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2021 Nov (441)
2021 Oct (419)
2021 Sep (453)
2021 Aug (418)
2021 Jul (450)
2021 Jun (526)
2021 May (423)
1. Comparative transcriptome analysis of the gills and hepatopancreas from Macrobrachium rosenbergii exposed to the heavy metal Cadmium (Cd(2+)).
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Liu X, Jiang H, Ye B
2. From the 1990s climate change has decreased cool season catchment precipitation reducing river heights in Australia's southern Murray-Darling Basin.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Speer MS, Leslie LM, MacNamara S
3. Isolation of HDL by sequential flotation ultracentrifugation followed by size exclusion chromatography reveals size-based enrichment of HDL-associated proteins.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Zheng JJ, Agus JK, Hong BV
4. UHPLC-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometric analysis of brain cell-specific glucogenic and neurotransmitter amino acid content.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Bheemanapally K, Napit PR, Ibrahim MMH
5. Biofilm viscoelasticity and nutrient source location control biofilm growth rate, migration rate, and morphology in shear flow.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Nguyen H, Ybarra A, Başağaoğlu H
6. Multi-qubit correction for quantum annealers.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Ayanzadeh R, Dorband J, Halem M
7. EEG beta-modulations reflect age-specific motor resource allocation during dual-task walking.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Protzak J, Gramann K.
8. Prevalence of the additional head of quadriceps femoris in the South Indian population: a cadaveric and radiological study.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Sam F, Kandagaddala M, Prithishkumar IJ
9. Multi-loop atomic Sagnac interferometry.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Schubert C, Abend S, Gersemann M
10. Effects of airway management and tidal volume feedback ventilation during pediatric resuscitation in piglets with asphyxial cardiac arrest.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Manrique G, Pérez G, Butragueño-Laiseca L
11. Identification of intima-to-media signals for flow-induced vascular remodeling using correlative gene expression analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Kolega J, Poppenberg KE, Lim HW
12. From individual to population level: Temperature and snow cover modulate fledging success through breeding phenology in greylag geese (Anser anser).
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Frigerio D(#), Sumasgutner P(#), Kotrschal K
13. Repeatability and comparability of the Galilei-G4 and Cassini in measuring corneal power and astigmatism in normal and post-refractive surgery eyes.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Mohamed M, Khan M, Kanakamedala A
14. White matter tract-specific alterations in patients with primary restless legs syndrome.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Park HR(#), Kim HR(#), Oh S
15. State dependent effects on the frequency response of prestin's real and imaginary components of nonlinear capacitance.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Santos-Sacchi J, Navaratnam D, Tan WJT.
16. A new insight into aggregation of oncolytic adenovirus Ad5-delta-24-RGD during CsCl gradient ultracentrifugation.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Stepanenko AA, Sosnovtseva AO, Valikhov MP
17. Brain solute transport is more rapid in periarterial than perivenous spaces.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Vinje V, Bakker ENTP, Rognes ME.
18. External assessment of the EUROMACS right-sided heart failure risk score.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Shah H, Murray T, Schultz J
19. Rodent host population dynamics drive zoonotic Lyme Borreliosis and Orthohantavirus infections in humans in Northern Europe.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
Aminikhah M, Forsman JT, Koskela E
20. Novel cetacean morbillivirus in a rare Fraser's dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) stranding from Maui, Hawai'i.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 9
West KL, Silva-Krott I, Landrau-Giovannetti N
21. Vortex beam manipulation through a tunable plasma-ferrite metamaterial.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 6
Nobahar D, Khorram S, Rodrigues JD.
22. An innovative strategy to rapidly inactivate 8.2-log Enterococcus faecalis in fresh pineapple juice using cold atmospheric plasma.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 6
Sohbatzadeh F, Yazdanshenas H, Soltani AH
23. Customized eye modeling for optical quality assessment in myopic femto-LASIK surgery.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 6
Lan G(#), Zeng J(#), Li W
24. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between vitamin D and ovarian reserve.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 6
Karimi E, Arab A, Rafiee M
25. Effect of saliva fluid properties on pathogen transmissibility.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 6
Reyes J(#), Fontes D(#), Bazzi A(#)
26. Aflatoxins are natural scavengers of reactive oxygen species.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 6
Finotti E, Parroni A, Zaccaria M
27. The formation of impact coesite.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 6
Campanale F, Mugnaioli E, Gemmi M
28. Towards precision cardiometabolic prevention: results from a machine learning, semi-supervised clustering approach in the nationwide population-based ORISCAV-LUX 2 study.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 6
Fagherazzi G, Zhang L, Aguayo G
29. The effect of beta-blockers on hemodynamic parameters in patient-specific blood flow simulations of type-B aortic dissection: a virtual study.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 6
Abazari MA, Rafieianzab D, Soltani M
30. Cardiopulmonary coupling indices to assess weaning readiness from mechanical ventilation.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 6
Armañac-Julián P, Hernando D, Lázaro J
31. Mechanism of TCONS_00147848 regulating apoptosis of nasal mucosa cells and alleviating allergic rhinitis through FOSL2-mediated JAK/STAT3 signaling pathway.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 6
Huang H(#), Ren Y(#), Liang H
32. Understanding nutrient imbalances in maize (Zea mays L.) using the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) approach in the Maize belt of Nigeria.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 6
Aliyu KT, Huising J, Kamara AY
33. Interpretable deep recommender system model for prediction of kinase inhibitor efficacy across cancer cell lines.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 6
Koras K, Kizling E, Juraeva D
34. Microglial morphology in Alzheimer's disease and after Aβ immunotherapy.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Franco-Bocanegra DK, Gourari Y, McAuley C
35. New strategies for base frame fabrication in microtia reconstruction.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Li Y(#), Li D(#), Xu Z
36. Research on the method of designing cap lens using ant colony algorithm.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Liu W, Qin H, Lv Z
37. Novel blood test for early biomarkers of preeclampsia and Alzheimer's disease.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Cheng S(#), Banerjee S(#), Daiello LA
38. Sleep maturation influences cognitive development of preterm toddlers.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Ando A(#), Ohta H(#), Yoshimura Y(#)
39. Dual solution framework for mixed convection flow of Maxwell nanofluid instigated by exponentially shrinking surface with thermal radiation.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Shi QH, Ahmed B, Ahmad S
40. Fomites and the environment did not have an important role in COVID-19 transmission in a Brazilian mid-sized city.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Rocha ALS(#), Pinheiro JR(#), Nakamura TC
41. Epidermal growth factor strongly affects epithelial Na(+) transport and barrier function in fetal alveolar cells, with minor sex-specific effects.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Laube M, Dornis D, Wenzel F
42. Evaluation of two highly effective lipid-lowering therapies in subjects with acute myocardial infarction.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Klassen A, Faccio AT, Picossi CRC
43. Sociodemographic associations of geographic variation in paediatric tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Tran AHL, Liew D, Horne RSC
44. Association between exercise variations and depressive symptoms among precarious employees in South Korea.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Oh JW, Park JY, Lee S.
45. Land cover matters to human well-being.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Li C, Managi S.
46. Genome-wide analysis of HECT E3 ubiquitin ligase gene family in Solanum lycopersicum.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Sharma B, Saxena H, Negi H.
47. Interaction between CETP polymorphism and dietary insulin index and load in relation to cardiovascular risk factors in diabetic adults.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Abaj F, Rafiee M, Koohdani F.
48. Greater reliance on proprioceptive information during a reaching task with perspective manipulation among children with autism spectrum disorders.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Hirai M(#), Sakurada T(#), Izawa J
49. New insights into the proteins interacting with the promoters of silkworm fibroin genes.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Ma Y(#), Luo Q(#), Ou Y
50. Mortality during tuberculosis treatment in South Africa using an 8-year analysis of the national tuberculosis treatment register.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Osman M, van Schalkwyk C, Naidoo P
51. Convulsions in children hospitalized for acute gastroenteritis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Iflah M(#), Kassem E(#), Rubinstein U
52. Association of accelerated dynamics of telomere sequence loss in peripheral blood leukocytes with incident knee osteoarthritis in Osteoarthritis Initiative cohort.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Guillén R, Otero F, Mosquera A
53. Recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) with lateral flow detection for three Anaplasma species of importance to livestock health.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Salazar A, Ochoa-Corona FM, Talley JL
54. Verification of the electromagnetic deep-penetration effect in the real world.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Baccarelli P(#), Calcaterra A(#), Frezza F(#)
55. Assessment and modeling using machine learning of resistance to scald (Rhynchosporium commune) in two specific barley genetic resources subsets.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Hiddar H, Rehman S, Lakew B
56. Prevalence and genetic characteristics of Blastocystis hominis and Cystoisospora belli in HIV/AIDS patients in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Xu N, Jiang Z, Liu H
57. Alterations in plasma hyaluronic acid in patients with clinically stable COPD versus (non)smoking controls.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Waeijen-Smit K, Reynaert NL, Beijers RJHCG
58. Unique transition of yielding mechanism and unexpected activation of deformation twinning in ultrafine grained Fe-31Mn-3Al-3Si alloy.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Bai Y, Kitamura H, Gao S
59. Universal separability criterion for arbitrary density matrices from causal properties of separable and entangled quantum states.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 5
Skorobagatko GA.
60. Effects of heliox and non-invasive neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NIV-NAVA) in preterm infants.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Neumann-Klimasińska N, Merritt TA, Beck J
61. GATA3 maintains the quiescent state of cochlear supporting cells by regulating p27(kip1).
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Xu J, Yu D, Dong X
62. Validation of the mean systemic filling pressure assessment with preserved arterial blood flow by comparing two methods of calculation.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
De Blasi RA, Finazzi S.
63. Valorization of cigarette butts for synthesis of levulinic acid as top value-added chemicals.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Laurenza AG, Losito O, Casiello M
64. Hybridization with mountain hares increases the functional allelic repertoire in brown hares.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Pohjoismäki JLO, Michell C, Levänen R
65. Berberine elevates cardiolipin in heart of offspring from mouse dams with high fat diet-induced gestational diabetes mellitus.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Cole LK, Sparagna GC, Vandel M
66. Abnormal visual attention to simple social stimuli in 4-month-old infants at high risk for Autism.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Di Giorgio E, Rosa-Salva O, Frasnelli E
67. Neonicotinoids can cause arrested pupal ecdysis in Lepidoptera.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Krishnan N, Jurenka RA, Bradbury SP.
68. Deep learning for pulmonary embolism detection on computed tomography pulmonary angiogram: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Soffer S, Klang E, Shimon O
69. Motivational system modulates brain responses during exploratory decision-making.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Li CW, Lin CY, Chang TT
70. Steroid, ascorbic acid, and thiamine in adults with sepsis and septic shock: a systematic review and component network meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Fong KM, Au SY, Ng GWY.
71. Novel insights into peptide amidation and amidating activity in the human circulation.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Kaufmann P, Bergmann A, Melander O.
72. Quantifying the pattern of retinal vascular orientation in diabetic retinopathy using optical coherence tomography angiography.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Ma Y, Ohr MP, Pan X
73. Application of alpha1-antitrypsin in a rat model of veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Edinger F, Schmitt C, Koch C
74. Hepatic cell mobilization for protection against ischemic myocardial injury.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Liu SQ, Troy JB, Luan CH
75. Deep graph neural network-based prediction of acute suicidal ideation in young adults.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Choi KS, Kim S, Kim BH
76. Lower crustal resistivity signature of an orogenic gold system.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Heinson G, Duan J, Kirkby A
77. HIV-1 molecular diversity in Brazil unveiled by 10 years of sampling by the national genotyping network.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Gräf T, Bello G, Andrade P
78. High-throughput spatial sensitive quantitative phase microscopy using low spatial and high temporal coherent illumination.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Ahmad A, Dubey V, Jayakumar N
79. Lung nodule detection in chest X-rays using synthetic ground-truth data comparing CNN-based diagnosis to human performance.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Schultheiss M, Schmette P, Bodden J
80. Transcriptional landscape of cellular networks reveal interactions driving the dormancy mechanisms in cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 4
Uzuner D, Akkoç Y, Peker N
81. Frontal increase of beta modulation during the practice of a motor task is enhanced by visuomotor learning.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 31
Tatti E, Ferraioli F, Peter J
82. Characterizing rhizosphere microbiota of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) from pre-sowing to post-harvest of crop under field conditions.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 31
Hinsu AT, Panchal KJ, Pandit RJ
83. Predicting hosts based on early SARS-CoV-2 samples and analyzing the 2020 pandemic.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 31
Guo Q(#), Li M(#), Wang C(#)
84. An integrated pore size distribution measurement method of small angle neutron scattering and mercury intrusion capillary pressure.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 31
Shen R, Zhang X, Ke Y
85. Phytosterol accumulation results in ventricular arrhythmia, impaired cardiac function and death in mice.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 31
Ge H(#), Liu G(#), Yamawaki TM
86. TRPA1 triggers hyperalgesia and inflammation after tooth bleaching.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 31
Chen C(#), Huang X(#), Zhu W
87. Risk-factors for re-admission and outcome of patients hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 31
Green H, Yahav D, Eliakim-Raz N
88. Classical BSE prions emerge from asymptomatic pigs challenged with atypical/Nor98 scrapie.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 31
Marín B(#), Otero A(#), Lugan S
89. Additional use of anti-rotation U-blade (RC) decreases lag screw sliding and limb length inequality in the treatment of intertrochanteric fractures.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 31
Oh S, Kim YS, Kwon SY
90. Genetic variations in AURORA cell cycle kinases are associated with glioblastoma multiforme.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 31
Mesic A, Rogar M, Hudler P
91. Stronger connectivity and higher extraversion protect against stress-related deterioration of cognitive functions.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 31
Rogala J, Dreszer J, Malinowska U
92. Assessment of global hydro-social indicators in water resources management.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 31
Bozorg-Haddad O, Baghban S, Loáiciga HA.
93. 2-Carba-lysophosphatidic acid is a novel β-lysophosphatidic acid analogue with high potential for lysophosphatidic acid receptor activation and autotaxin inhibition.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Fukasawa K(#), Gotoh M(#), Uwamizu A
94. Study on the vertical bearing performance of pile across cave and sensitivity of three parameters.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Chen HY, Feng ZJ, Li T
95. Tumor location and type affect local recurrence and joint damage in tenosynovial giant cell tumor: a multi-center study.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Ota T, Nishida Y, Ikuta K
96. The reproductive success of bovine sperm after sex-sorting: a meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Reese S, Pirez MC, Steele H
97. Partitioning of gene expression among zebrafish photoreceptor subtypes.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Ogawa Y, Corbo JC.
98. Specific features to differentiate Giant cell arteritis aortitis from aortic atheroma using FDG-PET/CT.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Espitia O, Schanus J, Agard C
99. A genetic screen for Drosophila social isolation mutants and analysis of sex pistol.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Eddison M.
100. Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi antigens in tissues and plasma during early infection in a mouse model.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Dolange V, Simon S, Morel N.
101. Use of transcriptomic profiling to identify candidate genes involved in Polyporus umbellatus sclerotial formation affected by oxalic acid.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Xing YM(#), Li B(#), Zeng X
102. Molecular-dynamics-simulation-guided membrane engineering allows the increase of membrane fatty acid chain length in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Maertens JM, Scrima S, Lambrughi M
103. Myocarditis occurrence with cancer immunotherapy across indications in clinical trial and post-marketing data.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Makunts T, Saunders IM, Cohen IV
104. Whole genome sequencing reveals possible host species adaptation of Streptococcus dysgalactiae.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Porcellato D, Smistad M, Skeie SB
105. Bioclimatic and anthropogenic variables shape the occurrence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis over a large latitudinal gradient.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Alvarado-Rybak M, Lepe-Lopez M, Peñafiel-Ricaurte A
106. Validating species distribution models to illuminate coastal fireflies in the South Pacific (Coleoptera: Lampyridae).
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Sutherland LN, Powell GS, Bybee SM.
107. Genomic comparisons and phylogenetic analysis of mastitis-related staphylococci with a focus on adhesion, biofilm, and related regulatory genes.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Pizauro LJL, de Almeida CC, Silva SR
108. Protocatechuic acid attenuates isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy via downregulation of ROCK1-Sp1-PKCγ axis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Bai L, Kee HJ, Han X
109. Variability of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T and I in asymptomatic patients receiving hemodialysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Wongcharoen W, Chombandit T, Phrommintikul A
110. Simultaneous EEG-fMRI reveals theta network alterations during reward feedback processing in borderline personality disorder.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Schauer PA, Rauh J, Biedermann SV
111. Herbaceous perennial ornamental plants can support complex pollinator communities.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 30
Erickson E, Patch HM, Grozinger CM.
112. Regional metabolic and network changes in Meige syndrome.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Liu J(#), Li L(#), Li Y
113. Interactions of boron released from surface pre-reacted glass ionomer with enamel/dentin and its effect on pH.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Hiraishi N, Sayed M, Hill R
114. Establishment of HLA class I and MICA/B null HEK-293T panel expressing single MICA alleles to detect anti-MICA antibodies.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Jeon JH, Baek IC, Hong CH
115. Noxic effects of polystyrene microparticles on murine macrophages and epithelial cells.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Rudolph J(#), Völkl M(#), Jérôme V
116. Optimizing nutrient use efficiency, productivity, energetics, and economics of red cabbage following mineral fertilization and biopriming with compatible rhizosphere microbes.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Sarkar D, Sankar A, Devika OS
117. Kinetic modelling for concentration and toxicity changes during the oxidation of 4-chlorophenol by UV/H(2)O(2).
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Ferreiro C, Sanz J, Villota N
118. Patrolling human SLE haematopoietic progenitors demonstrate enhanced extramedullary colonisation; implications for peripheral tissue injury.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Kokkinopoulos I, Banos A, Grigoriou M
119. Beyond multi view deconvolution for inherently aligned fluorescence tomography.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Ancora D, Valentini G, Pifferi A
120. The COL-4A1 polypeptide destroy endothelial cells through the TGF-β/PI3K/AKT pathway.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Li T(#), Ling Z(#), Xie K
121. A new image encryption scheme based on fractional-order hyperchaotic system and multiple image fusion.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Gao X, Yu J, Banerjee S
122. Cortical representation of experimental periodontal pain: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Maurer A(#), Verma D(#), Reddehase A
123. Modelling, prediction and design of COVID-19 lockdowns by stringency and duration.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Mellone A, Gong Z, Scarciotti G.
124. An ALE meta-analytical review of the neural correlates of abstract and concrete words.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Bucur M, Papagno C.
125. Mechanical metric for skeletal biomechanics derived from spectral analysis of stiffness matrix.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Henyš P, Kuchař M, Hájek P
126. Phylogeography and molecular species delimitation reveal cryptic diversity in Potamolithus (Caenogastropoda: Tateidae) of the southwest basin of the Andes.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 3
Collado GA, Torres-Díaz C, Valladares MA.
127. Graphene/fluorescein dye-based sensor for detecting As(III) in drinking water.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 27
Sharma MD, Rayalu SS, Kolev SD
128. Ultrasound-assisted extraction of protein from Bombay locusts and its impact on functional and antioxidative properties.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 27
Kingwascharapong P, Chaijan M, Karnjanapratum S.
129. Effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy on keratinocytes derived from human hypertrophic scars.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 27
Cui HS(#), Joo SY(#), Cho YS
130. Maternal speech decreases pain scores and increases oxytocin levels in preterm infants during painful procedures.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 27
Filippa M, Monaci MG, Spagnuolo C
131. Evolutionary design of molecules based on deep learning and a genetic algorithm.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 27
Kwon Y(#), Kang S(#), Choi YS
132. Topological isoconductance signatures in Majorana nanowires.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 27
Ricco LS, Sanches JE, Marques Y
133. Central venous-to-arterial PCO(2) difference as a marker to identify fluid responsiveness in septic shock.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Nassar B, Badr M, Van Grunderbeeck N
134. In vitro testing of silver-containing spacer in periprosthetic infection management.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Krassnig R, Hohenberger G, Schwarz A
135. Volcanic eruptions are triggered in static dilatational strain fields generated by large earthquakes.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Nishimura T.
136. Operational planning steps in smart electric power delivery system.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Jayachandran M, Reddy CR, Padmanaban S
137. Adaptive attention-based human machine interface system for teleoperation of industrial vehicle.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Chew JY, Kawamoto M, Okuma T
138. Neurofeedback training improves episodic and semantic long-term memory performance.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Tseng YH, Tamura K, Okamoto T.
139. Resonance Raman enhancement by the intralayer and interlayer electron-phonon processes in twisted bilayer graphene.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Moutinho MVO, Eliel GSN, Righi A
140. Seasonal and annual changes in the microbial communities of Ofunato Bay, Japan, based on metagenomics.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Kobiyama A, Rashid J, Reza MS
141. Exploring deep learning capabilities for surge predictions in coastal areas.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Tiggeloven T(#), Couasnon A(#), van Straaten C
142. Pupillary response reflects attentional modulation to sound after emotional arousal.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Nakakoga S(#), Shimizu K(#), Muramatsu J
143. Role of charge accumulation in guided streamer evolution in helium DBD plasma jets.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Pinchuk M, Nikiforov A, Snetov V
144. Diagnostic value of IMP3 and p53 immunohistochemical staining in EUS-guided fine-needle aspiration for solid pancreatic tumors.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Mikata R, Yasui S, Kishimoto T
145. Novel and disappearing climates in the global surface ocean from 1800 to 2100.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Lotterhos KE, Láruson ÁJ, Jiang LQ.
146. Phytochemistry reflects different evolutionary history in traditional classes versus specialized structural motifs.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Uckele KA(#), Jahner JP(#), Tepe EJ
147. Pressure-induced reconstitution of Fermi surfaces and spin fluctuations in S-substituted FeSe.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Kuwayama T, Matsuura K, Gouchi J
148. Location of the radial nerve along the humeral shaft between the prone and lateral decubitus positions at different elbow positions.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Suwannaphisit S, Aonsong W, Suwanno P
149. Linguistic labels cue biological motion perception and misperception.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Slivac K, Hervais-Adelman A, Hagoort P
150. A new approach to improve the hemodynamic assessment of cardiac function independent of respiratory influence.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Ogilvie LM, Edgett BA, Gray S
151. Engineering and functional characterization of a proton-driven β-lactam antibiotic translocation module for bionanotechnological applications.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Stauffer M, Ucurum Z, Harder D
152. Biodegradation of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) sheet by microalga, Uronema africanum Borge.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 26
Sanniyasi E, Gopal RK, Gunasekar DK
153. Machine learning model to predict hypotension after starting continuous renal replacement therapy.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 25
Kang MW, Kim S, Kim YC
154. Clinical efficacy and safety of tirofiban combined with conventional dual antiplatelet therapy in ACS patients undergoing PCI.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 25
Guo YZ, Zhao ZW, Li SM
155. Development of polyvinyl alcohol-based carbon nano fiber sheet for thermal interface material.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 25
Xiong J, Chen S, Choi Y
156. Novel metabolomic profile of subjects with non-classic apparent mineralocorticoid excess.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 25
Tapia-Castillo A(#), Carvajal CA(#), López-Cortés X
157. Simulation of gas sensing mechanism of porous metal oxide semiconductor sensor based on finite element analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 25
Li S, Zhang M, Wang H.
158. Salivary cytokine profile in patients with ischemic stroke.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 25
Maciejczyk M, Mil KM, Gerreth P
159. Author Correction: Setting a baseline for global urban virome surveillance in sewage.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 25
Nieuwenhuijse DF(#), Oude Munnink BB(#), Phan MVT(#); Global Sewage Surveillance project consortium; Munk P
160. A novel model of care for simplified testing of HBV in African communities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 25
Picchio CA, Nomah DK, Araujo SG
161. Individual and population dietary specialization decline in fin whales during a period of ecosystem shift.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 25
Jory C, Lesage V, Leclerc A
162. Local ferroelectric polarization switching driven by nanoscale distortions in thermoelectric [Formula: see text].
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 25
Vasdev A(#), Dutta M(#), Mishra S
163. Age affects pigeons' (Columba livia) memory capacity but not representation of serial order during a locomotor sequential-learning task.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 25
Meier C, Sepehri P, Kelly DM.
164. Biomolecular imaging of colorectal tumor lesions using a FITC-labeled scFv-Cκ fragment antibody.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 25
Kim HI(#), Kim J(#), Kim H
165. Identifying subtypes of bipolar disorder based on clinical and neurobiological characteristics.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 24
Chen YL, Tu PC, Huang TH
166. Dual-pulse photoactivated atomic force microscopy.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 24
Park B(#), Lee S(#), Kwon J
167. Accessing depth-resolved high spatial frequency content from the optical coherence tomography signal.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 24
Alexandrov S, Arangath A, Zhou Y
168. Biochemical elucidation of citrate accumulation in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 via kinetic analysis of aconitase.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 24
Nishii M, Ito S, Katayama N
169. Exploration of collagen cavitation based on peptide electrolysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 24
Zhai R, Chen H, Shan Z.
170. C. elegans-based chemosensation strategy for the early detection of cancer metabolites in urine samples.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 24
Lanza E(#), Di Rocco M(#), Schwartz S
171. Comparison of robotic and manual implantation of intracerebral electrodes: a single-centre, single-blinded, randomised controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 24
Vakharia VN, Rodionov R, Miserocchi A
172. 3D printing fluorescent material with tunable optical properties.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 24
Ruiz AJ, Garg S, Streeter SS
173. State selective fragmentation of doubly ionized sulphur dioxide.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 24
Jarraya M, Wallner M, Nyman G
174. Intrinsic activation of β-catenin signaling by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated exon skipping contributes to immune evasion in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 24
Akasu M, Shimada S, Kabashima A
175. State and trait of finger tapping performance in multiple sclerosis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 24
Gulde P, Vojta H, Hermsdörfer J
176. Ag nanoparticles immobilized on new magnetic alginate halloysite as a recoverable catalyst for reduction of nitroaromatics in aqueous media.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 24
Mohammadi P, Heravi M, Daraie M.
177. Highly efficient removal of Sb(V) from water by franklinite-containing nano-FeZn composites.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 24
Wu H, Wu Q, Zhang J
178. Megavolt bremsstrahlung measurements from linear induction accelerators demonstrate possible use as a FLASH radiotherapy source to reduce acute toxicity.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 24
Sampayan SE, Sampayan KC, Caporaso GJ
179. The adsorption characteristics of Cu(II) and Zn(II) on the sediments at the mouth of a typical urban polluted river in Dianchi Lake: taking Xinhe as an example.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 23
Ma XS, Liu L, Fang YC
180. Association of proteinuria and incident atrial fibrillation in patients with diabetes mellitus: a population-based senior cohort study.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 23
Kim J(#), Yang PS(#), Park BE
181. Cochlear shape distinguishes southern African early hominin taxa with unique auditory ecologies.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 23
Braga J, Samir C, Fradi A
182. Microendoscopic calcium imaging of the primary visual cortex of behaving macaques.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 23
Oguchi M, Jiasen J, Yoshioka TW
183. Impact of severe hypoglycemia on the heat shock and related protein response.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 23
Atkin AS(#), Moin ASM(#), Nandakumar M
184. Biological correlates before esophageal cancer screening and after diagnosis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 23
Zhu J(#), Ma S(#), Chen R
185. Early warming stress on rainbow trout juveniles impairs male reproduction but contrastingly elicits intergenerational thermotolerance.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 23
Butzge AJ, Yoshinaga TT, Acosta ODM
186. A novel CT scoring method predicts the prognosis of interstitial lung disease associated with anti-MDA5 positive dermatomyositis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 23
Xu W(#), Wu W(#), Zhang D
187. Numerical simulation of the impact of an integrated renovation project on the Maowei Sea hydrodynamic environment.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 23
Wang C, Cai L, Wu Y
188. SCAMP2/5 as diagnostic and prognostic markers for acute myeloid leukemia.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 23
Yue C(#), Xie S(#), Zhong J
189. Structural investigation and application of Tween 80-choline chloride self-assemblies as osmotic agent for water desalination.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 23
Bide Y, Fashapoyeh MA, Shokrollahzadeh S.
190. Identification of markers that distinguish adipose tissue and glucose and insulin metabolism using a multi-modal machine learning approach.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 23
Henninger J, Eliasson B, Smith U
191. Targeted knockout of the gene OsHOL1 removes methyl iodide emissions from rice plants.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 23
Carlessi M, Mariotti L, Giaume F
192. Systemic versus local adipokine expression differs in a combined obesity and osteoarthritis mouse model.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 20
Hülser ML, Luo Y, Frommer K
193. Effects of intranasal instillation of nanoparticulate matter in the olfactory bulb.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 20
Kim SY, Kim KW, Lee SM
194. Minimum effective volume of 0.2% ropivacaine for ultrasound-guided axillary brachial plexus block in preschool-age children.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 20
Chen L, Shen Y, Liu S
195. Longitudinal study of risk factors for decreased cross-sectional area of psoas major and paraspinal muscle in 1849 individuals.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 20
Murata Y, Nakamura E, Tsukamoto M
196. Oceanic and super-deep continental diamonds share a transition zone origin and mantle plume transportation.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 20
Doucet LS, Li ZX, Gamal El Dien H.
197. Population-based study and a scoping review for the epidemiology and seasonality in and effect of weather on Bell's palsy.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 20
Kim MH(#), Park SY(#).
198. Comparing the effect of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide nanoparticles on the ability of moderately halophilic bacteria to treat wastewater.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 20
Weber V, Kamika I, Momba MNB.
199. Majority scoring with backward elimination in PLS for high dimensional spectrum data.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 20
Alenezi FN.
200. Target identification of hepatic fibrosis using Pien Tze Huang based on mRNA and lncRNA.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 20
Zhu J(#), Zhang D(#), Wang T
201. Cross-modal auditory priors drive the perception of bistable visual stimuli with reliable differences between individuals.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 20
Pálffy Z, Farkas K, Csukly G
202. Hurricanes as an enabler of Amazon fires.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 20
Tsui EYL, Toumi R.
203. Ambient air pollution and cardiovascular disease rate an ANN modeling: Yazd-Central of Iran.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 20
Jalili M, Ehrampoush MH, Mokhtari M
204. Enigmatic tracks of solitary sauropods roaming an extensive lacustrine megatracksite in Iberia.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 20
Torcida Fernández-Baldor F, Díaz-Martínez I, Huerta P
205. Urocortin 3 overexpression reduces ER stress and heat shock response in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Kavalakatt S, Khadir A, Madhu D
206. A deep-learning method using computed tomography scout images for estimating patient body weight.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Ichikawa S, Hamada M, Sugimori H.
207. Analysis of volatiles from feces of released Przewalski's horse (Equus przewalskii) in Gasterophilus pecorum (Diptera: Gasterophilidae) spawning habitat.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Zhou R, Yang J, Zhang K
208. Nutrient availability and pH level affect germination traits and seedling development of Conyza canadensis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Follmer CM, Hummes AP, Lângaro NC
209. Correlation of choriocapillaris hemodynamic data from dynamic indocyanine green and optical coherence tomography angiography.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Cheung CMG, Teo KYC, Tun SBB
210. A CpG island promoter drives the CXXC5 gene expression.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Yaşar P(#), Kars G(#), Yavuz K(#)
211. Comparative analysis of some evolutionary-based models in optimization of dam reservoirs operation.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Sharifi MR, Akbarifard S, Qaderi K
212. The effect of electrode shape on Schottky barrier and electric field distribution of flexible ZnO photodiode.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Jezeh ZA, Efafi B, Ghafary B.
213. A cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging-based pilot study to assess coronary microvascular disease in COVID-19 patients.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Drakos S(#), Chatzantonis G(#), Bietenbeck M
214. The possible association of clusterin fucosylation changes with male fertility disorders.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Janiszewska E, Kokot I, Gilowska I
215. Reliability of self-reported questionnaire for epidemiological investigation of Helicobacter pylori eradication in a population-based cohort study.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Sasaki Y, Abe Y, Shoji M
216. Reduction in GLP-1 secretory capacity may be a novel independent risk factor of coronary artery stenosis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Nagase C(#), Tanno M(#), Kouzu H
217. Influences of conservation measures on runoff and sediment yield in different intra-event-based flood regimes in the Chabagou watershed.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Wang SS, Li ZB, Zhang LT
218. Evaluation of neurotrophic factors and education level as predictors of cognitive decline in alcohol use disorder.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Requena-Ocaña N, Araos P, Flores M
219. Prognostic significance of the albumin-to-globulin ratio for advanced urothelial carcinoma treated with pembrolizumab: a multicenter retrospective study.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Taguchi S, Kawai T, Nakagawa T
220. Introducing intrauterine antibiotic infusion as a novel approach in effectively treating chronic endometritis and restoring reproductive dynamics: a randomized pilot study.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Pantos K, Simopoulou M, Maziotis E
221. Lipoprotein (a) level as a risk factor for stroke and its subtype: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Kumar P, Swarnkar P, Misra S
222. Sarcopenia modifies the associations of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality among older adults.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Sun X, Liu Z, Chen F
223. The effects of combined cognitive training on prospective memory in older adults with mild cognitive impairment.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Chen Y(#), Zhou W(#), Hong Z
224. Implication of specific retinal cell-type involvement and gene expression changes in AMD progression using integrative analysis of single-cell and bulk RNA-seq profiling.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Lyu Y(#), Zauhar R(#), Dana N
225. Foraging behavior of the sea urchin Mesocentrotus nudus exposed to conspecific alarm cues in various conditions.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Chi X, Yang M, Hu F
226. Protective effect of glycyrrhizin, a direct HMGB1 inhibitor, on post-contrast acute kidney injury.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Oh H, Choi A, Seo N
227. Quorum sensing systems and related virulence factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from chicken meat and ground beef.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
İnat G, Sırıken B, Başkan C
228. Neuromorphic computation with a single magnetic domain wall.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Ababei RV, Ellis MOA, Vidamour IT
229. Protein supplementation during an energy-restricted diet induces visceral fat loss and gut microbiota amino acid metabolism activation: a randomized trial.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Bel Lassen P, Belda E, Prifti E
230. Bone morphological feature extraction for customized bone plate design.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Wang L, Guo K, He K
231. Water removal during automated peritoneal dialysis assessed by remote patient monitoring and modelling of peritoneal tissue hydration.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Stachowska-Pietka J, Naumnik B, Suchowierska E
232. An infrared spectral biomarker accurately predicts neurodegenerative disease class in the absence of overt symptoms.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
Lovergne L(#), Ghosh D(#), Schuck R(#)
233. Identification of lncRNA NR_028138.1 as a biomarker and construction of a ceRNA network for bipolar disorder.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 2
He L, Zou P, Sun W
234. Design of time-delayed safety switches for CRISPR gene therapy.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Sun D.
235. Real-time cancer diagnosis of breast cancer using fluorescence lifetime endoscopy based on the pH.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Lee J(#), Kim B(#), Park B(#)
236. Molecular diversity of Uzbekistan's fishes assessed with DNA barcoding.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Sheraliev B, Peng Z.
237. Pest detection dogs for wood boring longhorn beetles.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Arnesen CH, Rosell F.
238. A novel BMP-2-loaded hydroxyapatite/beta-tricalcium phosphate microsphere/hydrogel composite for bone regeneration.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Tateiwa D, Nakagawa S, Tsukazaki H
239. Interaction of clozapine with metformin in a schizophrenia rat model.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Horvath G(#), Kis G(#), Kekesi G
240. Serum indices based on creatinine and cystatin C predict mortality in patients with non-dialysis chronic kidney disease.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Lin YL, Chang IC, Liou HH
241. Relation between vitamin D deficiency and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Abdelmaksoud AA, Fahim DFM, Bazeed SES
242. Computer vision based individual fish identification using skin dot pattern.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Cisar P, Bekkozhayeva D, Movchan O
243. Trace proteinuria as a risk factor for cancer death in a general population.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Matsui M, Tsuruya K, Yoshida H
244. A machine learning approach for the factorization of psychometric data with application to the Delis Kaplan Executive Function System.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Camilleri JA, Eickhoff SB, Weis S
245. Silicon via nutrient solution modulates deficient and sufficient manganese sugar and energy cane antioxidant systems.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Oliveira KS, de Mello Prado R, Checchio MV
246. Effects of lipid emulsions on the formation of Escherichia coli-Candida albicans mixed-species biofilms on PVC.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Li S(#), Duan W(#), Lei Y
247. The severity of malnutrition in children with epidermolysis bullosa correlates with disease severity.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Manjunath S, Mahajan R, De D
248. Authenticity control of pine sylvestris essential oil by chiral gas chromatographic analysis of α-pinene.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Allenspach M, Valder C, Flamm D
249. Improving the sustainability of biodiesel by using imidazolium-based ionic liquid.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Deyab MA, Mohsen Q.
250. Phenotyping spinal abnormalities in patients with Neurofibromatosis type 1 using whole-body MRI.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Well L, Careddu A, Stark M
251. Genetics of PlGF plasma levels highlights a role of its receptors and supports the link between angiogenesis and immunity.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Ruggiero D, Nutile T, Nappo S
252. Realization of frequency hopping characteristics of an epsilon negative metamaterial with high effective medium ratio for multiband microwave applications.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Islam MT, Moniruzzaman M, Alam T
253. Regional grey matter microstructural changes and volume loss according to disease duration in multiple sclerosis patients.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Solana E(#), Martinez-Heras E(#), Montal V(#)
254. Differential cell counts using center-point networks achieves human-level accuracy and efficiency over segmentation.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Lee SMW(#), Shaw A(#), Simpson JL
255. Highly efficient evaporative cooling by all-day water evaporation using hierarchically porous biomass.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Choi J, Lee H, Sohn B
256. An approach to rapidly assess sepsis through multi-biomarker host response using machine learning algorithm.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Sardesai AU, Tanak AS, Krishnan S
257. One-year effects of bifocal and unifocal glasses on executive functions in children with Down syndrome in a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
de Weger C, Boonstra FN, Goossens J.
258. Projected increases in surface melt and ice loss for the Northern and Southern Patagonian Icefields.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Bravo C, Bozkurt D, Ross AN
259. Fine-grained data reveal segregated mobility networks and opportunities for local containment of COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Fan C, Lee R, Yang Y
260. Structural and optical properties of Nd:YAB-nanoparticle-doped PDMS elastomers for random lasers.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Hlil AR, Thomas J, Garcia-Puente Y
261. Field measurements of a massive Porites coral at Goolboodi (Orpheus Island), Great Barrier Reef.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Smith A, Cook N, Cook K
262. Cannabis and tobacco use prior to pregnancy and subsequent offspring birth outcomes: a 20-year intergenerational prospective cohort study.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Hines LA, Spry EA, Moreno-Betancur M
263. Mistaken identity may explain why male sea snakes (Aipysurus laevis, Elapidae, Hydrophiinae) "attack" scuba divers.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 19
Lynch TP, Alford RA, Shine R.
264. The prevalence of inorganic mercury in human cells increases during aging but decreases in the very old.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Pamphlett R.
265. Influence of variable biochar concentration on yield-scaled nitrous oxide emissions, Wheat yield and nitrogen use efficiency.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Dawar K, Saif-Ur-Rahman, Fahad S
266. Light intensity dependence of organic solar cell operation and dominance switching between Shockley-Read-Hall and bimolecular recombination losses.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Ryu S, Ha NY, Ahn YH
267. Optimizing cerebral perfusion and hemodynamics during cardiopulmonary bypass through cannula design combining in silico, in vitro and in vivo input.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Hugenroth K, Borchardt R, Ritter P
268. Survival analysis in breast cancer using proteomic data from four independent datasets.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Ősz Á, Lánczky A, Győrffy B.
269. Preparation of siRNA-PLGA/Fab'-PLGA mixed micellar system with target cell-specific recognition.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Hazekawa M, Nishinakagawa T, Mori T
270. Long noncoding RNA landscapes specific to benign and malignant thyroid neoplasms of distinct histological subtypes.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Yakushina VD, Strelnikov VV, Tanas AS
271. Intermediate ice scour disturbance is key to maintaining a peak in biodiversity within the shallows of the Western Antarctic Peninsula.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Robinson BJO, Barnes DKA, Grange LJ
272. Numerical investigation of effects of incisor angle on production of sibilant /s/.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Lu H, Yoshinaga T, Li C
273. Predicting pediatric anxiety from the temporal pole using neural responses to emotional faces.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Sawalha J(#), Yousefnezhad M(#), Selvitella AM
274. Longitudinal analysis of antibody decay in convalescent COVID-19 patients.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Xia W, Li M, Wang Y
275. Gene expression profile analysis of gallic acid-induced cell death process.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Tang HM, Cheung PCK.
276. Elementary calcium release events in the skeletal muscle cells of the honey bee Apis mellifera.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Collet C, Charreton M, Szabo L
277. Robots facilitate human language production.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Wudarczyk OA, Kirtay M, Pischedda D
278. Comparison of RT-PCR, RT-nested PCRs, and real-time PCR for diagnosis of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome: a prospective study.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Jalal S(#), Hwang SY, Kim CM(#)
279. Signaling pathway perturbation analysis for assessment of biological impact of cigarette smoke on lung cells.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Chen H(#), Chen X(#), Shen Y(#)
280. Key features of the environment promoting liver cancer in the absence of cirrhosis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Zaki MYW(#), Mahdi AK(#), Patman GL(#)
281. Chronic antidepressant treatment rescues abnormally reduced REM sleep theta power in socially defeated rats.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Matsuda Y, Ozawa N, Shinozaki T
282. Aggregation induced emission based active conjugated imidazole luminogens for visualization of latent fingerprints and multiple anticounterfeiting applications.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Ravindra MK, Darshan GP, Lavanya DR
283. A potential bat adenovirus-based oncolytic virus targeting canine cancers.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Matsugo H, Kitamura-Kobayashi T, Kamiki H
284. Association between overall diet quality and postmenopausal breast cancer risk in five Finnish cohort studies.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Männistö S, Harald K, Härkänen T
285. Comparison of early F-18 Florbetaben PET/CT to Tc-99m ECD SPECT using voxel, regional, and network analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Kwon SJ, Ha S, Yoo SW
286. A simple and fast spectroscopy-based technique for Covid-19 diagnosis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Kitane DL, Loukman S, Marchoudi N
287. Water budgeting in conservation agriculture-based sub-surface drip irrigation in tropical maize using HYDRUS-2D in South Asia.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Patra K(#), Parihar CM(#), Nayak HS
288. Reconstructing genetic histories and social organisation in Neolithic and Bronze Age Croatia.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Freilich S, Ringbauer H, Los D
289. Comparative analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA from tissue and liquid biopsies of colorectal cancer patients.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Haupts A, Vogel A, Foersch S
290. Quantitative mapping and spectroscopic characterization of particulate organic matter fractions in soil profiles with imaging VisNIR spectroscopy.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 18
Steffens M, Zeh L, Rogge DM
291. An immune cell infiltration-related gene signature predicts prognosis for bladder cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Chen H, Pan Y, Jin X
292. Minimally invasive colostomy with endoscopy as a novel technique for creation of a trephine stoma.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Kamada T, Ohdaira H, Takahashi J
293. Plasticity of intrinsic excitability across the estrous cycle in hypothalamic CRH neurons.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Power EM, Iremonger KJ.
294. Impaired impulse inhibition of emotional stimuli in patients with borderline personality disorder.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Yang H(#), Liu Q(#), Peng W
295. Predicting corneal refractive power changes after orthokeratology.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Kang P, Maseedupally V, Gifford P
296. Exploration of bioconvection flow of MHD thixotropic nanofluid past a vertical surface coexisting with both nanoparticles and gyrotactic microorganisms.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Koriko OK, Shah NA, Saleem S
297. Role of the motor cortex in the generation of classically conditioned eyelid and vibrissae responses.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
López-Ramos JC, Delgado-García JM.
298. Global metabolome profiling of exhaled breath condensates in male smokers with asthma COPD overlap and prediction of the disease.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Ghosh N, Choudhury P, Joshi M
299. A comparative study for tension-reducing effect of Type I and Type II keystone perforator island flap in the human back.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Yoon CS(#), Kong YT(#), Lim SY(#)
300. Choosing a treatment method for post-catheterization pseudoaneurysms guided by the late to early velocity index.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Kurzawski J, Zandecki L, Janion-Sadowska A
301. A study of ladder-like silk foothold for the locomotion of bagworms.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Yoshioka T, Yukuhiro F, Kameda T.
302. Adaptive and maladaptive features of schizotypy clusters in a community sample.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Polner B, Hupuczi E, Kéri S
303. The grades and freshness assessment of eggs based on density detection using machine vision and weighing sensor.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Harnsoongnoen S, Jaroensuk N.
304. Population affinity and variation of sexual dimorphism in three-dimensional facial forms: comparisons between Turkish and Japanese populations.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Tanikawa C, Akcam MO, Gokalp H
305. Combined genetic and chemical screens indicate protective potential for EGFR inhibition to cardiomyocytes under hypoxia.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Heliste J, Jokilammi A, Vaparanta K
306. Predicting the development of normal tension glaucoma and related risk factors in normal tension glaucoma suspects.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Park HL, Shin DY, Jeon SJ
307. Genetic diversity analysis of Korean peanut germplasm using 48 K SNPs 'Axiom_Arachis' Array and its application for cultivar differentiation.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Nabi RBS(#), Cho KS, Tayade R
308. Inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro by suppressing its receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, via aryl-hydrocarbon receptor signal.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Tanimoto K, Hirota K, Fukazawa T
309. Wide range and highly linear signal processed systematic humidity sensor array using Methylene Blue and Graphene composite.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Khan MU, Hassan G, Shaukat RA
310. Spin-orbit torque driven magnetization switching in W/CoFeB/MgO-based type-Y three terminal magnetic tunnel junctions.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Isogami S, Shiokawa Y, Tsumita A
311. Comparison between intervertebral oblique lumbar interbody fusion and transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion: a multicenter study.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Takaoka H, Inage K, Eguchi Y
312. New loci and neuronal pathways for resilience to heat stress in cattle.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Cheruiyot EK, Haile-Mariam M, Cocks BG
313. Successful artificial reefs depend on getting the context right due to complex socio-bio-economic interactions.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Brochier T, Brehmer P, Mbaye A
314. Metformin treatment for 8 days impacts multiple intestinal parameters in high-fat high-sucrose fed mice.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Bravard A(#), Gérard C(#), Defois C
315. Free fatty acids, glicentin and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide as potential major determinants of fasting substrate oxidation.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 17
Hummel J, Fritsche L, Vosseler A
316. Realization of macroscopic ratchet effect based on nonperiodic and uneven potentials.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Rollano V, Gomez A, Muñoz-Noval A
317. Multivariable modelling of factors associated with criminal convictions among people experiencing homelessness and serious mental illness: a multi-year study.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Parpouchi M, Moniruzzaman A, Buxton JA
318. First trimester pregnancy outcomes in a large IVF center from the Lombardy County (Italy) during the peak COVID-19 pandemic.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Setti PEL, Cirillo F, Immediata V
319. Comparative genome analysis of Bacillus thuringiensis strain HD521 and HS18-1.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Sun H(#), Xiang X(#), Li Q
320. Rapid high-resolution melting genotyping scheme for Escherichia coli based on MLST derived single nucleotide polymorphisms.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Bezdicek M, Nykrynova M, Sedlar K
321. Prevalence characteristics of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection among women receiving physical examinations in the Shangcheng District, Hangzhou city, China.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Wang L, Yu C, Ni X
322. TPPU treatment of burned mice dampens inflammation and generation of bioactive DHET which impairs neutrophil function.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Bergmann CB, Hammock BD, Wan D
323. COVID-related psychological distress fully mediates the association from social impact to sleep disturbance among patients with chronic schizophrenia.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Li DJ, Chou LS, Chou FH
324. Telemonitoring of daily activities compared to the six-minute walk test further completes the puzzle of oximetry-guided interventions.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Santos CD, Santos AF, das Neves RC
325. Indoor and outdoor noise changes due to the COVID-19 lockdown and their effects on individuals' expectations and preferences.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Caniato M, Bettarello F, Gasparella A.
326. High density mapping guided partial antral ablation for a pulmonary vein isolation.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Hwang J, Han S, Hwang C
327. A genetic sum score of effect alleles associated with serum lipid concentrations interacts with educational attainment.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Emmel C, Frank M, Dragano N
328. Local anisotropy in mineralized fibrocartilage and subchondral bone beneath the tendon-bone interface.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Tits A, Plougonven E, Blouin S
329. Long-term outcomes of "open iridectomy" for secondary anterior chamber epithelial iris cysts.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Lan J, Liu T, Huang Y
330. Global potential distribution prediction of Xanthium italicum based on Maxent model.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Zhang Y(#), Tang J(#), Ren G
331. Development and characterization of probiotic mucilage based edible films for the preservation of fruits and vegetables.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Davachi SM, Pottackal N, Torabi H
332. Novel somatic variants involved in biochemical activity of pure growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenoma without GNAS variant.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Ku CR(#), Lim H(#), Lee YJ(#)
333. Characterization of the virome associated with Haemagogus mosquitoes in Trinidad, West Indies.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Ali R, Jayaraj J, Mohammed A
334. Determination of reliable reference genes for gene expression studies in Chinese chive (Allium tuberosum) based on the transcriptome profiling.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Tong J(#), Hu M(#), Han B
335. Combined effect of mineralogical and chemical parameters on swelling behaviour of expansive soils.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Rao BH, Reddy PS, Mohanty B
336. The Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens type III effector NopE modulates the regulation of plant hormones towards nodulation in Vigna radiata.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Piromyou P(#), Nguyen HP(#), Songwattana P
337. Ultrasonography findings in knee osteoarthritis: a prospective observational cross-sectional study of 100 patients.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 16
Abicalaf CARP, Nakada LN, Dos Santos FRA
338. Citral modulates virulence factors in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 13
Oliveira HBM, Selis NDN, Sampaio BA
339. Tokorhabditis n. gen. (Rhabditida, Rhabditidae), a comparative nematode model for extremophilic living.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 13
Kanzaki N, Yamashita T, Lee JS
340. Early decompressive hemicraniectomy in thrombolyzed acute ischemic stroke patients from the international ENCHANTED trial.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 13
Xia C, Wang X, Lindley RI
341. Genetic and phenotypic analysis of the pathogenic potential of two novel Chlamydia gallinacea strains compared to Chlamydia psittaci.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 13
Heijne M, Jelocnik M, Umanets A
342. Autonomous navigation of a magnetic colonoscope using force sensing and a heuristic search algorithm.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 13
Huang HE(#), Yen SY(#), Chu CF
343. Influence of scalp block on oncological outcomes of high-grade glioma in adult patients with and without isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 mutation.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 13
Sung CH, Tsuang FY, Lin CP
344. miR-141 mediates recovery from acute kidney injury.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 13
Newbury LJ, Simpson K, Khalid U
345. Development of a groundwater quality index: GWQI, for the aquifers of the state of Bahia, Brazil using multivariable analyses.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 13
Barbosa Filho J, de Oliveira IB.
346. Advancing improvement in riverine water quality caused a non-native fish species invasion and native fish fauna recovery.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 13
Głowacki Ł, Kruk A, Penczak T.
347. Soft robotic constrictor for in vitro modeling of dynamic tissue compression.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 13
Paek J, Song JW, Ban E
348. Machine learning using clinical data at baseline predicts the efficacy of vedolizumab at week 22 in patients with ulcerative colitis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Miyoshi J(#), Maeda T(#), Matsuoka K
349. Study on mechanical behavior and damage process of concrete with initial damage under eccentric load.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Lina G, Fu Y, Junxia Z
350. Acquired olfactory loss alters functional connectivity and morphology.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Iravani B, Peter MG, Arshamian A
351. Genetic analyses reveal demographic decline and population differentiation in an endangered social carnivore, Asiatic wild dog.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Modi S, Mondol S, Nigam P
352. New Cretaceous antlion-like lacewings promote a phylogenetic reappraisal of the extinct myrmeleontoid family Babinskaiidae.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Lu X, Wang B, Liu X.
353. Aerosol, chemical and physical properties of dry powder synthetic lung surfactant for noninvasive treatment of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Walther FJ, Chan H, Smith JR
354. Hygroscopic properties of particulate matter and effects of their interactions with weather on visibility.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Won WS, Oh R, Lee W
355. DNA sequence and community structure diversity of multi-year soil fungi in Grape of Xinjiang.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Xue F, Liu T.
356. A simple mathematical model for the evaluation of the long first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Tang Y(#), Serdan TDA(#), Alecrim AL
357. Low-energy electron beam has severe impact on seedling development compared to cold atmospheric pressure plasma.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Waskow A, Butscher D, Oberbossel G
358. shRNA transgenic swine display resistance to infection with the foot-and-mouth disease virus.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Hu W(#), Zheng H(#), Li Q
359. A molecular test based on RT-LAMP for rapid, sensitive and inexpensive colorimetric detection of SARS-CoV-2 in clinical samples.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Amaral C, Antunes W, Moe E
360. Secular trends in the prevalence of abdominal obesity among Chinese adults with normal weight, 1993-2015.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Sun X, Liu Z, Du T.
361. Multimorbidity prediction using link prediction.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Aziz F, Cardoso VR, Bravo-Merodio L
362. Disgusting odours affect the characteristics of the Adaptive Force in contrast to neutral and pleasant odours.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Schaefer LV, Dech S, Aehle M
363. Adequacy of antibiotic prophylaxis and incidence of surgical site infections in neck surgery.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Alonso-García M, Toledano-Muñoz A, Aparicio-Fernández JM
364. Negative media portrayals of immigrants increase ingroup favoritism and hostile physiological and emotional reactions.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Conzo P, Fuochi G, Anfossi L
365. Oral health and all-cause, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory mortality in older people in the UK and USA.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Kotronia E, Brown H, Papacosta AO
366. Choroidal structural evaluation in celiac disease.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
De Bernardo M, Vitiello L, Battipaglia M
367. Von Karman rotating nanofluid flow with modified Fourier law and variable characteristics in liquid and gas scenarios.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Ramzan M, Gul H, Mursaleen M
368. Peer victimization and the association with hippocampal development and working memory in children with ADHD and typically-developing children.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Papadopoulos A, Seguin D, Correa S
369. Synthetic design of farnesyl-electrostatic peptides for development of a protein kinase A membrane translocation switch.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Kim AK(#), Wu HD(#), Inoue T.
370. Topological analysis of interaction patterns in cancer-specific gene regulatory network: persistent homology approach.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Masoomy H(#), Askari B(#), Tajik S(#)
371. Direct numerical simulations of three-dimensional surface instability patterns in thin film-compliant substrate structures.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Nikravesh S, Ryu D, Shen YL.
372. High-temperature superconductor of sodalite-like clathrate hafnium hexahydride.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 12
Tsuppayakorn-Aek P, Phaisangittisakul N, Ahuja R
373. Juvenile social defeat stress exposure favors in later onset of irritable bowel syndrome-like symptoms in male mice.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Matsumoto K, Takata K, Yamada D
374. Listeria monocytogenes-infected human monocytic derived dendritic cells activate Vγ9Vδ2 T cells independently of HMBPP production.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Alice AF, Kramer G, Bambina S
375. Texture and bio-functional characteristics of a Chinese steamed bread prepared from lotus root powder partially replacing wheat flour.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Li X, Guo Y, Chen L
376. Genetic polymorphism of 19 autosomal STR loci in the Yi ethnic minority of Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture from Sichuan province in China.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Cheng J, Song B, Fu J
377. Effect of health systems context on infant and child mortality in sub-Saharan Africa from 1995 to 2015, a longitudinal cohort analysis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Simmons RA, Anthopolos R, O'Meara WP.
378. Studying the effect of alpha-synuclein and Parkinson's disease linked mutants on inter pathway connectivities.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Sen S(#), Dey A(#), Maulik U.
379. Cortical thickness, gyrification and sulcal depth in trigeminal neuralgia.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Li M, Yan J, Wen H
380. Effect of black ginseng and silkworm supplementation on obesity, the transcriptome, and the gut microbiome of diet-induced overweight dogs.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Park M(#), Kim KH(#), Jaiswal V
381. Metformin attenuates renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis via upgrading autophagy in the early stage of diabetic nephropathy.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Wang F(#), Sun H(#), Zuo B
382. Serum glial fibrillary acidic protein and S100 calcium-binding protein B correlates cerebral vessel reactivity following carotid artery stenting.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Yuan X(#), Guo L(#), Wang J
383. Substitution of I222L-E119V in neuraminidase from highly pathogenic avian influenza H7N9 virus exhibited synergistic resistance effect to oseltamivir in mice.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Tang J, Gao R, Liu L
384. Value of dynamic contrast enhanced MRI in differential diagnostics of Warthin tumors and parotid malignancies.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Mikaszewski B, Markiet K, Smugała A
385. Zeolite addition to improve biohydrogen production from dark fermentation of C5/C6-sugars and Sargassum sp. biomass.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Silva RM, Abreu AA, Salvador AF
386. On the effectiveness of tracking and testing in SEIR models for improving health vs. economy trade-offs.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Kolumbus Y, Nisan N.
387. Integrated biocontrol of tobacco bacterial wilt by antagonistic bacteria and marigold.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Hu Y(#), Zhao W(#), Li X
388. A novel bis(pyrazolyl)methane compound as a potential agent against Gram-positive bacteria.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Seguí P, Aguilera-Correa JJ, Domínguez-Jurado E
389. Linking genetic determinants with salinity tolerance and ion relationships in eggplant, tomato and pepper.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Suarez DL, Celis N, Ferreira JFS
390. Ultrafast electron holes in plasma phase space dynamics.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Jenab SMH, Brodin G, Juno J
391. A differential equations model-fitting analysis of COVID-19 epidemiological data to explain multi-wave dynamics.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Beira MJ, Sebastião PJ.
392. Transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic analyses identify candidate pathways linking maternal cadmium exposure to altered neurodevelopment and behavior.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Hudson KM, Shiver E, Yu J
393. A bagging dynamic deep learning network for diagnosing COVID-19.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Zhang Z, Chen B, Sun J
394. The gauge-invariant Lagrangian, the Power-Zienau-Woolley picture, and the choices of field momenta in nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Vukics A, Kónya G, Domokos P.
395. Effects of interobserver and interdisciplinary segmentation variabilities on CT-based radiomics for pancreatic cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Wong J, Baine M, Wisnoskie S
396. k-core genes underpin structural features of breast cancer.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Dorantes-Gilardi R, García-Cortés D, Hernández-Lemus E
397. Numerical study on the influence of wall temperature gradient on aerodynamic characteristics of low aspect ratio flying wing configuration.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Lin P, Liu X, Xiong N
398. The switch of DNA states filtering the extrinsic noise in the system of frequency modulation.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 11
Lo SC, You CX, Chen BR
399. A numerical analysis of skin-PPE interaction to prevent facial tissue injury.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Jobanputra RD, Hayes J, Royyuru S
400. Urine peptidome analysis in cardiorenal syndrome reflects molecular processes.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Petra E, He T, Lygirou V
401. Association of rs3750920 polymorphism in TOLLIP with clinical characteristics of fibrosing interstitial lung diseases in Japanese.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Isshiki T, Koyama K, Homma S
402. Generation of Talbot-like fields.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Anaya-Contreras JA(#), Zúñiga-Segundo A(#), Sánchez-de-la-Llave D(#)
403. Discrimination methods for diesel origin by analyzing fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) composition in diesel-contaminated soil.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Ko MS, Lee S.
404. Hyperspectral image processing for the identification and quantification of lentiviral particles in fluid samples.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Gomez-Gonzalez E, Fernandez-Muñoz B, Barriga-Rivera A
405. Analysis of the influence of a solenoid magnetic field in the azimuth transmission system.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Yang Z, Song J, Cai W
406. Comparative transcriptome analyses reveal genes associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection of human lung epithelial cells.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Chandrashekar DS, Athar M, Manne U
407. Horses with sustained attention follow the pointing of a human who knows where food is hidden.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Ringhofer M, Trösch M, Lansade L
408. Tsunami generation potential of a strike-slip fault tip in the westernmost Mediterranean.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Estrada F, González-Vida JM, Peláez JA
409. Superhydrophobic functionalized cellulosic paper by copper hydroxide nanorods for oils purification.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Belal AS, Nady JE, Shokry A
410. Effects of selective EP2 receptor agonist, omidenepag, on trabecular meshwork cells, Schlemm's canal endothelial cells and ciliary muscle contraction.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Nakamura N, Honjo M, Yamagishi R
411. Lumbar spine abnormalities in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Tarnoki AD, Tarnoki DL, Oláh C
412. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis in Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don).
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Nanasato Y, Mikami M, Futamura N
413. A distinct negative leader propagation mode.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Scholten O, Hare BM, Dwyer J
414. Supercapacitance and superinductance of TiN and NbTiN films in the vicinity of superconductor-to-insulator transition.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Mironov AY, Silevitch DM, Postolova SV
415. Microfluidic investigation of the effect of graphene oxide on mechanical properties of cell and actin cytoskeleton networks: experimental and theoretical approaches.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Ghorbani M, Soleymani H, Hashemzadeh H
416. The in vitro and in vivo anti-virulent effect of organic acid mixtures against Eimeria tenella and Eimeria bovis.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Balta I, Marcu A, Linton M
417. Uncertainty in experts' judgments exposes the vulnerability of research reporting anecdotes on animals' cognitive abilities.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Sándor K, Könnyű B, Miklósi Á.
418. Identification of prognostic biomarkers related to the tumor microenvironment in thyroid carcinoma.
Sci Rep
2021 Aug 10
Du JW, Li GQ, Li YS
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