dyes for chromovitrectomy.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Piccirillo V, Sbordone S, Sorgente F
182. The role of salicylic acid and benzothiadiazole in decreasing phytoplasma titer of sugarcane white leaf disease.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Ratchaseema MTN, Kladsuwan L, Soulard L
183. Choroidal microvasculature dropout is spatially associated with optic nerve head microvasculature loss in open-angle glaucoma.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Song MK, Shin JW, Lee JY
184. Classification of glioblastoma versus primary central nervous system lymphoma using convolutional neural networks.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
McAvoy M(#), Prieto PC(#), Kaczmarzyk JR
185. Benchmarking the Covid-19 pandemic across countries and states in the USA under heterogeneous testing.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Asahi K, Undurraga EA, Wagner R.
186. Health-related quality of life in ICU survivors-10 years later.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Hofhuis JGM, Schrijvers AJP, Schermer T
187. K(v)1.1 channels mediate network excitability and feed-forward inhibition in local amygdala circuits.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Thouta S, Zhang Y, Garcia E
188. Increasing medicinal and phytochemical compounds of coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L.) as affected by NO(3)(-)/NH(4)(+) ratio and perlite particle size in hydroponics.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Ahmadi F, Samadi A, Sepehr E
189. Development of mortality prediction model in the elderly hospitalized AKI patients.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Peng JC(#), Wu T(#), Wu X
190. FDG-PET predicts bone invasion and prognosis in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Lin NC, Su IH, Hsu JT
191. High thermal durability of Ru-based synthetic antiferromagnet by interfacial engineering with Re insertion.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Yang CL, Lai CH.
192. S494 O-glycosylation site on the SARS-CoV-2 RBD affects the virus affinity to ACE2 and its infectivity; a molecular dynamics study.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Rahnama S, Azimzadeh Irani M, Amininasab M
193. Mechanical activities of self-beating cardiomyocyte aggregates under mechanical compression.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Nakano K, Nanri N, Tsukamoto Y
194. Correlations between environmental salinity levels, blood biochemistry parameters, and steroid hormones in wild juvenile American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis).
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Faulkner PC, Elsey RM, Hala D
195. Cat-CrNP as new material with catalytic properties for 2-chloro-2-propen-1-ol and ethylene oligomerizations.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Malinowski J, Jacewicz D, Sikorski A
196. A large-scale multi-institutional study evaluating prognostic aspects of positive ascites cytology and effects of therapeutic interventions in epithelial ovarian cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Yoshihara M, Emoto R, Kitami K
197. AC conductivity and correlation effects in nano-granular Pt/C.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 26
Hanefeld M, Gruszka P, Huth M.
198. Induction of cryptic pre-mRNA splice-switching by antisense oligonucleotides.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Ham KA(#), Keegan NP(#), McIntosh CS
199. Oxidative stress parameters as biomarkers of bladder cancer development and progression.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Wigner P, Szymańska B, Bijak M
200. Signal envelope and speech intelligibility differentially impact auditory motion perception.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Warnecke M, Litovsky RY.
201. Effects of in vivo repositioning of slim modiolar electrodes on electrical thresholds and speech perception.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Lee SY, Kim YS, Jo HD
202. Local intestinal microbiota response and systemic effects of feeding black soldier fly larvae to replace soybean meal in growing pigs.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Kar SK, Schokker D, Harms AC
203. Alcohol control policies add to secular trends in all-cause mortality rates in young adults.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Tran A, Manthey J, Lange S
204. Natural processes dominate the pollution levels during COVID-19 lockdown over India.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Madineni VR, Dasari HP, Karumuri R
205. On the mechanism of droplet rolling and spinning in inclined hydrophobic plates in wedge with different wetting states.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Yilbas BS, Yakubu M, Abubakar AA
206. BACE inhibitor treatment of mice induces hyperactivity in a Seizure-related gene 6 family dependent manner without altering learning and memory.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Nash A, Gijsen HJM, Hrupka BJ
207. [Formula: see text] statistical ensemble: systems with fluctuating energy, particle number, and volume.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Marzolino U.
208. Effects of high-intensity training on the quality of life of cancer patients and survivors: a systematic review with meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Lavín-Pérez AM, Collado-Mateo D, Mayo X
209. A network approach to the five-facet model of mindfulness.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Heeren A, Lannoy S, Coussement C
210. Cascading effects of moth outbreaks on subarctic soil food webs.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Calderón-Sanou I, Münkemüller T, Zinger L
211. Identification of pathological transcription in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease epithelia.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Friedrich S(#), Müller H(#), Riesterer C(#)
212. Comparison of the efficacy of supraglottic airway devices in low-risk adult patients: a network meta-analysis and systematic review.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Lai CJ(#), Yeh YC(#), Tu YK
213. Randomized clinical trial shows no substantial modulation of empathy-related neural activation by intranasal oxytocin in autism.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Mayer AV(#), Wermter AK(#), Stroth S
214. Deep Learning Method to Accelerate Discovery of Hybrid Polymer-Graphene Composites.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Shayeganfar F, Shahsavari R.
215. A quantum material spintronic resonator.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 23
Xu JW, Chen Y, Vargas NM
216. Evaluating the impact of decontamination interventions performed in sequence for mass casualty chemical incidents.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Collins S, Williams N, Southworth F
217. Comparison of ocular surface assessment and adherence between preserved and preservative-free latanoprost in glaucoma: a parallel-grouped randomized trial.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Kim DW(#), Shin J(#), Lee CK
218. Transcriptome analysis of flowering regulation by sowing date in Japonica Rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Yin M(#), Ma H(#), Wang M
219. Prognostic impact of pre-transplant chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood of patients undergoing unrelated donor hematopoietic cell transplant for acute myeloid leukemia.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Wang Y, Zhou W, McReynolds LJ
220. Identification of prognostic alternative splicing events in sarcoma.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Li H(#), Yang J(#), Yang G
221. Comparative analysis of the bronchoalveolar microbiome in Portuguese patients with different chronic lung disorders.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Seixas S, Kolbe AR, Gomes S
222. Dissecting the chromosome-level genome of the Asian Clam (Corbicula fluminea).
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Zhang T(#), Yin J(#), Tang S
223. Optical investigations and photoactive solar energy applications of new synthesized Schiff base liquid crystal derivatives.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Alamro FS, Gomha SM, Shaban M
224. Bimanual coupling effect during a proprioceptive stimulation.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Biggio M(#), Bisio A(#), Garbarini F
225. The value of GATA6 immunohistochemistry and computer-assisted diagnosis to predict clinical outcome in advanced pancreatic cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Duan K, Jang GH, Grant RC
226. Cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal immunoglobulin gamma bands and long-term disability progression in multiple sclerosis: a retrospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Karrenbauer VD, Bedri SK, Hillert J
227. A novel framework for designing a multi-DoF prosthetic wrist control using machine learning.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Swami CP, Lenhard N, Kang J.
228. Functional network topology of the right insula affects emotion dysregulation in hyperactive-impulsive attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Viering T, Hoekstra PJ, Philipsen A
229. Prevalence of low birth weight and macrosomia estimates based on heaping adjustment method in China.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Shen L, Wang J, Duan Y
230. Quasi-1D XY antiferromagnet Sr(2)Ni(SeO(3))(2)Cl(2) at Sakai-Takahashi phase diagram.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Kozlyakova ES, Moskin AV, Berdonosov PS
231. Conversion from epithelial to partial-EMT phenotype by Fusobacterium nucleatum infection promotes invasion of oral cancer cells.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Shao W(#), Fujiwara N(#), Mouri Y
232. High repetition rate green-pumped supercontinuum generation in calcium fluoride.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Marčiulionytė V, Jukna V, Tamošauskas G
233. Photocontrolled apoptosis induction using precursor miR-664a and an RNA carrier-conjugated with photosensitizer.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Watanabe K, Nawachi T, Okutani R
234. Management of biliary diseases after the failure of initial needle knife precut sphincterotomy for biliary cannulation.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Lo MH, Lin CH, Wu CH
235. Convenience of Hgb-O detected by optical method in XN-series hematology analyzers in evaluating hemoglobin concentration in samples with chylous turbidity.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Aruga Y, Ikeda C, Hanai A
236. Gut microbial communities associated with phenotypically divergent populations of the striped stem borer Chilo suppressalis (Walker, 1863).
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Zhong H, Zhang J, Li F
237. Distribution of deadwood and other forest structural indicators relevant for bird conservation in Natura 2000 special protection areas in Poland.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Bujoczek L, Bujoczek M, Zięba S.
238. Pulsation of anastomotic vortex veins in pachychoroid spectrum diseases.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Matsumoto H, Hoshino J, Mukai R
239. Expression patterns and prognostic value of RUNX genes in kidney cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Gao K(#), Zhang F(#), Chen K(#)
240. Quantification of measurable residual disease in patients with multiple myeloma based on the IMWG response criteria.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Narita K, Miura D, Tsushima T
241. Role of MCP-1 and IL-8 in viral anterior uveitis, and contractility and fibrogenic activity of trabecular meshwork cells.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Lee J, Choi JA, Ju HH
242. Gut microbiota-generated metabolite, trimethylamine-N-oxide, and subclinical myocardial damage: a multicenter study from Thailand.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Senthong V, Kiatchoosakun S, Wongvipaporn C
243. Generation and first characterization of TRDC-knockout pigs lacking γδ T cells.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Petersen B(#), Kammerer R(#), Frenzel A
244. Cannabis constituents interact at the drug efflux pump BCRP to markedly increase plasma cannabidiolic acid concentrations.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Anderson LL, Etchart MG, Bahceci D
245. Tyrosine and Tryptophan vibrational bands as markers of kidney injury: a renocardiac syndrome induced by renal ischemia and reperfusion study.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Nepomuceno G, Junho CVC, Carneiro-Ramos MS
246. Bioprocess development for biosorption of cobalt ions and Congo red from aquatic mixture using Enteromorpha intestinalis biomass as sustainable biosorbent.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
El-Naggar NE, Hamouda RA, Abuelmagd MA
247. Linoleic and oleic acids enhance cell migration by altering the dynamics of microtubules and the remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton at the leading edge.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Masner M, Lujea N, Bisbal M
248. Analysis of variant-pairing tendencies in lenticular martensite microstructures based on rank-1 connection.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Shinohara Y, Akabane S, Inamura T.
249. PET/MRI of glucose metabolic rate, lipid content and perfusion in human brown adipose tissue.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 22
Lundström E, Andersson J, Engström M
250. Surface microstructures developed on polished quartz crystals embedded in wet quartz sand compacted under hydrothermal conditions.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Schutjens PM, Spiers CJ, Rik Niemeijer A.
251. Mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes protect trabecular meshwork from oxidative stress.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Li YC, Zheng J, Wang XZ
252. Understanding of remora's "hitchhiking" behaviour from a hydrodynamic point of view.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Xu Y, Shi W, Arredondo-Galeana A
253. Minimal-moderate variation of human oral virome and microbiome in IgA deficiency.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
de la Cruz Peña MJ, Gonzalez-Granado LI, Garcia-Heredia I
254. Psychopathic traits mediate guilt-related anterior midcingulate activity under authority pressure.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Cheng Y(#), Chou J(#), Martínez RM
255. Male sex is not an independent risk factor for recurrence of differentiated thyroid cancer: a propensity score-matching study.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Park J, Kim K, Lim DJ
256. Automated scoring for a Tablet-based Rey Figure copy task differentiates constructional, organisational, and motor abilities.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Petilli MA, Daini R, Saibene FL
257. Development of edible Thai rice film fortified with ginger extract using microwave-assisted extraction for oral antimicrobial properties.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Utama-Ang N, Sida S, Wanachantararak P
258. Yoga versus massage in the treatment of aromatase inhibitor-associated knee joint pain in breast cancer survivors: a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Tsai CL, Liu LC, Liao CY
259. Increased medial prefrontal cortical thickness and resilience to traumatic experiences in North Korean refugees.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Jeong H, Lee YJ, Kim N
260. On the robustness of inference of association with the gut microbiota in stool, rectal swab and mucosal tissue samples.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Sun S, Zhu X, Huang X
261. AST to Platelet Ratio Index (APRI) is an easy-to-use predictor score for cardiovascular risk in metabolic subjects.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
De Matteis C, Cariello M, Graziano G
262. A multi-hazard map-based flooding, gully erosion, forest fires, and earthquakes in Iran.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Pouyan S, Pourghasemi HR, Bordbar M
263. The effect of empirical and laboratory-confirmed tuberculosis on treatment outcomes.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Abdullahi O, Moses N, Sanga D
264. VHL suppresses RAPTOR and inhibits mTORC1 signaling in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Ganner A, Gehrke C, Klein M
265. SHH-N non-canonically sustains androgen receptor activity in androgen-independent prostate cancer cells.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Trnski D, Sabol M, Tomić S
266. Associations between lipids in selected brain regions, plasma miRNA, and behavioral and cognitive measures following (28)Si ion irradiation.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 21
Minnier J, Emmett MR, Perez R
267. APOE E4 is associated with hyperlipidemia and obesity in elderly schizophrenic patients.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Li W(#), Liu F(#), Liu R(#)
268. Nomogram and a predictive model for postoperative hemorrhage in preoperative patients of laparoscopic pancreaticoduodectomy.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Li D, Du C, Zhang J
269. The impact of different thresholds on optical coherence tomography angiography images binarization and quantitative metrics.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Arrigo A, Aragona E, Saladino A
270. Spontaneous myogenic fasciculation associated with the lengthening of cardiac muscle in response to static preloading.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Fan S, Gao L, Bell AC
271. Simple and cost-effective microfabrication of flexible and stretchable electronics for wearable multi-functional electrophysiological monitoring.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Kim CH, Lee DH, Youn J
272. Development of a system to support warfarin dose decisions using deep neural networks.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Lee H(#), Kim HJ(#), Chang HW
273. A sequence variant in the diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 gene influences palmitoleic acid content in pig muscle.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Solé E, Ros-Freixedes R, Tor M
274. Comparative transcriptomic analysis of two Saccharopolyspora spinosa strains reveals the relationships between primary metabolism and spinosad production.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Zhang Y(#), Liu X(#), Yin T
275. SpheroidPicker for automated 3D cell culture manipulation using deep learning.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Grexa I, Diosdi A, Harmati M
276. Complex shaped periodic corrugations for broadband Bull's Eye antennas.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Kampouridou D, Feresidis A.
277. Probing cerebellar involvement in cognition through a meta-analysis of TMS evidence.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Gatti D, Rinaldi L, Cristea I
278. Peptide VSAK maintains tissue glucose uptake and attenuates pro-inflammatory responses caused by LPS in an experimental model of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome: a PET study.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Luna-Reyes I, Pérez-Hernández EG, Delgado-Coello B
279. Synthesis of bimetallic nanoparticles loaded on to PNIPAM hybrid microgel and their catalytic activity.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Kakar MU, Khan K, Akram M
280. Low hemoglobin levels and an increased risk of psoriasis in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Lee SH, Kim M, Han KD
281. Induction of cell wall phenolic monomers as part of direct defense response in maize to pink stem borer (Sesamia inferens Walker) and non-insect interactions.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Soujanya PL, Sekhar JC, Ratnavathi CV
282. Garlic (Allium sativum)-derived SEVs inhibit cancer cell proliferation and induce caspase mediated apoptosis.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Özkan İ, Koçak P, Yıldırım M
283. Syncing sustainable urban mobility with public transit policy trends based on global data analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Ceder AA.
284. Investigation of single-domain Au silicide nanowires on Si(110) formed for Au coverages in the monolayer regime.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Appelfeller S.
285. Quantification of pedogenic particles masked by geogenic magnetic fraction.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Szuszkiewicz M, Grison H, Petrovský E
286. Enhancing reappraisal of negative emotional memories with transcranial direct current stimulation.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
Doerig N(#), Seinsche RJ(#), Moisa M
287. Whole genome sequencing of nearly isogenic WMI and WLI inbred rats identifies genes potentially involved in depression and stress reactivity.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 20
de Jong TV, Kim P, Guryev V
288. Angle-insensitive co-polarized metamaterial absorber based on equivalent circuit analysis for dual band WiFi applications.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Hannan S, Islam MT, Faruque MRI
289. The effects of body position and actual execution on motor imagery of locomotor tasks in people with a lower-limb amputation.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Saimpont A, Malouin F, Durand A
290. A systematic review and meta-analysis of association between brain-derived neurotrophic factor and type 2 diabetes and glycemic profile.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Davarpanah M, Shokri-Mashhadi N, Ziaei R
291. Membrane vesicles of Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus JB-1 contain immunomodulatory lipoteichoic acid and are endocytosed by intestinal epithelial cells.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Champagne-Jorgensen K, Mian MF, McVey Neufeld KA
292. Statistical learning of target selection and distractor suppression shape attentional priority according to different timeframes.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Di Caro V, Della Libera C.
293. Genetic basis and network underlying synergistic roots and shoots biomass accumulation revealed by genome-wide association studies in rice.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Zhao Y(#), Yin Z(#), Wang X(#)
294. Distinct roles of androgen receptor, estrogen receptor alpha, and BCL6 in the establishment of sex-biased DNA methylation in mouse liver.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
AlOgayil N, Bauermeister K, Galvez JH
295. Association between overactive bladder and pelvic organ mobility as evaluated by dynamic magnetic resonance imaging.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Kinno K, Sekido N, Takeuchi Y
296. Statistical and machine learning methods for analysis of multiplex protein data from a novel proximity extension assay in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Maag E, Kulasingam A, Grove EL
297. Interlaboratory study for the evaluation of three microtiter plate-based biofilm quantification methods.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Allkja J, van Charante F, Aizawa J
298. Prokineticin 1-prokineticin receptor 1 signaling in trophoblast promotes embryo implantation and placenta development.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Goryszewska-Szczurek E, Baryla M, Kaczynski P
299. An efficient and secure protocol for checking remote data integrity in multi-cloud environment.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Anwarbasha H, Sasi Kumar S, Dhanasekaran D.
300. Identification of new GLUT2-selective inhibitors through in silico ligand screening and validation in eukaryotic expression systems.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Schmidl S(#), Ursu O(#), Iancu CV
301. OpenHSV: an open platform for laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Kist AM, Dürr S, Schützenberger A
302. Three-dimensional virtual histology in unprocessed resected tissues with photoacoustic remote sensing (PARS) microscopy and optical coherence tomography (OCT).
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Ecclestone BR, Hosseinaee Z, Abbasi N
303. Linkage mapping and QTL analysis of flowering time in faba bean.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Aguilar-Benitez D, Casimiro-Soriguer I, Maalouf F
304. Mobility restrictions were associated with reductions in COVID-19 incidence early in the pandemic: evidence from a real-time evaluation in 34 countries.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Oh J, Lee HY, Khuong QL
305. The Rayleigh-Lorentz invariant for superconducting resonators and optimal adiabatic qubit-information detection.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 2
Choi JR.
306. Characterization of resistance and fitness cost of Descurainia sophia L. populations from Henan and Xinjiang, China.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Li D, Xie L, Zhang P
307. Analyzing the link between anxiety and eating behavior as a potential pathway to eating-related health outcomes.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Hussenoeder FS, Conrad I, Engel C
308. Heat source free water floating carbon nanotube thermoelectric generators.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Chiba T, Amma Y, Takashiri M.
309. COVID-19 lockdown has altered the dynamics between affective symptoms and social isolation among older adults: results from a longitudinal network analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Yu J, Mahendran R.
310. Comparison of an oblique single cut rotation osteotomy with a novel 3D computer-assisted oblique double cut alignment approach.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Dobbe JGG, Kloen P, Strackee SD
311. Outer retinal tubulation formation and clinical course of advanced age-related macular degeneration.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Arrigo A, Aragona E, Battaglia O
312. Blood glutamate scavengers increase pro-apoptotic signaling and reduce metastatic melanoma growth in-vivo.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Goldshmit Y, Perelroizen R, Yakovchuk A
313. Silica and graphene mediate arsenic detection in mature rice grain by a newly patterned current-volt aptasensor.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Uda MNA, Gopinath SCB, Hashim U
314. Effects of different straw biochar combined with microbial inoculants on soil environment in pot experiment.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Qi Y, Liu H, Wang J
315. Entropy production and mixed convection within trapezoidal cavity having nanofluids and localised solid cylinder.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Ishak MS, Alsabery AI, Hashim I
316. Skin tolerant inactivation of multiresistant pathogens using far-UVC LEDs.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Glaab J(#), Lobo-Ploch N(#), Cho HK
317. The role of ascorbic acid combined exposure on Imidacloprid-induced oxidative stress and genotoxicity in Nile tilapia.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
El-Garawani IM, Khallaf EA, Alne-Na-Ei AA
318. Elevated S-adenosylhomocysteine induces adipocyte dysfunction to promote alcohol-associated liver steatosis.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Arumugam MK, Chava S, Rasineni K
319. Low pan-immune-inflammation-value predicts better chemotherapy response and survival in breast cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Şahin AB, Cubukcu E, Ocak B
320. Genetic characterization and implications for conservation of the last autochthonous Mouflon population in Europe.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Satta V(#), Mereu P(#), Barbato M
321. Homogeneous 2D and 3D alignment of cardiomyocyte in dilated cardiomyopathy revealed by intravital heart imaging.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Masuyama K(#), Higo T(#), Lee JK
322. Metagenomic identification of a new sarbecovirus from horseshoe bats in Europe.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Crook JM(#), Murphy I(#), Carter DP
323. Comparative and phylogenetic analyses of the chloroplast genomes of species of Paeoniaceae.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Wu L, Nie L, Wang Q
324. Implication of FDG-PET/CT without synchronous colonic lesion in patients with stenotic left-sided colorectal cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Lee JI, Cho SS, Shin US
325. Metabolic factors and the risk of Dupuytren's disease: data from 30,000 individuals followed for over 20 years.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Rydberg M, Zimmerman M, Löfgren JP
326. Glomerular function in relation to fine airborne particulate matter in a representative population sample.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Feng YM, Thijs L, Zhang ZY
327. Rate of decline in kidney function and known age-of-onset or duration of type 2 diabetes.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Buyadaa O, Salim A, Morton JI
328. Stepwise neuronal network pattern formation in agarose gel during cultivation using non-destructive microneedle photothermal microfabrication.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Tanaka Y(#), Watanabe H(#), Shimoda K
329. Ipsilateral somatic nerves mediate histamine-induced vasosensory reflex responses involving perivascular afferents in rat models.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Revand R, Singh SK.
330. Influence of exposure conditions on helium transport and bubble growth in tungsten.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Delaporte-Mathurin R, Ialovega M, Hodille EA
331. Age period cohort analysis of chewing ability in Korea from 2007 to 2018.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Kim NH, Kawachi I.
332. Efficient-CapsNet: capsule network with self-attention routing.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Mazzia V, Salvetti F, Chiaberge M.
333. Development and validation in 500 female samples of a TP-PCR assay to identify AFF2 GCC expansions.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 19
Silva C(#), Maia N(#), Santos F
334. W27 IgA suppresses growth of Escherichia in an in vitro model of the human intestinal microbiota.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 16
Sasaki K, Mori T, Hoshi N
335. The effect of stretch-shortening magnitude and muscle-tendon unit length on performance enhancement in a stretch-shortening cycle.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 16
Groeber M, Stafilidis S, Baca A.
336. Coral larval settlement preferences linked to crustose coralline algae with distinct chemical and microbial signatures.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 16
Jorissen H, Galand PE, Bonnard I
337. Publisher Correction: Genetic dissection of down syndrome‑associated alterations in APP/amyloid‑β biology using mouse models.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 16
Tosh JL, Rhymes ER, Mumford P
338. Origin of light instability in amorphous IGZO thin-film transistors and its suppression.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 16
Mativenga M, Haque F, Billah MM
339. Evidence for use of both capital and income breeding strategies in the mangrove tree crab, Aratus pisonii.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 16
Carver J, Meidell M, Cannizzo ZJ
340. Direct treatment of interaction between laser-field and electrons for simulating laser processing of metals.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 16
Miyamoto Y.
341. A comprehensive meta-analysis and a case-control study give insights into genetic susceptibility of lung cancer and subgroups.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 16
Sengupta D(#), Banerjee S(#), Mukhopadhyay P(#)
342. In vitro efficacy of artemisinin-based treatments against SARS-CoV-2.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 16
Zhou Y(#), Gilmore K(#), Ramirez S
343. Growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible proteins (GADD45) in psoriasis.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 16
Rodríguez-Jiménez P(#), Fernández-Messina L(#), Ovejero-Benito MC
344. Decoding the molecular mechanism of parthenocarpy in Musa spp. through protein-protein interaction network.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 16
Backiyarani S, Sasikala R, Sharmiladevi S
345. Morningness-eveningness assessment from mobile phone communication analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 16
Roy C, Monsivais D, Bhattacharya K
346. Molecular dynamics of rolling and twisting motion of amorphous nanoparticles.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 16
Umstätter P, Urbassek HM.
347. Anisotropic distortion in the perceived orientation of stimuli on the arm.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 16
Kuroki S.
348. Insight into diatom frustule structures using various imaging techniques.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 15
Zgłobicka I, Gluch J, Liao Z
349. Experimental investigation into the effects of composition and microstructure on the tensile properties and failure characteristics of different gypsum rocks.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 15
Ma H, Chen S, Song Y
350. Fabrication of solderable intense pulsed light sintered hybrid copper for flexible conductive electrodes.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 15
Jang YR, Jeong R, Kim HS
351. Manipulation of surface charges of oil droplets and carbonate rocks to improve oil recovery.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 15
Hou J, Han M, Wang J.
352. No association between alcohol consumption and pancreatic cancer even among individuals genetically susceptible to the carcinogenicity of alcohol.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 15
Shan YS(#), Chen LT(#), Wu CH(#)
353. Crustal structure in the Campanian region (Southern Apennines, Italy) from potential field modelling.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 15
Kelemework Y, Milano M, La Manna M
354. Medial prefrontal cortex (A32 and A25) projections in the common marmoset: a subcortical anterograde study.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 15
Ríos-Flórez JA, Lima RRM, Morais PLAG
355. A new charophyte habitat with a stabilized good ecological potential of mine water.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 15
Napiórkowska-Krzebietke A, Skrzypczak AR.
356. Strictly regulated agonist-dependent activation of AMPA-R is the key characteristic of TAK-653 for robust synaptic responses and cognitive improvement.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 15
Suzuki A, Kunugi A, Tajima Y
357. Estimation of unsteady hydromagnetic Williamson fluid flow in a radiative surface through numerical and artificial neural network modeling.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 15
Shafiq A, Çolak AB, Sindhu TN
358. Light modulates important physiological features of Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum during the colonization of tomato plants.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 15
Tano J(#), Ripa MB(#), Tondo ML
359. Protective effects and mechanisms of high-dose vitamin C on sepsis-associated cognitive impairment in rats.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 15
Zhang N(#), Zhao W(#), Hu ZJ
360. Unveiling the nature of interaction between semantics and phonology in lexical access based on multilayer networks.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Levy O(#), Kenett YN(#), Oxenberg O
361. Multiscale criticality measures as general-purpose gauges of proper brain function.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Fekete T, Hinrichs H, Sitt JD
362. Effect of vestibular exercise and optokinetic stimulation using virtual reality in persistent postural-perceptual dizziness.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Choi SY, Choi JH, Oh EH
363. Coronary artery segmentation under class imbalance using a U-Net based architecture on computed tomography angiography images.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Pan LS, Li CW, Su SF
364. Longitudinal monitoring of laboratory markers characterizes hospitalized and ambulatory COVID-19 patients.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Velavan TP, Kuk S, Linh LTK
365. GIP_HUMAN[22-51] is a new proatherogenic peptide identified by native plasma peptidomics.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Masaki T, Kodera Y, Terasaki M
366. Defect-induced ferromagnetism in a S = 1/2 quasi-one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain compound.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Wang Z, Hu L, Lin L
367. Aerosol microphysics and chemistry reveal the COVID19 lockdown impact on urban air quality.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Eleftheriadis K, Gini MI, Diapouli E
368. Integrated whole transcriptome and small RNA analysis revealed multiple regulatory networks in colorectal cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Shaath H, Toor SM, Nada MA
369. Conductance artery stiffness impairs atrio-ventriculo-arterial coupling before manifestation of arterial hypertension or left ventricular hypertrophic remodelling.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Kyhl K, von Huth S, Bojer A
370. Morphological response accompanying size reduction of belemnites during an Early Jurassic hyperthermal event modulated by life history.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Nätscher PS, Dera G, Reddin CJ
371. Strain hardening recovery mediated by coherent precipitates in lightweight steel.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Kim SD, Park SJ, Jang JH
372. Silica nanoparticles as pesticide against insects of different feeding types and their non-target attraction of predators.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Thabet AF, Boraei HA, Galal OA
373. A system biology approach based on metabolic biomarkers and protein-protein interactions for identifying pathways underlying schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Altaf-Ul-Amin M, Hirose K, Nani JV
374. Clubroot resistance derived from the European Brassica napus cv. 'Tosca' is not effective against virulent Plasmodiophora brassicae isolates from Alberta, Canada.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Fredua-Agyeman R, Hwang SF, Zhang H
375. Quantitative observation of monochromatic X-rays emitted from implosion hotspot in high spatial resolution in inertial confinement fusion.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Ren K, Wu J, Dong J
376. Local bi-fidelity field approximation with Knowledge Based Neural Networks for Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 14
Pepper N, Gaymann A, Sharma S
377. Associations between lifetime classic psychedelic use and cardiometabolic diseases.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Simonsson O, Osika W, Carhart-Harris R
378. Reasoning supports forgiving accidental harms.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Patil I, Trémolière B.
379. A longitudinal analysis of COVID-19 lockdown stringency on sleep and resting heart rate measures across 20 countries.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Ong JL, Lau T, Karsikas M
380. Identification and characterization of a novel Epstein-Barr Virus-encoded circular RNA from LMP-2 Gene.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Tan KE, Ng WL, Marinov GK
381. Studying dynamic stress effects on the behaviour of THP-1 cells by microfluidic channels.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Birol SZ, Fucucuoglu R, Cadirci S
382. Biological scaling in green algae: the role of cell size and geometry.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Bestová H, Segrestin J, von Schwartzenberg K
383. CAD systems for colorectal cancer from WSI are still not ready for clinical acceptance.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Oliveira SP(#), Neto PC(#), Fraga J(#)
384. Regularized machine learning on molecular graph model explains systematic error in DFT enthalpies.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Bhattacharjee H, Anesiadis N, Vlachos DG.
385. Fixation eye movement abnormalities and stereopsis recovery following strabismus repair.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Martin TL, Murray J, Garg K
386. The risk reduction effect of sediment production rate by understory coverage rate in granite area mountain forest.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Mizuno T, Kojima N, Asano S.
387. Influence of Ile655Val polymorphism on trastuzumab-induced cardiotoxicity in early-stage HER2 positive breast cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Vazdar L, Gabrić ID, Kruljac I
388. Universal Stokes's nanomechanical viscometer.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Chaudhary K, Munjal P, Singh KP.
389. COVID-19 mitigation by digital contact tracing and contact prevention (app-based social exposure warnings).
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Soldano GJ, Fraire JA, Finochietto JM
390. Unpalatable plants induce a species-specific associational effect on neighboring communities.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Erfanian MB, Memariani F, Atashgahi Z
391. Penetration of MeV electrons into the mesosphere accompanying pulsating aurorae.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Miyoshi Y, Hosokawa K, Kurita S
392. Topographic correlates of driver mutations and endogenous gene expression in pediatric diffuse midline gliomas and hemispheric high-grade gliomas.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Kazarian E, Marks A, Cui J
393. The impact of a closed-loop thalamocortical model on the spatiotemporal dynamics of cortical and thalamic traveling waves.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Bhattacharya S, Cauchois MBL, Iglesias PA
394. Tele-EMS physicians improve life-threatening conditions during prehospital emergency missions.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Schröder H, Beckers SK, Ogrodzki K
395. Exogenous misfolded protein oligomers can cross the intestinal barrier and cause a disease phenotype in C. elegans.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Perni M(#), Mannini B(#), Xu CK(#)
396. The foggy effect of egocentric distance in a nonverbal paradigm.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 13
Dong B(#), Chen A(#), Zhang Y
397. Fabrication of the macro and micro-scale microbial fuel cells to monitor oxalate biodegradation in human urine.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Yousefi R, Mardanpour MM, Yaghmaei S.
398. Prediction of a positive surgical margin and biochemical recurrence after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Yang CW, Wang HH, Hassouna MF
399. Application across species of a one health approach to liquid sample handling for respiratory based -omics analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Karagianni AE, Eaton SL, Kurian D
400. Evolutionary loss of thermal acclimation accompanied by periodic monocarpic mass flowering in Strobilanthes flexicaulis.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Ishida A, Nakamura T, Saiki ST
401. Cold bubble humidification of low-flow oxygen does not prevent acute changes in inflammation and oxidative stress at nasal mucosa.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Santana LA, Bezerra SKM, Saraiva-Romanholo BM
402. Effect of gold nanoparticles on the structure and neuroprotective function of protein L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase (PIMT).
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Chatterjee T, Das G, Ghosh S
403. Ocular surface disorders associated with the use of dupilumab based on WHO VigiBase.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Park S(#), Lee JH(#), Park JH
404. A HML6 endogenous retrovirus on chromosome 3 is upregulated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis motor cortex.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Jones AR, Iacoangeli A, Adey BN
405. Toward applications of near-field radiative heat transfer with micro-hotplates.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Marconot O, Juneau-Fecteau A, Fréchette LG.
406. Visual outcome of endogenous endophthalmitis in Thailand.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Lourthai P, Choopong P, Dhirachaikulpanich D
407. Climate change and tree growth in the Khakass-Minusinsk Depression (South Siberia) impacted by large water reservoirs.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Zhirnova DF, Belokopytova LV, Meko DM
408. Untargeted metabolomics analysis of Ralstonia eutropha during plant oil cultivations reveals the presence of a fucose salvage pathway.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Gutschmann B, Bock MCE, Jahns S
409. Heat-tolerant hot pepper exhibits constant photosynthesis via increased transpiration rate, high proline content and fast recovery in heat stress condition.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Rajametov SN(#), Yang EY(#), Cho MC
410. Canine D(163)-PrP polymorphic variant does not provide complete protection against prion infection in small ruminant PrP context.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Marín-Moreno A, Espinosa JC, Aguilar-Calvo P
411. Dual effects of 9-cis retinoic acid on ACTH-dependent hyperplastic adrenal tissues.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Pecori Giraldi F, Sesta A, Tapella L
412. Clinical usefulness of 16S ribosomal RNA real-time PCR for the diagnosis of scrub typhus.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Yun NR, Kim CM, Kim DY
413. In-vitro, in-vivo, and in-silico assessment of radical scavenging and cytotoxic activities of Oliveria decumbens essential oil and its main components.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Jamali T, Kavoosi G, Jamali Y
414. Analyses of Gnai3-iresGFP reporter mice reveal unknown Gα(i3) expression sites.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Leiss V, Reisinger E, Speidel A
415. Computing the orientational-average of diffusion-weighted MRI signals: a comparison of different techniques.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Afzali M, Knutsson H, Özarslan E
416. Interpretable deep learning for the remote characterisation of ambulation in multiple sclerosis using smartphones.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Creagh AP, Lipsmeier F, Lindemann M
417. Renal denervation does not affect hypertension or the renin-angiotensin system in a rodent model of juvenile-onset polycystic kidney disease: clinical implications.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Li S, Hildreth CM, Rahman AA
418. Characterization of microglial transcriptomes in the brain and spinal cord of mice in early and late experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis using a RiboTag strategy.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Acharjee S(#), Gordon PMK(#), Lee BH
419. Individual differences in human frequency-following response predict pitch labeling ability.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Reis KS, Heald SLM, Veillette JP
420. Movement patterns and activity levels are shaped by the neonatal environment in Antarctic fur seal pups.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Nagel R, Mews S, Adam T
421. Visualization of three-dimensional microcirculation of rodents' retina and choroid for studies of critical illness using optical coherence tomography angiography.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 12
Park JR(#), Lee B(#), Lee MJ
422. Photoneuromodulation makes a difficult cognitive task less arduous.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Chan AS, Lee TL, Hamblin MR
423. Local application of Usag-1 siRNA can promote tooth regeneration in Runx2-deficient mice.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Mishima S, Takahashi K, Kiso H
424. The origin and radiation of the phosphoprotein phosphatase (PPP) enzymes of Eukaryotes.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Kerk D, Mattice JF, Valdés-Tresanco ME
425. Canagliflozin protects against sepsis capillary leak syndrome by activating endothelial α1AMPK.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Angé M, De Poortere J, Ginion A
426. Time-frequency time-space long short-term memory networks for image classification of histopathological tissue.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Pham TD.
427. Nerve influence on the metabolism of type I and type II diabetic corneal stroma: an in vitro study.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Whelchel AE, Nicholas SE, Ma JX
428. Introducing the novel Cytoscape app TimeNexus to analyze time-series data using temporal MultiLayer Networks (tMLNs).
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Pierrelée M, Reynders A, Lopez F
429. Machine learning compensates fold-change method and highlights oxidative phosphorylation in the brain transcriptome of Alzheimer's disease.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Cheng J(#), Liu HP(#), Lin WY
430. MYCO-TB: the first IVD kit suitable for the digestion and decontamination of extra-pulmonary specimens to detect Mycobacteria.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Bisognin F, Lombardi G, Felici S
431. Alterations of sleep quality and circadian rhythm genes expression in elderly thyroid nodule patients and risks associated with thyroid malignancy.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Lou X, Wang H, Tu Y
432. A region within the third extracellular loop of rat Aquaporin 6 precludes trafficking to plasma membrane in a heterologous cell line.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Soler DC, Kowatz T, Sloan AE
433. Neural network-crow search model for the prediction of functional properties of nano TiO(2) coated cotton composites.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Amor N, Noman MT, Petru M
434. Comparison of machine learning methods to predict udder health status based on somatic cell counts in dairy cows.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Bobbo T, Biffani S, Taccioli C
435. On the phenomena of partial crystallization of highly undercooled magnesium silicate molten droplets.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Shete G, Mishra S, Karagadde S
436. Spatiotemporal analysis of COVID-19 outbreaks in Wuhan, China.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Liu W(#), Wang D(#), Hua S(#)
437. The RNA sensor MDA5 detects SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Sampaio NG(#), Chauveau L(#), Hertzog J(#)
438. Virtually spatialized sounds enhance auditory processing in healthy participants and patients with a disorder of consciousness.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Heine L, Corneyllie A, Gobert F
439. Plasma concentrations of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) in patients with substance use disorders and comorbid major depressive disorder.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Galván ST(#), Flores-López M(#), Romero-Sanchiz P
440. Long-term efficacy and safety of bone cement-augmented pedicle screw fixation for stage III Kümmell disease.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Mo GY(#), Zhou TP(#), Guo HZ
441. Sediment and morphological changes along Yangtze River's 500 km between Datong and Xuliujing before and after Three Gorges Dam commissioning.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Xie Q, Yang J, Lundström TS.
442. Novel mumps virus epitopes reveal robust cytotoxic T cell responses after natural infection but not after vaccination.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Kaaijk P, Emmelot ME, Meiring HD
443. A Bayesian approach to extracting free-energy profiles from cryo-electron microscopy experiments.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Giraldo-Barreto J(#), Ortiz S(#), Thiede EH
444. Incremental changes in QRS duration as predictor for cardiovascular disease: a 21-year follow-up of a randomly selected general population.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Chen X, Hansson PO, Thunström E
445. Electroacupuncture prevents cocaine-induced conditioned place preference reinstatement and attenuates ΔFosB and GluR2 expression.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Nguyen ATM, Quach TVB, Kotha P
446. Focal intra-colon cooling reduces organ injury and systemic inflammation after REBOA management of lethal hemorrhage in rats.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Arya AK, Hu K, Subedi L
447. Phylogeography of Prunus armeniaca L. revealed by chloroplast DNA and nuclear ribosomal sequences.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Li WW, Liu LQ, Zhang QP
448. Mosquito species identification using convolutional neural networks with a multitiered ensemble model for novel species detection.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Goodwin A, Padmanabhan S, Hira S
449. Underrecognition and undertreatment of thirst among hospitalized patients with restricted oral feeding and drinking.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Ho V, Goh G, Tang XR
450. The interindividual variability of sleep timing and circadian phase in humans is influenced by daytime and evening light conditions.
Sci Rep
2021 Jul 1
Papatsimpa C, Schlangen LJM, Smolders KCHJ
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