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2021 Apr (85)
2021 Mar (80)
2021 Feb (48)
2021 Jan (93)
1. Intercellular crosstalk in adult dental pulp is mediated by heparin-binding growth factors Pleiotrophin and Midkine.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 6
Jiravejchakul N, Abe GL, Loza M
2. Comparative transcriptomic analysis of germinating rice seedlings to individual and combined anaerobic and cold stress.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 6
Thapa R, Tabien RE, Johnson CD
3. Genome-wide characterization and expression analysis of α-amylase and β-amylase genes underlying drought tolerance in cassava.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 6
Yang T, Li H, Li L
4. Genomic adaptation to extreme climate conditions in beef cattle as a consequence of cross-breeding program.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 6
Tian R(#), Asadollahpour Nanaie H(#), Wang X
5. Gonadal transcriptomes reveal sex-biased expression genes associated with sex determination and differentiation in red-tail catfish (Hemibagrus wyckioides).
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 6
Wei WY, Gong Y, Guo XF
6. A high-quality chromosome-level Eutrema salsugineum genome, an extremophile plant model.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 5
Xiao M(#), Hao G(#), Guo X
7. Whole genome sequencing of simmental cattle for SNP and CNV discovery.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 5
Sun T(#), Pei S(#), Liu Y
8. Comparative genomics analyses reveal sequence determinants underlying interspecies variations in injury-responsive enhancers.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 5
Ji L(#), Shi Y(#), Bian Q.
9. Comparative analysis of Fusarium crown rot resistance in synthetic hexaploid wheats and their parental genotypes.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 5
Chen Y, Wang Y, Guan F
10. Sulfur, sterol and trehalose metabolism in the deep-sea hydrocarbon seep tubeworm Lamellibrachia luymesi.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 5
Shi H, Ruan L, Chen Z
11. Genome-wide identification of the geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase (GGPS) gene family involved in chlorophyll synthesis in cotton.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 5
Feng W(#), Mehari TG(#), Fang H
12. Comparative transcriptome analysis of juniper branches infected by Gymnosporangium spp. highlights their different infection strategies associated with cytokinins.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 5
Shao C, Tao S, Liang Y.
13. Insight into the evolutionary and domesticated history of the most widely cultivated mushroom Agaricus bisporus via mitogenome sequences of 361 global strains.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 5
Zhang MZ, Xu JP, Callac P
14. De novo full-length transcriptome analysis of two ecotypes of Phragmites australis (swamp reed and dune reed) provides new insights into the transcriptomic complexity of dune reed and its long-term adaptation to desert environments.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 5
Cui J, Qiu T, Li L
15. Analysis and verification of the circRNA regulatory network RNO_CIRCpedia_ 4214/RNO-miR-667-5p/Msr1 axis as a potential ceRNA promoting macrophage M2-like polarization in spinal cord injury.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 5
Cao J, Pan C, Zhang J
16. Titration-based normalization of antibody amount improves consistency of ChIP-seq experiments.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 4
Caride A(#), Jang JS(#), Shi GX
17. Identification of candidate genes responsible for chasmogamy in wheat.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 4
Szeliga M, Bakera B, Święcicka M
18. The genetic basis of wing spots in Pieris canidia butterflies.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 4
Wee JLQ(#), Murugesan SN(#), Wheat CW
19. GelFAP v2.0: an improved platform for Gene functional analysis in Gastrodia elata.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 4
Yang J, Li P, Li Y
20. Differential splicing of neuronal genes in a Trem2*R47H mouse model mimics alterations associated with Alzheimer's disease.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 4
Pandey RS, Kotredes KP, Sasner M
21. Alternative signal pathways underly fertilization and egg activation in a fish with contrasting modes of spawning.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 4
Chen F, Wang Y, He J
22. Bioinformatic analysis of structures and encoding genes of Escherichia coli surface polysaccharides sheds light on the heterologous biosynthesis of glycans.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 4
Dong A(#), Liu C(#), Hua X
23. Genome-wide identification of WD40 transcription factors and their regulation of the MYB-bHLH-WD40 (MBW) complex related to anthocyanin synthesis in Qingke (Hordeum vulgare L. var. nudum Hook. f.).
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 4
Chen L(#), Cui Y, Yao Y
24. Assessment of plasmids for relating the 2020 Salmonella enterica serovar Newport onion outbreak to farms implicated by the outbreak investigation.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 4
Commichaux S, Rand H, Javkar K
25. Genome-wide identification of potential odontogenic genes involved in the dental epithelium-mesenchymal interaction during early odontogenesis.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 3
Chen J, Sun T, You Y
26. E. urophylla × E. grandis high-quality genome and comparative genomics provide insights on evolution and diversification of eucalyptus.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 28
Shen C, Li L, Ouyang L
27. Identification of an individualized therapy prognostic signature for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 28
Lin C(#), Chen Y(#), Pan J
28. Genome-wide identification and characterization of the chemosensory relative protein genes in Rhus gall aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 28
He H, Crabbe MJC, Ren Z.
29. Two simple methods to improve the accuracy of the genomic selection methodology.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 26
Montesinos-López OA, Kismiantini, Montesinos-López A.
30. Genome-wide identification and molecular characterization of CRK gene family in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under cold stress and sclerotium rolfsii infection.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 26
Nanda S, Rout P, Ullah I
31. The adaptive evolution of cancer driver genes.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 25
Gu L, Xia C, Yang S
32. Identification of mitophagy-related biomarkers and immune infiltration in major depressive disorder.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 25
Zhang J, Xie S, Xiao R
33. Genetic architecture of inter-specific and -generic grass hybrids by network analysis on multi-omics data.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 25
Bornhofen E, Fè D, Nagy I
34. Identification of lncRNA, miRNA and mRNA expression profiles and ceRNA Networks in small cell lung cancer.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 25
Zhang C, Zhou Y, Zhang B
35. Identification of key transcription factors and their functional role involved in Salmonella typhimurium infection in chicken using integrated transcriptome analysis and bioinformatics approach.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 25
Ahmad SM(#), Bhat SS(#), Shafi S
36. Comprehensive analysis of circular RNAs in porcine small intestine epithelial cells associated with susceptibility to Escherichia coli F4ac diarrhea.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 22
Zhao Q, Xu Q, Serafino MA
37. Identifying altered developmental pathways in human globoid cell leukodystrophy iPSCs-derived NSCs using transcriptome profiling.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 19
Lv Y(#), Qin Y(#), Wang J(#)
38. Genomic insight of sulfate reducing bacterial genus Desulfofaba reveals their metabolic versatility in biogeochemical cycling.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 19
Gao P, Zhang X, Huang X
39. Definition of the transcriptional units of inherited retinal disease genes by meta-analysis of human retinal transcriptome data.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 18
Ruiz-Ceja KA, Capasso D, Pinelli M
40. Identification and characterisation of de novo germline structural variants in two commercial pig lines using trio-based whole genome sequencing.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 18
Steensma MJ, Lee YL, Bouwman AC
41. Restoration of aberrant gene expression of monocytes in systemic lupus erythematosus via a combined transcriptome-reversal and network-based drug repurposing strategy.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 18
Nikolakis D(#), Garantziotis P(#), Sentis G
42. T-RHEX-RNAseq - a tagmentation-based, rRNA blocked, random hexamer primed RNAseq method for generating stranded RNAseq libraries directly from very low numbers of lysed cells.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 17
Gustafsson C, Hauenstein J, Frengen N
43. Chromatin accessibility differences between alpha, beta, and delta cells identifies common and cell type-specific enhancers.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 17
Mawla AM, van der Meulen T, Huising MO.
44. Division of developmental phases of freshwater leech Whitmania pigra and key genes related to neurogenesis revealed by whole genome and transcriptome analysis.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 17
Liu J(#), Liu J(#), Li M
45. Evolution and expression analysis of the caffeoyl-CoA 3-O-methyltransferase (CCoAOMT) gene family in jute (Corchorus L.).
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 17
Kahie MA, Wang Y, Fang P
46. Proteomic profiles and the function of RBP4 in endometrium during embryo implantation phases in pigs.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 13
Wang Y, Xue S, Liu Q
47. Genome-wide identification of Aux/IAA and ARF gene families reveal their potential roles in flower opening of Dendrobium officinale.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 13
Si C, Zeng D, da Silva JAT
48. The esBAF and ISWI nucleosome remodeling complexes influence occupancy of overlapping dinucleosomes and fragile nucleosomes in murine embryonic stem cells.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 13
Klein DC, Troy K, Tripplehorn SA
49. Genomic and transcriptomic analysis of sacred fig (Ficus religiosa).
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 12
Ashalatha KL, Arunkumar KP, Gowda M.
50. Splicing complexity as a pivotal feature of alternative exons in mammalian species.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 12
Zhao F(#), Yan Y(#), Wang Y
51. Genome-wide analysis of circular RNA-mediated ceRNA regulation in porcine skeletal muscle development.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 12
Yun J, Huang X, Liu C
52. Metabolomics and transcriptomics strategies to reveal the mechanism of diversity of maize kernel color and quality.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 12
Jiang Y(#), Yang L(#), Xie H
53. Adaptive evolution characteristics of mitochondrial genomes in genus Aparapotamon (Brachyura, Potamidae) of freshwater crabs.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 12
Ji YT, Zhou XJ, Yang Q
54. Genome-wide analysis of key gene families in RNA silencing and their responses to biotic and drought stresses in adzuki bean.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 12
Li Y, Ma E, Yang K
55. Maternal patterns of inheritance alter transcript expression in eggs.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 10
Harry ND, Zakas C.
56. Comparison of two multi-trait association testing methods and sequence-based fine mapping of six additive QTL in Swiss Large White pigs.
BMC Genomics
2023 Apr 10
Nosková A, Mehrotra A, Kadri NK
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