期刊文献 > BMC Genomics期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (29)
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2021 Aug (49)
2021 Jul (84)
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2021 May (84)
2021 Apr (85)
2021 Mar (80)
2021 Feb (48)
2021 Jan (93)
1. CapsNetYY1: identifying YY1-mediated chromatin loops based on a capsule network architecture.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 9
Zhang Z, Li F, Zhao J
2. CryoGrid-PIXUL-RNA: high throughput RNA isolation platform for tissue transcript analysis.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 8
Schactler SA, Scheuerman SJ, Lius A
3. Development of SNP and InDel markers by genome resequencing and transcriptome sequencing in radish (Raphanus sativus L.).
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 8
Li Y(#), Luo X(#), Peng X
4. Genome-wide analysis of the MADS-box gene family in Lonicera japonica and a proposed floral organ identity model.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 8
Lin Y(#), Qi X(#), Wan Y
5. Genome-wide analysis of RNA-chromatin interactions in lizards as a mean for functional lncRNA identification.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 7
Tenorio M, Serwatowska J, Fernandez-Valverde SL
6. High-quality haploid genomes corroborate 29 chromosomes and highly conserved synteny of genes in Hyles hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae).
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 7
Hundsdoerfer AK, Schell T, Patzold F
7. Temporal transcriptomic profiling elucidates sorghum defense mechanisms against sugarcane aphids.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 5
Puri H, Grover S, Pingault L
8. Identifying novel regulatory effects for clinically relevant genes through the study of the Greek population.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 5
Rouskas K, Katsareli EA, Amerikanou C
9. Chromosome-level genome assemblies of two parasitoid biocontrol wasps reveal the parthenogenesis mechanism and an associated novel virus.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 5
Inwood SN(#), Skelly J(#), Guhlin JG
10. Optimized bisulfite sequencing analysis reveals the lack of 5-methylcytosine in mammalian mitochondrial DNA.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 4
Shao Z, Han Y, Zhou D.
11. Comparison of 6 DNA extraction methods for isolation of high yield of high molecular weight DNA suitable for shotgun metagenomics Nanopore sequencing to detect bacteria.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 4
Gand M, Bloemen B, Vanneste K
12. Genomic analyses reveal a low-temperature adapted clade in Halorubrum, a widespread haloarchaeon across global hypersaline environments.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 31
Chen L, Hong T, Wu Z
13. The evolution and expansion of RWP-RK gene family improve the heat adaptability of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.).
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 31
Jin Y(#), Luo J(#), Yang Y
14. Structural and gene composition variation of the complete mitochondrial genome of Mammillaria huitzilopochtli (Cactaceae, Caryophyllales), revealed by de novo assembly.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 31
Plancarte DC, Solórzano S.
15. Sequencing and characterization of Helcococcus ovis: a comprehensive comparative genomic analysis of virulence.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 30
Cunha F, Casaro S, Jones KL
16. Identification of R2R3-MYB family in blueberry and its potential involvement of anthocyanin biosynthesis in fruits.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 30
Wang H(#), Zhai L(#), Wang S
17. Investigation of SNP markers for the melatonin production trait in the Hu sheep with bulked segregant analysis.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 30
Wu H(#), Ma W(#), Yan L
18. Complete-genome sequencing and comparative genomic characterization of bla(NDM-5) carrying Citrobacter freundii isolates from a patient with multiple infections.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 30
Ye J(#), Jin L(#), Li Y(#)
19. Genome-wide study of Cerrena unicolor 87613 laccase gene family and their mode prediction in association with substrate oxidation.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 30
Zhang LB, Yang WW, Qiu TT.
20. Genetic diversity and structure of mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa) populations in fragmented habitats.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 30
Shi L(#), Yang X(#), Cha M
21. Preliminary study on toxicological mechanism of golden cuttlefish (Sepia esculenta) larvae exposed to cd.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 30
Liu X, Bao X, Yang J
22. Transcriptome profiling analysis of uterus during chicken laying periods.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 3
Sun T(#), Xiao C(#), Yang Z
23. Sequential viral introductions and spread of BA.1 across Pakistan provinces during the Omicron wave.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 3
Bukhari AR, Ashraf J, Kanji A
24. Genome-wide identification and expression analyses of the pectate lyase (PL) gene family in Fragaria vesca.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 3
Huang X(#), Sun G(#), Wu Z(#)
25. Characterization of a strain-specific CD-1 reference genome reveals potential inter- and intra-strain functional variability.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 3
Jung YH(#), Wang HV(#), Ali S
26. The identification, adaptive evolutionary analyses and mRNA expression levels of homeobox (hox) genes in the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 3
Chen S, Jiang X, Xia L
27. Genetic architecture and key regulatory genes of fatty acid composition in Gushi chicken breast muscle determined by GWAS and WGCNA.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 3
Fan S(#), Yuan P(#), Li S
28. Anatomical observation and transcriptome analysis of branch-twisted mutations in Chinese jujube.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 29
Luo Z(#), Gao M(#), Zhao X(#)
29. Gut microbiome causal impacts on the prognosis of breast cancer: a Mendelian randomization study.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 29
Hong W(#), Huang G(#), Wang D(#)
30. Meta-analysis of African ancestry genome-wide association studies identified novel locus and validates multiple loci associated with kidney function.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 29
Kintu C, Soremekun O, Machipisa T
31. Expression profile and bioinformatics analysis of circRNA and its associated ceRNA networks in longissimus dorsi from Lufeng cattle and Leiqiong cattle.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 29
Yang C, Wu L, Guo Y
32. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the Auxin-Response factor (ARF) gene family in Medicago sativa under abiotic stress.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 29
Chen F, Zhang J, Ha X
33. Investigating phase separation properties of chromatin-associated proteins using gradient elution of 1,6-hexanediol.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 28
Zhu P(#), Hou C(#), Liu M
34. Multivariate genome-wide associations for immune traits in two maternal pig lines.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 28
Roth K, Pröll-Cornelissen MJ, Henne H
35. High temperature influences DNA methylation and transcriptional profiles in sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus intermedius).
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 28
Liu A, Zeng F, Wang L
36. WGCNA and transcriptome profiling reveal hub genes for key development stage seed size/oil content between wild and cultivated soybean.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 28
Yao Y(#), Xiong E(#), Qu X
37. Identification of QTL for kernel weight and size and analysis of the pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) gene family in cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.).
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 28
Fang Y, Liu H, Qin L
38. A gene mutation-based risk model for prognostic prediction in liver metastases.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 26
Yu B(#), Zhang N(#), Feng Y
39. Integrated analyses of metabolomics and transcriptomics reveal the potential regulatory roles of long non-coding RNAs in gingerol biosynthesis.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 26
Zhang W(#), Yang Y(#), Zhu X(#)
40. Genome-wide identification and bioinformatics analysis of the WD40 transcription factor family and candidate gene screening for anthocyanin biosynthesis in Rhododendron simsii.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 26
Wang C, Tang Y, Li Y
41. Bioinformatic analysis of the effect of SNPs in the pig TERT gene on the structural and functional characteristics of the enzyme to develop new genetic markers of productivity traits.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 25
Peka M, Balatsky V, Saienko A
42. Early milk-feeding regimes in calves exert long-term effects on the development of ovarian granulosa cells.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 25
Röttgen V, Tümmler LM, Koczan D
43. Chromosome-level genome assembly of Babesia caballi reveals diversity of multigene families among Babesia species.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 24
Ochi A, Kidaka T, Hakimi H
44. GMMAD: a comprehensive database of human gut microbial metabolite associations with diseases.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 24
Wang CY, Kuang X, Wang QQ
45. Integrating genomics and transcriptomics to identify candidate genes for high egg production in Wulong geese (Anser cygnoides orientalis).
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 24
Liu J, Xiao Y, Ren P
46. Identification of immune-related lncRNA in sepsis by construction of ceRNA network and integrating bioinformatic analysis.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 24
Wang T(#), Xu S(#), Zhang L
47. Whole genome analyses of toxicants tolerance genes of Apis mellifera gut-derived Enterococcus faecium strains.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 24
Zaghloul HAH, El Halfawy NM.
48. Genome-wide analysis of the HSP20 gene family and its response to heat and drought stress in Coix (Coix lacryma-jobi L.).
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 24
Hua Y(#), Liu Q(#), Zhai Y
49. Understanding the underlying genetic mechanisms for age at first calving, inter-calving period and scrotal circumference in Bonsmara cattle.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 24
Reding JJ, van der Westhuizen RR, Berry DP
50. Genome-wide analysis of circRNA regulation during spleen development of Chinese indigenous breed Meishan pigs.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 23
Wang Y(#), Cheng J(#), Xu C
51. The role of antifreeze genes in the tolerance of cold stress in the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 23
El-Sayed AM, Khaled AA, Hamdan AM
52. Sophora genomes provide insight into the evolution of alkaloid metabolites along with small-scale gene duplication.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 22
Kang YJ, Park H, Lee Y
53. Identification and molecular evolution of the GLX genes in 21 plant species: a focus on the Gossypium hirsutum.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 22
Xu M, Zuo D, Wang Q
54. Genome-wide scan for runs of homozygosity in South American Camelids.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 21
Pallotti S, Picciolini M, Antonini M
55. Shining the spotlight on the neglected: new high-quality genome assemblies as a gateway to understanding the evolution of Trypanosomatidae.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 21
Albanaz ATS, Carrington M, Frolov AO
56. High-fat diet in early life triggers both reversible and persistent epigenetic changes in the medaka fish (Oryzias latipes).
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 21
Inoue Y(#), Suzuki Y(#), Kunishima Y(#)
57. Aspartyl tRNA-synthetase (AspRS) gene family enhances drought tolerance in poplar through BABA-PtrIBIs-PtrVOZ signaling module.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 21
Feng CH(#), Niu MX(#), Zhao S
58. Two waves of evolution in the rodent pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (Psg) gene family lead to structurally diverse PSGs.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 21
Kammerer R, Zimmermann W.
59. The retinoic acid response is a minor component of the cardiac phenotype in H9c2 myoblast differentiation.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 2
Campero-Basaldua C, Herrera-Gamboa J, Bernal-Ramírez J
60. Classification of Isatis indigotica Fortune and Isatis tinctoria Linnaeus via comparative analysis of chloroplast genomes.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 18
Su Y(#), Zhang M(#), Guo Q
61. Complete mitochondrial genome of Agrostis stolonifera: insights into structure, Codon usage, repeats, and RNA editing.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 18
Li J, Chen Y, Liu Y
62. A systematic analysis of the phloem protein 2 (PP2) proteins in Gossypium hirsutum reveals that GhPP2-33 regulates salt tolerance.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 18
Wei F(#), Chen P(#), Jian H
63. Trade-off in genome turnover events leading to adaptive evolution of Microcystis aeruginosa species complex.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 17
Zhang X, Xiao L, Liu J
64. Molecular regulatory mechanism of key LncRNAs in subclinical mastitic cows with folic acid supplementation.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 17
Liu X, Mi S, Li W
65. Identification of CDK gene family and functional analysis of CqCDK15 under drought and salt stress in quinoa.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 17
Wang W, Liu W, Wang B.
66. Aberrant activation of five embryonic stem cell-specific genes robustly predicts a high risk of relapse in breast cancers.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 17
Jacquet E, Chuffart F, Vitte AL
67. Rare disease variant curation from literature: assessing gaps with creatine transport deficiency in focus.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 16
Lyons EL, Watson D, Alodadi MS
68. Transcriptome analysis of multiple tissues reveals the potential mechanism of death under acute heat stress in chicken.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 16
Nan J, Yang H, Rong L
69. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of Dmrt genes in bivalves.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 15
Wang Q, Cao T, Wang C.
70. Evolutionary analysis of the mTOR pathway provide insights into lifespan extension across mammals.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 15
Yang F, Liu X, Li Y
71. Mapping of major QTL and candidate gene analysis for hull colour in foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.).
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 15
Guo S, Chai S, Guo Y
72. Comparison of assembly platforms for the assembly of the nuclear genome of Trichoderma harzianum strain PAR3.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 11
Gorman Z, Chen J, de Leon AAP
73. The different subtelomeric structure among 1RS arms in wheat-rye 1BL.1RS translocations affecting their meiotic recombination and inducing their structural variation.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 11
Xiong Z, Luo J, Zou Y
74. Integrating bioinformatic resources to identify characteristics of rheumatoid arthritis-related usual interstitial pneumonia.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 10
Qiu Y(#), Liu C(#), Shi Y
75. Mapping of a major QTL for increased robustness and detection of genome assembly errors in Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer).
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 10
Shen X(#), Niu YC(#), Uichanco JAV(#)
76. Integrated analysis of mRNAs and lncRNAs reveals candidate marker genes and potential hub lncRNAs associated with growth regulation of the Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 10
Li Y, Yang B, Shi C
77. Medicinal plant genomics.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 1
Siadjeu C, Pucker B.
78. Clinical plasma cells-related genes to aid therapy in colon cancer.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 1
Zhang Q, Feng X, Zhang M
79. Drivers of plateau adaptability in cashmere goats revealed by genomic and transcriptomic analyses.
BMC Genomics
2023 Aug 1
Wu C(#), Ma S(#), Zhao B
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